Scaling of disorder operator at (2 + 1) U(1) quantum criticality

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Scaling of disorder operator at (2 + 1) U(1) quantum criticality

 Yan-Cheng Wang,1 Meng Cheng,2, ∗ and Zi Yang Meng3, †
 1 Schoolof Materials Science and Physics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
 2 Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520-8120, U.S.A
 3 Department of Physics and HKU-UCAS Joint Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics,
 The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR, China
 (Dated: August 19, 2021)
 We study disorder operator, defined as a symmetry transformation applied to a finite region, across a continuous
 quantum phase transition in (2 + 1) . We show analytically that at a conformally-invariant critical point with
 U(1) symmetry, the disorder operator with a small U(1) rotation angle defined on a rectangle region exhibits
arXiv:2101.10358v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 18 Aug 2021

 power-law scaling with the perimeter of the rectangle. The exponent is proportional to the current central
 charge of the critical theory. Such a universal scaling behavior is due to the sharp corners of the region and we
 further obtain a general formula for the exponent when the corner is nearly smooth. To probe the full parameter
 regime, we carry out systematic computation of the U(1) disorder parameter in the square lattice Bose-Hubbard
 model across the superfluid-insulator transition with large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, and confirm
 the presence of the universal corner correction. The exponent of the corner term determined from numerical
 simulations agrees well with the analytical predictions.

 Introduction.- Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a funda- be defined below) to the disorder operator is generally present
 mental phenomenon in nature. Symmetry-preserving states in U(1) CFTs in (2 + 1) , and the universal coefficient can be
 without ordering are often called “disordered”. While they related to the current central charge in the limit when the as-
 might appear featureless at first sight, recent advances in the sociated U(1) transformation is close to the identity. We then
 classification of quantum states [1] have revealed a rich struc- compare these results with unbiased QMC simulations of the
 ture underlying quantum disordered phases, as condensation disorder parameter across the superfluid-insulator transition in
 of extended objects, such as symmetry domain walls or field a Bose-Hubbard model, the prototypical example of continu-
 lines of emergent gauge field [1, 2]. Such hidden structures ous symmetry breaking transition. We find that as expected
 completely escape the grasp of local measurement, and non- the disorder operator obeys the perimeter law in the insulating
 local observables sensitive to the physics of extended objects phase, and acquires a multiplicative logarithmic violation in
 must be exploited. A well-known example is the disorder op- the superfluid phase. At the critical point, we compute the
 erator in classical or quantum Ising models [3, 4], which takes corner correction and confirm the analytical predictions in the
 on a finite expectation value in the disordered phase. In the limit of small U(1) rotation angle. For more general CFTs, we
 dual description, the disorder operator becomes the Wilson derive the universal corner correction near the smooth corner
 loop operator in a Z2 gauge theory [5], which is able to dis- limit, which is controlled by intrinsic defect CFT data.
 tinguish confined and deconfined phases. In a closely related
 line of development, generalized global symmetries, known
 as “higher-form” symmetries [6–10], have been introduced
 as a general theoretical framework to systematically organize
 non-local observables. They offer new perspectives to quan-
 tum phases of matter that bridge the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson
 paradigm of spontaneous symmetry breaking and more exotic
 phenomena of topological order.


 While extended observables (and the related higher-form
 symmetries) have already found numerous conceptual appli-
 cations, more quantitative aspects, such as their scaling at
 quantum criticality above (1 + 1) , are still not systemati-
 cally understood. Recently, the Ising disorder operator, which
 serves as the order parameter of a Z2 1-form symmetry, was
 computed by quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulation at the
 (2 + 1) Ising transition [11] and new universal scaling behav- R
 ior was identified. It is important to understand the generality
 of these features in the broad context of quantum criticality, FIG. 1. Disorder operator applied on regions with size × and
 perimeter = 4 − 4 in the × square lattice of Boson-Hubbard
 and the relation between the universal feature to intrinsic CFT
 In this work we make progress towards answering these Disorder operator.- Let us start from general considerations.
 questions. We show that the logarithmic corner correction (to For a (2 + 1) quantum lattice system with U(1) symmetry, we

