Case Study Iona Presentation College - Fuji Xerox

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Case Study Iona Presentation College - Fuji Xerox
Case Study Iona Presentation College                                                                              Education

  “I feel confident that I’m working with a capable
   team of people who are interested in partnering
   with our school to help us be the best at what we
   do. They are consistently bringing the capabilities of
   Fuji Xerox Australia to the fore and they understand
   the education space and what we need to do to stay
   ahead of our game.”
   Ian Anthony,
   Business Manager at Iona Presentation College

Iona Presentation College partners with Fuji Xerox Australia
for long-term, strategic document management
Founded in 1907, Iona Presentation        We’ve always been passionate about         Faced also with a disparate and ageing
College is today one of the leading       investing in the right technology          printing fleet, Ian saw that while existing
Catholic Colleges in Western Australia.   and we knew that Fuji Xerox Australia      printers, photocopiers and scanners were
Based in the leafy suburbs of Perth,      was the right partner to help us on        performing their basic functions, “They
the College attracts students from        our digital journey.”                      weren’t interconnected in any way”
across Western Australia and has a                                                   and teachers and staff were required
current population of 960, including      The Business Challenge                     to perform multiple steps when it came
60 boarders.                                                                         to scanning and archiving information.
                                          For Business Manager Ian Anthony,
As a Fuji Xerox Australia digital         the school’s long-term reliance on         The Solution — Becoming
printing customer since 2009, it was      paper-based processes and the storage
after an encounter with the bursar at                                                a business workflow leader
                                          systems required to maintain them had
an elite Perth boy’s school that Ian      become unsustainable. He explains,
Anthony, Business Manager for Iona                                                   Integrating with the College’s existing
                                          “Traditionally, we would put a pallet-
Presentation College became aware                                                    student administration system, the
                                          load of archive boxes into storage each
of Fuji Xerox Australia’s capabilities                                               document management solution,
                                          year. This covered everything from
in document management.                                                              DocuShare from Fuji Xerox Australia,
                                          student and family records to financial
                                          and creditor records. The sheer volume     has enabled Iona Presentation College
Soon after witnessing the solution        of these paper documents coupled           to easily digitise existing and historical
in action on the school’s Campus,         with the difficulty we were facing         files and reduce the reliance on physical
Ian approached Fuji Xerox Australia       in searching and maintaining them          documents. Ian explains, “Within only
to understand the value it could          efficiently signalled to me that it        a few months, we brought older records
provide to Iona Presentation College      was time to go digital.”                   on par with current student enrolments.”
in optimising document workflow
and digitising student records.           He continued, “With administration         For students enrolled from 2009
                                          staff in particular growing increasingly   onwards, Iona Presentation College
He explains, “Our goal was to partner     frustrated at having to manually sort      has now digitised 100 percent of their
with a vendor who could help us           through masses of documents, we            files. Those student family records are
achieve our long term plans in            realised there was a strong business       also around 50 percent complete in
document management and minimise          need for digitising student documents      the digitisation process, with creditor
our reliance on paper-based processes.    and records.”                              records also being transitioned.
Case Study Iona Presentation College - Fuji Xerox
“As with any new project,                 Benefit: Significant decrease            Benefit: Integration with
a small amount of                         in physical document storage             invoicing procedures
change management                         As a result of digitisation processes,   The DocuShare solution also integrates
was required, together                    Iona Presentation College’s physical     seamlessly with Iona Presentation College’s
with basic staff training                 documentation transported off            invoice procedures, saving an estimated
on the new devices.                       campus has also decreased from           one day a week in manual processes.
                                          a pallet- load to between two and        Now staff can scan invoices which are
However, once they                                                                 immediately converted into electronic
                                          three boxes annually.
were shown the ‘how’                                                               files and processed quickly for suppliers.
and they understood                       Ian stated, “Where we can, we are
the ‘why’ they are more                   scanning documents and uploading         Benefit: A connected,
content than ever with                    those directly to the system. The only   digital printing solution
                                          things we keep now are hard copy files
the solution. Staff are                   we are required to by law. There has     As part of Fuji Xerox Australia’s
seeing the efficiencies                   been a huge reduction in the volumes     recommendations for Iona Presentation
first-hand and how it’s                   of paper we store offsite and the        College, the school was able to halve the
                                          cost of this storage isn’t increasing    number of stand-alone laser and inkjet
