Nides to JI: People-to-people relations will build the Abraham Accords

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JA NUA RY 28 , 2022 ♦ 26 S H EVAT, 5782

                                                              THE WEEKLY PRINT
                          Nides to JI: People-to-people relations will build the Abraham Accords; In a first, an official
                             Holocaust Remembrance Day event in Egypt; The ‘Seder Guy’ attempting a leap to the
                          LG’s office; She could be the first Jew of color in Congress; Nina Turner’s uphill challenge in
                        Cleveland rematch; Meet the Israeli diplomat at the forefront of the Abraham Accords; Breyer
                         retirement leaves open the Court’s ‘Jewish seat’; The many names, and lives, of a child hidden
                        in the Holocaust; The secret Nazi POW camp and the Jewish soldiers who guarded it; and How
                                                soap is changing women’s lives around the world

JANUARY 27, 2022

Nides to JI: People-to-people relations
will build the Abraham Accords
In his first interview with an English-language media outlet, Amb. Tom Nides
shares his vision for deepening the normalization agreements

By Ruth Marks Eglash

         he first-ever Abraham Accords           Abraham Accords with Israel in September           was held virtually and included UAE
         Working Group, inaugurated              2020, followed by Kosovo, with Morocco             Ambassador to Israel Mohamed al-Khaja,
         last night, will strengthen and         and Sudan normalizing ties later that year.        Bahraini Ambassador to Israel Khaled al-
deepen the connections forged since                  “At the end of the day, it’s all about the     Jalahma, Moroccan Charge’ d’Affaires to
2020 between Israel and five Muslim-             people of these countries recognizing the          Israel Abderrahim Beyyoudh, Counselor to
majority countries, and underscore the           importance of the other’s culture and of           the U.S. Department of State Derek Chollet
importance of Israel’s long-standing             other people,” Nides told JI. “That will drive     and Director General of Israel’s Ministry of
ties with Egypt and Jordan, U.S.                 business, it will drive political stability, and   Foreign Affairs Alon Usphiz, Nides laid out
Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides told              the national security implications of this are     the group’s three main working areas.
Jewish Insider in an exclusive interview         also obviously quite important.”                        Boosting bilateral trade, including
on Thursday.                                         “The more comfortable these countries          developing energy and technological
    In his first interview with an English-      are vis-a-vis working with each other, the         partnerships, is one aim.
language media outlet since becoming             more it will only enhance the long-term                 Second, Nides said, the involved
ambassador,       Nides      explained    the    benefits for all the countries and for Israel,”    countries will work to increase tourism
importance of the U.S.-facilitated forum,        he added.                                          with Israel. There are already direct flights
which will bring together Israel-based               Nides said that the Biden administration       between Israel and the UAE, as well as
ambassadors and representatives of Arab          is “fully committed” to continuing the             between Israel and Morocco. Flights from
states that have peace and normalization         work already put in motion by the                  Tel Aviv to Manama, Bahrain, are set to
agreements with Israel. Its goal, he said, is    partner countries and by the previous              begin in a few months.
not only to build upon already blooming          administration, giving credit to Jared                  “We need to figure out how to
business ties or to expand the people-to-        Kushner, former President Donald Trump’s           dramatically increase tourism,” Nides told
people relations but also to show the benefits   senior advisor, and former U.S. ambassador         JI, describing plans to convene in the coming
of cooperation and serve as an example of        to Israel, David Friedman. As Washington           months a regional meet-up of tourism
stability and peace in a volatile region.        now seeks to broaden those accords with            ministers, including representatives from
    Egypt and Jordan have peace                  new regional partners, Nides said he believes      Washington.
agreements with Israel dating back to the        his role as envoy to Israel is to deepen and            “The reality is there’s already been a
1970s and 1990s respectively. The United         solidify the already existing ties.                dramatic increase in Emiratis coming to
Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed the                 At the inaugural meeting, which                Israel and a lot of Israelis going to Dubai; for

the Moroccans, the holy sites in Israel are         issues,” he said. “Personal connections drive     relationships with senior administration
important, and vice versa, there’s going to         policy, there’s no question about it, and my      officials such as Secretary of State Tony
be an enormous influx of Jews to Morocco,”          role is to try to create the mechanism in         Blinken, White House Chief of Staff Ron
Nides predicted. “I think the people-to-            which to accomplish that.”                        Klain, National Security Advisor Jake
people [angle] is the single biggest part of the        While Egypt and Jordan are not part of        Sullivan and CIA chief William Burns.
Abraham Accords and I really want to figure         the latest round of normalization, Nides              Asked by JI about criticism that the Biden
out how to fix any problems, because the            called them the “grandparents” of such            administration might not be as enthusiastic
tourism piece is an enormously important            agreements and said it was important              or dedicated to broadening Abraham
part of this.”                                      to include them in this working forum,            Accords in the same way as the previous
    In addition to building connections via         especially in terms of developing economic        administration, Nides countered that his
trade and travel, Nides said there will also be     and regional ties further.                        team in Jerusalem and representatives of
an effort to increase cultural collaboration.           Nides arrived in Israel at the end of         the State Department in Washington are
His vision, he told JI, is to create an             November, and although he is still living in      spending “enormous amounts of time on
“Abraham Accords/normalization cup,” that           a hotel (after the envoy’s official residence     this.”
will draw youth from all partner countries to       in Herzliya was sold to the late GOP super            “I give the Trump administration, Jared
sports tournaments, joint cultural activities       donor Sheldon Adelson), he has made quite         and the team, Ambassador Friedman, an
in dancing and singing, and more.                   an impression on the country and via social       enormous amount of credit for starting
    “We want to show to the world why it            media.                                            this,” he said. “But as you know, the easy
is so interesting to be part of the Abraham             On Twitter, he has shared details of his      part of these things is starting them, the
Accords,” Nides said, adding that cultural          meetings with a variety of Israeli officials      more difficult part is deepening the piece
events would also introduce younger kids to         and decision-makers, and with regular             and getting things done.”
the many unique cultural aspects of each of         citizens. He’s also used his account to share         “If it was that easy, then we would have
the participating countries, including food         the wares he’s sampled in some of the             had all these countries join the first time
and entertainment. “We’ll have a whole              country’s best-known eateries.                    around,” Nides continued. “So obviously,
working group around cultural activity,” he             In his only other interview so far, Nides     we have work to do, but make no mistake,
said.                                               generated some controversy by telling             we are not only focusing on it, but we also
    “I don’t like to be simple about this, but at   mass-circulation daily Yediot Aharonot that       believe that it’s really important. It’s really
the end of day, the more people understand          unlike the previous ambassador, Friedman,         important for the region and it’s important
each other, the better off they are when there      he would refrain from visiting West Bank          for the Biden administration.” ♦
are problems — it is an easier way to resolve       settlements. He also discussed his close

