Do we need an additional flexibility market in the electricity system? - Joachim Bertsch, Christian Growitsch, Stefan Lorenczik, Stephan Nagl - TU ...

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Do we need an additional flexibility market in the
                       electricity system?

Joachim Bertsch, Christian Growitsch, Stefan Lorenczik, Stephan Nagl

             Institute of Energy Economics, University of Cologne
• EU goal: 80 % of renewables in 2050
• Majority: Wind and photovoltaics

       Stochastic electricity generation

Two major impacts:
• Capacity mix has to be flexible enough
• Sufficient backup capacities needed
Discussion of implications for backup capacities and capacity
mechanisms (e.g. Cramton and Stoft 2008, Joskow 2008 etc.)

Lamadrid et al. (2011) propose a
                “new market for ramping services”

CAISO discusses ramping product (Xu and Threteway 2012)

       Is there a need for an additional flexibility market?
Methodological approach (I)
Integrated system modelling
• Contribution of all parts of the electricity system, leading to
   interdependencies between different flexibility sources
• Inter-temporal dependencies (dispatch and investments)

Previous research
• Changes in optimal capacity mix from base to peak-load
   capacities (Nicolosi 2010, De Jonghe et al. 2011 etc.)
• Utilization rate rather than operational constraints determine
   investments into peak-load capacities (Nicolosi 2012)
Methodological approach (II)
Linear dispatch and investment model DIMENSION
• Object function minimizing total system costs
• Cost-efficient capacity and generation mix

Additions to previous literature
• Considering large deployment of renewables (EU goals)
• Renewables-dependent balancing power
• Demand side reactions
• CCS power plants with detachable CCS unit
Flexibility within the model
  Ramping / Start-up constraints (depending on characteristics of

  Positive and negative balancing power provision (depending on
  expected wind and photovoltaics feed-in)
positive                                            negative
- Ramping of thermal power plants in part load      - Thermal power plants in operation (ramping
  operation                                           down)
- Start-up of technologies (OCGT)                   - Storage technologies
- Utilization of stored energy or stop of storage   - Curtailment of wind power
- Shifting through demand side management           - Shifting through demand side management
  (reduction)                                         (increase)
- Utilization of previously curtailed wind power
- Switching off CCS unit to increase power output
Results: ChangesGWin residual load
  GW         Residual load duration                      Hourly changes of residual load
100                                          100

80                                            80

60                                            60

40                                            40

20                                            20

 0                                             0

-20                                          -20

-40                                          -40
      0          4380                 8760     -20000 -10000       0       10000     20000
                                         h                                            MW
                        DE 2050                    DE 2020
Results: volatility of residual load

                              Positive                   Negative
                   2006     2011 2020     2050 2006     2011 2020      2050
      Mean         2230    2242 3083      4105 -1753   -1853 -2604     -3656
Standard deviation 2092    2148 2572      3373 1332     1420 1922      2727
      Max          11052   11396 14106   22775 -6273   -8016 -12069   -18984
Results: European capacity and
                     generation mix      TWh
2.500                                   5.000
2.000                                   4.000
1.500                                   3.000
1.000                                   2.000
 500                                    1.000
   0                                       0
        2000 2008 2020 2030 2040 2050           2000   2008   2020   2030   2040   2050
Results: Availability of balancing power
                             Positive balancing power availability in June 2020, Germany
         Mon           Tue           Wed          Thu            Fri            Sat          Sun
     OCGT          Storage      Thermal plants   DSM      Wind availability     CCS     Flexibility requirement

 MW                          Negative balancing power availability in June 2020, Germany
          Mon           Tue           Wed          Thu           Fri             Sat            Sun
         Storage       Thermal plants     DSM        Wind availability        CCS      Flexibility requirement

• Main trigger for investments are backup capacities
• Cost-efficient backup capacities are flexible (e.g. gas turbines)
• Under system adequacy, flexibility never poses a challenge in a
  cost-minimal capacity mix

       Any Market design providing incentives in cost-efficient
       generation technologies provides flexibility as an inevitable
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Methodological approach: Linear Investment
     and Dispatch model DIMENSION
                                                                       Installed capacities;
                                                                        commissioning and
                                                                  decommissioning of generating
                                                                   and transmission capacities
              Fuel and CO2-Prices
                                                                    Annual generation structure
             Existing generating and
             transmission capacities                                Plant dispatch by load level
            Technical and Economic                                Import and export streams(trade
          parameters of generating and          European

                                             Investment and             and physical flows)

            transmission capacities
                                             Dispatch Model
                                              for Electricity           RES-E curtailment
               Transmission loss
                                                                          Utilization rates

         Feed-in profiles of RES-E plants
                    per region
                                                                        Fuel consumption
                                            • Coventional,
           Potentials of RES-E plants         storage and
                                              nuclear plants              CO2-emissions
                                            • RES-E plants
            Political restrictions, i.e.:   • transmission
                  - RES-E quota               expansion             Fixed, variable and average
                 - Nuclear Policy             between countries          generation costs

                                                                                      Source: EWI.
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