Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9

Page created by Clifford Conner
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
Term 1 Week 9                  22nd March 2021

        Class Stars of the Week

                 Year 5/6

    Year 3/4                    Year 1/2

Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
is always a lot happening and coming up.
                                                      Details of how to join Seesaw have been provided
Transition Class
                                                      by teachers and Seesaw will let you see what your
Next term, from Thursday 22nd April, we will be child is doing in class and communicate with
starting our school Transition Class “Newling Little teachers. Every class also has a mobile phone for
Stars” for children who will be starting Kindergarten the convenience to message or call teachers
in 2022.                                              directly.
If you have a child starting school next year or know Newling Public School is our Facebook page, if you
of a family with children starting school in 2022, have not already friended it, where we share news
please contact the school for further details about and photos about events at school.
the Transition Class.                                 The school website has our calendar of events and
Upcoming Opportunities                                   copy of Newsletter, plus school information.
This week and next many of our students will be          School Photos
involved in major excursions funded mainly by the        This year’s school photos have been confirmed as
school. The 3-6 theatre excursion and 5/6                Tuesday 25th May.
observatory visit are linked closely to the units of
                                                         This is the sixth week of Term 2.
work in classes and the majority of cost for these
                                                         Star Awards
excursions is paid for by school so at all children
can attend.                                              “You’re a Star Award” certificates were presented
                                                         at this morning’s assembly to our first recipients of
In the past we have had many visiting
                                                         2021. These students who have been using the You
performances and this year we are using these
                                                         Can Do It keys to success and demonstrating
extra-curricular funds to pay for these more
                                                         persistence, resilience, organisation, getting along
significant excursions, linked closer to class work.
                                                         and confidence.
All classes will benefit and have an even share of
funds to pay for additional learning activities.         Congratulations to our recipients: Isaac, Nixon,
Another benefit is there will be less disruption to      Christian, Aaliyah, Benjamin, Brodie, Lincoln,
                                                         Karla-Lee, Luca and Leszayliah.
daily learning routines and all events will extend
                                                    These ‘keys’ are instant rewards given daily to
classroom learning.
                                                    encourage use of the ‘5 keys to success’-
                                                    persistence, resilience, organisation, getting along
Our new Friday afternoon initiative continues to be and confidence.
a great success and a highly enjoyable learning
experience for students and teachers. Term 1
Electives have only 2 weeks left and students will Murray Cox
be given the chance to pick a new activity for
Term 2.
Each term children will be able to select a new
                                                                     Happy Birthday
activity or continue/repeat an activity if they wish.
                                                                       Layla – 22nd March
A list of new electives choices will be sent out later
this week.
Keeping up to date?
Have you been keeping up to date with Seesaw, our
Facebook page and school website calendar? There
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
Kindergarten News                                           1/2 News
Kindergarten students learned about bus safety Students in Year 1/2 have been learning how to log on
procedures including how to enter and exit a bus to the computer and to open a Word document.
safely, during the visit from the NRMA Bus Safety
team last Thursday.                               We typed some of our information facts about Inland
                                                  Bearded Lizards.

                  3/4 News                                              5/6 News
We are so excited to be heading to Tamworth to       Cooking – Virtually
see the theatre adaptation of David Walliams         5/6 had the opportunity to participate in a virtual
“Midnight Gang”! We have started our new David       cooking experience with Australian Hockey
Walliams novel study in class and we are loving      Olympian Emily Chalker and Chef Matt Sinclair
writing predictions for the story as we read.        (two time Masterchef competitor and TV Chef).
This week we predicted who killed Zoe’s pet
hamster by creating a wanted poster. We also         The recipe of the day was Spaghetti and
wrote diary entries from the perspective of Zoe to   Meatballs. We couldn’t cook while watching so we
get a better understanding of her character.         replicated the recipe in our cooking session.
                                                     There were many successes but everyone agreed
                                                     it is a recipe they could cook at home– well done!