JANUARY 25, 2022

In a first, an official Holocaust Remembrance
Day event in Egypt
The event was the first of two in the region — the other will be held in Abu Dhabi —
hosted by the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

By Gabby Deutch

      gyptian     officials,  American              take place later this week in Abu Dhabi,          Egypt,” Robert Satloff, executive director
      scholars and foreign diplomats                where Noura al Kaabi, the United Arab             of The Washington Institute for Near East
      gathered on Monday at a luxury                Emirates’ culture minister, is slated to speak.   Policy and a speaker at the event, told Jewish
hotel on the banks of the Nile to                   (International Holocaust Remembrance              Insider from Cairo. “I was just delighted with
commemorate International Holocaust                 Day is commemorated on Jan. 27, the day           what happened today and the fact that this
Remembrance Day, the first time such                the Auschwitz concentration camp was              occurred in the largest, most populous,
an event has ever been held in Egypt.               liberated.) Plans for additional events in        trendsetting Arab state.”
   The gathering was hosted by the                  Riyadh and Dubai were scrapped because of             The event is the latest symbol of
U.S. Embassy in Egypt and the U.S.                  the COVID-19 pandemic.                            changing attitudes in the Middle East in
Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)                       “It was symbolically, I think, very           the wake of the Abraham Accords signed
in Washington, D.C. A similar event will            important that we were able to do this in         in September 2020. While Egypt was the

first Arab nation to sign a peace treaty with   way building. This was right smack in the           across the Middle East and North Africa
Israel, in 1978, the Camp David Accords did     middle of Cairo. This was an event to which         to develop educational programming to
not lead to a significant shift in Egyptian     diplomats from around the world — Middle            reach young adults and emerging leaders in
attitudes toward Israelis and Jews.             East diplomats, European diplomats and              those countries with accurate and relevant
    “There is a peace treaty between Egypt      ambassadors — were there,” explained                information about the Holocaust,” said
and Israel, but that peace has always been      Satloff.                                            Stahnke. Education efforts have begun to
a cold peace,” said Mina Abdelmalak, who            The Abraham Accords “raised the bar for         have an effect in Morocco and Tunisia, he
conducts Arabic outreach for the USHMM          everyone,” Satloff said, including the “first-      added. But yesterday’s event in Egypt, the
and was born and raised in Egypt. “It was       generation peacemakers” — Egypt and                 most populous Arab country with nearly
never translated into the mainstream,           Jordan. But there were other factors at play,       100 million people, marked the most visible
people-to-people level. It was mostly           too: Egypt, like Israel, sees Iran as a foe. Last   success.
government-to-government. So to be able to      week, Egypt’s permanent representative to               Outright Holocaust denial is rarer than
push this a little bit, that is significant.”   the United Nations gave a speech in Arabic          it used to be, Satloff said, explaining that
    Abdelmalak and Tad Stahnke, the             on behalf of the Arab Group, condemning             it has been replaced by “relativism.” He
museum’s international outreach director,       Holocaust denial as the United Nations              defined the concept as “the idea that bad
spoke at the event, as did Jonathan R.          General Assembly debated and then passed            stuff happened, but bad stuff happens all
Cohen, the U.S. ambassador to Egypt, and        a resolution on the subject. The only country       the time, that sort of thing. Or: 600, 60,000,
Magda Haroun, the head of Egypt’s Jewish        to vote against the resolution was Iran.            600,000, 6 million, what’s the difference?”
community. Satloff took questions from the          Satloff attributed the attitude change              Holocaust distortion has found a home
audience following a screening of “Among        at least in part to Israel’s new leadership.        in Egypt in the past because of the overall
the Righteous,” a documentary he produced       With the “post-[Benjamin] Netanyahu                 sentiment in the country regarding the
about Arabs who helped protect and save         enhancement of bilateral relations, it’s easier     Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Abdelmalak said
Jews during the Holocaust.                      to be more public about it,” added Satloff.         the result is that “the Holocaust has been
    “If you would have told me a few years      Domestically in Egypt, there is also “more          weaponized” in Egypt.
ago that such an event would take place         consideration of the issues of religious                “It takes a lot of work with civil society to
in Cairo, I would laugh,” Abdelmalak            minorities, countering extremism, interfaith        ensure that we push back against years and
told JI on Monday. “Until this morning, it      relations. I think all these come together to       years of Holocaust denial being established
wouldn’t have completely surprised me if        make the environment more receptive and             in that part of the world,” Abdelmalak
the government of Egypt would say, ‘Due         accessible to the type of event that we had         added. Attendees at the event also reflected
to security reasons, this is not going to       today.”                                             upon Egypt’s own treatment of its Jewish
happen.’”                                           The public event marked an important            community, including in the 1940s, when
    Some four dozen people attended the         milestone for the USHMM, but came                   some Arab leaders spread Nazi propaganda
invitation-only event, including human          only after the USHMM’s efforts to build             and pogroms racked Cairo.
rights activists, business people and former    relationships in Arabic-speaking countries              “I think everybody left with the sense
members of Egypt’s parliament.                  over many years.                                    that it was worthwhile and valuable,” said
    “This wasn’t hidden away in some                “We have for the past several years             Satloff, “and perhaps just the first of many,
obscure corner of some small, out-of-the-       been working to cultivate partnerships              which itself is a very important milestone.”♦

JANUARY 24, 2022

The ‘Seder Guy’ attempting a leap to the
LG’s office
Eric Lesser got his start as the ‘bag man’ on the Obama campaign. He’s al-
ready a state senator and has his eyes set on becoming lieutenant governor

