Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery

Page created by Rene Evans
Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
JANUARY 13, 2017 | MODERN DISTILLERY AGE                                                                            VOLUME 8 | NUMBER 2

      Constellation Brands Invests in                                                 IWSR U.S. On-Premise
     Virginia’s Catoctin Creek Distillery                                             Insights:Special
                                                                                                Cocktail          Trends
                                                                                                       to Modern Distillery Age by IWSR
   Constellation Brands has acquired a minority stake in Catoctin Creek                  The recently released IWSR U.S. On-Premise Insights:
Distilling of Virginia. The investment provides Catoctin Creek with new capital       Cocktail Trends report reveals the hottest cocktails,
to grow production, marketing and to provide more jobs, according to a                categories and brands on menus at the leading craft
company statement.                                                                    cocktail bars across 25 U.S. cities. The bourbon- or
                                                                                      rye-based Old Fashioned and vodka-based Moscow
                                                                                      Mule account for a combined 30% of cocktail menu
                                                                                      mentions, with the Old Fashioned leading as the most
                                                                                      mentioned cocktail heading into 2017.
                                                                                         By category, whisk(e)y cocktails are most prevalent
                                                                                      across craft bar menus with a 23% share followed by
                                                                                      rum (16%) and gin (15%). The cities with the most
                                                                                      Old Fashioned menu mentions are Los Angeles,
                                                                                      Baltimore and Portland. Trending variations of the
                                                                                      cocktail includes barrel-aged, sherried and vinegar as
                                                                                      well as flavor profiles such as walnut, chocolate, fig,
                                                                                      ginger, cherry and more. Data shows that consumer
                                                                                      search interest in the Old Fashioned spikes around
                                                                                      the holidays, and increases in consumer interest
                Scott and Becky Harris of Catoctin Creek Distillery
                                                                                      correlate with the growth of on-premise U.S. whiskey
   “We created Catoctin Creek to produce award-winning 100% rye single-               consumption. In addition, 45% of on-premise
barrel whisky entirely from grain to glass,” said Becky Harris, President and Chief   operators surveyed believe the Old Fashioned is
Distiller of Catoctin Creek. “In order to expand our production and portfolio,        trending positively among their customers.
                                                                                                                            continued on page 5
we needed the right partner for the next level of growth. Constellation has a

                                                                                      Beach Whiskey Acquires
strong commitment to this category, and with their expertise and support, we
look forward to bringing our Virginia whisky to the world with the same team
and exceptional product quality.”
   “As we continue to invest in and explore the high-end craft whisky segment,
                                                                                      American Harvest Organic
we are excited to partner with Catoctin Creek — producers of authentic and
award-winning products that provide us with deeper knowledge of emerging
                                                                                          The Beach Whiskey Co. has acquired American
opportunities,” said Ben Dollard, Chief Growth Officer, Constellation Brands.         Harvest Vodka, an American-made organic vodka
“Working with passionate entrepreneurs like Becky and Scott Harris allows             created by Sidney Frank Importing in 2011. When
Constellation Brands to support and accelerate their growth while staying at          Sidney Frank Importing was acquired by Jägermeister
the forefront of the evolving alcoholic beverage landscape.”                          of Germany in 2015, the Frank family retained
   “We are excited about our future in craft spirits,” added Scott Harris, founder    ownership of the brand. The sale of American Harvest
and General Manager of the distillery. “When we started, our core mission was         to Beach Whiskey returns the brand to one of its
to produce the finest rye whisky possible. Constellation understands that core        creators, Bill Henderson, now Chief Marketing Officer
mission and shares our business values.”                                              of Beach Whiskey. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
   The core management team of Scott and Becky Harris will remain the same.               “Organic and craft spirits have shown significant
The company expects to begin expansion in early 2017 and will continue to             growth over the past five years, and double gold
operate out of its present location.                                                  medal-winner American Harvest has already shown
   Catoctin Creek’s flagship whisky is Roundstone Rye (40% ABV; about $39             its ability to stand apart from other super-premium
for a 750-ml bottle). Other spirits include: Roundstone Rye “92 Proof” (46%;          vodkas,” said Smoke Wallin, CEO of Beach Whiskey.
~$52); Roundstone Rye “Cask Proof” (~60%; ~$89); Watershed Gin (46%; ~$34);           “Now is the time for a national organic craft vodka, and
Mosby’s Spirit (40%, ~$29); 1757 Virginia Brandy (40%, ~$49); Rabble Rouser           American Harvest Vodka fits seamlessly into the Beach
(50%, ~$89); Pearousia Pear Brandy (40%, ~$29 - 375-ml);Quarter Branch Apple          Whiskey portfolio while accelerating our national
Brandy (40%, ~$29 - 375-ml); and Short Hill Mountain Peach Brandy (40%,               growth plans. Distributors who previously carried
~$29 - 375-ml).                                                                                                             continued on page 5
Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Ron Santa Teresa                                   Santa Teresa rums are currently available
                                                in over 10 states, and distribution will            Blue Ridge Spirits
Signs International                             increase with the new alliance with Bacardí.        & Wine Marketing
Distribution Alliance                           Balcones Distilling                                 Partners with Kindred
with Bacardí                                    Goes with Southern                                  Spirits
   Ron Santa Teresa from Venezuela has
signed an international distribution alliance   Glazer’s                                                Blue Ridge Spirits & Wine Marketing
                                                                                                    has partnered with Kindred Spirits, USA,
with Bacardí in order to increase exports          Balcones Distilling of Texas has selected        importer of Martin Miller’s Gin, to become
worldwide. Ron Santa Teresa’s rums will be      Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits to receive         the exclusive U.S. sales and marketing agent
distributed internationally exclusively by      exclusive distribution rights for the Balcones      for Martin Miller’s Gin.
Bacardí, while Ron Santa Teresa will fully      Distilling portfolio in all states across the
retain distribution in its home market.         Southern Glazers Wine & Spirits network. The
                                                distribution agreement is part of a new and
                                                enhanced corporate agreement between
                                                Balcones and Southern Glazer’s supporting
                                                the distiller’s plans to grow and expand its
                                                business across the U.S.

