Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation

Page created by Ross Morris
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
Northville Parks and Recreation
                       Activity Brochure
Winter 2022 registration dates: December 6 residents     l   December 8 non-residents

Youth Basketball
November 15
November 19
Registration ends
Dec 3 at 4:30pm

Office (248) 349-0203 l Weather Hotline (248) 449-9951 l
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
                                                                                                               nORtHviLLe tOWnsHiP
                                                                                                               BOaRD Of tRustees

                                                                                                                                                                               TABLE OF
                                                                                                               Mark Abbo, Supervisor
                                                                                                               Roger Lundberg, Clerk

                                                                                                               Jason Rhines, Treasurer
                                                                                                               Scott Frush
                                                                                                               Mindy Herrmann
                                                                                                               Cynthia Jankowski
                                                                                                               Chris Roosen                                                              Winter 2022
                                                                                                                                                                ARCHERY 8
                                                                                                               nORtHviLLe citY cOunciL                                                       Registration dates:
                                                                                                               Brian Turnbull, Mayor                                                       December 6 residents
                                                                                                               Barbara Moroski-Browne, Mayor                                           December 8 non-residents
                                                                                                               Pro-Tem John Carter
                                                                                                               Andrew Krenz
                                                                                                               Marilyn Price
                                                                                                                                                                               Pages        Department
                                                                                                               PaRks anD RecReatiOn                                            4	Special Events
Office Locations                                       Inclusive Services                                      Mark Abbo, Chair                                                5-6          Youth Recreation
The Parks and Recreation office is located at          Northville Parks and Recreation is committed to an      Brian Turnbull                                   Ski Club 11
                                                                                                                                                                               7 - 9	Enrichment
775 N. Center Street, Suite B, Northville, MI 48167.   inclusive approach to providing recreation services     Scott Frush
                                                       that allows our residents to participate as fully       Mindy Herrmann                                                  10           Youth Athletics
Senior Services office                                 as possible. Northville Parks and Recreation will       Angela Jaafar                                                   11 	Teen Enrichment
The Senior Services office is located at the           provide reasonable accommodation for individuals        Barbara Moroski-Browne
Northville Community Center, 303 West                  with challenges to participate in our programs and                                                                      12           Adult Recreation
Main Street, Northville.                               activities. Participants must be able to perform        seniOR aDvisORY
                                                       personal skills (feed, toilet and clothe) themselves.                                                                   13	Adult Leagues
24/7 access is available to our programs and                                                                   cOmmissiOn
registration on the internet at                        To request reasonable accommodation to a parks                                                                          13           Open Activities
                                                                                                               Jan Purtell, Chair                         and recreation program/activity, please contact our
                                                                                                               Janice Valade, Vice Chair Lesa
                                                       office at (248) 349-0203.                                                                                               14	Facility Rentals
                                                                                                               Buckland                               Senior SERVICES 20
                                                                                                               Kim Campbell-Voytal                                             15           Dog Parks
                                                                                                               Angela Jaafar
                                                                                                                                                                               16 - 17      Senior Services
Office Hours/Closures                                                                                          Cynthia Jankowski
Parks and Recreation Office: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm                                                  Robert Lipmyer                                                  18 	Community Partners
Senior Services Office: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm                                                      Marilyn Price
                                                                                                                                                                               19           Policies
                                                                                                               Dory Schmidt
Holiday Office Closures: December 23, December 24, December 31, January 17, February 21
                         and April 15.

2                         Register online at                                                                      (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                           3
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
Special Events                                                   sPRinG eGGstRavaGanza
