BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland

BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
MAY 2022

BREED FEATURE                     TRACKING DOG
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16   Level 1 Only Trial p29
DOG SHOWS                         SHOW AND TRIAL
In Review p30                     Gazette p35
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland

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TEAM 8323 QldDogsWorld
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland

 4 |	President’s Message
 6 |	Board Notes
 7 | National Registration Statistics
12 |	Dog Of The Year And Puppy Of The Year
     – Rules 2022/2023
14 |	ANZAC Day
     – Remembrance Dusk Service 2022
16 |	Breed Feature

       – Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
22 |	Social Media Update
23 |	Dogs Queensland Director Profiles
     – Gordon Mayne, Elisa McCutcheon
     and Ainslie Carius
26 | Dog Tales – Maggie, The Cairn Terrier
27 | Dog World Archives
29 | Tracking Dog
			 – Level 1 Only Trial

30 |	Dogs Queensland
       – Championship Show
32 |	Junior Kennel Club
       – Championship Show
35 |	Show And Trial Gazette
69 |	Affiliated Clubs And Services
73 |	Durack Vendors
74 |	Rates Guide

  Office Address                              Website
  247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland 4077

  Office Telephone                            Postal Address
  (07) 3252 2661                              PO Box 1136, Mt Ommaney, Queensland 4074

  Office Email                                ABN 45 160 285 192

                                                                      DOG WORLD May 2022   3
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
President’s Message

                                                  “     I  hope you and your families had a special
                                                           time over Easter. It was great seeing the
                                                  array of shows and dog sport events across the
                                                  State. The relaxation of Covid restrictions has
                                                  been welcome and it has been great to see more
                                                  interstate travel happening.
                                                  We are seeing a return to schedules showing more
                                                  interstate judges and that is great. However, it
                                                  is important that we continue to be vigilant as
                                                  individuals in taking care with our health and that
                                                  we continue to take sensible precautions.
                                                  These pandemic years have had many effects, but
                                                  one is the necessary introduction of more flexibility
                                                  in dealing with last minute developments impacting
                                                  on our events.
                                                  More recently we have of necessity seen interstate
                                                  and local judges changed within a day or two
                                                  of the event happening usually due to a Covid
                                                  diagnosis. Show and dog sport Secretaries are to
                                                  be commended on their management of these
                                                  challenges with at times numerous judges involved.
                                                  It’s a great voluntary service that these Secretaries
                                                  and other Executive members of clubs provide.
                                                  We are now moving into our “prime time” for the
    • Transcervical insemination with fresh,      next number of Autumn and Winter months for our
      chilled and frozen semen.                   dog shows and dog sports events throughout the
    • Semen collection and freezing.              State.
    • In-house progesterone testing - results     Agricultural Shows and related thoughts
      in 20 minutes.
                                                  I would like to make special mention of dog shows
    • Dog and bitch fertility assessment and
                                                  at our Agricultural Shows. Members may know that
      much more.
                                                  I am a great supporter of these shows. Of course
      Dr Scott Norman BVSc PhD DACT               these shows lead up to the “main event” being the
Registered specialist - veterinary reproduction   Ekka, where we have the opportunity to showcase
                                                  our breeds over a 9 day period and engage with the
       Dr Jennifer Larsen BVBiol BVSc
                                                  public. Entries have just opened for the Ekka and I
Ph (07) 3204 4332                                 hope members will hugely support this event after
                                                  its pandemic postponement the last 2 years.
     1474 Anzac Ave Kallangur 4503
                                                  I love the opportunity the dog shows at Agricultural

4     DOG WORLD May 2022
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
Shows provide for members to engage with the
public about our wonderful breeds and provide
information about our dog world and the many
opportunities and dog sports events provided for
individuals, couples and families and their dogs. We
are all ambassadors for our dog world and it is so
important to continue to get our messages out there
to the media and to the community.
On that front, Dogs Queensland has been working
closely with Dogs Australia in developing useful
videos communicating good information in a
number of key areas. I encourage members to look
at these videos and use them as a resource when
dealing with interested members of the public.
On the breed front, we have a super line up of
7 videos – one for each breed group – giving an
overview of the breeds. Here are the links for these
Gundogs: https://vimeo.
Hounds:         David Margan, Ian Rasmussen and those in the
                                                       Dogs Queensland office and the members who
Working Dogs:             participated with their dogs for the huge effort in
f5f654dff0                                             making these great resources happen.
                                                       Going back to the Agricultural Shows, I remember
Non Sporting: https://vimeo.                           being told a few years back that South Australia
com/664011563/0e98766ac8                               had no dog shows anymore at their Agricultural
                                                       Shows – apart from their Royal Show. I thought
They are also a wonderful resource to help
                                                       that was so sad. Let’s not let that happen here. Our
prospective puppy buyers in the selection of a
                                                       dog shows at Agricultural Shows are run by our
puppy and a great overview of breeds for members
                                                       member volunteers. If you have a nearby Ag Show
                                                       why not contact the person running the show to
In addition, there are informative interviews about    see if you can assist in some way? It would be most
a range of subject matter areas with Dr Karen          appreciated.
Hedberg, Mr Hugh Gent and myself. Links to these
                                                       Board Matters
interviews are:
                                                       At our last Board meeting we had a full complement
Dr Karen Hedberg:         of 12 directors and we welcomed Elisa McCutcheon,
                                                       Gordon Mayne and Ainslie Carius on board. The
Mr Hugh Gent:
                                                       balance of 2022 will be busy but I am confident

Mrs Ulla Greenwood:          that this refreshed Board will be sponsoring some
n0Y                                                    current and good new initiatives.
I would like to thank the media team at Dogs           Ulla Greenwood,
Australia as well as our Media Consultant, Mr          President Dogs Queensland

