Guidance Notes for Year 1 & Year 2 Phonics Data Collection using SIMS 2019 - Southend Learning Network
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Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................3 Importing the Wizards ................................................................................................................................... 4 Running the Wizard Manager .........................................................................................................................7 Editing the Keystage Marksheets.................................................................................................................. 10 Previewing and Printing Individual Reports .................................................................................................. 14 Creating a Common Transfer File.................................................................................................................. 16 Appendix: Using ProofPoint ......................................................................................................................... 21 2
Introduction Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics Data Collection Please Note: - This year there are two phonics wizards to run in SIMS: 1 Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2 Year 2 Phonics Screening Wizard - If you have new pupils in Year 2 and you are unsure of their Phonics grade you can check it using the Key to success website mentioned below. The DfE advise how schools can check which Year 2 pupils should retake the test:- In most cases schools should be aware which Year 2 pupils need to take the check. If schools are unsure which Year 2 pupils need to take the check they can use the ‘Searchable data’ function of the Key to success website at to search for those pupils by their Unique Pupil Number. Pupils who do not need to take the check again will be indicated by a phonics outcome of ‘Wa If a school is unsure if a pupil should take the check again and a search of Key to success finds no data for the pupil they may wish to contact the pupil’s previous school direct. SIMS Guidance for Phonics Data Collection – Deadline for Submission to the Local Authority is Friday 21st June 2019. Please also make sure you complete and return the Head teacher quality assurance signing sheet available on the Southend Learning Network by Friday 21st June 2019. Full guidance notes are available under ‘Documentation’ on the home page on SIMS.Net > Handbooks > Performance & Analysis > End of Key Stage Data Processing (England). The Wizard Manager provides an easy method of managing the Phonics reporting procedures. The Wizards contain Aspects and Templates that the system uses to create the necessary Phonics mark sheets and Individual Reports. It is assumed that the Spring main release version 7.180 upgrade has been carried out. (Check you are using the correct version by selecting the ‘Help’ option on the home screen > about and check the version number. If you are not using version 7.186 – contact your SIMs support. 3
Step 1 - Importing the Phonics Wizards from Assessment Manager Both the ‘Year 1 Phonics screening Wizard 2019’ and the ‘Year 2 Phonics screening Wizard 2019’ should be imported into Assessment Manager. For schools whose SIMS system is supported by the Local Authority, this should already have taken place. Please go to page 7 - Running the Wizard Manager. If the wizards have not yet been imported please follow the steps below: Each wizard will have to be imported separately using the process below. (For the purpose of the guidance notes we refer to the Year 1 wizard). Import the Key Stage Packs as follows. 1. Select Routines | Data In | Assessment | Import to display the first page of the Import wizard. 2. Select the file to import by clicking on the Field Browser button to display the Open dialog. 3. Both Phonics Screening Wizards are usually located in your C drive. Open your C Drive & go to: Program Files \ SIMS \ \ Ampa \ England Primary (and Middle Deemed Primary) \ Assessment Manager. Select the file to import by clicking on the Field Browser button to display the Open dialog. If you cannot locate the file here it may be in your S: Drive – please contact your SIMs support desk for guidance. Here you will find the two Phonics wizards to import into Assessment Manager. 4. Highlight the first one - Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2019.xml to import and click the Open button to return to the wizard. The name of the selected file will be displayed in the Select the file to import from field. 4
5. Choose to overwrite defaults and click the Finish button. 6. A message dialog will ask you for confirmation to proceed with the import. Click the Yes button to start the import process, which can take some time to complete. 5
An Activity Log will be displayed when the import is complete. (If this doesn’t appear, press the finish button and it should appear). You can print/save a copy of this if you wish. 7. Select REPEAT THIS PROCESS TO IMPORT THE ‘YEAR 2 PHONICS SCREENING WIZARD 2019’. 6
Step 2 - Running the Wizard Manager The Wizard Manager guides you through the end of Phonics Data Collection process, from selecting the Phonics Pack and pupil/student group, adding, editing and validating the results. Selecting the Phonics Pack 1. Select Tools | Performance | Assessment | Wizard Manager to open the first page of the wizard. 2. Highlight the Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2019 and click the Next button (Click the Yes button if you are prompted to save). Selecting the Pupil/Student Group This page of the wizard enables you to select the group whose results you want to report. You will be able to select any previously created user-defined groups if required. For information on creating user defined groups please refer to the Documentation Centre in SIMS, this can be accessed through the SIMS home page. 3. Click the Field Browser button to open the Group Selector window. 7
