YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem

YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem
Vol. 94, Winter 2021

A Man of Vision and Action
Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9)
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem
A Man of Vision and Action
                                                                                                                          Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman | 4-9
                                                                                                                          International Holocaust Remembrance Day | 10-15
                                                                                                                          “My Lost Childhood”
                                                                                                                          New Online Exhibition on Children’s Homes
                                                                                                                          for Holocaust Survivors | 16-19
                                                                                                                          Starting Anew
                                                                                                                          The Rehabilitation of Child Survivors of the Holocaust
                                                                                                                          in the Early Postwar Years | 20-21
                                                                                                                          In Their Own Voice
                                                                                                                          The Djurin Orphanage Testimony Project | 22-27
                                                                                                                          International Book Prize
                                                                                                                          Awarded to Publication on Child Labor | 28-29
                                                                                                                          Rescue by Jews During the Holocaust | 30-33
                                                                                                                          New Exhibition and Stamp Honor
                                                                                                                          Jewish Rescuers | 34-35
                                                                                                                          “For the Sake of My People”
                                                                                                                          Efforts by Jews to Rescue Other Jews in the Face of
                                                                                                                          Total Annihilation | 36-39
                                                                                                                          Closing Circles
                                                                                                                          Online Information and Reference Services Help
                                                                                                                          Family Discover New Information | 40-43
                                                                                                                          Dilemmas and Morality Among Jews During the
                                                                                                                          Reality of the Holocaust | 44-45

                              10              16                         36                          46
                                                                                                                          Golda Maria
                                                                                                                          Winner of the 2020 Avner Shalev Award | 46-49
                                                                                                                          Poetry and the Holocaust
                                                                                                                          New Free Online Course Reflects on Literary Works
                                                                                                                          of Jewish Authors | 50-51

                              COMMEMORATION   ONLINE                     RESCUE                      COLLECTIONS          Graduate Spotlight: Belarus | 52-54
                                                                                                                          News | 55-61

                              INTERNATIONAL   “MY LOST                   “FOR THE SAKE               GOLDA MARIA          Sheldon Adelson (1933-2021)
                                                                                                                          Loyal Friend and Patron of the Mount of
                              HOLOCAUST       CHILDHOOD”                  OF MY PEOPLE”              WINNER OF THE 2020   Remembrance | 62-63
                                                                                                     AVNER SHALEV AWARD   Friends Worldwide | 64-70

                              DAY             CHILDREN’S HOMES FOR       OTHER JEWS IN THE FACE OF
                                              HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS        TOTAL ANNIHILATION
                                                                                                                          Do you have

On the cover:                                                                                                             anything you
Avner Shalev in the Hall of                                                                                               would like to say
Names, Holocaust History
Museum. 4-9
                                                                                                                          about this edition
                                                                                                                          Please click here
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem

     A MAN OF                                                                                                                                                                    Avner Shalev:
                                                                                                                                                                                 “Our visitors
                                                                                                                                                                                 are inspired by
                                                                                                                                                                                 individual narratives
                                                                                                                                                                                 of the Holocaust.”


                                                                              n 1993, Shalev, a former IDF                Though Shalev was born in             educator at heart, I understood that
                                                                              Brigadier General and then             1939 in Jerusalem to parents who           our most important mission was in
                                                                              Director General of the Culture        had emigrated from Poland, his             the area of education. Though Yad
                                                                            Authority in Israel’s Ministry           family did not emerge from WWII            Vashem had already assembled a
     Avner Shalev has long been the public face of Yad Vashem, welcoming
                                                                            of Education and Culture, was            unscathed. “Some of my aunts               very impressive archive and held
     popes, presidents and prime ministers to the Mount of Remembrance.     approached by Dr. Yitzhak Arad,          and uncles were murdered in the            important memorial ceremonies,
                                                                            Chairman of the Yad Vashem               Shoah, together with their children.       including    the     annual   State
     Yet Shalev is far more than a master of ceremonies. For the past 27    Directorate,      who     suggested      My family, just like all Jewish families   Opening Ceremony for Holocaust
                                                                            he take over the position. “The          who lost relatives and friends             Remembrance Day, I knew that we
     years, he has been the driving force behind the numerous changes and   idea was not mine,” says Shalev          during the Holocaust, mourned              needed to foster teaching about
                                                                            candidly, “he tried to convince          their death until their last days.”        the Holocaust in order to reach the
     advancements that have secured Yad Vashem’s status as the world’s
                                                                            me, unsuccessfully.” Finally, Prime                                                 next generations.”
     leading source of Holocaust remembrance and education.                 Minister Yitzhak Rabin urged him         New Leadership, New Direction                  First on the agenda was the
                                                                            to accept the offer. “At that point, I   Shalev recalls his first major decision    creation of a global educational
                                                                            couldn’t refuse.”                        as Yad Vashem Chairman. “As an             center, providing the necessary

04   NEWS                                                                                                                                                                          NEWS             05
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem
NEWS                      A MAN OF VISION AND ACTION
                                  AVNER SHALEV RETIRES AS YAD VASHEM CHAIRMAN

