Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield

Page created by Jared Frazier
Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
Come follow Christ

                              Curacy in the Diocese
in the footsteps of St Chad
                              of Lichfield

Title post in the             urban/rural | sacramental
benefice of                   A busy town parish and adjacent
                              historic village
St Giles with Sutton,
St Eata’s, Atcham
Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
Welcome to Lichfield Diocese
                       Cradled at the intersection of the Midlands and    Moorlands and Welsh Borders.                           A caring diocese                                   number of higher education centres
                       the North, and the interface between England                                                                                                                 can be found in Stoke, Keele, Stafford,
                       and Wales, the Diocese of Lichfield is the         And we embrace the widest spectrum of church           Lichfield Diocese is one of the largest in the     Shrewsbury, Telford, Wolverhampton
                       ancient centre of Christianity in what was the     traditions – evangelical and catholic, liberal         country, covering an area of 1744 square miles     and Walsall.
                       Kingdom of Mercia.                                 and conservative, choral and charismatic, as we        and serving a population of more than 2 million.
                                                                          journey together – as a colleague recently put                                                            Vocation and mission of all
                       We are rightfully grateful for the inheritance     it, it is our goal to be a ‘spacious and gracious      The diocese consists of three episcopal areas
                       we have from St Chad that leads us to focus        diocese’.                                              with three Area Bishops (of Wolverhampton,         Our vision for the diocese is that all
                       on Discipleship, Vocation and Evangelism as                                                               Stafford and Shrewsbury) ministering alongside     people, lay and ordained alike, will
                       we live and serve among the communities of                                                                the Diocesan Bishop, each overseeing a different   grow ever more deeply into their
                       Staffordshire, northern Shropshire and the Black
                       Country.                                                ‘...a spacious and                                geographic area. This indicates the diocese’s
                                                                                                                                 commitment to its different contexts, and to the
                                                                                                                                                                                    vocation as disciples of Christ. We
                                                                                                                                                                                    hope to become a Church where all                      “Our time as a family in my
                                                                                                                                 pastoral care of our clergy.                       our members are equipped to know they are
                                                                               gracious diocese
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           curacy in rural Shropshire
                       Wherever in the Diocese you may be placed,                                                                                                                   called by God to worship and to be the eyes,           has been one of the best of
                       you will benefit from being part of a wider                                                               Homes and schools                                  hands, feet and mouth of Christ in their own           our lives. I’ve learned that
                       family, mixing with people serving in a wide                                                                                                                 contexts.                                              the priestly role is vital in the
                       variety of contexts – from the grittiest inner-    It is my determination and that of my episcopal        We aim to provide                                                             To further these aims,      community. I’m particularly
                       city neighbourhoods of Stoke and the Black         colleagues that your calling to a title post will be   high quality housing                                                          and to develop creative     enjoying working with
                       Country, to the leafiest rural parishes of         a time of encouragement, ongoing formation,            for our clergy with a                                                         patterns of ministry, we    seniors, and enabling the
                       Staffordshire and Shropshire, to the sparsest      challenge and (while rarely unbridled) joy. Our        continuous programme                                                          ask all training parishes   giftings of others which
                       upland communities of the Staffordshire            colleagues among the diocesan staff keenly             of improvements to                                                            to offer ‘sixth-day’        resulted in a successful
                                                                          bring their various specialisms both spiritual         houses and responsive,                                                        opportunities for           Messy Church starting in one
As we follow Christ in the footsteps of St Chad, we pray                  and practical to serve our parishes, fresh             specialist contractors for                                                    curates – which might       of the villages. I give thanks
that the two million people in our diocese encounter a                    expressions, schools and chaplaincies.                 emergencies.                                                                  be a chaplaincy             to God for this special time,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               attachment (school,         and for everyone who’s been
Church that is confident in the gospel, knows and loves its                                                                                                                                                    hospital, prison or         there for me and supported
communities, and is excited to find God already at work in                                                                       As well as the 208 Church                                                     hospice), involvement       me throughout.”
the world. We pray for a church that reflects the richness                                                                       of England schools in                                                         with local gardening
and variety of those communities. We pray for a Church that                                                                      the Diocese, there are                                                        ventures, night-            Revd Jassica Castillo-Burley
                                                                                            +Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave          many good schools and                                                         shelter involvement
partners with others in seeking the common good, working                                              Bishop of Lichfield        colleges that will welcome                                                    – to mention just a few
for justice as a people of hope.                                                                                                 clergy’ children, and a                                                       possibilities.
                                          (Diocesan Vision Statement)
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Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
Everything but the sea
                                            Staffordshire prides itself on being ‘the Creative                         Road and rail links                                                                                                     can provide it. And then there’s many museums
                                            County’: Shropshire is the birthplace of the                                                                                                                                                       including Walsall’s New Art Gallery and the RAF
                                            Industrial Revolution and the Black Country is                                                                                                                                                     museum at Cosford; not to mention excellent
                                            renowned for its industry and all have significant                                                                                                                                                 sporting options for both watching and
                                            opportunities for spouses who wish to develop                                                                                                                                                      participating – from premiership football to the
                                            careers in any sphere.                                                                                                                                                                             Tamworth Snowdome. Along with Wedgwood,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               theatres and cinemas, restaurants and superb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Wulfrun Centre in Wolverhampton is one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tea shops just begging to be discovered…                                 of many shopping destinations in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        region © Roger Kidd -/
                                                                                                                                                                          Dovedale (location of one of the Diocese’s two residential retreat                                                                            uk/p/1171894/ CC BY 2.0
                                            For those days off when you need space away                                                                                   centres) / Shaun Dunmall (wikipedia) / CC BY-SA 2.0 4.0
                                            from the parish, the area has everything you                                                                                  Leisure and pleasure
David Rayner (Wikipedia) / Stoke-on-Trent
Bottle Kiln / CC BY-SA 2.0BY-SA 4.0
                                            could wish for – except the sea: wild landscapes,
                                            cultured museums and stately homes. Sports of                                                                                 Lichfield Diocese has everything but the sea.
                                            many kinds (including Premiership football) and                                                                               For walkers and climbers, there’s an extensive
                                            at least two theme parks                                                                                                      network of canals, Cannock Chase, The Roaches,
                                                                                                                                                                          and the Shropshire—Welsh borders (for
                                                                                                                                                                          example). If you’re into more organised fun,
                                                                                                                       For those with family and friends in other parts   Alton Towers and Drayton Manor Theme Park
                                                                                                                       of the country, the Diocese has great transport    Wightwick Manor nr Wolverhampton / Tony Hisgett (Wikipedia) / CC
                                            Shrewsbury Flax Mill – the prototype skyscraper / Tk420 (Wikipedia) / CC
                                            BY-SA 4.0                                                                  links: the M6/M6Toll bisects the centre of the     BY-SA 4.0

