CPD Provision Summer 2021 - With Christ at the centre, we lead and serve in partnership to secure the long-term future of Catholic education.

Page created by Shawn Howell
CPD Provision Summer 2021 - With Christ at the centre, we lead and serve in partnership to secure the long-term future of Catholic education.
CPD Provision
              Summer 2021

With Christ at the centre, we lead and serve in partnership
  to secure the long-term future of Catholic education.
CPD Provision Summer 2021 - With Christ at the centre, we lead and serve in partnership to secure the long-term future of Catholic education.
Education Service
                    Mission Statement

                                      Placing Christ at the centre,
                        we lead, guide, serve and support our family of schools
                                      in the name of the Bishop.

                                        Inspired by the Gospel,
                             we endeavour to be the visible face of Christ,
                                  leading and serving in partnership
                             with all members of our school communities:
                             children, staff, governors, parents and clergy.

                                       Empowered by the Spirit,
                                 we aspire to be the very best we can,
                                    promoting the Common Good
                       and securing the long-term future of Catholic education.

  Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Education Service

                                       St Philip Howard Centre
                                          4 Southgate Drive
                                             West Sussex
                                               RH10 6RP

                                          01293 511130
                        claire.martin@abdiocese.org.uk (CPD Administrator)
New Diocesan website: www.abdiocese.org.uk/education/home        To book courses please email Claire Martin
CPD Provision Summer 2021 - With Christ at the centre, we lead and serve in partnership to secure the long-term future of Catholic education.
Summer Term 2021

DAY        DATE      EVENT                FOCUS                                           TIME

                    Catholic School      Preparation for a                  Video         15.30 -
TUES        20th                         Catholic School                    Conference    17.30

                                         Preparing Outstanding
                                                                            Video         15.30 -
WED         28th    Primary              Prayer & Liturgy
                                                                            Conference    17.30
                                         May is the month of Mary

                                         Induction Training for new
                                                                            Video         18.30 -
WED         28th    Governors            Foundation Governors               Conference    20.30
                                         Module 1

                                         Middle Leaders’ Day (3)                         10.00 - 12.00
                    Leadership                                              Video
TUES        4th                          (Two options – join either                           OR
                    Development                                             Conference
                                         morning or afternoon)                           14.00 - 16.00

                                                                            Video         15.30 -
WED         5th     Primary RE           ‘Come and See’ Planning            Conference    17.30

                                         Aspiring Chairs of                 Video         18.30 -
MON         10th    Governors
                                         Governors                          Conference    20.30

                    Clerks to            Briefing and training for          Video         10.00 -
WED         12th
                    Governors            Clerks to Governors                Conference    12.00

                                         RE Coordinators’ Day (3)
                                                                            Video         15.30 -
WED         19th    Primary RE           Self-Evaluation in RE - Creating
                                         effective action plans             Conference    17.30

New Diocesan website: www.abdiocese.org.uk/education/home
To book courses please email Claire Martin: claire.martin@abdiocese.org.uk

TUES        8th     Primary/             Effective transition      Video        15.30 -
                    Secondary RE         from Year 6 to Year 7     Conference   17.30

                    School Business      School Business           Video        10.00 -
WED         9th                                                    Conference   12.00
                    Managers             Managers’ Forum

                                         Induction Training for
                                         new Foundation            Video        18.30 -
WED         9th     Governors
                                         Governors - Module 2      Conference   20.30

                                         Good Shepherd
                    Good Shepherd                                  Video        From
WED         16th                         Celebration for Primary
                    Celebration                                    Conference   10.00am

                                         Aspiring Heads of         Video        15.30 -
THURS       24th    Secondary RE
                                         Department                Conference   17.30

                                         Rainbows Training for     Video        15.30 -
THURS       1st     Rainbows
                                         Rainbows Facilitators     Conference   17.30

                                         Induction Training for    Video        18.30 -
TUES        6th     Governors            new Foundation            Conference   20.30
                                         Governors - Module 3

                                                                   Video        15.30 -
WED         7th     Primary RE           NQT Induction Day 3
                                                                   Conference   17.30

                                         Outstanding Governance:   Video        18.30 -
TUES        13th    Governors
                                         Measuring Impact          Conference   20.30

                                         Secondary Heads of        Video        15.30 -
THURS       15th    Secondary RE
                                         Department - Day 3        Conference   17.30

New Diocesan website: www.abdiocese.org.uk/education/home
To book courses please email Claire Martin: claire.martin@abdiocese.org.uk
Summer Term
                                                    PREPARATION FOR A CSI INSPECTION
                                                                                         Tuesday 20 April 2021
                                             “Discernment is not about discovering what more we can get out of this life,
                                       but about recognising how we can better accomplish the mission entrusted to us.”
                                                                                     Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
The aim of this course is to equip schools preparing for Catholic School Inspection (CSI). Training will focus
on the documentation available to support schools in their school self-evaluation and understand the
process and procedures of an inspection.

