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J Ollrtlal ol Claeiology, V o l. 7, TO. 51 , 1968 SUB-SURFACE MELT POOLS IN THE McMURDO ICE SHELF, ANTARCTICA By R. A. PAIGE (U .S. Naval Civil Engin eering Labora tory, Port Huen em e, California 93041 , U .S. A. ) ABSTRACT. Sub-surface melt pools were discovered during constru ction of a n a irfield located on glacier ice in th e western part of the M cMurdo I ce Shelf, Antarctica. The m elt pools occur beneath areas of blue glacier ice a nd th ey are impossibl e to d etect by visua l exa mination. Th ey va ry in size and sha pe but are usua ll y 1. 0 to 1. 5 m deep and spa n circul ar areas 10 to 15 m in diameter . Sub-surface melting starts in mid- D ece mber a t depths of 4 0 cm or more a nd it progresses until late J anu ary wh en refreezing begin s. Th e ice cover over melt pools may thin to as littl e as 7 cm and this creates a serious hazard to a ircraft opera ti ons. The melt pools a re ca used by the greenhouse effect of intense solar radia tion, low a lbedo of th e blu e glacier ice and heat absorption by rock particles and dust. The hi gh-a lbedo layer of chipped ice a nd powd ered ice th at was produ ced during runway constructi on was compl etely successful in preventing sub-surface melting. The thickn ess of this protective layer appea red to be of littl e importa nce, providing it exceed ed 3 cm . R ESUME. Poches deionte sous-glaciaire du M cMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctiqlle. D es eau x de font e etai ent decou vertes da ns la couche inferieure d e la glace de glac ier a u cours d e la construction d ' un aerodrome d ans la partie ou est d e M cMurdo I ce Shelf, Anta rct ique. Les eaux de fonte se tro uva icnt a u-d cssous cles etcndu es d e glace bleue de glacier et il est impossibl e de les decouvrir par examen visucl . ElI es varient en volum es et formes, ma is cll es avaient genera lem ent de I a 1, 5 m d e profondeur et de 10 a 15 m de di a metre. L a fu sion d ans la couche inferi eure commence mi-d ecembre a la profond eur de 4 0 cm ou plus, et s'accroit jusqu ' a la fin de j anvier qua nd le regel comm ence. La couverture de glace a u-dessus des ea ux d e [onte peut s'a mincir a 7 cm et dev ient un risqu e seri eux a ux operations aeri enn es. Les eaux de fonte sont les resulta ts de I'effet de serre de la radia tion sola ire intensive, la faibl e a lbedo de la gl ace bleu e d e glacier et I'a bsorption de chal eur pa r les pa rticules d e roche et poussiere. La co uche d e forte albedo de glace ecl atee et pul verisee, que I' on proclui t a u cours de la construction de la piste, prev ient compl etem ent la fu sion d ans la couche inferi eure. L'epa isseur de cette co uche protective a peu d ' importance tant qu ' elle cl ep asse 3 cm. Z USAMM ENFASSUNG . Schmelzlocher unler der Oberjlache im Nlc M urdo Ice Shelf, Antarktika. Beim Ba u eines Flugfelcl es a uf dem Gl etschereis des westli chen M cMurdo I ce Shelf, Antarktika, wurd en Schm elzliicher unter der Oberflache entd eckt. Die Schmel zliicher treten unter Gebieten mit bl auem Gletschereis a uf und sind durch blossen Augenschein ni cht a uszumachen . Sie va rii eren in Griisse und Gesta lt, sind aber gewiihn- li ch 1, 0 - 1, 5 m ti ef unci nehmen Kreisflachen von 10 - 15 m Durchmesser ein. D as Schmel zen unt er der Oberflache beginnt Mitte Dezember in mind estens 40 cm Ti efe und halt bis spat in den Janu ar a n , wo das Gefri eren wi eder einsetzt. Di e Decken der Schmel zlocher konnen bis a uf den kleinen Betrag von 7 cm a bn ehm en , womit eine ernste G efahr flir d en Flugbetrieb entsteht. Di e Schmelzl ocher entstehen durch den Treibha useffekt intensiver Sonn eneinstra hlung, clie geringe Albedo d es blauen Gl etschereises und die W arm eabsorption durch G esteinssplitter unci Staub. Di e Schicht mit sta rk er Albedo a us abgehobeltem und pul verisiertem Eis, di e beim Ba u cler L andeba hn entsteht, ergab ein en vollkommenen Schutz gegen das Schmelz en unter der Oberflache. Di e Di cke di eser Schutzschi cht erwi es