                                                                                                                       Diocese north-south, and the M5 originates at                                                                           Apedale Valley Light Railway near Stoke with the adjacent country park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Heritage Centre is one of many transport and leisure museums in
                                                                                                                       our southern tip. Heading west, the A5/M54                                                                              the Diocese / Simon Jones
Opening of the Lighthouse Project at
                                                                                                                       give easy access to north and mid Wales, while                                                                                                                                                   Alton Towers near Uttoxeter / Jeremy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Thompson/Flickr / CC BY 2.0
Kingsland CE Academy, Bucknall                                                                                         the A50, A5 and M6Toll give swift access to the                                                                         If shopping is your thing, there is a range of
                                                                                                                       M1, M42 and A38 for the East Midlands and the                                                                           options, from the chic boutiques at Barton
                                                                                                                       south-east.                                                                                                             Marina, and Shrewsbury to large malls in or near
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the urban centres. We’re fortunate in being the
                                                                                                                       Rail links are also good with all major                                                                                 home of many fine ales and beers brewed in
                                                                                                                       towns having direct services to London and                                                                              Burton on Trent (the museum is well worth a
                                                                                                                       Birmingham and four major airports surround                                                                             visit), and Staffordshire oatcakes are a unique
                                                                                                                       our borders – Birmingham, East Midlands,                                                                                local delicacy to be discovered.
                                                                                                                       Manchester and Liverpool.

