DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company

Page created by Johnnie Lopez
DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company


Season Benefactor: Noel & Terry Hefty, Peak Asset Management
Season Benefactor: Karolynn Lestrud
Season Sustaining Sponsor: Cheri Belz, Architect and Realtor
Season Production Partner: Karen Steward Memorial Fund
Season Partner: Christian Vanek
Production Partner: Paul Repetto & Janet Pyle
DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
Butterfly Effect Theatre of Colorado presents

                                                                                     THE CHILDREN
                                                                                                 by Lucy Kirkwood
                                                                                                                 Directed by
                                                                                                               Stephen Weitz

                                                                                                                  Stage Manager
                                                                                                                   Hannah Tripp

                                                             Set Design                     Costume Design                             Lighting Design                    Sound Design
                                                            Ron Mueller                       Sarah Zinn                               Colin D. Young                      CeCe Smith
                                                          Properties Design                   Dramaturg                           Dialects and Text Coach            Assistant Stage Manager
                                                           Katie Hopwood                    Heather Beasley                         Gabriella Cavallero                 Rowan Livengood

                                                                        Season Benefactors                                                    Season Sustaining Sponsor
                                                          Terry and Noel Hefty of Peak Asset Management                                     Cheri Belz, Architect and Realtor
                                                                         Karolynn Lestrud
                                                             Season Partner                              Season Production Partner                                Production Partner
                                                             Christian Vanek                            Karen Steward Memorial Fund                            Paul Repetto & Janet Pyle

                                                                                                     Artist Sponsors
                                                                   Ann Bateson and Frank Everts · Ann & Russell Hayes · Jean Hodges · Ellen & Dale LaGow
                                                                       Lauri & Robert McNown · Mark Ragan & Jamie Shaak · Rochelle & Don Remaly

                                              The Children was first performed at the Royal Court Jerwood Theatre Downstairs, Sloane Square, London, on November 17, 2016,
                                                      and was produced on Broadway by the Manhattan Theatre Club (Lynne Meadow, Artistic Director; Barry Grove,
                                                                           Executive Producer) and the Royal Court Theatre on November 28, 2017.

                                                        The Royal Court commissioned The Children with a generous grant from the Berwin Lee New Play Commission.

                                                                                            The Children is presented without intermission.

                                                                                                 The East coast of England. The Present.

                                                                                               Cast of Characters
                                                                                          Hazel ............................................Martha Harmon Pardee

                                                                                          Rose .............................................Gin Walker

                                                                                          Robin ...........................................Sam Gregory AEA

                                               Member of BETC’s Artistic Ensemble
                                                Appearing through an Agreement between Butterfly Effect Theatre of Colorado and Actors’
                                             Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States