By Gabby Deutch

        s a 23-year-old junior staffer          president’s “bag man.” Lesser made                  morning, he loaded up the U-Haul for a
        on Barack Obama’s 2008                  sure everyone’s suitcases got from                  drive from Philadelphia to Harrisburg,
        presidential campaign, Eric             one place to the next as the campaign               Pa., with suitcases and other precious
Lesser was tasked with being the future         hopped from city to city. One April                 cargo — matzah, macaroons, bottles

of Manischewitz and several Maxwell                Boston isn’t the only part of the state that      of the vote in 2020. (Baker, a moderate
House Haggadahs.                                   deserves a chance to prosper. “The overall        Republican, won 66% of the vote in his 2018
    The campaign was on a whistle-stop tour        message that I’m going to focus on is that        reelection — the same percentage Biden
through Pennsylvania, where Obama would            different regions of the state can work           received in 2020.)
lose to then-Sen. Hillary Clinton a few days       together and complement each other,” he               Healey’s two competitors, Harvard
later. Given the intense campaign schedule,        explained.                                        political science professor Danielle Allen
Lesser knew he wouldn’t make it home to                The Democratic frontrunner for                and state Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz, are both
Longmeadow, Mass., for the Passover Seder.         governor is Attorney General Maura Healey,        running as progressives, while Healey has
So he organized one on the campaign trail.         who officially entered the race last week         avoided that term since she entered the race.
    Twelve hours later, in a windowless            after months of speculation. She has worked           Lesser, for his part, has “always identified
basement multipurpose room in the                  in the Boston area her whole career, and          myself as a progressive,” he said. ”I was a
Harrisburg Sheraton, Lesser and other              Lesser thinks a lieutenant governor from          supporter and a co-sponsor of the police
Jewish staffers commenced the Seder. A             further west than Worcester will even out         reform that we did in Massachusetts last
handful of senior campaign aides, including        the ticket.                                       year, which is one of the most aggressive
Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett and current            “I think that providing a little bit of a     reforms in the entire country. And I did that
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki,             sense of regional equity and balance to a         in an area that’s more purple, but I believed
joined them around the table.                      ticket is really important,” said Lesser. “The    in it, and it was the right thing to do.”
    ”Then a Secret Service agent pops his          area of the state I represent, the greater            He intends to win over those skeptical
head in and peeks under the table and looks        Springfield area, is a big area, but it’s often   voters by “focusing on those core issues:
around,” said Lesser. “And then I hear this        invisible to decision makers on Beacon Hill.”     People feel the prices are going up, they
voice, a very familiar voice going, ‘Oh, is this       Lesser enters the race as a four-term state   feel rent checks going up, they feel housing
where the Seder is?’ And it was Obama.”            senator, first elected in 2014 at age 29 — then   going up.”
    Once seated, Obama asked attendees             the youngest state senator in Massachusetts.          “Families are really stressed about
about their families’ traditions and their         He has joined a crowded field of Democrats        childcare,” explained Lesser.
favorite parts of the festive holiday meal.        vying to become the state’s second-in-                In Massachusetts, the governor and
At the end of the Seder, when everyone said        command. Other contenders include                 lieutenant governor do not run on a joint
“Next year in Jerusalem,” Obama added,             Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll, fellow Western          ticket; they are elected separately. (If
“Next year in the White House.”                    Massachusetts state Sen. Adam Hinds, state        elected, Lesser would be the first Jewish
    And so it happened: For the eight years        Rep. Tami Gouveia and entrepreneur Bret           individual to serve in either position.) The
of Obama’s presidency, the original group          Bero.                                             lieutenant governor role is viewed by many
of campaign staffers continued to meet in              Charlie Baker, Massachusetts’s popular        as a jumping-off point for higher office. The
the West Wing for a Seder. But by 2016, the        Republican governor, has announced he             most successful person to do that was John
group had grown and changed. Younger               will not seek a third term, creating the          Kerry, who served as lieutenant governor in
staffers like Lesser now brought spouses           best statewide electoral environment              the 1980s.
and children. Lesser had finished a stint          for Massachusetts Democrats in years.                 Lieutenant governor hopefuls are
working in the White House, graduated              (Massachusetts is one of six states with          “thinking about being in a position where
from Harvard Law School and was serving            an entirely Democratic congressional              they can cultivate a statewide following and
as a Massachusetts state senator; like a good      delegation.)                                      improve their political fortunes,” said Jerold
politician, he showed up to the 2016 Seder             “People don’t realize we’ve had one           Duquette, a Western Massachusetts resident
with something local — shmurah matzah              Democratic governor in 32 years here in           and political science professor at Central
made in Massachusetts.                             Massachusetts. That’s it,” said Doug Rubin, a     Connecticut State University.
    Now, as a candidate for lieutenant             Boston-based Democratic strategist. “I think          Lesser’s political ambitions took hold
governor in Massachusetts, Lesser has              this is a unique opportunity for Democrats        his freshman year of high school, when he
more on his plate than handling bags and           to step up.”                                      notched two achievements: being elected
planning a Seder.                                      While Democrats elsewhere in the              high school student body president (a
    ”I think that there’s a collective feeling     country fret over a midterm election season       position he held for four years straight)
in Massachusetts that it’s a great place to        characterized by growing inflation and            and becoming the youngest member of the
live. People are very proud of Massachusetts       plummeting approval ratings for President         Longmeadow Democratic Town Committee.
and our reputation as being leaders on so          Joe Biden, Massachusetts Democrats see an             “We had to give him a ride,” said Candy
many issues,” Lesser, 36, told Jewish Insider      opportunity to take the governor’s mansion.       Glazer, who chaired the committee for 25
in a recent interview at a café in downtown        The only Republican candidate for governor,       years, “because he wasn’t old enough to
Boston. “But it’s really hard to live here. And    Geoff Diehl, is running a Trump-inspired          drive.”
that’s going to be the heart of my campaign.”      campaign, a move that almost certainly will           One day, Lesser walked into a school
    The argument at the heart of the Western       not gain support in a state where former          assembly to see several teachers lined up in
Massachusetts native’s campaign is that            President Donald Trump earned just 32%            a row, as if in a firing line.