                                                                                     DOG WORLD May 2022      5
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
Board Notes – May 2022
FCI ASIA, AFRICA AND OCEANIA SECTION (A20)                  BIS1 (Best in Show 1) at an A20CS. At least THREE of the
DOG SHOW                                                    twelve A20CS CAC’s must be won in different States of
All Breeds Clubs are invited to apply to hold FCI Asia,     Australia.
Africa and Oceania Section (A2O) Dog Show using the         Awarding of A20CS CAC’s
following form. Please send to Rob Harrison (rob@           The A20CS CAC’s are awarded to the Best Dog and Best at the Dogs Queensland Office        Bitch OR Dog CAC and Bitch CAC at a Championship
in the first instance who will forward it to ANKC to seek   Show. The Show does not have to be a CACIB/
approval.                                                   lnternational Show and the awarding of the A20CS
Dog Show Application Form                                   CAC’s follow the ANKC Rules with the regards to the
                                                            awarding of the Best Dog and Best Bitch OR Dog CAC
Many FCI countries around the world award ‘Regional         and Bitch CAC.
Titles’, for example in the FCI Americas Section there
are regional titles such as Pan American Champion and       EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO CONDUCT CACIB
Latin America Champion.                                     SHOWS
                                                            In accordance with the FCI Regulation that applications
The regional Australian FCI title is the Asia, Africa and   to have a CACIB International Dog Show sanctioned
Oceania Champion, in the short form FCI A20 Champion        by the FCI must be sent to the General Secretariat of
(FCI A20 Ch.), which came into effect 17 June 2019.         the FCI latest 12 months before the show or earliest
Due to the structure of the ANKC and the way individual     four calendar years before the show, it is essential
State Bodies manage and run their own affairs,              we address applications for the next round of shows,
dispensation is given to Australian exhibitors to qualify   especially for those Member Bodies who have already
for FCI A20 Section titles in that A20 CAC’s won in         conducted them.
different countries be replaced with Individual States      Expressions of interest are sought from all Member
counting as different countries.                            Bodies to conduct CACIB Shows during the period of
                                                            2026-2030. Please ensure submissions include full
Requirements to attain Asia, Africa and Oceania
                                                            details of the proposed show in terms of name of
Champion Titles in Australia:
                                                            organiser, date, location, website (if applicable) and
To obtain the title of Asia, Africa and Oceania Champion:
                                                            the official name of the event. A CACIB Show will not
A dog/ bitch who is already an Australian Champion or
                                                            be approved if the proposed date clashes with a major
Champion of an FCI member country, must win FOUR
                                                            show in another State or Territory.
A20CS CAC’s dog/bitch at any FCI A20 Championship
Show (A20CS) organised by any of the ANKC State             All expressions of interest will be circulated prior to the
bodies or approved Clubs within the State.                  June 2022 Board meeting for discussion and approval.
To obtain the title of Asia, Africa and Oceania Grand       If any Queensland Club wishes to lodge an EOI, please
Champion:                                                   forward to Rob Harrison (
A dog/bitch who is already an Australian Champion or        au) at Dogs Queensland in the first instance no later
Champion of an FCI member country, must win EIGHT           than COB Wednesday, 15 June 2022.
A20CS CAC’s dog/ bitch at any FCI A20 Championship
Show (A20CS) organised by any of the ANKC State             NATIONAL SHOW/RESTRICTED TRIAL – GERMAN
bodies or approved Clubs within the State. At least TWO
                                                            SHEPHERD DOG LEAGUE NSW INC: CHANGE OF
of the Eight A20CS CAC must be won in different States
of Australia.                                               Dogs Australia has advised Dogs Queensland of a
                                                            change of venue for the National Show/Restricted
To obtain the title of Asia, Africa and Oceania Supreme     Obedience Trial to be held by the German Shepherd
Champion:                                                   Dog League NSW Inc on 3 to 5 June 2022. It will
A dog/bitch who is already an Australian Champion or        now take place at the Hawkesbury Showgrounds,
Champion of an FCI member country, must win TWELVE          Racecourse Road, Clarendon, New South Wales
A20CS CAC’s dog/bitch at any FCI A20 Championship           instead of Dogs NSW Showgrounds at Orchard Hills as
Show (A20CS) organised by any of the ANKC State             the grounds are currently unsuitable due to ongoing
bodies or approved Clubs within the State PLUS win a        weather conditions.

  6    DOG WORLD May 2022
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
FCI PODCAST: THE PERSONALITY AND                                 Dogs, so this
CHARACTER OF DOGS                                                series of the
Dogs are the most divert species. Not only in                    FCI Podcast
conformation but in behaviour as well.                           Channel titled
                                                                 “Inside the FCI”
They can complete various tasks due to their various             aims to shed
skills.                                                          light and dispel
The more we know about dogs, the more often we use               assumptions about this international organisation that
human-like terms related to their behaviour.                     stands For Pedigree Dogs Worldwide!
•   Can we talk about ‘personality’ in dogs?                     Comprising ninety-eight member countries globally, the
•   What are ‘skills’, and how do they contribute to             FCI is the largest global organisation for Pedigree Dogs
    functions completed by dogs?                                 covering almost every area of interest with dogs from
•   How predictable is the behaviour of breeds or breed          conformation dog shows to dog sports and hunting
    groups?                                                      trials. But to keep such a large organisation working
                                                                 effectively will take a mountain of people to be involved
Ádám Miklósi,                                                    in each area of specialist interest. In the FCI, these
the Head of                                                      committees or groups are known as FCI Commissions.
the Ethology                                                     They comprise of volunteers from that particular area
Department                                                       or expertise or field who dedicate their time and efforts
of the Eötvös                                                    to ensuring that their respective areas of interest
Lóránd                                                           are served with the sole aim being for the benefit of
University                                                       pedigree dogs.
(ELTE) in Budapest, gives a thorough insight into the
personality and character of dogs.              In this episode, Gopi Krishnan speaks with José
                          NATIONAL ANIMAL REGISTRATION        President of the FCI Utility Dogs                        Commission. In this interview, we get to hear their
watch?v=h0N0sbmZmIA&ab_channel=FCIforYOUtube    aims and visions for this FCI commission for those with
FCI PODCAST: INSIDE THE FCI: THE FCI            working dogs and interested in this area of pedigree
COMMISSION FOR RESCUE DOGS                      dogs.
There has always been a fair amount of assumptions     
made about the largest global organisation for Pedigree          Ow0&ab_channel=FCIforYOUtube

GROUP 1 TOYS                        2010    2011   2012   2013    2014    2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020     2021

Affenpinscher                          17     33     28     51       30     27     25     32     42     31     27       27
Australian Silky Terrier              273    277    253    237      199    202    134    197    180    157    146      136
Bichon Frise                          445    412    445    366      471    465    465    420    376    363    301      493
Bolognese                               0      0      0      0        0      0      0      0      0      0      1        1
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel        2942   2794   2655   2531     2615   2439   2555   2491   2417   2170   2360     2551
Chihuahua (Long)                      690    697    581    565      563    545    520    619    547    512    526      653
Chihuahua (Smooth)                    778    812    724    713      735    789    771    734    704    729    676      748
Chinese Crested Dog                   286    248    266    216      221    234    207    197    213    161    196      179
Coton De Tulear                         0      0      0      0        0      0      2      8     12     22     28       52
English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan)      72     61     54     92       58     63     75     65     50     50     45       65
Griffon Bruxellois                    199    149    166    195      126    166    209    137    243    233    257      223
Havanese                              158    197    263    320      340    375    415    374    397    457    494      535
Italian Greyhound                     400    377    342    354      530    521    486    607    624    616    670      795
Japanese Chin                          66     43     55     61       45     50     53     40     45     57     53       17
King Charles Spaniel                   29     11     27     29       24     47     25     33      9     36     34       23
Lowchen                                53     44     67     84       76     59     60     67     67     66     65       56
Maltese                               315    299    305    296      234    196    185    243    215    194    203      232
Miniature Pinscher                    209    217    179    227      211    230    195    204    211    195    208      188
Papillon                              420    415    388    366      386    387    420    402    372    341    314      322
Pekingese                             186    161    153    172      196    160    173    124    161    110    170      158
Pomeranian                            561    506    468    410      428    470    471    490    465    504    553      498
Pug                                  1495   1338   1356   1319     1311   1428   1378   1506   1324   1222    978     1055
Russian Toy (Smooth Haired)             0      0      3     23       37     22     32     15     20     16     39       34
Russian Toy (Long Haired)               0      0      0      0        0      0      0      0     33     50     31       94
Tibetan Spaniel                       303    210    261    194      220    226    183    171    195    183    167      173
Yorkshire Terrier                     237    253    168    234      188    201    227    208    211    225    206      231

TOTAL                               10134   9554   9207   9055     9244   9302   9266   9384   9133   8700   8748     9539

                                                                                                 DOG WORLD May 2022   7
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
GROUP 2         TERRIERS         2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021

