School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019

Page created by Beatrice Duran
School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

                            School for Dog Trainers
                                   Program Catalog

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

                                Highland Canine Training, LLC
                              SCHOOL FOR DOG TRAINERS

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

 2    INTRODUCTION                                    19   PROTECTION DOG TRAINER PROGRAM
 2    MISSION STATEMENT                               20   MASTER DOG TRAINER PROGRAM
 2    HISTORY                                         21   DETECTION SPECIALIST PROGRAM
                                                      22   K9 SPECIALIST PROGRAM
 2    CURRICULLUM DEVELOPMENT                         34   CLOCK HOURS
                                                      35   ACADEMIC POLICIES
                                                      36   ACADEMIC STANDARDS AND GRADING
                                                      35   HOW THE PROFESSIONALISM GRADE IS
        REQUIREMENTS                                  35   SUSPENSION FOR UNSATISFACTORY GRADES OR
 9 APPLYING FOR ADMISSION                                     PROGRESS
 9 APPLICATION STEPS                                  35   ATTENDANCE POLICY
 10 REGISTRATION                                      36   LEAVE OF ABSENCE
                                                      36   PROGRAM REPETITIONS
 10   TUITION AND FEES                                36   INCOMPLETES
 11   PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS                           36   WITHDRAWAL FROM A PROGRAM
 11   INHERENT RISKS                                  36   REINSTATEMENT TO A PROGRAM
 11   TRANSFER CREDITS                                36   STUDENT RECORDS
 12   ENROLLMENT                                      36   STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT
 12   TOOLS & EQUIPMENT                               37   DRUGS/ALCOHOL
 12   GRADUATION DOCUMENTS                            37   UNPROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR
 12   INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS                         37   ATTITUDE
 12   REGISTRATION/TESTING                            37   DRESS CODE POLICY
                                                      37   CONDITIONS FOR DISMISSAL
 14 CANINE TRAINING AND BEHAVIOR                      38   REFUNDS
 18 DETECTION DOG TRAINER PROGRAM                     40    2018 SCHOOL CALENDAR
                                                      41    2019 SCHOOL CALENDAR

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01


    MISSION STATEMENT                                      COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAMS
    As an international provider of quality                Highland Canine Training, LLC Professional
    educational programs for students seeking              Dog Trainer School and certificate programs
    to further their knowledge of dog training             teaches everything you need to be a
    techniques and methods, we prepare                     professional dog trainer. Our dog trainer
    students to become successful, professional            education programs offer the most
    dog trainers.                                          progressive and innovative methods of dog
                                                           training to jump start or enhance your
    HISTORY                                                career as a professional dog trainer.
    Highland Canine Training, LLC was founded              We offer comprehensive programs that
    in 2006, as a full-service dog training facility       allow you to focus on specialty areas such
    in North Carolina. Highland Canine Training            as service dog training, police K9 training,
    offers a variety of dog training programs              detection dog training, protection dog
    and programs such as professional                      training, search and rescue dog training,
    obedience and behavior modification                    and more.
    programs, service dog sales and training,
    police K-9 sales and training, protection dog          Regardless of your current skill level and
    sales and training, search and rescue dog              experience working with dogs, our
    training, as well as program offerings in              Professional Dog Trainer Programs have
    specialty areas.                                       something to offer. Our goal is to meet the
                                                           learning requirements of each individual
    Based on considerable demand from our                  student, and our programs can be
    alumni and prospective students, in 2013               customized to meet those needs.
    we developed our Service Dog Trainer
    Program and our Master Trainer Program.                CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT
    WHAT MAKES HIGHLAND                                    Our curriculum has been developed to
    CANINE TRAINING, LLC                                   provide you with the necessary skills to
                                                           become a proficient dog trainer in the areas
                                                           of study. Our curriculum is regularly
    Highland Canine Training is a premier                  reviewed and updated to ensure that
    provider of canine educational programs for            students are provided with the most current
    those wanting to learn to train and work               information in the industry. Our curriculum
    with dogs. Our programs are the best way               is also designed to provide the student with
    to either start or augment your career with            a variety of techniques that can be applied
    dogs.                                                  to accomplish their goals as a dog trainer.