“These teachers aren’t coming back,” the       Boston],” Lesser said of his part of the state.    the challenges the Jewish community in
principal said, the result of statewide budget     But unlike Boston, “we don’t have that red-        Western Mass. has faced are similar to the
cuts. ”I remember as a 16-year-old, sitting        hot economy.”                                      challenges that the broader community has
there and feeling really angry that 14-, 15-           The policy for which he is best known is       faced, which is [that] we were an industrial
and 16-year-olds were paying the price for         the East-West Rail, a transit project to create    center,” Lesser noted. ”When those jobs left
frankly, bad decisions made somewhere              a rail service linking Boston, Worcester,          in the ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s, the Boston area
else,” recalled Lesser.                            Springfield and Pittsfield.                        was able to fill in new jobs in tech and in
    He undertook an effort to override the             “We actually have gotten pretty close,”        higher ed and education. Western Mass. has
budget cuts by getting town residents to           Lesser said of the progress made on the            done some of that, but it has obviously not
vote to raise their own taxes and better fund      project in less than 10 years. “When I first       been done at the same pace.”
local schools. He canvassed door-to-door           ran for office in 2014, as a 28-year-old, I was        The Springfield metro area has a strong,
with other students, parents and teachers.         laughed out of a lot of rooms. And the idea        historic Jewish community (“the public
But it wasn’t enough.                              of connecting the state by high-speed rail         schools were closed on Rosh Hashanah
    “The first vote failed. But something          was really dismissed as some sort of fantasy.      and Yom Kippur,” Lesser noted), perhaps
really instructive happened that I’ve always       And we just kept at it.”                           best known for serving as the home of the
kind of kept with me, which is [that] after            When the legislature first passed a bill       Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the
the first vote failed, the pink slips went out,    requiring the state to study the feasibility       headquarters of the nonprofit PJ Library.
and it became very formalized, what was            of the project, Baker vetoed it. But now, a        Growing up, his family was active in a
going to happen,” said Lesser. “I sensed that      commuter train already links Boston and            local Reform synagogue, and that’s where
the community’s feelings changed when              Worcester — and the state is competing             Lesser’s interest in social justice and political
people saw the stakes, that it was going to be     for federal funding from the federal               advocacy was kindled.
these teachers. So we put another measure          infrastructure bill passed last year to build          He participated in a Black-Jewish
back up.”                                          out the rest of the train service.                 dialogue with a local Baptist church, and as
    The second vote passed, and 40 teachers            “The focus he’s had not just in Western        a member of his synagogue’s NFTY youth
got to keep their jobs.                            Mass., but in other parts of the state — the       group, he participated in action campaigns
    “I remember him being at the                   East-West Rail, some of the work with              with the Religious Action Center of Reform
community house watching the votes come            gateway cities — that work, I think is             Judaism. In April of 2002, as a high school
in and seeing how happy the teachers were          incredibly important, and positions him            student, he traveled to Washington to join a
that they could rip up the pink slips,” said       really well in a statewide race,” said Rubin,      pro-Israel march on the National Mall that
Glazer. “That was something that was very          the Boston-based strategist.                       drew tens of thousands of participants at
unusual for a teenager to do and just caught           With more people than ever working             the height of the Second Intifada.
my attention. And we’ve kept the political         remotely, Lesser argues that a rail link               In 2008, Lesser traveled with Obama to
friendship through the years.”                     connecting the state simply makes sense:           Israel for a brief campaign visit, which was
    Lesser’s early political activism also         People who are tired of the high cost of           followed by a stop in Berlin. ”It was not lost
owes a great deal to the Jewish community          living in Boston can move out closer to the        on me that I was on a plane with potentially
in Western Massachusetts. Born in                  Berkshires, in the western part of the state,      the first African American president leaving
Queens, Lesser and his family moved to             and commute into Boston a couple of times          Israel on the way to Germany,” recalled
Longmeadow, a town of 15,000 outside               week if needed. “They get on a train and go        Lesser. “I thought about my grandparents
Springfield, when he was 7.                        to Boston. They can do Zooms the whole             and what they would have thought,” he
    “I remember the very first night we            way back and forth,” he explained.                 added. “Only in America.”
stayed over in the house — it was so quiet,            Part of this is a ploy to get fellow Western       Later, he traveled to the Jewish state on
and you could hear bugs,” said Lesser. “We         Mass. locals — people like him who left            a delegation of Massachusetts legislators.
were sort of scared because it felt like a very    the region as young professionals looking          (”We introduced him as the Seder guy,” said
foreign place.”                                    for opportunity elsewhere — to consider            Jeremy Burton, executive director of the
    The Lessers eventually adjusted. His           moving back home.                                  Jewish Community Relations Council of
parents opened a small medical practice,               “Eric likes to say, when he speaks to          Greater Boston, which organized the trip.)
where his father was a doctor and his              political groups, to people particularly like          “It’s very different going in an official
mother was a social worker. That upward            my age, or parents or grandparents, ‘How           capacity. One of the things that struck me
mobility for his parents, who both grew            many people here have adult children who           is, it’s a very important relationship for
up working-class, was a big reason for the         do not live here?’ And a lot of hands go up,”      Massachusetts,” Lesser said of the state’s
move. And a desire to help other people in         Glazer said.                                       connection to Israel. Several hundred Israeli
Western Massachusetts achieve that same                Many young members of the region’s             companies operate in Massachusetts,
success has animated Lesser’s time in office.      tight-knit Jewish community have moved             employing people across the Bay State, and
    “We’ve got a high quality of life. We’ve got   away as well. “It was a really vibrant place       Lesser was pleased to learn the extent of
a comparatively better cost of living [than        to grow up in terms of Jewish life. But            the business and cultural ties between the