define a disorder operator in the following way: Suppose the Here is the current central charge of the CFT, which is
Î symmetry transformations are implemented by ( ) = proportional to the universal DC conductivity = 16 [17].
 r r where is the charge on site r. For a region , we
 r We can now evaluate Eq. (3) for a × square region. The
define integral has UV divergence, and once regularized we obtain
 ( ) = r . (1) 2 
 r∈ h ( )i ≈ 1 − 1 + − ln , (5)
 (4 ) 2 2 8 
The disorder parameter is the expectation value h ( )i on
 where is a short-distance cutoff. Details of the evaluation
the ground state. We note that the definition can be straight-
 of the integral in Eq. (3) can be found in the Supplementary
forwardly adapted to other symmetry group [9, 11].
 Material. Therefore we find
 Scaling of the disorder parameter.- Next we discuss the
scaling behavior of ( ) in various phases of Bose-Hubbard 2
model, especially the dependence on the geometry of . In an ( ) ≈ , → 0. (6)
 (4 ) 2
insulating phase, h ( )i is expected to obey a perimeter law
|h ( )i| ∼ − 1 ( ) , where is the perimeter of the region One can also show that such logarithmic correction is absent
 . The perimeter dependence in this case can be absorbed into when is a disk.
a local boundary term in the definition of the operator ( ), 0
and after the redefinition |h ( )i| is finite for arbitrarily 10
large [12]. In the superfluid phase, on the other hand, it
was found in Ref. [13] that |h ( )i| ∼ − ( ) ln , a weaker
decay than the area law for a discrete symmetry breaking state,
but still can not be remedied by any local counter-term on the 0.04
boundary of . In this sense, the disorder operator serves | XM (π/2) |
 -1 0.03
as an “order parameter” for the disordered (i.e. insulating) 10
phase [4, 14]. a1 0.02 U=24
 We now focus on the disorder parameter in a quantum crit- U=20
 0.01 U=19
ical state described by a CFT at low energy. Previous studies
of the (2 + 1) Ising CFT and other gapless critical field the- 0.00 U=17.5
 16 18 20 22 24 26
ories [15] suggest that ln |h ( )i| takes the following form U U=17
for a rectangle region: -2
 10 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
 ln |h ( )i| = − 1 + ln + 0 . (2)
 FIG. 2. Disorder operator |h ( = 2 )i| as function of in the MI
Here the dependence on for the coefficients is suppressed.
 phase (from = 17 to = 26) with system sizes up to = 40 and
The logarithmic correction, which translates into a power law ∈ [1, /2]. Dots are the QMC results with error bars smaller than
 in |h i|, originates from sharp corners of the region. In the symbol size and the solid lines are the fitting with function − 1 .
general is a universal function of both and the opening Inset shows the obtained 1 as a function of .
angle(s) of the corners (all /2 in this case) [16]. We conjec-
ture that the corner correction is a generic feature for disorder We now turn to disorder operators in a generic CFT. The
operators in any (2 + 1) CFT. Below we present new analyt- universal coefficient is generally a function of the opening
ical arguments to support the conjecture and also connect the angle(s) of the corners of the region . In the previous case of
universal coefficient to intrinsic CFT data. a square , there are four corners with opening angle /2. We
 The first argument works for any CFT with global U(1) now focus on the contribution from one corner, whose opening
symmetry in the limit → 0. For small , the Taylor expansion angle is close to (so the corner is nearly smooth). Under
of ( ) to 2 order is given by a generally accepted assumption about RG flow of defect lines
 ∫ ∫ in a CFT we have the following formula
 h ( )i ≈ 1 − d r1 d2 r2 h (r1 ) (r2 )i. (3)
 2 D
 ( ) = ( − ) 2 , → . (7)
Here (r) is the charge density in the continuum limit, and 12
without loss of generality we assume h (r)i = 0 so the first- Here D is the defect central charge, a universal quantity for
order correction in the expansion vanishes. It is well-known the disorder operator (see the supplementary material for the
that in a CFT with U(1) symmetry, the two-point function definition of D and the derivation of Eq. (7)) [18, 19]. A
of the conserved charge density takes the following universal very similar relation was known for entanglement entropy in
form: CFTs [20–25], and the derivations follow essentially the same
 idea. We stress the generality of Eq. (7), which holds for any
 h (r1 ) (r2 )i = − |r1 − r2 | −4 . (4)
 (4 ) 2 disorder parameter in (2 + 1) CFTs.

