CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees

Page created by Daryl Scott
CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
Surf Lifesaving
      feature artist

CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
The Seagull

February 2021 - number 7 - Out the first Monday of every month


 W            elcome to Issue 7!
 Here’s hoping you’ve been having a marvellous
                                                                                                        design and advertising
                                                                                             The Seagull magazine apreciates the support of all
 summer, visitors and locals alike, enjoying our beautiful                                   it’sadvertisers.
 beaches and the fabulous activities there are on offer
 in the greater Mercury Bay.
                                                                                             If you would like to advertise with us please have your                                        No Ragrets
                                                                                             artwork or ad through to us by the
 February 14 is Valentine’s Day, and you may be                                                              10th of the month.                                                                                                                   dead in the eye and welcome them to the share
                                                                                                                                                                                            “Any1 want 2 hang owt wid me 2dae??!!! Lol
 surprised to read about the odd origins of the                                                                                                                                                                                                   equal space in my psyche with the good stuff.
                                                                                                    email                                                       probz not…..”
 festival. There’s a bit of love and passion in many of                                                                                                                                     I can’t believe I wrote that when I was 12 on         Unusually that group of people inspiring me are
 our stories this month…the love of books with our                                                                                                                                          Facebook. I also can’t believe when I was 12 I used   those practicing polyamory or ethical/consensual
 Hometown Hero Kate Piper, love for the community                                                       If you need an advertising designed for you                                                                                               non-monogamy. Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy!!
                                                                                                           please call 027 506 3110                                                         to want grotesque tattoo’s that looked like
 they serve with our lifeguards at Hot Water Beach, a                                                                                                                                       realistic wounds - the more gore the better! I        The green eyed monster is the first emotion that
 love of music with our guest artists Corrosive Moses                                                                  or                                                                   saved so many pics of them onto my iPod touch,        springs to mind when thinking of attempting that
 and you’ll love our sweet bee story about Debbie                                                   email                                                       impatiently waiting to turn 16. Inside scoop: I       type of relationship. Yet those practicing ethical
 Scobie and her hives.                                                                                                                                                                      don’t currently have any tats.                        non-monogamy embrace this emotion which is so
                                                                                                                         Digital Artwork                                                                                                          often experienced as negative. They work through
 We’ve popped in a ‘Save the Date’ for the 11th March                                        All digital greyscale and color art should be at 300 dpi.                                      Those memories bring up mildly uncomfortable
 for a Women in Business networking event…more                                                                                                                                              emotions. But we don’t always have the luxury         what is a barrier to so many people, and eliminate
                                                                                             The following digital file types are accepted:
 exciting details to come. It will be a great evening for                                                                                                                                   of mild embarrassment, shame, guilt, jealousy,        it as a barrier to enjoy the relationships they
                                                                                              Acceptable file formats: All Adobe Products – Acrobat (PDF
                                                                                                                                                                                            rejection, anger… those emotions can come raging      desire. It proves that we can get better at sitting
 women from the greater Mercury Bay to get together                                          files with fonts embedded), InDesign (INDD or IDML files with
                                                                                             accompanying links and fonts included), Illustrator (EPS or AI files),                         untamed, hijacking our entire consciousness. The      in uncomfortable spaces, with any uncomfortable
 to share ideas and support each other.You’re welcome
                                                                                                                                                                                            plethora of “negative” emotions we shove into         emotions, and enjoy an enriched life because of it.
 whether you’ve been in business for ages or are                                             Photoshop (JPG, PNG, TIFF, PSD).
                                                                                                                                                                                            our black bag, unchecked, and pretend aren’t our      I want to rock these tricky emotions. Shutting
 wondering how to get started…and everywhere in                                                                                                                                                                                                   them away in my metaphorical black bag isn’t the
 between.                                                                                    Not accepted formats: Freehand, Corel Draw, Paint,                                             own. The witty line I should’ve smoothly said
                                                                                                                                                                                            when I blanked on my new friends name when            answer because then we have to heft this ever
 On a serious note, that horrible Covid has been                                             Quark                                                                                                                                                growing black bag around in life. Imagine if you
 mutating and there has been a community case causing                                                                                                                                       introducing them last week is still echoing around
                                                                                                                                                                                            my head. I have gone over the exact line a            weren’t afraid of feeling rejection, jealousy or
 angst in Northland. Now is certainly not the time for                                       Vector artwork should be saved in an .EPS format with fonts and
                                                                                                                                                                                            hundred times I should’ve said when a school          angry because you were confident you could deal
 complacency, whip out your phone and scan those                                             images embedded, or all images and fonts must be supplied.
                                                                                             All screen and printer fonts must be provided.                                                 friend scoffed at the pointlessness of learning te    with those emotions and come out the other side
 QR codes everywhere you go! Try out the Bluetooth
                                                                                             We will substitute with similar fonts if originals are not submitted.                          reo māori, or the comeback that ghosted me when       stronger? As a mysterious 20-something-yearold I
 app, it’s easy to switch on in your phone. It does not
 replace QR code scanning so keep doing that, what it                                        Text can be converted to outlines, but if proofing errors are                                  a                                                     would feel infinite with the world at my fingertips
 does is enable you to receive an alert to your phone                                        discovered, new art may need to be submitted.                                                  guy said he didn’t like my hairy legs. We all say     to not be afraid of the wrong side of myself.
 if you have been near another app user who tests                                                                                                                                           the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong        Comfortingly, we all live with cringe moments. I
 positive for Covid-19.You’ll then know very quickly                                           Images from the web are not suitable for                                                     person, but are we willing to accept that comes       wonder if in 2030 the High Court overturning
 and can organise to be tested straight away.                                                                                                                                                                                                     TCDC’s decision not to sign onto the climate change
                                                                                                              printing.                                                                     from the same version of us that succeeds? That
                                                                                                                                                                                            the light and dark co-exist?                          declaration will feel like my tween Facebook
 Stay well and all the very best for February!                                                                                                                                              There is a group of people that springs to mind,      status regrets…
                                                                                                          Please call David if you have
                                                                                                           questions or would like to                                                       who inspire me to get my hands dirty and yank
                                                                                                                      advertise with us.                                                    my uncomfortable emotions out of my black bag.
                                                                                                                                                                                            They inspire me to stare my unwanted emotions

                                                                                                                      Graphic Designer
                                                                                                                           David Bayer
                                                                                                         Graphic Designer and illustrator
                          Deli Connell                                                                                  027 506 3110

                              Reader’s contributions of letters and articles are welcome. Publication of these is at the discretion of the
                              editorial team and may be edited. Contributions will only be considered for publication with the author’s
                              full name, residential address and contact number. Opinions expressed in The Seagull are not necessarily
                              those of the publishers.
                              The Seagull is published by Oystercatcher Enterprises Ltd.
                              Disclaimer: No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage suffered by anyone relying on the information within. No endorsement of any service or product
                              advertised or featured is implied or assumed.

CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
The Seagull

                                                                                                                                               Gary is philosophical, “There were many stakeholders involved
                                                                                                                                               in the positioning of the clubhouse and a few were worried
                                                                                                                                               about views and so on. With the setting of the building into the
Clad in red and yellow the youngster raises the binoculars to           “It’s been a slow process, but we’ve come a long way since the         bank we think we’ve alleviated those concerns and had a lot of
his eyes, intent on the bobbing heads in the waves he scans             club was housed in a paddock.” A Mrs Mc Cracken owed a couple          people pleasantly surprised with the result.” It’s so good, in fact,
meticulously for any signs of a person in trouble or the ocean          of sections opposite the store and generously allowed the club         other clubs are keen to utilise their innovative designs.
subtly changing its patterns. A waveless, discoloured patch             operate off one of them for years, a caravan and ATV stored there,     Club Members can’t even began to thank all the people involved
on the surface of the water may indicate a rip forming and              and apologised when she came to sell.                                  in the build.
necessitate a quick shift of flags or an intervention.                  “We’re really grateful we had that location made available to          The Trust Waikato HWB Lifeguards have also had to innovate
It’s this vigilance that saves lives and, on this un-seasonally cool,   us close to the beach,” says Gary. It was a place to gather for        around the way they patrol having a major tourist attraction,
                                                                        briefings and have a bite to eat or rest on a busy day at the beach.   the pools, where punters want to rinse off immediately adjacent
                                                                        The guards must be pinching themselves every time they turn up         to the hot water even if it isn’t the safest area of water on any
                                                                        to do a shift at the new clubhouse.                                    particular day. “Most beaches have flags positioned according to
                                                                                                                                               the conditions, but we need to patrol right where the people
                                                                                                                                               are, so that’s where the flags go.”

windy day, our lifeguard has the luxury of the shelter of the           There’s a spacious garage for the Can-Am all-terrain vehicle and       The Club is in the unique position of attracting large numbers         The old signage in the tower is a grim reminder of
brand-new Hot Water Beach Surf Lifesaving Club House. It                jet-ski, (Hot water Beach is the first club in the country to use a    of visitors and they struggle to cover the costs of providing full
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the days when the beach was unpatrolled.
hasn’t always been the case.                                            jet-ski) and equipment neatly lines the walls.                         coverage of the beach for 8 months of the year. With Hahei and
A paddock, a caravan, tents and pop-up shelters have been               A medical room with hospital-style bed allows a dry, safe and          Cathedral Cove now manned over the peak period, at around              The first official club in New Zealand was the Piha Surf
home base for the Trust Waikato Hot Water Beach Surf                    warm treatment area for those patients requiring extra care, the       $60,000 per site, funding is even more critical. “DOC flies in         Lifesaving club, 1934, which was allegedly conceived by a
Lifesaving Club since it began in 1997 with paid guards,                guards are usually the first responders to serious medical events      the towers for us and provides some dollars which is fantastic,”       group of rugby players in a bach by the beach “sitting around
more than a decade before that Gordon and Lois Pye had                  before a patient can be evacuated by ambulance or helicopter.          Gary says appreciatively. But, as with many mainly voluntary           a keg and a bowl of sausages.” The club was established
organised tubes to put out for emergencies.                             There’s actually a kitchenette, absolute luxury, enabling meal prep    organisations, they run on the whiff on an oily rag, a lot of          based on the Australian model and in response to a number
Sitting in the tower with Club Captain Gary Hinds I’m                   and hot cuppa…essential for those wild and woolly days when            goodwill and donations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of drownings on the dangerous west coast beach.
appreciating the fabulous view along the sweep of Hot                   the crew just don’t get a chance to dry out and warm up…it’s not                  Head over to the
Water Beach taking in the hot pools and far beyond. While               always 25 degree days.                                                                                                                        Hot Water Beach is regarded as one of New
he talks Gary scans the ocean, a habit that’s hard to break,            “It’s been a while in the planning to get to where we are today                                                                               Zealand’s most dangerous beaches due to its
the satisfaction is clear on his face.                                  with the first set of designs drawn up around 20 years ago.”            hotwaterbeachlifeguards to see how you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      combination of high visitor numbers and frequent
                                                                                                                                                              can help.                                               rip currents.

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CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
The Seagull

                                            Treaty of Waitangi
                            It’s a bit like Christmas when Christians try valiantly to                                was before that day, would never be the same. Controversy
                            remind the general populace of the ‘reason for the season’.                               and protest, legislative change, reparation (or lack
                            Waitangi Day rolls around, usually in the best period of                                  thereof) and political and social debate have dogged the
                            weather for the year, offering a long weekend and a second                                commemorations of Waitangi Day for 181 years.
                            stab at some summer respite away from our jobs and/or                                     The Treaty, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, was a written agreement
                            cities.                                                                                   between the British Crown who was represented by
                            But, like the Christians, what is the ‘reason for the season’?                            William Hobson and tribes (iwi) and sub-tribes (hapu)
                            We’re grateful for an extra summer day off but should we/                                 of Aotearoa represented by their chiefs (Rangatira). It’s
                            do we reflect of the significance of the day?                                             important to note that not all tribes or sub-tribes were
                            The original Waitangi Day, 6th February 1840, was a                                       represented or wanted to be part of the agreement.
                            defining moment in our nation’s history, Aotearoa as it

                                  Caption: King, Marcus, 1891-1983. [King, Marcus] 1891-1977 :[Reconstruction of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. ca 1950?]. Ref: NON-ATL-0173. Alexander Turnbull
                                  Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23054085

                            In fact, a local Rangatira Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia,                                    'undisturbed possession' for as long as desired, but should
                            of Ngāti Tamaterā (Thames area) was one of those who                                      Māori wish to sell any of their land or property it must be
                            declined to sign.                                                                         offered to the British Crown.
                            Controversially also there were two versions of the treaty,                               It’s easy to see why the Treaty has generated much debate
                            one in English and one in Māori, and there were some very                                 and angst over the past 181 years. It’s great to see excellent
                            important differences between the two. Most Rangatira                                     teaching resources available to our schools around the
                            signed the Māori version while only thirty-nine signed                                    Treaty nowadays, looking back at this momentous day with
                            the English. With obvious language difficulties it begs the                               a more balanced lens and encouraging healthy debate and
                            question as to how much was really understood by the                                      reflection.
                            chiefs, did they know what they were getting into?
                            The English version grants the British Crown 'sovereignty'                                Keen to explore the topic at home? A great family
         Thank you to       over New Zealand but in the Māori version, this is                                        watch is Waitangi-What Really Happened a TVNZ on
        DMITRI KOTELEVSKI   expressed as 'kawanatanga' – governorship.                                                Demand production available on Youtube in 7 short
                            The Māori version guarantees Māori 'tino rangatiratanga'                                  instalments.
                            (full chieftainship) over their lands and possessions    however the English version states they are granted

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CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
The Seagull


    A Maori Phrase a Month
    Would you like to introduce a little Te Reo Maori into your day to day
    conversation but feel too nervous?
    Don’t be! Each month we’ll introduce a commonly
    used phrase to help kick start your Te Reo journey.
    So are you or your children heading back to school or uni? Here are some
    great phrases to use in the classroom.                                                                                                            WORD SEARCH                                          sudoku
    Ko wai tō Kaiako?------ Who’s your teacher?
                                                                                                      We are humbled and delighted to
                                                                                                      have the support of Hemi Kelly who
                                                                                                      is generously providing the phrases
    He karaehe tāku ---------I have a class                                                           for us from his most recent book. If
    Kia kaha tea ko -----------Go hard learning                                                       you’re impatient and can’t wait for a
    Titiro mai, whakarongo mai --------Look and listen up                                             new phrase next month then purchase
                                                                                                      Hemi’s book and enjoy a new phrase
    He pātai tāku ----------- I have a question                                                       every day!
    He aha tō tino Kaupapa?---- What’s your favourite subject?
          -    Kaupapa------------ subject
          -    Pāngaru-------------Maths
          -    Pūtaiao -------------Science
          -    Tōrangapū---------Politics
          -    Te Reo Pāniora--Spanish
    Kaua e mate wheke------------Don’t give up!!!                                                                                                                                                                    B

