Eco-Schools Action Plan, WWF and Festival of Sustainability 2020-2021

Page created by Clyde Mueller
Eco-Schools Action Plan, WWF and Festival of Sustainability 2020-2021
                                      I N T E R N AT I O N A L E D U C AT I O N

                                                 Shaping the world

    Eco-Schools Action Plan,
      WWF and Festival of
    Sustainability 2020-2021
Nobel International School Algarve is a member of the international
Eco-Schools program. It is a program that encourages environmental
actions within our school and is coordinated on an international, national
and regional scale. The aim of the Eco-Schools program is to receive
“The Green Flag” representing our school’s environmental awareness
and sustainability. To receive the flag our school must demonstrate the
following 7-step methodology:
1   Eco-Schools Council,
2   Environmental Audit,
3   Action plan,
4   The Human Body,
5   Monitoring and Evaluation,
6   Community involvement
7   Eco-Code.

Nobel Algarve’s Action Plan involves our school carrying out activities
under themes focusing on sustainability on the use of water, waste and energy.
Eco-Schools Action Plan, WWF and Festival of Sustainability 2020-2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Evaluation:                   Rating:
 Themes           Diagnosis                 Objectives                          Goals                   Actions and                  Resources                 Responsible               Timing
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Indicators                 Instruments

               Lack of ecopoints in       Install ecopoints in           At the end of the            Awareness actions            Various materials           Eco-Warriors         End of the              Number of ecopoints        Installation of
               outdoor spaces.            outdoor school spaces          school year, to have         among students about                                     & Leaders            school year             outside the school         ecopoints outside the
                                                                                                                                   (reutilisation of used
                                                                         installed in the outdoor     the need to keep the                                                                                  grounds;           Ratio   school grounds.
                                                                         spaces, at least 4                                        wood, paints,
                                                                                                      school clean, separation     brushes);       -                                                        between the number         Installation of
                                                                         containers per type of       of lipids, policy of the                                                                              of printed copies F/V      ecopoints outside the
                                                                         waste. Reuse of the                                       audiovisual media;
                                                                                                      three R;                                                                                              and draft and the          school grounds;
                                                                         garbage containers                                        internal circulars.
                                                                                                      •	Awareness-raising                                                                                  number of copies           •	Rate of printed
                                                                         already existing in the          action, with the                                                                                  color/normal                   Copies F/V
                                                                         school space and                 teaching staff,                                                                                   (compared to the               and draft;
                                                                         redistribute them by             regarding the                                                                                     initial data);             •	Environmental
                                                                         the school.                      impressions and                                                                                   •	Success                     Audit Results;
                                                                                                          separation of waste;                                                                                  percentage (over           Eco-code.
                                                                                                      •	Construction of                                                                                        50%) in each item;
               Lack of recycling          Provide all the interior       Identification of rooms that     exterior eco-points,                                                                              •	Evaluation of
               containers in some         spaces of the school           do not have waste                reutelization and                                                                                     content, originality
               indoor school spaces,      with recycling                                                  improvement for                                                                                       and creativity,
               e.g. classrooms,                                          separation containers and
                                          containers.                    install them.                    the rooms;                                                                                            ability to attract
               student cafeteria,                                                                     •	Construction of                                                                                        attention and
               offices, among others.                                                                     identifications, in                                                                                   focus of the
                                          To raise awareness                                              wood or other                                                                                         message.
               Separation of waste is                                    Ensure that by the end           material, for the
                                          among all members of
               not always done                                           of the school year,              external ecopoints;
                                          the school community
               correctly                                                 about 90% of the waste       •	Purchase metal
                                          of the importance of
                                                                         is placed in the correct         bowls or other
                                          waste separation and
                                                                         containers.                      material, other than
                                          reduction of waste.
                                                                                                          plastic, for desserts;
               Staff not always aware     Print, whenever possible,      Reduce the number of         •	 Elaboration of the
               of how to reduce paper     in duplex and draft            photocopies by 15%               eco-code; Fieldtrip
               usage and energy used      mode. Only print when                                           to Algar’s landfill
               in photocopying.           necessary in hi-depth                                           and waste
                                          format.                                                         recovery centre.

