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HERAUSFORDERUNGEN DER MODELLIERUNG VON IN- UND DESINVESTITIONSENTSCHEIDUNGEN IM LANGFRISTIGEN STROMMARKTGLEICHGEWICHT Authors: Sebastian Busch, André Ortner et, Gerhard Totschnig, Roman Mendelevitch, Lukas Liebmann Vienna University of Technology | IIASA | DIW Berlin 14 Symposium Energieinnovation, TU Graz, 10.02-12.02.2016
Herausforderungen 1. Liberalisierung der Stromwirtschaft hat Markt als vorrangiges Koordinationsinstrument etabliert. Entscheidungs- und Investitionskalkül einzelner Marktakteure unterscheidet sich von dem eines sozialen Planers, bzw. vertikal integriertem und reguliertem Unternehmen hinsichtlich Planungshorizont, Zugang zu Informationen, Anreizsstruktur oder Risikobewertung. 2. Der steigende Anteil volatiler Stromerzeugung ändert die Preisstruktur am Strommarkt. Wegen der hohen intra- und interjährlichen Schwankung der Erzeugung, werden Investitionsmodelle mit einer hohen zeitlichen Auflösung benötigt, um Marktwerte korrekt ermitteln zu können. Zudem spielt das Marktdesign eine entscheidende Rolle, wie sich diese Einflüsse in den Preisen der einzelnen Marktsegmente und damit in den Anreizen von Akteuren niederschlagen.
Motivation / Kontext General framework (energy-, CO2-prices, grid development, electricity demand Framework assumptions § Applied RES policy instruments and targets § Techno-economic input data for RES generators § Non-economic barriers for RES deployment Indicators of RES development Green-X § Target achievement and corresponding support costs Geographical scope: EU28 § Technology mix of RES deployment per Time range: 2015-2050 year Time resolution: yearly § Avoided carbon emissions RES deployment paths § Generated RES electricity per year and technology § Diffusion constraints of RES-e expansion Electricity market equilibrium Model iteration Market Inv. Mod. § In- and divestment decisions of conventional generators § RES-e market values Geographical scope: EU28 § Additional grid costs § Electricity market price levels incl. Time range: 2015-2050 mark-ups resp. capacity prices Time resolution: system states § Merit-order effect induced by RES-e deployment Conventional generation mix evolvement § Installed capacities of conventional generators § Yearly market revenues per technology HiREPS Generation dispatch decision § Generation costs including operational Geographical scope: EU28 restrictions and costs for flexibility Time range: 2020, 2030, 2050 § Redispatch costs § Market values of RES-e generators Time resolution: hourly
Member State A Member State B Problem Classes National National Optimisation Problems Government Government Social Planner Generating capacity Organises Organises investor(s) Stage I Capacity Single Agent Capacity E.g.: Monopoly: Auctions Auctions Profit Maximization Regulator / Regulated System Boundaries (LP, MILP) Entity (OPcOP) Electricity Market RES-E Welfare Generators maximization, Cost Conventional Conventional MPEC MCP MCP Generator minimization (QP, LP, Generator MILP) Ø Trade-Off zwischen Datengenauigkeit Determined Capacity Electricity und Abbildung von Anreizstrukturen Local Grid Forecasts Flow Electricity Consumer Consumer Stage II ENTSO-e Av ailable Transmission Capacity Av ailable Transmission Capacity Import / Export of Electricity Market Coupling System Market Participants Market Prices Market prices & indiv idual results Local Orders Bids & Of f ers Power Exchanges Integrated and coupled EU electricity market