 tools to ensure that the Holocaust
 would remain a relevant topic to
 the Jewish people and humanity
 for future generations. It is for this         The International School for Holocaust Studies
 reason that he established the
                                                has developed an exceptional multidisciplinary
 International School for Holocaust
 Studies, “in order to attract                  educational philosophy, teaching the Holocaust in an
 educators, community leaders
 and opinion shapers from Israel                age- and culturally-appropriate manner
 and all over the world to view Yad
 Vashem and its distinct approach
 to the Holocaust as an invaluable
 educational and remembrance                 Educating about and researching       and active network of partnerships
 resource.”                               the Holocaust, notes Shalev, is far      and agreements with institutions,
   Each year the International School     more than speaking about the cattle      friends and donors from all over the
 trains thousands of educators to         cars, the death camps, and forced        world, Jewish and non-Jewish alike.”                    Surrounded by delegates to the International
                                                                                                                                           Youth Congress, January 2008
 teach the history of the Holocaust,      labor. Of equal importance, he
 develops pedagogic and didactic          says, is learning how the Jews lived,    Memory for the Sake of the
 tools, and conducts educational          particularly in the years prior to the   Future
 workshops for hundreds of                Holocaust. “In order to understand       The development of a modern
 thousands of youth and soldiers.         what the world and humanity lost, it     museum complex on the Mount of           Vashem’s core tasks. To that end,               “We believe that it isn’t enough     Yad Vashem is using technology in
 It has developed an exceptional          is essential to study what was once      Remembrance that complements             the institution has continued to            to just fight the spread of hate-        the area of testimony as well. “We
 multidisciplinary          educational   there. We must recognize the rich        Yad Vashem’s endeavors was               expand and develop its collections,         filled lies,” Shalev adds. “It is also   are endeavoring to assemble all of
 philosophy, teaching the Holocaust       and deeply rooted lives the Jews of      also undertaken under Shalev’s           including the Central Database of           incumbent upon us to bolster the         the visual testimony in the world,
 in an age- and culturally-appropriate    Europe and North Africa led before       direction, and tells the complete        Shoah Victims’ Names, survivor              presence of the facts and truth,         including from other collections,
 manner.                                  the destruction of the Shoah –           story of the Holocaust from the          testimonies, artifacts, artworks and        ensuring that this information is        which together number more than
       In addition to fundamental         their creativity and contribution to     point of view of its victims – Jewish    documentation from the Holocaust            accessible to each and every person,     130,000 interviews,” says Shalev.
 Holocaust education, Yad Vashem’s        local and general culture as well        men, women and children. “The            period. Yad Vashem preserves and            in as many languages and on as many      What is key, he emphasizes, is knowing
 renowned International Institute         as their influence in many aspects       Holocaust History Museum [which          catalogs its unparalleled assets            platforms as possible. In addition, we   how to utilize visual material. “Every
 for Holocaust Research promotes          of technological advancements of         Shalev curated] is the cornerstone       from the Holocaust era, scans               offer online courses and lectures        year, we teach how to integrate
 academic investigation of the            the twentieth century. Yad Vashem        of much of the activity here in          millions of archival documents              about the Holocaust and antisemitism     these testimonies into courses for a
 Holocaust through a myriad of            therefore encourages academic            Jerusalem. Each year [save for           each year, and makes them                   in order to help understand, identify    range of learners, both in the formal
 angles,       holds      international   study and teaches students and           during the COVID-19 pandemic],           accessible online. Many are                 and deal with the phenomena in it        and informal spheres. I believe that
 conferences and workshops for            educators about the lives of the         the museum attracts some one             available on the Yad Vashem                 many varied forms.”                      our expertise in knowing how to
 novice and veteran scholars, and         Jews in prewar Europe, North Africa,     million visitors, to learn from and be   website, currently in eight languages,            Shalev notes that despite the      use the video testimony of survivors
 publishes dozens of academic             and the Balkans. It is an integral       inspired by individual narratives of     as part of online exhibitions               new technologies continually being       will continue to have an impact on
 papers and publications every            part of the story that we tell.”         the Holocaust, including firsthand       and databases, thus harnessing              introduced, there is no substitute for   millions of lives around the world.”
 year. “Free and impartial research              Of course, he adds, “the          testimonies from the survivors.”         modern technology in the service of         face-to-face contact in communicating        Certainly, these types of videos
 is the very basis of our educational     implementation of Yad Vashem’s             Indeed, preserving the memories        Holocaust remembrance for future            a message or idea. Nevertheless, as      were used in the permanent
 efforts,” clarifies Shalev.              vision is bolstered through a strong     of the Holocaust is one of Yad           generations.                                the survivor generation dwindles,        ‘Shoah’ exhibition in Block 27 at the

06      NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NEWS          07
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem
NEWS                      A MAN OF VISION AND ACTION
                                  AVNER SHALEV RETIRES AS YAD VASHEM CHAIRMAN

                                                                                                                             In the current period of political   to cultivate and uphold basic moral    friendships; they chose to live and
                                                                                                 In early 2020, Shalev
                                                                                                                           instability,  Shalev     expressed     values. After all, it was one of the   to love.”
                                                                                                 welcomed over 50 world    his willingness to assist Ronen        most advanced modern societies
                                                                                                 leaders to Yad Vashem
                                                                                                 for the Fifth World       Plot, Deputy Chairman of the           in the world that caused the           This interview is based on an article
                                                                                                 Holocaust Forum.
                                                                                                                           Directorate, to the full extent        complete collapse of those intrinsic   that appeared in “The Jerusalem Post.”
                                                                                                                           necessary during the period of         values during the Holocaust.” In
                                                                                                                           his service as volunteer Acting        contrast to this stark warning,
                                                                                                                           Chairman. “I deeply appreciate that    Shalev’s second message is one of
                                                                                                                           Ronen willingly consented to take      hope. “We should draw strength             Farewell Event Recalls Three
                                                                                                                           this responsibility upon himself,      from the example of Holocaust              Decades of Achievements
                                                                                                                           and wish him much success.”            survivors. Despite everything they         and Challenges
                                                                                                                              Shalev concluded his interview      went through, the vast majority of         On 28 February, an online
                                                                                                                           with two messages. The first, that     them chose life; instead of plotting       event was held for friends,
                                                                                                                           “humanity must always remember         revenge or absenting themselves            colleagues and supporters
                                                                                                                           that     alongside    technological    from society, they chose to                marking       almost       three
                                                                                                                           advancements, we must continue         build families, communities and            decades of Avner Shalev’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                             role as Chairman of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Yad Vashem Directorate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Eleven distinguished guests –
                                                                                                                                                                                                             including Israel’s President
 Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.         history, and the world continues to    Facing the Future                                                                                                           H.E. Mr. Reuven Rivlin, Prime
 This powerful new multimedia             see its relevance as a beacon – for    As Avner Shalev retires from the                                                                                            Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
 installation, created by Yad Vashem in   understanding the consequences         institution he has guided for close                                                                                         German Chancellor Angela
 2013 and curated by Shalev, displays     of leaving any form of racism or       to three decades, he voices his                                                                                             Merkel, Chairman of the
 key insights regarding the Holocaust     xenophobia unchecked.”                 hope that it will remain a place of                                                                                         Jewish Agency Yitzhak Herzog,
 while exposing the public to the            On the matter of the messages of    consensus for the entire Jewish                                                                                             Chairman of the Yad Vashem
 prewar Jewish world; to the one-and-     the Holocaust, he continues firmly:    people and stay above any political                                                                                         Council Rabbi Israel Meir Lau
 a-half million children murdered in      “I wish once and for to all shatter    debate. “During my tenure and the                                                                                           and Natan Sharansky – spoke
 the Holocaust; and to documenting        the erroneous impression that          leadership that preceded me, Yad                                                                                            at the event, and five film clips
 the victims in the unique Book of        there exists a paradox between the     Vashem ensured that Holocaust                                                                                               highlighted Shalev’s most
 Names.                                   Jewish significance of the Holocaust   remembrance remained relevant                                                                                               memorable         achievements
      Despite all of this remarkable      and the wider meaning it has for       and important to the Jewish people                                                                                          during his tenure. On behalf of
 progress, Avner Shalev suggests          all of humanity. The understanding     and the whole of humanity, and was                                                                                          Yad Vashem, Director General
 that the work is far from over.          of the unique implications of the      led in accordance with the research-                                                                                        Dorit Novak presented Shalev
 “Our challenge is to make sure           Holocaust for Jews as well as its      based historical narrative alone.           Throughout his tenure                                                           with a replica of House in the
                                                                                                                             as Yad Vashem Chairman,
 that the significance and meanings       universal humanistic value are         This is the only way to maintain its        Shalev received many
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sun, Entraygues-sur-Truyère
 of the Holocaust are preserved           neither contradictory nor sit on       standing and acceptance on the              international awards,                                                           by León Weissberg. The
 for generations to come, so that         opposite sides of the spectrum;        national and international stage, and       including the medal                                                             original piece is housed in Yad
                                                                                                                             of the Spanish Order
 the Jewish people continues to           rather, they are both interconnected   allow it to fulfill its missions in the     of Civil Merit
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vashem’s Art Collection.
 understand its importance in its         and intertwined.”                      coming decades.”