4. Click the + sign next to the year group symbol to expand the Year Group. 5. Highlight the required year and click the Apply Button . 8
6. Once the year group is shown in the Screening Wizard window, click the Next button. Selecting the Marksheet to enter/edit data The next step will create the marksheet you need to enter your results. 1. Highlight the Year 1 Phonics Screening Marksheet and click the Edit Mark Sheet button. 9
This will open your marksheet - IMPORTANT NOTE: Please read any text in the Notes field of each mark sheet, as this will give advice and information related to the adding, editing and validating of results in this particular mark sheet 3. Complete Marksheet. Note: The first column enables you to enter the Threshold Score – this is the threshold which determines whether a pupil is Working At or Working Towards. The DfE will release the threshold mark on 24th June 2019 – You do not need to enter a threshold mark to submit your worksheet. This value will be the same for all pupils – to enter this value in one step, right-click on the column header and choose Select Grade for Column. You can then choose the appropriate threshold mark when it is released. 4. The second column should be populated with the Mark. Note. The columns with an f in the top left hand corner of the heading should be left blank, as these cells contain formulae. 10
5. If you enter an incorrect value in the Mark column the View Invalid Results dialog opens, giving details of the valid grades for the specific column. 4. To amend any error, select the Close button on the View Invalid Results window and then amend the errors in the mark sheet. 5. When all of the data has been correctly applied to the mark sheet, click the Calculate button to obtain grades and check the data. 11
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you enter results in a mark sheet it is recommended that you click the Calculate button before saving the results so that if any entries are missing, they will be highlighted in the Data Check column of the mark sheet. This will ensure that correct results are recorded for delivery to your Local Authority (LA). 6. When you have completed the mark sheet, check the box by Data Entry for this Mark sheet is complete 7. Select the Save button. 8. Close the mark sheet (using the icon at the top right hand corner of the mark sheet) to return to the wizard 9. When your marksheet is complete, tick ‘complete’ then ‘Next’ 12
10. If you get the following message, click YES You will be returned to the Wizard and the individual report format window. Previewing and Printing Individual Reports This page of the wizard displays the Individual Report templates from the selected Wizard and from here you can print the Phonics Reports. Before printing you can preview an individual pupil/student‘s report in Microsoft® Word. The Comparative report displays the School and National Teacher Assessment and Test results. If you have previously saved your marksheet and want to access the ‘individual report format’ screen, please go to Tools>Performance>Assessment>Wizard Manager. In the Wizard window, change the Filter to ‘All’. Click on the relevant year’s phonics marksheet, select ‘Next’. Select ‘Next’ again. Change the marksheet filter to ‘All’. (Make sure your templates is ‘Complete’, if is isn’t go back to page 9 – make sure all results have been entered, Click on the template name and select ‘Next’. Continue with the process below. 1 3 2 13
1. Highlight the required Individual Report Format. 2. The From and To date fields default to ‘Today’ displaying the pupil/students that are currently on role. If you need to change these dates, e.g. you want to include pupil/students who have left, directly enter the dates in did/mm/yyyy format, or click the down arrow adjacent to the required field and select a date from the displayed calendar. 3. Click the Refresh button Previewing Key Stage Reports 4. By default, only the first pupil/student in the list is selected. Click the Deselect All button to clear all pupil/student selections then select the check box adjacent to the required pupil/student names, or ‘Select All’ to generate reports for all students listed. 14
5. Click the Preview Report button to open the selected pupil/student’s report in Microsoft® Word. Preview Report button When you have finished previewing the report, close Microsoft® Word to return to the Wizard Manager. 6. Click the Print Report button to print the selected pupil/students’ reports. Print Report button 7. Select ‘Next’ this will take you to an export screen. Select the results aspect you want to export & choose the ‘export’ arrow. Save your reports to your computer and select ‘Finish’ 3. Click the Finish button and if a message asks you to confirm that you wish to close the wizard. Click the Yes button to exit. Please refer to the separate notes issued with the latest upgrade or module notes from Capita (Previewing & printing individual reports). Contact Capita on 01245-213911 if you have any problems with this. REPEAT THIS PROCESS FOR ‘Year 2 Phonics Screening Wizard’ (‘Running the Wizard Manager’ on page 7 to page 10). Please Note: - The year 2 Phonics Screening Marksheet enables you to enter the outcomes of the Year 2 Phonic Screening Test for pupils who failed to attain a grade of ‘Wa in the Year 1 test. You will need to enter a mark for the Year 2 test. When you open the ‘Year 2 Phonics Screening Marksheet’, a list of pupils and their Year 1 test grade; of either ‘Wa’ or ‘Wt’ will be shown. A grade must be entered for any child with ‘Wt’. Click ‘Calculate’ to indicate the pupils for whom a mark is required. 15
