Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon

Page created by Christina Stephens
Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
2022         Dubai
Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
D    ubai is well known for its
         opulence, for being the
    location of the tallest buildings
                                         and with no sign of slowing
                                         down, the city is evolving and
                                         the property market maturing
    on the planet, for breaking          steadily – it’s a perfect time for
    records, and for being one of the    investors to buy a rental
    top places to live - it’s also one   property.
    of the best cities in the world to
    invest in real estate for an         Whilst recovery continues as the
    abundance of reasons.                world reopens and tourism
                                         blossoms once more, 2022 is
    Though the pandemic presented        absolutely a time when investors
    new challenges, the Dubai            should take the opportunity to
    property market has fared            invest in a rising market, with
    incredibly well and has seen         considerable growth projections
    impressive price growth over the     for prices and several notable
    past 12 months, with                 new developments in the
    exceptionally high numbers of        pipeline.
    properties being sold.
                                         Rental yields across Dubai
    For investors, Dubai is at an        remain to be high, and the
    ideal point in its growth, having    demand for luxury property
    already developed considerably       unwavering, meaning the outlook
    over the past 20 years, emerging     for Dubai’s real estate market is
    from a global pandemic with          a very positive one.
    record-breaking sales volumes,

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Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon

D    ubai has one of the highest
     performing economies in the
                                          Whilst the city’s rapid growth may
                                          have been boosted by revenue
                                          generated by oil, today less than
                                          5% of Dubai’s revenue comes
The UAE is the fourth-largest             from oil. The economy is now
economy in the Middle East with a         fuelled by trade, aviation,
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of           financial services, and tourism,
$421 billion, Dubai accounts for          together with property
around a quarter of the total GDP and     development.
with smaller oil reserves the city has
diversified its economy considerably in
recent years.

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Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
Incredibly well connected

                                                                               Amongst its many benefits to             world’s ninth busiest port and the
                                                                               businesses as a place to have a base     largest man-made harbour on the
                                                                               of operations, strategically, Dubai is   planet. It is the busiest port in the
                                                                               perfectly positioned for businesses      Middle East and acts as a gateway
                                                                               operating between Europe, Asia, and      that enables trade across the local
                                                                               Africa as it is centrally located        region and beyond, facilitating
                                                                               between the continents.                  worldwide trade.

                                                                               Another of Dubai’s many economic
                                                                               assets, The Port of Jebel Ali is the

Growing financial hub

Dubai is the financial centre for the   Home to the Dubai International
UAE and has become a global             Financial Centre (DIFC), which is
financial powerhouse, attracting        one of the top ten financial centres
some of the world’s top businesses      in the world and a leading hub in
as a place from which to operate        the Middle East, Africa and South
and in turn, this has attracted top     Asia (MEASA) region.
professionals from every country;
Dubai has a vast expat community
that continues to grow each year.

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Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
                             A safe

    O    ften referred to as the most
         liveable city in the world, Dubai
    caters to every need and requirement
                                             system with leading doctors from
                                             Europe, the US and Canada all
                                             residing in Dubai and working in the
    of its residents. Moreover, the UAE is   hospitals. The government is also
    known to be one of the safest            implementing a project titled the
    countries in the world making it         Green Economy for Sustainable
    incredibly appealing to both residents   Development under which the UAE
    and holidaymakers.                       seeks to become a global hub and
                                             successful example of a new green
    In 2021 international magazine           economy. Not only will this enhance
    Global Finance assessed the safety in    the country’s competitiveness on a
    134 countries and found the United       global stage, but it will also foster
    Arab Emirates to be the second           sustainability and preserve the
    safest place in the world, in terms of   environment for future generations.
    security. First place was awarded to
    Iceland. Countries were evaluated        For expats, the appeal is obvious
    based on three main criteria: the risk   – high paid jobs and tax-free
    of natural disasters, personal safety    salaries, sun year-round, a luxury
    of residents and preconditions           lifestyle, low crime rates and
    for war.                                 beautiful places to live.

    The UAE has an excellent health care

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Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
                  and future growth

     S   ince 2002, when foreign
         investors were first permitted
     to buy property in Dubai, and
                                            Those who didn’t invest following
                                            the financial crisis back in 2008
                                            might now be being given a
     there was a frenzy of activity, the    second opportunity to secure an
     city’s real estate market has          investment in a rising market but
     endured setbacks such as the           one that has moved forward
     global recession but has emerged       considerably in those 14 years
     with greater credentials as a place    since the recession.
     to invest.
                                            Dubai’s property market is now
     The Covid19 pandemic has               well-regulated, investment
     certainly taken a toll on the global   continues to pour into the city
     economy and whilst Dubai has not       and its multiple industries, and
     been entirely unscathed, the UAE       the population is swelling,
     has shone as one of the countries      growing steadily every year –
     that have managed the pandemic         there are now double the number
     well and have a robust and well-       of people living in Dubai
     supported plan for recovery            compared to those residing in the
     in place.                              city 10 years ago.