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Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
St Giles’ Shrewsbury and St Eata’s Atcham
St. Giles’ Parish is in a suburban setting, to the   ‘Pray, bake, read’ and have (pre-Covid-19)            Atcham have a number of retired residents         meet together for tea, coffee, conversation and
south east of the town centre of Shrewsbury,         visited to lead ‘Open the Book’.                      within them.                                      fellowship.
in close touch with the town at one edge, and
the countryside on the other. The parish has         Due to its good access roads to the M54 and                                                             Without diminishing the importance of the
two Church of England primary schools and one        close proximity to Telford and the town centre        Services in the churches                          Eucharist, St Giles also offers a variety of
college of arts and technology. There is also a      of Shrewsbury many people commute. There are                                                            worship.
developing business park, local council offices      good road and rail networks to Shrewsbury.            St Giles offers a warm, friendly greeting -
in the Shirehall and the magistrate’s court.                                                               Everyone is welcome.                              There are services to mark the seasons of
Prestfelde School, a Woodard independent             St. Eata’s Parish ministers in a rural setting                                                          Pentecost and Trinity, Advent Sunday and
school, is situated close to the church. There are   with the Church located on the banks of the           Sunday morning services at 8.00am and 9.30am      special services of light.
two medical practices and a residential home for     River Severn, next to the Mytton and Mermaid          focus upon the Eucharist. Our 8.00am service is
the elderly. There are a number of independent       Hotel and close by the entrance to the National       said, whilst the 9.30am has singing of hymns.     Christmas has been celebrated by hosting
pre-school establishments and on the outskirts       Trust house; Attingham Park. The parish of St         St Giles has a robed choir and on occasions the   children and family services; Midnight Mass,
of the parish is the Shrewsbury Crematorium.         Eata’s has a population of 500 people. Many of        ‘Eucharist’ is sung and the congregation join     Christingle and Nativity/ Crib services, Epiphany
The parish of St Giles has a population of 7,500.    these people commute to work, others work             in various responses. After the service people    and Candlemas. Services embrace climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (above)Christingle in St Giles’
This is increasing due to the fact that there are    in Agriculture and some work for the National                                                           change, inclusiveness and racial awareness.
two housing developments with the addition           Trust.                                                Service pattern:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (beow) St Eata’s ready for a wedding
of 1,500 new homes, commercial development,                                                                Sunday         St Giles      8.00am Said          St Giles embraces various styles of worship and
a hotel, a care home of up to 140 beds and           Both Churches are sacramental in nature, having                                           Eucharist     liturgies:- healing services, different styles and
supporting local centre and community uses.          a pattern of regular Sunday Eucharistic services.                    St Giles     09.30am Sung          ways of praying, more reflective/quieter worship
                                                     Both Churches have incorporated ‘All age’                                                 Eucharist     as in Iona and Taize worship.
The vast majority of housing is privately owned      services at specific times of the year. St Giles is                  St Eata’s    11.00am Eucharistic
with certain areas of the ‘Sutton Estate’ being      actively involved in ‘Fresh Expressions’ of Church                                        service       The variety of these different services that
former, as well as on-going, council housing.        and ‘On-line’ worship.                                               zoom          5.00pm Evening       enrich the pattern of worship also enhances and
                                                                                                                                               Prayer        enlivens those who participate.
There are two Church of England Primary              Shrewsbury is an attractive, historical county
                                                                                                           Monday         zoom          9.15am Morning
Schools. St Giles C of E Primary with 322 pupils     town surrounded on three sides by the River                                                             Both C of E schools attend St Giles for a special
and Mereside C of E Primary with 300 pupils.         Severn. The surrounding Shropshire Countryside                                                          service at the end of each term.
Reverend Andrew is a governor at both schools.       and its good links with the West Midlands and         Wednesday St Giles’         10.00am Eucharist
He attends and conducts worship on a regular         Wales, has made Shrewsbury a very desirable                     Fellowship                              At specific times of the year large numbers have
basis and members of the congregation have           area for many people to retire to. As a result the              room                                    gathered to share in celebrations.
been actively involved in the Diocese scheme:        parishes of St Giles with Sutton and St Eata’s,                 zoom               5.00pm Evening
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Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
St Giles’ Shrewsbury and St Eata’s Atcham
                            St Eata’s has a smaller congregation to that of     The buildings                                            Your Training Incumbent
                            St Giles yet everyone is very welcome and each
                            Sunday at 11.00 there is a celebration of the       St Eata’s has a fascinating history with the first       Revd Andrew Knight
                            Eucharist from the Book of Common Prayer.           church having been built in the eight century.           St Giles Rectory, 127 Abbey Foregate,
                            There are many other acts of worship as one-off     The oldest part of the present church dates              Shrewsbury, SY2 6LY
                            events; Mothering Sunday, Remembrance               from the late Saxon/early Norman era. St Giles
                            Sunday, carol and Christingle services.             was originally part of a hospital for lepers and             • Trained:  St John’s Theological
                                                                                the infirm and is mentioned in the Cadfael                     		college, Nottingham.
Sunday at St Giles’         In both Churches vestments are worn and both        story! The church was extensively remodelled                 • Ordained: 2007, Lichfield Diocese
                            would see themselves as being moderate/liberal      in the 1850’s. In 1870 it became a parish in its             • Curacy:   St Andrew’s, Porthill with
                            catholic in their tradition and style. Incense is   own right having previously been linked with                   		        St Barnabas, Bradwell
St Eata’s in the snow       not used in either church!                          Shrewsbury Abbey.                                            • Vicar: 		 since 2014