states. “Certainly something as lieutenant          What Lesser actually did when he                 It’s a gig that could have been scripted
governor I’d want to do is to continue to       worked for the federal government was a bit      into “Veep,” the HBO sitcom that skewered
strengthen those ties.”                         different. “He was upbeat, positive, friendly,   American politics. Lesser would know:
    Combating hate crimes and bias              obviously bright and inquiring,” David           He served as a consultant for the show
incidents has been a priority for Lesser, who   Axelrod, a senior advisor and close friend       throughout its seven-season run. He loves
helped create a nonprofit security grant        to Obama, who hired Lesser as an assistant       the show, and like any good political junkie,
program in Massachusetts, modeled off a         when Obama became president, told JI. “He        he has strong opinions on the three seminal
similar program at the federal level. The       always got our bags to the right place at the    political shows of the last two decades —
program began with $100,000 in 2018. Four       right time, so I figured he could probably get   “Veep,” “The West Wing” and “House of
years later, the program has $2.1 million to    me to the right place at the right time in the   Cards.”
award to “nonprofits at risk of terrorist or    White House.”                                        Like the other activists and political
hate violence: LGBTQ organizations, African         His job was to make sure Axelrod could       insiders who came of age during the
American churches, mosques, synagogues          keep everything together. Not infrequently,      optimistic Obama era of “Yes, we can,”
and religious centers,” he explained.           he had to draw upon his knowledge of stain       Lesser’s favorite of the three shows doesn’t
    Ultimately, it’s an understanding of        removal.                                         come as a surprise.
the nitty-gritty parts of the policymaking          “I’m not the most fastidious person in           “’House of Cards’ is too cynical for me,”
process that Lesser wants to bring to the       the world. I’m famous for spilling stuff on      Lesser admitted. “I’m a diehard ‘West Wing’
job of lieutenant governor. “I’m the only       myself,” Axelrod admitted. “Eric always kept     fan.”
candidate that has really extensive federal     club soda nearby. He would race in there             Jed Bartlet — the earnest, idealistic
experience, and historically, a big part of     like a volunteer fire department, because I’d    president in “The West Wing” — got his start
our job has also been helping to work on the    have to go on TV or I’d have to be somewhere     in New England politics, too. ♦
nuts and bolts of getting the federal money     and, you know, having a big block of oatmeal
to the state.”                                  on my jacket was not desirable.”

JANUARY 26, 2022

She could be the first Jew of color in Congress
A self-described ‘HinJew,’ Vermont state Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale is hoping
to make history in the House

By Matthew Kassel

     t    seems      almost      comically      experience of immigrants in the United           being corrected.
     overdetermined that Kesha Ram              States, of Black and brown people in the             With three female candidates now
     Hinsdale, a progressive state              United States,” Ram Hinsdale said in a           competing to succeed Rep. Peter Welch (D-
senator and former assemblywoman                recent interview with Jewish Insider, “but       VT) in the Democratic primary this August,
in Vermont, is now mounting a bid               first we have to undo a lot of the damage that   Vermont stands poised to send a woman to
for Congress that in many ways                  people like Stephen Miller have caused.”         Congress for the first time in history.
embodies the fears of her old high                  The 35-year-old state lawmaker of                Should Ram Hinsdale prevail in the
school classmate, the former Trump              Jewish and Indian descent wants to upend         upcoming general election, the Chittenden
administration advisor Stephen Miller.          the status quo in historic fashion as she        County legislator would not only become
    The two occasionally butted heads when      seeks to dismantle what for generations has      Vermont’s first congresswoman but also the
they crossed paths as students at Santa         been an unbroken chain of congressmen            first member of a racial minority ever to hold
Monica High School in the early 2000s,          who have exerted their dominance over            the state’s lone House seat.
just as Miller was honing his reputation as     federal politics in the Green Mountain State.        Rounding out the list is another
a young conservative provocateur eager              Despite its reputation as a national         unprecedented achievement that, in
to puncture such long-standing liberal          standard-bearer of progressive politics,         something of an unexpected inversion,
precepts as multiculturalism, diversity and     Vermont is the only state in the country         would represent what no other state in the
inclusion — all of which are core to Ram        never to have elected a woman to Congress,       country seems to have done before at the
Hinsdale’s newly launched campaign for          much to the dismay of local political            congressional level, according to a variety
Vermont’s at-large House seat.                  activists who have regarded the distinction      of Jewish leaders, professors and activists
    “I hope to be able to advance the           as a historical blemish in urgent need of        who were consulted by JI. If elected, Ram