                                                                                                                                                YOUTH RECREATION
                                                                 no pre-registration - Walk-ins only.
                                                                 Celebrate Spring with Maybury Farm, Maybury State Park, the
                                                                 Friends of Maybury, Northville Parks and Recreation, and Dr.
                                                                 Demary Dentistry. Join in the fun of a spring egg hunt (by age
                                                                 group for ages 2-10) and receive a prize bag with candy, toys,
                                                                 and more!
                                                                 Ages 2-3 egg hunt: 10:00AM - 1:00PM, throughout the event.
                                                                 Ages 4-6 egg hunt: starts at 11:00AM
                                                                 Ages 7-10 egg hunt: starts at 11:45AM.
American Girl Party	                           		                Meet Maybury celebrities Smokey Bear, Easter Bunny, and
Follow your inner star to the American Girl Party! Come          Honey Bee. Visit the Maybury Farm animals, get your face
dressed in your favorite pajamas and take part in all the fun    painted, make a craft and plant a seed. Parking is available at
with your American Girl Doll (or your favorite doll)! Includes   Maybury Farm or Maybury State Park (Recreation Passport
pizza and drinks.                                                Required). Please allow extra time for traffic and parking
                                                                 before Eggstravaganza. Egg hunt limited to the first 700
                                                                                                                                   JUMP-A-RAMA Gymnastics
Ages:      5 - 10
                                                                 children. Rain date: April 10th Fee: $10/car cash only!
                                                                                                                                   Each class will begin with muscle stretches and work into basic         Jump-a-Rama Tumble Tots
Day/Time: Fri 5:00PM - 7:00PM                                                                                                      tumbling equipment at stations where students will learn many           Jump. Balance. Hang. Drop. Repeat. Your child will get
Date:      Jan 14                                                Location: Maybury Farm 50165 8 Mile Rd.                           different skills. Students will also learn a basic routine on the       their “wiggles out” and explore a variety of gymnastic and
Fee:       $12                                                   Additional parking available at Maybury State Park –              balance beam, and be introduced to somersaults, cartwheels,             tumbling apparatus in this high-energy class. Parents will
Registration Deadline: Jan 12 4:30PM                             49575 Eight Mile Rd. entrance (Recreation Passport required)      and back walkovers. Students should wear loose clothing such            be a vital part of this class, helping their children to safely
Location: Northville Community Center - Banquet                  Ages:     2 - 10                                                  as leotards or shorts. Beginners and advanced students are              use each piece of equipment.
                                                                 Day/Time: Sat 9:30AM (gates open) - 1:00PM                        welcome.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Age:      1-2
Nerf Blaster Battle                                              Date:     Apr 9                                                   Preschool Gymnastics                                                    Day/Time: Wed 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Ready for battle? Grab your nerf guns and some friends           Fee:      $10/car                                                 Age:      3-5                                                           Age:      2-3
and prepare to have an afternoon of friendly combat in our       Location: Maybury Farm                                            Day/Time: Wed 4:30PM - 5:15PM                                           Day/Time: Wed 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Nerf Blaster Battle Field! We supply the ammunition (darts),                                                                                                                                               Session One: Jan 12 - Feb 23 No class Feb 16
protective eyewear, bandanas, and snacks. You just show up                                                                         Beginner/Intermediate Gymnastics
                                                                                                                                   Age:      6 - 10                                                        Session Two: Mar 9 - Apr 20 	No class Mar 30
with your weapon and mission to have a good time! Includes                                                                                                                                                 Fee:      Res: $90 Non-Res: $100
                                                                                                                                   Day/Time: Wed 5:15PM - 6:00PM
pizza and drinks.                                                                                                                                                                                          Location: Recreation Center at Hillside - Stinson Room
Ages:         7 - 13                                                                                                               Session One: Jan 12 - Feb 23 No class Feb 16
Day:          Fri                                                                                                                  Session Two: Mar 9 - Apr 20 No class Mar 30
Session One: 12:30PM - 2:00PM                                                                                                      Fee:      Res: $90 Non-Res: $100
Session Two: 2:30PM - 4:00PM                                                                                                       Location: Recreation Center at Hillside - Stinson Room
Date:         Feb 18
Fee:          Res: $15/session
Registration Deadline: Feb 16 4:30PM                                                                                                Futsal (Indoor Soccer)
Location:     Northville Community Center - Gym                                                                                     Have you heard about Futsal? Futsal is a scaled-down version of outdoor soccer,
                                                                                                                                    played indoors. Michigan Futsal (Soccer) Factory Academy provides a fun learning
                                                                                                                                    experience for younger soccer players, teaching players to be comfortable with the
 Daddy Daughter Dance                                                                                                               ball while enhancing balance and coordination. Older players will learn to work in pairs
 Join us for our annual Daddy-Daughter Dance! Come dance the night away with Northville Parks and                                   and make decisions in game-like situations. Learn also about different soccer cultures
 Recreation. Food will be provided. Price is per couple.                                                                            by “visiting” a different country each week. Fun and education…a perfect pair!