Airedale Terrier                   269     203   214   235   308   281    292              328     323     364     242     360
American Hairless Terrier            0       0     0     0     0     0      0                4       1       5       0      10
American Staffordshire Terrier    1625    2015  1786  2337  2112  2194   1793             1746    1779    1484    1633    1735
Australian Terrier                 272     247   308   277   396   290    302              311     332     276     414     341
Bedlington Terrier                  52      48    36    27    31    50     35               40      55      48      45      53
Border Terrier                     217     175   196   200   219   191    237              158     181     193     182     216
Bull Terrier                       977    1065  1134   990  1127  1039   1027              922     890     703     569     684
Bull Terrier (Miniature)           314     280   351   334   423   363    387              339     421     405     368     407
Cairn Terrier                      380     273   316   270   308   227    232              219     222     274     258     281
Cesky Terrier                        4       5     6     0     0     0      7                5       0       5       0       8
Dandie Dinmont Terrier              13      14    13    13    10     8      2               15       6       7      16      12
Fox Terrier (Smooth)               264     251   240   276   289   259    267              275     229     260     217     218
Fox Terrier (Wire)                  67      43    44    50    46    47     65               53      52      43      78      46
German Hunting Terrier              12      15    27    24    29    22     26               12      31       0      16       0
Glen of Imaal Terrier                0       2     6     3     2     9      7                8       5       0       0       6
Irish Terrier                       77      75    84    67   104   118     92               42     107      87      72     122
Jack Russell Terrier               917     837   903   848   777   756    810              837     787     831     849     874
Kerry Blue Terrier                   6      50    34    25    44    51     28               40      25      36      28      39
Lakeland Terrier                    57      50    78    56    77    58     54               61      61      50      55      40
Manchester Terrier                  56      26    42    15    52    34     43               44      24      22      21      64
Norfolk Terrier                     17      15    16     7     4    12     19               16      13      10      22      21
Norwich Terrier                     23      24    20     6    21    15     15               18      12      13      19      14
Parson Russell Terrier              14      23    24    22    47    24     27               30      25      35      24      50
Scottish Terrier                   159     127   139   170   147   213    178              221     188     178     220     223
Sealyham Terrier                    17      20    10    10     4     9     13                7      13      15      11      20
Skye Terrier                        21       8    27    14    14    21      7               25      31      21      20      14
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier         82      70    93    90   115    94    107              114     147     130     154     161
Staffordshire Bull Terrier        4695    4483  4639  4539  4835  4869   4873             4356    4401    4216    4515    5022
Tenterfield Terrier                262     265   233   278   329   350    355              368     511     443     505     615
Welsh Terrier                        9
                                                        13    32
                                                                    21     45               40      26      51      39      23
West Highland White Terrier        892     916   811   816   947   814    918              849     935     979     934    1064
TOTAL                            11770   11670   11864   12012   12849   12439   12263   11503   11833   11184   11526   12743

GROUP 3 GUNDOGS                  2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021

Bracco Italiano                      0       3       0       8       1      18       6      23       9      25      24      22
                                                                                                                                 Page 2
Brittany                            85     128     120     176     134     162     147     144     170     164     197     217
Chesapeake Bay Retriever            44       9      45      15      43      35      50      23      55      43      57      63
Clumber Spaniel                     37      16      13      42      34      18      23      21      21      30      24      23
Cocker Spaniel                    1489    1269    1406    1364    1561    1358    1558    1503    1439    1520    1649    1727
Cocker Spaniel (American)          115      97      56      94      70      93      85      80      81      86      89      68
Curly Coated Retriever             101     128      87      89     101     108     111     109      97     126      66      84
English Setter                      52      32      56      56      55      66      69      50      91      70      93      67
English Springer Spaniel           382     391     384     542     516     479     475     438     483     377     518     551
Field Spaniel                       19       9      20       7      20      24      18      30      23      40       2      24
Flat Coated Retriever              113     106      96      86      70      82      79      49      81      94      77      76
German Shorthaired Pointer         738     698     661     746     801     848     930     812    1030     878     995    1393
German Wirehaired Pointer           53      98      48     115      94      75      90     107     119      94      90      82
Golden Retriever                  2680    2553    2876    2837    2925    2836    2955    3150    3028    3199    3836    4422
Gordon Setter                       55      42     101      55      36      67      18      49      34      81      10      36
Hungarian Vizsla                   428     498     522     455     570     594     674     597     594     645     677     816
Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla         18      20      15       8       0       9       6       8       3      35      26      72
Irish Red & White Setter             9      12      10       6      28      26       7      19      22       6      15       9
Irish Setter                       198     175     191     147     151     152     140     183     140     158     182     211
Irish Water Spaniel                  8      12       8       3       1      10      26       4      13       7      14      24
Italian Spinone                      0       1       8       1       1       1      20       1       9       5      14       7
Labrador Retriever                4338    4419    4711    4881    5244    5116    5173    5330    5643    5239    5722    6479
Lagotto Romagnolo                  148     201     260     302     311     296     453     325     401     438     406     476
Large Munsterlander                 16       9      18       1      21      12      12      12      12      16      13      31
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Ret.       81      78      65      79      93      88      86      98      90     128     117     162
Pointer                            246     204     242     205     201     168     111     137     128     105     159     170
Spanish Water Dog                    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       2      22       8      40
Sussex Spaniel                       6       7       3       0       0       0       6       1       0       0       3       1
Weimaraner                         564     503     475     540     440     471     379     426     512     409     347     495
Weimaraner (Longhair)               22      11      40      38      36      34      14      53      30      21      38      40
Welsh Springer Spaniel              81      73      89      71     110      93     115      68      95      84      48      79
Wirehaired Slovakian Pointer         0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       9       0

TOTAL                            12126   11802   12626   12969   13668   13339   13836   13850   14455   14145   15525   17967

                                                                                                                                 Page 3

    8     DOG WORLD May 2022
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
GROUP 4 HOUNDS                      2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020     2021

Afghan Hound                          77     60     98     93     98     92     54     37     82     73     66       46
Australian Dingo                       0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Azawakh                                0      0      2      8      7      9      6     11      1      7      6        7
Basenji                              142    144    101    118    104    117     75    124     90     95    138      133
Basset Fauve de Bretagne               4      4     14     25     15     25     43     31     35     13     39       53
Basset Hound                         220    220    163    215    183    139    142    210    187    122    190      155
Beagle                               819    800    689    746    682    583    594    613    600    535    630      564
Black and Tan Coonhound                0      0      0      0      0     13      0      0      1      0      2        0
Bloodhound                            33     29      5     22     44      8     19     16     10     13      0        8
Bluetick Coonhound                     0      0      0      0      0      0      1      0      0      0      4        9
Borzoi                                79     92     57     49     89     67     31     36     67     48     53       87
Cirneco Dell'Etna                      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      5        0
Dachshund (Long)                      62     64     47     67     65     61     65     69     60    107     72       74
Dachshund (Min. Long)                335    337    272    279    318    298    317    345    353    344    301      396
Dachshund (Smooth)                   153    122    177    131    132    155    189    189    187    156    189      217
Dachshund (Min. Smooth)              629    671    631    708    600    743    768    805    781    804    789      871
Dachshund (Wire)                      12      6      8     27     38     14     12     33     16     29     28       41
Dachshund (Min. Wire)                 67     72     50     81     55     57     59     46     56     34     42       31
Dachshund Kaninchen (Long)             0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Dachshund Kaninchen (Min. Long)        0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Dachshund Kaninchen (Smooth)           0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      2        0
Dachshund Kaninchen (Min. Smooth)      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Dachshund Kaninchen (Wire)             0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Dachshund Kaninchen (Min. Wire)        0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Deerhound                             60     58     58     57     55     31     43     27     47     72     44       30
Finnish Spitz                          4      8      0      7     10      0      2      4      3      0      7        2
Foxhound                              25     53     17      4     13     16     11      9     21     26     21       23
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen           2     14      8     23     26      6     11      6      7     26     10       10
Greyhound                             50     16      2     20     37     12     16      8     32     37     20       70
Hamiltonstovare                        0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Harrier                               12     11     29     12     20     18     26     27     17      4     10       27
Ibizan Hound                           8      0      0      0     17      3      0      0      2      1      0        0
Irish Wolfhound                       99    103     94    111     53    103     80     69     42     47     93       97
Norwegian Elkhound                    51     34     39     21     58     23     37     19     23     48     16       34
Otterhound                             0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen          39     28     21     45     20     30     30     42     17     28     27       44
Pharaoh Hound                         57     32      5     17     26     12     15     14     27     26      7       40
Portuguese Podengo (Small)             0      7      3      7      3     16     18     18      7     19     25       18
Portuguese Podengo (Medium)            0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Portuguese Podengo (Large)             0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0        0
Rhodesian Ridgeback                  885    795    842    904    741    795    623    723    791    654    818      889
Saluki                                74     48     66     39     69     50     74     57     45     30     57       47
Sloughi                                0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      0        1
Whippet                              654    691    635    738    767    711    755    749    754    687    904      868