sich von geringer Bed eutung, vora usgesetzt, dass sie 3 cm llbersti eg. INTRODUCTION Sub-surface m elt pools occur b en eath blue g lacier ice in th e w estern p a rt of th e M cMurdo I ce S h elf, Antarc ti ca. In th e austral summ er of 1965- 66, a reconnaissan ce of this a rea fo r an alterna tive airfield disclosed several m elt pools; however, the ir full extent wa s not r ealized at that tim e . During con- struction of th e "Outer Williams Fie ld" alternati ve airfi eld , th ese m elt pools w ere found to ex tend throughout the proposed runway area and they presented a serious haza rd to aircra ft traffi c . In " D eep Freeze 67", an investigation was initi a ted to determin e the extent, seasona l history and cause of sub-surface melt pools in an e ffort to find th e b est m eans o f preventing the ir o ccurren ce within the runwa y area . This re port d escribes th e melt p ools, their orig in, th e m a in fa ctors contributing to th eir formation and th e effec tiven ess of a chipped ice and snow surface in preventing th eir form a tion . LOCATION AND PHYSICAL SETTING "Outer Williams Field" is located on the vast, rel a ti vel y smooth expanse of g lacier ice in the w es tern part of the M c Murdo Ice Shelf a t approxim a tely lat. 77 0 57' 4 0" S. , long. 166 0 28 ' 30 " E . (Fig. I) . Access from M cMurdo station to "Outer Williams Field " is provid ed b y 22 km of compacted-snow road via S cott Base a nd th e present Williams Field Air Facility (Fig. 2) . SI I
JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY The airfield is west of a transitional climatic zone where th e annual budget changes from positive to negative. To the east of this zone, accumulation exceeds a blation; to the west, ablation exceeds accumu- lation and the glacier surface is partially free of snow throughout most of the summer a nd fall (Paige, 1966, p. 6) . Little is known concerning th e local climate in the western part of the ice shelf except tha t the intensity of melting and ablation increases westward towards V ictoria Land . w o tll McM URDO SOUND ROSS ICE SHELF °L________-16i_________3J 2kmI I I I o I,!" 5 t 10 I 15 20 miles Fig. I. Index map of the McM1lrdo S01lnd region, Antarctica. DESCRIPTION OF MELT POOLS The sub-surface m elt pools occur throughout an elongated, poorly defined, I ro-km z area that trends north-south in the western part of the McMurdo I ce Shelf. The glaci er surface in this area has a mottled appearance caused by thin, patchy snowdrifts and low mounds of wh ite bubbly ice distributed in a random pattern on clear, blue glacier ice. The melt pools are impossible to d etect by visual examina- tion but they occur exclusively beneath the blue ice. The topography of the area is relatively smooth with a northerly slope of only a few feet per mi le and a subdued hummocky surface having a relative relief of 30 to 60 cm. The melt pools vary widely in size and shape but they are generally 0.5 to 1.0 m
SHO RT NOTES d eep and span circular or elliptical areas 10 to 15 m in diam eter. Starting in mid-December, the ice over th e m elt pools decreases in thickness from 30 or 40 cm to as little as 7 cm by mid-January and it may not support even lightweight tracked vehi cles. Farther to th e west towards Vi ctoria Land, surface melt features become increasingly common in th e form of open melt pools and surface melt-water run-off. Th e sub-surface melt pools a lternate wit h low, gently rounded mounds of white bubbl y ice. These ice mounds a re seldom more than 60 cm high and span a circular a rea varying from 2 m to more than McMurdo Ice Shelf McMUROO SOUND (Annual Sea Ice) Sea Ice Runway c:: Air Facility OF·63·65 William s Field (Abandoned 2·65) c:.:::::::.:::::::: __ Ice RUn--"::::::.1 Way 0~!______1~.9_0_0____2~.OpOm o ! 4.0pO 8.090 ft "" McMurdo Ice Shelf Scale " ""- " " Transition " \ Zone \ - - Road /I§?I'I Pressure areas '\. \ Ablation \\ \, Accumulation Zone_ ~ Zone \ \ \ \ \ \ Outer Williams Field Fig . 2. Sketch map of the McMurdo station to " Outer Williams Field" area.
JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 8 m. Cailleux (1962, p. 132) has described similar mounds forming on small lakes elsewhere in th e McMurdo So und region . The ice mounds are similar in many r esp ec ts to pingos that occur in p erma- frost regions of the Arctic (Muller, 1947, p. 59) and here they are termed ice p ingos. ORIGI N OF T H E MELT POOLS The melt pools are caused by the greenhouse effect of intense solar radiation, low a lbedo of th e blue glacier ice, and h eat absorption by dark obj ects. Sub-surface melting b egins in mid-December and it consists of intergranular moisture as eviden ced by moist auger cuttings. T hi s initial melting, w hich usually occurs a t d epths of 40 cm or more, mayor may not be associated with the presen ce of dirt. As melting progresses, a lenticular pool forms with sub-surface boundaries determin ed by the surface configuration of snowdrifts and ice pingos. Melting progresses both upwards and d ownwards, and eventually the ice cover over the sub-surface pool d ecreases to as little as 7 cm, and the total depth may reach I m . As winter approaches, the m elt pools begin to refreeze and the enclosed water is trapped under increasing hydrostatic pressure. Eventuall y, this pressure is r elieved either when th e entire roof of the melt pool is uplifted to form an ice p ingo or wh en cracking releases the water as a surface flow. Tension cracks radia ting from th e center of the mound develop and release a ny remaining water. T he surface features throughout the vast m elt- pool a r ea near "Outer Willia m s Field" constantly c hange in response to th e seasons. Melt pools that form during th e summer may becom e ice pingos the following win ter. The effects of sublim a tion, meltin g and wind may even tually r edu ce the topographi c expression of an ice p ingo so th at it once again becomes a m elt pool. The sub-surface melt pools appear to be a feature u nique to th e western part of the McMurdo I ce S helf. Reports of similar features a re rare in th e literature and d escribe vario us melt phenomena occ ur- ring on fro zen la kes or bay ice elsewh ere in Antarctica. Som e of the ice mound s d escribed by Cailleux (1962, p. 13 I , 132) have b een studied by th e author and they were found to be ice pingos resulting from the r efreezing of sub-surface m elt pools identical to thos e near "Outer Williams F ield". Van Autenboer (1962, p . 35 I) has described ice mounds on a la rge frozen lake in the S0r-Rondane, Antarctica, that appear to be identical to those in th e M cMurdo So u nd region and p robably form ed by th e sam e process. He h as a lso d escribed oth er me lt phenomen a (p. 352 ) th at are common on the M cMurdo I ce Shelf, especia ll y n ear Black I sland and west of " Outer Willi a ms F ield ". T a kahashi ( [1960J, p. 322 ) has described melt pools that occur in snow and snow-ice deposited on saline bay ice of th e Prins Olav Kyst of Antarctica. These m elt pools ar e simila r in size and shape to those in th e M cMurdo I ce Shelf a nd they are often con cealed by a crust of ice and snow (p. 323, 325 ) . Their origin is attributed predomin a ntly to the effects of solar rad iation and the a bsorptivi ty differ ences of snow a nd ice (p . 326, 330), a lthough hig h ambien t temperatures a nd warm winds a re al so co nsidered . Other sub-surface melt pools a nd ice mounds probab ly occ ur und er similar climatic condi tions elsewh ere in Anta rcti ca but th ey have not yet been di scovered or reported. F AGTORS AFFECTING SUB-SURFACE MELTING A combination of factors , such as solar radiation, a lbedo, dark-colored rock particles in th e ice, air temperature and the presence or absence of snow, contribute, with varying d egrees of impor tance, to sub-surface melting. Of these fa ctors, sola r r adiat ion, a lbedo and th e presence or absence of snow p robably have the g reates t effect. SOLAR RADIATION Solar-rad iation energy is probal:: ly th e single m est im portant fa ctor con tri buti ng to su b-surface melting. G laciological studies in Alaska show that solar radiation furnis hes a t leas t 75 per cen t of th e energy requ ired to melt ice (Mayo and Pewe, 1963, p. 640) . Sagar (1962, p. 18, 19) has stated that radiation is of prime impo rtan ce to th e ablation season in the central A rctic. Solar-radiation data for the McMurdo Sound region h ave been presented by Thompson and Macdonald (1962) . These data show a hig h percentage of sunshine and high-intensity radiation that approaches 105 kJ jcm 1 m mid-summer (p. 887, 880) .
