Curriculum vitael -

Page created by Stephen Coleman
Curriculum vitael -
Francesco Ferrari

                                  Curriculum vitael

     r   2018   - present: postdoc at University of Genova
     o   30 March 2017; PhD in Civi1, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, curriculum in
         Fluid-dynamics and Environmental Engineering at University of Geno,rà
         - thesis title: Erploiting the WRF-ARW mod,el for the pred,'iction of fl,ash-fl"oods euents
         ouer L'iguria: a ual'id,at'ion strategy and, an'inuestigat'ion of the role of the sea surface
 .       temperature.
         - sttnervisor: nrof. Andrea Mazzíno
     o   18 July 2013: lVlaster Degree in Physics at University of Genova
         - thesis títle: Study of the sensi,tiuity of a meteorologi,cal mod,el to parameterizatron
         qchemes of cloud,s m'icrophys,ics                                   ,

         - qttnenriqnr' .tOf. Andfea MazzinO
         - firral rnalk: 'l03/110
     o March 2010: Bachelor Degree in Physics at University of Genova
      . - thesis tll\e: Determ'inat'ion of atmospheric part'iculate opttcal attenuation   i,n the
         Med,'iterranean Sea
     . - supervisor: prof. Paoio Prati
         - final rnark: 90/110
     o   Jul1, 2005: high school diploma at 'Nicoloso da Recco' scientific hieh school
         - flnal mark: 80/100

     r   Exceilent knowledge of Windows/Linux
     o Excellent knorvledge of Office packages (Word, Excel,. Power Point)
     o Excellent knowledge of Python and Shell programming languages
Curriculum vitael -
o Basic knowledge oI C** and Fortran
     r   Cood knowledge of Labex, Mathernatica, QGIS, GraDS

     o Good experiences in compiling     and installing WRF, WRF-Chem,,Calmet weather

     o Mother tongue:          Ttaìian

     o Other      languages:
         - r'eading good
         - ,,.-ì+i--   ..^"., ^rod
           vv r lurrrÉ vEr,y Èir

         - understanding good

PhD and Postdoc
     r   Study by means of WRF numerical model simulations of extreme events, with speciflc
         focus on floods that affected Liguria Region in past years. Investigation of the role of
         different features that were expected to play a fundamental role in, triggering,
         development and localization of intense convective system, as microphysieal
         parameterization schemes, Sea Surface Temperature, Cloud Condensation Nuclei
         nnrrnpntreti^n 1\^/RF -Chem) and atmospheric boundary layer turbulence.

     o Energetic appiication of WRF simulations, Mapping of wind and waves potentials of
         the whole Nlediterranean basin. Identification of areas where rvind and wave events are
         not time-correlated in order to plan coupied energy extraction from wind and waves.
         Production and analysis of a 40-years long wind and wave hindcast of the
         Mediterranean Ba^sin.

     o Evaluation of WRF high resolution simulations performances over complex terrain,
 '     -finalized to the forecast optimization of wind farms output. Evaluation of the impact of
       observed nudging in simulation performances (in progress).

     o Sicomar Plus - Slstema transfrontaliero per la sicurezza in mare COntro i rischi    detta
         navigazione e per la salvaguardia dell'ambiente iVIA,Rino. (Cross-border system for
         maritime safety against, bhe risks of navigation and for the protection of the marine
     ' -enviLonrnent). Financed by Intereg - lVlarittimo trU
         contribution to development of a meteo-maritime operational      model chain.
     I   SINDBAD - Sicurezza Navigazione da Diporto (Safety recreational and sport
         yachting). Financed by PORFESR
         - WRF model configuration and,optimization on Amazon Web Service Cloud
         Computing System.
Curriculum vitael -
Teaching support activities:

       201512016: Physics l course for the bachelor degree in Pharrnacy and Chemical and
       Pharmaceutical Technologies at University of Genova.

       201612017: Physics      I course for the bachelor   degree   in Biology at University of Genova,
       201912020: Physics      I course for the bachelor   degree   in Electronic Engineering at
       Uriiversity of Cenova,
       202012027: Physics      I coutse for the bachelor   degree   in Electronic   -FJngineering at
       Univelsity of Genova.
       20201202I: Ocean Science and Engineering course for the bachelor degree               in Maritime
       Science and Technology at University of Genova.

   o CNR-ISAC     Surnrner School.: Med,,iterranean Sea: Mod"els, Obseruations and,
       Erperiments, Lecce, Italy, September 2014.
   r   CNR-ISAC Summer School: Aduances'in Seuere Weather Analus,is: Mod,els                   und,
       Obseruat'ions, Lecce, Italy, June 2016.

   o International Sumtner School on Atmospheric and Oceanic               Sciences,   L'Aquiia, ltaly,
       August 2018.