If you have new pupils in Year 2 and you are unsure of their Phonics grade you can check it using the Key to success website mentioned at the beginning of these guidance notes. Repeat the steps on Page 11 to complete this process. Year 1 Phonics Data Collection – Sending your file to the LA Creating a Common Transfer File for Year 1 Pupils, then your Year 2 pupils Set Southend LA as a destination school To check if this has been set previously, click on Search and scroll to find Southend LEA or Southend LA. If already set up; proceed to ‘Create a Common Transfer File’ below otherwise continue with the steps below. 1. Select Tools, Other Schools 2. Click on New 16
3. Enter the following details: School Name: Southend LA and click on the magnifying glass button Enter Southend in the LA name box and click Search The name and LA number will be populated, click OK 17
The details will show on the 1 Establishment section of the school details section. Enter the Establishment number 9999 4. Click on Save then Close. If prompted to save click Yes Create a Common Transfer File – (YOU WILL NEED TO REPEAT THE PROCESS BELOW TO EXPORT YOUR YEAR 2 PHONICS FILE). 1. Select Routines, Data Out, CTF, Export CTF 18
2. Select the CTF export type to ‘Phonics Test Results’ and ‘Select’ 3. In the Student Options section, select Current Students from the View box and tick the Include students already exported box 4. Click on Refresh Students 5. Click on the drop down arrow in the Year Grp field header and select Year Group 1. 6. Click on the first pupil cell in the Destination LA / Other column and right click on the mouse and ‘Select All’. All year 1 records should now be highlighted. 19
7. Click on the drop down arrow in the Destination School cell and select Southend LEA from the list. 8. All Year 1 records should now have Southend-on-Sea as the Destination LA / Other. Note. If you prefer, instead of following steps 6 - 8 you can manually select Southend as the Destination school for each individual pupil (but this will take much longer). 9. Click on the Export CTF button (Scroll down to the bottom right hand corner of the Students field to see the Export CTF button). If you receive a pop-up menu asking if you want to continue, select . When the pop-up window appears Export Complete, make a note of the file number and select . 10. Once completed, errors may be listed in the Exception Log screen. You can print a copy of this log report if you want to keep a record. Check to make sure that all Year 1 pupils have been exported (e.g. Number of students not exported = 0) 11. Click on the Close icon located at the top right of the screen. 12. The file should be called 882NNNN_PHO_8829999_001.XML (NNNN = Your school number, the 3 digits at the end may be different to 001) and saved in your export directory. 20
To check where your export directory is located – go to Tools | Setups | CTF and note the file path for CTF Export Directory. You have now successfully created a CTF which contains all of your Year 1 pupils. The final stage is to upload and send this file via ProofPoint. Please follow the guidance notes below. REPEAT THIS PROCESS TO EXPORT YOUR YEAR 2 PHONICS RESULTS. Appendix: Using ProofPoint ProofPoint is a simple web-based tool for transferring sensitive or confidential files across the internet securely to other schools or the LA. This is a short guide on how to use this software to transfer your Phonics Results. 1. Please follow the attached notes to send your two CTF files containing your pupils’ Year 1 Phonics and Year 2 Phonics results. 2. All phonics results should be sent to 3. SIMS would have exported your files to either S:\SIMS\STAR\CTFOut or S:\SIMS\DataOut. (The pathway will depend on how your SIMS system was upgraded – if you are unsure which path it is, open SIMS and go to Tools>SetUps>CTF and check your export directory. 4. Go to the ProofPoint website ( The following page will be displayed: 21
5. Enter your school email address select ‘Continue’. You will either be prompted to enter your password or register for an account. This can be easily be created and used immediately. 6. Once you have successfully logged in to ProofPoint you will be required to attach your CTF file to the email, to do this please follow the steps below. 7. Please address your email to, in the subject box of the email please include the name of your school. 8. To upload a file select “Attach a file”, followed by “Add…” 22
Once you have done this browse to the location you have stored your CTF file, highlight it and select ‘Open’. Once the file has successfully been attached it should appear as below and you can add/remove files. Once you have attached your CTF files you can send the ProofPoint email. Once the email has successfully been sent you should see this box. 23
If you have any technical queries regarding ProofPoint please contact the ICT Service Desk on 01702 215158. If you are a SIMS supported school and experience problems please contact the School Support Team on 01702 212005 and choose option 4. For any questions regarding assessments please contact the Data & Performance Team on 01702 534255. 24
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