Course Outcomes
Participants will have a full understanding of the diocesan Catholic School Inspection process and
supporting documentation.

Time:                   15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:        Headteachers, Senior Leaders, RE Coordinators, Heads of RE, Chaplains, Governors
Cost:                   £20
Course Leader:          Sarah Feist - Lead Officer for Catholic School Inspection

                                            MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY
                                                                                    Wednesday 28 April 2021
           “We never give more honour to Jesus than when we honour his mother, and we honour her simply and solely to
                       honour him more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek - Jesus her son.”
                                                                                                  Saint Louis de Montfort

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
The aim of this course is to support all those involved in the planning, preparing and delivery of prayer
and liturgy experiences with primary children. We will explore what makes prayer and liturgy engaging,
purposeful and - ultimately - an experience that will deepen the child’s relationship with Jesus. To
coincide with May being the month in which we honour Mary, some resources will have a Marian focus.
Course Outcomes
Participants will know what constitutes outstanding prayer and liturgy experiences and will be given
practical and inspiring ideas of how to achieve this in their own settings. Participants will also know how
best to use resources for prayer and worship - with a focus on honouring Mary in the month of May.

Time:                   15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:        Primary practitioners
Cost:                   £20
Course Leaders:         Anna Flood, Emma Sharp - Primary Advisers: RE and Catholic Ethos
                                                  MODULE 1
                                                                                 Wednesday 28 April 2021
                                           “This holiness to which the Lord calls you will grow through small gestures.”
                                                                                     Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This course welcomes newly appointed Foundation Governors and outlines for participants the special
duties placed on all governors in Catholic schools, in particular Foundation Governors. Course Leaders will
share with participants online tutorials available to support them in their crucial role monitoring and
evaluating the Catholic life of their schools.
Course Outcomes
Foundation Governors will have an insight into the specific knowledge and understanding they need to
have to make a positive impact on how they can effectively monitor and evaluate the Catholic life of their
Time:                 18.30 – 20.30
Target Audience:      Newly appointed Foundation Governors
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Gill Sajnog - Education Service/Lead Officer Governance

                                                            MIDDLE LEADERS’ DAY - DAY 3
                                                                                         Tuesday 4 May 2021
                                   “Take the teachings that you heard me proclaim in the presence of many witnesses,
                                            and entrust them to reliable people, who will be able to teach others also.”
                                                                                                         2 Timothy 2: 2

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
The final day of this course is a practical session focusing on the interview process for senior posts; this
will include looking at application forms, preparing a personal statement, leading an act of worship and
developing confident presentation and interview skills.

Course Outcomes
Participants will be equipped and confident about making an application for a leadership post in a
Catholic school.

Time:                 10.00-12.00 or 14.00-16.00 (Two options – join morning or afternoon session)
Target Audience:      Middle Leaders and Aspiring Middle Leaders
Cost:                 TBC
Course Leaders:       Education Service in partnership with St Mary’s University, Twickenham
                                                                                      Wednesday 5 May 2021
                                   “It was he who ‘gave gifts’; he appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets,
                              others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers He did this to prepare all God’s
                                        people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ.”
                                                                                                        Ephesians 4: 11-16

Video Conference (2hr)

Course Outline
The aim of this course is for practitioners to meet with other diocesan colleagues and share best practice
in the teaching and learning of RE. Training will include information and resources to assist in the planning
and assessment of RE using the Come & See programme.

Course Outcomes
Participants will be equipped with resources and ideas for planning engaging lessons linked to the Come
& See programme.

Time:                  15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:       Primary practitioners
Cost:                  £20
Course Leader:         Anna Flood, Emma Sharp            Primary Advisers: RE and Catholic Ethos

                                                        ASPIRING CHAIRS OF GOVERNORS
                                                                                         Monday 10 May 2021
                                            “This holiness to which the Lord calls you will grow through small gestures.”
                                                                                      Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This training welcomes experienced governors considering the role of Chair of Governors. The course
explores the roles and responsibilities of a Chair of Governors, how to lead meetings, work collaboratively
with the headteacher and inspire the governing body to provide outstanding governance.