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Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
Current population
of Dubai is around

3.4 million
Growing at an
average rate of

                     year on year over
                     the past decade

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Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
Dubai is incredibly well established
     as a place to live and work and the
     plans for further construction and
     improvement to infrastructure are
     impressive. Previous issues with an
     oversupply of property to the
     market have been corrected and
     approvals for building are now
     limited, and planning is closely
     managed, meaning each new
     development is in high demand.

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     T   he Emirate is easily one of
          the best places to invest in
     terms of applicable taxes. Dubai
     doesn’t collect an annual property
     tax and there is no income tax or
              inheritance tax.

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Dubai Investment Guide 2022 - Thirlmere Deacon
0%              A major appeal to those

income tax
                considering living and working in
                Dubai. The UAE has 0% income
                tax which is one of the key
                benefits cited by professionals
                moving to the country.

5% VAT          Whilst VAT will not impact an
                investor’s rental income, it is an
                important factor to consider when
                considering the overall merits of a
                location. With just 5% VAT
                applicable, the UAE has far lower
                rates than other established
                countries such as the UK which
                charges 20% and the USA where
                it is 15%.

PROPERTY        A transfer tax of 4% is applicable

related taxes
                when a property changes hands
                and there is a municipality tax
                equivalent to 5% of a property’s
                annual income that is used to fund
                local services.

                Precise figures are changeable
                based on the development and
                locality – investors should confirm
                these prior to purchase.

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                                                                     Dubai is home to a third of Fortune’s Top 500

                          transactions recorded in 2020
                          – an increase of 20% from                  0% income tax
                                                                     Ability to invest with a guaranteed 10-year visa

                                                                     There are around 750 hotels in Dubai and in 2019

                                                                     16.73million tourists visited the city

POPULATION:                                                          7/10 of the world’s tallest hotels are in Dubai

                       3.38 mil
Expected to increase                                                 Dubai is the fourth most visited city in the world
to 5million by 2025                                                  after London, Paris and Bangkok

 Rents increasing
 – average value up

 compared to 2020

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Where invest in

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T   here are several areas that
         should be seriously
     considered by investors seeking
                                          Business Bay boasts a fast-paced
                                          lifestyle and some of the city’s
                                          finest amenities.
     property in Dubai.
                                          Dubai Marina
     Dubai                                One of the most sought after
                                          neighbourhoods in all of Dubai,
     In the very centre of the city,      this stunning community has
     Downtown Dubai is home to some       luxury skyscrapers, famed dining
     of the most famous local             and entertainment spots and one
     attractions including Dubai Mall,    of its greatest appeals is that it
     Burj Khalifa and the Dancing         offers residents impressive
     Fountains. Its prime location        waterfront living.
     means it’s busy with visitors and
     residents year-round, it’s an area   Palm Jumeirah
     known to offer a luxury lifestyle.
                                          The largest manmade island in the
     Business Bay                         world, the Palm Jumeirah needs
                                          little introduction. Set on the
     A trendy residential and             coast of the Arabian Sea, the area
     professional hub that is fast        is home to an exceptional
     becoming one of Dubai’s central      collection of properties, exquisite
     business hubs. Much like             amenities and several adventure
     Manhattan in New York City,          and entertainment facilities.

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     The Arabian Ranches are one of
     the very first suburban freehold
     neighbourhoods in Dubai which
     have allowed many ex-pats to own
     a villa. It is largely a golf
     community and is also located
     near Dubai Polo and Equestrian
     Club. It is one of the most popular
     places to own or rent a luxury
     villa in Dubai.

     Village Circle
     Jumeirah Village Circle is one of
     the most family-friendly
     developments in Dubai. Its
     position in the heart of new Dubai
     makes it one of the most alluring
     locations for investors and buyers
     seeking more affordable property
     in Dubai.

     To learn more about the current
     opportunities available to
     investors in Dubai, get in touch.

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Thirlmere Deacon London              Thirlmere Deacon Dubai

              + 44 (0) 2039507939    +971 (0) 4 818 7277

 Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square,   Floor 30, Oberoi Business Centre,

                  Mayfair, London,   Business Bay,

                         W1J 6ER     Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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