                                                                                                                                              BEE          HIVE          RESCUE

                                                      Chinese New Year 2021
                                                                                                                                              CHAMPAGNE    HOLIDAY       RIP
                                                                                                                                              CHOCOLATES   HONEY         SIGN
                                                                                                                                              CLUBHOUSE    IWI           SWIM
                                                                                                                                              DOCUMENT     KNEEBOARD     TREATY
                                                                       Followers of Chinese Astrology believe each year is imbued             FLAGS        LIFEGUARD     VALENTINE
                                                                       with the characteristics of a certain animal and that the year         FLOWERS      PROTEST       WAITANGI
                                                                       in which you were born also determines your personality                HAPU         RANGATIRA
                                                                       and traits. The animal characteristics also influence the year                                                        solutions on page 9

                                                                                                                                              Get a Wheelie bin for home this year
                                                                       generally for all of us, regardless of which animal our year of
     The 12th of February marks Chinese New Year,                      birth corresponds with. We’ve got an Ox Year coming up so
     another chance at some resolutions and a reason for               what does that mean for everyone?
     renewed optimism if your year hasn’t started quite as well as     The Ox represents hard work, positivity and honesty
     you would have liked.                                             and the Ox is thought to be grounded, loyal, gentle and
     According to Chinese astrology the 12th of February 2021          trustworthy. His element is earth, representing stability,
                                                                                                                                                                               3 SIZE
                                                                                                                                                                                        Co nt ac t us tod ay !
     will mark the beginning of the Year of the Ox. The timing         fertility and nourishment.
     of the New Year is dependent on the lunar calendar. It is         Sounds peaceful? With the departure of a certain lunatic                                                         PHONE 0800 4 MY BIN (0800 469 246)
     believed that this ancient form of astrology first appeared in    politician and optimism around the efficacy of the vaccines                                                      EMAIL
     the Zhan Guo period [5th century B.C.]                            being rolled out let’s hope we can look forward to safer,
     Legend has it, although it is disputed regionally or told         more-grounded and enjoyable year.                                                                                ONLINE
     differently in China and around the world, that The Jade
     Emperor wanted to select 12 animals to be his guards.
                                                                       If you were born in any of the following
     He sent an emissary into the mortal world to spread the
     message to the animal kingdom that the order in which the                 years this is your year!
     animals appeared to him through the Heavenly Gate would
     correspond to their ranking or status.
     The Ox was second to arrive after giving the devious Rat            1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961,
     a ride who jumped off at the last minute and bolted to the
     gate to come first.
                                                                         1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.
                                                                                                                                                             WE ARE LOCAL – proudly 100% Kiwi owned & operated
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CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
The Seagull

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ‘sailer’. A ‘cat’, or catamaran, was used for dragging out logs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      on a skid road and a ‘sailer’ was a limb that broke off a sawn

Hometown Hero                                                                                                                                  STREETS
                                                                                                                                                of Whitianga
                                                                                                                                                                                      (aka  Mercury    Bay  Hospital)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      tree as it fell and was caught up in surrounding trees.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      One of the more severe injuries to occur at the mill was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      suffered by a Mr Houton who jumped onto the travelling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      saw bench and slipped, resulting in a completely severed
                                                                                                                                               The Mercury Bay Hospital was built in 1898, at 19 Buffalo Beach        foot. While waiting for a cutter to take him to Auckland, the
                                                                                                                                               Road. It was a single six-room building with a 15-bed capacity and     bleeding was suppressed by tying his leg in a bag of flour.
                                                                                                                                               a doctor who made his rounds on horseback as far south as Tairua, With no benefits or Accident Compensation Cover in those
                                                                       Original library as the Ferry Landing       Ferry Landing Library now   over 40 kilometres away.                                               days, he made himself a wooden foot and secured a job as a
                                                                       'Cash Store'                                                            Serious cases were sent by steamer to Auckland and maternity           mail carrier on horseback at Dairy Flats, Auckland.
                                                                        The wee library has had its challenges with a storm in 2009            cases were attended at home, with the exception of a small             The hospital closed in the 1980s, but in December 2012,
                                                                        causing water to inundate the building, damaging books and             nursing home run from 1909 to 1912 at Hodge’s home on Coghill          after significant remedial work, it became home to Rural and
                                                                        carpets. “We had to live with a horrible damp, musty smell for a       Street.                                                                Community Services.
    From left - Elizabeth, Anne & Kate                                  couple of years,” says Kate. “It was the catalyst to fundraise for     If the cook’s horn (a bullock horn blown like a trumpet) sounded
                                                                        a new building which was opened in 2011.” A lot of community           at an unscheduled time in the mill bush camp, or the mill whistle      Mercury Bay Hospital, 1913.
Kate Piper                                                              work went into creating the replica building designed by ex-local
                                                                        Nick Strachan and built by Peter McVicker and Murray Strachan.
                                                                                                                                               blew in town, many hands rallied to transport a patient to the
                                                                                                                                               hospital by sack and sapling stretcher or pull-cart. See pull-cart in
and the little library that could.                                      “The prime movers were Peter and Murray,” says Kate, “and their        top photo, page 16.
Apparently, it’s one of the most photographed buildings in              workmanship is fabulous. There were so many in the community,          In the hospital’s early days there was much community fund-raising
the district with visitors incredulous that it is actually a fully-     residents and ‘tradies’ and businesses, who donated time or            to ensure its future (see Catherine Crescent, page 41). Eventually
functioning, community library. Like the Tardis, it has a surprising    money or helped to source materials cheaply, and Annie made            the Government subsidised it, and in 1939, the Thames Hospital
amount of space inside and is well-stocked with thoughtfully            wonderful morning teas.”                                               Board took it over.
selected books of both fact and imagination.                            Without Toby Morcom’s valuable support around sourcing funds           All workers were expected to pay 6d a week, which entitled them
The driving force, engine if you like, of this Tardis is Kate Piper,    and donations along with Council member Alison Henry and then          to free medicine and hospitalisation at half-price.
Ferry Landing librarian of 34 years.                                    TCDC Area Manager Leslie McCormick’s help it would have been           The doctor had his own dispensary, which still stands to the left
“I really stumbled into the role,” says Kate, “I was doing the          “a huge struggle” according to Kate. It took a village to raise a      of the driveway today, and it was necessary for him to learn the
census in 1986 and called on Mrs Evans who told me they                 library!                                                               local ‘bush language’ as a bushman might have been hit by a ‘cat’ or
couldn’t find anyone to be the librarian, and…I love books.”            The result is something to be really proud of, a lovely airy space
And so, it started. Originally on her own Kate now has the              with a comfy chair in the corner to contemplate your next
help of Annie McVicker (“I’m just the cleaner!” she laughs) and         withdrawal, you want to linger a while.
Elizabeth Nicholls who nominated Kate as Hometown Hero.                 But you have to choose your book in the daytime as it doesn’t
“Kate works tirelessly in the background to keep the library            have a power supply. “We couldn’t afford to pay a power bill
going and to advocate to continue the service, which is very            anyway” Kate laughs, the serious readers desperate for a book
well-utilised and appreciated by the community,” says Elizabeth.        after dark need a torch or a campers’ headlamp.
“34 years is a long time to dedicate yourself to a role like this.”     Long may the ‘little library that could’ continue to bring the joy
Kate, however, can’t see what all the fuss is about, sees a job         of books to its community.
that needs doing and does it without fanfare. She may have             This month our Hometown hero Kate receives
one perk though, getting first dibs on new books…”Then I can           a $50 voucher from Paper Plus!
recommend them,” she laughs.