TOTAL                               4652   4519   4133   4574   4345   4207   4116   4337   4361   4086   4615     4892

                                                                                              DOG WORLD May 2022   9
BREED FEATURE Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier p16 - TRACKING DOG - Dogs Queensland
GROUP 5       WORKING DOGS          2010      2011      2012     2013    2014    2015    2016     2017     2018      2019    2020    2021

Australian Cattle Dog               1133  1088           1122  1119  1221 1012   1062   988                  998      899    1006      996
Australian Kelpie                    196   207            201   235   190  182    185   193                  196      186     180      194
Australian Shepherd                  493   516            648   738   713  933    832   833                 1132     1161    1276     1393
Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog    132    97             84    76    97  102     78    86                   48       71      70      119
Bearded Collie                        79    43             65    58    25   71     47    25                   63       53      54       57
Beauceron (Berger de Beauce)           0     0              0     0     0    0      0     0                    0        0       1        0
Belgian Shepherd (Groen)              84    76             48    70    80   61     71    70                   34       86      62      121
Belgian Shepherd (Laek)                4     9              7    20     5    6      7     6                    1       10      11       11
Belgian Shepherd (Malin)              70   127             81   122    91  109    134   151                  163      199     228      198
Belgian Shepherd (Tervn.)             81    71             20    81    44   71     99   103                   78       36      86      113
Bergamasco Shepherd Dog                0     0              1     0     1    8      3     2                    4       10       9       10
Border Collie                       2125  2302           2547  2837  2697 2889   2973  3037                 2458     2855    2825     3108
Bouvier des Flandres                  15    23             13    12    16    6     38    18                   19        7      10       25
Briard                                22    13             49    20    46   33     45    19                   55       30      37       65
Collie (Rough)                       417   366            370   373   386  340    290   321                  362      307     307      348
Collie (Smooth)                       53    67             80    48    38   63     36    33                   27       27      38       57
Dutch Shepherd                         3     0             40     0     9    0      7     0                    9        4       6        5
Finnish Lapphund                      97    59             96    93   153   81    192   151                  184      212     191      258
German Shepherd Dog                 3932  3877           3723  3645  3584 3668   3438  3296                 3107     2768    3279     3755
German Shepherd Dog (LSC)              0     0            285   416   480  548    646   706                  566      709     682      810
Icelandic Sheepdog                     0     0              0     0     0    0      0     0                    1        1       0        0
Komondor                               0     0              0     0     1    0      0     0                    0        0       0        0
Kuvasz                                 0     0              0     0     0    0      0     1                    0        0       0        0
Maremma Sheepdog                     135   119            157   146   188  153    208   162                  145      166     196      124
Norwegian Buhund                       0     0              0     0     0    0      1     7                    7        0       1        1
Old English Sheepdog                 118    92             90   104   103   90     64    65                   64       80      94       66
Polish Lowland Sheepdog                2     2              7    10     7    6      7    14                    0       10       0        4
Puli                                  57    13             64    16    48   44     25    21                   37       44      13       28
Pumi                                   0     0              0     0     0    0      1     1                    0        8       0        2
Pyrenean Sheepdog Longhaired           0     0              0     0     0    0      0     0                    0        1       5        0
Shetland Sheepdog                    733   678            582   710   679  649    623   624                  561      566     566      609
Swedish Lapphund                       0     0              0     1     6    0      0     0                    0        0       0        0
Swedish Vallhund                      31    25             27    35    28   26     14    41                   28       26      69       71
Tatra Shepherd Dog                    NATIONAL
                                       0     0          ANIMAL
                                                            0   REGISTRATION
                                                                  1     7    0 ANALYSIS
                                                                                    0     0                    0        0       0        0
Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)               100    90            117    85   110  102     69   106                  132      123     106      213
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)               391   305            417   336   444  418    408   493                  435      578     659      828
White Swiss Shepherd Dog               5    11             23 2010-2021
                                                                 55    62   91    131   115                  189      267     255      352

TOTAL                               10508     10276     10964    11462   11559   11762   11734    11688    11103    11500    12322   13941

GROUP 6 UTILITY                       2010      2011     2012     2013   2014    2015    2016    2017     2018     2019     2020     2021

Akita                                   206       178      130     185     158    127     166     104       91       55       96       81
Akita (Japanese)                          0         0        0      21      15     37      47      78       64      121       68       63
Alaskan Malamute                        293       302      265     248     298    224     207     166      188      169      183      265
Anatolian Shepherd Dog                   37        24       39      28      57     49      59      43       23       27       24       55
Bernese Mountain Dog                    338       338      320     426     343    525     397     481      416      575      476      357
Boxer                                  1269      1104     1165    1183    1090   1116     990    1048     1081      938     1001     1057
Bullmastiff                             623       684      503     700     540    687     458     384      388      270      382      357
Canadian Eskimo Dog                       0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        0        0        0        0
Cane Corso                               85       105      124     165     148    254     272     291      239      240      371      377
Caucasian Shepherd Dog                    0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        0        0        0        0
Central Asian Shepherd Dog               13        12        1      12       4      0      31      15       25       14        7       21
Dobermann                               644       757      648     603     880    687     573     686      622      502      582      696
Dogue de Bordeaux                       628       491      524     579     480    544     358     355      343      243      275      315
Estrela Mountain Dog                      0         0        0       0       0      0       0       1        0        7        1        0
German Pinscher                          30        30       24      12      49     33      27      54       60       24       60       62
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog                0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        0        0        0        1
Kangal Shepherd Dog                      25         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        3       20       22        8
Landseer ECT                              0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        1        0        3        5
Leonberger                               12        11       14      11      60     33      40      33       26       34        5       24
Mastiff                                 191       127      152     116     132     82      80      54       99       90       81      111
Neapolitan Mastiff                      186       133      141     154      89     47      73      81      110       60       51       67
Newfoundland                            226       151      135     188     172    158     184     174      190      180      165      173
Portugese Water Dog                      90       128      102     101     104     70     134      64       94       79      106      112
Pyrenean Mastiff                          0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        0        0        0        0
Pyrenean Mountain Dog                    52        47       40      53      51     33      19      19       43       13       40       51
Rottweiler                             1435      1383     1434    1500    1529   1716    1722    1712     1767     1780     1852     2182
Russian Black Terrier                     6        32       24      36      43     26      36      46       31       30       28       30
Samoyed                                 413       300      316     344     411    372     421     296      395      324      440      364
Schnauzer                               130       177      131     150     170    144     159     154      167      131      107      195
Schnauzer (Miniature)                  1269      1145     1069    1168    1186   1509    1765    1678     1554     1594     1638     1807
Schnauzer (Giant)                        31        17       26      30      44     21      21      26       12       32        8       57
Shiba Inu                               141       160      124     135     111    162     131     184      139      158      173      181
Siberian Husky                          559       473      487     542     500    592     556     553      434      400      440      502
Spanish Mastiff                           0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        0        0        0        0
St Bernard                              186       193      223     164     173    251     162     195      221      124      174      209
Tibetan Mastiff                          52        43       79      77      72    155      74      36       78       78       30       37
Tornjak                                   0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        0        0        7        0
Yakutian Laika                            0         0        0       0       0      0       0       0        0        0       15        5

TOTAL                                  9170      8545     8240    8931    8909   9654    9162    9011     8904     8312     8911     9827

   10     DOG WORLD May 2022
GROUP 7 NON SPORTING              2010     2011     2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017     2018     2019     2020     2021