                                                                                St Giles Fellowship Room is to the side of               I was ordained in 2007 having being a Church
                            Online worship                                      the church and is a versatile space used for             Army Evangelist for the previous 17 years.
                                                                                meetings, Mid-week services, lunches. It has a
                            During the Covid-19 Pandemic on-line worship        small serving kitchen and toilet facilities.             Having discerned a ‘call’ to the ordained
                            has been used and this continues each week.                                                                  ministry my training and curacy did not follow
                            Each Sunday and Wednesday evening there             St Giles’ Church Hall is used by a variety of            a conventional, traditional pattern. I trained
                            is Evening Prayer and Morning Prayer each           groups throughout the week for different                 on a part time course at St John’s Theological
                            Monday. Each Wednesday morning there is             purposes. It is also home to our Fresh                   College, Nottingham for a year and remained
                            a social event called ‘Coffee, chat and catch-      Expressions: Messy and Café Church. The hall             at St Barnabas, Bradwell where I had been
                            up! On specific ‘holy’ days Zoom services are       has excellent facilities that are constantly being       ministering as a Church Army Officer/ Evangelist
St Giles’ Fellowship room
                            incorporated. This combination has enabled          upgraded.                                                for my curacy.
                            many to feel included within the regular prayer/
                            social life of the church.                                                                                   I am married to Lisa, who is in the process of     I enjoy working alongside my colleagues and
                                                                                                                                         completing her curacy in a neighbouring parish.    would describe myself as a ‘people person’! My
                                                                                                                                         We have two daughters; Megan and Bethan. We        interests include travelling, going to the theatre,
                                                                                                                                         also have two dogs and two cats.                   walking, cooking, eating out and sightseeing.
                                                                                                                                                                                            I have an interest in Classic cars and both own
                                                                                                                                                                                            and drive a 1963 Morris Minor convertible.