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTORS                                handler. Erin is a member of the Association
                                                        of Professional Dog Trainers APDT# 74668
 Prior to being hired at our School for Dog             and a certified American Kennel Club Canine
 trainers all of our instructors are required to        Good Citizen evaluator.
 have ample training and field experience
 sufficient to meet state regulations in North
 Carolina where our school is licensed to               JASON PURGASON
 operate.     Because      of   their   real-life       TRAINING DIRECTOR
 experiences as a dog trainer, they are able
 to convey information and techniques to
 students that are invaluable.                                                    Jason     is     the
                                                                                  training director of
 Our staff continuously strives to remain up                                      Highland Canine
 to date on dog training techniques and                                           Training, LLC. A
 methods in this ever changing industry by                                        reserve       police
 regularly attending training programs,                                           officer and former
 seminars and conferences.                                                        Police       Canine
                                                                                  Handler,      Jason
                                                                                  conducts      police
                                                                                  canine      handler
                              Erin    is    the                                   programs as well
                              owner           of        as trainers’ programs and all working dog
                                      Highland          training. Jason earned his Police K9
                                         Canine         Instructor‘s Certification and has trained
                              Training,     LLC         canines in the areas of Narcotics Detection,
                               and has been a           Explosives Detection, Police Patrol, Urban
                              sworn         law         Disaster, Scent Discrimination Tracking, and
                                  enforcement           Cadaver Detection. Jason has instructed
                              officer     since         seminars for Police Canine Handlers at
 2002. She directs our obedience and                    NASA, the Pentagon Police, and for many
 behavior modification training programs and            other professional, government, and law
 also assists with the training of dogs for             enforcement teams across the world. Jason
 police patrol, detection, and search and               is also a Member of the Association of
 rescue. Erin also oversees our Assistance              Professional Dog Trainers APDT# 76692
 Dogs for Autism Program and assists with               and a certified American Kennel Club Canine
 training dogs and working with their new               Good Citizen evaluator.
 families. Erin has worked with animals in
 clinical settings since 1995 and has owned
 and worked with dogs all her life. Erin also
 has       experience      handling       scent
 discrimination tracking dogs, including a
 bloodhound as a search and rescue dog

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 KRESS WALTERS, BS                                    SGT. GARY SIMPSON
 INSTRUCTOR                                           INSTRUCTOR

                            Kress      Walters                               Gary Simpson has
                            serves both as an                                over 20 years of
                            instructor     and                               experience in Law
                            trainer at our                                   Enforcement          to
                            School for Dog                                   include;         Patrol
                            Trainers as well                                 Officer,          Gang
                            as training dogs                                           Investigator,
                            at our facility in                                             Narcotics
                            Harmony,        NC.                               Investigator, B.L.E.T.
 Kress specializes in on and off leash training                              Instructor and 16
 programs as well as rehabilitation programs          years as an Interstate Criminal Interdiction
 for dogs with severe behavioral problems.            Officer with 8 of those years as an active K-
 Kress assists with instructing students              9 handler.
 attending our Canine Training and Behavior
 Modification Professional Program as well as         Simpson has recorded over 3700 training
 our Master Trainer Program.                          hours with a focus in Advanced Criminal
                                                      Interdiction. He has conducted training from
 Kress utilizes quick and easy methods for            Colorado to Florida in the field of Criminal
 training and teaching pet dog owners. The            Interdiction dealing with bulk currency
 approach is simple: teach dog owners how             seizures, narcotic seizures, use of K-9 and
 to understand and properly communicate               hidden compartments. Gary has also been
 with their dogs to create a positive,                an active instructor for US Customs and the
 productive relationship. Some of the                 NCEA for several years in the field of
 methods of dog training that they utilize for        Advanced Patrol & Criminal Interdiction.
 teaching dogs include Clicker Training,
 Positive Reinforcement, motivational skills          Simpson’s interdiction career began in
 training, as well as remote collar training.         Forsyth County, NC where he was a
 Like our other trainers, Kress continues to          supervisor and active team member of the
 further his knowledge in the dog training            Interstate Criminal Enforcement Team.
 field by attending seminars and classes as           During his interdiction career, he has been
 well as working with shelter and rescue              involved in numerous record breaking
 dogs.                                                seizures in North Carolina. Simpson has
                                                      conducted hundreds of “cold traffic stops”
                                                      that resulted in high volume seizures of
 Kress also specializes in teaching agility, K9
                                                      narcotics along with millions of dollars in US
 Scentwork, Protection dog training and
 other activities that challenge dogs both            Currency and stolen property. During his
                                                      interdiction efforts Simpson has discovered
 mentally and physically. Kress has worked
                                                      and been exposed to hundreds of hidden
 as a volunteer with a local Charlotte rescue
 organization both as a foster and trainer. He        compartment/trap vehicles from CMV to
                                                      passenger cars. Through testimony in the
 helps increase the dog’s chances of
                                                      federal court system on the use of K-9,
 adoption by socializing and correcting
                                                      Simpson was deemed an expert in the field
 misbehaviors. Kress is a member of the
                                                      of Criminal Interdiction.
 Association of Professional Dog Trainers,
 Member #80023.

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

CHRISTINE ANDERSON                                    BRANDI WALLWORK
INSTRUCTOR                                            INSTRUCTOR

                          Christine Anderson                                        Brandi Wallwork
                          retired as a Chief                                        recognizes how
                          Petty Officer in the                                      important it is
                          US Navy after 20                                          that every dog
                          years of honorable                                        owner be able to
                          service.                                                  understand their
                                                                                    dog and know
                            Upon approaching                                        how             to
                            retirement,   she                                              effectively
                            contemplated her                                            communicate
next step in life, and her love for dogs made         with them. Her passion for understanding
the decision easy. Christine recognized the           and training dogs was sparked when her
difference that dogs made in her own life             own dog became highly reactive and
and knew that training dogs would not only            aggressive toward other dogs. She realized
be rewarding but ultimately help many dogs            many others must be struggling with similar
and their people live happier and fulfilling          situations and now strives to help anyone
lives.                                                facing difficulties with their beloved pets.