                                                                                                                                                Rural and Community Services, 2019.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Excerpt from “A Brief Guide to
                                                                                                                                                                  sudoku Solution                                             the History of Whitianga”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              90 pages of Historic photos and
                                                                                                                                                                A                                      B                      personal Whitianga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Available at Mosaic,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              53 Albert St

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CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
                                                                                                                              with Leo, we play a mellower sound so playing a
                                                                                                                              harder style felt new and fresh to me, some new                                                                     The Seagull
                                                                                                                              ground that feels unique.” Stu explains.
                                                                                                                              Gabe adds,

                                                                                                                              “Thrash is an older style, there is a niche scene
                                                                                                                              but that’s not what’s important, it’s a sound that
                                                                                                                              emerged naturally for us so if there is a large scene           “I drank from punk
                                                                                                                              or not it doesn’t matter. Genres are irrelevant,                rock for a chunk of my
                                                                                                                              sometimes a feel just comes with jamming and                    childhood, the Ramones,
                                                                                                                              practice.”                                                      Clash, Skatalites, The
                                                                                                                              Leo goes on.
     Talk with David Bayer.                                                                                                   Stu is a librarian, so a good story matters, sharing
                                                                                                                                                                                              Specials, Brazilian music
     Primal sound slams with energetic rhythm. Leo’s heavy                                                                                                                                    and Ska. Energy sums up
     kick drum pedal times a pounding beat, arms flailing                                                                                                                                     who we are, but lyrics are
     finding snare and cymbol. Stu’s clear, solid vocals rip                                                                                                                                  important”.
     smart lyrics through thrashing melodies held together
     by Gabe’s rock-solid bass lines that weave through the
     layered sound.
     This thrash band has funk and smarts. Rooted in rock,
     Corrosive Moses flirts with many styles. Rhythms of ska
     with a dirty rock sound support the story and thoughtful
     lyrics of folk. You can’t help but move, sing-along and
     “Our sound has always evolved and the evolution is                                                                      positive messages, political, working with
     always happening refining, slicing, making it lean…yet                                                                  other bands in the community. Crafting
     always expanding”                                                                                                       something that can be said to have meaning
     Gabriel Johnston on bass, Leonardo Magri drums                                                                          there. The storytelling gels with the simplicity
     and backing vocals, Stewart Pedley lead vocals                                                                          of our style.”
     and guitar. The trio produces noise that hammers
     your chest. It’s difficult to put to words the                                                                          “Our first gig?”                                    Leo
                                                                                                                             Was a trip up to Auckland and we were excited       “I admire Stu and Gabe. It’s great to be in a band where everyone is
     energy that is created by these three talented
                                                                     “We have a broad list of influences                     for our first gig out of lockdown.                  passionate about what they do, enjoying the journey, respecting everyones
     musicians.                                                                                                              Amped, nervous but confident, we had people         routines and having fun.
                                                                     reggae, funk, soul. A Venn diagram                                                                          Music has amazing theraputic value. It connects people, and gives
                                                                                                                             who wanted to have a good time while we were
                                                                     of our influences would surprise                        on track, prepared, fit and trusted the songs.      expression. it can focus and channel what is going on in your life. And
                                                                     people with its range. But once we got                  We could feel the crowd was loving it, for songs    playing heavy music is a rush; it takes you to a different zone.
                                                                     together the thrash sound naturally                     they had never heard before!                        A trip, a cool trip.”
                                                                     came out. That common ground                                                                                Stu
                                                                                                                             We are starting to build something tangible,        “Writing music is like taking little pieces of a puzzel and trying to assemble
                                                                     glued us and we hit our pace. Not one                   we want to build a solid foundation, back up        them until, bam, something tangible and real exists. And once you have made
                                                                     particular genre, we agree on energy,                   our promotion with quality music. We are            the puzzel you can let it go; it is no longer yours, it is for everyone.”
                                                                     finding our niche and giving what we                    not so young and can enjoy it for what it is.       Corrosive Moses next plays - New Town Festival, Wellington.
                                                                     can to the audience.”                                   Jamming with really cool guys.
                                                                                                                             The Journey, not the destination.

                                                                Corrosive Moses. Two words that just go nicely together.
                                                                There is no huge meaning there but it’s nice to play with
                                                                the sounds of words. Leo, being from Brazil, with English
                                                                as his second language, points out these nice sound