Hinsdale would likely enter the House as the      the California native became so enamored of           Ram Hinsdale is among three
first Jew of color, a possibility that, for the   her newfound environs that she never left.        Democratic candidates vying to replace
most part, has so far flown under the radar.      In 2016, after eight years and four terms in      Welch, who announced last November that
     For her part, Ram Hinsdale said she          the Assembly, Ram Hinsdale set her sights         he was vacating his seat after Sen. Patrick
only recently made the discovery during           on statewide office, placing third in the         Leahy (D-VT), the longest-serving member
discussions with Jewish organizations in          Democratic primary for lieutenant governor.       of the upper chamber, said he would retire
the state and nationally, including J Street,         Following a short break from public           at the end of his current term. While Welch
the left-leaning Israel advocacy group. While     office, during which she received her             is favored for the Senate seat, having
she is still actively mulling what it means       master’s in public administration from the        earned a high-profile endorsement from
for her personally, not to mention the state      Harvard Kennedy School, Ram Hinsdale              Sanders the day he launched his campaign,
and the country, the Vermont lawmaker             marked her return to politics with an             political observers in Vermont believe the
suggested that the insight has helped             exclamation point of sorts, mounting a state      congressional primary is comparatively
underscore what she regards as a key tenet        Senate bid that would result in her election      more mutable at the moment.
of her campaign.                                  last cycle as the first woman of color to serve       A recent poll from Vermont Public
     “This is a critical moment in our nation’s   in Vermont’s upper house.                         Radio and Vermont PBS suggests that race
history,” Ram Hinsdale, who lives in the              Throughout a combined decade or so as         remains in flux, not least because Ram
Burlington area of northwestern Vermont,          an elected official, Ram Hinsdale has carved      Hinsdale announced her candidacy just
told JI. “I believe we need to truly meet the     out a diversity of legislative niches around      after the findings were published and,
moment and think about how, particularly          issues such as environmental advocacy,            consequently, wasn’t included in the survey.
the Democratic Party, works to align around       healthcare, affordable housing and social         Among 600 respondents, Molly Gray, the
the most marginalized and unheard voices.”        inclusion in public schools and beyond.           current lieutenant governor of Vermont,
     As a self-described “HinJew,” Ram                Jen Ellis, a Burlington-area resident and     earned the most support, pulling in 21%,
Hinsdale occupies somewhat rarefied               public school teacher who is better known         while Becca Balint of Brattleboro, who
political territory in Vermont, which, as the     as the woman who crafted Sen. Bernie              serves as president of the state Senate, came
second-whitest state in the nation, has long      Sanders’ (I-VT) famous mittens, told JI           in with 7%. Still, the overwhelming share of
been defined by a lack of diversity, even as      that Ram Hinsdale is the kind of legislator       those who were surveyed, 70%, were largely
recent census data showed that its minority       who “shows up for people.” Last April, for        undecided with seven months to go until the
population is on the rise. The first-term         instance, Ellis recalled that Ram Hinsdale        primary.
senator, who announced her candidacy in           was “the only senator” to have appeared               “I think it’s far too early to anoint a front-
mid-January, believes that her background         alongside public school teachers who were         runner based on that survey,” said Matthew
speaks to a pressing need that has long been      rallying against proposed pension cuts in         Dickinson, a professor of political science
unfulfilled at the federal level.                 the state capital of Montpelier.                  at Middlebury College who specializes in
     “Even though it’s a truly unique story,          “She brought letters that her constituents    state elections in Vermont. “At this point, I
it’s also a very American story,” she said,       had sent to her and she read them out loud.       wouldn’t say anyone’s a longshot.”
“and one that Vermonters really resonate          I was so moved by her speech that I actually          While one of the three candidates is
with as they think about the complicated          gave her the mittens I was wearing,” said         expected to claim the rare open seat after
backstories they may have as well.”               Ellis, who furnished the Vermont legislator       advancing to the general election, thanks
                                                  with a bright-red pair of the highly coveted      to a political environment that is widely
                       ***                        hand coverings that, as Ram Hinsdale              viewed as hospitable to Democratic House
                                                  enthused on social media at the time, had         candidates in the state, they are all largely
    If Ram Hinsdale wants to make history         matched the scarf she was wearing.                aligned in the progressive lane, having
of another sort in what would amount to               Last Thursday, Ellis announced to her         expressed their support for such policies as
a hat trick of previously unaccomplished          more than 20,000 Twitter followers that she       the Green New Deal, Medicare for All and
political feats, her electoral track record as    had made a new pair of personalized mittens       affordable housing, among others.
a local lawmaker in Vermont suggests she          for Ram Hinsdale, whose congressional                 Beyond such commonalities are some
is in no way pursuing a quixotic mission for      campaign she has endorsed enthusiastically.       distinguishing stylistic approaches, said
the House.                                        For the “Bernie mitten-maker,” such               Dickinson, who suggests that Gray, 37, is
    Ram Hinsdale was just 22 when she             gestures seem designed to draw parallels          in some ways presenting herself as a sort
defeated a Vermont Progressive Party              with Vermont’s progressive godfather.             of establishment figurehead, owing to
incumbent to become the youngest state            “She’s so similar to Bernie, actually, in her     her longstanding ties to both Welch and
legislator in the country in 2008. She            politics and in her intelligence and her          Leahy as well as what appears to be strong
assumed the role just after receiving her         work ethic and the way that she approaches        name recognition throughout the state.
bachelor’s degree in natural resource             Vermonters,” Ellis said of Ram Hinsdale.          For her part, Balint, 53, began her recent
planning and political science from the           “The thing I really admire about her is she’s     campaign kickoff video with a reference to
University of Vermont in Burlington, where        not a performative ally.”                         her Jewish grandfather, who was murdered

in the Holocaust, before transitioning to          with prominent members of the House              that would “shape” much of her “early
a testimonial about her efforts to achieve         Progressive Caucus such as Reps. Jamie           leadership and exploration” on the path
social and political inclusion in Vermont as       Raskin (D-MD), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)            to elected office. “This idea that you could
the first openly gay woman elected to the          and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA).                      question everything,” Ram Hinsdale mused,
state Senate.                                                                                       “feels particularly based in my Jewish faith.”
    Elaine Haney, the executive director of                               ***                           During her time at Santa Monica High
Emerge Vermont, a political organization                                                            School, the future lawmaker found herself
that supports women candidates in the                  Born and raised in Santa Monica, Calif.,     clashing with Miller as he unleashed his
Democratic Party, said in an interview that        Ram Hinsdale has long found herself in           litany of stridently right-wing arguments
Ram Hinsdale is “far more deeply involved          liminal territory. She is the daughter of        that she now regards as presaging the anti-
with communities of color,” including              an Indian-American Hindu father, whose           immigration policies and conservative
Indigenous groups across Vermont, than             family was displaced during the violent          culture war fixations that he would help
her primary opponents. “She’s always been          partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, and     enshrine years later as a senior Trump
very engaged,” Haney told JI, “in making           a Jewish mother, whose descendants fled          advisor.
sure representation happens at whatever            the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv before the             “He would find me in the hallway and
table she’s at.”                                   Holocaust. They met as college students at       argue that climate change was caused
    Ram Hinsdale, who in addition to her           UCLA and were married in a Hindu-Jewish          by volcanoes, and I was wrong that it
role as a state legislator works as a consultant   ceremony that long predated what Ram             was man-made,” Ram Hinsdale, who
on what she has described as “equity and           Hinsdale described as a now “fashionable”        at the time was finding her voice as an
community building work with school                trend in Silicon Valley and beyond for so-       outspoken progressive advocate, said of her
districts, municipalities and nonprofits,”         called “HinJew” weddings that invoke the         interactions with Miller, though she clarified
is a founding member of Emerge, which,             customs and traditions of both religions.        that they had not always been so fractious.
according to Haney, won’t be making an                 While childhood wasn’t so harmonious         In her recollection, Miller had seemed
endorsement in the primary.                        for Ram Hinsdale, including moments of           innocuous enough when he traveled in her
    The      congressional      hopeful      has   financial upheaval, such circumstances           brother’s middle school social circle, but the
characterized herself as a “practical              have since contributed to her appreciation       young conservative provocateur became
progressive,” and experts suggested that           for government services such as free lunch       increasingly radical in the ensuing years,
she may prove capable of tapping into the          programs that, she says, helped the family       “and shed a lot of his friends who didn’t
national grassroots fundraising network            subsist during trying times. Though her          present as white” or align with his views.
that has buoyed several left-wing candidates       parents found some early entrepreneurial             In December of 2020, Ram Hinsdale
in recent years who have also renounced            success with a cleverly named Indian             enjoyed some measure of personal and
contributions from corporate political action      restaurant, New Delhi Deli, in Los Angeles,      professional vindication as one of Vermont’s
committees. Just hours after announcing            the premature closure of their ill-fated Irish   three electors to cast a vote for incoming
her candidacy, Ram Hinsdale’s campaign             pub would expose the family to a series          President Joe Biden, gleefully remarking in
trumpeted that she had raised nearly               of mounting business woes that were              an interview that “nothing” had given her
$130,000. By comparison, Balint’s campaign         compounded by a subsequent divorce.              “greater pleasure” because her teenage foe
reported a first-day fundraising total of              Still, Ram Hinsdale looks back on her        would soon be gone from the White House.
more than $125,000 this past December,             adolescence, when she and her two siblings           Speaking with JI, Ram Hinsdale was
while Gray pulled in $50,000.                      were raised primarily by their mother, with      careful not to suggest that her decision
    When she launched her first bid for the        a sense of gratitude for the values that         to run for Congress had been motivated,
legislature, “it was pre-Obamacare, and I          she describes as core to her personal and        at least in any overwhelming sense, by
was running without access to health care,”        political self-conception.                       a desire to undo the policies of her old
said Ram Hinsdale. “It was very real for               “I think it gave me an incredible lens on    classmate, even as she acknowledged that
me that we have bold ideas, but we take            the ways that our cultures and our religions     any reasonable Democratic mandate would
incremental steps forward, and we don’t            often have much more in common than they         naturally require such an approach.
leave the negotiating table empty-handed. I        are different,” Ram Hinsdale said of growing         “I don’t want to give him that much credit,
think we’ve seen a lot of practical progressive    up in a household in which every aspect          and I don’t want our politics to be so winner-
champions in Washington who would                  of her heritage was emphasized. “Both of         take-all that someone like him could impact
otherwise be accused of being inflexible or        my parents felt really strongly about the        people’s lives in that way,” she said of Miller,
too far to the extreme left, and nothing could     environment and environmental protection.        who is now 36 and the founder of a recently
be further from the truth.”                        They felt really strongly about giving back to   launched political group, America First
    Ram Hinsdale voiced her admiration for         the community and having a sense of justice      Legal, that targets the alleged indiscretions
both Leahy and Welch, the latter of whom           and fairness.”                                   of the Biden administration. “In many ways,
she described as “incredibly responsive                Equally formative, she suggested, was        perhaps going to a diverse, pretty socially
to constituent needs,” while identifying           her experience attending a Jewish preschool      liberal school like ours helped him sharpen

