COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee

Page created by Antonio Mcbride
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee
Presented to
VACO Education Steering Committee

August 19, 2021

Holly Coy
Assistant Superintendent of Policy, Equity
and Communications
Virginia Department of Education
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee

       Based on the Fall 2021 Student Record Collection
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee
SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 v. MAY 3, 2021
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee
  • The PAL S K -3 screening tools identify students a t-risk in ea rly rea ding a nd
    this guides the a lloca tion of E IR I funding to support ea rly intervention.

  • PAL S da ta from Spring 20 21 showed tha t:
     • Significa ntly more ( 1.8 times a s ma ny) students ended the school yea r
       a t high risk for rea ding difficulties a s compa red to Spring 20 19.
     • L itera cy lea rning of students who a re Bla ck, H ispa nic, ha ve low-income
       ba ckgrounds, a nd E nglish lea rners were disproportiona tely identified
       a s high risk for rea ding difficulties.
     • The remote a dministra tion option for PAL S wa s a n importa nt tool for
       crea ting visibility of the ea rly rea ding risk of a ll students enrolled in
       public school, a nd pa rticula rly for Asia n, Bla ck, H ispa nic, a nd E L
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee
              • Sta tewide SO L Test R esults will be relea sed
                next week. These a re not truly compa ra ble to
                previous yea rs results.

              • Da ta to be used to design instruction a nd
                guide recovery efforts a nd sta te, loca l a nd
                cla ssroom level.

              • All schools will be receive “Accredita tion
                W a ived” sta tus a ga in this yea r

              • W ith fewer students enrolled, there a re fewer
                students pa rticipa ting in SO L tests la st spring.
                R emote a ssessments not included in SO L Pa ss
                ra tes.
COVID AND PREK-12 EDUCATION IN VIRGINIA - Presented to VACO Education Steering Committee
Parameters of ARP State Set Aside
 ● Stakeholder engagement and State Plan Development
 ● Maintenance of Equity and Maintenance of Effort
Required Uses of Funds:
 ● 5% for learning loss = $105M
 ● 1% for evidence-based summer programs = $21M
 ● 1% for evidence-based after school programs = $21M
Other Considerations and Feedback on State Needs:
 ● Unfinished learning, particularly early math and literacy
 ● Workforce support , including teacher recruitment and retention
 ● Upgrading nearly obsolete technology and data tools
 ● Continuing investments, such as Virtual Virginia, growth assessments, etc.
The Future of Virtual Learning
 • Limited utilization in the 2021 -2022 school year, pursuant to legislation
   requiring in -person for all students all year long
 • Most divisions are opting to offer some form of virtual instruction for
SB 1303
   those students who choose it
 • VDOE has issued guidance on how to ensure students electing virtual
   are prepared to succeed in that environment
 • Virginia Board of Education has initiated the regulatory process
Growth Assessments
   necessary to set statewide standards specific to virtual instruction,
   regardless of the provider (public or private).
$7M provided in FY22 to maintain learning management
system which is available at no cost to all public
school divisions.

SB 1303
Expanding Virtual Virginia (VVA)
  • Instructiona l content in gra des K -12 wa s developed for a ll
    tea chers’ use during 20 20 -20 21 a nd beyond.
  • F or 20 21-20 22, full-time virtua l instruction wa s expa nded to
Growth Assessments
    gra des K -5.
  • Summer 20 21 progra mming for students expa nded to include
    full course offerings for a ll lea rners in gra des 6–12 a nd a new 3–
    5 E lementa ry Summer E nrichment Progra m tha t offers
    synchronous a nd a synchronous instruction in ma thema tics,
    rea ding, la ngua ge a rts, a nd STE M .
          Statewide Utilization
            • All divisions use VVA in some way.
            • All divisions have access to the statewide learning
              management system (VVA’s Canvas), all course content from
              VVA, and professional learning (training/support).
            • 110 (83%) divisions will be using VVA to provide some or all of
              their full -time virtual instruction in 2021 -2022.
            • Full-time enrollment for 2021 -2022 (~5800 students and ~270
              additional teachers) has increased dramatically when
              compared to last year’s full -time enrollment (~900 students) .

           Tuition C osts to School Divisions
           • The GA appropriates funding to provide for the first 6,000
             enrollments (classes) in VVA, up to 15 enrollments per course
             and per school.
           • After reaching the statewide cap of 6,000 enrollments,
             divisions then pay tuition on a sliding scale, based on the local
             composite index (local ability to pay) .
● School division a re reporting ma jor needs in new construction a nd
  renova tion.
● V DO E ha s provided guida nce rela ted to the a llowa ble uses of L E A formula
  funds ( E SSE R I, II a nd III) on such items
● USE D ha s genera lly discoura ged these types investments with C AR E S a nd
  E duca tion-rela ted AR PA funds a nd ha ve prioritized instructiona l, sa fety,
  a nd wellness needs.
● Per the Specia l Session: $250 M in sta te AR P funding to be ma tched with
  $250 M loca lly to complete ma ny currently pla nned H V AC projects.
Teacher & Staff Shortages

   Trends in teacher retention and atrophy during pandemic still largely
   anecdotal, but data collection is expanding:
SB ■1303
    H B376 ( 20 20 ) expa nded va ca ncy da ta collection to include licensed a nd
        unlicensed personnel. Da ta typica lly collected a nnua lly in O ctober a nd
        a nticipa ted for relea se by winter 20 21.
Growth       Assessments
   ■ E xpa nded exit survey progra m a nd da ta collection in 21-22 will provide
        insight to individua ls lea ving divisions a nd/or the profession.
      ■ Anecdota lly, we ha ve seen la rger numbers of tea chers retire a nd will
        likely be reporting more issues with tea cher shorta ges this yea r.
      ■ F edera l funds a re a llowed to support these needs.
Recruiting and Retaining Teachers
  • $11.5M Appropriated by the General Assembly in August (from ARPA
    ESSER III) to support teacher recruitment and retention.
SB 1303
  • Designed to help fill instructional positions between August 15, 2021, and
    November 15, 2021.
  • Incentives for both hard to staff positions or hard to staff schools (40% or
    more F/R lunch rates).
Growth Assessments
  • $2,500 incentive award for filling a non -hard -to-staff position, or an
    incentive award of $5,000 for a hard -to-staff position.
  • Individual receives h alf by January 1, 2022 and the balance after May 1,
    2022 -- provided the individual receive a satisfactory performance
    evaluation and provides a written commitment to return to the same
    school for the 2022 -2023 school year.
Growth Assessments
● The 2021-20 22 school yea r will begin the pha sed in implementa tion of the
  required through-course, growth a ssessments per H B20 27/SB1357 ( 20 21)
   ■ F a ll computer-a da ptive a ssessment in gra des 3-8 ma th a nd rea ding will
     be a dministered.
   ■ Assessment will be shortened version of previous yea r’s content.

● In 20 22-20 23, a fa ll, winter, a nd spring a ssessment will be a dministered
  with off-gra de level content a llowing the C ommonwea lth to better hone in
  on a student’s proficiency.

● N ew sta te-developed a ssessments a lign to SO L content.

● N ew pa rent-porta l will be a va ila ble in la te fa ll to support pa rent
  understa nding of results.
Performance Assessments
PALS 2.0
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