Boston Terrier                      222      167      297      331      358      440      450      415      465      399      429      457
British Bulldog                     916      972      938     1119     1109     1504     1595     1499     1381     1134      810     1085
Canaan Dog                            0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
Chow Chow                           143      100      139      206      212      194      214      238      242      241      247      241
Dalmatian                           618      534      620      614      660      696      611      640      707      605      658      975
Eurasier                              0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1        0        0
French Bulldog                      918     1086     1175     1542     2166     2896     4122     4082     3095     3131     2669     2615
German Spitz (Klein)                  9        8        4        2        6        5        5        8       11       19        2       21
German Spitz (Mittel)                57       60       68       84      103       79      102      151      126       86      105      109
Great Dane                          923      899      801      824      890      683      692      617      597      551      590      544
Japanese Spitz                      344      319      267      264      230      193      147      241      184      184      366      274
Karelian Bear Dog                     0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0       16        0        1
Keeshond                            120      122      101      145      116      101      156       94      141      150      126      175
Llasa Apso                          222      152      129      163      158      124      135      107       75      120      138      120
Peruvian Hairless Dog (Large)         0        0        0        1        9        1        1       19       18       14       14       23
Peruvian Hairless Dog (Medium)        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        7        6        6
Peruvian Hairless Dog (Small)         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        2        3
Poodle (Standard)                   501      255      383      309      421      330      394      406      423      344      462      489
Poodle (Miniature)                  364      370      373      295      383      396      407      392      325      387      370      605
Poodle (Toy)                       1352     1199     1157     1120     1151     1093     1155     1168     1093     1131     1259     1258
Schipperke                          128      125       72       69       87       88       71       82       66       77       83      112
Shar Pei                            373      302      239      306      223      175      193      166      194      143      151       95
Shih Tzu                            387      378      363      445      358      373      315      345      335      246      294      353
Tibetan Terrier                      81       50       64       61       56       43       46       51       49       59       49       71
Xoloitzcuintle (Miniature)            0        0        0        0        3        4        4       14        3       14       26       14
Xoloitzcuintle (Intermediate)         0        0        0        0        0        0        1        1        0        1        1        4
Xoloitzcuintle (Standard)             2        1        0        1        1        9        6       15       16       12       29       21

TOTAL                              7680     7099     7190     7901     8700     9427    10822    10751     9546     9072     8886     9671

GRAND TOTAL                      66,040   63,465   64,224   66,904   69,274   70,130   71,199   70,524   69,335   66,999   70,533   78,580

                                                                                                            DOG WORLD May 2022       11
           RULES 2022/2023

RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF                                      Competition and exhibitors acknowledge
QUEENSLAND DOG AND PUPPY OF THE                               that, by entering this Competition, they agree
                                                              to be bound by the Rules and they further agree
                                                              to indemnify Dogs Queensland against all
GENERAL RULES                                                 claims arising from any actions associated with
                                                              this Competition.
1. The Queensland Dog and Puppy of the Year
   Competitions will be sponsored, promoted and            ELIGIBILITY TO COMPETE
   run by Dogs Queensland, commencing on Friday            Dog of the Year
   1 July 2022 and ending on Friday, 30 June 2023.
                                                           In order to qualify for Dog of the Year, the exhibit
2. The Puppy and Dog of the Year Final will be             must reside in the State from the time that the
   judged on the weekend of 14, 15 and 16 July             exhibit’s first result is entered into the Competition
   2023.                                                   and must remain resident in the State until the
                                                           Competition date.
3. In the event that a cash prize is awarded for
   either Competition, the prize will be awarded           The exhibit must be registered to a Queensland
   in the name of the Queensland resident owner/s          member either solely or in partnership during
   of the winning exhibit. Where an exhibit is held        this period (General Rules 3). (To reside means to
   in joint ownership with a current financial             physically live at the address on the Certificate of
   member of the ANKC, that member must be                 Registration. The term ‘exhibitor’ means owner/s, as
   financial as of 1 July 2022 up to and including         recorded on the Certificate of Registration.)
   16 July 2023.
                                                           Puppy of the Year
4. Finalists in both competitions will receive a           In order to quality for Puppy of the Year, the exhibit
   memento from the Dog of the Year Committee.             is to remain in residence in Queensland from the
                                                           time that the exhibit’s first result is entered into the
5. Catalogues for the Competitions will be
                                                           Competition and must remain resident in the State
   available for a fee.
                                                           until the Competition date.
6. For cataloging purposes, the following is
                                                           The puppy must be registered to a Queensland
   required of all Finalists: i) a high resolution
                                                           member either solely or in partnership during this
   photo (head study only); and ii) a photocopy of
                                                           period. (General Rules 3).
   the exhibits’ registration.
                                                           INELIGIBILITY TO COMPETE
7. The Committee is authorised to take steps to
   verify the eligibility of Competition finalists.        All Dog of the Year Committee Members and
   Should an exhibitor or exhibit not meet all             any other individual closely involved with the
   the specific criteria for eligibility, the exhibit in   Competition or closely associated with persons
   question will not be permitted to compete in the        involved with the Competition shall be excluded
   Competition Finals.                                     from entering at the discretion of the Dog of the
                                                           Year Committee.
8. The Dog of the Year Committee reserves the
   right to alter any Competition rules should it be       The decision if any person and/or exhibit should
   deemed necessary.                                       be excluded is to be decided upon the facts of each
                                                           case with the final arbiter being the Dog of the Year
9. The Dogs Queensland Board of Directors is the           Committee.
   final arbiter of disputed issues in respect to this

  12   DOG WORLD May 2022
The following eligibility requirements must be               or location) being given equal point allocations.
adhered to:
                                                           4. At the end of the Competition Year, the ‘Top 10’
General                                                       adults in each group (1 to 7) will qualify for
(a).  If an entrant is transferred during the                 the Dog of the Year Competition (there will be 70
		    Competition period, its results remain                  entrants in total).
		    valid if the ownership of the dog remains            5. At the end of the Competition Year, the ‘Top 10’
		    valid and providing the exhibit continues to            Puppies in each group (1 to 7) will qualify for
		    reside in Queensland.                                   the Puppy of the Year Competition (there will be
(b).   Any exhibit leased/transferred out of                  70 puppies in total).
		     Queensland during the Competition period,           6. For the Dog of the Year Competition, the
		     or any exhibitor who moves Interstate                  following points will be allocated at any All
		     or Overseas during the Competition period,             Breeds, Group Specialty or Breed Specialty
		     automatically loses all entitlements to                Show:
		     compete in Competition.
                                                             Best in Show: 100 points.
		     (i) All fees paid by an Exhibitor to enter
                                                             Reserve in Show: 75 points.
		         in the Competition (including fees paid
		         by an Exhibitor who falls under General           Best in Group: 50 points.
		         Rules (b)), will not be refunded.                 Reserve in Group: 30 points.
                                                             Best of Breed: 10 points.
(c).   Any exhibitor who transfers to Queensland,
		     permanently, from another Country / State           7. For the Puppy of the Year Competition, the
		     will be eligible to compete:                           following points will be allocated at any All
                                                              Breeds, Group Specialty or Breed Specialty
		     (i) providing they hold current membership
		         of Dogs Queensland:
                                                             Best Minor or Puppy in Show: 50 points.
		        a) at their permanent Queensland
		           address; and                                    Best Minor or Puppy in Group: 20 points.
                                                             Best Minor or Puppy of Breed: 5 points.
		        b) for the eligibility period (Refer to
		           General Rules 1)                              Note: The Dog of the Year Committee reserves all
                                                           rights to include or exclude an exhibit which they
		     (ii) providing the exhibit is transferred           feel does or does not meet any of the criteria listed
		         to that Queensland address and resides          within these Rules. The Dog and Puppy of the Year
		         there, referred to in (1) for the majority of   Events will be run in accordance with the rules and
		         the eligibility period.                         regulations of Dogs Queensland. However, given
QUALIFICATION FOR ENTRY AS A FINALIST                      the contrasting nature of the event to that of a
                                                           normal Conformation Show, the rules can be subject
1. The Dog of the Year and Puppy of the Year
                                                           to change in exceptional circumstances, at the
   Competitions will be based on a points score
                                                           Committee’s discretion.
   system, administered by Show Manager.
2. To enter the points score, Exhibitors will elect to
   pay a 50c entry fee, per exhibit, per show. In
   order for a result to be valid, the fee must be
   paid upon entry. If the fee is not paid upon
   entry, the result will be invalid and will not be
   counted towards the points score.
3. The points score will be run as a State wide
   Competition, with all Shows (regardless of size