 Ages:      5 - 13                                                                                                                  Age:      3-5
 Day/Time: Fri 6:00PM - 8:00PM                                                                                                      Day/Time: Mon 5:30PM - 6:15PM
 Date:      Mar 25                                                                                                                  Age:      5-7
 Fee:       Res: $30 Non-Res: $40                                                                                                   Day/Time: Mon 6:15PM - 7:00PM
 Registration Deadline: Mar 23 4:30PM                                                                                               Dates:    Jan 10 - Feb 28 No class Jan 17, Feb 21
 Location: Northville Community Center                                                                                              Fee:      Res: $109 Non-Res: $119
                                                                                                                                    Location: Recreation Center at Hillside - Stinson Room

4                             Register online at                                                                                            (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                                         5
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
Leisure Unlimited
Preschooler Sports
Coach Dave teaches your little one field sports such as
soccer, football, floor hockey, basketball, volleyball, tee-                                                                         Superheroes to the Rescue                                 PRESCHOOL
ball, and lacrosse. Goofy games such as Sea Monster,                                                                                 Art Class                                                 YOGA
Scrambled Eggs, and Parachute compliment the hour.                                                                                   If your child could have a                                Preschool Yoga introduces
Fun and silly drills let kids work at their own pace. We                                                                             superpower, what would it be?                             preschoolers ages 4-6 (older 3
emphasize sportsmanship & effort. Kids must be potty                                                                                 Would it be super strength                                year olds welcome) to yoga in
trained & age 3 by the first day of class. Bring a water                                                                             like Superman? Spidersense                                a fun, engaging way! We will
bottle and wear gym shoes.                                                                                  like Spider-Man? Or maybe                                 move, dance, sing, and play
Age:            3-5                                                                                                                  incredible speed like Flash                               while learning yoga poses,
Day/Time:       Tue 12:00PM - 1:00PM                                                                                                 Gordon? Here is your child’s                              breathing techniques,
Session One:    Jan 18 - Mar 1 	No class Feb 22                                                                                      chance to imagine themselves                              calming strategies, and social
Session Two:    Mar 8 - Apr 19 No class Mar 29                                                                                       as a superhero! We will channel
                                                                                                                                                                                               skills. This class will use stories,
Fee:            Res: $84.00 Non-Res: $94.00                                                                                          your child’s super-creativity into
                                                                                                                                                                                               music, games, simple craft
Location:       Northville Community Center - Gym                                                                                    making awesome works of art all
                                                                                                                                                                                               projects, yoga stations, and
                                                                                                                                     with superhero themes. Children
                                                                                                                                                                                               more to have fun while playing
                                                                                                                                     must be accompanied by a caregiver.
                                                                                                                                                                                               yoga! Class is taught by Miss Katie from DownPup Yoga, a
Basketball Starters                                                                                                                  Ages:       18 - 72 months                                certified kids yoga instructor. No yoga experience needed! Adults
Fun, skill-oriented games and drills guide your youngsters                                                                           Day/Time:   Wed 9:30AM - 10:30AM                          may participate with their child or sit with them and observe,
through the basics of shooting, passing, and dribbling. In                                                                           Dates:      Feb 9 - Mar 2                                 but must remain in the room. Please bring a yoga mat for each
addition, we’ll cover rules, positions, offense, and defense.                                                                        Fee:        Res: $79 Non-Res: $89                         participant.
Kids progress at their own pace. Bring a water bottle and                                                                            Location:   Northville Community Center - Ebert
                                                                Little Ninjas Karate                                                                                                           Age:      3-5
wear gym shoes. Visit                                                                                                                                                 Day/Time: Tue 10:00AM - 10:45AM
                                                                An introductory karate class for your child where they will
Ages:           4-6                                             learn important life skills such as focus, memory, self-control,     L-e-G-O sPace fun                                         Dates:    Feb 1 - Mar 8
Day/Time:       Tue 1:15PM - 2:15PM                             and teamwork through games and activities. Allow them to             Come to class and find out why L-E-G-O spells fun!        Fee:      Res: $90 Non-Res: $100
Session One:    Jan 18 - Mar 1 No class Feb 22                  experience how much fun learning can be. Children should             Space fun that is! We will use our LEGO® brick            Location: Northville Community Center - Ebert
Session Two:    Mar 8 - Apr 19  No class Mar 29                 wear loose-fitting clothing. Responsible adults must remain in       building skills to create awesome space-themed art.
Fee:            Res: $84 Non-Res: $94                           attendance during class.                                             Please pack a nut-free snack and drink for your child.    famiLY YOGa
Location:       Northville Community Center - Gym                                                                                    Ages:       4-9                                           Family Yoga is a wonderful opportunity for family members to
                                                                Ages:       4-6
                                                                                                                                     Day/Time:   Sat 9:00AM - 12:00PM                          move, stretch, breathe, relax, and bond! These classes are
                                                                Day/Time:   Thu 5:00PM - 5:30PM
                                                                                                                                     Dates:      Mar 19                                        designed to be beneficial and fun for ALL ages 2+ and all
                                                                Dates:      Jan 13 - Feb 10
                                                                                                                                     Fee:        Res: $50 Non-Res: $60                         abilities, with a focus on the young elementary age level. Class
                                                                Fee:        Res: $50 Non-Res: $60
                                                                                                                                     Location:   Northville Community Center - Ebert           includes breathing techniques, poses, games, mindfulness
                                                                Location:   Recreation Center at Hillside - Waterford Room
                                                                                                                                                                                               practices, small crafts, and songs. You can expect partner and
                                                                                                                                                                                               group activities and lots of fun! Class is taught by Miss Katie from
                                                                Kids Power KARATE                                                    HOW tO DRaW animaLs                                       DownPup Yoga, a certified kids yoga instructor. This is a relaxed
                                                                Karate is more than just punching and kicking. Our Kids Power        Kids, have you ever wished you were better at             class with no yoga experience needed! Please bring a yoga mat
                                                                Karate emphasizes self-defense, physical fitness, conflict           drawing cartoons? During this class, we’ll guide you      for each participant/blanket for the family.
                                                                resolution, and respect through traditional martial arts training.   step-by-step through the creation of super silly (and
                                                                                                                                                                                               The fee includes up to 4 people, from the same household. Must
                                                                Help your budding child develop a love for this lifetime sport of    cute) animals! From cute cuddly puppy dogs to happy
                                                                                                                                                                                               include an adult/parent. Please only register 1 adult from the
                                                                karate!                                                              hedgehogs, you will be impressed with how great
                                                                                                                                                                                               same family!
                                                                                                                                     your drawings turn out! Each child will receive their
                                                                Ages:       7 - 12                                                   own How to Draw Cartoon Animals booklet to take           Age:      All ages
                                                                Day/Time:   Thu 5:45PM - 6:30PM                                      home!                                                     Day/Time: Tue 6:00PM - 6:45PM
                                                                Dates:      Jan 13 - Feb 10
                                                                                                                                     Ages:       5 - 12                                        Dates:    Feb 1 - Mar 8
                                                                Fee:        Res: $60 Non-Res: $70
                                                                                                                                     Day/Time:   Wed 5:30PM - 6:30PM                           Fee:      Res: $120 Non-Res: $130
                                                                Location:   Recreation Center at Hillside - Waterford Room
                                                                                                                                     Dates:      Mar 9 - Apr 6 no class mar 30                 Location: Northville Community Center - Nield
                                                                                                                                     Fee:        Res: $79 Non-Res: $89
                                                                                                                                     Location:   Northville Community Center - Ebert

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tween Yoga on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        page 11

6                                 Register online at                                                                                         (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                                   7
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
Center Stage Dance Company
                                                                                                                                    All class fees include unlimited tickets to the end-
                                                                                                                                    of-session performance at the Northville High
                                                                                                                                    School Auditorium.

                                                                                                                                    Get your dancer ready for her/his first class by
                                                                                                                                    visiting our in-house shoe & apparel store. It’s quick
                                                                                                                                    and easy and provides an opportunity for you, and
                                                                                                                                    your dancer, to become familiar with our facility.
                                                                                                                                    ALL dancers will be required to wear masks while
                                                                                                                                    in the building, including during all classes.