made their jobs much                      as quickly as it was.”                   printers and consolidate their 55-strong fleet
easier”                                                                            down to 21 powerful, networked, multi-
                                                                                   function devices and production machines.
— Ian Anthony, Business                   Benefit: Instant retrieval
  Manager at Iona                         of student information
  Presentation College                                                             “After speaking with Fuji Xerox Australia,
                                                                                   what we ended up with was a much more
                                          With their current system, the process   networked and connected digital printing
“When you’re called on to retrieve        of retrieving information on students    solution where we had both production
information, particularly in relation     is now instant. In Ian’s own words,      machines and smaller multi-function
to students and their families, you       “We now have the ability to pull all     devices working together”, Ian explains.
want the process to be fast. I’m happy    relevant documents together instantly,
to say that today, matters are dealt      and we also have the peace of mind       With these new devices, staff can print
with more efficiently than ever and       that we haven’t missed anything          through to the cloud and scan directly to
that’s a direct benefit to our student,   and that the information there is        email, saving teachers from cumbersome
staff and parent population.”             accurate and up to date.”                communications processes.
Case Study Iona Presentation College - Fuji Xerox
“As the manual sorting                        Benefit: Email Integration                   who could continue to help us evolve and
                                                                                           who would work with us in improving the
of documents always fell                      Integrating with email communications,       way the school operates. The next step
on administration staff,                      the College’s document management            is looking to adopt Intelledox which will
they have been the most                       solution instantly captures all email        help us with information gathering that
                                              exchange that takes place between            has traditionally gone through paper
obvious beneficiaries                         parents and students on their registered     forms. That way, we can fully embrace
of this solution. Other                       contact email. Maintaining a high degree     the online experience.”
beneficiaries have been                       of security and compliance, the school
                                              is able to store critical data instantly
College leadership,                           and draw on it when required.                “Our decision to go
particularly the                                                                           with Fuji Xerox Australia
deputies and others”                          “Any email between a teacher and
                                                                                           was really driven by
                                              a parent is intercepted on the system
— Ian Anthony, Business                       by the DocuShare solution. That way,         efficiency and the need
  Manager at Iona
  Presentation College
                                              the school has an accurate record of         to effectively manage
                                              discussions between parents and
                                              teachers and a complete picture of what
                                                                                           large amounts of paper
Elaborating on the benefits to staff,         is going on in the life of the student.”     and documents. Now,
Ian outlined, “With Follow-Me printing,                                                    instead of having vast
staff can now print anywhere and retrieve     From here to electronic                      rooms of filing cabinets
work from any device across the Campus.       forms with Intelledox
From an administration perspective
                                                                                           and shipping archive
though, the ability to scan and store         As Ian explained, conversations are now      boxes to storage, we’re
documents electronically has been             under way with Iona Presentation College     able to easier locate
the most significant advantage for us.        to digitise and deploy Intelledox e-forms
Document retrieval and search is now
                                                                                           and use our information
                                              for processes such as leave applications
optimised and we’ve moved from a              and HR on-boarding. “We’re always            more effectively”
heavy print focus, to digital document        looking to move forward. That was            — Ian Anthony, Business
management.” Furthermore, with Fuji Xerox     important to us in selecting DocuShare         Manager at Iona
Australia’s remote service and support        from the outset and working with Fuji          Presentation College
offering, the hassle is taken away from IT    Xerox Australia. It wasn’t just a solution
and administration staff onsite to maintain   for an immediate need, we wanted to
the devices and their consumables.            ensure we were partnering with someone
Case Study Iona Presentation College - Fuji Xerox
While reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the information is correct at the time of printing, Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd is not liable for any inaccuracies in the information,
           in particular that savings targets and benefits achieved by one customer will necessarily be applicable to another. Fuji Xerox Australia would need to perform due diligence of the specific
           customer circumstances in order to determine the particular savings and benefits that may be achievable in that instance.

           Xerox, Xerox and Design, as well as Fuji Xerox and Design are
           registered trademarks or trademarks of Xerox Corporation in
           Japan and/or other countries and are used under license.
Case Study Iona Presentation College - Fuji Xerox
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