                                                     Messages from 5/6:
                                                     Tamworth – Midnight Gang – 9:00 am Friday 26th
                                                     Coonabarabran excursion – Leaving from the front of
                                                     the school Monday 29th at 8:00 am
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
Important Dates
•   Basketball Court resurfacing - Wednesday 24th March
•   Legends of League Gala Day – Wednesday 24th March
•   Yrs 3-6 ‘Midnight Gang’ Theatre Excursion – Friday 26th March
•   Gathering hosted by Kindergarten – Friday 26th March at 1:45 pm
•   5/6 Coonabarabran Observatory Excursion – Monday 29th -Tuesday 30th March
•   Easter Hat Parade – Thursday 1st April at 1.45 pm
•   Last Day of Term 1 – Thursday 1st April
•   Students return - Term - 20th April

The school office does not keep change. Please ensure you have the
        correct amount of money when paying for items or
       excursions by cash. EFTPOS is available for payments over $5.

      5/6 Fundraising                                         LOST PROPERTY
       Information                                   Please ensure that all uniforms and
                                                      hats are clearly labelled with your
    Year 5/6 are very busy
                                                            child's name. The lost
    fundraising for their
                                                         property box is continually
    Dubbo Excursion by selling Cadbury
                                                           overflowing with items.
    Chocolates. Please return your
    chocolate money to the office as soon
    as possible.
    Every box of chocolates sold will
    subsidise the cost of the excursion.
    Please support us in our efforts.

                                            PLAY FOR NORTHS IN 2021
                            Registration is FREE with an eligible Active Kids Voucher
                         BOYS & GIRLS         AGES 5 - 10 FREE       AGES 11 - 12 $20
                      Season starts May 1st Contact email -
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
Important Reminder
  Harlequins Hockey
        Club                                           Please ensure your child
Harlequins Hockey Club
                                                       brings a water bottle to
are seeking expressions
                                                           school each day.
of interest from players
interested in playing junior hockey this year.

We will be fielding teams in Under 8s, 11s, 13s
                                                                         A piece of fruit or veg is
and 15s girls and 13s boys/mixed comp. Girls
                                                                           also needed each day
can play in all divisions and boys are welcome
to play in the under 8 and 11s girls competition.                             for ‘crunch’n’sip.
The boys/mixed comp (11s, 13s and 15s) will be
played on Monday evenings and the girls comp
                                                         UNIFORM POOL
Saturday mornings.
                                                    The uniform pool is in urgent need of
Please send an email nominating your child's
                                                     all items of boys and girls clothing,
Intention to play, which age division they want
                                                        especially sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10.
to play in, date of birth, address and parental
email and phone contact.                            Donations will be gratefully accepted and can be
Please contact:                                                left at the school office.
Louise Vaughan (junior           co-coordinator)     We also have a number of brand new items for
at                                           sale at cost price.

                    P and C
                                                            Breakways Hockey Club
                  Easter Raffle                                  welcomes you to our
     Newling P and C are calling for
                                                          Come and Try Day + Registration
      donations of items for our
            Easter Raffle.                                         for Junior players!
   All items can be left at the office
                                                                The day will be held on
     and will be used to make large
            Easter Hampers.                                   Saturday 27th March 2021
  Our Easter Raffle will be drawn at
  our Easter Hat Parade on 1st April.                            from 11.00am at the

 A separate supporters prize will also                        Sport UNE Hockey Fields
 be drawn for all those who donate to
             the raffle.                                followed by a (BBQ) sausage sizzle.
 Each family who makes a donation for
      the raffle will go into this
            separate draw.
  Please return tickets/money to the
         office by March 31st.
Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
Quote of the week.
                   “ In life, one has a choice to take one of two paths:
             to wait for some special day - or to celebrate each special day”

                                                ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru

                                                     ABSENTEE NOTE

(To be returned to Classroom Teacher first day back after absence)

STUDENT’S NAME……………………………………... ……                Class ………….. Date of Absence/s ……………………

Reason for Absence


Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9 Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9 Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9 Class Stars of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
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