                                                                                                                                    Location: Center Stage Dace Company, 43334
                                                                                                                                    7 Mile Road, Suite 250, Northville, MI 48167. In
                                                                                                                                    the Northville Research Center, east of Northville
                                                                                                                                    Road, north side of 7 Mile Road.
Intro to Fencing                                                    Archery
Fencing is a physically and mentally demanding sport that           Archery teaches so much more than just how to draw a bow
improves speed, agility, and reflexes. Join us to learn how to      and shoot an arrow. Archers also learn to slow down, focus      Combo Ballet/Tap Ages 3-5                                           Junior Lyrical Ages 5-10
apply problem-solving skills under pressure and shake hands         on one part of the process, analyze mistakes and concen-        This is a combination class of ballet and tap for the youngest      Lyrical dance is a style that combines ballet and jazz dancing
to show respect regardless of the result. Use your mind and         trate on improving one thing at a time… great skills for suc-   of dancers. Each class includes singing, basic tap steps,           techniques. It is performed to music with lyrics so that it
body to overcome your adversary. Equipment is included.             cess whether in target or field archery, in the classroom, or   basic ballet movement. Dress code: Girls: tap shoes, ballet         inspires the expression of strong emotions. Lyrical pieces are
Dress in sports clothing including sneakers and sports pants.       life. Classes are taught by USA Archery Certified Instructors   shoes, leotard, tights, hair pulled up and away. Boys: t-shirt      often choreographed to a song about freedom or overcoming
Instructor: Tony Kosla, North American Cup medalist with            and all equipment is provided (archers may bring their bows     and sweatpants. Students must be 3 years old and fully potty        obstacles. Their movements attempt to show the meaning of
more than 10 years of coaching experience.                          as long as draw weight is under 30 pounds).                     trained by the first class.                                         the music. It is very passionate and can tell a story through
                                                                    Archery 1: Introduction to Archery teaches safety and basic     Ages:       3-5                                                     movement. This style is becoming so popular because the
Age:         7 - 15
                                                                    shooting skills. No prior archery experience is required.       Day/Time:   Thu 5:45PM - 6:30PM                                     audience can easily relate to the emotion of the dancer and
Day/Time:    Sun 9:45AM - 10:45AM
                                                                                                                                    Dates:      Jan 13 - Mar 24                                         the choreography.
Session One: Jan 9 - Jan 30                                         Archery 2: Basic Archery Techniques builds on skills
Session Two: Feb 6 - Feb 27                                         learned in Archery 1 while focusing on improving accuracy.      Fee:        Res: $185 Non-Res: $195                                  Ages:       5 - 10
Fee:         Res: $110 Non-Res: $120                                Completion of Archery 1 or instructor permission required.                                                                           Day/Time: Tue 5:15PM - 6:00PM
Location:    Plymouth Arts & Recreation Complex Ste115a              JOAD: Northville Mustangs Archery Club is a USA Archery        Combo Ballet/Jazz Ages 5-7                                           Dates:
                                                                                                                                                                                                        		           Jan 11 - Mar 22
                                                                    Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) and Adult             The most important class for any dancer (or athlete!) is for its     Fee:        Res: $185 Non-Res: $195
                                                                    Achievement program. The course is a shooting league for        natural attention to discipline, flexibility, grace, body awareness,
cOntinuinG fencinG                                                                                                                  and strength and stamina. Students will be exposed to age-           Junior Ballet Ages 5-10
                                                                    recreational and competitive archers.
This class is geared toward fencers who finish the Introduction                                                                     appropriate material determined by physical and emotional            The basics of ballet, including feet and arm positions, standard
to Fencing course. Class meets for 1 hour one time per week.        Archery 1 & Archery 2
                                                                                                                                    development. This technique will act as the strong basis for all     barre exercises. Dress code: leotard, tights, ballet shoes, hair
We will not focus only on fencing but also on the physical skills   Ages:        10+
                                                                                                                                    other forms your dancer may choose to study.                         pulled up and away. Students must be 5 years old by the first
necessary for fencing and used in many other sports. This           Day:         Thur
                                                                                                                                    Ages:       5-7                                                      class.
class will include games for physical development and               Time:        Archery 1 - 6:30PM - 7:30PM
                                                                    Time:        Archery 2 - 5:30PM - 6:30PM                        Day/Time: Sat 11:00AM - 12:00PM                                     Ages:       5 - 10
development of essential footwork, introduction to tactics,
                                                                    Session One: Jan 20 - Feb 10                                    Dates:    Jan 8 - Mar 19                                            Day/Time:   Thu 6:30PM - 7:15PM
improvement of blade work, drilling, and bouting. Fencers will
                                                                    Session Two: Feb 17 - Mar 10                                    Fee:      Res: $219 Non-Res: $229                                   Dates:      Jan 13 - Mar 24
be introduced to electric fencing, including the equipment and
                                                                    Fee:         Res. $60 Non-Res: $70                                                                                                  Fee:        Res: $185 Non-Res: $195
scoring. Fencers will expand on their knowledge of priority and
                                                                    Location:    Northville Community Center – Gym                  Hip Hop Ages 5-8
the rules of the game.
                                                                                                                                    This wildly popular form of street dance is fun and fitness all
Ages:        7 - 15                                                 Northville Mustangs Archery Club (JOAD)
                                                                                                                                    rolled into one! So You Think You Can Dance? Center Stage
Day/Time:    Sun 9:45AM - 10:45AM                                   Ages:         10+
                                                                                                                                    staff will make sure you can. Dress Code: loose-fitting clothing,
Session One: Jan 9 - Jan 30                                         Time:         7:30PM - 9:00PM
                                                                                                                                    legs covered to the ankle, and clean sneakers or jazz shoes.                              For information or
Session Two: Feb 6 - Feb 27                                         Session One: Thur Jan 20 - Feb 10                                                                                                                       questions, contact the
                                                                    Session Two: Fri Jan 21 - Feb 11 (If session one fills)         Ages:       5-8
Fee:         Res: $110 Non-Res: $120                                                                                                                                                                                               studio at
                                                                    Fee:          Res. $120 Non-Res: $130                           Day/Time:   Tue 6:00PM - 6:45PM
Location:    Plymouth Arts & Recreation Complex Ste 115a
                                                                    Location:     Northville Community Center – Gym                 Dates:      Jan 11 - Mar 22                                                                 248-380-1666
                                                                                                                                    Fee:        Res: $185 Non-Res: $195