 While Eq. (6) and Eq. (7) are valid only for small parame- 10
 ter regimes, they provide strong evidence that the logarithmic
 corner corrections are universally present. In the following
 section we perform a systematic study of |h ( )i| in a U(1) θ=0.3
 boson lattice model with unbiased QMC computation and ver- θ=0.5

 | XM (θ) |
 ify the analytical result Eq. (6). We leave the lattice study of -1 0.05 θ=π/2
 Eq. (7) for future works. 0.04 L=16
 0.03 L=40

 U=16.5 0.02
 -1 U=15.5 0.01
 10 U=15 -2
 10 0.00
 0 1 2 3
 U=14.5 θ
 -2 U=14
 10 U=13.5 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
| XM (π/2) |

 U=13 l
 -3 U=12.5
 10 U=12
 0.6 FIG. 4. Disorder parameter |h ( )i| as function of at the critical
 -4 point ( = 16.7424) with = 0.3, 0.5, /4, /2 and system sizes
 10 0.4
 up to = 48, ∈ [1, /2]. Dots are the QMC results with error
 ρs bars smaller than the symbol size and the solid lines show the fit by
 -5 14 x b
 the function in Eq. (2). Inset shows the dependence of universal
 12 14 16 18 coefficient for different system sizes. For small , a quadratic
 -6 dependence clearly manifests. The finite-size results converge for =
 10 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
 l 40, 48 and fitting with Eq. (6) yields the coefficient 2 ≈ 0.011(1),
 close to the exact value (4 )
 2 = 0.01145.
 FIG. 3. Disorder operator |h ( = )i|
 as function of in the SF
 phase (from = 16.5 to = 12.0) with system sizes up to = 40
 and ∈ [1, /2]. Dots are the QMC results with error bars smaller
 than the symbol size and the solid lines shows the fit with function Numerical Results.- We choose the region to be a × 
 − ln . Inset shows the fitting parameter as a function of as square region in the lattice, with perimeter = 4 − 4. For
 well as the superfluid stiffness for the same parameter sets. an illustration see Fig. 1. To calculate the disorder operator
 of the Bose-Hubbard model, we employ large-scale stochastic
 Superfluid-insulator transition.- While the field-theoretical series expansion QMC simulations [30–32], and compute the
 approach has yielded general results about universal features expectation value of ( ) on finite lattice with = = 1/ 
 of the disorder parameter, one has to take various limits, e.g. and ∈ [1, /2] to access the thermodynamic limit. For the
 → 0, to make progress analytically. To probe parameter MI and SF phases we fix = 2 .
 regimes where analytical results are not available, we turn to First, in the MI phase the disorder parameter decays accord-
 numerical simulations. ing to the perimeter law. This is shown in Fig. 2, where in a
 We consider the Bose-Hubbard model on the square lat- semi-log plot, the relation |h ( 2 )i| ∼ − 1 is clearly seen.
 tice, which provides a concrete realization of the superfluid- We also observe that the coefficient 1 decreases monotoni-
 insulator transition [26]. The Hamiltonian takes the following cally with from = 17 to 26, as shown in the inset of Fig. 2,
 standard form: consistent with the theoretical expectation.
 Inside the SF phase, the disorder parameter decays more
 ∑︁   ∑︁ ∑︁
 = − † + h.c. + ( − 1) − , (8) rapidly with the perimeter , as depicted in Fig. 3. We find
 2 that the data in Fig. 3 can be well fitted by the function
 h i 
 |h ( 2 )i| ∼ − ln . Interestingly, the coefficient ex-
 where † ( ) is the boson creation (annihilation) operator, = tracted from the fit is proportional to the superfluid stiffness
 † the boson number, > 0 is the hopping between nearest- = h x2 + y2 i/(4 ) (where x,y is the winding number
 neighbor sites on the square lattice, > 0 is the on-site along x or y direction), inside the SF phase (shown in the inset
 repulsion, and is the chemical potential. We set = 1 of Fig. 3), also consistent with theoretical analysis [13].
 as the unit of energy for convenience. We now turn to the critical point = = 16.7424. Nu-
 The ground state of this model has two phases: a Mott merical results of h ( )i as a function of for various values
 insulator (MI) phase for large / and a superfluid (SF) phase of are shown in Fig. 4, and we find that the data can be fitted
 for small / , separated by a continuous phase transition. At with the scaling form in Eq. (2) with good quality, in that the
 integer filling, the transition belongs to the 3D XY universality coefficient of the sub-leading logarithmic term , as shown in
 class, also known as the O(2) Wilson-Fisher theory [26]. For the inset of Fig. 4, clearly manifests a quadratic dependence
 h i = 1, the critical point is located at / = 16.7424(1), with respective to , when is small. However, one might
 / = 6.21(1), determined from previous works [27–29]. worry whether such fitting can reliably extract the coefficient

