Market Pulse Q1 2021 Analysis of the key trends in the SME sector, prepared by Fitzgerald Power on a quarterly basis.

Page created by Willie Shelton
Market Pulse Q1 2021 Analysis of the key trends in the SME sector, prepared by Fitzgerald Power on a quarterly basis.
Market Pulse
Analysis of the key trends in the SME sector,
prepared by Fitzgerald Power on a quarterly basis.

Q1 2021
Summary Q1 2021
Economic Update                                                Revenue Pulse
According to the ESRI’s quarterly economic commentary the      The total value of seasonally adjusted annual sales increased
Irish economy grew by 3.4% in real terms in 2020 compared      in March 2021 versus the same period last year, by 7.3%.
to 2019, despite the impact of the pandemic. This was linked   However, the combined results don’t tell the full story. The
to an increase in exports and a fall in imports. Contrasting   sector breakdown shows that the pandemic impact has been
covid impacts on the traded and domestic sectors were          unevenly distributed.
noted, with strong growth in exports (+6.2%) offset by
significant reductions in consumption and investment
(-9% & -32.3% respectively). The ESRI forecasts real GDP            Sales Growth
to grow by 4.4% in 2021 and 5.2% in 2022.                           Annual change to March 2021

SME Use of Technology                                                                           %
Vodafone released an SME focussed report, Covid-19 and             40
The Irish SME Sector: Supporting Recovery and Growth,
which surveyed 500 SMEs across a wide range of industries
in Ireland. The report revealed the extent to which SMEs             0
relied on technology for survival over the last 12 months.
43% of respondents claim they could not have functioned           - 20
productively without investment in technology over the
                                                                  - 40
past year.
                                                                  - 60
A Targeted Response to Covid                                      - 80
Ibec has suggested that policies should be implemented to
allow the “experience economy” (hospitality, retail, travel,     - 100
food, drink, tourism and entertainment, as well as aspects
of the arts, cultural, sporting and heritage sectors) to
position itself to overcome COVID challenges. Ibec
recommends the €5,000 per week cap on the Covid                          Motor Trades +29.5%
Restrictions Support Scheme should be removed and any
                                                                         Department Stores -24.1%
potential cliff-edge arising from the removal of other state
supports must be avoided.                                                Food, Beverage & Tobacco +0.3%
                                                                         Clothing, Footwear & Textiles -31.7%
Insurance                                                                Hardware, Paints & Glass +30.8%
Industry group Insurance Ireland expects Covid period                    Bars -80.8%
business interruption insurance claims to amount to
€430 million. The organisation said that €62 million in             SOURCE: CSO
claims had been paid out to policy holders to date,
since the crisis began.

As of Saturday 3rd April, 932,234 vaccine doses had
been administered in Ireland, meaning 13.3% of the
population had received at least a first dose. The
government aims to have a majority of the
population vaccinated by the summer.
Consumer Pulse
According to KBC Bank, consumer confidence recovered in March 2021 as Irish consumers focused on post-pandemic
improvements in the economy and jobs market. Household savings are likely to remain higher in future as a result of the pandemic.

     KBC Bank Ireland Consumer Sentiment Index, March 2021







                    March 2021                 February 2021                     January 2021                      March 2020

               Consumer Sentiment Index      Index of Current Conditions               Index of Consumer Expectations             Economic

               Unemployment                  Financial Situation 12 Months Ago         Financial Situation 12 Months Ahead        Purchases


Footfall Pulse                                                                   Business Owner Pulse
Compared to the previous period in 2020, mobility was                            InterTradeIreland’s Q1 2021 Business Monitor indicated a
down 40% in retail and recreation.                                               degree of cautious optimism from business owners in both
The largest decrease was in Leitrim at 49%, whereas major                        Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
population centres Dublin, Cork and Limerick saw 47%, 36%
and 34% drops in mobility respectively.
                                                                                     Business Position

     Retail & Recreaction                                                                      Q4 2020                            Q1 2020

                                                                                       19        13
     0                                                                                                   19                  32     29
    20                                                                                 30                30
                                                                                                                             31       27
   40                                                                                                                                         32

   60                                                                                            55
                                                                                       50                47                         44
                                                                                                                             37               33
         Overall 40%            Dublin 47%          Cork 36%
                                                                                     OVERALL      NI   IRELAND          OVERALL       NI   IRELAND

         Limerick 34%           Leitrim 49%   Largest decrease
                                                                                        Decline           Stable             Growth

     SOURCE: GOOGLE MOBILITY                                                         SOURCE: INTERTRADEIRELAND
New Business Pulse
     % of Businesses that were                                                                                   Quarterly figures reveal an 88% year-on-year increase in
     fully operational                                                                                           retail and wholesale start-ups (438 new companies), with a
                                                                                                                 total of 6,353 new company start-ups registered in Q1 2021,
                                                                                                                 an 8% increase compared to the same period last year.