Equilibrium Problem Conventional Renewable electricity ENTSO-e`s electricity producer‘s producer‘s optimization problem: optimization optimization problem: Decide curtailment problem: max ∏ max ∏ Electricity consumer´s Market coupler´s Capacity Auctioneer: optimization problem: optimization problem: Walrasian Auction max CS Decide welfare enhancing trade flows First order conditions Equilibrium Model KKT conditions of interrelated optimization problems Constraints of interrelated optimization problems Market clearing conditions
Auctions for conventional and RES-e generating capacities construction period (CP) technical lifetime (LT) λa λa λa λa λa time a=a0 a0+CP+LT support duration (SD) The Investment decision takes place in period a0, resulting capacity can be used from a0+CP until a0+CP+LT (active time). The level of auction price depends on the extend to which this capacity contributes to achieving the capacity target. In each period the targets have dual variables (shadow prices λa). In each period the price #$# &'&() is the sum of shadow prices over the active time ∑#*#%%&+' #. ⎡ ⎤ ⎢∑ Td ⋅ ( p ele p ,n ,a − C gen _ var n ,c , a ) ⋅ x gen p , n ,c , a ⎥ ⎢ p , n , c ⎥ max x gen , xcap _ bid , xcap _ inv Π C = Df a ⋅ ⎢ + ∑ xncap cap ,c ,a ⋅ pn ,a ⋅ scale + ∑ xncap _ div cap _ fix ,c ,aa ⋅ Cn ,c ,a ⎥ p ,n ,c ,a n ,c ,a n ,c ,a ⎢ n ,c a −lt
Auctions for conventional and RES-e generating capacities construction period (CP) technical lifetime (LT) λa λa λa λa λa time a=a0 a0+CP+LT support duration (SD) The Investment decision takes place in period a0, resulting capacity can be used from a0+CP until a0+CP+LT (active time). The level of auction price depends on the extend to which this capacity contributes to achieving the capacity target. In each period the targets have dual variables (shadow prices λa). In each period the price #$# &'&() is the sum of shadow prices over the active time ∑#*#%%&+' #. ⎡ ∑ Td ⋅ ( p ele gen _ var p , n , a − Cn , r , a ) ⋅ x pgen , n ,c , a ⎤ ⎢ p ,n ,r ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎛ ⎞ max x gen , xcap _ inv Π R = Df a ⋅ ⎢ + ∑ Avail p ,n ,r ,a ⋅ invnR,r ,aa ⋅ ⎜ ∑ pncap _ prem ,r ,aaa ⎟ ⎥ p ,n ,r ,a n ,r ,a ⎢ a−sd / scale
⎛ 1 ele ⎞ max d shed Π CS = ⎜ Vollds ,n ,a + ⋅ Slope ⋅ ( d pload ,n ,a − d shed d , p ,n ,a ) − p p ,n ,a ⎟ ⋅ ( d load p ,n ,a − d d , p ,n ,a ) shed d , p ,n ,a ⎝ 2 ⎠ Price [EUR/MWh] Maximum VOLL Unterschiedliche Verbraucher mit unterschiedlichen Nuclear VOLL = unter- Lignite Coal schiedlichen Gas Oil Elastizitäten / Reserve Lastabwurfkalkülen Quantity [GW]
⎛ 1 ele ⎞ max d shed Π CS = ⎜ Vollds ,n ,a + ⋅ Slope ⋅ ( d pload ,n ,a − d shed ds , p ,n ,a ) − p p ,n ,a ⎟ ⋅ ( d load p ,n ,a − d d , p ,n ,a ) shed d , p ,n ,a ⎝ 2 ⎠ Lastabwurf Price [EUR/MWh] Maximum VOLL Unterschiedliche Verbraucher mit unterschiedlichen Nuclear VOLL = unter- Lignite Coal schiedlichen Gas Oil Elastizitäten / Reserve Lastabwurfkalkülen Quantity [GW]
Stündliche Profile Geclusterte Profile § Wasserkraft(linearisiert) § Maximale Reduktion der Zeitschritte / § Sonnenenergieeinstrahlung Systemzustände unter Beibehaltung § Wind (onshore / offshore) der Charakteristika der Residuallast § Ausgangsdatensatz enthält ~ 50.000 und vorgegebener maximaler Stunden Fehlertoleranz § Erhalt der geografischen Korrelation + + aber Verlust der zeitlichen Chronologie (Speicher!) § Reduktion der Zustände je 5 Jahres Zeitperiode auf ~50 (Mittel- und Spitzenlastwerte). § Zeitliche Gewichtung der Cluster Skalierte Profile § Skalierung auf Kapazitäten und Energiemengen aus Green-X / Primes Szenarien unter Berücksichtigung dynamischer Trends § Skalierung zu 5 Jahres Intervallen zum Erhalt der intra- und Interjährlichen Schwankungen
