CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.

CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.

5:00 pm:        Saturday Evening
9:30 am:        Sunday Morning
11:30 am:       Sunday Morning
8:30 am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Confessions First Saturday of the month in the
church from 4:00-4:30 PM. By appointment for all
other times.

Are you a sinner? Have you been away from the church for a long time? Are you divorced or separated? Are you physically or
mentally challenged? Are you from a different culture? Are you not accepted because of your sexual orientation? Are you
elderly, a teen or young adult? Are you discriminated against because of your color? Are you feeling broken? Are you poor or
out of work? Have you been imprisoned? Have you a feeling that you are left out? You are welcome here! This is your home,
and we are your family!
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
December 20, 2020

                             A FEW WORDS FROM OUR PASTOR
       I do hope that everyone will have a great time this Christmas with family and friends. Don’t
forget that while the rest of the world would have us believe that Christmas ends on Friday evening
(December 25th), in reality, OUR celebration of Christmas has really just begun, and it will
continue right through to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (celebrated this year on January 10,
2021). I lament the fact that any inkling of Christmas music on the radio will be history by
Christmas night, but we can certainly continue our celebration of Christmas knowing that our
Saviour is with us (and we can certainly still make use of our Christmas CDs)! Make the most of
this Christmas Season by allowing yourself to become everything our God created you to be. The
Christmas Season always brings out the best in people, but that shouldn’t end the day after
Christmas. As Christians, our belief in Jesus should always bring out the best within us, for we
consistently pray that we might be more like Christ. I can think of no better time than the present to
continue our spirit of merriment, refreshed in the reality that God is indeed with us! Don’t forget,
being a Christian is a life-long process. It’s not something we do only on special occasions or high
holy days like Christmas.
            Finally on behalf of Father Kevin, Father Terry, Deacon Paul, Sister Mary, Sister Pat,
myself and the entire Pastoral Staff of Saint Saviour Parish Family, I want to wish you and your
family a happy, holy and blessed Christmas! You know the deal—no fighting with the relatives on
Christmas! It’s the day of our Saviour’s birth—a day of peace and love and friendship. We can’t
pray and sing and celebrate while in church—only to go home and get frustrated and angry at the
people who mean so much to us. Allow the Christ-Child to touch your heart this Christmas.
     Have a great week everyone.
                                                                     Father Frank
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
Our Giving Tree

Faith Formation Classes will not be held on
Sunday, December 27th, and Sunday, January
3, 2021, due to the Christmas Break. Classes
will resume on Sunday, January 10, 2021, at
11:30 am.

Also, all paperwork, Sacramental Certificates,
and fees are NOW due for all students who
will be receiving the Sacraments of First
Communion and Confirmation this coming
Spring. Please drop them off at the Rectory
to the attention of Deacon Paul Norman.

On behalf of our Pastoral Staff and Faith
Formation Catechists, we wish all our children
and families a Blessed, Healthy, and Safe
                                                               ACA UPDATE
Christmas Season.
                                                    Saint Saviour Parish Goal = $68,316.00
               We have received word that we can
                                                     Amount Pledged So Far = $39,760.00
               resume collecting for St. Thomas
               Food Pantry. Your faithful support      Amount Received = $39,103.00
               is needed now more then ever. The             Donors So Far = 73
               most needed items now are peanut
               butter, tuna, soap, toothpaste and   THANK YOU to those of you who have
               toilet paper.                             already made a pledge!
CHURCH OF ST. SAVIOUR - St Saviour Church.
The Reopening of Saint Saviour Church for Mass

Bishop DiMarzio has issued directives stating that churches of
the Diocese MAY begin to reopen for the celebration of weekday
Mass on June 29th and for the celebration of Sunday Mass on the
weekend of July 4th – 5th. For the reopening the Bishop has
issued the following directives that must be strictly adhered to:

-ALL MASSES are limited to an attendance of 25% of the
capacity of the church while still adhering to the norms of social
-If you are advanced in age and have health problems please
stay home*.
-If you feel sick or have a fever over 100 degrees please stay
-If you are health compromised please stay home*.
-If you wish to enter the church you must bring a mask and
wear it.
-You may be seated ONLY in the designated pews.
-To protect you and your fellow worshippers, receive Communion
in the hand.
-Please do not touch or kiss any of the statues or sacred images
in the church.
-There are to be no group gatherings /or/ communal devotions
until further notice.

(*Bishop DiMarzio has absolved older adults with health
problems and ANYONE with compromised health from their
obligation to attend
Sunday Mass. You may watch the Celebration of Mass on
television on the Diocesan Channel NET-TV:
         Spectrum (channel 97), Optimum (channel 30)
                    and FIOS (channel 48).
       The Celebration of Mass may also be viewed online at:
CHRISTMAS EVE 12/24                       Sunday, December 20, FOURTH SUNDAY
                   4:00 p.m.                           OF ADVENT
                                                       9:30 a.m. Carmine Fischetti /
                   6:00 p.m.                                        Thomasine Loerbes
                12:00 Midnight                         11:30 a.m. Maria Sanabria-Kenny/
             CHRISTMAS DAY 12/25                                    Dr. Gregorio Brevetti
                   9:30 a.m.                           Monday, December 21, Late Advent
                  11:30 a.m.                           Weekday
                                                       8:30 a.m. Henry O’Meara
The rectory office will be closed for Christmas on
Thursday, December 24th, and will reopen on            Tuesday, December 22, Late Advent
Monday, December 28th. We will close for New           Weekday
                                                       8:30 a.m Ed & Helen Morozik
Year on Thursday, December 31st and will reopen
on Monday, January 3rd.                                Wednesday, December 23, Late Adevnt
                                                       8:30 a.m. Peter Davio
                       December 13, 2020
                           Offertory $ 5,377           Thursday, December 24, Late Advent
                      Retired Religious $1,620         Weekday
                            Attendance 140             4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass Remembrance
                                                       6:00 p.m. Christmas Mass Remembrance
                                                       4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass Remembrance

                                                       Friday, December 25, NATIVITY OF THE
                                                       9:30 a.m. Christmas Mass Remembrance
                                                       11:30 a.m.Christmas Mass Remembrance
                                                       Saturday, December 26, Saint Stephen
    CHRISTMAS MASS REMEMBRANCE                         5:00 p.m. Joseph Glass
 Included with the monthly contributions envelopes
is a special envelope for the Christmas Mass           Sunday, December 27, THE HOLY
remembrance. Please use this envelope for your         FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH
special intentions, which will be remembered           9:30 a.m. In Thanksgiving
at our celebrations of Eucharist this Christmas.       11:30 a.m. Antonio Rivera (Birthdday
 At this time of the year we all receive many
requests from worthy charities and soon realize that
we can’t respond to them all. However, one appeal
that hopefully everyone will respond to is the
annual Christmas Gift to My Parish Collection.
A year-end Christmas gift is your chance to go
beyond the day-to-day support of your parish that
you fund through your weekly support in the
Sunday collection.
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