               Selective waste            Adopt and introduce a          Adopt, by the end of the
               collection is not          selective waste                school year, the selective
               always done.               collection system.             collection of waste.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Eco-Schools Action Plan

               High water                 Avoid wasting water in         Reduce water                 Place water bottles in       Collect water bottles,      School maintenance   By the end of the       Verification and           Study results
               consumption on the         bathrooms (toilets).           consumption by 5% by         the toilets in order to      fill them with water        service;             school year             analysis of invoices;
               school grounds.            Educating students not         the end of the school        reduce the volume of         and place them inside
  Water                                   to leave taps on, installing   year.                        the toilets; -               the toilet
                                          automatic taps that turn                                    Monitoring brigade.
                                          off after a period of time.

               Electrical appliances      Decrease energy                Reduce energy                Monitoring brigade;          Audiovisual media           Teachers;            By the end of the       Water, light and           Result of
               such as air conditioning   consumption.                   consumption by 5%.           •	Conducting                • Internal circulars        •	management        school year             gas bills                  monitoring data
               systems not switched                                                                      awareness-raising                                        agencies;
               off between lessons                                                                       actions                                               • Students
               and breaktimes.
               Lack of energy saving
               technology in lighting
               classrooms and exterior
               areas of the school.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nobel International School Algarve

               Outdoor spaces can be      Improve the outdoor            Improve, by the end of       Use of recycled              Used pallets and            Teachers; Students   By the end of the       Number of trees            Installation of benches,
               better used and            space environment              the school year, the         materials, e.g. pallets to   reutelization of the                             school year             planted; Number of         flower beds and tree
 Outdoor       improved.                  for all staff and              conditions of the outdoor    build benches;               woods; (partnership with                                                 flower beds and            planting in the outside
                                          students to enjoy in a         spaces for conviviality of   construction of aromatic     the municipality of Lagoa                                                                           space of the school.
 Spaces                                                                                                                                                                                                     benches installed
                                          natural setting.               all members of the           herb beds; plantations of    and other entities)
                                                                         school community.            more shade trees.            indigenous trees

               Not all students are       Motivate the school            Ensure that students         Participation in online      Projector;                  Teachers             Throughout the school   Participation of           Photos and videos.
               informed and aware of      community to carry             participate in activities    courses and webinars.        Computer                    and students         year.                   students in the various
               the need to promote        out sustainable                that promote                 Visualization of films                                                                                activities.
               biodiversity as a way to   activities, developing         sustainability, for          and documentaries on
               protect ecosystems and     knowledge and values           example through WWF.         the subject.
               sustainable living         that contribute to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shaping the world

Biodiversity   on Earth.                  more sustainable way
                                          of life. Using resources
                                          such as WWF
                                          Webinars and
Eco-Schools Action Plan, WWF and Festival of Sustainability 2020-2021
Shaping the world

   •	Primary and Secondary students have
      voluntarily formed a group of Eco-
      Warriors where their main objectives
      are to audit the school’s current
      environmental awareness and to
      implement the Eco-School action plan.
   •	The Eco-Warrior council will conduct
      an Eco-Schools Action Plan audit to
      highlight the environmental issues that
      the school is facing. Each year group
                                                      Nobel International School
      will have a class representative who will
      ensure that the action plan is being
                                                      Algarve Forest School
      implemented on a school basis.They              •   Practical outdoor lessons on both campuses to promote sustainability.
      will also report back to the Eco-School         •   Promote awareness of nature around our school community.
      coordinator and leaders of the                  •   Educate students in working with the environment.
      Eco-Warriors from Years 11, 12 and 13.          •   Starting with pre-school upwards
   •	Online assemblies will be conducted
      throughout the academic year to
      discuss environmental matters, the
      issues of sustainability and the progress
      of the Eco-Schools Action Plan.

      UN Sustainable
            Secondary Geography students have
        been introduced to the UN Sustainable
        Development Goals, especially focusing
        on the sustainable use of water, energy,
        climate action and life on land through
                           studies of biodiversity.

Students in both Primary
and Secondary schools will
continue to attend WWF
events such as Webinars
and Quiz events as well as
online presentation from
WWF representatives.
Eco-Schools Action Plan, WWF and Festival of Sustainability 2020-2021
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