8                               Register online at                                                                                           (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                                       9
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
YOUTH ATHLETICS                                                                                                                                          TEEN ENRICHMENT
                                                               Volleyball Mini Clinic                                                Ski and Snowboard Club                                               HIGH SCHOOL Basketball
                                                               Want to improve your volleyball skills and learn new ones? Our        Middle school and high school skiers                                 LEAGUE
                                                               Mini Clinics are a short-term impactful way to build up, perfect      and snowboarders of all skill levels                                 Looking for a fun recreational basketball
                                                               and master volleyball techniques with                                 are invited to join our Northville Ski &                             league (H.S. grades 9-12) for your child
                                                               kids your age.                                                        Snowboard Club! Join us on Friday                                    regardless of skill level? Our Winter League
                                                               Grade: 3 - 5                                                          nights at Mt. Brighton. Signing                                      session provides a competitive outlet emphasizing good
                                                               Time: Time: 4:35PM - 5:35PM                                           up includes motorcoach                                               sportsmanship, camaraderie focused team play, and a
                                                                                                                                     transportation every Friday                                          fantastic physical workout. Evening practices begin the week
                                                               Grade: 6 - 8                                                          night, group rates for four lift tickets,                            of Jan 10 and are held once a week, depending on coach and
                                                               Time: 3:30PM - 4:30PM                                                 and discounts on all rental equipment.                               facility availability with Northville Public School gyms. Games
                                                               Day/Session One: Tue, Jan 11 - Feb 1                                  Information about the club & pricing:                                begin on Saturday, Jan 22 and are played on Saturdays
                                                               Day/Session Two: Wed, Jan 12 - Feb 2                                  • Fee includes four lift tickets. After the four lift tickets are    between 8 am - 6 pm with a small percentage of games mixed
Youth Basketball League		                                      Day/Session Three: Tue, Feb 8 - Mar 1                                   used, additional tickets may be purchased. Lift tickets are        in on Sunday mornings. The season runs for 10 weeks: 10
Looking for a recreational basketball league for your child,   Day/Session Four: Wed, Feb 9 - Mar 2                                    non-transferable.                                                  practices and 8 games. The 8-game season will end with a
grades 3-8? Our Winter League emphasizes skill development,    *Day/Session Five: Tue, Mar 8 - Mar 22                                • Must complete a Google Form by Friday of each week before          “Position Day” matchup on the last weekend of games.
exercise, and team play for all levels while stressing good    *Day/Session Six: Wed, Mar 9 - Mar 23                                   the trip regarding participation information. Please make sure     Boys Grades: 9 - 10 (or) 11 - 12
sportsmanship and camaraderie. Evening practices begin the     Fee: Res: $60 Non-Res: $70                                              the email on your account is correct.                              Dates:             Jan 22 - Mar 12
week of January 10 and are held once a week, depending on      * Fee: Res: $45 Non-Res: $55                                          • At no time will there be any one-way travel. Members must          Fee:               Res: $155 Non-Res: $165
coach and facility availability.                               Location: Recreation Center at Hillside - Waterford Room                ride the bus to and from the ski resorts. No exceptions.           Registration Deadline: Dec 3 @ 4:30PM
Evening practices are held once a week depending on coach                                                                            • All parent chaperones are required to undergo a confidential       Location:          Various Northville School Gyms
and facility availability with Northville School gyms. Games                                                                           background check. The form, available on our website after         Volunteer Head Coach: Must register online as a volunteer
begin on Saturday, January 22 and are played on Saturdays                                                                              November 18, 2021, must be completed and returned to the           coach when registering your child you’ll be coaching. It is also
between 8 am - 6 pm. The                                                                                                               Recreation Center at Hillside by December 27, 2021, to             your responsibility for recruiting and registering the team as a
season runs for 10 weeks: 10                                                                                                           be considered as a chaperone for the season.                       whole (ensuring all of your players have registered previously)
practices and 8 games.
                                              High School                                                                            • For more information, visit          in person with a signed player roster form (provided upon
                                           League on                                                                                   Join us for an informational parent/chaperone/participant
Girls Grades: 3 - 5, 6 - 8                                                                                                                                                                                request). Team Roster must include a minimum of 8 to 10
                                            page 11                                                                                    meeting on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at Northville
Boys Grades: 3 - 4, 5 - 6, 7 - 8                                                                                                                                                                          players (8 minimum/10 maximum).
                                                                                                                                       Community Center at 6:00 pm.
Dates: Jan 22 - Mar 12                                                                                                                                                                                    Basketball Site-Supervisors/Scorekeepers and Officials:
Fee: Res: $155 Non-Res: $165                                                                                                         Grades: 6 - 12                                                       Positions are available for the upcoming 2022 season. For
Registration Deadline: Dec 3 4:30PM                                                                                                  Day/Time: Fri 4:30PM - 9:45PM                                        additional information regarding employment or becoming a
Location: Various Northville School Gyms                                                                                             Dates:     Jan 7 - Feb 11                                            basketball official (independent contractor), please email the
                                                                                                                                     Fee:       Res: $310 Non-Res: $320                                   Basketball Coordinator, Keith Dutkiewicz at kdutkiewicz@twp.
                                                                                                                                     Registration Deadline: Dec 21 4:30PM                       , or visit
 Team and Coach Requests are Not Guaranteed!                                                                                         Location: Recreation Center at Hillside
 You can only request one friend or coach (friend
 requests must be reciprocal).
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Babysitter Training Course
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Girls and Boys…are you interested in babysitting? This class,
 Volunteer Coaches Needed! Our program runs on                                                                                       tWeen YOGa
                                                               tGa PRemieR JuniOR GOLf                                               Tween Yoga is for older kids who are interested in a slightly
                                                                                                                                                                                                          taught by American Red Cross, covers the basics of caregiving
 the support of volunteer coaches; interested parents                                                                                                                                                     for infants through school-aged children. Emphasis is on
                                                               TGA Premier Junior Golf combines athletics, academics, and            more “adult” style yoga class while still having fun in a relaxed,
 please contact Keith Dutkiewicz at kdutkiewicz@twp.                                                                                                                                                      safety, first aid and emergency action skills, diapering, feeding,
                                                               life lessons to create a fun, safe, and engaging youth program.       no-pressure setting. The focus will be on yoga poses and flows All those who volunteer must pass a                                                                                                                                                    and safe play. Topics also include professional and responsible
                                                               We incorporate station-based drills and games that develop            for strength and flexibility, breathing techniques to help with
 background check before beginning the season. There                                                                                                                                                      behavior, interviewing for jobs, and leadership roles.
                                                               the fundamental skills of grip, putting, chipping, and full-swing.    coping and stress relief, plus meditation and rest for relaxation.
 will be a mandatory coaches meeting following the
                                                               Participants will also learn rules, etiquette, and life values. All   Mindful activities and yoga games will be included to help teach     You will receive a certificate via email from American Red
 registration deadline.
                                                               skill levels are welcome! All equipment provided. For more            youth various strategies for managing emotions, finding peace        Cross after completion of the program. Participants must be
 Basketball Site-Supervisors & Officials Positions             information, contact Dave Robinson at (248) 252-0208 or               and calm, and building self-confidence and self-awareness            11+ years old; no exceptions. Please bring
 are available for the upcoming 2022 season. For                                                     while still having fun! No yoga experience is needed.                a non-refrigerated lunch with a beverage.
 additional information regarding volunteering or              Grade:     K-7                                                                                                                             Age:        11 - 18
 employment, please email the Basketball Coordinator,                                                                                Ages:       8 - 12
                                                               Day/Time: Thu 4:30PM - 5:30PM                                         Day/Time:   Tue 7:00PM - 7:45PM                                      Day/Time:   Sat 9:00AM - 4:00PM
 Keith Dutkiewicz at,         Dates:    Jan 13 - Feb 17                                                                                                                  Date:       Mar 5
 or visit                                                                                                 Dates:      Feb 1 - Mar 8
                                                               Fee:      Res: $139 Non-Res: $149                                     Fee:        Res: $90 Non-Res: $100                                   Fee:        Res: $115 Non-Res: $125
                                                               Location: Recreation Center at Hillside - South Gym                   Location:   Northville Community Center - Nield                      Location:   Northville Community Center - Banquet Room