                                                                                                       “We are excited to partner with Kindred
                                                                                                    Spirits and are proud to represent such a
   The rums are produced at the Hacienda                                                            well-crafted spirit that compliments our
Santa Teresa, founded 220 years ago in El                                                           unique and innovative portfolio,” said Carlos
Consejo in the state of Aragua, Venezuela.                                                          Carreras, Blue Ridge Spirits’ CEO.
Since 2004 they have carried the label                                                                 Blue Ridge Spirits & Wine Marketing was
“Denominación de Origen Controlado Ron                                                              founded in 2015, and sales of its brands
de Venezuela.”                                     “We are very excited about this new              surpassed 100,000 cases last year. Martin
   Ron Santa Teresa is the oldest rum           strategic alignment with Southern Glazer’s,”        Miller’s Gin is the only imported gin in the
producer in Venezuela and was the first         said Balcones President, Keith Bellinger. “We       Blue Ridge Spirits portfolio.
to register a rum brand in the country. It is   are committed to taking the necessary steps            “We are proud to be working in
an independent family-owned company.            to begin to grow our presence in the U.S.           partnership with Blue Ridge to replicate the
The company is recognized for its social        spirits market without compromising the             global success of Martin Miller’s Gin in the
investment projects such as Project Alcatraz    quality our customers have come to expect           U.S.,” added Jacob Ehrenkrona, CEO of Martin
and Rugby Santa Teresa, through which it        from our brands. We believe Southern                Miller’s Gin, “as the leading independent
encourages the transformation of                Glazer’s is the right partner to help us do this,   premium gin and continue to be at the
   its community.                               and we look forward to working with them            forefront of the gin renaissance.”
   The flagship rum is Santa Teresa 1796        to accelerate the growth of the Balcones               Martin Miller’s Gin includes three
(40% ABV), aged in the solera method with       portfolio for years to come. In addition to         expressions: the Original Martin Miller’s
rums up to 35 years old. The name marks         the current changes taking place in New             Gin (40% ABV, about $27 for a 750-ml
the celebration of the bicentennial of the      York and California, changes have already           bottle), Westbourne Strength (45.2%, about
hacienda. A 750-ml bottle sells for             been implemented in Maryland, Florida and           $36) and 9 Moons (40%, about $49 for a
   about $45.                                   Washington, D.C.                                    375-ml bottle).
   Other rums include to be distributed            Balcones’ spirits include Baby Blue Corn
by Bacardí include Gran Reserva (40%,           Whiskey (46% ABV; ~$40 for a 750-ml bottle);
~$15, aged rum), Claro (40%, ~$13, aged         Rumble (47%; ~$50) and Texas Single Malt
rum), Linaje (40%, ~$25, extra aged rum),       Whiskey (53%; ~$70).
Bicentenario (40%, ~$200, ultra aged rum)
and the sweet liquors Araku and Rhum
Orange Liqueur.

Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Adirondack Distilling                            HoozeTending                                     local events throughout January and
                                                                                                  February will determine winners from each
Goes with Chopin                                 Acquisition                                      region. The contest will culminate with a

                                                                                                  national finale for 16 regional finalists on
                                                     Michael Daniels and Damien Georges
                                                                                                  March 22 at the Casa Herradura Distillery in
                                                 have acquired HoozeTending, a software
   Adirondack Distilling has signed a multi-                                                      Jalisco, Mexico.
                                                 company focused on promoting the
year agreement with Chopin Imports, in                                                                Bartenders in participating markets will
                                                 relationship between bartenders and
which Chopin Imports will manage national                                                         be asked to complete a personal profile along
                                                 their patrons.
distribution and sales for Adirondack                                                             with a comprehensive educational tequila
                                                     Founded in 2015 by Jeff Shufelt and
Distilling’s Adirondack Bourbon and                                                               quiz as well as submit their own locally-
                                                 Danny Miller, HoozeTending established
American Whiskey. Jordan Karp, owner                                                              inspired variation of the classic Horseshoe
                                                 itself as an application with hundreds
of Adirondack Distilling, will focus on                                                           Margarita. Winning bartenders from each
                                                 of active users around Rochester, N.Y.
production, marketing and branding.                                                               of the eight participating markets will move
                                                 Shufelt had to suspend operations for
                                                                                                  on to compete in the regional stage of the
                                                 personal reasons.
                                                                                                  challenge where they will be tasked with
                                                     “It was driving me crazy that such a
                                                                                                  building original tequila cocktails inspired
                                                 great product was just sitting there doing
                                                                                                  by classics.
                                                 nothing,” Shufelt said. “I started to talk to
                                                                                                      During the finale at the distillery,
                                                 potential buyers and quickly realized these
                                                                                                  bartenders will have a VIP distillery tour,
                                                 were the right guys to drive this forward.”
                                                                                                  receive brand education and training
                                                     As part of the acquisition, the new
                                                                                                  and explore popular and historic
                                                 owners are rebranding the application and
                                                                                                  Mexico attractions.
                                                 extending the focus beyond bartenders.
                                                                                                      The national winner will receive a four-
                                                 Establishing the new headquarters in
                                                                                                  night immersive tequila experience in San
                                                 midtown Manhattan, Daniels and Georges
                                                                                                  Francisco. In addition, will host
                                                 plan to leverage their hospitality network to
                                                                                                  the winner for a photo and video shoot to
                                                 drive customers and users to the site.
                                                                                                  be featured on
                                                     “The idea is to make it free for users and
                                                                                                      The “Road to the Hacienda” will take
                                                 hospitality staff while at the same time
    Chopin Imports, a marketing and sales                                                         place in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las
                                                 giving incentive to those staff to promote
company, was created in 2010 to manage                                                            Vegas, Denver, Chicago, Atlanta, New York
                                                 the application,” Daniels said. “Venues will
U.S. sales of Chopin Vodka and Dorda                                                              and Miami.
                                                 have the option to manage a subscription or
Double Chocolate Liqueur.                        not. Ultimately this is going to drive revenue
    “We are very excited to expand the depth     at venues.”
of the Chopin Imports portfolio by offering          “Any product that fosters a stronger
our valued distributor partners exclusive        relationship between a business and
access to the Adirondack whiskeys,” said         their customers is going to become
Tad Dorda, Founder of Chopin Vodka. “Our         essential to that business,” Georges said.
companies share the same family-owned                                                              203-971-8710
                                                 “This application goes one step further 
values and a passion for crafting one-of-a-      to empower hospitality staff to create an
kind spirits made from the best ingredients.”                                            
                                                 individual brand and leverage this brand          EDITORIAL STAFF
    “Our success is tied directly to our team    for the benefit of their employers and
of industry professionals and the strength       their patrons.”                                   Publisher/Editor: Gregg Glaser
of national wholesale agreements such as                                                           Contributing Editor: Peter V. K. Reid
Southern Glazers Wine & Spirits,” added
Dana Chandler, COO of Chopin Imports. “We        Herradura’s “Road                                 Contributing Editor: Michael Anstendig
                                                                                                   Copy Editor: Christine Barber
look forward to achieving the same success       to the Hacienda”                                  ADVERTISING

for Adirondack Distilling.”                                                              
    “We are simply thrilled to join the Chopin
family,” said Adirondack owner Jordan                                                              SUBSCRIPTIONS
                                                    Tequila Herradura, in partnership with
Karp. “Their reputation and track-record                                                           $195.oo a year for 48 issues
                                        and the USBG, have initiated
are unmatched. We are excited to grow our                                                
                                                 the “Road to the Hacienda” Challenge. The
footprint, plan for the future and continue to   national program “challenges bartenders to        MAILING ADDRESS
provide true quality hand-crafted spirits.”      test their skill and showcase their creativity    228 Silvermine Avenue
    Adirondack Bourbon (43.2%ABV) sells for      with uniquely-crafted tequila cocktails           Norwalk, CT 06850-2032
about $40 for a 750-ml bottle, and American      using Tequila Herradura,” according to a          All content Copyright © Modern
Whiskey (40%) sells for about $33.               company statement.                                Distillery Age, 2017 — Copies may not
                                                    The multi-stage program will take place        be sent to others & issues may not be
                                                 in eight markets around the country where         posted to websites.

Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
IWSR U.S. On-Premise                                “American Harvest is a brand near and
                                                  dear to my heart,” said John Frank, former
                                                                                                    to available ingredients. Coaching features
                                                                                                    guide users through recipes and techniques
Insights: Cocktail                                                                                  to build skills for cocktail classics and more

                                                                                                    elaborate concoctions. Opn also helps users
                                                                                                    put together shopping lists to order spirits
             continued from page 1
                                                                                                    online, create social calendars and offers tips
    The study also includes an analysis of
                                                                                                    on hosting.
more than 6,000 brands listed on craft bar
menus and ranks the most mentioned brands
by category. Buffalo Trace is the number one
bourbon brand on tracked craft bar menus
followed by Bulleit, Four Roses and Maker’s
Mark. In the rum category, Plantation 3 Stars
and Gosling’s ranked highest.
    How important are brand mentions?
Nearly three-quarters of on-premise
                                                                                                       The components include: the Cartridge, a
operators surveyed believe the brand name
                                                                                                    container that replaces the bottle; the Tray, a
is an important factor when selling cocktails.
                                                  Chairman of Sidney Frank Importing and            cartridge-housing dock station that releases
    The report also looks at on-premise
                                                  new member of the Beach Whiskey Advisory          measures through a pour application;
consumption across categories and
                                                  Board. “We went to incredible lengths to          the Application, with a database of more
includes a historical analysis of the top 20
                                                  ensure purity from farm to bottle in creating     than 300 cocktail recipes created by top
most searched cocktails online. Starting
                                                  this truly American spirit. I’m pleased to see    mixologists plus shopping lists and cartridge
from a national view of consumer search
                                                  American Harvest in the hands of Beach            order help; and the Website, with editorial
preferences online, IWSR looked at 20 key
                                                  Whiskey’s very capable team, and I look           content about hosting at home (articles
cocktails that have collectively ranked the
                                                  forward to contributing to their portfolio’s      and films).
highest over the past year and analyzed
                                                  exciting growth.”                                    Over the next 12 months, BIG will
category sales to see what’s trending up and
                                                     “While craft spirits have taken off, so        continue to finesse Opn’s system based
down — and why. Whisk(e)y-, gin- and rum-
                                                  too are consumers becoming increasingly           on trials and interactions currently taking
based cocktails like the Sazerac, Manhattan,
                                                  focused on the provenance of their food,”         place with 200 individuals in Paris. It will be
Daiquiri, Dark n’ Stormy and Negroni are all
                                                  said Bill Henderson, Beach Whiskey CMO.           released in early 2018. Until then, Opn will
trending up.
                                                  “They want to know who raises their               be showcased at tech shows.
    Distilled spirits is the only segment of
                                                  beef and from which farm their fruits and
the beverage alcohol industry projected
to increase its on-premise share levels over
                                                  vegetables are sourced. American Harvest          Rémy Cointreau
                                                                                                    Acquires Domaine des
                                                  Vodka was created because we believe the
the next five years. While beer and wine
                                                  same can and should be true for spirits.”
                                                                                                    Hautes Glaces
are expected to decrease their on-premise                                        return to page 1
share levels by approximately -1%, spirits are
projected to increase their on-premise share
levels by 0.6%, ending 2021 with a 23.5%          Pernod Ricard’s                                      The Rémy Cointreau Group has closed
                                                                                                    on the acquisition of 100% of the capital
share in the on-premise.
                               return to page 1   Connected Cocktail                                of Domaine des Hautes Glaces, an organic

                                                                                                    mountain farm distillery located in the heart

Beach Whiskey                                         Originally unveiled in 2014 under the
                                                                                                    of the French Alps, which makes single
                                                                                                    malt whiskies.
Acquires American                                 working title Project Gutenberg, Opn is a            “The acquisition of the Domaine

Harvest Organic
                                                  tech device from Pernod Ricard described as       des Hautes Glaces distillery represents
                                                  an “intelligent system, which will transform      the opportunity for Rémy Cointreau to