                                                                                        DOG WORLD May 2022    13
ANZAC Day Dusk Remembrance Service 2022
– Words and Images: David Margan
Despite rain and the threat of inclement weather         audience were just glad it wasn’t me trying to play
our Anzac Day service was, as usual, well attended.      that difficult instrument.
The worshippers gathered under gazebos around            As Federal MP for Oxley Milton Dick said he attends
our war dog memorial guarded by young navy               eight Anzac Day events on the day, but this event
cadets clad in white.                                    was his favourite.
General Manager of Dogs Queensland, Rob                  I spoke to three old diggers, their chest
Harrison read Psalm 23 in measured tones.                emblazoned with medals of service, who’d also
                                                         attended a few events on the day and their only
“Even though I walk through the valley of the
                                                         gripe was the difficulty of getting up and down for
shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with
                                                         the prayers and songs, but it meant a lot to them
me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
                                                         to be here and in that great digger tradition one
There was the usual collection of therapy and            looked me in the eye and said, “I think I need a
companion dogs, content, disciplined and smiling         beer.”
through it all.
                                                         Well they deserved it and we honour all those who
As the wreathes were laid, two kids approached,          served in our name with so much distinction.
one wearing the medals of their grandfather they
laid the flowers then stood in remembrance, it was
a great moment.
President, Ulla Greenwood, told the story of
‘Aussie’, a war dog who served bravely and
enthusiastically for years in the armed service,
including Afghanistan the land of rock and stone
and IEDs.
Underneath the darkening skies the solemn notes
of the Last Post rang out made even more haunting
by the odd discordant note. The appreciative

  14   DOG WORLD May 2022
DOG WORLD May 2022   15
Breed Feature

          SOFT COATED

 16   DOG WORLD May 2022
In general, Wheatens have a fun loving temperament with their
  tail usually gaily held and wagging. They are not as feisty as other
  terriers however will stand their ground if challenged. This makes
                         them a good family pet.

HISTORY                                               humble beginnings were probably from a very
The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is the traditional    mixed ancestry with Wheatens being allowed
Irish farm dog. For many years they were taken        to mate freely with whatever other dogs were
for granted as part of the landscape, being part of   around. In contrast, the breeding of the Kerry
the day to day work of the Irish farmer. They were    Blue Terrier and Irish Terrier were deliberately
not taken up by wealthy dog enthusiasts but were      controlled at an early date so that they were
seen as the poor people’s dog. Under the penal        recognised as separate breeds earlier than the
law of the 18th century in Ireland tenant farmers     Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. By the 30s however
were prohibited from owning a dog worth more          Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier enthusiasts in
than £5 [5 pounds]. This makes it likely that the     Ireland, namely Dr G.J. Pierce and Mr P. Blake,
anonymous terriers, later to be known as the Soft     were more selective in their breeding, developing
Coated Wheaten Terrier, were the dogs kept by the     a breed with distinctive traits. More recently
poor Irish tenants. The English landholders had       Maureen Holmes has worked diligently to further
the more expensive Wolfhounds. The Soft Coated        develop the breed.
Wheaten Terriers were bred to earn their keep         Since the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier was a
and were an all-purpose dog. They were bred to        working terrier, used in such difficult jobs as
hunt, herd, catch vermin, stand guard, to be a        hunting otters and badgers, it excelled when it
companion, and to poach.                              first appeared in field trials taking prizes more
Initially the four breeds of Irish Terriers
were lumped together under the name
of Irish Terrier, although there had been
four distinct breeds of terriers in Ireland
for 200 years. It was not until 1937
that the breed was recognised by the
Irish Kennel Club and named the Soft
Coated Wheaten Terrier. Claims have
been made that it is the oldest of the
Irish terrier breeds with soft wheaten
coats sometimes showing up in litters of
pups in the other breeds of terriers from
There is a story that they were
numerous in the 18th century in Kerry.
It was at that time that a large black
dog, possibly a spaniel, swam ashore
and mated with a Soft Coated Wheaten
Terrier. The result of this cross being the
Kerry Blue Terrier.
Because the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
was a very common dog in Ireland its

                                                                                   DOG WORLD May 2022     17
often that the other terrier breeds. Having its       The coat of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a
origins as a household member it tends to have        continuous growing coat. Given that, it does not
a gentle temperament whilst being loyal and           shed and if well kept does not smell. Due to these
intelligent. Its alert carriage, free movement and    factors, it has been found that people who are
properly managed and presented coat has made          allergic to other breeds of dogs are not allergic
the breed popular in the show ring. Selective         to the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. In the United
breeding in America and Europe have developed a       States the Wheaten is referred to as the asthma
popular and glamorous terrier.                        sufferer’s dog.
COAT                                                   Texture and volume of the coat varies. The coat of
The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier gets its               the traditional Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
name from its profuse wheaten coloured coat.           is soft, silky, and wavy with a lustrous shine.
Historically this name was used to distinguish it      This made it an easy coat to care for. With the
from its two Irish relatives, the blue-grey Kerry      development of the breed in England, Europe,
Blue Terrier, and the wiry, red coated Irish Terrier. and the United States the coat has shown changes
It needs to be remembered however that since           with a thicker coat being more evident. Whilst
the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier was bred as a          many of the dogs in these countries might have
working terrier that conformation of the dog is        a voluminous flowing coat, the texture is not as
of paramount importance. Any dog should be             silky and as lustrous as the Irish style of coat. In
capable of performing the function for which it        Australia with the blend of Irish, American, and
was bred. Whilst this terrier gets its name from the European lines, the texture of the coat can vary
coat, the coat should be regarded as the icing on      considerably between Wheatens from the one
the cake. A Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier with an
                                                       litter. It is not uncommon to see Wheatens with
attractive coat should be severely penalised, if it is
                                                       predominately American bloodlines with the
not physically sound.
                                                       lustrous silky Irish style coat. The various styles
There are however a number of features of the          of flowing coats in Wheatens are neither good nor
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Coat that need to be       bad, just different. A thick woolly coat is however
kept in mind.                                          of concern.