SHORT NOTES ALBEDO The refl ectivity, or a lbedo, of th e surface regulates th e h ea t energy absorbed and it is as important as solar radiation in causing various m elt featur es on glaciers. Diurnal a nd seasonal albedo variations a re common and they are caused by solar angle, color, grain form , solid impurities (M elior, 1964, p. 93 ), surface roughness, m elting and refreezing, and cloud cover (Diamond and Gerdel, 1956, p. 5) . Albedo of snow Freshly fall en snow, or fin e-grained drift snow, probably has th e highest albedo of a n y n atural sub- stance. Published va lues vary from 70 to 95 per cent but th ey are mostly above 80 per cent (Mantis, 1951 , p. 64, 66; Diamond a nd Gerdel, 1956, p. 5, 6). M easurements over newly fa llen snow near Willia ms Field gave an a lbedo of 86 per cent. As snow ages, the alb edo d ecreases because of changes in grain-size, color and density (Mantis, 1951 , p. 64 ; Chernigovskiy, 1966, p. 154- 57). Melting and refreezing forms a n icy surface that a lso increases th e absorption and scattering of solar energy. The presence of a light, fine -grained snow cover, even if thin , affords considerable protec tion against solal- radia tion . Albedo of ice The alb edo of ice is considerably less th a n that of snow a nd it is affected largely by color, impurities and th e presence or absence of m elt water. Ch ernigovs kiy (1966, p. 162) has re ported a lbedo va lues from 72 p er cent (probably for clean wh ite ice) to 36 per cent for blue ice benea th m elt wa ter. L yons a nd Stoiber ( 1959) have st ressed th e difference betwee n fl awless ice and bubbly ice in m easuring th e adsorp- tion (p. I I) of various wavelengths of energy. They have further sta ted (p. 8) that th e energy absorbed by bubbly ice is as much as twice th at absorbed by flawl ess ice. Air bubbles are common in glacier ice, especially in the vicinity of " Outer Williams Field", where the ice above and below the m elt pools is quite bubbly a nd has a d ensity of only 0.88 Mg/ m J. A lso, th e ice associated with th e m elt pools was d eep blue or aquamarin e and had an a lbedo of 48 per cent. EF FECTS OF DIRT I N I CE AND SNOW The presence of dirt or other dark contaminant lowers the albedo, abso rbs h eat and accele rates melting. Dirt of volcanic origin is common in the ice a nd snow at "Outer Willi a ms Field". This material is transported by high winds from Black Island and Brown P eninsula, and it has a size distribution ranging from fine dust up to particles 6 mm in diam eter. The bubbly glacier ice at "Outer Wi ll iams Field" contains isolated grains or thin discontinuous layers and lenses of dirt throughout at least the upper 2 m of ice. Also, the bottoms of man y m elt pools have a thin layer of dark mud and sand , usually at depths of 1.0 to 1.5 m. PREVEN TION OF SUB- SURFACE MEL TI NC Sub-surface m elting does not begin until earl y or mid -D ecember, and refreezing beg ins in late January; the maximum p eriod of sub-surface melting is therefore 10 to 12 weeks. A high-albedo surface layer with some insulating properties is needed to protect the und er lyi ng ice from intense solar radiation during this short period. The runway at "Outer Wi ll iams Field" was prepa red for use by leveling and smoothing th e surface with wheel-mounted pul vimixers. Pulvimixing produces a layer 7 to 15 cm thick consisting of chipped ice and powdered ice mixed with snow. This white, d ense layer had an albedo of 76 p er cent, and it was completely effec tive in preventing the formation of melt pools within the runway area. Patches of bare ice caused by high winds or traffic occasionally d eveloped on the runway. Sue-surface melting quickly occurred und er man y of th e larger bare areas but no distin ct voids ever