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DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
                                                                Sam GregoryAEA (Rob-        Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol (Vintage),      Aurora Fox. As a bilingual narrator, Gabri-
                                                                in) has performed once      Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike            ella has recorded over 1200 audio books
                                                                before with BETC in         (Backstage), Woman in Mind (Edge), Oh          for the National Library Service and PBS
                                                                Bach at Leipzig. He ap-     My God (Theatre Or), Rope (Spotlight),         documentaries. She is a Communications
                                                                peared in fifty shows       As You Like It (Band of Toughs), The Real      Coach for ARTiculate: Real & Clear and an
                                                                at the Denver Center        Inspector Hound (Foothills), In The Shadow     Associate Artist of LOCAL Theatre.
                                             Theatre Company from 1991 through              Of The Glen (Evergreen Players) and Miss
                                             2021. He has worked at many regional           Witherspoon (Bug).                             Katie Hopwood (Properties Designer) is
                                             theater companies including the Cleve-                                                        fairly new to the Colorado theatre scene
                                             land Play House, Seattle Repertory The-                                                       and is excited to be working with BETC
                                                                                            PRODUCTION TEAM                                again! She recently did properties design
                                             atre Company, Milwaukee Repertory
                                             Theatre Company, and Cincinnati Play-          Heather Beasley         (Dramaturg) has        for BETC’s touring theatre truck shows,
                                             house in the Park. He has performed with       worked with BETC as a dramaturg, lit-          Amelia’s Big Idea and Dorothy’s Dictionary.
                                             the Alabama, California and Colorado           erary manager, director, playwright, and       She also recently has stage managed Me-
                                             Shakespeare Festivals. Locally, he has also    grant writer since 2007. She oversees the      teor Shower at Benchmark, was the ASM
                                             performed with the Arvada Center Black         BETC Writers Group, the Science Shorts         for BETC’s recent production of Fourteen
                                             Box Repertory and Curious Theatre Com-         program, the Generations new play devel-       Funerals, and stage managed Amelia’s Big
                                             pany. He lives in Denver with his wife Syl-    opment program, and the (inter)Genera-         Idea. She graduated from Salisbury Uni-
                                             via and two cats.                              tions playwriting program. She is also an      versity in December 2020 with a degree
                                                                                            instructor of Dramatic Writing and Arts        in theatre production. She looks forward
                                                                Martha Harmon Pardee        and Cultural Management for the Uni-           to working on more productions in the
                                                                (Hazel) most recently       versity of Denver. Her play The Gentle Life    community!
                                                                appeared as Gov. Ann        Changing Magic of Burning it All Down to
                                                                Richards in Ann for                                                        Lucy Kirkwood (Author) is an acclaimed
                                                                                            the Ground will premiere at Benchmark          playwright and screenwriter. In 2009, Lu-
                                                                Cherry Creek Theatre.       Theatre in Denver in late 2022. Other
                                                                Other roles include                                                        cy’s play It Felt Empty When The Heart Went
                                                                                            recent productions of her plays include        At First But It Is Alright Now was produced
                                             Martha in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,     Amelia’s Big Idea at BETC (co-written with
                                             Amanda in The Glass Menagerie, Abby in                                                        by Clean Break Theatre Company at the
                                                                                            Richie Cannaday and Edie Carey), and           Arcola Theatre. The play was nominated
                                             The Mercy Seat (Paragon Theatre); Agnes        Bone Records at Relative Theatrics in Lara-
                                             in A Delicate Balance (The Edge); Mistress                                                    for an Evening Standard Award for Best
                                                                                            mie, WY. She has also worked with Imagi-       Newcomer and made Lucy joint winner
                                             Quickly/Alice in Henry V, Ursula in Much       nation Makers Theatre Company, Seattle
                                             Ado About Nothing, Felicia Dantine in I                                                       of the 2010 John Whiting Award. NSFW
                                                                                            Public Theatre, the University of Colora-      premiered at the Royal Court Theatre in
                                             Hate Hamlet (Colorado Shakespeare Fes-         do Boulder’s Eklund Opera, and Nebraska
                                             tival); Mrs. Gardiner in Pride and Prejudice                                                  2012, starring Janie Dee and Julian Barratt.
                                                                                            and Colorado Shakespeare Festivals.            Chimerica premiered at the Almeida The-
                                             (Denver Center); Ginnie in Admissions,
                                             Aunt Chris in Up, Linda in Fiction (Cu-        Gabriella Cavallero (Dialects and Text         atre in 2013 and subsequently transferred
                                             rious Theatre Co.); Paige in Hir (Miner’s      Coach) is thrilled to be working with BETC     to the West End, earning Best New Play
                                             Alley); and Stories on Stage. Martha has       again. She has been Coach for Denver’s top     at the 2014 Olivier and Evening Standard
                                             narrated over 3,000 audiobooks and is a        theatre companies, including Butterfly Ef-     Awards, as well as the Critics Circle Award
                                             teaching artist for Voice Over classes at      fect Theatre of Colorado, the Arvada Black     and the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize. Re-
                                             the Denver Center.                             Box Theatre Company, the DCPA Theatre          cent work includes Mosquitoes (presented
                                                                                            Company, and Curious Theatre Company.          by special arrangement with Manhattan
                                                               Gin Walker (Rose) per-       Shows for BETC include coaching dialects       Theatre Club), which opened at the Na-
                                                               formed with the Cam-         and text for Outside Mullingar, Miss Bennet:   tional Theatre, London, in summer 2017;
                                                               bridge University Foot-      Christmas at Pemberley, and Bloomsday,         and The Children, which premiered at the
                                                               lights in England, and       and dialects and movement for The Curious      Royal Court Theatre, London, in 2016.
                                                               on various stages across     Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Her     The Children opened on Broadway in De-
                                                               the UK. Favorite recent      acting work includes the DCPA Theatre          cember 2017. Lucy also writes for screen:
                                             shows in Colorado include Noises Off, The      Company (twenty-six seasons), Arvada           She has written for “Skins” (Company
                                             39 Steps, and Calendar Girls (StageDoor),      Center, Curious Theatre Company, and           Pictures); created and wrote “The Smoke”