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Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
St Giles’ Shrewsbury and St Eata’s Atcham
                                    The Ministry                                          The current opportunities are diverse:              on-going training and personal development.        The Congregations in numbers:
                                                                                                                                              As a result, I recognise that there must be time
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Figures from 2019
                                    The ministry at St Giles and St Eata’s is a diverse        • Work within the schools of the parish.       for their own interests, that of their spouse/                                     St       St
                                    one! The one church having ‘Fresh Expressions’             • Marriages, baptisms and funeral              partner/ family.                                                                   Giles    Eata’s
                                    and using technology as we adapt out of the                  ministry. Allowing time to be given                                                             Electoral Roll                  167      68
                                    Covid-19 pandemic. St Giles parish is witnessing             to each individual/family over these         Training is not all ‘one sided.’ Both the          Worshipping community           90       28
                                    extensive growth as new housing is being                     vitally important life events.               Incumbent and curate should learn together
                                    developed.                                                 • Uniformed organisations: Beavers,            and from one another. Both will have skills        Marriages                       2        9
                                                                                                 Cubs and Scouts.                             and learning outcomes that can enhance             Funerals                        44       4
                                    St Eata’s is more traditional yet due to its               • Residential and nursing homes –              and strengthen the other whilst at the same        Baptisms                        13       3
                                    location attracts interest from those wishing to             taking regular services within these.        time both will have specific skills that can be
                                    be married. Both Churches are receptive and
                                    embrace the ministry of women.
                                                                                               • Fresh Expressions of Church - Messy
                                                                                                 and Café Church.
                                                                                                                                              used and developed for the greater good of
                                                                                                                                              the parish. Training should not be seen as
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Housing and Accommodation
                                                                                               • Partaking in the worship life of             competitive but as complementary.                  The Diocese of Lichfield either has a curate’s
                                    No two days are the same! In a morning you                   both churches: - leading of services.                                                           house in the benefice or a ‘strategic’ house for    Ministering in a local care home
                                    might be leading worship within one of the                   Celebrating the Eucharist & preaching.       Who’s involved at St Eata’s and St Giles?          curates in close proximity of the benefice. These
                                    schools, in an afternoon conducting a funeral              • Distribution of home communion to            Working alongside myself as the Rector:-           are good houses, mainly with three to four
                                    and in the evening discussing a wedding.                     the housebound.                                                                                 bedrooms. If there is no curate’s house in the
                                                                                               • Home, hospital and residential home               • 2 active retired clergy                     benefice and where such a strategic property
                                                                                                 visits.                                           • 2 readers                                   exists within easy reach of the proposed
“We’re really grateful for all the support we got from the Diocese, starting with the                                                              • Part-time administrative assistant.         training parish this will be the preferred
DDO, who went out of her way to help in finding a good match, and to work out             As your training incumbent my understanding              • Committed PCC members and church            curate’s house. If there is no strategic housing
practical matters.                                                                        of the role is to be one where a curate is                 wardens                                     available nearby the diocese is committed to
                                                                                          a colleague and where both curate and                    • Loyal and active members of both            providing appropriate accommodation for             Christingle at St Eata’s

“My vicar has been very supportive, through planning carefully together and weekly        incumbent relate well together and have a                  churches.                                   all those entering ministry. We generally do
supervisions, where we reflect on different areas of ministry. I have been given new      respect for one another.                                                                               not offer rented accommodation except as an
challenges progressively, all done sensitively and fitted to the stage I was at. Our                                                                                                             emergency short term measure. Our curates
churches have been so welcoming to the whole family, and very supportive of my            I recognise that there has to be a degree of                                                           can be confident that their home will be of a
ministry, even when this involves less regular ideas, like planting a tree during a       flexibility and that time needs to be devoted to                                                       consistently high standard. If you wish to know
sermon (only in a pot, I regret to say!).”                                                training, meeting and having discussion with                                                           further details about the house, the DDO will be
                                                                                          a curate. Time also needs to be given for their                                                        able to provide you with more information.
Revd John Beswick Pallister