Ausgewählte Ergebnisse Energy G rid Electricity D em and-S ide R ES policy efficiency and Fuel prices N r. T ype A cronym developm ent m arket design response carbon pricing LO W R EF H IG H R EF D ELA Y EO M CM R EF H IG H R EF H IG H R EF LO W ❶ P athw ay P -N oP olicy • • • • • • ❷ P athw ay P -R eference • • • • • • ❸ P athw ay P -H igh-R ES • • • • • • ❹ S ensitivity S -G rid • • • • • • ❺ S ensitivity S -M arket • • • • • • ❻ S ensitivity S -C arbon • • • • • • ❼ S ensitivity S -D em and • • • • • • ❽ T rend T -N oP olicy • • • • • • ❾ T rend T -T rend • • • • • • ❿ T rend T -O ptim • • • • • •
Marktwerte in € / MWh Marktwerte für Onshore Wind 2020 nach Szenario 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1_P_nopolicy 2_P_reference 3_P_high_res 4_S_grid 5_S_market 6_S_carbon 7_S_demand 8_T_nopolicy 9_T_trend 10_T_optim AT BE BG CY CZ DE DK EE GR ES FI FR HR HU IE IT LT LU LV MT NL PL PT RO SE SI SK UK
400000 Merit Order Effekt No Policy vs. Referenz Szenario (Mio €) 200000 0 Ergebnis Sum of 2015 Sum of 2020 -200000 Sum of 2025 Sum of 2030 Sum of 2035 -400000 Netto ~ + 70. Mrd. € -600000 -800000
Divestments (MW) kumulativ nach Szenario 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 1_P_nopolicy 2_P_reference 3_P_high_res 4_S_grid 5_S_market 6_S_carbon 7_S_demand 8_T_nopolicy 9_T_trend 10_T_optim o_lign 2015 CZ o_lign 2015 DE o_lign 2015 ES o_lign 2015 FR o_lign 2015 PL o_lign 2030 BG o_lign 2030 SI o_coal 2015 DK o_coal 2015 ES o_coal 2015 FI o_coal 2015 SE o_coal 2015 UK o_coal 2030 PT o_coal 2030 SE o_ccgt 2015 AT o_ccgt 2015 DE o_ccgt 2015 GR o_ccgt 2015 ES o_ccgt 2015 FI o_ccgt 2015 HR o_ccgt 2015 IE o_ccgt 2015 IT o_ccgt 2015 PT o_ccgt 2015 SE o_ccgt 2015 UK o_ccgt 2025 SE o_ccgt 2030 AT o_ccgt 2030 DE o_ccgt 2030 PT o_ccgt 2030 UK o_ocgt 2015 GR o_ocgt 2015 HU o_ocgt 2015 SE o_ocgt 2025 SE o_ocgt 2030 AT o_ocgt 2030 LT o_ocgt 2030 SE o_oil 2015 CY o_oil 2015 CZ o_oil 2015 EE o_oil 2015 FI o_oil 2015 HU o_oil 2015 IT o_oil 2015 MT o_oil 2015 SE o_oil 2020 EE o_oil 2025 EE o_oil 2025 SE o_oil 2030 AT o_oil 2030 EE o_oil 2030 SE n_coal 2025 CY n_coal 2030 MT n_ccgt 2025 CY n_ccgt 2030 MT n_ocgt 2020 LV n_ocgt 2025 CY n_ocgt 2025 SE n_ocgt 2030 BG n_ocgt 2030 LT n_ocgt 2030 LV n_ocgt 2030 SE n_ocgt 2030 SI biom 2030 SE
Schlussfolgerungen • Unvermeidbarer Trade-Off zwischen Abbildung der Anreizsstrukturen und Genauigkeit der Inputdaten. • Lösungszeit von MCP steigt exponentiell mit Anzahl der Optionen / Variablen • Clustering kann Abhilfe schaffen; jedoch auch bei Clustering bei Überschreiten von Grenzwert nicht mehr tolerierbarer Genauigkeitsverlust.
⎡ inj ele ⎤ ⎢Td ⋅ ∑ x p ,n ,a ⋅ p p ,n ,a ⎥ ⎢ p ,n ⎥ max xinj ele gen _ curt Π MC = Df a ⎢ + ∑ Td ⋅ ( p ele p ,nn ,a − p ele p ,n ,a ) ⋅ dcflow ele p ,n ,nn ,a ⎥ p ,n ,a ,dcflow p ,n ,nn ,a , x p ,n ,a ⎢ p ,n ,nn ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ Td ⋅ ( Pp ,n ,a − p p ,n ,a ) ⋅ x p ,n ,a ele _ min ele gen _ curt ⎥ ⎢⎣ p ,n ⎥⎦ s.t. 0 ≥ dcflowele p ,n ,nn ,a − Flowlim cap n ,nn ,a ( λ Flowlim n ,nn ,a ) 0 = ∑ ( xinj p ,n ,a ) ( p ,a ) λ p ele _ sys n 0 ≥ ∑ PTDFl , gn ⋅ ( − x inj p , gn ,a ) − Lineliml ,a ( λ Linelim ) pos p ,l ,a gn 0 ≥ ∑ PTDFl , gn ⋅ x inj p , gn ,a − Lineliml ,a ( λ Linelim p ,l ,a ) neg gn
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