08      NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NEWS          09
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem

        While the most of the world remained under lockdown due to the ongoing
        COVID-19 pandemic, Yad Vashem held a wide variety of commemorative
        and educational activities to mark the UN-sanctioned International Day of
        Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, 27 January 2021.

   On Wednesday 27 January, Yad        at Yad Vashem’s International        90 diplomats and broadcast on
 Vashem held its annual event for      Institute for Holocaust Research     Yad Vashem’s Youtube Channel,
 foreign diplomats in Israel, this     gave a lecture entitled “The Paths   was moderated by Yossi Gevir,
 year online. After opening remarks    from Mass Shootings to the “Final    Director of Governmental and
 from the President of the State       Solution.” The participants then     External Affairs at Yad Vashem.
 of Israel H.E. Reuven Rivlin, Yad     viewed the filmed testimony of
 Vashem Director General Dorit         Holocaust survivor Max Privler,        This year’s IRemember Wall, a
 Novak, and Ambassador Gil Haskel,     who was one of the torchlighters     unique online commemorative
 Chief of State Protocol at Israel’s   during Holocaust Martyrs’ and        project run by Yad Vashem to
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr.      Heroes’ Remembrance Day 2017.        mark International Holocaust
 David Silberklang, Senior Historian   The event, which was attended by     Remembrance Day, was available

10      COMMEMORATION                                                                                         COMMEMORATION   11
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem
COMMEMORATION                                                        >> INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST
                                                                             REMEMBRANCE DAY

 Partnering with Facebook, the IRemember                                       Dina Porat to Google senior staff in
                                                                               Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
 Wall reached a vast international audience,                                   The talk, entitled “Defining and
 with over 160,000 participants from some 242                                  Monitoring Antisemitism: Current
                                                                               Challenges,” was part of a virtual
 countries and territories around the world                                    learning-focused speaker series on
                                                                               racial equity, ethnic injustice, and
 commemorating Holocaust victims in their                                      the unique history and challenges
                                                                               across the region currently being
 own languages                                                                 developed by Google. The event
                                                                               concluded with a question and
                                                                               answer session for the participants.
 in six languages — English,           over 160,000 participants from
 Hebrew, French, Spanish, German       some 242 countries and territories          In the framework of their
 and Russian. Each participant         around the world commemorating          ongoing “Zoom into Research”
 who joined the wall was randomly      Holocaust victims in their own          online      lecture    series,     the
 linked to one of the names in         languages. Each of the participants     International Institute for Holocaust
 Yad Vashem’s Central Database         became “ambassadors of memory,”         Research also conducted an
 of Shoah Victims’ Names, which        responsible for disseminating           online event analyzing two Nazi
 today includes the identities of      the voices of those who were            photo collections – the one
 4,800,000 Jewish men, women           murdered.                               discovered at a satellite camp
 and children murdered in the                                                  of Auschwitz by 18-year-old
 Holocaust.      Participants could       Yad Vashem launched its new          Holocaust survivor Lilly Jacob that
 also choose additional names of       virtual tour of the “Shoah”             illustrated the selection process at
 Holocaust victims from the Names      multimedia exhibition at Block 27       the infamous extermination camp.
 Database to commemorate on            in the Auschwitz-Birkenau State         The so-called Auschwitz Album is
 the Wall. Those who joined were       Museum. The tour explores the           now displayed in the Yad Vashem          confirm the findings of Israeli     Yad Vashem’s website in English        “he Representation of the Shtetl in
 encouraged to share the stories       central themes of the Holocaust,        Holocaust History Museum; and            archeologist Yoram Haimi and his    and Hebrew. The environment,           Jewish Art: Between Reality and
 on their social media platforms,      and offers insights into the rich       the one donated last year to the         Polish partner Wojciech Mazurek     developed by the International         Fantasy.”
 including     Facebook,     Twitter   Jewish life that existed prior to       United States Holocaust Memorial         at the death camp.                  School’s e-Learning Department,
 and Pinterest. For the second         1939, the world of children during      Museum by the grandson of                                                    includes an animated film about the      With the generous support of the
 consecutive year, Yad Vashem          the Shoah and the monumental            Johann Niemann, Sobibor’s deputy               Among    the   educational    topic; an interactive presentation     Genesis and ICHEIC Foundations,
 partnered with Facebook in order      Book of Names.                          commander, who was the first             initiatives of the International    centered on the Gambin shtetl          an online international conference
 to encourage global awareness                                                 officer killed by Jewish prisoners       School for Holocaust Studies,       as an example; an interview with       for Russian-speaking educators
 and outreach of this meaningful          Special online presentations         during      the     1943     uprising.   a new interactive learning          Israeli Yiddish expert Prof. Avraham   around the globe was held, entitled
 project. Through this important       by Yad Vashem experts for               The       “Sobibor        Perpetrator    environment on the subject of the   Nowersztern; a lesson plan on          “The Meanings of the Holocaust in
 partnership, the project reached      audiences worldwide included            Collection”      depicts     different   Eastern-European “shtetl” before    the topic of yizkor remembrance        a Changing World.” The conference
 a vast international audience, with   a lecture by Chief Historian Prof.      scenes and camp guards that              the Holocaust was uploaded to       books; and an academic article on      was attended by Yad Vashem

12      COMMEMORATION                                                                                                                                                                              COMMEMORATION                   13
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem
COMMEMORATION                                                        >> INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST
                                                                             REMEMBRANCE DAY

                                                                                             From Yad Vashem’s            Yad Vashem held online events, conducted
                                                                                             new online learning
                                                                                             environment on the
                                                                                                                          educational programs and displayed exhibitions
                                                                                                                          around the world
                                                                                                                                                                                   Invitation to
                                                                                                                                                                                   the finale of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   “Reading Together”
                                                                                                                                                                                   educational project

                                                                                                                     Switzerland; and Belgian students
                                                                                                                     produced an interactive photo
                                                                                                                     album and timeline that combined
                                                                                                                     the life of the individual in the
                                                                                                                     Holocaust with the general events,
                                                                                                                     and extracted the facial features
                                                                                                                     of the victims through photos and
                                                                                                                     archival documents. The three
                                                                                                                     projects were presented to all
                                                                                                                     participants in the presence of
                                                                                                                     representatives from Ehud Loeb’s
 graduates – teachers, museum staff,    teaching the Holocaust in an era       schools met to read Bamastor          family, and an interactive learning
 academics and informal education       of advanced technology. Another        (Hidden) – the fascinating memoir     environment based on Bamastor
 professionals from Lithuania,          focus of discussion touched on         for young readers written by          was uploaded to the Yad Vashem
 Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus,     tools and methods that may             Holocaust survivor Ehud Loeb          website in French.
 Russia, Moldova, the United States     encourage creative teaching and        z”l. Each class then designed a
 and Israel. During the conference,     meaningful learning in the field       commemorative project around            Yad Vashem exhibitions were
 world-renowned             scholars,   of the Holocaust against the           the story: Spanish students created   displayed around the world,
 participants, and facilitators from    background of a challenging and        an interactive map with the help of   including North America, Europe,
 the International School discussed     complex reality.                       digital applications, in which they   Taiwan and the UAE. Topics
 in-depth questions, such as the                                               followed Loeb’s wanderings during     included general information
 educator’s place in the digital          In anticipation of International     the Holocaust; Greek students         about the Shoah, children in
 age, the possibility of empathizing    Holocaust Remembrance Day, a           generated a family tree with          the Holocaust, women in the
 with Holocaust victims despite         unique project called “Reading         three branches – his biological       Holocaust,    Muslim   rescuers,
 distance learning, and pedagogical     Together” took place, in which         family in Germany, his rescuers in    Holocaust art and the Auschwitz
 and     moral     boundaries     for   three French-speaking European         France and his adoptive family in     Album.