                                                                The band has a bit of an open relationship. Leo and Stu
                                                                have a long musical history, they met at a cafe in Whiti,
                                                                got to talking about music and they learned they both
                                                                “Stu thought ah f#%k everyone’s a drummer.” Leo laughs.
                                                                But since then they have been playing together for about
                                                                7 years.
                                                                Gabe moved up from Wellington and opened Hula cafe. Stu
                                                                being originally from there, met Gabe and got on. Luckily,
                                                                he wasn’t another f#%ken drummer.
                                                                Gabe had seen Leo and Stu play and thought they needed
                                                                a bass player. They started to hang, jam and slowly over
                                                                the next year, a sound began to develop.
      “This is the music
      that we are enjoying                                      “Life got busy then at the start of the lockdown we had
      creating right now.                                       another practice and found a style and direction...the
      We are doing what we                                      music found a life. The journey of working towards
                                                                something is important and what really helped was the
      like and having fun.”                                     community. A small place like Whitianga lets us create
                                                                a scene bringing the people together. I play solo and duo
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                                                                      Drink                                                                    Yes Chef!
                                                                      like a Viking                                                            The Pour House Hahei
                                                                                                                                               “I’m off to the Pour House” may conjure up
                                                                                                                                               visions of lost fortunes, watery broth and
     It's common to be asking what Hops or even Malt a beer            two yeast groups. Kveik yeasts have just half of their DNA from         ragged clothes…it couldn’t be further from the
     is brewed with and yet we rarely hear questions about the         ale group 1 and the other half is of unknown origin. Its years of       truth!
     yeast used. Whatever the yeast it is generally assumed to         isolated development in parallel to 'modern' industrial yeasts has      The Pour House, Hahei is
     have been chosen for its suitability for the style of beer in     produced a very different organism.                                     a “fun, family-owned, craft
     question but rarely discussed over a cold one at the bar.         What is so different about it? It ferments at very high                 brewery, bar, and restaurant”
     When the original Bavarian Beer laws were made yeast              temperatures that would either kill other yeast or produce a            providing the riches of a warm
     wasn't even included – Just malt, hops and water. The yeast       phenolic (clove/medicinal) bomb.This means a homebrewer                 welcome, hearty food and         The names of beers on tap are written in chalk on blackboards as they’re fresh from the brewery
     was thought to be a 'contaminent' that had to be continually      needs no temperature control in hot weather and lower power             cooling, hand-made ale.          and likely to change according to what Neil and the team are pumping out. Entice your tastebuds
     removed! How little was understood until the men at               consumption in a brewery. It can survive incredibly long periods                                         with funky names like The Hahei Doctor, The Munted Monk, Bean to Heaven (a Chocolate & Vanilla
     Carlsberg first isolated pure yeast.                                    as a dried yeast. It ferments incredibly quickly and has a very                                    Porter) or Tsunami Alert.
     Yeast is the engine in the production of our beer and its                      high alcohol tolerance.                                                                     Of course, you can have a wine if you really want to, they have a great drinks menu.
     viability and management is critical to producing top quality                                                                                                              Tummies are kept happy with St Louis Pork Ribs, Macadamia and Kelp Crumbed Fish and Chips and
     ales and lagers.                                                                     The high alcohol tolerance comes from the                                             hearty burgers and pizzas.Vegetarians, vegans and the fussy young-uns don’t miss out with special
                                                                                            way it was used. In the traditions from which                                       items on the menu. But everyone should have the ‘The Legendary Fries’…we’re not kidding, they are
     Norwegian Kveik yeasts were brought out onto the world                                  it developed if you wanted to honour your                                          that good.
     stage by Lars Garshol – a software engineer and enthusiastic                             guests you would serve high strength                                              It’s a family friendly space in which you’ll love to linger, So if you are in the area enjoying our stunning
     beer drinker. The yeast was very much in danger of dying                                    beer – it would be seen as an insult                                           beaches, do drop in for a bite, and sample their local, made with passion, beers. Or why not try one
     out in its own back yard. In giving the yeast away to the                                     to serve a low strength beer to a                                            of The Pour House’s award-winning coffees?
     world, in very much the                                                                                            guest – so beware                                       “There is lots of space for families and friends, so come on over and hang out in the sun!” says Karen.
     giving nature of the                                                                                               Norwegian's                                             “We are also dog-friendly, so if your pooch is well behaved, bring them too, and introduce them to
     Craft Brewing                                                                                                      offering you low                                        Max, the Pour House dog,“ Max has, at times, borne a wee tag saying; “Please don’t feed me”. Karen
     business, he has                                                                                                    alcohol beer!                                          and Neil don’t want him keeling over from a heart attack caused by too much ‘tummy love’, (he is
     hopefully saved its                                                                                                 At our small                                           hard to resist).
     future.                                                                                                             brewery in Hahei
                                                                                                                         we experimented
     No one knows exactly how long ago kveik (FYI: it’s                                                                 with these
     pronounced “kvike,” not “kveek”) rose out of the                                                               yeasts over the
     glacier-scoured valleys much like the landscape of our                  course of 18months and many small trial brews. It is quite
     own Fjordland. But we do know that Norwegians have                     disconcerting at first to put your hand on a Fermenter and
     been brewing since misty prehistory, and that, to no                   feel it to be warm to the touch! Also surprising can be to
     one’s surprise,Vikings had a taste for beer. Historically,             find that while you're still cleaning the brewery on brewday
     brewing only occurred a few times per year, as the                    that the wort you transferred just 30 minutes ago is already
     region’s bare, rocky turf never did yield much grain, which          bubbling away.
     meant that beer was reserved for special occasions only.
     This new but ancient yeast has been dated back at least as far    So why should you want to drink Kveik fermented beer? I can't
     as the 15th Century maintained by a geographically isolated       categorically state that the beer is better tasting than all of
     farmhouse brewing tradition.                                      the many other yeast strain choices though the clean tropical,
     In the early 2010s, even if you were a Norwegian beer             stonefruit and pineapple notes we get from our chosen strain
     enthusiast like Garshol, you probably hadn’t heard of kveik,      has been excellent. What you will be doing however is to help
     and you wouldn’t have known that Norway’s remote, oceanic         preserve a great historical tradition and encourage diversity. At
     west fostered one of Europe’s last-remaining, uninterrupted       a time when we're being challenged to 'Try something new New
     pockets of farmhouse brewing. One that had somehow                Zealand' that new thing could actually be pretty old.
     escaped the ravages of modern industry. But a vague
     recollection of his grandfather’s homemade beers had floated      The most difficult thing might be finding out what yeast your beer
     to the top of Garshol’s mind, and an off-hand comment his         has been brewed with. We know that many breweries have used or
     uncle made, about local brewers, was cause enough to book         tried it though possibly only a few such as Volstead and Meandoses
     a trip. This trip surprised and shocked him changing his life     use it regularly. We have been so impressed with it that we have
     and setting him on a course of discovery that he has now          changed our house yeast to it.
     brought to a wider audience.                                                                                                                                                                 It’s a wonderful thing to have great food and hand-crafted beer in such an iconic
                                                                       If you cant find Kveik brewed beers locally then why not come to                                                           location close to some of New Zealand’s greatest tourist attractions, yet to retain
     DNA and genonome sequencing (a term we have become                The Pour House in Hahei on the Coromandel where we serve our                                                               the feel of your ‘village-local’ welcomed in your jandals or a tux, they won’t judge.
     surprisingly familiar with of late!) has shown that modern        Coromandel Brewing Company beers and you can 'Drink like a                                                                 The beautifully landscaped garden offers tables amongst NZ lilies and flaxes which
     ale brewing with Saccharomyces cerevisiae uses one of just        Viking' – preferably without the pillaging! See you soon.                                                                  gives the ‘al fresco’ dining an intimate outdoors feel. Generous wooden tables
                                                                                                                                                                                                  welcome you indoors if the weather turns cool.
                                                                                                                           Neil Vowles                                                            Pop in for a bite and a beverage and enjoy the ambience, and say hi to Max for us
                                                                                             Brewer – The Coromandel Brewing Company                                                              will you?

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CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
The Seagull

