PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation

Page created by Adam Molina
PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
Volume 75                                                                               March, April, May 2021

 Southend & Westcliff                                                   Hebrew Congregation

                              PESACH 5781

      This page is kindly sponsored by Jill and Lawrence Collins who wish their children and grandchildren,
                   together with their entire family and their many friends a very Happy Pesach
PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation

PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
Contents                                               Organisations Within
Page 2
Page 3
            The Shop
            Diary of Events, Organisations within the Community
                                                                                 The Community
Page 4      President’s Message                                        AID Society                         Derek Silverstone                  616153
Page 5      Holocaust Memorial Day                                     A.J.E.X.                            Stephen Salt
Page 6      Social & Personal, Stock Road                              AJR (Assoc of Jewish Refugees)      Karen Diamond              07966 631778
Page 7      Rabbi’s Message, Editorial                                 Bereavement Support Group           Janice Steel               07752 874065
Page 8      Boating Group, Paddington Bear, Thank You’s                Board of Deputies (Southend)        Peter Baum
                                                                       Canasta Social Group                Brian Lazarus                      864501
Page 9      Q & A with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hyman
                                                                       Cheder                              Shul Office                         344900
Page 10     Mitzvah Month, Carry On Calling, Dave’s Dishy Dishes       Community Care Committee            Janice Steel               07752 874065
Page 11     Dear Editor, Arnhem and Liberation of Holland              Community Security Trust            David Ramet                07946 650339
Page 12     Guide to Pesach                                            Emunah                              Rochelle Spector                   436791
Page 13     Guide to Pesach cont’d                                     Fair Reporting                      Peter Baum
Page 14     Chief Rabbi and Board of Deputies’ Pesach Messages         J.A.C.S.                            Maurice Symons                     351845
Page 16     Brady Club Memories                                        J.N.F. Impact                       Anthony Larholt                    348221
Page 18     Gabbaim Diary                                              Jewish Care Community Centre        Jamie Field                0208 9222141
Page 19     Gabbaim Diary cont’d, Messages from the                    Jewish Care Sheltered Accom.        Michelle Davis             0208 9222000
            Warden’s Box, Gabbai Gleanings, Deadline Date              Jewish Genealogical Society         Anne Marcus   
Page 20     Zoom Events                                                Jewish Press                        Geoffrey Pepper
                                                                       Kosher Shop                         David Law  
Page 21     Zoom Events
                                                                       Ladies’ Guild                       Sara Vandermolen           07813 824684
Page 22     Zoom Events                                                Magen David Adom                    Simon Belson               07774 778383
Page 24     Simcha Page                                                                                    Linda Burns                07968 103269
Page 25     Obituary, Covid Tiers                                      Meals on Wheels                     Laura Johnson                      334655
Page 26     Lockdown Anniversaries                                     Monday Friendship Club              Maurice Symons                     351845
                                                                       Pop In Centre                       Janice Steel               07752 874065
                                                                       Southend Kehila                     Alan Wand      
       Diary of S&WHC Events                                           Southend Security Trust
                                                                       Tuesday Nighters
                                                                                                           Michael Yaffe
                                                                                                           Lawrence Collin
                                                                                                                                      07742 599304
March 2021                                                             Youth Club                          Yael Bebb                  07951 185933
10th        Zoom with Mike Levy                                        W.I.Z.O.                            Jackie Kalms 
14th        Barmitzvah – Rudy Alexander via Zoom
17th        Zoom with Gillian Walnes Perry
                                                                              SYNAGOGUE OFFICE HOURS
                                                                                          Normal Hours -
24th        Zoom with Debra Brunner                                            Monday to Wednesday 9.00am – 3.00pm
27th        Erev Pesach – 1st Night                                                 Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm
28th        1st Day Pesach – 2nd Night                                               Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm
29th        2nd Day Pesach                                                               Saturday – CLOSED
April 2021                                                                          Sunday 9.30am – 12.30pm
3rd         7th Day Pesach                                                   Tel: 01702 344900                     Fax: 01702 391131
4th         8th Day Pesach                                                If the office is closed, please leave a message and your call will be returned
8th/9th     Yom Hashoah                                                                 Email:
10th        Barmitzvah – Ethan Megraw *                                                  Website:
13th/14th   Yom Hazikaron/Yom Ha’atzmaut
14th/15th   Yom Ha’atzmaut                                                                           Advertising
29th/30th   Lag B’Omer                                                                    Contact Shul Office – 01702 344900

May 2021                                                                         Advertising Rates - Social & Personal
9th/10th    Yom Yerushalayim                                                             (pre-paid to the Synagogue Office)
                                                                            Up to 30 words - £25, 31 – 40 words - £30, Boxed Advert - £35
15th        Barmitzvah – Louis Mitchell *
16th        Erev Shavuot                                                                   Published by the S&WHC
                                                                           Synagogue Office, Finchley Road, Westcliff on Sea, Essex SS0 8AD.
17th        Shavuot 1st Day
18th        Shavuot 2nd Day – Yiskor                                                            Editor: Rochelle O’Brart
30th        AGM *                                                                     Communications addressed to:
                                                                                              The Editor, Community Voice
June 2021
5th         Kiddush – Adele and David Ramet *                                     Copy Deadline for Summer Edition:
26th        Kiddush – Pamela & Lawrence Collin *                                  No later than 30th April 2021
27th        Fast of Tammuz                                                        All dates and times correct at going to print
Items with * may be subject to change due to Covid Restrictions.
                                                                                Management of Shul Services
                                                                            Gabbaim: Geoffrey Pepper, Maurice Symons
                Editor’s Note                                                    Shammas: Alexander Walters

   May I respectfully remind you the CV                                                 S&WHC Cemetery:
                                                                            Stock Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS2 5QF
   cannot announce births, engagements
                                                                                          Opening Times:
   or marriages which are not halachically                                    Winter: Sunday - Friday 10am - 3pm GMT
   acceptable to the Orthodox Community.                                      Summer: Sunday - Friday 10am - 4pm BST
   The same must be said for holding                                                  Cemetery Management:
   functions not under Kashrut Supervision.                                        Simon Belson and Sam Rakusen

PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
The Executive - Michael Franks, Rod Stone and Alan
                                  S&WHC                                     Cohen - and all the Board - my grateful thanks.
                                President’s                                 A big thank you to David in the Shop for being so helpful
                                                                            in running the Shop and his wonderful cooking and thank
                                 Message                                    you to the Shop committee - Diane, Marilyn and Sara - for
                        Dear Members                                        their hard work.
                       Pesach is nearly with us. Who would                  Thanks also to the Chesed volunteers under the leadership
                       have thought that this time last year,               of Alan Witzenfeld for their ongoing work. Don’t forget
                       when we couldn’t be with our friends                 to keep supporting the Shop especially for Pesach with a
                       and family for Seder Night, the same                 wonderful selection of Passover goods.
    ld be
would   b happening
           h        i a year later. We must all make the                    Rochelle O’Brart, our Editor of this magazine, has been in
best of the situation and pray we will all be back to normal                hospital and we wish her well and thanks to Pam for doing
and be with our family and friends in the very near future.                 all the work in getting the Community Voice together with
My thanks must go to Southend Borough Council for                           Rochelle’s guidence from home.
allowing and erecting the Menorah at the Cliffs Pavilion                    Thanks to Rabbi Hyman for his work making contact with
at this difficult time. How wonderful it was to see it fully                 all our members including those who are unwell or have
lit every night and the ceremony streamed on-line,                          suffered a bereavement, are commemorating a Yahrzeit
conducted by Rabbi and Michelle Hyman in the presence                       and also to wish Mazeltov to those celebrating a happy
of the Mayor and Mayoress, Sir David Amess, our Vice                        occasion. Let us hope it won’t be long before we can
President, Michael Franks and Brenda, Milly and myself                      reopen our Shul for services and things can get back to
and Derek Silverstone who lit up the Menorah each night.                    normal.
Always on this occasion it is lovely to remember Jeffrey                    You will notice that work has been carried out to the
Harris and Adrienne Harris, in whose memory the                             entrance of the Shul. This has been done for the safety
Menorah is dedicated. The weather that night was the                        of people entering and leaving either after a service or a
worst with the gale and rain but it was still wonderful to                  function. The steps have been taken away and a new wider
have been able to light up the Menorah.                                     slope, with guard rails, has been created large enough
I wrote to thank and congratulate Southend Borough                          for wheelchairs. Thanks to Vince, our caretaker, for
Council for the magnificent way they produced and                            undertaking this work.
streamed the Holocaust Memorial Day service. Thank you                      The AGM is due to be held in May, all being well, and I
to Rabbi Hyman and all who participated in the service.                     would like to invite younger members in the Community to
How interesting the guest speaker Susan Bermange was,                       come forward and give their time to stand for the Board of
who is the daughter of a survivor. It is wonderful that the                 Management. If not this year, please give it some thought
next generation is carrying on the work by speaking out                     for next year. We need you to help the community to go
about their family experiences in the Camps as the number                   forward for the future. If you are interested, please do not
of survivors is diminishing.                                                hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have
I always like to offer in my report our thanks to many                      regarding standing as a Member of the Board.
people and therefore my thanks go out to our wonderful                      On behalf of my wife Milly and myself we wish you a
office staff, Pam, Sara and Liz for their dedication to their                Happy and Kosher Pesach.
job and carrying on in keeping the office running during
this difficult time. Simon Belson for his continuing                         Be well. Be safe.
                                                                                                                               Michael E Nelkin
dedicated work at the Cemetery during this Pandemic.                                                                          President S&WHC

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PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
‘It’s difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished
          Southend Holocaust                                            hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It’s a
            Memorial Day                                                wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd
                                                                        and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in
      Online Service of Commemoration                                   spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.’
             26th January 2021                                          Anne Frank (1929-1945) who was murdered during the
Hundreds of people watched from around the World the
Southend Holocaust Memorial Day Online Service of                                                                        Geoffrey Pepper
Commemoration, themed “Be the light in the Darkness”. A
different format to the normal annual ceremony organised by
Southend Borough Council and remembering tragedies that
have caused so much suffering.
                                                                         Uk Holocaust Memorial Day
Rabbi Hyman reflected how we remember with great sadness                      Streamlined Live
those darkest days on earth when human hearts turned to                                    27th January 2021
stone because of hatred and prejudice and when the victims
cried for help, but no-one listened. In the midst of that horrific       Thousands of people across the UK tuned into this online
darkness there were those who displayed real humanity and               commemorative ceremony (due to the Global Pandemic) to
refused to let their hearts be turned to stone and instead saved        remember those who were murdered for who they were and
those victims of hatred. Rabbi Hyman recounted that in Yad              to stand against prejudice and hatred today. This year marked
Vashem in Israel there is a database containing names of these          the 76th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau,
heroes who saved Jewish lives. They are called “The Righteous           the largest Nazi Death Camp where one million people were
Among the Nations.” Nearly 28,000 names are recorded of                 murdered.
these extraordinary individuals. Rabbi Hyman mentioned that
                                                                        Opening remarks by Olivia Marks-Woldman OBE, Chief
he had attended a Rabbi`s conference nine years ago in
                                                                        Executive of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, speaking deeply
Warsaw. On the last day of the conference, ten Polish people
                                                                        how the last generation of witnesses were slowly passing from
were assembled on the stage to be presented with the Yad
                                                                        this World. The virtual programme was introduced and narrated
Vashem Award of the “Righteous Among the Nations.” The
                                                                        by Naga Munchetty.
Rabbi recited a Prayer “Sovereign of the Universe.”
                                                                        In his address, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, who is
Rabbi Warren Elf introduced Mrs Susan Bermange, a second
                                                                        Patron of the Holocaust Memorial Trust said, “HMD occupies a
generation Holocaust speaker and daughter of her Holocaust
                                                                        place in our National life, an occasion to remember and honour
survivor father, Berek (Bob) Obuchowski. Rabbi Elf said Susan
                                                                        all those so brutally lost in the Shoah. The Prince had visited Yad
spoke at Schools and other Institutions nationwide and that both
                                                                        Vashem in January last year.
her parents were Holocaust survivors.
                                                                        Speakers also featured prominent political leaders including
Addressing the viewers, Susan spoke about the life of her father.
                                                                        the Rt Hon Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP, Leader of the
He was born in Ozorkow, Poland. He spent three years in the
                                                                        Opposition, Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MP, and the leaders of all
Lodz Ghetto, was transported to the Concentration Camps at
                                                                        the devolved administrations. Communities Secretary of State
Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Rhemsdorf and finally survived a Death
                                                                        Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, confirmed there will be a National
March to Thereisenstadt, where he was liberated. He was one
                                                                        Memorial and Learning Centre in Central London, near
of “The Boys” who were brought over to the UK in 1945. He
                                                                        the “Mother of all Parliaments”. Barrister and grandson of a
started his new life in Windermere. In his words, he went “from
                                                                        holocaust survivor Robert Rinder told of the one thousand
hell to paradise.” Susan recounted in detail Bob`s suffering
                                                                        ghettos which were built and that six camps were built for mass
in the Camps including surviving meningitis, despite going
without medication and no doctor available. His tattoo number
was B.7650 and how miraculously, sixty years later, Bob`s bank          Faith Leaders were well represented and included the Chief
card came through the post with the same pin number. His first           Rabbi Efraim Mirvis who spoke sombrely of when “the light of
breakfast at Windermere was toast and marmalade. Later in life,         humanity was extinguished, the darkness of indifference and the
he had toast and marmalade every day for breakfast and again            glimmers of light by those who fought back.” He reflected “the
every evening while watching TV. Bob is survived by his children,       human soul is the candle of the Lord. Light will prevail.”
grandchildren and great grandchildren.                                  Holocaust survivor Ernest Simon BEM (who recited the
There was a recorded address from 2019 from Australia by                memorial prayer of the Soul of the Departed - El Mole
Holocaust survivor Eddie Jaku. There was a performance of “I            Rachamim), Rachel Levy BEM, and Renee Bornstein each told
believe in the Sun” by Mark Miller, by the Southend Boys` and           of their early childhood and their horrific experiences in Poland,
Girls` Choir on tour in Australia in 2018.                              France and Hungary respectively.
Concluding remarks by The Mayor of Southend on Sea,                     Six candles were lit by six Holocaust survivors representing the
Councillor John Lamb, said, “One of the things this pandemic            six million Jews who perished.
should bring home to a lot of people is the numbers that can            Laura Marks, OBE, Chair Trustee of the Holocaust Memorial
die from a virus around the World. The Holocaust caused the             Day Trust thanked the ceremony contributors and all those who
death of a great many millions more than the pandemic and               had been involved in organising the event. At the end of the
yet people still deny it happened. -Man`s inhumanity to man             ceremony a melancholic Light the Darkness National moment
- We must never forget and should forcefully rebuff the denial          of coming together when the Nation was asked to light a candle
of these events occurring.” The Mayor thanked all members of            and place it in their window at 8.00pm to remember those who
the Holocaust Remembrance Day working party and specifically             were murdered for who they were.
thanked by name all the speakers and their contributions.
                                                                        Music performed by the Chineke! Chamber Ensemble
In line with Government Guidance, there was no public event             celebrating diverse classical music.
this year for the annual tree planting for Holocaust Memorial
Day, but a tree was planted on Marine Parade in Leigh on Sea.                                                            Geoffrey Pepper

PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
The family of the late Rhoda Lever.
      Social Announcements                                                  Professor John Harper, Richard Harper and Harriet Harper on the loss
Births     – We wish Mazel Tov to:                                          of their mother, Netta Harper.
Lord and Lady Gold on the birth of a granddaughter, Lynn and                Susan Fine, Steven, Simon and Jonathan Fine and Shirley Goodman
Alexander Gold on the birth of a daughter, Olivia Uriel, a sister for       on the loss of a husband, father and brother, David Fine.
Sammy Charlie Gold.
Natalie and Simon Belson and Michelle Omsky (South Africa) on the
                                                                            Social and Personal
birth of a granddaughter, Maisie Fern, born to Hannah and Lance             Fine: Susan, Steven, Simon and Jonathan Fine and Shirley
Omsky (Borehamwood).                                                        Goodman would like to thank everyone for their condolences
                                                                            and good wishes on the sad passing of their husband, father
Barmitzvah – We wish Mazel Tov to:                                          and brother David Fine.
Jackie Kalms on the Barmitzvah of her grandson, Jack Kalms
(Pinner), son of Debbie and Daniel Kalms.                                           Stone Settings at Stock Road
Hilary and Marc Alexander on the Barmitzvah of their son, Rudy.                 Due to the Corona Virus, please see the
Ethan Megraw on the occasion of his Barmitzvah, and to parents                      Weekly Newsletter for updates
and grandparents, Jill and Lawrence Collins.
Karen and Mark Mitchell on the Barmitzvah of their son, Louis.
Natalie and Richard Rubin on the Barmitzvah of their grandson,                   Stock Road Cemetery Etiquette
Justin Rubin (Watford), youngest son of Neil and Lauren Rubin.               On visiting Stock Road Cemetery, would all ladies
                                                                             and gentlemen kindly dress appropriately, including
Engagements           – We wish Mazel Tov to:                                married ladies having their heads covered. When
Louisa and Andrew Levy on the engagement of their daughter, Talia,           parking at the Cemetery, please do not park on the
to Sam Koch.
                                                                             grass areas, as this is Consecrated Ground.
Birthdays – Many Happy Returns to:                                           You are reminded there is a wheelchair available at
John Barnett                       90 years                                  the Cemetery.
David Sanders                      85 years
Arnold Azulay                      85 years
Allan Greenstein                   83 years
Ronald Lawrence                    83 years
Gillian Lang                       80 years
Sheila Leigh                       80 years
Helene Shine                       80 years

Anniversaries – We wish Mazel Tov to:
Linda and Leonard Crystall         55th Anniversary     Emerald
Rosalind and Geoffrey Cohen        50th Anniversary     Golden
Sandra and Maurice Symons          50th Anniversary     Golden
Rita and Trevor Raye               45th Anniversary     Sapphire
Susan and David Baker              35th Anniversary     Coral
Lauren and Spencer Dobkins         35th Anniversary     Coral

