Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA

Page created by Samantha Wells
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary
                                    of Earth Day with EPA

                                        This year, April 22nd marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a day
                                        celebrated by millions of people across the world. Since the first
                                       Earth Day in 1970, the United States has made tremendous progress
                                      improving air quality, cleaning up contaminated lands, and protecting
                                    our water resources. As part of that progress, EPA is working hard
                                 to ensure all Americans have a clean, healthy environment and a more
                              prosperous future.
EPA remains committed to protecting human health and the environment as we continue to adjust to the
evolving COVID-19 pandemic. While many of us are staying safe at home this Earth Day, we wanted to
share some of our environmental information and educational resources for remote learning. Please feel
free to share these resources with others. Have a happy and safe Earth Day!
Environmental Education Resources
All About EPA: How Does                                   History of EPA Research
EPA Protect the Environment
Activity Book                                             From the start,
                                                          EPA researchers
Learn the basics about how                                and partners have
EPA protects our health and                               provided the data,
environment.                                              knowledge, and tools
All ages                                                  needed to tackle the most pressing environmental
                                                          and related health challenges the nation has
Type of Resource: Book
                                                          faced. On our History of EPA Research webpage,
                                                          you’ll find links to milestones and other resources
Recycle City                                              grouped by research area.
Explore Recycle City to                                   All ages
learn how its residents
                                                          Type of Resource: Webpage
reduce waste, use less
energy, and even save
money by doing simple                                     Endangered Species: Save
things at home, at work,                                  Our Species Coloring Book
and in their neighborhoods.
                                                          Did you know that EPA works
All ages                                                  to ensure that pesticides
Type of resource: Website/app                             can be used safely without
                                                          impacting our country’s
                                                          endangered plants and
Join the Lorax and Help Protect the Environment
                                                          animals? Our endangered
Have you met the Lorax?                                   species coloring book
Play games and solve                                      introduces you to the different
puzzles with some familiar                                types of species EPA’s
friends.                                                  pesticides program works to protect.
All ages                                                  All ages
Type of resource: Website/app                             Type of resource: Coloring book
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA
Join Our Pest Patrol:                                 Water Sense Resources
Backyard Activity Book
                                                      Check out these resources
Summer is right around the                            for educating students
corner, which means fun                               about water efficiency.
outside… and mosquitos.                               Grades: K-8
As you think about the best                           Type of resource: Lesson
way to deal with pests in your                        plan
garden or lawn, you may want
to consider integrated pest
                                                      Why is Coco Orange?
management (IPM). Under
“IPM”, your pesticide choices                         Coco has a problem. He
are informed by an effective and environmentally      is a chameleon, but he
sensitive approach to pest management that relies     cannot change colors,
on a combination of common-sense practices,           and his asthma is acting
using pesticides only as needed. Our backyard         up. Read how Coco and
activity book is full of fun activities that teach    his friends at Lizard Lick
students about pest identity, biology and ecology.    Elementary solve this
It also helps students understand the impact that     mystery as they learn about air quality and how to
personal choices can have on our environment.         stay healthy when the air quality is bad
All ages                                              Grades: Pre-K-2
Type of resource: Activity book                       Type of Resource: Book

EPA’s                                                 Bird’s Eye View Lesson Plan
Education                                             Using the provided template,
Materials                                             you and your child(ren) will
                                                      make a flock of paper birds to
Explore                                               learn about air pollution in this
free educational resources for your remote            fun, crafty science experiment.
or at-home learners from EPA’s EnviroAtlas.
                                                      Grades: K-5
EnviroAtlas provides geospatial data, easy-to-
use tools, and other resources to understand          Type of resource: Lesson plan
ecosystem services and their connection to human
health. The hands-on K-12+ educational resources      Kid’s Air Quality Index Games
leverage EnviroAtlas tools and include mini lessons
(30 mins or less) about ecosystem services,           Play fun
outdoor activities and web-based interactive          computer
mapping. Available educational modules align          games (or
with state science standards and next generation      printed-out
science standards and include options for             version) to
adaptions.                                            learn about
Grades: K–12, undergraduate                           the air quality
                                                      index and air
Type of resource: Web based activities (including     pollution.
offline activities)
                                                      Grades: K-5
                                                      Type of resource: Games
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA
Wood Smoke Activity Book                                 Be Sun Smart
Children can read the story                              Moving outside, this lesson
about best burning practices,                            explores how we both need
color the pictures, and do                               the sun and need to protect
the activities included in this                          ourselves from its rays. A
activity book.                                           Sunwise activity book is also
Grades: K-5                                              available to download and print.
Type of resource: Printable coloring and activity book   Grades: 5-8
                                                         Type of resource: Lesson plan
                                                         and activity book
Acid Rain Students Site
A comprehensive site                                     Breathing Easy
for kids to learn about
what acid rain is, where                                 This lesson looks at our homes
it comes from, why it’s                                  and the steps to take to keep the
harmful, and what has                                    air healthy and avoid chemical
been and continues to be                                 exposure.
done to prevent it.                                      Grades: 5-8
Grades: K-8                                              Type of resource: Lesson plan
Type of resource: Activities, animation, and

Dusty the Asthma Goldfish
                                                         Air Strips Lesson Plan
This educational activity book
helps children learn more about                          Students use homemade air
asthma triggers.                                         strips to test for particulate
                                                         matter-caused discoloration
Grades: 2-5                                              around their home or
Type of resource: Printable                              neighborhood.
activity book                                            Grades: 6-8
                                                         Type of resource: Lesson plan

What’s Up There Besides Air?                             Radtown Classroom Materials
Students use a milk carton to                            The more your kids
“catch” particle pollution in this                       learn about radiation,
outdoor activity.                                        the less they have to
Grades: 3-5                                              fear.
Type of resource: Lesson plan                            Grades: 6-12
                                                         Type of resource: Lesson plans
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA
How’s My Waterway                                      MyEnvironment
Learn the condition                                    MyEnvironment is a
of local streams,                                      search application that
lakes, and other                                       provides environmental
waters anywhere in                                     information based on
the U.S., searching                                    location. Using EPA
EPA’s database of                                      data and records, you can learn about the air, water,
water quality monitoring reports.                      and land in your neighborhood. In addition, you
Grades: 9-12                                           can find out about local facilities, energy usage and
                                                       production, health risks, environmental projects
Type of Resource: Website/app                          going on in the community, and so much more!
                                                       Grades: 9-12
                                                       Type of Resource: Website/App

         Additional Resources
         For even more resources, check out these webpages from EPA and others:
         Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides and Online Environmental Resources for Educators
         Learning and Teaching about the Environment
         National Environmental Education Foundation Toolkits
         NOAA Education Materials
         USGS Learning from Home

         Follow us
         #EPAat50 on Instagram
         Twitter: @EPA #EarthDay2020 #EarthDayatHome
         Facebook: U.S. EPA
         Webpage: EPA.gov
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with EPA
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