14      COMMEMORATION                                                                                                                                                      COMMEMORATION            15
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem

     “MY LOST
     Yona Kobo

     “I emerged from the death camps after enduring the most terrible experience ever

     recorded in history, damaged in body and spirit. After indescribable losses – my family,

     my childhood and my friends – I was overwhelmed with emotional and physical pain.          Eight-year-old “Lolek,” Israel Meir
                                                                                                Lau (later Chief Rabbi of Israel and
     The ‘Kinderheim’ [children’s home] in Blankenese restored part of my lost childhood to     Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council)
                                                                                                on deck at Marseille in the arms of
                                                                                                Simone Chaumet, who came to bid
     me. It became my home. My teachers and the other girls I met became my friends and         farewell to the “Buchenwald boys”
                                                                                                she had taken care of in Écouis
     my family.”                                                                                before their journey to Eretz Israel
                                                                                                Yad Vashem Archives

16   ONLINE                                                                                                       ONLINE               17
YAD VASHEM - A Man of Vision and Action Avner Shalev Retires as Yad Vashem Chairman (4-9) - American Society for Yad Vashem
ONLINE                             >> “MY LOST CHILDHOOD”
                                           NEW ONLINE EXHIBITION ON CHILDREN’S HOMES
                                           FOR HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS

       o stated Renee Kochman              The children’s home in Zabrze,     extremely rare for a child to agree     them orphans. The idea to bring
       (née Renia Baaf), who lived at   Poland, which housed children         to leave… Even when they had            the children there was the initiative
       a children’s home established    who had been removed from             been badly treated, they didn’t         of the Jewish Agency’s “Youth              As survivors themselves, the caregivers could identify
 by the American Jewish Joint           Christian homes and monasteries,      want to go.”                            Aliyah” project in partnership
 Distribution Committee (Joint) in      is also included in the exhibition.      Like many other Jewish refugee       with the Joint and Dutch Jewish            with the children’s pain, comprehend what they had
 a formerly Jewish-owned estate         Yishayahu Drucker, a chaplain         children,     Drucker’s      charges    public organizations, and with the
 on the banks of the River Elba in      in the Polish Army, was charged       were no strangers to extreme            consent of the Dutch Government.           endured, and restore their faith in humanity
 Blankenese, a suburb of Hamburg,       with “redeeming” the children and     suffering. The smiling faces in              Zehava Hellman (née Goldie
 Germany.                               bringing them to Zabrze. Drucker      photographs displayed in the            Kaufman) was thirteen years old
     The estate in Blankensee was       encountered many obstacles,           exhibition inspire joy and hope,        when she came to Ilania. “After the
 one of many children’s homes           including sometimes removing          but mask profound depths of             hell of the camps in Ukraine and        What they lacked in experience           Collections, “My Lost Childhood”
 established to take care of tens       the children by force against their   pain, trauma and grief. Some one-       the institutions in Romania, the        they made up for in empathy.             tells the story of a total of seven
 of thousands of Jewish children        wishes and those of the Poles         and-a-half million Jewish children      Netherlands was like paradise for       As survivors themselves, they            children’s    homes     established
 who had survived the Holocaust,        who had sheltered them at great       and teenagers were murdered             me,” Hellman recalled. “We were         could identify with the children’s       after the war for child Holocaust
 against all the odds. It is featured   personal risk during the war. “In     during the Holocaust. Like the          not regular children, but rather        pain, comprehend what they had           survivors in Poland, Hungary, the
 in “’My Lost Childhood’: Children’s    most cases, child survivors living    adults,    children     experienced     Holocaust refugees, plagued by          endured, and restore their faith         Netherlands, Germany and France.
 Homes for Holocaust Survivors” –       with Poles didn’t want to part from   the Holocaust in all its brutality:     fears and nightmares. At night,         in humanity.                             Some operated for just a few
 a new online exhibition uploaded       these Polish families,” testified     in ghettos, in camps, in hiding,        the children would cry and scream           Shmuel Rat, a Gordonia youth         months, others for several years.
 recently to Yad Vashem’s website.      Drucker many years later. “It was     wandering from place to place, and      in their sleep… How comforting it       movement counsellor at Ilania,           The children were placed there
                                                                              on the death marches. They were         was to know that a night nurse was      recalled the challenges of looking       in an endeavor to rehabilitate
                                                                              the victims of abuse, humiliation,      sleeping at the end of the corridor.    after the 6-16 year-olds: “It wasn’t     them, return them to their people
                                                                              forced labor, starvation, neglect,      As soon as she heard cries or           clear to me if we were really equipped   and religion, and to restore their
                                                                              and in some cases, even medical         screams – she would materialize         to shoulder the educational              childhood and youth after the
                                                                              experimentation. Most of them           like an angel and soothe us, even       responsibility for children who          horrors they had endured. The
                                             The smiling faces in             lost their loved ones and were          without speaking our language…          had been separated from their            homes were established both
                                             photographs mask
                                             profound depths of pain,
                                                                              robbed of their childhood. Now,         I blossomed there, and I think my       families and relatives, orphans who      at the initiative of individuals,
                                             trauma and grief.                once again, those who had               sadness abated.”                        had personally experienced the           and by youth movements and
                                                                              miraculously survived suffered the          The majority of the caregivers      horrors of the Holocaust. My fellow      childcare organizations seeking
                                                                              anguish of parting and separation.      and teachers in these impromptu         counsellors and I had experience         to provide them with warmth,
                                                                              They were literally torn between        homes were young adults aged 17-        in organization and guidance             love and education until the time
                                                                              their new Polish families and their     25, sometimes only a year or two        within the youth movement, but           came to continue their journey –
                                                                              biological parents, distant relatives   older than their protégés, and most     now a different kind of work was         either to Eretz Israel or reunited
                                                                              or Jewish organizations, all of them    had little or no experience caring      expected of us – to be entrusted         with relatives in the United
                                                                              claiming rights over the child.         for children – though many were         with the children’s day-to-day           States, Latin America, Canada and
                                                                                   The “Ilania” children’s village    former counsellors and members          problems, and to be their only           other destinations.
                                                                              was situated on the site of a           of Jewish youth movements. At           address, replacing their parents
                                                                              former Jewish psychiatric hospital      their own initiative, they found        or relatives.”                           The author is a researcher and
                                                                              in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.          and collected the children,               Through a range of photographs,        Online    Exhibition  Coordinator,
                                                                              Children from across Romania            established the homes, and gave         documents and video testimonies          Digital Department, Communications
                                                                              were brought there – most of            their charges hope for a new life.      almost all from Yad Vashem’s             Division.