Condolences – Our deepest sympathy to:
Barbara Clements on the loss of her brother, Barry Myer Clements.
Pat David and Janet Gershlick on the loss of their brother, Anthony
Harvey Gershlick.
The family of the late Eddie Greene.
The family of the late Hazel Fellowes.
Anthony Jones, Bradley Jones and Simon Jones on the loss of a
brother and father, Malcolm Jones.
Andrew Levene and Sonia Hyman on the loss of their sister, Yvonne
Angela Cohen, Adam Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Martin Cohen and
Mark Cohen on the loss of a husband, father and brother, Samuel
(Sammy) Cohen.
Sharon Moss and Brian Moss on the loss of a husband and brother,
Martyn Moss.
Helene Shine, Barry Shine and Michelle Smith on the loss of a
husband and father, Melvyn Shine.
PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
Rabbi’s Pesach                                                             Editorial
                             Message                                                          I am writing this Editorial from
                                                                                              my hospital bed, having been
                         Over the past year, during                                           just a bit poorly. Luckily, I am
                         these challenging times of the                                       getting there, and our lovely
                         pandemic, new words and                                              magazine is falling into place.
                         phrases have entered our
                         vocabulary. The phrase of                                              We have had to make sure
                         2020 has been awarded to                                               we have obeyed all the rules
                         “Unmute yourself” – widely                                             and regulations to enable our
                         used by Zoom users. Pesach is                                          magazine to be compiled and
indeed a time to “unmute ourselves” and to retell our                sent out to you, stillll keeping
                                                                                              k       it of interest to everyone.
story as members of the Jewish People – which we do                  Hopefully, as we get closer to Summer, we will be able
in recounting the story of our ancestry during the Seder             to get back to normality. We all need that – very much
Night using the Haggadah.                                            so.
We start with Abraham and our forefathers, going on                  As you all know Pesach is getting closer and we will
to trace our ancestor’s descent from Canaan to Egypt,                have to be more observant than usual! Our Shop will
to our people’s enslavement. The story changes tone as               be full of the usual goodies and I do believe all the
G-d reacts to the cries of His people. Moses appears                 usual deliveries will be in readiness. Make sure,
on the scene as G-d’s emissary to redeem the people.                 everyone, you make good use of your Shul helpline!
But it is not all plain sailing, for it ensues into a struggle       We look forward to hearing from our members here and
between Moses and Pharaoh but, by the end of the                     beyond with your articles. Closing date for next edition
Ten Plagues, the people are free to leave. Thrown in                 is 30th April 2021.
alongside the narrative, are passages of poetry brought
to life by traditional tunes, like Dayeinu and Vehi                  I wish you and the Community a happy and Kosher
Sheomdo. Visuals mark the trail of the story, with the               Pesach and hopefully it will not be too long and difficult
foods on the Seder Plate, the three Matzahs, the four                for us this year.
cups of wine, joined by the oddity of the “dippings”                 All look after yourselves and may your Matzos be crispy
which feature dipping parsley into salt water and one’s              and yummy!
finger in the wine. It is not only a night to remember
our history, but a night filled with nostalgic memories of            Good Yom Tov to you all.
our own Seder Nights. From being a child at the Seder                                                          Rochelle O’Brart
table to being an adult leading the Seder – Seder Night                                                                  Editor
becomes part of our lifelong memory.
So, moving to the present, how are we going to
remember our Seder Nights during these pandemic
years? As everyone’s circumstances are different, as
people live as singles, couples or as a family, the Seder
Night experience will vary. But our sages in the Talmud
were well aware that the Seder Night is not just
celebrated in gatherings, but it is also performed by
a person on their own. For they posed the question,
“What if one is on their own, who does one ask the
Mah Nishtanah to?” They replied, “To oneself!” Which
highlights that even a person on their own, is not really
alone – they have themselves and talking to oneself is
not a sign of madness, but a fulfilment of telling our
story! In addition, the Divine Presence is there and,
according to tradition, Elijah will be popping in too!
The age-old adage of making the best of the situation is
most applicable to the present situation. I must say that
over the past year of phoning around our members,
most people tell me the same thing - that they are trying
to make the best of the situation.
It is my hope that we can all transform our “small
Seder Nights” into an experience worth remembering
and that, please G-d, “Next Year in Jerusalem” or at
least be blessed with the ability to celebrate Pesach with
our wider family and friends!
Michelle joins me in wishing all our readers a “Chag
Kasher Vesameach”.
                                        Rabbi Hyman
PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
S&WHC Boating Group                                                           Paddington Bear
       Local Yacht Clubs                                               The beloved char-
                                                                       acter     Paddington
Similar to most other Interest Groups we are Locked Down by            Bear was inspired
the Covid virus. This means that there have been no meetings           by Jewish children
of the group or visits to places of interest for months.               who escaped the
                                                                       Holocaust on the
However, thinking of Boating / Sailing / Yacht clubs in the
locality, we really are well provided for. A quick ‘Google’
                                                                       Creator      Michael
showed some twenty clubs within an area of the River Crouch,
                                                                       Bond (1926-2017)
to our local area of the River Thames as far as Canvey Island.
                                                                       was motivated by his
Most of our Group are, or have been, members of many of
                                                                       memories of children
these Clubs.
                                                                       arriving at London’s
The River Crouch alone provides the setting for some eight             Reading station dur-
clubs. Clubs range from a focus on Dinghy to Cruiser                   ing WWII.
sailing – mostly dependent upon their location on the (tidal)
                                                                       These young refugees each carried a small suitcase and
river. The further inland the river is, the narrower it becomes.
                                                                       wore labels around their necks to identify them. It is no
Narrow rivers are more suitable to smaller craft, ie: Sailing
                                                                       coincidence that in the book, the little bear is found sitting
Dinghies and small motor boats.
                                                                       on his suitcase in Paddington Station in London with a note
Along the extended Southend shoreline there are a further              around his neck that reads, “Please take care of this bear.
twelve clubs. Like everywhere else, clubs get started by               Thank you.” He is discovered and adopted by the Brown
groups of people with similar interests who want to enjoy /            family, thus the name Paddington Bear. In the story,
improve the facilities available. Whereas other activity clubs         Paddington’s best friend is Mr. Samuel Gruber, an elderly
and groups have a ‘Chairman’, Yacht clubs are headed by a              Jew from Hungary who escaped the Nazis. And guess what!?
‘Commodore’ – a naval term. Typically, the Commodore is                When “Paddington 2” hit the big screen in Israel in 2018,
assisted by a Vice Commodore and a ‘Bosun’ who is akin to              the voice of one of the characters was played by none other
a General Manager, looking after the assets. Additionally, a           than Nechama Rivlin z”l, the late wife of Reuven Ruvi Rivlin
Committee supervises the many activities.                              - ၵၬၰၢၬႁ ၬၢၧႁ ၵၢၧၠႁ .
As an example: The Alexandra Yacht Club (AYC), an                      Like so many others around the world, Nechama loved
HISTORIC Southend seafront building, was demolished as it              Paddington, the little bear with a big heart. <
was sinking. This, at 130 years old, was the oldest Southend
Yacht Club - on Southend Cliff top -but was lost to fire on                                                         Norman Hayeem
17th April 2014. The remains of the building were                      Source: American Society for Yad Vashem
subsequently demolished as the site was found to be                    Photo: Geoff Pugh
‘Dangerously positioned due to subsidence’. By design, to
prevent slippage, it had been held in place by a number of             As a fitting tribute to the author, Londoners left jars of
Ship’s Anchors, on chains, let into the Cliffs. I understand           marmalade at the foot of the Paddington Bear statue, by
there is a new AYC ‘mini clubhouse’ built on the Slipway.              Marcus Cornish, at Paddington Station. People left pots of
The Alexandra Yacht Club - The Jetty - No Fishing or Diving            marmalade there on 27th June, 2017 the day that Michael
- is based on a                                                        Bond died at the age of 91. Bond lived near Paddington
blue flag beach                                                         Station at the time of his death and was buried in Paddington
is a great place                                                       Cemetery. The film “Paddington 2” was made in his memory.
to sail, kayak or                                            
stand-up pad-
dleboard from
on the Thames
Estuary, for be-                                                                        Thank You’s
ginner to sea-
soned sailor.                                                           On behalf of the whole Community,
                                                                        we would like to thank all those who
Unsurprisingly, as a major asset, the Jetty is used for                 generously donated cosmetic gifts for
launching and recovery of small craft. It is jealously guarded          our NHS. All goods were gratefully
for the use of Members Only (Membership and Annual Jetty                received and shows, once again, what
Fees apply), so should be respected.                                    a caring Community we are.
Wishing everyone:     Fair Winds and Calm Seas!                                                                        Marilyn Salt

                                                     Rod Levin
                                                                                                        Roy and Laraine Barnes
                                                                                                        wish to thank all those

                     KASHRUT                                                                            within in our community,
                                                                                                        who kindly supported the
                                                                        charity campaign for Camp Simcha. We are so
        We cannot be held responsible for the                           appreciative, and through your kind response, we have
                                                                        raised in excess of £9,000. The charity’s target of £2.4m
         Kashrut of any function or ad unless                           was reached within 24 hours, and eventually reached over
            it states ‘Under supervision of                             £3.3m. We are so humbled and privileged to have been
                                                                        part of this. With grateful thanks,
     Southend & Westcliff Kashrut Commission’                                                                     Roy and Laraine

PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
Q & A with Rabbi & Rebbetzin Hyman
      Rabbi Hyman’s Chanukah                                                        Rabbi Hyman’s
       Questions and Answers                                                     Questions and Answers
              15th December 2020                                                             2nd February 2021
Another in the series of monthly Q and A with the                  “Thoughtful and interesting” Q and A with the Rabbi
Rabbi and Rebbetzin via Zoom and streamed live on                  and Rebbetzin, on Zoom and Facebook. Why do we
Facebook. Various questions were asked with the theme              celebrate the New Year for Trees? It has to do with the
of Chanukah, ranging from Chanukah Trees, gifts and                rainy season in Israel. It is also the end of the Tax Year
gelt; electric Menorahs not replacing live candle flames            for Tithes. To a question about the Megillah Reading
which has specific Mitzvah significance for a Blessing; is           during Purim, this is the only Festival that does not mark
the military victory by the Maccabees against the Greek            Israel and relates to antisemitism when the Jews lived in
Kingdom played down in our tradition?                              Persia. However, Rabbis likened Purim to Israel.
In response to a question in respect of the now live Eruv          There were also questions on how to carry out Shalach
in the town, the Rabbi provided a description of the               Manos Mitzvah over Purim (in view of the lockdown
advantages and the do`s and don`ts, together with a                and social distancing); the survival of the Jewish
brief history of Eruvim and “walled cities” in days of old.        People and a reference to the daily Prayer Book which
The Rabbi said it is an equalizer in the Community and             is also a book of Theology; The Moshiach; and a
the importance of building an Eruv is in order to help             question on the difference in Blessings recited between
people celebrate Shabbat without hardship and makes                on-vine grown tomatoes and grapes on the vine.
life easier. It also raises the attractiveness of a place to       Growing from one trunk - Ha`eitz; growing from the
live or to go on holidays. Eruvim are more prevalent               ground is Ha`adoma. Finally, a question was asked
because of the Equality Bill which has more influence               as to what area is covered by the Westcliff Eruv? The
with Local Authorities.                                            Zoomers were advised the map of the area can be
                                           Geoffrey Pepper         found on our Shul website.

Zoomer’s Comments                                                  The link is:
Excellent ‘Ask the Rabbi’ on Zoom this evening!                                                              Geoffrey Pepper
                                        Sarah Roseman

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PESACH 5781 - Southend & Westcliff Hebrew Congregation
Mitzvah Month –                                            Carry On
           November 2020                                               Calling
                                                                   The Community Care
                                                                   Committee have been
                                                                   working hard behind the
                                                                   scenes since the beginning
                                                                   of the pandemic back in
                                                                   March 2020. We all agreed that we were happy to support
                                                                   members and non-members during this difficult time with
                                                                   regular telephone calls.
                                                                   This has worked so well. We have an exceptionally long list
                                                                   and between us have made many new friends whilst calling,
                                                                   plus keeping in regular contact with people who we would
                                                                   have usually seen at the Pop In or whilst volunteering or on
                                                                   a home visit.
                                                                   The Chesed Club have been amazing offering support
                                                                   with shopping as many of the Care Committee have been
                                                                   shielding during this time. We have also had great support
                                                                   from Clare Holloway from Jewish Care who quickly responds
                                                                   when necessary and has been a great help to lots of people
                                                                   over the past months.
                                                                   We miss face to face contact and hopefully now the Covid
                                                                   vaccine is out, gradually we will be able to return to meeting
When Stephen Salt read in the Jewish Chronicle about               once again. In any case, we are happy to continue calling
Mitzvah Month, he initiated a drive and the community              anyone who feels they would benefit from a regular call.
responded with gusto. Over twelve crates of food were              If you would like to be added to our list, be assured one of
delivered to the ‘One Love Soup Kitchen’ which will provide        us will be happy to make contact. Please call me in the first
food to the homeless and to those unable to afford food for        instance on 07752874065 or email
themselves during the festivities.                                 We all love to chat.
                                               Marilyn Salt                                                          Janice Steel,
                                                                                              Community Care Committee Chair

Dear Editor,
     Letters to
                                                                  Thank you all for our Zoom talks.
     the Editor                                                   Diane Franks
Dear Editor,
I write this as a past President                                  Dear Editor,
of the community, and some-                                       I would like to express my appreciation to all who are
one who cares passionately for our long- term future              involved with the various Zoom events that are taking
and wellbeing.                                                    place during these trying times.
As we all know the past year has been very difficult for           Every week there is another interesting speaker who
us all due to this terrible plague, but let us look at the        is prepared to give up their time to speak on their
Torah and remember that we as a people, overcame ten              specialised subject; there is now a weekly ‘ladies only’
plagues before leaving Egypt.                                     coffee and chat, the Rabbi’s weekly Gemara Shiur
We must face up to facts and perhaps make decisions               (which Colin thoroughly enjoys) and, of course, the
which in the past were unpalatable. We have to stop               religious services.
burying our heads in the sand.                                    For us this is a wonderful way of keeping in touch with
We urgently need the younger elements in our                      those we got to know during our 35 years of living in
community to step forward and take over the running               Westcliff.
of our community. Now is a perfect time for you to put            For all of those involved in the Zoom programmes,
your names forward for Board membership, but with a               whether directly or indirectly, we send a huge ‘thank
transition phase to helping the switch go as smoothly as          you’ for everything you are doing.
possible.                                                         May you all be blessed with good health and continue
I suggest the first thing a new younger board do is                with this for as long as is necessary.
to look at how they will take us into the 21st century.           Stay safe, keep well and be happy.
Firstly, by making some very necessary changes to our             Best wishes, Rochelle and Colin (Samuel).
constitution and, in doing so, creating a starting point
for the task ahead.                                               Dear Editor,
Let us ask ourselves do we want to be a thriving                  Thank you so much for the wonderful service The Shop
community or a burial society?                                    is offering. Most appreciated.
I repeat myself again. It is time for you the younger             And a big thank you to all the volunteer delivery team.
membership to come forward to run S&WHC and help                  You are the stars of the organisation. Jane Barnett
breathe new life into our Community.
Put yourselves forward now, for without you                       Dear Editor,
volunteering, all may be lost.                                    Just wanted to say how interesting, moving - and
Remember buildings need people to use them.                       unexpected - last night’s Zoom was with Esther. What a
Let us all look at ways to ensure that S&WHC has a long           lovely and remarkable young woman.
and positive future. We do not have time to waste.                By coincidence I had Zoomed Rebecca Sieff Day with
Stephen Salt                                                      WIZO in the afternoon and there was a speaker on
N.B. As my article is meant to provoke discussion as to           domestic violence in Israel, so the subject is very much
the way forward, I suggest we organise a meeting to get           to the fore right now.
a consensus of opinions in order to create a peaceful             Keep up the good work during these strange times.
transition.                                                       Keep well and keep safe. Angela Klemer
President’s Comment: These are the views of Stephen               p.s. Glad you have chosen “One Love” to support
Salt and will be further discussed at the next AGM.               during Mitzvah Week. It is a charity we especially donate
                                                                  to and they do exceptional work. I think you will get
Dear Editor,                                                      much more than a carrier-bag full!
Just a few lines to thank the Hebrew Congregation
for all the help and kindness shown to me, my son                        Arnhem and Liberation of Holland
Barry and daughter Michelle on the recent loss of my               The Dutch Government would like
husband, Melvyn Shine. Thank you for the letter from               to trace any of our armed forces
the President, Michael Nelkin and the card from the                who were involved at Arnhem and
Ladies Guild’s Milly Nelkin. (Many years ago we                    the liberation of Holland in World
                                                                   War Two so as to enable their
celebrated my son’s BarMitzvah and my daughter’s                   schoolchildren to write to them
wedding at the Cumberland organised by Michael and                 and give their heartfelt thanks. If
they were brilliant).                                              you were involved, please contact
Particular thanks go to Pam in the Shul Office, and Rabbi           Brian Bloom or
Hyman for the sensitive way our position was handled.              Stephen Salt 07947709127
With warm wishes to all. From Helene Shine                         to give your contact details.