                                                                 practice in being a bee-keeper. “I watched it years ago,     of flowers and then labelling her jars appropriately.
                                                                 I hadn’t been bee-keeping long and had mostly learned        Most people move their hives all the time chasing the
                                                                 from books. I found the information in the film both         manuka and causing masses of colony losses…there is
                                                                 enlightening and disturbing.” She couldn’t recommend         a lot of competition for food sources for the bees and
                                                                 the movie more highly, a must-see for everyone               therefore starvation.
                                                                 interested in health and well-being of the planet.
                                                                 “I’m very alternative and don’t use bees for orchard         Old Coach Road is harvested straight from the hive
                                                                 pollination as I don’t like the idea of the chemicals        (with some left for the bees to feed their community) to
                                                                 some orchards use. I also prefer my bees to live in a        the extraction plant and pumped into the jars. Larger
                                                                 multicultural/multi floral area so they get to forage on     operations will usually leave the honey in drums or vats,
                                                                 many types of native trees as opposed to a monoculture       where it solidifies and then heat it in order to pump it to
                                                                 where they are forced to produce a certain crop like         the jars.
                                                                 Manuka from one tree species. It’s not sustainable for       It doesn’t get any fresher or more natural as can be seen
      Old Coach Road Honey - A ‘bee-spoke’ business              the bees to live like that.” Just like we humans the bees    by the foam or air bubble speckles in the jar.
     A gentle hum, like a choir warming up its vocal chords      need variety in their diet in order to thrive. “So, I’m      Deb never wants to be a big operation, she respects the
     for a performance, emanates from the wooden hives. A        happy to promote and sell whatever honey type my             bees and understands that they are a living community,
     soothing sound in the summer sun, busy bees go about        bees produce. At the moment there are so many out-of-        an extremely complex society within which every bee has
     the business of producing liquid gold.                      town beekeepers who bring their hives in from north          a role.
     Up Old Coach Road, a world away from the crowds, on         to follow the Manuka flow down the country. It’s very        Complementing the honey operation Deb’s daughter
     her lifestyle block, Debbie Scobie gently nurtures her      hard on the hives being shifted from site to site. There’s   Billie is also making candles and calendula balm, the
     thousands of bees, often with the eager assistance of her   always a huge amount of colony loss. My bees stay put        flowers steeped in cold oil to preserve their natural
     4 year old granddaughter Reeva.                             year-round so they are not put under any extra stress.”      properties. With three generations it really is a family
     Deb’s foray into bee-keeping was almost accidental.         My bees produced manuka in 2019 and then in 2020             enterprise, every jar bottled with a bit of good old-
     Her brother-in-law moved away, more than 20 years           Kanuka, and that’s fine by Deb. She labels her honey         fashioned ‘Old Coach Road’ love.
     ago, leaving behind a few hives. Deb was intrigued by       truthfully allowing the bees to select their main source
     the hives with their honey spilling out and sourced a
     book to help her understand what to do with them.
     By the time she got back to them ‘the piggies’ had                                                                                                                                     The use of honey as an internal and external
     decimated the hives and she had to start from scratch.                                                                                                                                 remedy is much older than the history of medicine
     Deb purchased 6 hives in those early days and with                                                                                                                                     itself. It was used to treat a variety of illnesses in
     300 acres backing onto DOC land the bees have been                                                                                                                                     ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
     delighted to have such a large area to forage.                                                                                                                                         The family steed, Chester, recently put his leg
     She now has 50 hives and enlists family help, especially                                                                                                                               through a fence causing a gory injury. A local
     from daughter Billie and granddaughter Reeva who                                                                                                                                       vet asked if they had any honey, so Chester has
     has her own pint-size bee-suit. Reeva at age four has                                                                                                                                  been sporting a nappy smothered in honey and
     become very engaged with whole process and even feels                                                                                                                                  bandaged to his leg…the result is a wound healing
     a responsibility to rescue bees which have fallen into                                                                                                                                 beautifully and filling in the lost tissue. The
     the family pool. “She carefully picks them out and we                                                                                                                                  properties of both manuka and kanuka are well-
     put them in a matchbox, in a warm spot, with a dab of                                                                                                                                  documented around their healing qualities.
     honey and after an hour or two they’ve dried out and
     recovered enough to fly off,” says Deb. “My grandson                                                                                                                                   Don’t put out sugar water or honey for the bees…
     Archie, also 4 years old, assists with bee rescues when                                                                                                                                it can attract too many bees from different hives
     he comes over as well.”                                                                                                                                                                and therefore facilitate the easy spread of disease.
     (It’s a truly family affair with step-daughter Crystal                                                                                                                                 It’s better to have a dish of water somewhere for
     designing the labels and t shirts and partner Mike doing                                                                                                                               them to rest on the edge of and drink.
     the heavy lifting and harvesting for Deb as the boxes can                                                                                                                              “You're just a bee charmer, Idgie Threadgoode.
     weigh upward of 20kg each.)                                                                                                                                                            That's what you are, a bee charmer.” Ruth says to
                                                                                                                                                                                            Idgie as she reaches in a hive, unprotected to pull
     The Documentary film ‘Queen of the Sun’ What are                                                                                                                                       out honeycomb. ‘Fried Green Tomatoes 1991 film
     the bees telling us?’ was hugely influential to Deb’s                                                                                                                                  based on the novel by Fannie Flagg
                                                                                                                                                                                            The ancient Druids saw the bee as symbolising the
                                                                                                                                                                                            sun, the Goddess, celebration, and community.

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CORROSIVE MOSES HotWaterBeach - Bees
The Seagull

                                                                                                                                                         Sharing the Ocean with Sharks
                                           Emma Elsworthy’s
                                         Sixteen Small Steps to                                                                                          They’ve always been there, usually under the surface, going about
                                                                                                                                                         their business of being an apex predator. The movies would have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Areas to avoid are deep channels, areas with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     concentrations of baitfish or feeding seabirds or dolphins, and

                                                                                                                                                         us believe they are ‘fins up’ signalling their presence and on the          anywhere anyone is fishing or has discarded fish remains. Sharks
                                                                                                                                                         hunt for humans…so many of us were psychologically damaged                  generally become more active and hunt at night so swimming at
                                                                                                                                                         by the movie ’Jaws’ in 1975.                                                night is not recommended,”

 1. Push yourself to get up before the rest of the world - start with           13. Think long and hard about what interests you. Crime? Sex?            In 50 plus years of spending a lot of time in the ocean I’ve only            Clinton adds that the number of shark sightings reported over
 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. Go to the nearest hill with a big coat             Boarding school? Long-forgotten romance etiquette? Find a book
                                                                                                                                                         had one close encounter (that I’m aware of, of course) and that             the Christmas-New Year period does not indicate an overall
 and a scarf and watch the sun rise.                                            about it and read it. There is a book about literally everything.
                                                                                                                                                         was with well-known local bronze whaler, Bruce (or Bazza)                   increase in shark populations.
 2. Push yourself to fall asleep earlier - start with 11pm, then                14. Become the person you would ideally fall in love with. Let cars      at Otama Beach a couple of years ago. He glided through a
                                                                                                                                                         crystalline swell a mere couple of metres away from me, all 2.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “Shark sightings usually peak over spring and summer as more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     people head to the beach and several coastal shark species
 10pm, then 9pm. Wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and                merge into your lane when driving. Pay double for parking tickets and
 comfortable.                                                                   leave a second one in the machine. Stick your tongue out at babies.      metres of him, obviously wondering what I was and what I was                move inshore to pup and feed on abundant inshore fishes.
                                                                                                                                                         up to. He’s been likened to a curious dog sniffing around its               During this period, calm conditions and cleaner water makes it
 3. Erase processed food from your diet. Start with no lollies, chips,          Compliment people on their cute clothes.
                                                                                                                                                         territory, but I still didn’t feel compelled to remain in the water         easier to see sharks swimming close to shore.
 biscuits, then erase pasta, rice, cereal, then bread. Use the rule that if a
 child couldn’t identify what was in it, you don’t eat it.                      15.   Challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day. Then    with him. Since then, I’ve seen several ‘bronzies’ at Otama and
                                                                                two. Then a week. Walk with a straight posture. Look people in the       maybe it’s just because the water has been so clear.                        While the movements of most sharks are poorly known, several
 4. Get into the habit of cooking yourself a beautiful breakfast. Fry           eye. Ask people about their story. Talk to acquaintances so they         Pilots report sharks beyond the breakers at Matarangi regularly,            species are known to move inshore and southward in summer,
 tomatoes and mushrooms in real butter and garlic, fry an egg, slice            become friends.                                                          have done for years and spear-fishermen have often lost a fish              and offshore and further north in winter.”
 up a fresh avocado and squirt way too much lemon on it. Sit and eat
 it and do nothing else.                                                        16. Lie in the sunshine. Daydream about the life you would lead          or two off their float to an opportunist shark in Coromandel
                                                                                if failure wasn’t a thing. Open your eyes. Take small steps to make it
 5. Stretch. Start by reaching for the sky as hard as you can, then             happen for you.
 trying to touch your toes. Roll your head. Stretch your fingers. Stretch                                                                                After the tragic death of a young woman at Bowentown in
 everything.                                                                                                                                             January of this year, have we become hyper-vigilant and over-
                                                                                                                                                         aware of sharks or do we need to change our behaviours in the
 6. Buy a 1L water bottle. start with pushing yourself to drink the                                                                                      water this summer?
 whole thing in a day, then try drinking it twice.
                                                                                                                                                         The Department of Conservation (DOC) shark expert Clinton
 7.  Buy a beautiful diary and a beautiful black pen. write down                                                                                         Duffy says New Zealand has a very low rate of shark attack,
 everything you do, including dinner dates, appointments, assignments,                                                                                   with only one or two reported incidents a year, and a very low
 coffees, what you need to do that day. no detail is too small.                                                                                          incidence of fatal shark attack.