(a) (b) 1.010
 M2 0.04
 1.008 0.03 θ=0.4


 M1 0.01

 PM (θ)
 0 1 2 3


 X M4

 16 24 32 40 48

FIG. 5. (a) Regions 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 used to determine the corner contribution in Eq. (2) on the square lattice with open boundary
condition, and the perimeter of 1 ∪ 2 is equal to that of 3 ∪ 4 . (b) ( ) as function of (= ) at the critical point ( = 16.7424)
with the system size = 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48. The data points are fitted by ( )/2 for each , as shown by the solid lines in the
main panel, to obtain ( ) for ∈ [0, ] denoted by the black dots in the inset. Then fitting ( ) with (4 ) 2
 2 for ∈ [0, 0.3], one finds
(4 ) 2
 ≈ 0.0109(5). The solid line in the inset shows the fit.

 of the sub-leading logarithmic term, as the perimeter contri- in a lattice model, which would provide a way to extract the
bution clearly dominates. defect central charge. We have mainly considered the modulus
 We thus apply a different method adapted from Ref. [33] of the disorder parameter h i. An interesting question is to
to directly extract the corner correction. In this approach, understand the phase of h i and how it depends on intrinsic
we work on a × square lattice with open boundaries. CFT data. According to the small expansion, the leading
We measure disorder parameters for each of the four regions imaginary part appears at 3 order, which is then related to the
 1,2,3,4 as shown in Fig. 5(a). The regions are chosen such three-point function of density operator.
that the perimeter of 1 ∪ 2 is equal to that of 3 ∪ 4 . So In summary, we develop a new computational and theoreti-
the following combination cal toolkit about non-local observables – the disorder operator
 h 1 ( )ih 2 ( )i – and the associated higher-form symmetry in lattice model
 ( ) = (9) of quantum many-body systems, and demonstrate that it can
 h 3 ( )ih 4 ( )i
 directly reveal the CFT data of the critical point beyond the
cancels the leading term 1 in Eq. (2). Since both 1 and 2 conventional local observables. This offers a new concept
contain one /2 corner, we expect ( ) ∼ ( )/2 , which can and technique in understanding new aspect of phase transi-
then be used to determine ( ). We find that the two methods tions. It would be interesting to study other conformal field
give basically identical values of for small , although there theories, such as O( ) symmetry-breaking transitions [37, 38]
are small discrepancies when gets close to . The full and even more unconventional phase transitions such as the
function ( ) for ∈ [0, ] determined from the latter method deconfined quantum critical points [39–42], or non-conformal
is shown in the inset of Fig. 5(b), which is very close to the scale-invariant theories such as the Lifshitz critical point [43].
function: 0.047 sin2 ( 2 ). Acknowledgement.- We would like to thank William
 To corroborate the analytical results, we examine more Witczak-Krempa and Shu-Heng Shao for stimulating discus-
closely the function ( ) as → 0. As shown in the insets sions which benefit the present work, as well as comments
of Figs. 4 and 5, ( ) exhibits a clear 2 dependence, and the on the first draft. We are grateful for Chao-Ming Jian and
coefficient is found to be 0.011(1) for the direct fitting method Cenke Xu for correspondence and sharing unpublished work.
(Fig. 4) and 0.0109(5) for the second method (Fig. 5). Using Y.C.W. acknowledges the supports from the NSFC under
the formula Eq. (6) and the best estimate = 1.8088 for the Grant No. 11804383 and No. 11975024, the NSF of Jiangsu
O(2) Wilson-Fisher CFT [29, 34–36], we obtain the theoretical Province under Grant No. BK20180637, and the Fundamental
value for the proportionality constant (4 ) 2 = 0.01145. The Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant No.
numerical results agree quite well with the theory. 2018QNA39. M.C. acknowledges support from NSF under
 Discussions.- We briefly discuss future directions. An im- award number DMR-1846109 and the Alfred P. Sloan foun-
mediate question is to verify the smooth corner limit Eq. (7) dation. Z.Y.M. acknowledges support from the RGC of Hong

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 Evaluation of the integral in Eq. (3)

 We evaluate the integral
 = d 1 d 2 d 1 d 2 . (S1)
 0 [( 1 − 2 ) 2 + ( 1 − 2 ) 2 ] 2
First integrate over 1 and 2 to obtain
 = d 1 d 2 3
 arctan . (S2)
 0 ( 1 − 2 ) 1 − 2
Then with a change of variables + = 1 + 2 , − = 2 − 1 , can be rewritten as
 ∫ ∫ +
 = 2 d + d − 3 arctan . (S3)
 0 − −

Here is a short-distance cutoff. Evaluate the integral over − and Taylor expand in powers of / ,

 1 1 + 
 = d + + arctan − 2 arctan + 2 −
 + + + 2 
 = − 1+ + 2 ln + − ln 2
 2 2 2 2
The first term 2 2 is the UV divergence, which can be cancelled by adding a local counterterm 
 2 2
 (r1 − r2 ) in h (r1 ) (r2 )i.
The remaining terms give the result quoted in the main text.