  18   DOG WORLD May 2022
Colour also varies from one Soft Coated Wheaten         By far the most controversial topic when it comes
to another. Shades vary from pale to rich honey,        to the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is trimming.
and to reddish wheaten. There may be black              In “The Native Dogs of Ireland” published by the
tipping around the mouth and ears. A white coat         Irish Kennel Club, trimming is recommended as
is not acceptable.                                      follows: -
It is important to be aware that the coat of a Soft     The ear fringes are removed, and the hair is cut
Coated Wheaten Terrier is slow to mature in both        close to the skull and cheeks. The fall or top-knot
texture and colour. Surprisingly, Wheatens are          which is the long hair from the forehead over the
very dark, being almost black, at birth. As the         eyes, is maintained at full length, down to and in
hair grows, the colour changes along the shaft of       many cases over, the nose. The whiskers, beard,
hair to the recognisable Wheaten. It is usual to        and leg feathering are left as profuse as possible.
see baby Wheaten pups with black tipping. As the        The hair is cut close at the neck and chest and
coat matures, the shades of wheaten can vary. It        graded into the shoulders. The long body coat is
is common for a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier to          neatly tipped to follow the outline of the dog.
be very pale, almost white, in colour at about 12
months of age. As they mature the wheaten colour        With this approach to trimming the Soft Coated
develops. Texture also changes with age. Pups           Wheaten looks like a terrier. It was a style of
can be fluffy and woolly. In some Wheatens the          trimming that was functional in a working terrier.
thick fluffy coat persists until about 3 years of age   For some time, a similar approach to trimming
by which time the coat changes to a flowing, wavy       was not followed by those showing in Great
coat. The changes in coat colour and texture in         Britain where the Wheaten was not initially
the juvenile Wheaten can first be seen at the back      shown in the Terrier Group. The result was that
of the neck and then spreads over the rest of the       the trimming of a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
body. An immature Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier,          in Great Britain meant that they did not look like
by that I mean a Wheaten under about 3 years,           terriers, but more like a Bearded Collie. It was
should not be penalised in the ring, if the coat is     pleasing to see on a trip to Great Britain that,
not wheaten coloured and if it is not flowing.          now that the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier there

                                                                                     DOG WORLD May 2022   19
20   DOG WORLD May 2022
is included in the Terrier Group, they are being
trimmed as terriers and more in keeping with                                                                            Save 10%
                                                                                                                         on your
the guidelines recommended by the Irish Kennel                                                                         first order
Club. The approach to trimming recommended                                                                            Breeder2022

by the Irish Kennel Club is also more practical in   For people
                                                                            Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
maintaining the coat of a pet Wheaten and lends      who love Dogs:
                                                     110 different breeds                                       $52
itself to making the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier     available                      $59

glamorous for showing, in what after all is a        Original
                                                     Dazzling Paws Jewelry
beauty contest.                                      Hand-crafted
COAT CARE                                            .925 recycled
                                                     Sterling Silver
As the coat is continually growing there is a need
                                                     Free Shipping
for a Wheatens coat to be trimmed on a regular       Australia wide                                                          $75
basis. If they are not being shown a short trim is
attractive and practical particularly in warmer                                           New Designs
                                                                                          in store now!
areas. Combing the Wheaten on at least a weekly         $99

basis avoids the coat becoming matted.                                        $79                         $69

In general, Wheatens have a fun loving
temperament with their tail usually gaily held
and wagging. They are not as feisty as other
                                                                      Because we love our animals
terriers however will stand their ground if
challenged. This makes them a good family pet.        
Male Wheatens are 18 to 19-1/2 inches [45.72cm
– 49.78cm] at the shoulder with females a little
less. They are happy exercising in a suburban
back yard and also enjoy a walk. They are known
                                                       TopDog Plasma
to live in apartments. Their soft coat makes them      Email:
a very cuddly pet that enjoys cuddling and being                            0421424483
patted. Like any other dog the Wheaten and their
owner benefit from basic obedience training.
                                                                         Order today!
The versatility of Wheatens means that they                                 Any Breed Available
can enjoy a number of dog sports in addition to
conformation showing. These include Herding,
Agility, Obedience, Flyball, Dog Diving, Nose
Works, Tracking, Endurance, Lure Coursing, and
Dog Dancing. They are naturally good at catching
vermin with one Wheaten born in Australia being
reported to have killed 14 [fourteen] rats in one
night. Wheatens frequently live into their teens.

 Thanks to Dr Monica O’Kelly (Larnook), Ann
 Deegan, Sarah Lowe (Shaneca) and others for
 the photographs.                                    Metal Powdercoated Signs
                                                              Personalised Designs Available
 Breed History Reference: The Native Dogs of  
 Ireland (1984), Dublin: The Irish Kennel Club
                                                     Locally Designed and Manufactured

                                                                                            DOG WORLD May 2022                 21
– David Margan
It’s been a tough few weeks for our social media       month now sitting at well over 1200.
guru, Marylu Lloyd, as she was struck down
                                                       Great results on Facebook for our ANZAC Day
by quite a serious case of Covid, no hospital
                                                       pic of Rex the memorial dog promoting our
fortunately, but Marylu reckons she had all 11
                                                       remembrance service and a general meme about
symptoms of the illness.
                                                       dogs both reaching over 3000 people.
But now back on her feet, here’s the latest on our
                                                       Instagram followers loved the #DogWorld cover of
social media performance.
                                                       the Bernese Mountain Dog.
No doubt due to weather and endless holidays our
                                                       Posts that hit a chord with our audience were:
numbers were static or in some cases showed a
slight drop off.                                       But our total Facebook audience was 9,354 which
                                                       was a small increase of. 0.7%.
Social media remained steady this month following
the previous month which was filled with flood         While our Instagram Net Follower Growth was up
safety posts.                                          by 7.9%.
However, we still had some good results with           We also had nearly 1300 video views in the past
our Facebook audience growing by another 200           month.
followers – just short of the magic 10,000 followers
                                                       Our top post for the month was ‘Some people will
we’d love for Facebook.
                                                       never understand how much we love our dogs, but
Instagram gained another 100 followers in the past     they know”, with well over 3000 impressions.

  22   DOG WORLD May 2022
Gordon Mayne
– David Margan
One thing about Gordon Mayne, he just loves dogs.
He grew up with working dogs on a merino sheep
farm in New South Wales. The border collies were
the kings of the run but a little surprise packet by the
name of Possum, an Australian Silky Terrier, more
than matched them.
Jump 25 years forward and now living in Cairns,
Gordon and his partner, Peter, would regularly go          Gordon grew up in a family which honoured the value
to dog shows in Cairns and fell in love with Cocker        of charity and giving back to the community, and it
Spaniels and in 2012 they bought their first, a blue       was the dog community that encouraged him to take
roan bitch named Murphy who was soon joined by             on some official responsibilities.
                                                           Gordon first became involved in the Cairns City
They joined the Cairns City Kennel Club to do dog          Kennel Club to project manage a $35,000 kitchen
training classes and since then their lives have never     renovation then became the club’s Publicity Officer
been the same.                                             and completely rebuilt the club’s website.
While it was Dog Sports, or more particularly,             Now, as the President of the Cairns City Kennel
Agility that drove Gordon and ‘Murphy’ to join Dogs        Club, he still wears the publicity hat, and is leading
Queensland it was the introduction of the Neuter           several initiatives to improve the club’s governance,
Class that really got them going. ‘Murphy’ and             funding sources (the club currently has three grant
‘Mason’ entered their first Neuter Class Show at the       applications in progress), building community
Mareeba and District Kennel Club in September 2013.        connections and most importantly creating a safe and
Over the next six years, Murphy, Mason and Gordon          welcoming environment.
would travel to shows all over north Queensland            Connecting with the club’s 300+ members is very
supporting clubs that had Neuter Class. By default,        important to Gordon, whether it be by helping at
they became the face of neuter class in north              trials or shows, working bees, fund raising events or
Queensland as Gordon says: “I will always be a             regular emails and newsletters.
staunch advocate for the class. It is a great way
for new exhibitors to get involved in conformation         While doing all this Gordon has had a diverse
shows. But I also love the camaraderie that exists in      career working in hotel management, print media
the dog sports community. I often say, Agility is one      and policy development with the Queensland
of the few sports where you still get a cheer whether      Government and so he has had a wealth of
you win or lose – it’s simply about participating and      experience in Project Management, Risk Management
challenging yourself.”                                     and Management Systems Auditing.

In 2018 with ‘Murphy’ and ‘Mason’ nearing                  All this has reinforced his values of charity, customer
retirement, the family has been joined by Tristan, the     service, consultation, planning and the importance of
Portuguese Water Dog.                                      good governance processes.

Gordon is a regular face, with Tristan by his side,        “We may all do different things with our dogs, but
at shows across the expansive area of Zone 3. In           our passionate love of dogs is common to all and in
between this Gordon started Agility training with          our increasingly diverse world we need to provide a
Tristan and plans to compete in Jumping this year.         warm welcome to all dog lovers.”