3 | Share your night with us: @BETCTheatre                                                                                     Share your night with us: @BETCTheatre              |4
DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
(Kudos/Sky 1); wrote and directed the          the state of Colorado. When she isn’t work-                        DCPA productions of Tom Sawyer, King
short film “The Briny”; and is developing      ing on theatre (which she always is) she is                        Lear, Richard III, Othello, and A Midsummer
projects with Raw TV, Cowboy Films, Clio       reading comics or watching movies like the                         Night’s Dream. Stephen has worked at oth-
Barnard, and Lenny Abrahamson. Her new         introvert she is.                                                  er prominent area theatres such as Creede
six-part season “Adult Material” (Tiger As-                                                                       Repertory Theatre, Colorado Shakespeare
pect Productions) and the mini-series of       Hannah Tripp (Stage Manager) is delight-                           Festival, and the Arvada Center.
her play Chimerica (Playground Produc-         ed to be stage managing her first show with
tions) have both recently been greenlit.       BETC. Other local credits include Bite &                           Colin D. Young (Lighting Designer)
                                               Other Bits with In the Wings Aerial; Matil-                        BETC: Fourteen Funerals, Bloomsday, Pride
Rowan Livengood (Assistant Stage Man-          da, The Addams Family, and Legally Blonde                          and Prejudice, and The Curious Incident of
ager) is a local sound technician, proud to    with Rocky Mountain Theatre for Kids; and                          the Dog in the Night-Time. Curious Theatre:
be working with BETC again after having        Pippin with the Actors Academy for the                             Gloria and The Secretary. Off-Broadway -                  The Royale by Marco Ramirez
done their touring truck shows, Amelia’s       Performing Arts. She is a graduate from                            Public Theatre:Detroit ’67; Signature The-                             Oct. 27-Nov. 19
Big Idea and Dorothy’s Dictionary. He has      Metropolitan State University of Denver                            atre: Fragments & Talking Pictures; Primary
previously done work as a radio intern at      with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre.                                Stages: In the Continuum; Classical Theatre                   In this visceral, rhythmic world,
KGNU and as a board operator at South                                                                             of Harlem: Native Son, Ma Rainey’s Black                          it’s never just about boxing.
High School.                                                                                                      Bottom, The Blacks: A Clown Show, Crazy
                                                                                                                  Locomotive, (Audelco Award); 59E59 The-
Ron Mueller (Scenic Designer) is the                                                                              atres: Havana Bourgeois, Rearviewmirror,
Production Director for the College of                                                                            and Widows; Reverie Productions: Fatboy,
Music at the University of Colorado Boul-                                                                         American Ma(u)l, Mephisto. Regional - Yale
der. Also a BETC Ensemble member, he                                                                              Rep, Woolly Mammoth, Kirk Douglas,
previously designed scenery for Blooms-                                                                           Goodman, PTC, and Cincinnati Playhouse.
day, The Realistic Joneses, Pride and Preju-                                                                      Events: World Science Festival (2012-
dice, Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley,                                                                        2019) and Climate Reality Project’s 24
Guards at the Taj, An Iliad, Outside Mull-                                                                        Hours Of Reality broadcast (2011-2018);
ingar, The Aliens, and Seminar. He designed                                                                       Education: MFA - Yale School of Drama;
scenery and lighting for BETC’s Annapur-                                                                          Founding Festival Tech Director: NY In-                                                     Ms Holmes & Ms Watson by Kate Hamill
na and also co-designed scenery with Tina                                                                         ternational Fringe Festival; Playwright:                                                    Feb. 2-25
Anderson for Ripcord and Cyrano. Other                                                                            Beowulf.; Artistic Director: Co-founder of
recent designs include scenery for Parker      Stephen Weitz (Producing Artistic Di-                              Reverie Productions, where he produced                                                      A fast-moving, farcical female reboot
Arts Center’s South Pacific. He has also       rector) directed BETC’s first production,                          18 New York, U.S., or World Premieres.                                                      of the classic tales of Sherlock Holmes.
designed scenery and/or lighting for pro-      Jean    Anouilh’s
                                                  Tangerine     OrangeAntigone, Grey base   as well as Fat Pig,
                                                  C: 0          C: 0            C: 0
ductions at Crested Butte Music Festival,      TheM:  Sunset
                                                  Y: 100
                                                                M:  86
                                                                Y: 99
                                                                                M: 0
                                                                                Y: 0
                                                                                               Indecency, How     Sarah Zinn (Costume Designer) is a cos-
Skylight Opera Theatre, Colorado Shake-        the World Began, Bach at Leipzig, Seminar,
                                                  K: 0          K: 0            K:   90                           tumer from Boulder, CO. She received her
speare Festival, Boulder’s Dinner Theatre,     Ambition
                                                  R: 255
                                                  G: 130
                                                                R: 255
                                                                G: 71
                                                                           West,R:G: 6564Stupid F##king Bird,     MFA in Costume Design and Technolo-
Theatre X, Milwaukee Chamber Theater,          Ideation,
                                                  B: 0
                                                              AnB: 19Iliad, The B: 66
                                                                                          SantaLand Diaries,      gy from Rutgers University and currently
Boulder Broadway Company, CU Theatre           Guards      at the
                                                                       #ff4713The       Rembrandt,
                                                  Pantone: 151C Pantone: 172C Pantone: 4287C
                                                  Web: #ff8200                  Web:      #414042     The Cu-     works as the Costume Shop Supervisor at
and Dance, and University of Denver’s          rious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time,                       the University of Denver and Head Drap-
Lamont School of Music.                        The Realistic Joneses, The Nina Variations,                        er for Opera Colorado. She has previously
                                               and the world premieres of And the Sun                             built costumes for film and theatre, includ-
CeCe Smith (Sound Designer) is a sound         Stood Still, Full Code, and Birds of North                         ing Fantastic Four (2015), The Great Wall
eesigner based in Colorado. Her recent         America. Stephen co-wrote and direct-                              (2015), The Rockettes Christmas Spectac-
sound design projects include The Rocky        ed BETC’s theatrical documentary film,                             ular (2018) and the world premiere of the              Eden Prairie, 1971 by Mat Smart
Horror Show at Phamaly Theatre Compa-          CO-2020. He has performed in the BETC                              stage adaptation of Moulin Rouge (2018).                                     April 6-29
ny, Native Gardens at Creede Repertory         productions Danny and the Deep Blue Sea,                           This is her first show with BETC.
Theatre, Fireflies at Curious Theatre Com-     Copenhagen, The Complete Works of Wil-
                                                                                                                                                                                      A bittersweet love story,
pany (co-sound designer), The Bluest Eye       liam Shakespeare (abridged), Morisot Reclin-                         = Member of BETC’s Artistic Ensemble                           set in the heart of America.
at Theatreworks, and One Way Back Day          ing, Doubt, Shipwrecked!, and as the title
                                                                                                                       = Appearing through an Agreement between
at The Catamounts. CeCe received her           character in Cyrano. He has been a guest
                                                                                                                  BETC and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of
                                                                                                                  Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United
first Henry Award Nomination in 2019           artist at the Denver Center for the Per-                           States
for Flame Broiled or the ugly play at Local    forming Arts, where he has directed Tribes
Theatre Company and has worked across          and Jackie & Me. He has also appeared in