Vodka       continued from page 1
                                                  the way we enjoy premium spirits and
                                                  experience mixology at home.”
                                                                                                    incorporate into its portfolio a high-end
                                                                                                    French single malt whisky brand crafted
American Harvest are eager to have it back,           Opn comes from Pernod Ricard’s                in harmony with terroir, people and time,”
and this is creating additional opportunities     Breakthrough Innovation Group (BIG), a            said Valérie Chapoulaud-Floquet, CEO of
for the Beach Whiskey portfolio.”                 team of 10 people based in Paris. Its goal        Rémy. “Its whiskies are certified organically
    American Harvest Vodka (40% ABV) is           is “to invent the future of conviviality by       grown and mainly use renewable and local
handcrafted in small batches from American        developing new products and services              energies. This acquisition also strengthens
wheat and distilled with 100% certified           which will radically change and enhance           the Rémy Cointreau Group in the segment
organic ingredients. The wheat is estate          the consumer’s experience,” according to a        of single malt whiskies, a category in strong
grown from a single family farm, and the          company statement.                                growth across all regions of the world,
water is from a protected source beneath              Opn enables users to learn and                especially for the very high-end.”
the Snake River Water basin. A 750-ml bottle      customize cocktail recipes, adapting them
sells for about $25.

Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Grand Vintage Malt
   Moet Hennessy will soon release
Glenmorangie Grand Vintage Malt 1990
(43% ABV) as part of The Bond House
No. 1 portfolio.

                                                 Mulholland                                       The Dalmore 50
                                                 American Whiskey,                                Year Old
                                                 Vodka & New World                                   The Dalmore will soon release The
                                                                                                  Dalmore 50 Year Old (40% ABV) to mark
                                                 Gin                                              Master Distiller Richard Paterson’s 50th year
                                                                                                  in the whisky industry. Only 50 decanters
                                                    Mulholland Distilling in Los Angeles has
                                                 released three spirits “reflecting the vibrant   will be released, each hand-filled on order.
   The whisky aged for 25 years in ex-           and rich culture of Los Angeles,” according
bourbon barrels with small portions also in      to a company statement.
ex-sherry casks. A 750-ml bottle will sell for
about $630.

Raspberry Jose
Cuervo Margarita
   Jose Cuervo and importer Proximo                                                                  The whisky initially aged in American
Spirits have extended the RTD line with                                                           white oak, Matusalem Oloroso sherry
Raspberry Jose Cuervo Margarita (9.95%                                                            casks from Gonzalez Byass Bodega and
ABV). A 1.75-liter bottle sells for about $16.                                                    port Colheita pipes from the Douro
                                                                                                  region of Portugal before a final 50 days
                                                                                                  in champagne casks from Domaine
                                                                                                  Henri Giraud.
                                                                                                     The decanters were designed and made
                                                                                                  by French crystal house Baccarat, and
                                                                                                  the presentation case was designed and
                                                     American Whiskey, Vodka and New              made by the furniture makers at Linley.
                                                 World Gin are currently available in Los         Each decanter will carry a solid silver stag
                                                 Angeles, with plans for larger distribution      created by silversmiths Hamilton & Inches,
                                                 in the near future. The distillery name refers   holder of The Royal Warrant.
                                                 to William Mulholland, who expanded the             A 750-ml decanter will sell for about
                                                 boundaries of Los Angeles by bringing            £50,000 (~$61,365).
                                                 water to the desert town.
                                                     The three spirits are American Whiskey
   Other flavors include Pink Lemonade,          (42.5% ABV, about $30 for a 750-ml bottle);
Mango, Strawberry Lime, Classic Margarita,       New World Gin (48%, about $27), distilled
Grapefruit Tangerine, Coconut Pineapple,         six times from 100% non-GMO corn; and
Watermelon, Lime Light and White                 Vodka (43%, about $20), also distilled six
Peach (Light).                                   times from 100% non-GMO corn.

Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Recipe 21 Cherry
Flavored Vodka
    LiDestri in New York has expanded the
Recipe 21 Vodka line with Cherry Flavored
Vodka (35% ABV), “aimed at Millennials
and the bartenders who serve them,”
according to a company statement. The
vodka is distilled four times, and it’s the 11th
flavor in the line. A one-liter bottle sells for
about $8-$9.