                                                                                         DOG WORLD May 2022   23
Elisa McCutcheon
– Elisa McCutcheon

I am a solicitor in Queensland with a practice in
intellectual property, licensing and sponsorship,
defamation, competition and consumer law.

I have acted for organisations in the public
and private sector including not-for-profit
organisations. I am an experienced advocate
before the courts. I have considerable experience
in dealing with membership issues as well as
vexatious claims.

I am a registered patent and trade mark attorney
in Australia and New Zealand. I also have a
Science degree with majors in Genetics and            I have served on various Dogs Queensland
Chemistry.                                            committees and panels. I am currently a member
                                                      of the Constitution and Rules Committee and the
I acquired my first pedigree dog at 6 years old.      Canine Health Committee. I am also a member
I have owned and loved Cavalier King Charles          of the ANKC National Legislative Committee. I
Spaniels for almost 30 years.                         have recently been assisting the ANKC with the
                                                      transition to Dogs Australia.
I first joined Dogs Queensland so I could have fun
and hang out with my dogs. I have an interest in      I believe that my skillset and experience will
and have participated in both Conformation and        enable me to provide a valuable contribution to
Agility with my Cavaliers.                            the Board.
I have been a member of Dogs Queensland for           In my new role as a director of Dogs Queensland,
approximately 10 years and I have been a Club         I am looking forward to working on ways to
Secretary for 8 years. I am therefore familiar with   improve our sense of community, engagement
the running of clubs and some of the challenges       with other stakeholders, and also to advocating
clubs face.                                           for and promoting our pedigree dog world.

  Dogs Queensland is offering all breeders the opportunity to
  advertise in the Dog World magazine Breed Features at the
  discounted rate of $100 for 1/4 page.
  The following dog breeds are planned for the coming months:
  June 2022: 		        Australian Kelpie
  July 2022: 		        Shar Pei
  August 2022: 		      Biewer Terrier
  September 2022:      Irish Wolfhound
  For more information or to book an advertisement, email

  24   DOG WORLD May 2022
Ainslie Carius
– David Margan

Ainslie Carius has been with Dogs Queensland for a
long time., so long and so important has been her
contribution she was made a Life Member in 2022.
Her experience and service are epic.
She grew up with Basset Hounds and the family’s          Ainslie currently works with members of the
beloved ‘Ralph ‘began her love of dogs.                  board on the Dog of the Year Committee, Rules
                                                         and Constitution Committee, Canine Health
In the early 80’s Ainslie joined her mother in
                                                         Committee, Junior Handler Committee, Dog Sports
the show ring and also competed in Junior
                                                         Committee and is co-coordinator of Group 4 in the
Handlers competitions and was one of the
                                                         judges training scheme.
foundation members of the Junior Kennel Club of
Qld and became its inaugural secretary.                  In the time she has left Ms Carius is also Manager,
                                                         Human Resources at QEII hospital.
Ainslie is also a past President and Vice President
of Dogs Queensland.                                      But wait, there’s more, Ainslie also has a Bachelor
                                                         of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, a Graduate Diploma in
Ainslie has always served our canine community
                                                         Legal Practice and is a trained mediator. Now that’s
and she currently has many hats as President of
                                                         something that will come in handy.
the Yuggera Canine Club, President of The Basset
Hound Club of Qld, Secretary of Gundogs and              In her nomination for Life Membership this was
Heavy Breeds and Secretary of the Dachshund Club         said of her,
of Queensland.
                                                         “Ainslie has had an unwavering devotion and
If that’s not enough to do she is also a trainee judge   dedication to the organisation as a whole. Those
and is working towards gaining All Breeds status.        who know her, would have witnessed the countless
                                                         hours that she has spent undergoing thankless
This is not the first time she has been a director,
                                                         “behind the scenes” tasks for Dogs Queensland that
she previously served for 8 years and in that time
                                                         got her little recognition and that the normal DQ
took on a variety of responsibilities from Dog of the
                                                         member would not even be aware of.”
Year to the Festive Fiesta and has also served on
ANKC working parties and committees.                     I only wish I had her energy and capacity.

                       Junior Handler Reminder
  A reminder to all Junior Handlers and Parents that to compete in the Junior Handler State Final in
  October 2022, the Junior Handler must be a Junior Member. Membership is free to become a Junior
  Member – simply download the Membership form (link below) and return to Dogs Queensland.

                                                                                      DOG WORLD May 2022   25
                                                        challenge I had
                                                        only 4 weeks to
            Maggi –                                     sort a costume,
                                                        props and

        The Cairn Terrier                               choreography
                                                        let alone adding
                                                        Maggie into the
– Debi Kampaklis                                        mix. The jury
                                                        was out for me
“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”     as she was still
(Dorothy – 1939 Wizard of Oz film)                      quite reactive
Dressed as Dorothy and dancing in red rhinestone        to large dogs
shoes in swirling winds with my Cairn Terrier called    and possibly
Maggie to music from Wizard of Oz in October last       undisciplined for
year was surreal. Maggie’s dancing debut in the         the dance ring.
Dances With Dogs Trial ring at the age of 10 was        Only time would
wild.                                                   tell.

As my first sporting dog had long retired from          So on a hot windy October day last year as we
Agility, Obedience and Rally, Maggie (Joymont           made our way to the DWD ring as Dorothy literally
Maggie CCD RN JD AD SD GD TK.S HTM.S FS.S) had          swept up in a tornado with Toto at her side, I
been left home couch-surfing with my husband for        wondered if the audience would get to see what
many years. A series of dog attacks had resulted in     I see in my beautiful, mad Maggie. Self-doubts
damage to both Maggie’s cruciates. Roll forward to      melted as she leapt into her basket mid ring,
the year of Covid 2020 where I worked from home,        posed, poised and ready for action. It was a super
– bereft of Dog Trials for my two sporting Papillons    special moment for just us, from her being my
– I kept sane with Trick Training. One day I spotted    fifth and last Cairn, her exuberant work ethic and
Maggie with her nose pressed up against the             grunts of excitement to making our way in dog
screen door, moving her head up and down with           sport together. I struggled with tears throughout
occasional sighs. On a whim I started to train her      our 4 routines as she revelled in our every second
tricks – eventually earning a Starters title with her   together in the dance ring. Toto nonchalantly
early in 2021. But that’s where Maggie’s story stops    danced her little heart out to Somewhere over the
for a while, as I decided to change dog sports and      Rainbow and Follow the Yellow Brick Road, earning
take up Dances With Dogs with my Papillons.             4 quals for her 4 routines which left me speechless.
                                                        Roll forward to February 2022: this storm trooping,
With our inaugural season of Dancing With Dogs
                                                        tenacious Cairn Terrier graced the DWD ring in
                                Trials almost
                                                        more gale force winds to not only qualify but
                                over with my
                                                        snag dance titles in both Heelwork and Freestyle.
                                Team Dream
                                                        Recently returned from competing in Victoria and
                                Papillons, my
                                                        the ACT in March, Maggie hit the dance floor with a
                                husband dared
                                                        new routine earning a few laughs with ‘Ding Dong
                                me to dance with
                                                        the Witch is Dead’ and continues to qualify in both
                                Maggie at the last
                                                        Dancing and Tricks with further titles ahead.
                                competition of
                                2021 with music         At heart my Maggie is a typical Cairn Terrier always
                                from the Wizard         front and centre of the action – whether that be
                                of Oz (given            searching for fish on the water’s edge, hunting
                                she was a Cairn         geckos in the garden to dancing and tricking.
                                Terrier – Toto’s        Tripping the light fantastic in her older years,
                                long distant            Maggie has shown me age is just a number and life
                                cousin). Loving a       is for living for this wee Cairn of mine.

  26   DOG WORLD May 2022
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