Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School

Page created by Marie Wood
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School
Term 1 Week 7                  8th March 2021

         Class Stars of the Week

                 Year 5/6

    Year 3/4                   Year 1/2

Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School
If you have a child starting school next year or know
PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE                               of a family with children starting school in 2022,
Covid Guidelines Changes                          please contact the school for further details about
As of today, adjustments to Covid restrictions in the Transition Class.
schools are being made and new guidelines have
been issued for schools to follow.                Crunch ‘n’ Sip
NSW Health has agreed to the following activities In each classroom every day we have a “fruit break”
resuming across all schools in NSW:               as part of Crunch ‘n’ Sip healthy eating initiative.
• Parents and carers are able to enter school Only fruit or vegetables can be eaten at this time or
  grounds but should continue to follow COVID- water sipped.
  safe practices, including social distancing Please help your child to participate each day by
  between adults of 1.5 metres.                   providing at least 1 piece of fruit or vegetable in
Parents who come onto school grounds are still their lunch box. Also make sure that the fruit is
required to sign in at the front office and scan the prepared if needed, as teachers do not have time to
NSW Gov QR code for contact tracing purposes.           peel fruit and cannot leave room to cut up fruit.
• Parents and carers can attend school sporting All fruit and veg should be peeled, cut and wrapped
   events. School sporting events will align with or in container completely ready to eat.
   requirements       for     community       sporting
   competitions and training activities in NSW.
                                                        Star Awards
Parents are able to attend Gatherings, but social
                                                        “You’re a Star Award” certificates were presented
distancing must be adhered to by adults not from
                                                        at this morning’s assembly. These students who
the same family, and sign in and QR code scan in
                                                        have been using the You Can Do It keys to success
and out is still necessary. Numbers are limited to 40
                                                        and     demonstrating      persistence,   resilience,
due to size of hall and social distancing
                                                        organisation, getting along and confidence.
                                                        Congratulations to our recipients: Chloe, David,
Parents are requested only to come in when
                                                        Benji, Steven, Shadiamond, Tomas, Jordyn, Althea,
necessary. The current arrangements of picking up
                                                        Meryndah, Kiesha, Hailee, Rosanna, Cyril, Montana,
and dropping off at front gate is working very well
                                                        Amy, Isabelle, Holly, Ayham, Sophia, Mia, Layla,
and will stay in place.
                                                        Rosie, McKenzie and Xavier.
All events at school still have Covid safe restrictions
                                                        These ‘keys’ are instant rewards given daily to
and Covid safety plans need to be developed for
                                                        encourage use of the ‘5 keys to success’-
majority of activities still. All our new hygiene
                                                        persistence, resilience, organisation, getting along
practices and cleaning regime will continue.
                                                        and confidence.
                                                     When 14 keys are achieved, a Star Award is
Deputy Secretary Visit                               presented at Monday assembly. The child is then
Our visit from NSW Deputy Secretary for School allowed access to the Star Room at lunch for that
Performance, Ms Leanne Nixon has been delayed week as an extra reward their achievement.
until Tuesday. Ms Nixon will be impressed with the
high quality teaching and learning in our school and
the innovative practices we have at Newling will
make a big impression on her!                        Murray Cox

Transition Class
Next term, from Thursday 22nd April, we will be
starting our school Transition Class “Newling Little
Stars” for children who will be starting Kindergarten
in 2022.
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School
Kindergarten News                                             1/2 News
Every Kindergarten student has been allocated           This week in the Year 1/2 classroom we have
their own iPad for use in the classroom. Teachers       been skip counting by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s.
set educational tasks on the iPads through the          We used a variety of ways to skip count. For
Seesaw app and the students are learning how to         example we skip counted by 5’s using our toes.
complete these tasks and submit their responses
                                                        Just a reminder to see classroom teachers Mrs
to the teachers. Other apps on the iPads allow the
                                                        French, Miss Olsson or Ms Williams if you have
students to practise skills such as counting, reading
                                                        not signed up to Seesaw and would like to.
and letter formation. Technology time is always a
very exciting time in the Kindergarten classroom.

                   3/4 News                                                5/6 News
This week we were busy making sandwiches to             Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.
fuel our bodies. We tried new fillings such as          5/6 have been studying the text ‘Sadako and the
beetroot, sprouts, salami and spinach leaves.           Thousand Paper Cranes’. This story has really
Check out our sandwich reviews below. We really         stirred our emotions. It is the story of a young girl
enjoyed trying new things and we are looking            who is suffering the onset of ‘the atom bomb dis-
forward to more cooking opportunities later in the      ease’- Leukaemia. She remembers a legend about
year!                                                   a Golden Crane. If someone makes 1,000 paper
                                                        cranes they are granted a wish, so she takes on
                                                        the challenge.
                                                        We decided to also… start the challenge.

                                                        Messages from 5/6:
                                                        Coonabarabran excursion– notes and money
                                                        due NOW
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School
SRC News
This week was the first week of our SRC Friday breakfast club. The 5/6 leaders confidently and expertly
crafted toast and Weet-Bix to help get our brains ready for learning. We can’t wait to see you all for
breakfast this Friday, don’t forget to bring along your smile and manners

                                      P and C Easter Raffle
     P and C are calling for donations of items for our Easter Raffle. All items can be left at
     the office and will be used to assemble large Easter Hampers.
     Our Easter Raffle will be drawn at our Easter Hat Parade on 1st April. Tickets will be
     sent home in coming weeks with the Newsletter.
     A separate supporters prize will also be drawn for all those who donate to the raffle.
     Each family who makes a donation for the raffle will go into this separate draw.
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School
Important Dates
 • Basketball Workshops Yrs 1-6– Thursday 11th March
 • Gathering hosted by 5/6 class– Friday 12th March at 1:40 pm

 • NRMA Bus Safety for Kindergarten– Thursday 18th March

 • Legends of League Gala Day– Wednesday 24th March

 • 3-6 Theatre Excursion– Friday 26th March

           Reminder                             Happy Birthday
    The school office does not keep      Tshayla Kelly– 8th March
 change. Please ensure you have the
correct amount of money when paying
     for items/excursions by cash.

                                               UNIFORM POOL
                                        The uniform pool is in urgent need of all
                                       items of boys and girls clothing, especially
                                                  sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10.

                                        Donations will be gratefully
                                        accepted and can be left at
                                            the school office.

                                         We also have a number of brand new
                                             items for sale at cost price.

                                                   LOST PROPERTY
                                         Please ensure that all uniforms
                                        and hats are clearly labelled with
                                           your child's name. The lost
                                           property box is continually
                                             overflowing with items.
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School
Quote of the week.
            “The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be
                            nice to everyone and always smile.”

                                                       - Ed Sheeran

                                                     ABSENTEE NOTE

(To be returned to Classroom Teacher first day back after absence)

STUDENT’S NAME……………………………………... ……                Class ………….. Date of Absence/s ……………………

Reason for Absence


Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 7 - Newling Public School
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