                     55%                                   60%                                72%
                                                                                                                     New business registrations

             OVERALL                                       ROI                      PROFESSIONAL                    100

                 66%                                       46%                                12%

     CROSS-BORDER                                          NI                           HOSPITALITY                  20

     63% of Manufacturers
                                                                                                                   - 20
     59% of Retail
     55% of Construction                                                                                             Industry

     SOURCE: INTERTRADEIRELAND                                                                                             Manufacturing 87%         Retail & Wholesale 88%

                                                                                                                           Motoring 41%               Health & social work 11%
When asked what the main source of impact on
                                                                                                                           Transport, storage & communication 33%
their business was, businesses are more likely to cite
Covid-19 alone.                                                                                                            Real Estate 9%          Finance 8%           IT 8%

                                                                                                                           Hospitality -13%        Construction -6%

     Impact of Covid and Brexit
                                                                                                                     SOURCE: VISION-NET

                                                                                                                 Employment Pulse
       31%                                                                                        31%
                            52%                                   14%                                            Official unemployment in Ireland in March 2021 was 5.8%.
                                            39%                    1%                                            However, this doesn’t account for people on the Pandemic
        7%                                                                                          6%
                                                                                                                 Unemployment Payment (PUP). When this is adjusted for
                              7%                                                81%                              actual unemployment was 24.2%.
      49%                                                                                        49%
                            33%             28%
                                                                                                                     Impact of Covid

                                                                                                OTHER SERVICES
                           & PRODUCTION


                                                                                                RETAIL, DIST &





            Covid-19                       Brexit                       Both
                                                                                                                      NO. OF PERSONS        UNEMPLOYMENT     COVID-19 ADJUSTED
                                                                                                                       UNEMPLOYED               RATE          UNEMPLOYMENT
     SOURCE: INTERTRADEIRELAND                                                                                                                                     RATE

                                                                                                                          March 2020           March 2021

                                                                                                                     SOURCE: CSO
Insolvency Pulse
There were 111 corporate insolvencies recorded in Ireland in the first quarter of 2021, a decrease from 159 for the same
quarter in 2020. The industries with the largest decreases in insolvencies were, perhaps surprisingly, retail and hospitality.
Construction had the largest increase.

     Insolvencies by sector







                                Q1 2021                             Q1 2020                                   % Change

             Services            Construction        Retail   Hospitality         Manufacturing           Wholesale       Transport


     Insolvencies by province
                                                                            Credit Pulse
                                                                            In the first quarter of 2021 the number of businesses that
                                                                            required a change in their bank facilities over the previous
                                                                            three months had risen 2 percentage points from 31% to
                                                                            33%, when compared to the same period last year.

                                                                                 Percentage required change in bank
                                                                                 facilities in last 3 months

                           11                                                   40
                                                                                                                                           SOURCE: ISME

                                                67                               0
                                                                                        Q1 20     Q2 20     Q3 20     Q4 20      Q1 21

                        27                                                  The chart below shows the change in unsuccessful requests
                                                                            for a change in bank facilities in the previous 3 months,
                                                                            which increased from 19% in Q1 2020 to 35% in Q1 2021.

                                                                                                                                           SOURCE: ISME

        Leinster 67                Ulster/Connacht 11
        Munster 27                 Ulster 6
     SOURCE: DELOITTE                                                                   Q1 20     Q2 20     Q3 20     Q4 20      Q1 21
Fitzgerald Power is a leading financial
advisor to the Irish SME sector.
We provide accountancy, corporate
finance and taxation advice to businesses
across the country.
We’d love to hear from you so
please get in touch if you think
we can help.

Waterford         Dublin
Greyfriars        3013 Lake Drive
Waterford City    Citywest Campus
Waterford         Dublin 24

T: (0)51 870152   T: (0)1 6794772
F: (0)51 871214   F: (0)1 6794775
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