CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia

Page created by Jessie Kennedy
CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia
JANUARY 2022                                                                    VOL. 8

         Pierce County Chamber of Commerce's Monthly Newsletter

Business owners benefit
                                                            IN THIS ISSUE

from SBDC services                                          SHOP SMALL
Excerpt from UGA-SBDC Fall Newsletter
                                                            CHRISTMAS CRAWL
The 2021 Economic Impact Study of the University of         WINNER SELECTED
Georgia Small Business Development Center (UGA
SBDC) provides solid evidence that entrepreneurs
utilizing UGA SBDC assistance experience greater sales
and employment growth than the state averages, despite      INTRODUCING NEW
the economic challenges brought on by the pandemic.         BOARD MEMBERS
The study found that the employment base of UGA
SBDC's existing business clients grew by 2.5 percent,
while overall employment levels in Georgia dropped by
4.6 percent. During the same time, UGA SBDC clients
                                                            MEMBER OF THE MONTH:
increased their sales by an average of 10.7 percent while
the average Georgia business experienced a decline in       SATILLA RIVERKEEPER
sales of 1.3 percent.

The SBDC offers FREE consulting services to Chamber
members! Email            UPCOMING EVENTS -
to book your consultation. For more information on          SIGN UP TO HOST!
SBDC services, visit
CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia
JANUARY 2022                                                                                            VOL. 8

                                                             Clough wins SSCC
                                                             Local educator, Mysti Clough, was the winner
                                                             of the Shop Small Christmas Crawl (SSCC),
                                                             taking home a grand prize of more than $800
                                                             in gift cards to local boutiques, specialty shops
                                                             and antique stores.

                                                             "The program was so much fun, and it really
                                                             did keep people shopping at home for the
                                                             holidays," Clough says.

                                                             "We loved doing the SSCC and feel it
  PHOTO BY MARTIN R. SMITH                                   successfully helped keep shoppers local. We
                                                             also had some out-of-towners who just came to

Member of the Month:
                                                             shop with us, but decided to make a day of it
                                                             because of the incentive. Their out-of-town

Satilla Riverkeeper                                          money ended up in Blackshear which is
                                                             awesome," said Scottie Johnson of Corner

In 2000, a passionate, Satilla River loving group of         Market Antiques.

individuals joined forces to combat pollution in their
beloved river.

The mission of the Satilla Riverkeeper is to protect,
restore and educate about the ecological values and
unique beauty of the Satilla River. The Riverkeeper
works to ensure adequate quality and quantity of
water in the Satilla River for all uses. The
organization serves as the eyes and ears of the
watershed and estuary.

Learn more about the Riverkeeper at or follow them on

I hope all of our members had a Merry Christmas          This new system should further enrich your benefits
and a Happy New Year! As we launch into 2022,            as a member with a customizable business listing on
the Chamber will be implementing a new member            our website and access to a job board where
management program called Membee.                        members can post openings. Stay tuned!
CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia
JANUARY 2022                                                                                               VOL. 8

                                                              Chamber welcomes
                                                              new board members
                                                              The Chamber of Commerce welcomes three new
                                                              board members this month.

                                                              Stephanie Bell, executive director of Pierce
                                                              County Family Connection, Eileen Coffee, co-
                                                              owner of Steel & Metal Systems, and Brenda
                                                              O'Steen, vice president of clinical operations at
                                                              Memorial Satilla Health, were elected to fill
                                                              seats vacated by longtime board members

  PHOTO BY MARTIN R. SMITH                                    Martin Bell, Matt Cochran and Vicki Knapp.

                                                              Bell, Coffee and O'Steen will serve a three-year
Need help recruiting                                          term on the board with the option to serve a
                                                              second consecutive term. The Chamber board
future employees?                                             meets monthly the second Tuesday at noon.

Late last year, the Chamber of Commerce partnered
                                                              "I am honored to welcome these women to our
with Pierce County High School on a project to
                                                              board of directors, and confident their
educate high school seniors about the companies and
                                                              contributions will help strengthen and grow
industries operating within our county lines where
                                                              this organization," says Sarah Gove, executive
they might find employment upon graduation. We're
                                                              director, Pierce County Chamber of Commerce.
continuing that project into the new year by
compiling profiles on these companies.

Our goal? Help local companies recruit the next
generation of workforce by informing our students
what bright futures lie ahead -- right here at home.

Contact the Chamber today about participating in this          Stephanie Bell    Eileen Coffee      Brenda O'Steen

 our CHAMBER                             our VISION                               our MISSION
The Pierce County Chamber of
                                         The vision of the Pierce County           The mission of the Pierce County
Commerce is a non-profit
                                         Chamber of Commerce is to provide        Chamber of Commerce is
membership organization. Our
                                         for a competitive and business            to foster partnerships for the
primary goal is to promote
                                         friendly climate for                     advancement of Pierce County.
businesses in Pierce County and
                                         all of Pierce County.
help create an overall healthy and
sustainable business climate
throughout the local area.
CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia
Pierce County Chamber of Commerce

Events                   Check Out this list of Events for Jan.
     January 2022

                                                       Food Truck Friday
                                  January               Food Truck Friday is held at Farmers &

                                                        Builders, 3271 Hwy. 84 , the first Friday
                                                        every month from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

                                                       Ribbon Cutting
                                   January              The Chamber will host a ribbon cutting at

                                                        Pierce County Nutrition, 245 Main Street
                                                        Blackshear, at 4 p.m. Thursday.

                                                       Hooves to Freedom 8K
                                  January              Hooves to Freedom will hold an 8K Trail Race

                                                       Saturday, Jan. 22, at Moccasin Creek Off Road
                                                       Park (7055 Wilton Road Blackshear). Race
                                                       day registration at 9 a.m. Race starts @ 10

                                                       Registration Info: To Register On-Line:
                                                       HoovesToFreedomTrailRace To Register via

                                                       Paper Mail-In:

                                                       Facebook Event Page:

                              Sign up to host an event today!
                              Would you like to showcase your business, a new product line
                              or service? One of the Chamber's networking events may be
                              just the platform you need to get the word out! Email us today to
                              find out more about hosting a Chamber event in 2022!

                    Pierce County Chamber of Commerce
                    912-449-7044 || 912-816-6209 ||
                    200 SW Central Ave. | PO Box 47 Blackshear, GA 31516 ||
CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia CHAMBER CONNECT - Pierce County Georgia
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