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                                                                                                                                                                          Tickets & MembershipsShareat    BETC.ORG
                                                                                                                                                                                                     your night with us: @BETCTheatre                    |6
DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
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DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
systems meant to prevent such massive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           disasters. On the night we meet Rose,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hazel, and Robin, they are faced with an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           impossible decision. What do they owe to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           future generations? And what will they do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to be true to their own deepest desires?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “I think that any play that considers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           itself first and foremost social activism
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is probably going to be a really dreadful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           play,” said the playwright. “Absolutely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I think you can talk about large issues,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           but unless you employ your craft,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to make your play something other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           than a pamphlet, then it’s not going
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to be a particularly edifying theatrical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           experience.” Kirkwood continued: “People
                                                                                                                                                                      The tsunami sweeps over the seawall into Miyako Harbor, Japan, on March 11, 2011. Photo credit: BBC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           are always asking me questions about
                                                                                                                                                                      and largely unsuccessful. Efforts to                              the cottage of The Children, the characters                        nuclear power, but this a larger
                                                                                                                                                                      remove radioactive topsoil and other                              are under staggering pressures, as they                            metaphor for human intervention into the
                                                                                                                                                                      contaminated surface debris have only                             are confronted with tragedy on a personal                          environment and what the consequences
                                                                                                                                                                      relocated the problematic waste.                                  level, and at a scale beyond human                                 of that are, and how we’re grappling with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        comprehension.                                                     those consequences and our responsibility
                                                                                                                                                                      The playwright imagines the action of her