18      ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                                                        ONLINE           19

                                                                                                                                                                             children’s voices into Holocaust
                                                                                                                                                                             research. “In the post-survivor age,”
                                                                                                                                                                             she stated, “child survivor voices
                                                                                                                                                                             are by no means relevant only for
                                                                                                                                                                             Holocaust research and Jewish
                                                                                                                                                                             history. Rather, they also open up
                                                                                                                                                                             the possibility of cross-cultural

                                                                                                                                                                             comparisons between experiences

                                                           he publication, edited by                                                                                         and survival strategy in other cases
                                                           Prof. Dalia Ofer, the Hebrew                                                                                      of mass violence, displacement
                                                           University     of     Jerusalem,                                                                                  and genocide, and offer a window
                                                     and Zborowski Center Director                                                                                           into the rights and wrongs of
                                                     Dr.Sharon Kangisser Cohen is the                                                                                        post- traumatic rehabilitation and
                                                     amalgamation of research papers                                                                                         recovery.”
                                                     originally presented in July 2017 at                                                                                      Dr. Simone Gigliotti, Royal Holloway
                                                     a scholarly workshop hosted by the                                                                                      (University of London), presented
     THE REHABILITATION OF                           Zborowski Center of Yad Vashem’s                                                                                        the fascinating six-month journey
                                                     International Institute for Holocaust                                                                                   of Polish-Jewish photographer

     CHILD SURVIVORS OF THE                          Research.
                                                        The book examines the process
                                                                                                                                                                             David Seymour (Dawid Szymin, aka
                                                                                                                                                                             “Chim”), documenting child refugees
                                                     of rehabilitation of child survivors of                                                                                 in postwar Europe on behalf of
     HOLOCAUST IN THE EARLY                          the Holocaust in several European
                                                     countries and North America. A
                                                                                                                                                                             the newly established UNICEF.
                                                                                                                                                                             “Humanitarian photography, and

     POSTWAR YEARS                                   range of scholars researched crucial
                                                     issues, such as the medical, physical
                                                                                                                                                                             its practitioners, such as Chim,
                                                                                                                                                                             attempted to visualize… the infliction
                                                     and      psychological      assistance                                                                                  of serious bodily and mental
                                                     provided to child refugees, the           chronology, themes or geography,        they learned to trust adults and      harm [caused by state-sponsored
                                                     return of Jewish children from non-       but that “ultimately each individual    institutions again; how they lived    conflict], and that children were
                                                     Jewish families and institutions, and     article, and the collection, mirrored   the remainder of their lives; and     overwhelmingly its first victims,” she
     In November 2020, a new research study,         the placement of child survivors          how incoherent this time had been,”     – perhaps most importantly after      argued. “Photographic odysseys
                                                     through various frameworks to             as well as the “bewilderment and        decades of scholarly investigation    such as Chim’s were a necessary
     Starting Anew: The Rehabilitation of Child
                                                     ensure adequate accommodation             disbelief” in the mind of survivors.”   into the topic – whether this kind    witness to the psychology of
     Survivors of the Holocaust in the Early         and their physical and psychological      Postwar Europe, she concluded,          of research may be used to better     destructive genocidal nationalism
                                                     wellbeing.                                “should remain one of disarray and      the situation of child survivors of   and its global response.”
     Postwar Years, was launched in an online            Duringan online symposium to          confusion.”                             traumatic experiences today.              Dr. Kangisser Cohen concluded
                                                     mark the book’s launch, Prof. Ofer             Nevertheless, the publication        This idea was discussed by guest    that both scholars brought novel
     symposium under the auspices of the Diana       discussed how the two co-editors          endeavors to answer major               speaker Prof. Laura Jockusch,         perspectives to the topic, and will
                                                     had tried to make sense of the            questions concerning how child          Brandeis University (Massachusetts,   help continue the conversation into
     and Eli Zborowski Center for the Study of the
                                                     somewhat perplexing mix of papers         survivors could begin to understand     USA), who gave a comprehensive        new fields of research in studies of
     Aftermath of the Shoah.                         offered by the authors in terms of        normative behaviors in society; how     overview of the integration of        the postwar period.

20   RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                            RESEARCH               21

                                                                     File kept by Dov Harth of
                                                                     his students at the Djurin
                                                                     Orphanage in Transnistria
                                                                     Yad Vashem Archives

     OWN VOICE                                                       I
                                                                       n the fall of 1941, over 150,000
                                                                       Jews from Bukovina, Bessarabia
                                                                       and northern Moldova in
                                                                     Romania were deported to
                                                                     Transnistria – the area between the
                                                                     southern Bug and Dniester Rivers,
                                                                     annexed to Romania in return for
                                                                     aid to the German army during

                                                                     its war with the USSR. They were
                                                                     concentrated there, under terrible
                                                                     conditions, in ghettos, camps and
                                                                     far-flung communities, and lived

     TESTIMONY PROJECT                                               as refugees – with no source of
                                                                     income, exposed to persecution,
                                                                     abuse and exploitation by the
                                                                     Romanian army and the local
     Ofer Lifshitz                                                      Under these circumstances, the
                                                                     orphanage in the Djurin ghetto, in
                                                                     the Vinnytsia county of Ukraine,
                                                                     was established. The institution,
                                                                     which was opened in October
                                                                     1943, came to address – albeit
     The papers of Dov Harth, the Director of the Djurin Orphanage   partially – the plight of orphans
                                                                     in the ghetto. What did it mean to
     in Ukraine, reveal the sophisticated and creative way he        run an orphanage in Transnistria
     found to document his protégées’ experiences as deportees to    during WWII?
                                                                         Life at the orphanage and the
     Transnistria – through a seemingly innocent writing exercise.   challenges of its management
                                                                     are revealed through a copy and
                                                                     translation of the papers of its
                                                                     director, Dov Harth, which were
                                                                     recently submitted to the Yad

22   COLLECTIONS                                                            COLLECTIONS              23
COLLECTIONS                                           >> IN THEIR OWN VOICE
                                                              THE DJURIN ORPHANAGE TESTIMONY PROJECT

