90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...

Page created by Tracy Curtis
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
‘’90% of global
businesses will
themselves via
Experience rather
than price or
product by 2020’’

Gartner Global CEO survey
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
IDN Amsterdam CX pres
 1. Overview
 2. The Customer Experience Company (TCXC) Product
 3. Key Financials
 4. Clients
 5. Market Information and Market Competitors
 6. Management Team
 7. Appendix
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
Our CX

Giving your
customers what
they want,
when and how they
want it,
without ever having
to ask for it.
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
TCXC Systems                  CX data insights                 CX Training                     CX Moments                       TCXC international
                                      & Planning                                                        Design

IP survey and analysis tool   Gather /benchmark data in     Customised and open training     Design and create Remark-           Licensing with international
   with unique CX pillar        local and international     for individual businesses and     able CX moments via online,            partners to use TCXC
        framework             markets to guide clients CX         sector associations       retail , call centre and marketing   framework in own markets
                                       excellence                                                          comm’s
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
TCXC Systems    CX data insights               CX Training                    CX Moments                  TCXC international
                  & Planning                                                     Design

   Retail CXi   Fan CXi            Donor CXi

   Auto CXi     B2B CXi
                                                             TCXC Ireland           TCXC USA                TCXC UK

                                                                    TCXC Portugal          TCXC Holland           TCXC France etc.
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
The problem? Companies scrambling to
deliver CX excellence to differentiate their
business offering

How big ? This is a multibillion market

The people? Our team are global DM,
CRM & CX leaders who built & sold
companies in the Past

The solution? A Consumer Data
framework accelerating the design &
delivery of remark-able & effortless CX
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
Ireland CX sector Overview
                                     Forrester claim's CX is the fastest growing business discipline in the world

                                     Companies differentiate their business offering via CX excellence

                                     TCXC has taken lead position in Irish marketplace before the land grab commenced

                                     Irish CX delivery is Two and half years behind the USA and two years behind the UK

                                             100+ Irish enterprises have appointed CX Directors
                                              (BOI, Ulster Bank, AIB, Electric Ireland, Eir, Pennys, Vodafone etc)
                                             Irish recruitment companies on global drive for CX specialists
                                             Irish CX Practitioners Association set up May 2016 – 120 members
                                             Sector Associations adding CX streams to annual conferences
                                             CX Media coverage growing rapidly

Sept 2016 national coverage of CXi report
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
‘’We  take most of the
  money we spent on
‘’90%    ofsystems  and
around     the and putwill
               world   it
  back into Customer
  Experience. Then we
themselves      via CX
  let our customers  be
excellence      rather
  our marketing’’
than   price or product
 Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappos
by 2020’’

Gartner Global CEO survey 2015
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
The CX Company overview
TCXC has built thought leadership in Ireland over a 2 year period. We now wish to build on this
and drive growth internationally.

What do we do?
Design remark-able CX experiences for businesses, helping them stand head & shoulders above
their competitors

The benefits we offer:
 Leverage consumer data to design CX excellence for our clients
 Create robust CX plans and internal staff culture change
 Provide Clients with unique customer promise
 Lock in clients customers for longer
 Motivate customers to promote brands amongst friends & family
 Present robust ROI to help sell into large enterprise

                                                                                   Sample of CXi debriefing report
90% of global businesses will differentiate themselves via Customer Experience rather than price or product by 2020'' - Gartner Global CEO ...
The problem we solve
                       Deliver robust benchmarking of the market through Consumer Data
                       Identify gaps between customer promise and actual delivery
                       We help Companies differentiate them self's in a ‘generic’ world
                            ‘’90% of businesses around the world will differentiate themselves by CX
                            excellence rather than price or product by 2020’’
                                                                Gartner Global CEO survey Dec 2015
                       Acquire new customers cost effectively
                       Retain customers for longer periods and be more profitable
                       Provide a new framework and internal culture to help companies on their CX
                       Provide leadership teams with robust argument to get funding
                        from board decision makers

BOI student banking
Progress so far
                                         23 current CXi paid subscribers
                                         Published Irelands 2015 and 2016 CXi report and league table
                                         77,000 Irish surveys across 170 Irish brands = 1.1 million points of data
                                         Twenty + clients using Six Pillar CX framework
                                         CX Academy delivered Snr. Management immersion & staff training programs
                                         Firsts in:
Thought leadership at home and abroad
                                             - Irelands CX Conference –’The stories festival’
                                             - Irelands CX Masterclass in Trinity College
                                             - Irelands CX Awards programme
                                             - Thought leadership CX reports and webinars
                                             - Launched quarterly CX Excellence CEO breakfasts – National Concert Hall
                                         Recognised as Irelands CX experts through delivery of data insight, strategy,
                                          technology, training and creative CX design
TCX plan to have six revenue streams
Six CX turnover
                        2016   2017   2018   2019   Tech   Mark up   Labour