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to those things.”
                                                                                                                                                                      play taking place mere weeks after such                           Yet these three nuclear engineers are
                                                                                                                                                                      a disaster has occurred in England. Inside                        well aware of the flaws in the man-made

                                                                                           The overpass in Futaba, Japan, translated, reads: “Nuclear energy is the                                                                                                Aerial view, taken from a drone, of one of the thousands of area dump sites. These sites house millions of
                                                                                           energy of a bright future.” Photo credit: Arkadiusz Podniesinski, 2015.                                                                                                 bags of radioactive soil, taken from inside the exclusion zone. Photo credit: Arkadiusz Podniesinski, 2015.

To create the world of The Children,         less than half that size. A 2008 report       cascade from reactor to reactor, as their
playwright Lucy Kirkwood drew on             calling for a higher seawall had been         cores overheated and began to melt down.
the tragic events of the Fukushima           interminably delayed due to internal          By 9 p.m. on March 11, evacuations of the
earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster    politics at the Tokyo Electric Power          area began.
that began on March 11, 2011.                Company. The report was finally issued
                                             to Japan’s nuclear safety agency just four    In the ensuing weeks, the world watched
On that sunny Friday afternoon, at 2:46      days before the 2011 catastrophe, and it      in horror as the consequences of the
p.m., an earthquake of magnitude 9.1         predicted a much higher tsunami wave          combination of natural and man-made
struck off the coast of Honshu Island.       was likely to occur in the event of a quake   disasters became ever more evident.
The six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima    of magnitude 7.2 or above.
Daiichi nuclear plant shut off in response                                                 Combined, the earthquake and tsunami
to the quake tremors, as designed, and cut   Once the seawall was breached, the            resulted in over 18,000 people dead or
them off from the Japanese power grid.       resulting flooding inundated the              missing. An estimated 400,000 people
                                             Fukushima Daiichi facility. It disabled       were evacuated that day. 160,000 were
Roughly one hour later, a 46-foot            the backup diesel generators, all but         residents of the “exclusion zone” of
tsunami, unleashed by the earthquake,        one of which were housed underground,         roughly 12 miles around the Daiichi plant.
overtopped the seawall.                      and washed away their fuel tanks. When        That area remains off-limits to permanent
                                             electrical power was lost, most of the        habitation over ten years later, due to
The seawall in place at Fukushima had        emergency core cooling system was             radioactive contamination. Cleanup
been designed to guard against a tsunami     disabled. The resulting problems began to     efforts have been ongoing, expensive,

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DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
LAST TRAIN                                  TECH INTERN PROGRAM
 TO Nibroc                                 The University of Denver is proud to partner with BETC
                                            on the construction of the scenery for The Children as
                                                   well as the BETC summer theatre truck.

                          October 2022


                                          The Technical Theatre Internship Program provides
                                          students with paid opportunities to work with
                                          professional companies and designers in a supportive
                        November 2022
                                          setting that prepares them for work in the entertainment
THE THANKSGIVING PLAY                     industry.

                                               Previous projects include work with Curious Theatre
                              Feb. 2023
                                                Company, Lamont Opera, Parker Arts, The Athena
                                                                             Project and Phamaly.

                                            Interested in having us build your project or
                                                supporting the Tech Intern Program?
                      Feb. & March 2023              Contact us:
Website:          Tickets:
DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
This list includes gifts made since July 1, 2021.

Thank You for Your Support                                                                                                            Thank You to Our Donors                                                                             If we’ve made a mistake, please contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Margot Crowe at