                                                                                         Pages from the           responsibility for the needs –
                                                                                         original essay written
                                                                                         in Yiddish by Perl
                                                                                                                  material, educational and mental –
                                                                                         Postelnik                of dozens of young girls and boys             Dov Harth allowed those in his care to
                                                                                         Yad Vashem Archives      entrusted to his care. Harth had to
                                                                                                                  take care of discipline and hygiene           describe what he himself could not officially
                                                                                                                  – he even personally picked lice out
                                                                                                                                                                record: the reality of life in Transnistria for
                                                                                                                  of the heads of the children. The
                                                                                                                  presence of family members (or                the deportees
                                                                                                                  one parent), in some of the cases,
                                                                                                                  only added to the complexity of
                                                                                                                  the situation for both Harth and
                                                                                                                  his charges. He operated under         they were living, carrying them on         the reality of life in Transnistria for
                                                                                                                  dire budgetary constrictions, with     his back for miles.                        the deportees. Harth’s diary and
                                                                                                                  a very limited personnel – and even     Harth’s diary – essentially an official   the children’s file, along with the
                                                                                                                  then, was compelled to give up         report to the ghetto authorities           children’s essays, were preserved
                                                                                                                  staff members, when requested,         on the conduct of the orphanage,           by Moshe Salomon, who conducted
                                                                                                                  to forced labor.                       and thus written in Romanian and           the orphanage choir and taught
                                                                                                                      Yet despite the difficult state    then, after liberation of the area         music at the institution. All of these
                                                                                                                  of the student population, Harth       by the Red Army, in Ukrainian – is         materials were submitted to Yad
                                                                                                                  insisted that the orphanage hold       written in a matter-of-fact, task-         Vashem by Salomon’s heirs.
                                                                                                                  orderly classes – which, despite       oriented tone. Attached to the                A small group of nine students
                                                                                                                  the inherent danger, included          diary is a file used to keep track of      participated in the writing project,
                                                                                                                  Hebrew and Jewish studies              the children’s history, behavior and       in which they were encouraged to
                                                                                                                  lessons. Yiddish became the            whereabouts. The file expresses            describe their lives before they had
                                                                          that Harth found to document            language of instruction. Under         Harth’s devotion to the children,          been admitted to the orphanage.
                                                                          his protégées’ experiences as           Harth’s direction, the institution     his perceptiveness and attention           The project was led by Dov Katz,
 In shaky language and a variety of styles, the                           deportees – through a seemingly         even held events and activities        to the slightest aspects of their          a young medical student and an
                                                                          innocent writing exercise.              for the general community, and         characters, and his rigor in relation      idealist, who, besides working
 authors share shocking and traumatic experiences:                            When the 34-year-old Harth,         managed to raise funds.                to the circumstances of their lives.       in the orphanage, took part in
                                                                          one of the deportees from                  Harth was completely devoted            In his official diary, Harth had       assisting the ghetto hospital’s
 from their difficult living conditions as refugees to                    Rădăuți, Bukovina, was asked to         to his charges: He accompanied         to choose his words carefully and          medical staff as well as in the
 exposure to abuse, severe violence and death                             take over the management of the         some of the children home              his observations concerning the            production of local underground
                                                                          orphanage in the Djurin ghetto, he      after they were permitted to           children’s hardships thus could            newspapers circulating through
                                                                          did not think twice. Though he was      return from Transnistria; and          not be fully expressed. This is            the ghetto. (Katz survived the war,
                                                                          no educator, he ran the institution     embarked on a rescue mission           why, according to the translator,          completed his studies and worked
 Vashem Archives through its          The translator’s comments provide   with     great     resourcefulness,     of two orphans, a brother and          he initiated a writing project. In         as a physician in Israel.) The essays,
 national Gathering the Fragments     the context for understanding       and for no payment, for some            a sister, after receiving alarming     this way, Dov Harth allowed those          written in Yiddish in the format of
 campaign (the originals are in the   the documents and reveal the        six months, until May 1944. A           information about the difficult        in his care to describe what he            short autobiographies, present
 Ghetto Fighters’ House archives).    sophisticated and creative way      lawyer by profession, Harth took        conditions in the institution where    himself could not officially record:       the experience of deportation to

24      COLLECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                       COLLECTIONS                   25
COLLECTIONS                                                  >> IN THEIR OWN VOICE
                                                                      THE DJURIN ORPHANAGE TESTIMONY PROJECT

 Transnistria in all its severity and                                                                                                                                                                             Jewish children in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  orphanage in Djurin,
 extremity, from the point of view of                                                                                                                                                                             Transnistria, 1943
 young girls. In shaky language and a                                                                                                                                                                             Courtesy of the Photo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Archive, the Ghetto Fighters’
 variety of styles (depending on the
                                                   In her testimony to Yad Vashem, Perl related                                                                                                                   House Museum - Beit
 background, abilities and writing                                                                                                                                                                                Lohamei Haghetaot

 skills of each girl), the authors                 how precious and significant her composition
 share shocking and traumatic
 experiences: from their difficult                 folder was to her, and how much she was
 living conditions as refugees to
 exposure to abuse, severe violence,               moved and touched by writing about her life
 death – and the loss of their loved
       Encouraging the students to
 express their experiences as             However, we did not agree.”              one [from the orphanage] ever
 testimony allowed their voices to be         Perl’s short story – one page,       asked me, ‘Where are you taking it?’
 heard and their personal stories told,   condensed, and filled with intense       Not once.”
 and exemplifies the extraordinary        and disturbing events – presents the        Perl loved the orphanage. In her
 humane          and        educational   very essence of a refugee family’s       testimony she recalled, in tears, a
 sensitivity of both Harth and Katz.      fight for survival: the destruction      song in Yiddish that she had studied
 Furthermore, it demonstrates their       of the fabric of family life and the     there 55 years before, under the
 acute documentary and historical         reversal of roles between parents        guidance of Moshe Salomon. “Here,
 awareness, which are not be              and children.                            I have been rescued from torture
 taken for granted considering the            Of the orphans from Bukovina         and dirt,” she wrote at the end of
 existential conditions to which the      and Bessarabia staying in Harth’s        her essay. “I am clothed. I receive
 staff of the orphanage itself, and       institution, Perl is the only one        instruction, food... [but] all this does   her life. “Since then, I always wanted    complex, tragic story of       the   family members in their homes
 the ghetto community as a whole,         who chose to remain there, even          not make me happy, since I know            to write, [although] life did not allow   deportation to Transnistria.         in accordance with Health
 were exposed.                            after they were given permission,        that Father is still suffering. It is      me to.” That simple, spontaneous                                               Ministry directives, in order to
       Twelve-year-old Perl Postelnik     in February 1944, to return to their     unbearable to me, but I cannot save        recollection reveals so much about        Since the “Gathering the             gather Holocaust-era personal
 from the Chernivtsi region of            districts of origin. She probably        him.” The fate of Avraham Postelnik,       the power of writing, even in the         Fragments” campaign began            items. To schedule a meeting
 Bessarabia was one of the girls who      did so in order to take care of her      Perl’s father, remains unknown..           most difficult circumstances, for the     a decade ago, 14,000 people          in Israel: +972-2-644-3888 or
 took part in Harth’s writing project.    father, who had found shelter in a       After the war, Perl studied medicine       human spirit.                             have donated some 315,000            collect@yadvashem.org.il.
 In her file, Harth characterized         synagogue in Djurin. Perl’s special      and worked in a Ukrainian hospital.               Dov Harth, his wife and            items,      including   185,000       Yad Vashem runs the “Gathering
 Perl as “intelligent, talented, with a   connection to her father did not go      In the early 1970s, she and her            daughter survived the war and             documents, more than 120,000         the Fragments” campaign with
 distinct writing style.” Her biography   unnoticed by Harth. “Deep affection      husband immigrated to Israel.              immigrated to Israel in 1948.             photographs, 5,500 artifacts,        the support of Israel’s Ministry
 opens with a shocking dilemma of         for her father,” he notes in her file.      In her testimony to Yad Vashem,         He kept in touch with his former          785 works of art and some 200        of Jerusalem and Heritage.
 existence and rescue: “A farmer’s        Indeed, Perl saved precious food to      Perl related how precious and              students for many years, and did          original films. Even during the
 wife kidnapped my five-year-old          sustain her father. In her testimony     significant her composition folder         much to preserve the memory               pandemic, representatives of         The author is a researcher in
 sister, and wanted to adopt her.         to Yad Vashem, she said, “I always       was to her, and how much she was           of the Rădăuți community                  Yad Vashem continue visiting         the Collection and Registration
 We were almost starving back then.       took two slices of bread. And no         moved and touched by writing about         and to further document the               Holocaust survivors or their         Section, Archives Division.