                This page is kindly sponsored by
      Findlay Communications Services Ltd
Kashering of Utensils
 Guide to Pesach 5781/2021                                       All kashering for Pesach this year must be completed
   Erev Pesach that Falls on Shabbat                             before Shabbat. The laws of kashering utensils are
                  by Rabbi Hyman                                 complex. If advice is required, please contact Rabbi
                                                                 Hyman. Nowadays, since reasonably priced kitchen
Mah Nishtanah - Why is this Pesach different from                utensils and crockery are available, people tend to avoid
other years? The answer is because this year’s first              the hassle of kashering. The use of disposables is also a
night Pesach begins on Saturday night, which has                 practical alternative (but best to use recyclable materials).
major implications for the preparations that would
normally be carried out on Erev Pesach (Pesach Eve).             The Kitchen Cupboards
One cannot prepare on Shabbos for another day                    Note: there is no need to clear out all the kitchen
- even for Pesach. Additionally, the usual Shabbat               cupboards from their chametzdike contents, instead one
requirement of the “Hamotzi over the Challos”                    can seal off the cupboards not required, and designate
poses a challenge, as from the beginning of                      the cupboards needed for Pesach. Only these latter
Shabbat the home should be Pesachdik, and using                  cupboards require to be thoroughly cleaned and their
Matzot is not a good alternative, as one should not              shelves covered with shelf-paper.
eat Matzah just before Pesach, in order to retain
                                                                 The Sink, Fridge and Cooker
their novelty for the Seder.
                                                                 A stainless-steel sink can be thoroughly cleaned and
The Fast for the First Born and the search for                   kashered for Pesach by pouring boiling water over it
Chametz will take place on the Thursday before                   directly from a kettle. Other types of sinks should be
Pesach, whilst the sale of Chametz and the disposal              covered with tin foil or adhesive “Fablon”. Certain
or the burning of Chametz, will take place on the                kosher shops sell tin foil inserts for sinks which are a
Friday.                                                          practical alternative. The fridge merely requires a
Please note that the clocks change from GMT to                   thorough cleaning, and it is then fine for Pesach use – it is
BST during Yom Tov, and as one is forbidden to                   not necessary to cover the shelves, but some people do. If
alter time-keeping machines on Yom Tov, it is best to            freezer space is required, the freezer should be defrosted
change them before Shabbat.                                      and thoroughly cleaned. The cooker, and particularly the
                                                                 oven, is probably the most time-consuming chore. To
The specified times mentioned in this guide apply to              save time, it is worthwhile investing in new pan supports,
the Southend area only.                                          oven shelves and inserts and keep them for future Pesach
The Cleaning                                                     use. Failing this, such parts should be thoroughly cleaned
Pesach does not have to be as difficult or as expensive           and, on gas cookers (i.e. hob), covered with a metal grid
as one might think. Pesach cleaning has nothing to do            or a double layer of silver foil (obviously with a cut out for
with “spring cleaning”, so one is not required to scrub          the gas burners). For advice on the kashering of ceramic
paintwork, wash curtains, or carry out a thorough                hobs and other types of hobs, please feel free to
overhaul of the home! The purpose of the pre-Pesach              contact the Rabbi. The oven must be scrupulously cleaned
clean is to rid the home from any chametz that is in the         so that no trace of chametz remains and then heated on
rooms where one eats and stores food. All preparations           the highest heat setting for an hour and a half. Between
this year need to be concluded before the Shabbat comes          cleaning and kashering, it is best to leave a 24-hour
in.                                                              period. Some recommend that the oven ceiling be
                                                                 covered with silver foil, or to cover the top shelf which
The Pesach Food Order                                            then should not be used. Do take care not to cover the
Please support our S&WHC Shop and place your order               apertures or thermostats. To make a microwave useable
well in advance. Our shop does their utmost to price             for Pesach, simply clean the appliance thoroughly and
competitively.                                                   then place an uncovered bowl of water inside and set the
                                                                 microwave so that the water boils until the interior is filled
The Sale of Chametz                                              with steam. If the appliance has a browning facility, then
The Torah not only forbids us from eating chametz on             further rabbinic advice should be sought.
Pesach, but also from possessing chametz. During the             The Chametz Corner
year, we tend to store chametz foods in our home. These
                                                                 A few days before Pesach, it is time to “go Pesachdik”
include cereals, baking powder, powdered soups, tinned
                                                                 and to start the cooking and baking. If possible, a good
foods etc, which may contain wheat flour or yeast. In
                                                                 idea is to set up a “chametz corner” with an electric ring
addition, we keep the likes of whisky and other alcoholic
                                                                 in another area so that the kitchen can be completely
beverages which are grain based and therefore chametz.
Whilst it may be ideal to run down these stocks in
advance of Pesach, this may not be practical, so a               The Fast of the First Born
traditional alternative is to relinquish ownership by            On Erev Pesach it is the practice for first-born males to fast
locking away our “chametzdike” stock and selling it to a         and attend Shul for the “Fast of the First-born”. This year,
non-Jew. Though the non-Jew usually sells it back after          the Fast of the First Born will be held on Thursday morning
Pesach, this is considered a valid legal sale recognised         25th March. Traditionally, the First Born is exempted
in Jewish and English law. The sale of chametz can be            from the inconvenience of this minor personal fast, by
performed by using the Shul’s Sale for Chametz Form or           partaking in a “Siyum” (the conclusion of a Talmudic
using the KLBD website. Forms for the Sale of Chametz            Tractate), which is a great mitzvah, and this overrides the
must be received by the Shul Office by Monday 22nd                obligation to fast, thus permitting them to participate in
March. Any forms received after this deadline could              the festivities accompanied by food. The Siyum, in the
well be missed, resulting in the unsold chametz being            absence of Shul services, will be conducted on Facebook
forbidden to be consumed after Pesach.                           Live.
Bedikat Chametz                                                      bought as a hand-baked or machine-baked product.
This year, Bedikat Chametz, the “search for chametz” will            Shemurah Matzah is baked from grain which, from the
be carried out on Thursday night (25th March) as soon                moment it was cut, was guarded against any dampness
as possible after nightfall (7pm). This is not just a ritual,        which could cause it to become chametz. On each of
but one is required to thoroughly check one’s home to                the three occasions that matza is eaten during the Seder
ensure that all areas are clear of chametz. Traditionally,           ceremony, one must eat an amount known as a “kazayit”
we carry out the search with the aid of a candle, a feather          (lit. olive-size) which is equivalent to a piece of matzah
and a wooden spoon, but do add a bag to put any                      measuring 4x7 inches (10 x 18cm). The Four Cups of
chametz found. The berachah “Al Biyur Chametz” is first               Wine – everyone needs a wine glass for the four cups,
recited, (found at the beginning of the Haggadah), and               which should be large enough to contain at least 3.3fl
then one proceeds throughout the entire house searching              oz (86cc), one may use grape juice instead of wine if so
in all places. To aid the search, one should use a battery           desired. Maror – many people use horseradish or lettuce
torch which is safer and more effective, but one should              or a mixture of both – advisable, as one is required to eat
start off with a candle, following the age-old tradition.            a “kazayit” of maror! Karpas – referring to the vegetable
After the search, the “bittul chametz” (annulment) is                eaten at the beginning of the Seder - any vegetable can
recited as found in the beginning of the Haggadah.                   be used, but many have the custom to use parsley or a
                                                                     potato. There are four other special items needed for the
Friday Morning 26th March                                            Seder: the Charoset, the Saltwater, the Roasted Shank
The burning of the Chametz should be carried out before              Bone and the Roasted Egg.
11am – but no annulment is recited, as the final
annulment needs be done on Erev Pesach, Shabbat                      The Seder – after all the arduous preparations, the time
morning. Since Pesach restrictions will start this year              has come to celebrate the festival of Pesach with the
on Shabbat morning, all final preparations must be                    Seder Service. The use of a modern and well-presented
concluded before the Shabbat. This includes all the                  Haggadah with a good English translation, given to all
kashering, the covering of work surfaces etc.,                       participants, will go a long way into making the Seder
preparing for the Seder nights – such as mixing the                  night an enjoyable and memorable event. Long before
charoset, cutting/grating the horseradish, roasting the              the invention of audio-visual educational aids, our sages
shank bone and the egg.                                              ingeniously designed the Seder as a dramatic and
                                                                     experiential event reliving the historical Exodus. With
Shabbat Evening 26th March and                                       the Maror, we experience the bitterness of the Egyptian
Shabbat Morning 27th March                                           slavery; in eating the Karpas dipped in saltwater, we taste
The Friday night Shabbat meal is best prepared                       the tears shed by our ancestor’s in slavery; by spilling
Pesachdik for practical reasons, as explained earlier. As            the wine, we highlight the punishing power of the Ten
it is Shabbat, one is obligated to partake of “Hamotzi” –            Plagues; and by eating the Matzah, we share in the bread
but one cannot make it over Matzot, as they qualify for              of affliction and celebrate the Matzah of freedom. The
the Mitzvah of Matzah on Seder night and the practice is             Four Cups of Wine together with the singing of the Hallel,
not to eat Matzah on Erev Pesach so that they retain their           express our joy and exhilaration on the redemption from
novelty value for the Seder Night. So, one suggestion is             the bondage, and we finish the festive meal by eating
to make “Hamotzi” on challah rolls in a separate area                the Afikomen – a piece of dry matzah, symbolising the
which can be easily cleared up. Afterwards the rest of the           hope that this night of remembrance will remain long in
(Pesachdik) meal can be eaten at the table. An                       our memories. The concluding recital of the Haggadah
acceptable alternative is to use “Matzah Ashirah” (Egg               turns our focus from the past to the future, with hopes
Matzah), as this type of Matzah does not qualify for the             of a complete redemption for all humankind;
purpose of the Mitzvah of Matzah on the Seder Nights –               climaxing with the singing of the phrase: ‘Leshanah
and so in this specific situation it could be used. Please            haba’ah b’Yerushalayim –Next year in Jerusalem’.
note however, that the practice is for Ashkenazim not
to use Egg Matzot during Pesach (the reason for this is              Chag Kasher Vesameach!
beyond the scope of this article).
On the Shabbat morning, one should daven early in
order to allow time to partake of Hamotzi before the
forbidden time. The guidelines as outlined in the
previous paragraph apply here as well. One is forbidden
to consume chametz after 9:56am (GMT). After one has
eaten the challah the remainder must be cleared and be
disposed of by 11am (GMT) - the latest time after which
it is forbidden to possess chametz. Also, before 11am
(GMT) one performs the rituals of “Bittul Chametz”
(annulment) and “Biyur Chametz” (destroying) – this can
be fulfilled by making it inedible by spraying it with an
appropriate chemical.
Preparations for the Seder                                           Rabbi Geoffrey and Rebbetzin Michelle
Here is a brief checklist of items required for the                  Hyman, the President, Honorary Officers,
Seder nights: Matzah - matzah used for the mitzvah                   Synagogue Board and Staff wish you all an
on the Seder nights should be labelled as “Shemurah                  easy Pesach-cleaning and a happy, healthy
Matzah”. This is matzah prepared specifically for the
purpose of the “mitzvah of eating matzah” and can be                 and Kosher Pesach!