 Corner contribution in the smooth limit

 In this section we present a field-theoretical derivation of the corner contribution in the smooth limit. Our derivation closely
follows Ref. [24] and Ref. [23] for corner correction to entanglement entropy in CFTs (see also Ref. [25]).
 Throughout the section we will work with Euclidean formalism. The disorder operator inserts a symmetry twist defect loop
into the Euclidean path integral of the field theory, and the ground state expectation value is given by the partition function in the
presence of such a defect loop. We will assume that the symmetry twist defect line flows to a Conformal Defect Line (CDL) at
low energy, which is widely believed to be true in any CFT.
 To be more concrete, let us fix a straight defect line C at 2 = 3 = 0. We denote the corresponding disorder operator by C .
Because of the defect line, the space-time symmetry of the 3 CFT, or more precisely the connected component, is reduced from
the conformal group SO(4, 1) to R × SO(2) where R is the translation symmetry along the defect line and SO(2) the residual
rotation around the line. If at low energy the space-time symmetry is enlarged to SO(2, 1) × SO(2), the defect line is said to be
conformal. For a more systematic account on defects in CFTs we refer the reader to Ref. [46].
 A CDL supports a displacement operator , = 1, 2, which generates infinitesimal local deformations of the defect line in the
transverse directions. It should be clear that transforms as a vector under the SO(2) group. The breaking of the translation
symmetry in the transverse directions at the defect line leads to the following Ward identity:

 ( ) = C ( ) ( ). (S5)

Here C denotes the delta function in the transverse space with support on the C. The Ward identity essentially fixes the
normalization of the displacement operator , and imply the following universal two-point function:
 h ( ) ( )i C = . (S6)
 | − | 4
Here the expectation value is defined as
 h C i
 h i C ≡ . (S7)
 h C i

The universal coefficient D is an intrinsic property of the CDL, which we call the defect central charge. D should be uniquely
fixed by the type of the defect line. In the case of a symmetry twist defect, the defect type is determined by the symmetry
 Using the Ward identity, we can calculate the change of the disorder parameter due to small deformation ( ) of the defect
line by integrating :
   ∫  ∫ ∫
 h C0 i 1
 = exp − ( ) ( ) =1+ d d h ( ) ( )i C ( ) ( ) + · · · (S8)
 h C i C C 2 C C

Here C 0 denotes the deformed defect line. Notice that the first-order term should vanish by the assumption that the defect line is
 To set up the computation of the corner correction, we deform the defect line in the interval 1 ∈ [− , ] by the following
shape parameter [23]:
 ( 2 − 12 ) | 1 | < 3
 2 ( ) = 2 , ( ) = 0. (S9)
 0 | 1 | ≥ 

This way two corners at 1 = ± are introduced, both with opening angle = − . According to Eq. (S8), we have
 h C0 i D ( 1 ) ( 2 )
 ≈1+ d 1 d 2
 h C i 2 ( 1 − 2 ) 4
 2 D ( 2 − 12 ) ( 2 − 22 )
 ∫ ∫ 
 =1+ d 1 d 2
 8 2 − − ( 1 − 2 ) 4
The last integral contains UV divergence, which can be dealt with e.g. dimensional regularization [23] or just introducing a
short-distance cutoff. The final result is given by

 D 2
 h C0 i 
 ≈1+ ln + · · · , (S11)
 h C i 6 

where all non-universal terms have been omitted. Since there are two corners with the same opening angles, for one corner we
 D ( − ) 2
 ( ) = . (S12)
 We also notice that if we simply take the expansion Eq. (S8) as a starting point, then the scale invariance alone suffices to fix the
“kernel” h ( ) ( )i C to the universal form Eq. (S6), and the rest follows (see Ref. [25] for a similar argument for entanglement
entropy). Therefore Eq. (S12) should hold in more general scale-invariant theories.
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