 8. Strip your bed of your sheets and empty your underwear draw                                                                                          “Most sharks, even great whites, typically exhibit
 into the washing machine. Put a massive scoop of scented fabric                                                                                         little if any interest in humans. Species such as bronze
 softener in there and wash. Make your bed in full.                                                                                                      whalers generally avoid swimmers and divers (except spear-
 9. Organise your room. Fold all your clothes (and bag what you don’t                                                                                    fishers).
 want), clean your mirror, your laptop, vacuum the floor. Light a beautiful                                                                              Any shark over 1.8m in length should be treated as potentially
 candle.                                                                                                                                                 dangerous unless you are familiar with sharks and shark
                                                                                                                                                         behaviour. If you encounter a shark while swimming the best
 10.   Have a luxurious shower with your favourite music playing.
                                                                                                                                                         thing is to leave the water as quickly and quietly as possible.You
 Wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth. Lather your
 whole body in moisturiser, get familiar with the part between your                                                                                      do not want to give a predatory shark the impression that you
 toes, your inner thighs, the back of your neck.                                                                                                         are injured and distressed, and therefore potentially easy prey.
 11. Push yourself to go for a walk. Take your headphones, go to the
 beach and walk. Smile at strangers walking the other way and be
 surprised how many smile back. Bring your dog and observe the dog’s
 behaviour. Realise you can learn from your dog.

                                                                                                                                                              Mercury Bay Community Choir 2021
      Message old friends with personal jokes. Reminisce. Suggest a
 catch up soon, even if you don’t follow through. Push yourself to follow
                                                                                                                                                            Mondays from 6 - 8 pm

  Emma Elsworthy is a journalist living and working                                                                                                         This all-comers choir rehearses in Mercury Bay Area School music room.
  in Sydney. She has kindly allowed us to reproduce                                                                                                         The choir will begin its 2021 rehearsals on February 8
                                                                                                                                                            working towards a concert in mid-April.
   her words and these just might be our New Year                                                                                                           New singers are always welcome.
                Resolutions for 2021!
                                                                                                                                                            Please phone   0226437462 for further information.
Catch up with more on Emma at

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The Seagull

                               Ps & Qs                                                                                                 Valentine’s

                                                                                                                                       February 14th rolls around again and it doesn’t matter if              
                                                                                                                                       you have a significant other or not, the world needs a bit more love
                                                                                                By Isabel Gilbert Palmer               and kindness. The origins of the celebratory day, however, aren’t so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                                       lovely, in fact they’re downright dodgy.                                                                  
                                                                                                                                       The ancient Romans celebrated the Feast of Lupercalia from                                           
                                                                                                                                       February 13 to 15, by hitting women with the skin of a sacrificed                                       
     Steve Hart         is the guy well known in Kuaotunu              .3.what’s your greatest current concern?                        goat or dog. The women would happily participate in this event
                                                                                                                                       believing that it would make them fertile.Young men could also                                           
     especially by the noise he and team makes daily in its midst .
                                                                                                                                       draw names of the women from a jar to ‘couple up’ with for the                                        
     He on his mower together with able Angie and Carrie and          The covid-19 pandemic .
                                                                                                                                       festival and maybe longer.                                                                             
     their whirring grass cutters, as they crisscross the village     It could so easily endanger the health of our people,
     and, beyond maintaining lawns and berms into pleasing green      create civil unrest and division in social structures and ruin   Roman Emperor Claudius II also executed two men — both named
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

     swathes and voluntarily keeping the paths at the Food            the economic and the well being of our country. I find it        Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D.                                      
     Forest under control . Ask around or read abit and one finds     disheartening listening to friends and associates embroiled in   These ‘martyrs’ were honoured by the Catholic Church with the                                           
     thats he’s not only busy with grass, he’s deeply involved in     the various conspiracy theories concerning these issues and      celebration of St.Valentine's Day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
     ‘Kuaotunu Land Search and Rescue, a key player in the local      how their thoughts and everyday lives are totally consumed       In the 5th Century Pope Gelasius managed to combine Lupercalia
                                                                                                                                       with St Valentine’s Day while, around the same time Normans                                           
     Covid Response group and a moderator on Kuaotunu ‘s              by them. I think its almost a current mental health issue.
                                                                                                                                       celebrated Galatin’s Day with ‘Galatin’ meaning ‘lover of women’.
                                                                      4.what’s the best advice ever given you?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
     Facebook page .
                                                                                                                                       Much, much later the great romantics, Chaucer and Shakespeare,                                        
                                                                                                                                       aided and abetted the sweetness surrounding the day with the day
     1.what’s your idea of                                            Leave a stressful job before it kills you… matter how well   with their honey-coated tales and ditties and then…hand-made                                          

                                                                      you are paid.                                                    paper cards with loving messages became popular in the Middle                                            
     perfect happiness?                                                                                                                Ages! So, we can’t blame Hallmark!                                                                    

     All that I have .                                                5.what event enlightened you and gave                            E iti noa ana, na te aroha – Though my present be small my love                                          

                                                                      you a new perspective on life?                                   goes with it                                                                                           
     Good health, my awesome                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

     loving wife, close friends,                                      A book called “Fish”. It made me realise that stress and

     having a neat home in our                                        depression can lead you into a dark place and that only you
     great Kuaotunu community,                                        can lift yourself out of it and turn your life around for the
     ,having a successful business                                    better.
     which provides employment
     opportunities and quietly
     reflecting on these while
                                                                      7.Your greatest accomplishment to
     sitting above a clearing while                                   date?
     hunting in the Uruweras.
                                                                      Setting up three
      2.Whose a real life                                             successful businesses –
                                                                      Wilderness Adventures
     hero?                                                            (Queenstown), Go
                                                                      Kiwi (Whitianga)
      My sister Jan.                                                  and Coast Lawns
      She taught me how happiness                                     & Property Care,
     and laughter is one of the                                       founding Kuaotunu
     greatest healers in life.                                        Land Search &
     Battling cancer at the rise of                                   Rescue………and of
     the covid-19 pandemic last                                       course marrying my
     year she managed to survive                                      wife Gay.
     months of total isolation in
     Australia away from family and
     friends. Enduring such fate ,
     she still chooses to laugh, smile
     and be happy.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                19
The Seagull