   r   Short Course on WRF Modelling for Wind Energy Applications, Cagliari, Italy, June

   o F, Ferrari, G., Besio, F. cassoìa,  ancl A. Mazzino, prel,im,inare del potenz,iale
       energet'ico comb'inato onde-uento all''interno d,el baczno d,el Med,i,terraneo, COAST:
       "Gestione e tutela della costa e deÌ mare - sessione speciale sullo sfruttamento delle
       energie rinnovabili marine", FerraLa,     Itaiy September 2016, orai presentation.
   o F. Ferrari, G., Besio, F. Cassola, and A. Mazzino,     Valutaz,ione d,ella sostenibi,li,tà
       energet'ica ilello sJruttamento comb'inato onda-uento nel bac'ino d,el Mecfiterranert,
       Associazione Italiana di Cartografia: "Cartografia e crescita blu" confererlce, Genova,
       Italy,   lVlay '2017, oral presentation

   o F. Ferrari, G., Besio, F. cassol4, and A. Nlazzino, wind, and, waue energa resource
     c;'ssessment and erplo'itabi,Ii,ty in the Med,i,terranean Sea, "9th European Seminar
     OWEiVItrS", Bari, Italy, October 2017, oral presentation.
   o F. Ferrari, F. Cassola, A.  À4azzino, M. Morichetti, G. Passerini,M. M. Nliglietta, and IJ.
       Rizza Aerosol-related appl'icat'ions of a coupled weather and, chem'ical transport
       modelLzng system: the case stud,y of Vernazza, C'inque Terre,Z5 October 2011,p.M}
       Annual VJeeting, European Conference for Applied Vleteorology and Climatology
       Budapest, Hungary, September 2018, oral presentation.
Curriculum vitael -
F. Ferrari, G., Besio, F, cassola, and A. Mazztno, wi,nd, and, wa,ue eTlerga resource
        assessment and, erplo'itabi'li,ty i,n the Med"iterranean             XXXVI      nazionale di
        idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche, Ancona, Italy, September 2018,"qr,r"gnt
                                                                           oral presentation.
        F, Ferrari, M.steyer, F. Ruffino, F, D'Alessio, How to run and, scale weather Research
        and, Forecastr,ng on AWS, webinar at HPC on AWS, Gtobal conference 2020, 4
        November 2020.

    o F. Cassola, F' Ferrari and A. Mazzino, Numerical s'imulati,ons of Mediterraneatn           heauy
      prec'ip'itati'on euents wi,th the WR.F model: A uerificat'iòn ererc'ise using d,ifferent
        -approaches, Atmospheric Research, 164-16b: 2I0          -   225 (201b)

    r   F. Cassoia, F. F'errari, L. Mazzíno and M.M. Miglietta, The role of the sea on the flash
        fl,oods euents ouer Liguria (northwestern, Ito,Iy), Geophysical Research Letters, aS: 3Sga
        - 3542 (2016)
    o F. Ferrari, G. Besio, F. cassola, and A. Mazzino, opti,mi,zed,w,ind, anclwaue energ?J
      rèsource assessmenl and offshore,ty in Lhe Med.iterranean Sea, nn"rgy (2OZO)

    e E. ottaviani, N. Gjeci, A. Novellino, P. D'ange1o, M. Arba, p. Brotto, F. De Leo, F.
      Ferrari, G. Besio, A,NIazzino, M, Figari, R. Zaccone, L..corgnati, c, Mantovani, M.
      Berta, M' Magaldi, SINDBAD: a neu operat'ional seru,ice for a safer le,isure and, boattng
      nau'igat'ion, Conference Paper, IMEKO TC-19 International Workshop on Metrology
        for the Sea, Genova, October 201g.

    o F, Ferrari' F. Cassola, Peter Enos Tuju", Alessandro Stocchino,'Paolo Brotto and A.
        Mazzíno, Impact of Mod,et Resolut'ion and, Ini,tiat/Bound,ary Condr,tions ,in Forecast,ing
        Fl o o d,- C au sing P rec'tpiÍ at i ons, Atmofl phere (2020)

    o F. Ferrari, tr'. Cassola, Peter Enos T\-rju, and A. Mazzíno, RANS and, LES
                                                                                     feice to face
      for forecast'ing ertreme precipztation euents i,n the Lr,guria reg,ion (northweitern Italy),
        Atmospheric Research (202I).

   o L' Cavaleri' L. Bertotti, G, Besio, I'. Ferrari, The 29 October Z01B storm ,in Northern
     Italy: i'ts multi'ple act'ions in the Lrgurian Sea,_submitted to Progress in Oceanography.

   r    A. Lira-Loarca, F. Ferrari, A. N4azzino, G. Besio, Future       w,ind, and, waue energy
        resol,rces and erplo'itabi,li,ty,in the Med,i,terranean Sea by p100, Applíed Energy (2027),
        'in press.

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