26       COLLECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                              COLLECTIONS                     27

       INTERNATIONAL BOOK PRIZE     One of the two winners of Yad Vashem’s International Book
                                    Prize for Holocaust Research focuses on the lesser explored

       AWARDED TO PUBLICATION       topic of slave labor of Jewish children during the Shoah.

       ON CHILD LABOR               “E    ven though the event of
                                          the Holocaust is already 75
                                          years behind us, its enormity
                                    continues to cast a large shadow that
                                                                                   Prof. Steinert’s study is not restricted
                                                                                to one country or region, but is broadly
                                                                                conceived. The largest number of
                                                                                Jewish children subjected to forced
                                    invokes new research on aspects             labor came from the territories of
                                    hitherto hardly studied,” wrote the         occupied Poland and the Soviet Union,         various media – about 500 postwar
     A child working in a           judges for the 2020 Yad Vashem              and to a somewhat lesser extent from          testimonies that were collected in
     metalworks, Kovno, Lithuania
                                    Book Prize for Holocaust Research           Hungary; most of them ended up in             the first postwar years – and archival
     Yad Vashem Archives
                                    in memory of Benny and Tilly Joffe          Germany, but some also in Poland.             documentation from archives in
                                    z”l. “Prof. Johannes-Dieter Steinert’s      The book consists of an introduction          Europe, North America, and Israel,
                                    book Holocaust und Zwangsarbeit:            and four parts, which cover an overall        including Yad Vashem, and a long
                                    Erinnerungen       jüdischer      Kinder    historical view of German occupation          list of relevant, scholarly literature
                                    1938–1945 (Holocaust and Forced             in the areas covered in the book; the         in many languages,” concluded the
                                    Labor: Memories of Jewish Children          general contexts of forced labor in           judges. “This innovative, extremely
                                    1938–1945 – Klartext Verlag: Essen,         the ghettos and in the camps of the           well-written work sheds light in a
                                    Germany, 2018) is one of these              war industry (especially weapons              most vivid and sensitive manner on
                                    innovative studies. It draws attention      and ammunition); “experiences and             many aspects of child forced labor,
                                    to the segment of society that is always    memories,” the most comprehensive             a topic hitherto hardly touched upon
                                    seen as bearing hope and vitality:          section of the book, which provides           and definitely not depicted in such a
                                    children. Although research on Jewish       a “multi-dimensional picture of the           comprehensive way.”
                                    and non-Jewish children during World        life experiences of these children”;
                                    War II and the Holocaust has been a         and “End of the War and Liberation,”          The second 2020 International
                                    topic that has come into focus in the       which addresses the labor that the            Book Prize winner was Dr. Alan
                                    past two decades, and to which Prof.        children were forced to carry out –           Rosen, for his publication, “The
                                    Steinert has contributed considerably       cleaning rubble, debris, and the like         Holocaust’s Jewish Calendars:
                                    in various ways, the topic of the fate of   – as well as the aspect of the loss of        Keeping Time Sacred, Making
                                    tens of thousands of Jewish children        their parents or family members, and          Time Holy” (Bloomington: Indiana
                                    who became forced laborers of the           the Allied liberators’ first encounters       University Press, 2019). An article by
                                    Third Reich in the decisive years           with surviving children.                      Dr. Rosen on the subject appeared
                                    1938–1945 has hitherto not been               “This study is based on a breathtaking      in volume 76 (February 2015) of the
                                    explored systematically.”                   mastery of testimonial sources in             “Yad Vashem Jerusalem” Magazine.

28       RESEARCH                                                                                                                         RESEARCH               29

     BY JEWS
                                                                                                                                                                                   Montage of Jewish
                                                                                                                                                                                   Rescuers during the

                                                                                     n 1941, Yoshko Indig (Josef Itai),   shores of the Eretz Israel at the end     as remarkable as it is inspiring. As
                                                                                     a young madrich (counsellor)         of the war. Several other Jewish          in the past, Yad Vashem continues
                                                                                     in the Hashomer Hatzair youth        rescuers were involved in this            to collect and publicize these
                                                                                   movement, set out with a group         remarkable rescue story. Two of           personal accounts on its various
                                                                                   of orphaned Jewish children            them, Aron Menczer and Goffredo           platforms: through its museum
                                                                                   from Germany and Austria on            Pacifici, were later murdered in          exhibitions, historical narrative
     The annals of heroic Jews who ignored relentless life-threatening Nazi        a courageous and dangerous             Auschwitz. All of them risked their       and numerous online exhibitions,
                                                                                   rescue journey. The passage took       lives to save the children.               as well as in conferences, lectures
     persecution in order to save their fellow brothers and sisters have been      the group through Yugoslavia and          Indig, Menczer and Pacifici, along     and educational activities at its
     featured and explored extensively at Yad Vashem for decades as part of the    Italy, where additional children       with Gisi Fleischmann, Anna Braude        Jerusalem campus and abroad.
                                                                                   joined the group, nearly doubling      Heller, Luba Bielicka Blum and            These numerous stories and
     wider theme of Jewish responses to the Shoah. The subject is often referred   their number, and into neutral         countless others, worked selflessly       testimonies detailing compelling
                                                                                   Switzerland, until Indig and most      and tirelessly to aid their fellow Jews   examples of Jewish solidarity during
     to as Rescue by Jews during the Holocaust.                                    of the children finally reached the    during the Holocaust. Each story is       the Shoah range from discrete acts

30   RESCUE                                                                                                                                                                         RESCUE               31