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Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
Curacy in Lichfield Diocese                                                                                                                 IME2 to equip for ministry
Supporting learning and formation                                                   Pattern of training                                     At the heart of the programme are residential
Curate learning, formation and development                                          The programme focuses on grounded and                   events which bring together a year-group of
is strongly valued and affirmed in Lichfield                                        situated learning and prioritises the Diocese‘s         curates. They reflect the diversity of the Church,
Diocese. Curates receive ongoing supervision                                        focus on Discipleship, Vocation and Evangelism:         while the different ministry contexts reflect
and reflection on ministry in the parish,                                                                                                   the diversity of the Diocese. This cohort is
complemented by our curate-training                                                 •      In Year 1 establishing you in your new           the primary context for the essential learning
programme in which you share with your                                              ministerial context and practice, and supporting        and formation to develop your ministries,
year-group of peers. The aim of the training                                        your preparation for ordination as priest.              focusing on ministerial formation, and on the
programme is to enable each person to flourish                                                                                              development of relationships which enable
in their ministry and inhabit more deeply                                           •      In Year 2, deepening your practice and           mutual flourishing for all.
their vocation as deacons and priests. This                                         understanding of mission and ministry with
programme supports learning and formation                                           the theological tools and skills you need to            Opportunities for academic awards
through a partnership between the Diocese and                                       contextualise this.                                                                                            Care for curates and families
The Queen’s Foundation. And it takes place in                                                                                               Alongside the IME2 training you may wish to
the context of parish supervision and reflection                                    •       In Year 3 helping you prepare for               continue studying on an accredited pathway             The wellbeing of clergy and their families is very
on ministry.                                                                        life-long ministry and to take up a post of             with Common Awards. Curates who already                important to us. In addition to the supervisory
                                                                                    responsibility to be entered into with skill and        have a Diploma award from IME1 may register            aspects to curacy, we have a free, confidential
The programme provides space and an                                                 confidence.                                             for a BA in Theology, Ministry and Mission.            counselling service (the Listening Ear scheme)
environment beyond the parish context in                                                                                                    Others who already have a degree or higher             for all clergy, diocesan staff and their families.
which curates come together with skilled tutors                                                                                             award or are recognised as potential theological
to learn with and from each other’s shared                                                                                                  educators have opportunities to further their          More info
experience, so that they can better integrate                                                                                               studies alongside their curate programme.
their practice and reflection, develop their                                                                                                                                                        – contact the DDO (details on back cover) or
personal qualities, spiritual, ministerial and                                                                                                                                                     visit
professional gifts and skills, and deepen their                                                                                              “We have had amazing support from the diocese over the 6 years through both of our curacies and
desire to learn.                                                                                                                             that’s not always been straightforward- particularly when ‘life’ sometimes gets in the way!

                                                                                                                                             “But the support, through thick and thin has been fantastic, particularly discerning Adam’s call to
The curacy experience is very much a collective one, often gathering at Lichfield
                                                                                                                                             pioneering ministry and curacy under ‘pioneer’ supervision.”
Diocese’s centrally-located Shallowford House for study, prayer, retreat and
de-stressing with peers (pandemic permitting): as such, it’s a much less scary
venue during IME2 than as a base for a BAP!
                                                                                                                                             Revds Adam & Charlotte Gompertz

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Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
Curacy in Lichfield Diocese
For further information
In the first instance, please contact:

The Revd Romita Shrisunder,
Bishops’ Director of Ordinands                           Everybody’s Welcome
    [O] 01543 306220
    [M] 07949 033091
                                                           Nobody’s Perfect
    [E]          Anything’s Possible

 Find us on:
 AChurchNearYou:                        St Giles’ Shrewsbury
 Website:                                St Eata’s Atcham

                                                   St Giles and St Eata’s – Expressing
                                                     God’s love through sacrament,
                                                             word and action.

Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield Come follow Christ Curacy in the Diocese of Lichfield
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