10                             Register online at                                                                                                  (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                                  11
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
Women’s Bootcamp
                                                                                                                                                                        ADULT LEAGUES
Change Nothing and Nothing Changes…You Can Do This!
Celeste Johnson, certified fitness trainer and nutritionist, will
help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Her class offers:
• Personalized training in a
group setting
• Resistance, cardio and
abdominal workouts for ALL
ages and fitness levels
• Modified exercises for women
with joint problems
• Nutrition tips and lots of support

Equipment is provided, so all you need is a desire to get fit,
have fun and see results!

Age:      18 and over
Day/Time: Mon, Wed, Thu 6:00PM - 7:00PM                                                                                             Adult Volleyball
Session One: Jan 3 - Jan 31                                                                                                         This is a league for competitive and intermediate players. Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adult Basketball
Session Two: Feb 2 - Feb 28                                                                                                                                                                                     Enjoy a competitive basketball outing promoting good
                                                                    Adult Dance                                                     entries only. We do maintain an individual player list that is forwarded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                sportsmanship and healthy competition amongst
Session Three: Mar 2 - Mar 31                                       All classes are held at Center Stage Dance Company,             to teams seeking players. Contact Sue Jostes if you’re looking to
Monthly: Jan, Feb, Mar                                                                                                                                                                                          friends. The season includes a nine-game minimum
                                                                    43334 West Seven Mile road, Suite 250, in the Northville        play. Interested new teams must contact Sue Jostes for available
Fee:      Res: $99 per month                                                                                                                                                                                    including one playoff game. High School game rules;
                                                                    Research Center. For more information or questions call         league entry and level of play at
          Non-Res: $109 per month                                                                                                                                                                               two 20 minute halves with running clock; 5 on 5.
                                                                    the studio at (248) 380-1666.                                   Registration begins in mid November for returning teams.
Location: Northville Community Center - Stage                                                                                                                                                                   Scorekeepers and officials provided. The league
                                                                                                                                    Mondays: “A” level competition                                              is broken down into two divisions an A-League
                                                                    Adult Ballet Fitness		                                          Wednesdays: Intermediate level competition                                  (Competitive) and a B-League (Recreation).
                                                                    Ballet Fitness is a fusion of ballet barre exercises, core
Cardio Drumming                                                     training, and isolations for better body awareness and a        Age: 18 and over                                                            Referee Fee: $35 per game/per team, paid on site
Cardio drumming is a fun,                                           noticeable improvement in strength, flexibility, and balance.   Game times: 6:30, 7:35, 8:40, and 9:45pm                                    Age:        18 and over
full-body workout incorporating                                     You do so much for others…do something for yourself             Monday Coed League: Jan 3 - Mar 21                                          Day/Time:   Sun 11:00AM - 6:00PM
drumming, music, and most                                           and improve your health at the same time! Dress Code:           Monday Women’s Leagues: Jan 3 - Mar 21                                      Dates:      Jan 30 - Apr 17
importantly music. The workout                                      Workout apparel and Ballet/Jazz shoes (or clean sneakers
                                                                                                                                    Wednesday Coed: Jan 5 - Mar 23                                              Fee:        Res: $350 Non-Res: $360
includes stretching, warm-                                          with no tread)                                                                                                                              Location:   Recreation Center at Hillside – Gym
up, workout, and cool down.                                                                                                         Wednesday Women’s: Jan 5 - Mar 23
Cardio drumming takes simple                                        Age:        18 and over                                         Fee: Res: $300 Non-Res: $310
movements (such as drumming)                                        Day/Time:   Tue 7:30PM - 8:30PM
                                                                                                                                    Location: Recreation Center at Hillside - Gym
and turns it into a full-body                                       Dates:      Jan 11 - Mar 22
workout that will leave you                                         Fee:        Res: $175 Non-Res: $185
smiling, sweating, and feeling                                      Location:   Center State Dance Company Dance
great. Cardio Drumming brings
                                                                    Adult Tap Workshop			                                                                                                                 Open Activities
together drumsticks, an exercise ball, and a 17-gallon plastic
                                                                    Do you tap your fingers & toes to the beat of the music?                                                                              Northville Parks and Recreation offers a variety of open
bucket to create one of the most fun workouts you’ll ever do!
                                                                    Are you looking to improve your BALANCE, stamina, &                                                                                   activities at both the Recreation Center at Hillside and
Equipment needed: Exercise ball, 17-gallon plastic bucket           energy? Do you need an hour to yourself on Thursday                                                                                   the Northville Community Center. Open Activities include:
and drumsticks                                                      nights? We await your arrival. Beg-Int level. Dress code:                                                                             volleyball, basketball, pickleball, table tennis and badminton.

Age:              18 and over                                       tap shoes, workout apparel.                                                                                                           Visit our website to
Day/Time:         Wed 7:30PM - 8:30PM                               Age:        18 and over                                                                                                               see the monthly calendars for these activities.
Session One:      Jan 5 - Feb 16 No class Jan 26                    Day/Time:   Thu 7:00PM - 8:00PM                                                                                                       A new calendar will be posted each
Session Two:      Feb 23 - Mar 30                                   Dates:      Jan 13 - Mar 3                                                                                                            month.
Fee:              Res: $65 Non-Res: $75                             Fee:        Res: $125 Non-Res: $135
Location:         Northville Community Center - Stage               Location:   Center State Dance Company Dance

12                                Register online at                                                                                          (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                                     13
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
FACILITY RENTALS                                                                                             Northville Soccer                                     Northville Soccer Association was established in 1973. Our
                                                                                                                                                                   volunteers parent coaches and staff believe soccer is the one
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ny ages, genders, sizes or
                                                                                                                                                                   abilities can play this sport. Players learn time management

                                                                                                                                                                   develop improvements with their strength / cardio.