his insidious conservative arguments and          Jewish community of how you can embrace           live into those Jewish values of thinking
become an architect of so many damaging           it and celebrate it and not be intimated by all   about how to take care of others when we
policies.””                                       the hate that’s going on around these days.”      take care of ourselves and repair what’s
                                                      Susan Leff, the president of Temple Sinai,    broken.”
                       ***                        a Reform synagogue in South Burlington,               On Middle East foreign policy matters,
                                                  and the founding director of the nonprofit        Ram Hinsdale largely aligns with J Street’s
    As her campaign moves into its third          organization Jewish Communities of                approach to the region. By way of example,
week, Ram Hinsdale has also distinguished         Vermont, agreed. “We’re excited about the         she expressed support for Rep. Andy Levin’s
herself by proudly and somewhat playfully         prospect that she might represent Vermont         (D-MI) Two-State Solution Act, which,
embracing her Hindu and Jewish heritage —         in Congress as a Jewish woman,” she said of       among other things, would bar Israel from
in contrast, say, with Sanders, who has often     Ram Hinsdale. “We’d be proud to have the          using U.S. military assistance to annex the
kept his Jewish identity at a distance even       first Jewish woman of color in Congress.”         West Bank, while also endorsing legislation
as he has become more outspoken about                 Even before she took office, Ram              sponsored by Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN)
his faith in recent years. The state senator      Hinsdale      had      sought      engagement     that would place additional restrictions on
identifies as a “HinJew” in her Twitter           with her Jewish roots both locally and            American aid to Israel.
biography, and, near the beginning of her         internationally, including a Birthright trip to       The state senator suggested that she
campaign kickoff video, characterizes the         Israel a decade ago that marked her first and     supported legislation to provide $1 billion
mixed-religion household of her childhood         only visit to the Jewish state. “We had a lot     in supplemental funding for Israel’s Iron
as “your average Hindu-Jewish family that         of in-depth conversations about Judaism on        Dome missile-defense system that passed
celebrated Christmas alongside Hanukkah           the trip,” said Rabbi Zalman Wilhelm, who         the House by an overwhelming margin last
and Diwali.”                                      runs the Chabad Jewish Student Center at          September. Still, she did not explicitly state
    In a concession to her Christian              the University of Vermont and traveled with       whether she would have voted in favor of the
husband, Jacob Hinsdale, whom she                 Ram Hinsdale to Israel, where she had a bat       measure and, instead, reiterated a broader
married last year in a weekend-long lakeside      mitzvah at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.         goal of ensuring “that the resources we send
wedding in Vermont that included a two-           “I know it was something that was very            do not support occupation or annexation.”
hour-long Indian ceremony as well as a            emotional for her.”                               Ram Hinsdale voiced some sympathy for
conventionally American celebration, Ram              “What was meaningful to me about that         a small handful of lawmakers on the left
Hinsdale said she dispensed with some of          was this idea that I had grown up with a          who criticized the manner in which the
the more traditionally Jewish customs such        sense, in some ways, that you had to have         legislation, now stalled in the Senate, had
as the ritual glass breaking, which they had      the resources to have a fancy coming-of-age       been introduced, while emphasizing her
briefly considered before abandoning the          event, and that was never in the cards for        appreciation for Sanders’ suggestion that
custom. “Honestly, my husband, who is             my family,” Ram Hinsdale said of her own          the U.S. provide the same amount of funding
French Canadian and Congregationalist, is         experiencing participating in the Jewish rite     for Gaza.
like, ‘There’s a lot going on,’” she said with    of passage. “It actually meant a lot that some        Such hesitancy is a departure from
a laugh.                                          of the Jewish people I was around, when I         comments Ram Hinsdale made to
    Still, “Hava Nagila” found its way into the   visited Israel, made it clear that all I had      eJewishPhilanthropy following her visit
festivities, as did a “bagel brunch” that her     to do was really believe in the words I was       to Israel years ago. In the interview,
Jewish family members — who in Vermont            saying and have that faith.”                      published in 2012, Ram Hinsdale said she
include Jonathan Goldsmith, the former Dos            By extending the trip an extra day so she     had been inspired by the IDF soldiers who
Equis spokesperson more widely known as           could visit the Knesset, Ram Hinsdale said        accompanied her as they traveled through
“The Most Interesting Man in the World,”          she was further “moved to see how much            the country. “It is Israel ‘Defense’ Forces not
and his wife, Barbara, a “direct cousin” of       imagery and art was in the building,” with        the Israel ‘Attack’ Forces,” Ram said, offering
Ram Hinsdale’s mother — found inclusive           an emphasis on “living close to the land and      what the publication described as a full-
enough. “My family felt very celebrated and       being in relationship, peacefully, with one       throated defense of Israel’s right to defend
seen as Jews,” she recalled.                      another,” that particularly appealed to her       itself. “The media is often skewed against
    “I’m very impressed to see someone            as a Jewish Vermonter.                            Israel and it was important for me to see
running for office embrace their Jewish               “The harvest has a place in so many           firsthand how it feels to live in Israel and, in
identity,” said Rabbi Eliyahu Junik, a            of our numerous holidays, and that is a lot       the case of the soldiers, to defend it.”
program director at Chabad of Burlington          of what I would consider to be the Jewish             In the interview with JI, Ram Hinsdale
who has known Ram Hinsdale for years and          experience here in Vermont,” Ram Hinsdale         argued that she would bring a “unique
recently saw her when she participated in a       said while highlighting a program that she        lens” to such issues if she is elected this
public menorah-lighting ceremony during           participates in with the local Hillel in an       November. “I personally cannot imagine
Hanukkah. Owing in large part to rising           effort to provide students with local vegan       what it’s like to be a child in the West Bank,
incidents of antisemitic violence, he said,       and vegetarian Shabbat meals. “We’re              to be a child directly impacted by the Israel-
“we feel that she is a great example for the      constantly talking about ways that we can         Palestine ongoing conflict,” she explained,