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           many years.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           This is a free event over the weekends of March 6
Most locals would agree that Coromandel summers are magical and so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           & 7 and 13 & 14, with studios open from 10-4, from
do the nearly 600,000 visitors to the Peninsula over the busy Christmas
and New Year period- a time when our team is at its busiest attending                                                                                                                                                      Tairua to Rings Beach and everywhere in between.
summer events.                                                                                                                                                                                                             On the website, there’s loads of information about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the artists, as well as handy maps so you can
We love taking our mobile studio out on the road. This year we kicked                                                                                      START PLANNING YOUR                                             design your journey: www.mercurybay-artescape.
off with broadcasts from Goldfields Mall in Thames and Santa parades
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           com. So, grab some friends and start planning your
in Paeroa, Whangamata, Whitianga and Coromandel. We also had a blast                                                                                       ART-FILLED                                                      own art-filled road trip now!
broadcasting live from fundraisers at the Onemana Market Day, the Keltic
Fair, Cooks Beach Summer Gala, Mercury Bay Seaside Carnival, as well
as attending the Emergency Services Day in Whitianga, the Mercury Bay
                                                                              Our crew relish providing valuable communication about what’s                MERCURY BAY ROAD TRIP                                           The Open Studios 2021 kicks off with a Gala
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Opening at Hot Waves Cafe at Hot Water Beach
                                                                              happening and encouraging people to participate- it’s great to see these
Aero Club Open Day and the Whiti Beach Meet. Next up is Wings and             events well attended and the feedback from organisers is fantastic. Many                                                                     on Friday, March 5 at 6pm. The guest speaker is
Wheels in Thames at the end of January.                                       have booked us again for next year, we’re grateful to have people valuing    Ever wondered how artists come up                               renowned sculptural cast glass artist Di Tocker. Get
                                                                              our contribution to their events.                                                                                                            in quick to buy your tickets from the website.
As the Coromandel’s only local 24/7 radio station we are committed to                                                                                      with new ideas and inspiration for                              Opening night also marks the start of the Showcase
being the voice of the community and there is no better way than getting
out and broadcasting live at various public gatherings- plus who can beat
                                                                              Thanks to everyone for making us a part of the Coromandel and Hauraki
                                                                              wider community. If you are at one of these events be sure to pop by the
                                                                                                                                                           their work?                                                     Exhibition at the café, with all artists showing work
office views of the beach or an aircraft show!                                caravan and say hi or ask for a request.                                     What do their studios look like?                                there until
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           April 5.
                                                                                                                                                           What sort of tools do they use?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Organisers would like to thank these local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           businesses for their generous support of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the Mercury Bay Art Escape: Bayleys, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Breeze, Magic, MORE FM, The Mercury Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Informer, Guthrie Bowron, New Zealand Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Homes, Hot Water Beach Top 10 Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Park, Rennie Cox, Sunlover Retreat, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pourhouse, and Hotties Beachfront Eatery.

                  here, CFM’s Breakfast Host.        Hey I’m                            the Drive               here - Saturday afternoon host and the
Originally from Auckland, I’ve been resident in      Show Host and Promotion Coordinator for            newly appointed Promotions Manager at CFM.
Whitianga since CFM began broadcasting in            your local radio station the Coromandel’s          I've worn a few different hats over the years
November of 2018. I love the pace of life here       CFM. Life’s hard you know; waking up to the        in my radio career... Newsreader, Announcer,
on the Coromandel, the beautiful landscape,          sound of seagulls, jogging along the beach to      Promotions Manager and Account Manager to
our fabulous beaches and being part of a great       get to my spin class at Evolution Fitness and      name a few.
community. Since making my home here, I’ve           if I’m not there, you’ll find me in the second-
                                                                                                        Having recently made the move to sunny
bought a house, become a member of the               hand shops. I graduated from NZ Radio School
Whitianga Volunteer Fire Brigade and I referee       in 2019 and have been hanging out with CFM         Whangamata with my two kids and a very
rugby during the season for the Thames Valley        ever since.                                        spoilt British Bulldog- I can't wait to see the
Rugby Referees Association.                                                                             rest of this beautiful part of New Zealand and
                                                                                                        meet more of you!                                                                                                                           ARTISTS OPEN STUDIOS
                                                                                                                                                           You’ll have the opportunity to find out all this and more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6-7 AND 13-14 MARCH 2021
Hey, I'm         . I take care of the production     Hi, I’m          - Daytime host for the            I’m                     presenting the CFM         during the Mercury Bay Art Escape’s 2021 Open Studios.                                   FREE ENTRY, OPEN 10AM - 4PM
side of CFM, making ads and other                    Coromandel’s CFM.                                  late morning show, as a previous board and         For the first two weekends in March, fifty artists across the
promotional audio. Plus I'm the go-to guy            As a child, I enjoyed holidaying in the            council member, I’m thrilled to still be serving   eastern Coromandel Peninsula are throwing open their
for technical issues.You can catch me on air         Coromandel, and I was lucky enough to raise        the communities of the Thames/Coromandel                                         GALA OPENING
mainly on weekends and filling in for other          my own children here, enjoying everything                                                             doors so visitors can meet the    makers, ask questions,                                 GALA OPENING
                                                                                                        district over the airwaves.                                                      5 MARCH 2021, 6PM
team members.                                        from hiking and tramping the beautiful ranges,                                                        watch artists at work, and even buy an original piece or two                             5 MARCH 2021, 6PM
                                                                                                        After winning a Radio DJ competition at age                                      HOT WAVES CAFE, HOT WATER BEACH
Working in radio was always a dream job              enjoying the white sandy beaches, and most
                                                                                                        16, I was hooked and have worked as both           directly from the creators. GUEST SPEAKER, DI TOCKER                                     HOT WAVES CAFE, HOT WATER BEACH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GUEST SPEAKER, DI TOCKER
for me and luckily - it's still my dream job.        of all being part of a vibrant yet laid back
                                                                                                        a radio announcer and television presenter         Artists this year include flax weavers, furniture makers,
My other hobbies include technical tinkering,        community.
                                                                                                        for 20 plus years…..and the hits just keep on      jewellers, glass and mosaic artists, painters, photographers,
gaming, and a passion for smart home                 My radio career started 13 years ago in
equipment.                                           Whitianga at a local community station and         coming as they say!                                potters, printmakers, sculptors, and woodworkers. Seven                                  SHOWCASE EXHIBITION
                                                     continues today with another great local                                                              new artists are taking part for the first time.                                          6 MARCH - 5 APRIL 2021
                                                     station- CFM.                                                                                         “Mercury Bay has a fantastic natural environment and that’s                              HOT WAVES CAFE
                                                                                                                                                           one of the reasons we have so many talented artists here,”
                                                                                                                                                           says Art Escape chair and Kuaotunu photographer Ian
                                                                                                                                                           “The light, the bush, and the coastline all provide
                                                                                                                                                           wonderful inspiration and that’s reflected in the
                                                                                                                                                           high quality of the work visitors will see during the
                                                                                                                                                           Open Studios. The event is a major highlight of the
                                                                                                                                                           Coromandel’s thriving arts’ calendar and we’re excited            @MERCURYBAYARTESCAPE                WWW.MERCURYBAYARTESCAPE.COM
                                                                                                                                                           to have the largest number of artists and new artists for

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