Course Outcomes
Participants will gain a full understanding of leading effective governance in a Catholic school / Catholic
Education Trust and the ongoing support that is available to aspiring Chairs of Governors.

Time:                  18.30 – 20.30
Target Audience:       Aspiring Chairs of Governors
Cost:                  £20
Course Leaders:        Education Service
                                                                                        Wednesday 12 May 2021
                                                          “Children and young people are the future, they are the strength,
                                                    those who take us forward. They are the ones in which we place hope.”
                                                                                                              Pope Francis

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This is an important opportunity for Clerks to meet, network and share best practice with other diocesan
school and academy clerks. It is also an opportunity to discuss key topics relating to the role of Clerk to

Course Outcomes
Clerks will be fully briefed and updated on educational matters. They will be confident in knowing where,
should they require it, they can seek ongoing guidance and support.

Time:                  10.00 – 12.00
Target Audience:       Clerks to Governing Bodies
Cost:                  No charge
Course Leader:         Gill Sajnog - Education Service/Lead Officer Governance

                       PRIMARY RE COORDINATORS’ DAY - DAY 3
                                                                                        Wednesday 19 May 2021
                                                            “Having gifts according to the grace given to us, let us use them:
                  If prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if in service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching.”
                                                                                                                Romans 12: 6-7

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
Primary RE Coordinator days are designed to keep subject leaders up to date with current issues and
developments in RE teaching and learning. The aim of this course is to standardise and moderate pupils’
work and create a set of exemplars to share with diocesan colleagues. There will also be an opportunity
to create action plans for the coming year based on school self-evaluation.

Course Outcomes
Participants will have a full understanding of their role and responsibilities of being a subject leader for
RE in a primary Catholic school setting.

Time:                  15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:       Primary RE Coordinators / Subject Leaders
Cost:                  £20
Course Leaders:        Anna Flood, Emma Sharp - Primary Advisers: RE and Catholic Ethos
                           EFFECTIVE TRANSITION FROM YEAR 6 TO YEAR 7
                                                                                         Tuesday 8 June 2021
                                             “God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has
                                       created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.”
                                                                                                        Ephesians 2: 10

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
The aim of this course is for colleagues in primary and secondary schools responsible for teaching RE to
come together and collaborate, develop and share strategies for effective transition of pupils from Year
6 to Year 7.

Course Outcomes
Participants will be equipped with the knowledge, resources, and strategies for effective transition.

Time:                 15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:      Primary RE Coordinators, Secondary Heads of RE and practitioners responsible for
                      teaching RE in both settings.
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Diocesan RE and Catholic Ethos Advisers

                                           SCHOOL BUSINESS MANAGERS’ FORUM
                                                                                    Wednesday 9 June 2021
                                               “Whoever preaches must preach God’s messages; whoever serves must
                                    serve with the strength God gives, so that in all things praise may be given to God”
                                                                                                            1 Peter 4: 10

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This forum provides a valuable opportunity for Business Managers to share best practice and problems
confidentially within the group. It also affords colleagues the opportunity to network and discuss key
topics relating to Business management in school.

Course Outcomes
Facilitated by the Diocesan Buildings Officer, School Business Managers will create effective partnerships
with colleagues that enables them to work collaboratively to share best practice and provide mutual
guidance and support.

Time:                 10.00 – 12.00
Target Audience:      School Business Managers
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Mark Brunet - Diocesan Buildings Officer
                                                 MODULE 2
                                                                                  Wednesday 9 June 2021
                                            “Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident!
                               Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.”
                                                                                                            Joshua 1:9

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This module will give new Foundation Governors a valuable insight into the role of governors in relation
to the Catholic School Inspection Framework and an overview of how governors can support schools as
they prepare for Ofsted inspections.

Course Outcomes
Newly appointed governors will be equipped to undertake their duties confidently, with a full
understanding of roles and responsibilities and ongoing support available to them.

Time:                 18.30 – 20.30
Target Audience:      Newly appointed Foundation Governors
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Gill Sajnog - Education Service/Lead Officer Governance

Good Shepherd                                                                   Online Celebration

                                                                                Wednesday 16 June 2021

Celebration                                                                     Available from 10.00am

                                          As the Pope’s official charity for overseas mission, Mission Together
                                          supports the physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing of children
                                          around the world.