                                                                                                                                                                   We have two seasons, Fall and Spring, 8 weeks each.
                                                                                                                                                                   Fall kicks off the seasonal year with registration over the summer
                                                                                                                                                                   through the first week of games. Teams are filled based on first
                                                                                                                                                                   come first serve basis and with a priority to returning players from the

                         Looking for a facility to
                                                                                                                                                                   previous season. We encourage parents to register early. Fall
                                                                                                                                                                   games are played September through the end of October.

                          host your next event?
                                                                                                                                                                   Spring season registration starts in January and goes through
                                                                                                                                                                   the first week of games. Spring games are played April through
                                                                                                                                                                   the end of the school year.
          The Northville Community Center is the ideal place to host your special event.                                                                           We hold two summer soccer camps also in June and August.
     The Community Center offers several rooms: four meetings rooms, a stage, kitchen and banquet room,                                                            Our professional division of soccer, Michigan Rush is based on
                 that can accommodate 20 to 120 guests. All rooms are Wi-Fi accessible.                                                                            tryouts in June each year. The top licensed coaches in the state
                                                                                                                                                                   work locally here in Northville. They provide a level of guidance
     The Recreation Center at Hillside and Community Center have full sized gymnasiums available, as well.
          In addition the Recreation Center at Hillside also has two (2) mini-gyms, and a batting cage.
                                                                                                             To Register goto:                                     for young players to develop and achieve their best and we help
                                                                                                                                                                   them learn to love this great sport we call soccer.

         For building rental information please contact us at 248-305-2731 or
                                                                                                                                 Rush Jr. Academy is for players who want more. They work with
                                                                                                                                                                   our licensed coaches throughout the year, ages 4 through 7.

                          Ball Field & Park RENTALs                                                          BRING YOUR POOCH TO A NORTHVILLE dog park
                                                                                                             fees and locations of Dog parks:
                                                                                                             Cady Street Pass
                                                                                                             $30 residents
                                                                                                             $60 non-residents
                                                                                                             Marv Gans Community Park Pass
                                                                                                             $30 residents
                                                                                                             $60 non-residents
                                                                                                             Combination Pass allows access to both
                                                                                                             Cady Street and Marv Gans Community Park
                                                                                                             $40 residents
                                                                                                             $80 non-residents
     Fish Hatchery Park (b/p)                               marv gans Community Park (b/p)                   Other fees:
     641 Fairbrook Street                                   15801 Beck Rd.                                   • Extra Dog (up to 3) - $12 each
     Ford Field (b)                                         Millennium Park (b/p)                            • Fob Deposit - $20 deposit, $10 refunded when returned.
     151 N. Griswold                                        45769 Six Mile Rd.
     Henningsen Park (b)                                                                                                         Dog Parks are open year round; yearly membership can be purchased at any time.
     41600 Six Mile Rd.                                     Ball Field (B) and Pavilion (P)                                      Includes access to Novi Dog Park through partnership with Novi Parks Recreation &
                                                                                                                                 Cultural Services. See our website for more information
           For a list of park amenities, see our website or
                                                                                                                                 Dog licenses not sold at Northville Parks and Recreation.
                                for Park/Field rentals call 248-349-0203

14                           Register online at                                                              (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                                          15
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
Northville Senior Services                            SPECIAL EVENTS
          303 W. Main Street, Northville              Don’t miss out on our awesome events at the
                  248-305-2851                        Northville Senior Center! Call (248) 305-2851 or
  Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9 am – 12pm          see the Inspire Newsletter for more details.
                                                      • New Year’s Bingo
                                                      • Valentine’s Day Tea
                                                      • St. Patrick’s Day
                                                      • Tiger’s Opening Day
                                                      •	Ice Cream Social
                                                      • Concerts
                                                                                                                Fitness Program Highlights                             Come get social with some of
                                                                                                                For details and a schedule, please see the             our groups!
                                                                                                                Inspire Newsletter,      • Walking (Weekdays, FREE, 8:15-9:15am)
                                                                                                                Silver Chair Yoga -                                    • Friday Flicks (Fri, $1, 1:00pm)
                                                                                                                gentle yoga poses and stretches, you will increase     • Puzzles (Weekdays, FREE)
                                                                                                                your breath capacity, body flexibility and strength.   • Bingo (monthly, FREE, 1:00pm)
                                                                                                                ALL LEVELS                                             • Northville’s Out to Lunch Bunch (monthly)

                                                                                                                Silver Strength and Stretch -
                                                                                                                uses light hand weights and bands to strengthen
Transportation Service                                Day Trips                                                 your muscles, improve bone density and increase
Did you know the Northville Community Center          Join us for an organized day trip offered by              stamina while sitting or standing. ALL LEVELS
offers transportation services to residents 60+ and   Northville Senior Services. We plan a wide variety
                                                                                                                Silver Zumba -
residents who have a documented disability? Curb-     of trips from sporting events, nature hikes, historical
                                                                                                                popular aerobic fitness program features
to-Curb service is available Monday through Friday,   sites, and more.
                                                                                                                movements inspired by various styles of Latin
8:30am - 3:30pm, for medical and non-medical
                                                      Contact us at (248) 305-2851 or see our Inspire           American dance. MODERATE LEVEL-ACTIVE
trips. Call (248) 449-9934 for more information or
                                                      Newsletter for more details.                              SENIORS
                                                                                                                Check out our other classes: Outdoor and Virtual
Additional Services offered                                                                                     Fitness, Blend Yoga, Slow Burn Yoga, Yoga for
                                                                                                                Healthy Hips and Back, and Cardio Drumming
• Liquid Nutrition (Ensure)
• Medical Equipment Loans
• Telecare (Telephone Reassurance)
                                                                                                                                         Inspire Newsletter            Cards & Games
•	Enrichment Classes
                                                                                                                                         is fiilled with information   $2 drop in fee:
• Congregate Nutrition Program
                                                                                                                                         on: classes, special          • Pinochle (Tue, 11:30am)
  (at Allen Terrace)
                                                                                                                                         events, programs and          • Party Bridge (Wed, 11:30am)
• Flu Shots
                                                                                                                                         more! View it online at