                                                   Sagamore Cask                                 Wyoming Whiskey
                                                   Strength Rye                                  Single Barrel
                                                   Whiskey                                       Bourbon
                                                       Sagamore Spirit in Baltimore has             Wyoming Whiskey has re-released
                                                   released Cask Strength Rye Whiskey            Single Barrel Bourbon (44% ABV) in six
                                                   (55.5%-56% ABV). It’s an American straight    U.S. markets. This is the first release of
                                                   rye whiskey with two different rye mash       the whiskey since two pallets sold out
                                                   bills — a high rye and a low rye — blended    before the bottles could hit the shelves in
    Recipe 21 was introduced in New York
                                                   together. Each barrel ages to a slightly      November 2015.
in 2012. Targeting bars and restaurants,
                                                   different proof, which means every bottle
the brand had initial sales of just 1,000
                                                   will have its own ABV. The whiskey aged for
cases. Since then, word-of-mouth
                                                   just under four years.
recommendations and the introduction of
a broader size range has helped build its
off-premise retail business. Now focusing
on both on- and off-premise sales, LiDestri
predicts Recipe 21 will sell over 100,000
cases in 2017, up from over 80,000 cases
last year.
    The line is available in New York,
Connecticut, Washington, D.C., Delaware
and Maryland, New Jersey and Florida.
The Recipe 21 portfolio also includes a
gin, white rum, blended whiskey and
silver tequila. LiDestri spirits include
                                                                                                      Twelve barrels representing the top
Pink     Limoncello,    Mü    Coffeehouse
                                                                                                 1% of bourbon produced in Wyoming
Cocktails, Tuttobello Liqueurs and Cask &
                                                                                                 Whiskey’s three rickhouses were hand
Crew Whiskey.
                                                      A 750-ml bottle sells for about $74, and   selected by Head Distiller Sam Mead and
                                                   Cask Strength Rye Whiskey is available        industry consultant and master blender,
                                                   in Maryland, Washington, D.C., Kentucky,      Nancy Fraley.
                                                   New York and New Jersey. The distillery            More than doubling the quantity
                                                   also makes a 41.4% ABV rye whiskey.           produced in 2015, a total of 400 cases
                                                                                                 of Single Barrel are now available in
                                                                                                 Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York,
                                                                                                 Wisconsin and Wyoming. A 750-ml bottle
                                                                                                 sells for about $60.

Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Boss Hog No. 3                                      Perfect Purée of                            and new expressions will be released in the
                                                                                                future. A 750-ml bottle sells for about $26
   WhistlePig in Vermont has released the
third edition of Boss Hog (60.5% ABV).
                                                    Napa Valley Ginger                          (50-ml bottles are also available).
                                                                                                   Other Ezra Brooks whiskies include
                                                    Sour                                        Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Seven
                                                       The Perfect Purée of Napa Valley has     Year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey,
                                                    released Ginger Sour, expanding its         Bourbon Cream and Blended Whiskey.
                                                    product line of purées and specialties         Lux Row Distillers, a new distillery
                                                    to 41 flavors for culinary, pastry and      experience currently being built in
                                                    beverage applications.                      Bardstown, Ky., will be the future home
                                                                                                of Ezra Brooks along with other Luxco
                                                                                                bourbon brands.

                                                                                                Jos. A. Magnus
                                                                                                Reserve Bourbon
                                                                                                   Jos. A. Magnus & Co., a Washington,
                                                                                                D.C., distillery, has released J.A. Magnus
                                                                                                Reserve (46% ABV).
   The 100% rye whiskey aged for 14
years in 250-liter barrels previously used
to age Scotch whisky. Only 30 barrels were
produced, and each bottle has a Danforth
Pewter limited-edition Mortimer (the pig’s
name) stopper. A 750-ml bottle sells for
about $300.                                            Ginger Sour is a blend of ginger,
                                                    key lime and lemon juices. Chefs and
Lavender Hibiscus                                   beverage professionals can order it

Liqueur                                             through foodservice distribution (packed
                                                    6/28-ounce jars per case). Consumers can
    Rising Sun Distillery in Colorado has           purchase Ginger Sour through Amazon
released Lavender Hibiscus Liqueur (30%             and The Perfect Purée of Napa Valley for
ABV), made by blending its Organic Vodka            $25 per jar plus overnight shipping.
with hibiscus and lavender and then
distilling it in a pot still. After distillation,
organic wildflower honey is blended in to
                                                    Ezra Brooks                                    The cask strength whiskey is blend
                                                                                                of two “honey barrels” comprised of
create a light floral liqueur. A 375-ml bottle      Straight Rye                                16- and 18-year-old straight bourbons
sells for about $23, and Lavender Hibiscus            Luxco’s Ezra Brooks Kentucky Straight     hand-selected     by     Master     Blender
Liqueur is only available in Colorado.              Bourbon Whiskey has extended the line       Nancy Fraley. Only 192 bottles were made,
                                                                                                and a 750-ml bottle sells for about $1,000.

   Rising Sun Distillery also makes Silk            with Straight Rye (45% ABV). The brand,
Road Organic Gin, Oaked Silk Road Gin,              which dates to 1957, has been a part of
Colorado Chili Spirit and Colorado Peach            Luxco’s portfolio of whiskeys since 1993,
Brandy (all are organic).

Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Harry G. Knight –                              Terry Arnold – SVP,                            the United States Army, culminating as
                                                                                              Captain, Infantry (Army Ranger). He has a
Superintendent, Ohio                           Human Resources,                               bachelor’s degree in Political Science and

DLC                                            Southern Glazer’s
                                                                                              Marketing from Florida A&M University,
                                                                                              and a master’s degree in Human Resources
   The Ohio Division of Liquor                    Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits has        Management from Troy University. He’s
Control has appointed Harry G. Knight          appointed Terry Arnold as Senior Vice          also completed subsequent executive
as Superintendent.                             President, Human Resources. He’ll be           programs at the University of Michigan
                                               responsible for providing leadership in        and GE’s Management Development
                                               developing and executing the company’s         Institute - Crotonville.
                                               human resources strategy in support of
                                               the overall business plan and strategic        The Angels’ Share
                                               direction of the company including                Author James Markert has written The
                                               organization design, talent management,        Angels’ Share, a novel of a whisky-making
                                               talent     acquisition,  learning      and     family in the post-Prohibition era. It’s
                                               development, compensation, benefits,           described as “a story of fathers and sons, of
                                               diversity and inclusion, HR information        young romance, of revenge and redemption
                                               systems and processes, labor relations and     and the mystery of miracles … In the thick
                                               policies and procedures.                       of the Great Depression, William McFee,
                                                                                              the oldest son of the McFee family is the
                                                                                              latest in generations of distillery owners in
                                                                                              Twisted Tree, Ky., working with his parents
     Harry G. Knight                                                                          to revive the business. Unwanted publicity
                                                                                              surrounds the distillery and family when the
    Knight joined the Ohio Division of                                                        gravesite of a drifter, recently buried beside
Liquor Control in September 2015 as                                                           the distillery, draws crowds of people who
Chief Operating Officer for the Division                                                      have heard about mystique and wonder at
of Liquor Control’s Enterprise Operations.                                                    the gravesite.”
Prior to joining the state, Knight worked in
the food and beverage and supply chain
industries for more than 30 years.
    After a five-year career in professional
athletics, Knight worked for Anheuser-
Busch from 1979 to 2009. During that               Terry Arnold
time, he served in senior leadership roles
in all areas of brewery operations. In 2009,      Arnold has over 20 years of experience
Knight joined the Kroger Company, where        in human resources with leadership
he was responsible for the operation of the    experience driving operations, business
Great Lakes Regional Distribution Center       processes, supply-chain optimization,
(GLRDC) in Delaware, Ohio. The GLRDC           sales management and information
services more than 270 Kroger banner           technology initiatives for global, industry-
stores in Ohio, Michigan and West Virginia.    leading companies. Prior to joining
He retired from the Kroger Company             Southern Glazer’s, Arnold was Vice
in 2013.                                       President of Human Resources at BMC, a            Markert lives in Louisville, Ky. He has
    Knight attended the University             leading building material, manufacturing       a history degree from the University of
of Richmond and California Coast               and distribution company. In this position,    Louisville and won an IPPY Award for The
University and has a B.S. degree in            he led human resources for the company’s       Requiem Rose, which was later published
Business Management.                           multi-state operations, inclusive of a         as A White Wind Blew. He’s also a USPTA
                                               diverse labor force spanning 120 locations.    tennis pro.
                                               Most recently at BMC, Arnold focused his          The Angels’ Share, 2017, Thomas Nelson,
                                               efforts on driving process consistency,        320 pages, softcover, $15.99
                                               leadership development and strategic
                                               talent management.
                                                  Arnold’s background also includes
                                               leading teams supporting a variety of
                                               functions at Univar, General Electric, Dell
                                               and Stanley. He served eight years in

Constellation Brands Invests in Virginia's Catoctin Creek Distillery
Modern Distillery Age Tasting Panel
       In this week’s tasting panel we tasted three spirits from Distillerie Bonollo Umberto in Italy and a reposado tequila. All spirits are tasted blind.
     The panelists know only the style and ABV. The notes are a distillation of the panelists’ comments. The panelists vary with each panel but often
    include: Tom Jensen (Millstone Spirits), Dave Schmier (Producer of the Independent Spirits Expo), David Talbot (Ultimate Beverage Challenge),
             John Heffernan (Senior Master of Whisky), Renzo Kian-Kubota (Harry’s Wine & Liquor Market), Olie Berlic (spirits & wine sales),
               Frank Whitman (Silvermine Tavern), Linda Kavanagh (MaxEx PR), Paul Zocco (Zok’s Homebrewing & Winemaking Supplies),
        Ernie Adamo (Legislative Liaison for the State of Connecticut), Steve DeFrank (attorney), Dave Sokoloff (spirits lover), Phil Simpson (PMS
      Graphics), Melissa Dowling (Editor of Cheers), Pete Reid (Publisher/Editor of Modern Brewery Age), Michael Anstendig (Modern Distillery Age)
                                               and Gregg Glaser (Publisher/Editor of Modern Distillery Age).