form ed. Sub- surface melting beneath large, semi-stable snowdrifts or pulvimixed ice was not d etected at any time during th e summer of " Deep Freeze 67" or " D eep Freeze 68". The thickness of snow or pul vimixed ice seem ed to make little difference in preventing sub-surface m elting provided that the snow or ice cover was more than 3 cm thick. CON C LUSIONS It is apparent that the sue-surface melting in th e vicinity of "Outer Wi lliams Field" is controlled by a d eli ca te balance between solar radia tion, albedo, snow cover, and air and ice temperatures. Less than
5 16 JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 2 km to the east, melting does not occu r and snow accumu lation begins to exceed ablation. On ly 6.5 km to th e west, surface melting and surface melt-water run-off predomina te over su b-su rface melting, and abla tion grea tly exceeds accumu lation. The delicacy of th is balance is further d emonstrated by th e fact that a relatively th in, high-a l bedo layer is a ll that is required to prevent sub-surface melting. MS. received 29 April 1968 REFERENCES Autenboer, T. van. 1962. Ice mounds a nd melt phenomena in the S0r-Rondane, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 4, No. 33, p. 349- 54· Ca illeux, A. 1962. Ice mounds in frozen lakes in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Journal rif Glaciology, Vol. 4, No. 3 1, p . [3[ - 33. Chernigovskiy, N. T. [966. Radiational propert ies of the centra l Arctic ice coat. (In Soviet data on the Arctic heat budget and its climatic influence. Santa Moni ca, Cali f. , Rand Corp., p. [5[ - 72. (Memora ndum RM50030PR .)) Diamond, M., and Gerdel, R. W. [956. Radia tion measurements on th e Green land ice cap. V.S. Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research E stablishment. Research Report [9. Lyons, J. B., and Stoiber, R . D. 1959. The absorptivity of ice : a critical review. Hanover, New Hampsh ire, Dartmout h College. (AFCRC- TN- 59- 656, Scientific Report No. 3, contract AF [9 (604) 2[59.) M antis, H. T., ed. [951. R eview of the properties of snow and ice, with reports by H. Bader, C. S. Benson, P. P . Bey, R. H . Doh erty, R . ]. Goldstein, ] . A. ]oseph, S. W. Rasmussen, D. C. Schiavone. V.S. Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment . Report 4. M ayo, L. , and Pewe, T. L. 1963. Ablation a nd net total radiation, Gulka na G lacier, Alaska . (In Kingery, W. D ., ed. Ice and snow; properties, processes, and applications: proceedings of a conference held at the Massachusetts i nstitute of T echnology, February 12- 16, 1962. Cambridge, Mass., M .LT. Press, p. 633- 43. ) Melior, M . 1964. Snow and ice on the Earth's surface. U .S. Cold Regions Resea rch and Engineering Laboratory . Cold regions science and engineering. Hanover, N .H. , Pt. II, Sect. C. Mu ll er, S. W. , comp. [947 . Permafrost, or permanentlyfrozen ground, and related engineering problems. Ann Arbor, Mich .. J. W. Edwards, Inc. Paige, R. A . [966. I ce a nd snow terrain features- McMurdo stat ion , Antarct ica. U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, Calif. T echnical Note N-840. Sagar, R. B. [962. Meteorological a nd glaciological studies, Ice R ise station, Ward Hunt Island , M ay to Septem- ber [960. Arctic Institute of North America. Scientific Report No. 5. T akahashi , Y . [[ 960.] On the pudd les of Lutzow-Holm Bay. (I n Antarctic meteorology. Proceedings of the symjJosium held in M elbo:lrne, February 1959. London, New York , Perga mon Press, p . 32 [- 32.) Thompson, D. C. , alld Ma cdonald, W . J. P. [962. R adiation measurements at Scott Base. New Z eaLand JournaL of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 5, No. 5, p. 874- 909.
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