                                                                                                                                      MAGNANIMOUS CIRCLE                Erika Mori                        Scott McLeod Nelson             Craig Held
                                                                                                                                      $10,000 +                         Mark Ragan & Jamie Shaak          Nimmer Family Charitable Fund   Elizabeth & Timothy Hepp
2022-2023 Season Support                                                                                                              Anonymous (1)                     Sue Rehak & Keith Maskus          Rionda Osman & Alain Jouchoux   Francis Higgins
Karolynn Lestrud · Karen Steward Memorial Fund · Christian Vanek                                                                      Cheri Belz, Architect & Realtor   Rochelle & Donald Remaly          Mary Oswell & Stan Pedzick      Susan La Hoda
                                                                                                                                      Deck Nine Games                   Alan & Stephanie Rudy             Jill Peterson                   Benjamin Hodges
                                                                                                                                      Noel & Terry Hefty, Peak Asset    Anne Sandoe                       Brian Ratner                    Constance Holden & TK Smith
                                                                                                                                                                        Sam Sandoe                        Karyn Sawyer                    Ernest Houssiere
                                                                                                                                      Diana & Mike Kinsey
                                                                                                                                                                        Pete & Valerie Whittle            Marjorie & Bob Schaffner        David Hughes
                                                                                                                                      Karolynn Lestrud
                                                                                                                                                                        Mark & Katherine Young            Peter & Paula Schild            Devon James
                                                                                                                                      Jan & Rob Miles
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cynthia Schmidt                 Susan B. Jones
                                                                                                                                      Karen Steward Memorial Fund
In-Kind Support                                BETC is a proud member of                Special Acknowledgements                                                        KIND CIRCLE                       Deborah & Wayne Simmons         Robert & Theresa Keatinge
                                                                                                                                      John Steward
                                                                                                                                                                        $250–$999                         Stephen Sparn                   Houston Kempton
Vinnie Fera Wine                                                                                                                      Christian Vanek
                                                                                                                                                                        Sally Powell Ashby                Jane & John Spencer             Sherry Leach
                                                                                        BETC thanks the following for their
                                                                                        assistance and support of The Children:                                         Heather & Matt Beasley            Charlotte Stewart               Kristy LaMoureaux
                                                                                        University of Denver Department of            DEVOTED CIRCLE                                                      Jared Stewart                   Jolana & Ken Machalek
                                                                                                                                                                        Isabelle Clark
                                                                                        Theatre, University of Colorado Boulder       $5,000–$9,999                                                       Marianne Van Pelt               Kim & Nancy Malville
                                                                                                                                                                        Amy Cole & Andrew Metzroth
                                                                                        Department of Theatre and Dance,              Betsy & Albert Hand                                                 Jack & Sophie Walker            Chloe & Susannah McLeod
                                                                                                                                                                        Elisabeth Collins
                                                                                        Curious Theatre Company.                      Joan & Paul Lavell
                                                                                                                                                                        Thomas & Cheryl Cox               Rebecca & Stephen Weitz         Susan McRoy & John Middleton
                                                                                                                                      Paul Repetto & Janet Pyle                                           Ronny & Rena Wells              Tamara Meneghini-Stalker
                                                                                                                                                                        Tessa and Alan Davis
                                                                                                                                                                        Josh Dinar                        Mary Ann Wilner                 Paula & Jeffrey Menten
                                                                                                                                      BENEVOLENT CIRCLE                 Cheryl & Larry Dorsey             Maria Woods                     Cindy and Mark Meyer
                                                                                                                                      $2,500–$4,999                                                       Ruth & Ken Wright               Lynn Metzer
Board of Directors                             Sacha Millstone                         Jihad Milhem
                                                                                                                                      Anonymous (1)
                                                                                                                                                                        Alexandra Dujardin
                                                                                                                                                                                                          William Young                   Julia Mount
                                               Paul Repetto                            Michael Morgan                                                                   Michael Goss & Virginia McGowan
Lauri McNown, President
                                                                                                                                      Ann Bateson & Frank Everts        Wendy Baring-Gould                                                Jeff Pickard
Rob Miles, Vice President                      Ronny Wells                             Erika Mori
                                                                                                                                      Ginny Corsi & Mary Backlund       Carolyn Grant                     THOUGHTFUL CIRCLE               Susan Deans & Richard Polk
Elizabeth Barrekette, Secretary                                                        Ron Mueller
                                                                                                                                      Ann & Russell Hayes               Pamela & James Green              $100–$249                       Nancy Portnoy & Joel Silverman
Erika Mori, Treasurer                          Artistic Ensemble                       Chip Persons                                   Jean Hodges                       Lynn Della Guardia                Micah Abram                     Katherine Randall & Brian
