The Voice of the Viking - Ventura Park Elementary
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The Voice of the Viking Ventura Park Elementary Wednesday, January 13, 2021 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE UPCOMING DATES Wednesday,January 13 and Thursday, January 14 Dear Ventura Park Families-- Materials Pickup, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. CDL through March Monday, January 18 At last Thursday's board meeting, the Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday – NO SCHOOL DDSD School Board made the decision Friday, January 29 to stay in Comprehensive Distance Teacher Work Day – NO SCHOOL Learning through spring break. This means we will be in CDL until at least March 29, unless something drastically changes. This does not necessarily QUICK LINKS mean we will return in person on March 29. We will Our school website continue to monitor the metrics and other county data. As Ken Richardson stated, there are numerous questions Family Resource Binder related to this decision. The district will be forming Ready Lunch menus and bus stops Schools Safe Learners committees to develop plans for if/when we are able to open for in-person learning. PTO Facebook page Tech Support Resources Materials Pick Up Today & Tomorrow! *WHAT: Grades K-2 chromebook exchange; Grades K- 5 Materials Pick Up LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We want to acknowledge that we gather as a community *WHEN: Wednesday & Thursday, January 13 & 14, 11:00 on the traditional land of the Clackamas and Cowlitz a.m. to 3:00 p.m. people past and present, and we honor with gratitude the *WHERE: Ventura Park Elementary--Park & walk up for land itself and the people who have stewarded it contactless exchange throughout the generations. As educators, we recognize the special role that we can serve in ensuring an equitable This will be a walk-up event. Please come to the main education for all of our students. school entrance. Masks and social distancing are Land Acknowledgement-What & Why? required. There will be signs directing you to waiting areas and check-in areas. ALL STUDENTS have materials to pick up! (The only exception to this is our Life Skills ATTENDANCE CORNER students, whose materials will be coordinated separately). There are many unknowns Students in grades K, 1, 3, 4, and 5 (all except 2nd) will that surround our everyday have an additional box of Fuel Ed materials. We will have a lives. What we do know is tote of other materials for every K-5 student that may that attending school still include activity packets, additional school supplies, and matters, even in an age of other grade level specific items. Special thanks to our Title online learning. Teachers are 1 & SUN programs and our Community Leadership Team working hard day-in and day- for assembling these materials! out to provide an engaging curriculum for students in PLEASE NOTE: At this time, only students in grades K-2 order to help them make will be receiving new technology. Parents of students in progress toward grade level those grades will receive a separate email regarding this. standards. If students are not logged in and engaged, then We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday or they are unable to access the wonderful resources our Thursday! Please call our office with any questions. fabulous teachers are providing. Our goal is to reach over 90% attending; we are currently at 88.36%. Remember, Holly Schauer, Principal FRIDAYS are SCHOOL DAYS!
PBIS FREE FOOD BOXES FROM THE During the month of January, the SUNSHINE DIVISION character trait highlighted school- wide is Responsibility. For our Spirit Free food box distribution day in honor Day, Thursday, January 28 will be of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day SUPERHERO DAY. More information about PBIS is available on our website. To secure a food box please register by TECHNOLOGY HELP HOURS calling Mrs. McDade, our technology specialist, is 971.255.0834 or email currently on assignment as a student teacher in first grade! However, she will be offering technology help hours on Mondays, This is on a first come first serve basis Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 4-5 Leave your full name, phone number, and choose one p.m. on Google Meet ( location for pick up. We will call you back with confirmation for any students or families who need help or have questions about technology. You can also reach her by Pick up at the location you have phone at (401) 227-7337, but please plan to leave a signed up for: message and she will call you back. 687 N Thompson St. Portland, OR. 97227 or 221 N.E. 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97230 (corner of NE 122nd LIBRARY CHECK-OUT and Glisan) Our school’s library pick up day When: Monday, January 18th, 2021 is Fridays between 12PM-2PM Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm at the front door of the school. Kaiser Permanente volunteers will bring the food box to your Book requests must be placed car. before Friday in order to give If you have any questions, please call Lili at: Ms. Aist time to pull the books Desk: 971.255.0834 or email and check out the books to students. IMMUNIZATIONS Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th There has been no change to the Oregon immunization grade may each check out 2 law regarding school immunization requirements, or to the books. Students in 1st and 2nd deadline of exclusion day on February 17. 2021. You may grade may each check out 1 book. Kindergarten will start have received a letter from the Department of School checkout in January! Health Services recently informing you of missing If you have any questions please feel free to email Ms. Aist immunizations. If so, please bring any updated at immunization information to school ASAP. You may also mail or fax those records. Please call the school office if • Library Book Request Form you have any questions. • Online Library Catalog • Instructions for how to log into library account and PTO NEWS put a book on hold Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 3 at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom. FREE MEALS INFO Free school meals for children age 18 and under have resumed! Breakfast, lunch and dinner are available at Ventura Park or at selected bus stops from 12-1. Menus are available on the district website.
DENTAL SCREENINGS/SEALANTS BIRTHDAYS Multnomah County’s School January 10-16 Student Birthdays and Community Oral Health Program is offering free Student Name Grade Birth Date Teacher sealants and dental Cayleb 4 January 13 Remler screenings at a satellite Lila 3 January 15 Jensen location near you. A dental Daniel 1 January 15 Kelly screening is a quick look Amari K January 16 Terry inside your child’s mouth to Darris 5 January 16 Stapleton check the overall health of their teeth, and sealants will Staff Birthdays be placed if needed. This service is available for students Ms. Barbette Falk January 3 in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Questions? Please call us at 503-988-3905. Mrs. Schauer January 3 To use this FREE service please fill out the electronic Mr. Remler January 18 permission slip at this link: Ms. Tiegs January 19 Ms. Sophie Hilton January 23 Ms. Jodie Dowell January 24 El programa de salud oral escolar y comunitaria del condado de Multnomah ofrece selladores y exámenes Mr. Kleiner January 29 dentales gratuitos en ubicación cercana a usted. Una revisión dental es un vistazo rápido dentro de la boca de su hijo/a para revisar la salud general de los dientes y se les aplicará los selladores. Este servicio está disponible para estudiantes de segundo, tercero, cuarto, sexto, séptimo y octavo grado. ¿Necesitas ayuda? ¿Tiene preguntas? Llámenos al 503- 988-3905 Para usar este servicio gratis, complete este permiso electrónico: Бесплатные зубные защитные покрытия и стоматологический осмотр предлагаются в ближайшем к вам центре. Стоматологический осмотр — это быстрый осмотр рта вашего ребенка, чтобы проверить DID YOU KNOW? общее состояние зубов, и при необходимости нанести That Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday was зубные защитные покрытия. Нужна помощь? Есть first celebrated as a national holiday in вопросы? Позвоните нам по 503-988-3905 1986? Martin Luther King Jr.'s actual birthday was January 15, but we observe, Чтобы воспользоваться этой БЕСПЛАТНОЙ услугой, or celebrate it on the third Monday in заполните электронный бланк разрешения по этой January. This year, that will be January 17. ссылке: If King were still alive today, he would be 92 years old this year!
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