Pesach Message
                                                                                            Nissan 5781
‘You will see, you will see, how good it                                             This time last year I wrote in my Pesach message
                                                                                     about the pandemic which had suddenly
will be next year’                                                                   overtaken all of us and which was already taking
The Chief Rabbi’s Pesach Message                                                     a heavy toll on the Jewish community. I am very
5781                                                                                 sad that one year later this terrible virus is still
                                                                                     claiming lives in our community and affecting
Why, at every Seder, do we enthusiastically sing, “leshana          the way we live.
haba’ah biyrushalayim” – next year in Jerusalem?
Although we have made the same declaration every year,              Once again, Seder Night will not be the packed, joyous family
it has never come true – at least not in the messianic              event we all love. We will, for the second time, be holding
                                                                    intimate events with our closest family and then only if we are
sense in which it is intended – so why not simply say “In           lucky enough to live in the same house or bubble. My thoughts
the future, we will be in Jerusalem”?                               are with all of you who are alone at this time or unable to see
Any study of Jewish history is a study of hope, often               your nearest and dearest. This past year has taken a toll on all of
despite apparently impossible odds. It is, therefore, fitting        us but I have seen great acts of generosity and kindness. In some
that the epic story of the inception of the Israelites as a         ways Covid-19 has brought out the best in people – from the
nation, the Exodus from Egypt, stands among the greatest            small things like a grandchild baking for her grandparents who
illustrations of optimism and forbearance of all time.              are shielding, to the likes of Captain Tom, whose fundraising
                                                                    made millions for the NHS. Now, with millions already
It was a truly extraordinary miracle. The chasm in status           vaccinated and infection rates falling we have a grave duty to
between the Egyptian overlords and the Hebrew slaves                ensure that lives are saved. Every death in our community has
could hardly have been greater. The most sophisticated              been a tragedy for someone’s family. We must ensure that we do
and powerful civilisation on the planet controlled and              everything to save lives. This is the most fundamental imperative
persecuted a tiny nation of slaves, who were denied                 of Judaism.
every basic human dignity and any capacity for resistance.          Over this year, the way the Board of Deputies operates has
What hope was there for salvation? On what basis could              changed, with home working for our staff and Zoom for our
the people summon the strength to go on despite                     monthly meetings. However, our achievements have continued
everything? The answer is that they knew of the promise             to grow. We have acted to stop antisemites selling their poison
that Hashem had made to their ancestor, Abraham, that               online by working with Amazon to ensure Holocaust denial works
they would be strangers in a land where they would be               are removed from its platform. We have been working tirelessly
oppressed and enslaved, but He would ultimately redeem              to ensure that the Labour Party, under its new leader Sir Keir
them and they would return home to the Promised Land.               Starmer, acts firmly and decisively to excise the antisemitism
Despite everything, they chose hope over despair. They              which had flourished under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.
chose to believe that salvation would eventually come.              On this, great progress has been made but we need to see even
This places Pesach 5781 into valuable context for us. This
time last year, we were coming to terms with the fact that          We have also worked hard this year on ensuring that Jews do
                                                                    not face hatred online by coming up with proposals to ensure
we could not celebrate Pesach with extended friends and
                                                                    that new Online Harms legislation protects us all from abusive
family as we usually do. It was agonising for so many,              social media platforms. Online is the new frontline in the fight
particularly those who were vulnerable or lonely. We took           against antisemitism – and not just antisemitism, but misogyny,
comfort in our belief that this was a ‘one-off’ and next            anti-Muslim hatred, homophobia, racism and bigotry against
year would be different. How then should we respond                 other religions, ethnicities and minority groups. We deserve to
in the face of yet another Pesach when so many are                  be protected.
separated from their loved ones, having not yet banished            We may be the Board of Deputies of British Jews but some of
Coronavirus from our midst?                                         our most important and successful work has been in support of a
Let us approach this Pesach with the same degree of hope            group which are neither British nor Jewish. The Chinese Uyghur
and optimism as ever. Real progress is being made and               Muslims are subject to terrible persecution, and I was not the
we are blessed by the extraordinary miracle that is the             only one to see echoes of the Holocaust in their treatment by
vaccine.                                                            the Chinese authorities. I wrote to the Chinese Ambassador
                                                                    following a harrowing interview on the Andrew Marr Show and,
Britain and Israel have led the world in administering its          as an organisation, we worked tirelessly to persuade MPs to
roll out and, Be’ezrat Hashem, we will soon return to a             support the Genocide Amendment to the Trade Bill, which would
more regular rhythm of life. I am inspired by the beautiful         stop our Government from signing trade deals with countries
words of Ehud Manor, the Israeli songwriter, who wrote              which are perpetrating genocide.
his famous song ‘Bashana Haba’a’, at a time when the                In a year in which the world mourned the racist murder of George
State of Israel seemed to be surviving from one war to              Floyd in the USA, we felt a responsibility to ensure that our
the next:                                                           community was one in which we welcome Black Jews and Jews
‘Od tireh, od tireh, kama tov yihye, bashana, bashana               of Colour. To this end we set up the Commission on Racial
haba’a’ – ‘You will see, you will see, how good it will be          Inclusivity in the Jewish Community with Stephen Bush as Chair.
next year!’                                                         We hope that the recommendations that the Commission makes
                                                                    will make our community a model of inclusivity in the coming
Valerie and I extend to you all our warmest and best                years. We have been enduring difficult times. It is my earnest
wishes for a healthy, fulfilling and kosher Pesach.                  wish that we all stay safe and look forward, as we always do at
                                                                    this time, to better days ahead. Pesach Sameach to you and your
                                                                    families from everyone at the Board of Deputies.
                 Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
                 >ÀV ÊÓäÓ£ÊUÊ ˆÃ>˜ÊxÇn£
                                                                                                       President of Board of Deputies
CST wishes our whole community a safe and enjoyable Pesach