                                               Tina Anderson                           Lindsey Pierce                                                                                                                                     Springett
Elise Collins                                                                                                                         Ellie & Harry Poehlmann           Becky Hammond & Patrick           Peg Arnold
                                                                                       Rebecca Remaly                                                                   Lagularis                                                         Kathleen Reilly
Starla Doyal                                   Casey Andree                                                                           Joanna & Mark Rosenblum                                             Amanda & Ben Berg Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                        Kimberly Hansen & Joel Parker                                     Alice Renouf
Sue Rehak                                      Heather Beasley                         Anne Sandoe                                                                                                        Franci & Theodore Bickart
                                                                                                                                                                        Dori Harrell                                                      Sherry Richards
                                               Jordon Brockman                         Brian Shea                                     GENEROUS CIRCLE                                                     Melvina Carrick
Becca Vaclavik                                                                                                                                                          Amy & Andy Hartman                                                Rita Riis
                                                                                                                                      $1,000 – $2,499                                                     Susan Chipman
Julie Walker                                   Amy Helen Cole                          Luke Sorge                                                                                                                                         Christian Robinson
                                                                                                                                                                        Janet Hatton                      Judy & Mark Cole
                                                                                       Stephen Weitz                                  Zachary Andrews
Katie Zoss                                     Anastasia Davidson                                                                                                       Doree Hickman                                                     Christine & Dave Ross
                                                                                                                                      Marcelle Arak                                                       Peter Cunniffe
                                               Adrian Egolf                            Colin D. Young                                                                   Mary Lynne & Doug Hixson                                          Phyllis & Marty Ruffalo
                                                                                                                                      Elizabeth Barrekette & Jonathan                                     Jean Delaney
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Stuart Sanks
Advisory Council                               Josh Hartwell                                                                          Steinberg                         Jeremy Hoffer                     Elizabeth Dowd
Nan Barnett                                    Jim Hunt                                Staff                                          Phyllis Chernow                   Campbell Hugh                     Adrian Egolf & Luke Sorge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Trina & Eric Scholz
                                                                                                                                      Elizabeth & Howard Diamond        Kathy Icenogle                                                    Lynne & William Schorling
Elizabeth Dowd                                 Candace Joice                           Rebecca Remaly, Managing Director                                                                                  Tracy & Michael Ehlers
                                                                                                                                      Forma Furniture                   Amanda Johnson                                                    Stella & Howard Steward
                                               Chris Kendall                           Stephen Weitz, Producing Artistic Director                                                                         Norma Ekstrand
Idris Goodwin                                                                                                                         Audrey & Andrew Franklin          William Johnson                                                   Jan & Chris Swanson
                                               Karen LaMoureaux                        Heather Beasley, Associate Artistic Director                                                                       Sandra Farkas
David Valdes                                                                                                                          David Fulker & Nicky Wolman       Florence & Mike Jones                                             Becca & Austin Vaclavik
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Caroline Fuller
Lauren Gunderson                               Rodney Lizcano                          Margot Crowe, Director of Development          David & Sarah Harper              John Kottke                                                       Daryl Walker
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kenneth Gamauf
                                               Billie McBride                          Michael Morgan, Production Manager             Brian Honeycutt                   Jeffrey and Lois Linsky                                           Julie Weaver
Noel Hefty                                                                                                                                                                                                John Gilbert
                                               Andrew Metzroth                         Sheilla Thomas, Administrative Assistant       Kaye Howe                         Lale & Matthew Lovell                                             Leslie & Thomas Wilke
Karolynn Lestrud                                                                                                                                                                                          Suzann and Gerald Glenn
                                                                                                                                      Danny Kramer                      Julia & Steve Luerman                                             Nancy & John Wittemyer
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kathryn Goff
                                                                                                                                      Ellen & Dale LaGow                Jacqueline & Andrew McKenna                                       Richard Wobbekind
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kremena Platikanova-Gross &
                                                                                                                                      Liz Litkowski                     Pat & Tom Metz                    David Goss                      Nancy & Cary Wolfson
BETC acknowledges and honors the land upon which we gather today as the historic and
traditional territory of the Southern Arapaho, Ute, and Cheyenne peoples.                                                             Sara Pierce Martin                Cindy & Mark Meyer                Nancy Grimes                    Carol Young
                                                                                                                                      Lauri & Robert McNown             Kathy & Charles Minter            Jeanie Grisham

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DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
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Peak Asset Management and Terry and Noel Hefty are honored
      to sponsor Butterfly Effect Theatre of Colorado.
DIRECTED BY STEPHEN WEITZ - Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
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