Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School

Page created by Corey Perkins
Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School
Cringleford Home Learning Year 2
     We understand that some families may have experienced a loss of internet for the day yesterday. We also
     experienced no internet all day yesterday at school too. You can choose to do yesterdays or todays
     learning. On Friday we will be sending out a day of creative tasks for you to select from so that we can
     have a Screen Free Day. This is something that other year groups have reported as successful and fun!
     We hope that you enjoy it too.

Good morning Kingfishers and Nightingales! Here is Year 2’s home learning for Thursday 24th February
Here is the pre-record morning ‘Hello!’ and run through of the days learning which you can find here:
Kingfishers -    Hello Thursday!
Nightingales - Happy Thursday!

Today, we will end the morning with a ‘live’ zoom get together.
                                        Zoom Timetables This Week
 Monday Zoom        Spelling Introduction!
 Tuesday Zoom       Maths Game!
 Wednesday Zoom Singing/Music!
 Thursday Zoom      Creative Assembly – bring a pencil or pen a piece of card (cereal packet is fine) and
 Friday Zoom        Celebration Assembly!

Click here to join your class Zoom!
Meeting ID: 852 0838 5680
Passcode: jd6Pgx

Click here to join your Zoom
Meeting ID: 366 510 4901
Passcode: 680427

                                      Cosmic yoga with Noris the seahorse!
                                      Click here to join Cosmic yoga
Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School
Learning about vertices on 2D shapes
                                   Children are introduced to the terms vertex and vertices. They
                                   understand that a vertex is where two lines meet at a point. They
                                   recognise that corners are vertices and will be able to identify and count
                                   them on shapes.
                                   Mathematical talk to support learning
                                   Show me a vertex.
                                   Can you identify the vertices in this shape?
                                    Would this be a vertex?
                                   Explain why.
                                   If my shape has ____ vertices, what could my shape be? What couldn’t
                                   it be?

                                   Click here to watch the video Count vertices on 2D shapes
                                   We have uploaded the WhiteRose and Primary Stars worksheets. You do
                                   not need to complete both sets of sheets. If selecting the Primary Stars
                                   sheets please pick a level that you are comfortable with.

                                   We have also allocated Bubble Burst on ACTIVE learn.

Reading Activity                   Spelling Activity                        Word Activity
Please keep up with your daily     Today, write three sentences using       Types of sentences page 8
reading minimum of 10/15 minutes   these words.
a day really makes a difference!
Rising Stars Online                Don’t forget careful punctuation.

                                   Running                                  Additional support: Click here

                                   Perhaps you can think of your own
                                   verbs which follow the double
                                   consonant rule.
                                   This week in English we have been learning about blue whales and we have
                                   read the book The Blue Whale by Nicola Davies.
                                   You can listen again to Mrs Reynolds reading the story here: The Big Blue Whale
                                   Today you are going to be creating and writing your own book about the
                                   blue whale. Think carefully about all of the facts you have learnt this week.
                                      • Listen to the story Blue Whale by Jenni Desmond (found at the bottom
                                        of this blog)
                                   Our book example:
Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School
• Make sure you think carefully about your writing.
  • Include illustrations, or cut out photos or pictures, use colour and facts
     in your booklet.
  • The facts could be from the stories you have listened to or your own
     which you have researched.
  • We have included a facts sheet. You could use this. (see the Year 2
     page to download).
How to make a booklet: Click here you may need a parent to help here!
You could make a very simple booklet by folding one or two pages together
and attaching with staples or sting.
Make a habitat in a box!
This is an activity that we find children really enjoy. It is a longer piece
of work that we would not expect you to do all in one session. You
could make a start today and continue tomorrow during our Screen
Free Day.
First, think about what habitat you would like to create. The major
habitats are – forests, grasslands, deserts, mountain regions, polar
regions and aquatic habitats. You could do some internet research so
that you can have a really good look at the features of the landscape
and find out some information about the habitat you have chosen.
Also, think about what animals and plants you would find there.
Now you are ready to create your habitat in a box! Have fun and
please do send in any creations via a photo to our class emails so that
we can celebrate your super work too. Here are some examples;
Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School
Want some extra topic activities?
                    • Search for animal tracks and signs in your local area: Wildlife
Optional Extras!       Challenge
                    • Build a bug hotel in your garden: Bug Hotel
                    • Extra phonics practise: Phonics Play
                    • Try some fun yoga! Cosmic Yoga
                    • Practise your Times Tables TTRockstars
                    • Practise your typing skills: Dance Mat Typing
                    • Teach a Monster to Read! Teach Your Monster To Read
                    • Have a look at the Weekend Club link on the website and choose
                       an activity – so far topics have covered – art (the colour wheel),
                       bird identification and spotting and plastic pollution. Each topic
                       has an activity to do if you wish Weekend Club link
                    • Try a drawing with Rob Biddulph: Draw with Rob

                   Keen to learn more about Blue whales? This book has lots more interesting facts
                   about Blue whales. What new facts will you learn?

                   Blue Whale by Jenni Desmond
Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School Cringleford Home Learning Year 2 - Cringleford - CE VA Primary School
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