recounting an experience from her youth            movement, which came up last fall in                 The aspiring congresswoman believes
in which she was detained by the police            Burlington during a heated City Council           that her Jewish background provides her
for what she described as a “bogus” curfew         meeting that drew national attention. “I          with a rare vantage point from which she
charge that left her feeling “dehumanized”         would weigh that very carefully,” she said        can explore such matters. In the initial
after a court appearance. “I do know what          of the movement, “even if we were talking         weeks of her campaign, for instance, Ram
it’s like to be arrested at the age of 13 in Los   about our greatest enemies, because               Hinsdale said that she has invited “a number
Angeles simply for looking too brown and           ultimately, what that does is punish hard-        of temples in the state” to participate in
how traumatic that experience was for me,”         working, peaceful people who have nothing         open dialogue with her about a question she
she said, noting that the officers were “joking    to do with any of these conflicts. I get very     has been mulling since recently discovering
about getting overtime” and questioned             concerned when that is brought up first as a      the added factor that indicates her election
whether she “was Mexican or not.”                  possible action against Israel.”                  would be historic for Jewish community
     “That kind of one-time experience of               Describing Israel as “an important           members not only in Vermont but across
detention and feeling like my rights were          partner” even beyond questions of foreign         the country.
being stripped from me left a deep mark            policy, Ram Hinsdale said that America’s             “What does it mean to other people to
on me, and I can only imagine what that’s          relationship with the Jewish state is one she     potentially send the first Jewish person
like to go through daily,” she elaborated. “I      looks forward to “continuing” as a member         of color to Congress?” Ram Hinsdale said
don’t know that a perspective like mine,           of the House. But she argued that debates         she is now wondering aloud, though the
as a Jewish person of color who also has           over Middle East policy can, at times, distract   aspiring congresswoman suggested that she
family who fled a Muslim country in 1948,          from engaging with Jewish issues that have        hadn’t yet alighted on an answer. “Let’s have
can be replicated in Washington without my         little to do with what she recognized as a        an open conversation, because we as Jews
presence and that lived experience.”               meaningful alliance between the U.S. and          very much like to ask questions and answer
     Ram Hinsdale said she believes the            Israel. “So often,” Ram Hinsdale said, “we        them in community. I’m really open to doing
U.S. can learn from Israel when it comes           frame Jewish identity around that conflict        that. I think it would be a really meaningful
to environmental issues such as “water             in a way that we lose track, in the United        process.”♦
retention,” and she expressed reservations         States, of the other important facets of
with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions         Jewish identity.”

JANUARY 27, 2022

Nina Turner’s uphill challenge in Cleveland
Turner’s Democratic primary race against Rep. Shontel Brown in Ohio’s 11th
District comes amid changing political landscape

By Matthew Kassel

        he sun had barely risen on                 senator and progressive stalwart, largely         somewhat harder to find at the beginning
        Wednesday       morning,       but         over views she expressed last year during         of the race a year ago. In her stunning
        Pinchas Landis, an Orthodox                the course of her campaign that many              upset over Turner on election night last
Jewish rabbi from University Heights               Jewish voters saw as hostile to Israel.           August, Brown overcame an initial polling
in suburban Cleveland, was already                     With just over three months remaining         deficit of more than 30 points in the hotly
fielding a cascade of text messages as             until the scheduled May primary, Landis           contested special House election to succeed
media reports of a surprise rematch                told Jewish Insider that he was “springing        Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), who vacated
between Nina Turner and freshman                   to action” hours after Turner declared her        the seat for a Cabinet position in the Biden
Rep. Shontel Brown (D-OH) began                    primary challenge. But he also voiced a           administration.
circulating among members of his                   note of optimism that Brown, who received             In an interview last week on JI’s
community.                                         widespread support from the local Jewish          “Limited Liability Podcast,” Brown credited
    Turner’s announcement arrived only five        community and positioned herself as a             the Jewish community with helping her
months after Landis had helped unite large         friend to Israel, would have no trouble           “get over the finish line” in a tight race. “This
segments of Cleveland’s sizable Orthodox           defending the seat.                               was an organic, authentic relationship that
community in opposition to the former state            Such assertions of confidence were            had been forming for years,” said Brown,

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