Clarkson Street Lofts Anuual/Budget Meeting Minutes

Page created by June Griffith
Clarkson Street Lofts Anuual/Budget Meeting Minutes
                      December 30th, 2020

Roll Call
    The annual/budget meeting was held on a Zoom conference call.
    Board member attendance includes Kristi Oberson and Eric Truhe. Marc
     Durivage was not present.
    Bob Alcavage was in attendance to represent Capitol Hill HOA Management
    Meeting minutes were taken by Bob Alcavage, Kristi Oberson, and Alex
     Ward collectively.
    Meeting was called to order at 6:06pm by Bob Alcavage.
    Quorom was established with 9 of 12 homeowners present

Proof Of Notice of Meeting
    Kristi Oberson motioned proof of notice of meeting. Second from Eric

Reading of Minutes of Preceding Meeting

    Dyana asked about last year's discussion re: the replacement of the roof:
    Per the board, $3k was spent to repair a drainage issue causing leaks at the
     perimeter, and we are keeping an eye on the potential need to replace it.

Election of Directors of the Executive Board (when required)
     Kristi's (VP) term will be up in 2021
     Eric's (P) term will also be up in 2021

    A  reserve account was opened by Kristi. $80,000 was added to the account.
        $4,000 remains in the operating account
     Kristi stated that we have a little $ for landscaping, new snow removal
     Eric stated we cleaned up the budget, got rid of some wasteful items
Ratification of Budget

Bob to go over budget and answer questions.
      No increase to dues; may be confusing however this is due to differences in
       categorization; e.g. Lawn Maintenance is now in Contract Services.
      Snow Removal – New company is High Plains Lawn Maintenance. New
       company only charges $140 per trip. We budgeted $4k which is what we
       spent last year. We don’t expect to spend that much. Bob discussed and
       they know not to use the corrosive ice melt.
          o   There is a bag of melt that anyone can use. Anyone can use. Prep
              Rite is supposed to tell us how to maintain the catwalks, Bob to
              follow up.
      Sewer maintenance – Backflow install. Dyana asked about whether that
       was completed. Required by Denver Water. Under Inspections – Is that
       under that budget item? Elevator and Fire inspections will be covered in
       that line item.
      Trash Service cost –Alex & Matt's other Cap Hill property uses Front Range
       Disposal for a significantly lower fee: $192/mo for a 45 unit complex. As of
       2018, large item pick-up was $20 per item.
          o   Tim and Laure suggested adding a locked lid to the current dumpster
             to deter dumpster divers. The community did not want a lock, but
             agreed that a lid may be helpful (and would help limit garbage odors
             or flies from escaping into our units!).
          o Bob to check into CSL's contract with Waste Management and
             confirm whether a switch is feasible/makes sense.
          o Bob to follow-up with Waste Management re: a lid for the dumpster
             is possible.
      Budget decrease towards sprinkler maintenance (Alex and Matt) –
       Currently the landscaper does it. Prior landscaper charged us extra.
      Alarms went from 1300 to 500. We had a 1400 balance prior; Alarm
       services is currently Mountain Fire alarm is the only expense, we pay the
    Roof repairs – Tom wants to know what is happening with roof
        repairs/maintenance – Eric states – we had an assessment and the roofer
        found no leaks; we had a scupper problem which was addressed. Only cost
        $3,000. Roof replacement would be reserve account thing. We are going
        to periodically have the roof, foundation and catwalk inspected; Bob and
        board will come up with a property maintenance schedule.
       The community is still contributing $11k per year to the reserve; no need to
        increase dues; Dyana moved to approve the budget, Megan seconded.

Unfinished Business

Maintenance items for Prep Rite:

        Snow  removal/upkeep & maintenance protocols for the catwalks based
          on materials used for repairs.
        Onsite consult/action for the following maintenance items:
              o Rust mitigation on the stairs: The top step of the staircase from the
                  courtyard to the garage needs to be re-welded. The top-most steps
                  from the catwalk to the West gate are also "loose" and should be
                  evaluated for repair.
              o Reattachment of back gate light: the light inside the East gate was
                  never re-welded to the replaced stair panel during original catwalk
              o Inspection of flashing where the floor meets with walls near the
              o Bob to follow up with Prep-Rite about these items

        Several
               light bulbs are burned out around the CSL property and in the
           o Action: Matt to lead replacement of dead light bulbs, and purchase
              of new bulbs, if necessary.
New Business

The following will be added, or is being considered, to improve security at the

      Motion lights for the alley (installed in coordination with 1st floor
      No trespassing signs.
      Estimated budget: ~$4-5,000.
          o Kristi to provide her research on a new camera system.
          o Bob to confirm fix of door alarm in garage.

Board Transparency and Communication to the Community:

      Alexand Matt requested meeting minutes for any previous meetings
         before Bob took over as manager – Bob to check for previous meeting
         minutes taken at any meetings.
      Tom requested quarterly HOA meetings.
          o Alex seconded this request and requested that meeting minutes be
             posted for all HOA meetings.
          o Alex also volunteered to take on the secretary role from the
             Treasurer role and would be happy to keep minutes and take notes
             for us at board meetings, etc.
                 Bob to post this meeting's minutes next week.
                 Bob to follow up and schedule the next HOA meeting for in a
                    few months

Exterior Window Cleaning:

      Timand Laure asked about exterior window cleaning. Several members of
        the community seconded this as a potential annual item.
           o Bob to get quotes for window cleaning for the community to
              consider during spring time.

        Theboard is looking into landscaping improvements, and maintenance of
          existing trees/shrubs etc.
           o Bob and the board will keep owners in the loop as this project


        Severalowners expressed interest in resetting on Recycling
          expectations, especially with renters. As Tom noted, bins are often full of
          boxes that are not broken down.
             o Bob to send a reminder to the building to break down recycled
             o Tom to print Denver recycling flyers.
             o Alex to call Denver Recycling re: a fourth bin.

       Reserve Study – Last one was done in 2013. Bob can check on providers
        from other buildings to try to find provider for one for our community.
       Ceilings above balconies – action item in the future
           o   Bob to have prep rite look into that as well.
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