                                          Through prayer, learning and fund-raising, Mission Together
                                          encourages children worldwide to understand the true meaning of
                                          mission and so become missionaries themselves by delivering God’s
                                          love to everyone.
                                                                                           Thursday 24 June 2021
  “Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him. Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him,
                                    and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. And be filled with thanksgiving.”
                                                                                                               Colossians 2:6

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This course will provide an opportunity to explore the vision, leadership and management skills required
to run a successful Religious Education Department.

Course Outcomes
Participants will understand how the role of Head of Religious Education contributes to the distinctive
Catholic nature of the school. They will have the opportunity to learn about the skills needed to ensure
that the Religious Education Department is successful academically and spiritually.

Time:                     15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:          Experienced RE Teachers / Aspiring Heads of Departments
Cost:                     £20
Course Leader:            Claire Franke - Secondary Adviser: RE and Catholic Ethos

                                                                                              Thursday 1 July 2021
                                                           “God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus
                                      he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.”
                                                                                                              Ephesians 2: 10

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
The aim of the course is to train practitioners who have been identified by their school as Rainbows’
Facilitators. This course will promote the benefits of running Rainbows/Spectrum in our Catholic primary
and secondary schools.

Course Outcomes
Participants will have had the opportunity to look at resources and feel confident in delivering the
Rainbows/Spectrum programme.

Time:                     15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:          Practitioners identified as responsible for delivering Rainbows/Spectrum in
                          diocesan Catholic schools.
Cost:                     £20
Course Leader:            Diocesan RE and Catholic Ethos Advisers
                                                 MODULE 3
                                                                                        Tuesday 6 July 2021
                                            “Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident!
                               Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.”
                                                                                                            Joshua 1:9

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This module will focus on Admissions and Place Planning, Buildings, VASCA (funding for school buildings)
and Gift Aid.

Course Outcomes
Newly appointed governors will be equipped to undertake their duties confidently, with a full
understanding of roles and responsibilities and ongoing support available to them.

Time:                 18.30 – 20.30
Target Audience:      Newly appointed Foundation Governors
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Gill Sajnog - Education Service/Lead Officer Governance

                                             PRIMARY RE: NQT INDUCTION - DAY 3
                                                                                   Wednesday 7 July 2021
                                          “This holiness to which the Lord calls you will grow through small gestures.”
                                                                                    Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
The aim of this course is for NQTs to continue developing a supportive working relationship with other
NQTs in the diocese. This session will enable NQTs to share best practice, standardise, moderate, and
evaluate a selection of pupils’ work. There will be an opportunity to reflect on their NQT year and make
suggestions for further CPD to support them during next year.

Course Outcomes
Participants will be equipped with knowledge, resources, and ideas to use in their own practice and
identify further CPD required.

Time:                 15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:      Newly Qualified Teachers in primary school settings
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Anna Flood, Emma Sharp - Primary Advisers: RE and Catholic Ethos
                                                                                      Tuesday 13 July 2021
                                            “Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident!
                               Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.”
                                                                                                            Joshua 1:9

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This is an extremely popular and successful workshop designed to support governors who are seeking to
develop their understanding of outstanding governance and how to provide effective support and
challenge in their schools.

Course Outcomes
Governors will have a clear understanding of outstanding governance and their strategic role in providing
effective support and challenge.

Time:                 18.30 – 20.30
Target Audience:      Governors, Headteachers, Senior Leaders
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Education Service

                                SECONDARY HEADS OF DEPARTMENT - DAY 3
                                                                                     Thursday 15 July 2021
                                            “Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident!
                               Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.”
                                                                                                            Joshua 1:9

Video Conference (2hr)
Course Outline
This is an opportunity for Heads of Department to work with staff who are new to teaching religious
education in their Secondary schools. There will be guidelines and support material for teaching both Key
Stage 3 and GCSE.

Course Outcomes
Participants will be equipped with a secure understanding of best practice to enable effective teaching
and learning in Secondary Religious Education.

Time:                 15.30 – 17.30
Target Audience:      Secondary Heads of Department and practitioners new to teaching Religious
Cost:                 £20
Course Leader:        Claire Franke - Secondary Adviser: RE and Catholic Ethos
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