CST’s work did not stop during 2020 and the Covid-19                         We work to serve you, our community. Our mission is
pandemic. That is because antisemitism, terrorism                            VQGPCDNGCPFGPEQWTCIGVJGƃQWTKUJKPIQH,GYKUJNKHG
and extremism continued, adapting to the situation as                        KPVJG7-EQPƂFGPVKPVJGMPQYNGFIGVJCVYGCTGVJGTG
they so often seem to do. CST’s work must continue,                          to keep it safe. This endeavour cannot happen without
as those threatening to cause harm to our Jewish                             your cooperation and support: in fact, we depend on it.
community persist.
                                                                             There are lots of different ways to support CST.
We know that antisemitism grows at times of crisis,
uncertainty and fear. There is a basic anger, but there is                   You can contribute by becoming a volunteer and
also a growing belief in conspiracy theories and a hunt                      training in technical and physical aspects of modern-
for scapegoats. Unfortunately, that will often include us.                   day security, ensuring that your shul and fellow
                                                                             congregants are as well-protected as possible.
The value of community is most obvious when times
are tough. Last Pesach, we never knew what this new                          You can report antisemitism to us when you see it.
Coronavirus situation had in store. The idea that, come                      Every report helps us to do our jobs better and to
next Pesach, family and friends must again be                                represent our community to police and government.
celebrating remotely, would have been overwhelming:                          Help us to help you, that is what we are here for.
worst still, would have been the thought that in many
families, there would also be deep tragedy and loss.                         You can donate to us. We are a charity and rely
We now understand the situation, but that does not                           upon the generosity of our community. CST’s trustees
make it any easier. Yet here we are, coming together                         and donors give to CST as well as all manner of other
again, as best we can, how ever we can. Please know                          charities and causes, Jewish and non-Jewish. All of this
that CST is also still here. Like you, we didn’t stop being                  helps us to build a better Jewish, British, future together.
who we are, working for the good of our community,
our families and friends.                                                    CST wishes you all a Chag Pesach Sameach.                   Community Security Trust                         @CST_UK

     National Emergency Number (24-hour) 0800 032 3263
     London (Head Off ice) 020 8457 9999
     Manchester (Northern Regional Off ice) 0161 792 6666

Community Security Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (1042391) and Scotland (SC043612)

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