Gra’it Vera Grappa Italiana, 40.3%
Distillerie Bonollo Umberto, Mestrino, Italy, ~$42
Imported by Park Street Imports;
distilled from the pomaces of seven
Italian grapes: Brunello (Sangiovese),
Nero d’Avola, Barolo (Nebbiolo),
Prosecco (Glera), Amarone (Corvina),
Moscato d’Asti and Aglianico; aged for 12
                                                                                         Tequila Herradura Colección
months in Slavonian oak casks
                                                                                         de la Casa Reserva 2016 Port
Light straw-yellow with a lovely, earthy
aroma of herbs, roots, the forest, elderberries,                                         Cask Finished – Reposado, 40%
seeds, cedar and sweetness from the grapes.                                              Casa Herradura, Amatitan, Jalisco, Mexico, ~$90
More earthiness in the taste with grains and                                             Imported by Brown-Forman
an almost syrupy sweetness, perhaps from                                                 Dark gold/light amber with a
the Moscato. A velvety body — the grapes                                                 delicate aroma of floral, sweet
smooth it out. A mild finish.                                                            agave along with port, oak, spices,

Of Amaro with Grappa Of
                                                                                         limes and powdery perfume. In
                                                                                         the taste is more sweet agave plus

Amarone Barrique, 34.2%                                                                  oak, spices, lots of port sweetness
                                                                                         and a sweet/tart powdery taste. A
Distillerie Bonollo Umberto, Mestrino,                                                   full body and a finish that’s spicy,
Italy, ~$42-$44                                                                          dry and wine-like with alcohol
Imported by Park Street Imports                                                          warmth. The port finish comes
Dark amber with a complex and bright                                                     through loud and clear.
aroma of sweetness, bitterness, orange
rinds, cherries, herbs, apricots and lemon
zest — all delicate and balanced. An earthy,
herbaceous taste with cloves, licorice and
bitterness. A big, oily, syrupy body that coats
the tongue. A long, earthy, dry and bright
finish. An excellent amaro.

Grappa Of Amarone Barrique, 42%
Distillerie Bonollo Umberto, Mestrino, Italy, ~$70-$75
Imported by Park Street Imports;
distilled from marc obtained from
pressing the dried grapes from which
Amarone della Valpolicella is produced;                                                                          The Modern Distillery Age Tasting
aged in French oak                                                                                              Panel meets once or twice a month.
Light amber with a big aroma of wood,                                                                            Samples are sent by distillers and
                                                                                                                  importers and are tasted blind.
acorns, sun dried fruits and bananas. A                                                                              Samples can be sent to:
musty, earthy, woody and spicy taste with                                                                              Modern Distillery Age
just the right amount of sweetness in the                                                                             228 Silvermine Avenue
                                                                                                                        Norwalk, CT 06850
background plus alcohol warmth. A medium
body, and a dry, earthy and musty finish.

Tasting Events & Competitions

                       New York City — May 2017
                       Chicago — September 2017

                 14 Cities — March-November

                                                                         Calendar of Events
                                                                         January 27-26, 2017: Spirits Con Symposium, Broomfield, CO,
                                                                         February 16-17, 2017: ACSA Convention, Nashville, TN,
                                                                         March 1, 2017: Whisky Live, New York City,
                                                                         March 2, 2017: WhiskyFest, Washington, D.C.,
                                                                         March 11, 2017: Whisky Live, Washington, D.C,
                                                                         March 12-14, 2017: NABCA Annual Symposium on Alcohol
                                                                         Beverage Law & Regulation, Arlington, Va.,
                                                                         March 13-15, 2017: Women of the Vine & Spirits Global Sympo-
                                                                         sium, Napa, CA,
                                                                         April 3-6, 2017: ADI Conference, Baltimore, MD,
                                                                         April 18-21, 2017: WSWA Annual Convention & Exposition,                                                       Orlando, FL,
Covering the beer business since 1933                                    April 21, 2017: WhiskyFest, Chicago, IL,
The sister publication to Modern Distillery Age                
                                                                         May 22-25, 2017: NABCA Annual Conference,
                                                                         Marco Island, FL,

         To advertise in
     Modern Distillery Age              The full Modern Distillery Age
             contact                         calendar is available at       

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