16                       Register online at                                                                       (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                 17
Activity Brochure Northville Parks and Recreation
COMMUNITY PARTNERS                                                                                                                                                                                              POLICIES
                                                                                                                              Program Cancellation Policy:                                           Inclement Weather
     Maybury State Park                                                                                                       Northville Parks and Recreation reserves the right to cancel
                                                                                                                              an activity due to low enrollment and will provide a full refund
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Please contact the Parks and Recreation Department weather

      4 seasons of fun!                                                                                                       to participants. Participants will have the opportunity to
                                                                                                                              enroll in another activity if space is available. If an activity is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     hotline at (248) 449-9951. Except in severe weather or power
                                                                                                                                                                                                     outages, department buildings will remain open for use, but
                                                                                                                              cancelled due to inclement weather or circumstances beyond             some classes/services may be cancelled.
                                                                                                                              our control, Northville Parks and Recreation will make every
                                                                                                                              effort to reschedule the activity. Activity information regarding      How to Register:
                                                                                                                              cancellations and make-ups will be communicated via email.             Online Registration: is available through our website at
                                                                                                                              School District Rate and
                                                                   Thayer’s Corner Nature Area                                Non-Resident Rates:                                                    Mail in Registration:
                                                                                                                              Novi residents in Northville School District receive the resident      Northville Parks and Recreation,
                                                                  Thayer’s Corner Nature Area is a Northville Township        rate, participants that fall under this rate must call our office to   775 N. Center Street, Suite B, Northville, MI 48167
                                                                  park, operated by volunteers, and provides an “up           receive the discount. Non-residents are charged an additional          Walk-in Registration: Monday – Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm,
                                                                  north” experience.                                          $10 fee.                                                               cash, check or credit cards (Visa, Master Card, and Discover)
                                                                                                                              Refund Policy: A refund check or credit card refund will be            accepted.
                                                                  It is open dawn to dusk all year. The nature area
                                                                                                                              issued and/or mailed to the payee within 3 to 4 weeks of the         Please note: There is a convenience fee charge on all
                                                                  offers walking trails, horse-back trails, and wildlife.
                                                                                                                              request.                                                             credit card transactions at a rate of 2.5% of payment, with a
                                                                  The historic barn and picnic shelter are available for
                                                                                                                              • If the Northville Parks and Recreation Department cancels: 		 minimum of $1.95.
                                                                  rent. See website for further information.                     Payee will be refunded the full amount.
                                                                                                                              • If participant cancels prior to the beginning of the 1st class:
49601 Eight Mile Rd                                               More information about the park can be found at                Refund will be full amount minus a $15 processing fee, and
Northville, MI 48167                                                                              any incurred costs.
(248) 349-8390                                                                                                                • If participant cancels after 1st class and before the 2nd
                                                                           8250 Napier Road, Northville l 248-207-0765           scheduled class: Refund will be 50% of class fee or $15,
Follow us on Facebook                                                                             whichever is greater and any incurred costs,
                                                                                                                              • Refunds will not be issued for requests made after the
                                                                                                                                 second scheduled class.
                                  Northville Baseball & Softball Spring Registration                                          • Refund requests can be sent to:

                                                                                                                              Please note the following:
                                                                                                                              • Requests for refunds must be made in writing or e-mail and
                               Northville Baseball and Softball Association, (NBSA) is a volunteer based organization           received by the Parks and Recreation Department prior to
                               dedicated to advancing the cause of baseball and softball to our communities’ young              the beginning of the second class of the program.
                              ball players. Fun is our number one goal! If you are interested in being involved with NBSA,    • Fees with ticketed events, concerts, excursions & one-day
                             meetings are held on the last Monday of each month.                                                activities are non-refundable.
                                                                                                                              • No refunds or reductions in fees will be given for classes
                     Two levels of competition are available:                                                                   missed by participants.
                      House Play, Recreational Leagues - Ages 4-7, Co-ed            Ages 7-18, Boys      Ages 7-18,Girls   • All check refunds are subject to a $15 administrative fee.
                                                                                                                                Credit card refunds will not be charged an administrative
                        Travel Play - Ages 8-18 Boys and Girls teams. Travel players register with their coaches.
                                                                                                                                fee. However, credit card refunds do not include the refund 		                         Say Cheese!
                     Coaches: Please volunteer to coach. It is a great opportunity to work with our young players and           of the convenience fee.                                               Enrollment in Parks and Recreation Department
                     support our program. Training for coaches is provided free of charge.                                    • There are no pro-rated fees once class/activity has begun.            sponsored programs authorizes Northville Parks and
                                                                                                                              • Credit on account will expire one year after the processing 		        Recreation, its departments, employees and contractors
                     Umpires: Anyone 13 and older by July 31 may apply. No experience necessary as schooling is
                                                                                                                                date. Refunds under $15 will not be refunded by check.                to take your photograph for use in future brochures,
                     provided. Parent / Child umpiring teams encouraged.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      flyers, documents, displays, other publications,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      websites and on social networking websites. Parks and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Recreation will not sell, use or authorize others to use
     For more information about Fall Baseball registration, please visit our website at                                                                                            such photographs for commercial purposes.

18                            Register online at                                                                                          (248) 349-0203 l Like Us on Facebook                                                    19
44405 Six Mile Road
Northville, MI 48168


           SUMMER 2022
   Northville Parks and Recreation is seeking individuals to fill
   a variety of seasonal positions for summer 2022:
   • PARK ATTENDANTS (April - November)
   • PARK MAINTENANCE Long term positions (March - November)
       and Summer positions (May - August)
   • BUILDING ATTENDANT (Year-round)
   • DAY CAMP, counselors, staff, etc (June - August)
   • SAFETY TOWN, counselors, staff, etc (June - July)

Applications will be accepted starting January 1, 2022
For more information and to apply, visit
                                                           Opportunities or call 248.349.0203
                                                             for every
                                                   must be
                                                    18+       $12 - $15
                                                               an hour
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