 of personal kindness to organized                                                                                    because of that, and due to the
 attempts to safeguard the lives of                                                                                   extreme nature of the persecution
 Jewish men, women and children.                 The study of Jewish solidarity during                                during the Holocaust, when the
    Over the years, Yad Vashem’s                                                                                      majority of the Jews faced a daily
                                                 the Holocaust has always been a central
 International       Institute     for                                                                                struggle for self-survival and
 Holocaust Research has published                dimension of Yad Vashem’s mission                                    therefore were in a situation
 dozens of survivor memoirs,                                                                                          where it was practically impossible
 research books and articles                                                                                          for them to assist others, it would
 detailing firsthand accounts of                                                                                      be both unfair and unwise to judge
 how Jews aided fellow Jews, and                                                                                      their actions particularly given the
 detailing histories of resistance in        The topic has been regularly      objects of persecution and rescue      extraordinary circumstances into
 Jewish communities under Nazi           highlighted as part of the            activities initiated by non-Jews,      which they were forced.                        Members of the “Nasza
 rule. For example, in 1997, Yad         Holocaust Remembrance Day’s           but strove to find ways of coping,        Following lengthy and thorough              Grupa” together with
                                                                                                                                                                     members of “Hanoar
 Vashem Publications released the        State Opening Ceremonies, as          did not give up human and Jewish       consideration of this matter, there            Hazioni” from Hungary,
 Hebrew version of Nechama Tec’s         well as at other commemorative        solidarity and whenever possible       is a general agreement among Yad               Budapest, 1943
 book Mishpachat Anshei Haya’ar          activities and events at Yad          were active in confronting the         Vashem’s experts, researchers and              Yad Vashem Archives
 (The Family of the Forest People),      Vashem throughout the years. In       Nazi scourge, thus revealing the       educators – as well as survivors
 based on the English version of         2020, Yad Vashem’s central theme      resilience and steadfastness of        – that the process of singling out
 her book, Defiance: The True Story      for Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’    Jewish individuals and groups.         Jews for such an official award
 of the Bielski Partisans (Oxford        Remembrance Day was Rescue                   Thus, the study of Jewish       would likely create an unhealthy
 University Press, 1993). The book       by Jews during the Holocaust:         solidarity during the Holocaust        and ultimately divisive atmosphere      postwar notion that Jews seemingly    founders of Yad Vashem, many
 described the renowned Bielski          Solidarity in a Disintegrating        has always been, and continues         of competition within Jewish            behaved passively, as “sheep being    of them Holocaust survivors, to
 brothers more than a decade             World. The six Holocaust survivors    to be, a central dimension of Yad      communities and among families          led to the slaughter.” Establishing   mandate as part of its binding
 before the acclaimed eponymous          chosen as torchlighters for the       Vashem’s mission and an integral       of victims and survivors. Instead of    an awards program of Jews             mission the goal of recognizing the
 Hollywood feature film was              opening ceremony shared a             component of its research,             promoting worthy efforts to learn       rescuing Jews would likely work       Righteous Among the Nations.
 released. In 2014, Yad Vashem           common theme: They recounted          educational and commemorative          and identify with the “choiceless       against that achievement, and              Rather than confer titles, as
 published the Hebrew-language           their personal stories in which       activities.                            choices” of the multitudes of Jews in   lead to discriminating evaluations    seen above, Yad Vashem has
 Aleh Iti Begorali (Jews Rescuing        Jews assisted one another during        Given this record of Yad Vashem’s    the Shoah, as Yad Vashem indeed         and biased judgments about the        consistently nurtured awareness
 Jews in the Holocaust), featuring       the Holocaust. Yad Vashem             commitment, why doesn’t the            does, such an award program             majority of the murdered and          and knowledge regarding the
 a collection of stories regarding       devoted the 2020 Remembrance          World Holocaust Center formally        would engender superficial, and         surviving Jews.                       issue of Jewish solidarity during
 efforts by Jews to save other Jews      Day symposia, online lectures and     recognize these heroic figures by      essentially unfair, categories of         Conversely, the rescue of Jews by   the Holocaust, including its crucial
 during the Shoah.                       educational activities for security   presenting them, or their families,    behavior, and risk disparaging the      non-Jews in the Holocaust, when       component of rescue by Jews.
    Similarly, stories related to this   forces and other groups to the        with official medals, decorations      many Jewish victims who had no          Jews had been almost universally      While grappling with the multiple
 topic are included in Yad Vashem’s      theme of Jewish solidarity. By        and titles?                            opportunity to act beyond their         expelled from the normative           dimensions of this subject, and
 Holocaust       History     Museum      emphasizing this important topic,       The answer is clear.                 own desperate personal battles          circle of social responsibility and   ensuring that it is responsibly
 permanent exhibition, such as the       along with other aspects of Jewish      In Jewish tradition and throughout   for survival. Through its long-term     aiding them was punishable by         explored in its authentic historical
 famous account of Rabbi Michael         resilience and reactions to the       Jewish history, the imperative that    scholarly and educational activities,   death, was as extraordinary as        context, Yad Vashem is deeply
 Dov Weissmandel and the semi-           ever-worsening persecution, Yad       Jews act on behalf of the welfare      Yad Vashem has succeeded in             it was courageous, and certainly      committed to perpetuating this
 underground “Working Group” in          Vashem continuously highlights        and security of other Jews in need     largely erasing from much of            merits special recognition. This      fundamental dimension of its
 Slovakia.                               the fact that Jews were not just      has been ever-present. Precisely       public discourse the denigrating        understanding motivated the           activity in order to enlighten,

32      RESCUE                                                                                                                                                                                                      RESCUE           33

              NEW                               T
                                                       he exhibition, prepared in a
                                                       ready2print format for easy
                                                       local production, tells the
                                                unique story of Jews during the

              EXHIBITION                        Holocaust whose lives stood on
                                                the very precipice, but, contrary
                                                to any basic instinct of survival

              AND STAMP
                                                that demands one takes care of
                                                oneself and one’s family first, found
                                                the inner strength and chose to
                                                risk their false identity or give up

                                                proposed asylum in order to help
                                                other persecuted Jews. Some even               This image is for illustration alone. Courtesy Israel Post Philatelic Service
                                                paid for the act with their lives.
                                                   The exhibition consists of 20 panels,
                                                                                               The Israel Post’s Philatelic

                                                with three introductory sections                                                                 and the graphic designer Rotem
                                                                                               Service is creating an official
                                                and 17 rescue stories, which took                                                                Sharir, the stamp production process
                                                                                               stamp based on the winning
                                                place between the years 1938-                                                                    is expected to be completed in the
                                                                                               poster in the “Designing
                                                1945, when the rescuers operated                                                                 spring of 2021. A first day cover,
                                                                                               Memory”      competition    for

                                                in the Reich territories, and in the                                                             special cancellation and explanatory
                                                                                               Holocaust Remembrance Day
                                                German-occupied and annexed                                                                      leaflet will accompany the stamp
                                                                                               2020, on the theme of Rescue
                                                regions throughout Europe – with                                                                 distributed around Israel, as well as
                                                                                               by Jews during the Holocaust.
                                                a determined spirit that stems from                                                              for collectors in Israel and abroad.
                                                                                               In cooperation with Yad Vashem
                                                the fierce belief that rescue comes
                                                above all.
                                                      The exhibition presents the
                                                stories of well-known figures, such
                                                as the Bielski brothers, whose
              In accordance with the            solitary partisan unit in the forests
                                                of Belarus provided refuge for             Michael Dov Weissmandel and                           establishment of an aid project,
              Central Theme for Holocaust       hundreds of Jews who had fled the          other Jewish activists devised a                      through which he sent - at times
                                                surrounding ghettos. Their family          grandiose plan aimed at preventing                    openly and at times in secret - over
              Remembrance Day 2020,             camp, which the partisans called           the deportation of Jews from                          5,000 kilograms of food, medicine
                                                “Jerusalem of the Forests,” was the        Europe to Poland, in exchange for a                   and clothing to Prague deportees
              Yad Vashem’s Museums Division                                                Nazi-demanded ransom.                                 sent to various ghettos and camps.
                                                largest refuge of its kind during the
              recently completed a new          war.                                           Alongside the more familiar
                                                    Another renowned figure in the         stories, the exhibition introduces                    The exhibition is available in
              exhibition, entitled “Rescue by   exhibition is Gisi Fleischmann,            lesser-known figures to the general                   three languages, English, Hebrew
                                                leader of the “Working Group” in           public. One of them is 16-year-old                    and French. To order, please
              Jews during the Holocaust.”       Slovakia, who together with Rabbi          Heinz Prossnitz, who initiated the                    click here.

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