Wilson St Baptist - Wilson Street Baptist Church

Page created by Zachary Jennings
Wilson St Baptist - Wilson Street Baptist Church
JANUARY 24TH, 2021                           WWW.WILSONSTREET.ORG.NZ

         Wilson St Baptist
   A place of Hope where people love to bring their friends

Welcome to church this morning! We      service if you wish.
are so glad you've come. This is a      We also have a family room
place of hope, and we know that         available at the back of the
through Christ you can find that hope   auditorium for parents with younger
this morning.                           children particularly.
We have a children's program            You may also like to know that
("Pathfinders") running from 10.30 -    you'll find a Parents and Children's
11.30 during the school term (not       bathroom and baby changing facility
during school holidays) for children    out there as well.
aged 4-12. However you are most         We hope you enjoy the service and
welcome to keep your kids in the        stay for a coffee afterwards.

      www.facebook.com/wsbctimaru                www.wilsonstreet.org.nz
Wilson St Baptist - Wilson Street Baptist Church
Today's Scripture
                     Mark 7:14-23
              Clean food, dirty hearts
14 And he called the people to him again and said to them, “Hear
  me, all of you, and understand: 15 There is nothing outside a
 person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that
            come out of a person are what defile him.”

 17 And when he had entered the house and left the people, his
 disciples asked him about the parable. 18 And he said to them,
 “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that
 whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, 19
  since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?”
                (Thus he declared all foods clean.)
20 And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him.
 21 For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts,
      sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22 coveting,
wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness.
    23 All these evil things come from within, and they defile a
Wilson St Baptist - Wilson Street Baptist Church
Notices and Stuff
                              Youth Group
   Sunday 31st Jan, 1PM - BBQ Lunch after church at Caroline Bay. Young
    people, those thinking about youth group and parents welcome. Bring
  stuff for a BBQ/picnic lunch, we’ll have one of the Bay BBQ’s going if you
                      want to add anything for cooking.

 Friday 12th Feb - Meet at church at 7pm. Wear walking/outdoor shoes and
               bring a jacket if it looks like it might be cold.

                         BMF - Open Invitation
  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Peter and Leonora in person on
  Wednesday Feb 3rd to hear how they use tours of historical sites in their
 ministry. After a finger food lunch at 12 noon in the hall they will share how
God is using them and their ministry. This will be about 1pm if you are unable
                               to come for lunch.
                     Please note the change of time and day.

                              Church Camp
    Registration forms are available in the foyer for our camp in February
                        2021. Camp dates are 12-14 Feb.
     If people could please fill out a form, one per family, and put them in
    the box in the foyer. Even if they don't pay for the camp immediately,
         it would be good for people to register so that we get an idea of

                 Acts wanted for Saturday night talent quest
        Shaz Smythe is looking for acts for the talent quiz planned for
        the Saturday night of the camp. If you have an act, skit or song
                     please contact Shaz on 027 6986370.

                             Finance Update
                      December Total Offerings: $16,208
                Last Week's Offerings - $3,207 (Budget - $3,961)
Notices and Stuff
                         Accomodation wanted
Does anyone at church have a sleep out that they rent out? Someone from the
Baptist church in Dunedin knows of a Syrian man, who lives in Dunedin with
 his family, who is about to do a truck drivers course in Timaru and needs a
room to stay in for 6 months while he does the course. His family will stay in
 Dunedin. If you could help please contact him on 0224934794. His name is

                       Church Directory update
We are in the process of updating and printing a new church directory. If you
would like your existing listing modified (eg. if your address has changed), or
you would be happy to have your details included in the new directory, could
you please email your details to the church office (office@wilsonstreet.org.nz)
                    or pass your details on some other way.
Details we would love are: Names (of all family members), address, preferred
  phone number/s, email address and, if possible, a small family photo (this
                          helps people recognise you).
   Just give us the details you are happy to have printed in the directory.

                    Christian Superstore updates
Your local Christian Superstore continues to reach out and support the local
 community. We have noticed many visitors to the town from throughout
New Zealand seeking resources to help each other in their Christian Journey.
   From wooden wall scripture plaques from $14.99, to the new release of
 fictional books that are based on a true story such as Mark Holloway's "11
     days" and Jonathan Cahn's prophetic new release of "Harbinger II".
 We have a large selection of paperback gift Bibles ranging from $3.50 New
Testaments to $9.99 large print Christian Standard Bibles. These are great for
    handing out to friends or strangers who are starting to ask questions.

 We are open on Saturdays too, for your convenience. Look forward to info
about our two-monthly movie nights from February. Check them out on our
                             facebook page."
Other stuff we do
 at Wilson St
 Small Groups running Term 1
Wednesday 7am, Ladies Breakfast - Village Cafe, Tina Styles for details
021 029 38356

Wednesday 1.30pm, Tina's study group. (Term 4 October 14-December 9)
Theme is the topical subjects found in Proverbs, Contact Tina Styles
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Thursday at 10:15am - Coffee and Bible study at 6 Hunt Street.
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Contact Irelle for details.

Thursday 7.00pm, Men's Bible Study, WSBC hall.

Vaughn Nicolson 021 496512 for details.

Trim, Healthy Mommas.

Contact Kelsi Zwies 027 293 6562
Wilson St Youth
Term 1: Check out the Youth Facebook page (WSBC Youth Group) for up
                                                 to date information

                     3rd Tuesday of each month (March - November)
                  Contact Janice Redhead 688 6482 or 027 688 2406
Useful Contact Info
   Pastor: Ian Goodman 688 8018 or 027 477 2473 or

                             a v e
 Pastoral Care: Tina Styles 688 8018 or 021 029 38356 or

                    On    Le

Office (afternoons from 1.30pm): Marty Wilson 688 8018 or

              Brent Duncan 027 612 6901
               Howard Verity 927 2526
                Marc Laursen 684 5084
         Sarah Van Meygaarden 0204 110 7970
             Vaughn Nicolson 021 496 512

Youth Ministry: James Coyle 021 245 0499, or Marc or Viv
                   Laursen 684 5084

    Children's Ministry: Jenny Nicolson 021 044 0508

 Evergreens: Janice Redhead 688 6482 or 027 688 2406

        Prayer Chain: Noeline Meredith 688 1586

 Bank account for Internet Giving: 03 0887 0025873 00
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