1. CXi insight Report                               90%               10%

2. CX Planning                                      40%               60%

3. CX Training                                      70%     10%       20%

4. CX Design                                        10%     20%       70%

5. CX Licensing                                     90%               10%

6. CX Data set                                      90%               10%

Total Turnover

Avg % of revenue                                    70%      5%       25%
Seeking €800k capital for two year expansion
Five CX revenue units                          2017                                    2018                                      2019
Total turnover                              1,221,000                              3,017,000                                4,690,000
Cost of Sales                                260,002                                 652,512
Gross profit                                 960,998                               2,364,488
Salaries                                     652,154                               1,385,504
Office Overheads                             196,392                                287,400
TCXC development                             320,000                                280,000
Net profit / Loss                           (207,548)                                411,584                                    950,000
Average staff                                    10                                     23                                        36

                                                        Cash Projection 2017-2018
                              Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
                    -100000    17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
By end of 2017,
    50% of new
        will be
  redirected to

Competitive landscape
   CX Consultancy

                        CX Action and delivery
Ireland CX market size
CX Insights & Planning                                                              €53 million
There are potentially 200 Irish companies for our top tier package and 2,000 for our standard
package = €13 million. The planning market is dominated by the big four with a CX consultancy
opportunity estimated at approx. €40 million

CX Training                                                                         €38 million
The 2015 expert group on future skills from Forfas estimates that €380 million was the training budget
for Irish business. We propose that 10% of this will be engaged in CX related CX training.

CX Design & production                                                             €20 million

CX Licenses revenue                                                               €3 million
TCXC licenses at subscription fee of €30k per year. Assume we manage one subscriber per market
at avg €30k per market for data analysis using our CX framework. Focus on North America, Europe,
Asia. Assume 100 markets
CX communities we have developed in our Market
Target TCXC new offering to C-suite in Irish companies committed to CX, including:

       Subscribers CX staff of CXi                                           1,500
       Companies with CX Directors/champions                                   300
       Staff that attend CX academy training events                            700
       CXi Breakfast attendees                                                 600
       Members of CXPA                                                         120
       Current and past clients of Dialogue                                    300
       CXi report downloads                                                  2,500
       CX Excellence Blog                                                      850

   We will enlist members from The Inter Direct Network to grow the international business and
   population of CX practitioners.
Acquisition activities
Create go to website for CX excellence insight, opinion based articles and reports
Speaking at CX and Business events
Trade association partnerships
Organic search and paid for digital advertising
Year round PR circulating our messaging
Monthly CX Blog to 1,000 practitioners
Annual CX story festival and awards programme
National press, radio and trade ad presence
Quarterly C-suite CXi breakfasts
CX audits’ and action sessions to C suite teams
Sponsor CX team of year at award programmes
International CX partner opportunities
We wish to approach IDN agencies who are considering re-engineering their business purpose.

The current subscription costs are estimated at €30k per year. The more agencies, the less it will cost.

Portugal have visited Dublin twice this year and are keen to launch in September 2017.

S. Africa are committed to CX but progressing their own model which could add to our knowledge base

Other agencies have expressed interest. We hoper to add an additional six agencies in 2018 . I would
welcome your feedback this week re interest.
‘’Consumer Data
         will be the
   differentiator in
         our future.
 Whoever unlocks
the reams of data
        and uses it
The right mix of people
How the market reacted
2,100 report downloads; Numerous companies shared success via ads & social media; Tesco Mobile &
Aldi ran national ad campaign celebrating their success; Consumer social media boards lit up.
Appendix – CX Academy training services
Appendix – CXi activities
                                                               Website hub

Irish CX League Table 1,176 downloads
                                        CXi Stories Festival
Global recognition for creative and strategic CX excellence
The 6 Pillars that make up CX excellence

Personalisation                            Time & Effort
Create emotional connections               Minimise customer effort and make it
through individualised attention           easy to do business with you

Integrity                                  Empathy
Build trust through every                  Show customers you genuinely understand
interaction                                what it’s like to be in their shoes

Expectations                               Resolution
Manage, meet and exceed                    Turn a poor experience into a great one
Getting Your Customer To Do The Selling For You
Thank you
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