Christine completed multiple dog trainer              Brandi has been an active member of
courses to learn different methods of training        several animal rescue organizations since
and excelled in dog obedience and behavior            2010, helping spread the importance of
modification. She has experience training             adoption in the community and fostering
dogs from all walks of life, working with             homeless cats and dogs. She managed a
different breeds and evaluating dogs, their           dog daycare and boarding facility for three
behaviors and temperaments. She currently             years, therefore she has firsthand
teaches group classes, private lessons and            experience of each individual dog’s unique
trains service dogs.                                  personality    and    temperament.      She
                                                      understands the importance of honesty and
Christine graduated from the Master Trainer           excellence in customer service.
Course at Highland Canine Training School
for Dog Trainers with a focus on obedience,           Brandi graduated from the Highland Canine
behavior modification, and service dogs.              Training School for Dog Trainers with a
                                                      focus on Obedience, Behavior Modification,
                                                      and Service dogs.

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 COREY ARCHER                                         Corey also participates in our Assistance
 INSTRUCTOR                                           Dogs for Autism Program by assisting with
                                                      deliveries of Service dogs to their new
                                                      families. Corey enjoys working with children
                            Corey has been
                                                      and families affected by Autism Spectrum
                            handling working
                                                      Disorders and his experience with people
                            dogs for over 15
                                                      and dogs makes him a valuable asset to our
                            years and brings
                            this experience
                            and knowledge
                            to our clients in
                            Alabama to assist
                            them in solving           JEFF JORDAN
                            problems such as          INSTRUCTOR
 aggression, dominance, fear, shyness,
 biting, jumping, as well as other behavioral                                Jeff Jordan has been
                                                                             training and handling
                                                                             Cadaver dogs for
 Corey conducts training and certifications
 for Police and Search and Rescue dogs and                                   nearly 20 years. He
 handlers. Corey has helped to train both                                    graduated from The
 Law Enforcement and Military handlers in                                    Citadel - The Military
 Police    Patrol,   Narcotics,  Explosives,                                 College of SC in
 Cadaver, Trailing, and Search and Rescue.                                   1983. He also earned
 Corey assists in conducting handler                                         a Master’s Degree in
 programs and regularly instructs at
                                                                             Secondary        School
 Highland Canine Training, LLC’s School for
 Dog Trainers.                                        administration from Winthrop University. He
                                                      retired from the Kershaw County, SC School
 Corey utilizes proven and simple methods             District in 2012 after serving as a teacher,
 for instructing dogs and their owners /              coach, and assistant principal at Camden
 handlers. Corey’s style is straightforward           High School then principal of Camden
 and he has a very goal oriented approach to          Middle School. He is now an instructor and
 training and resolving problems. His goal is
                                                      coach at Camden Military Academy in
 to always improve relationships between
 dogs and their owners by teaching effective          Camden, SC. Jordan is a Colonel in the
 communication and basic principles of                South Carolina State Guard having served
 learning. He focuses on assisting clients in         for 28 years. He currently is on division staff
 dealing with and rehabilitating issues such          and serves as the ESF 9 LNO and
 as dominance aggression, fear aggression,            commands the K9 Special Operations Unit.
 territorial aggression, phobias, shyness, and        He, along with K9 Fritz, were assigned to
 neurotic behaviors. Corey continues to
                                                      the Southwest Louisiana Task Force in the
 further his education in the dog training
 field by attending seminars and classes, as          aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to recover
 well as working with police and search and           human remains in the Lower 9th Ward
 rescue canine teams.                                 of New Orleans. He currently trains and
                                                      handles two GSD cadaver dogs, K9 Trooper
                                                      and K9 Kelsie.

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01


                         Steve Russo has 19                               Jerry Pardue is a 1972
                         years of experience                              graduate of Appalachian
                         as a K9 handler,                                 State University with a
                         starting his working                             Bachelor of Science in
                         dog career at the                                Business      and
                         Delaware     County
                                                                           Economics. Most of his
                         Prison             in
                                                                           professional career was
                         Pennsylvania as a
                                                                           spent        in  animal
                         handler.       Steve
                                                                           nutrition,          feed
 quickly excelled in the unit and was
                                                      formulation, and the economics of feeding.
 promoted as the unit Sergeant. Steve
                                                      His last 19 years was spent representing
 conducted the direct supervision and
                                                      Manna Pro Products throughout North and
 training of 12 K9 Officers and dogs within a
                                                      South Carolina during which time he spoke
 working dog unit where he spent 10 years.
                                                      before many professional clubs and
                                                      associations on various aspects of nutrition,
 Steve is currently a K9 handler with the K9
                                                      wrote articles that appeared in various
 Unit for Upper Darby Township Police in
                                                      professional magazines and many breeder
 Pennsylvania. Additionally, he is a 7 year
                                                      and livestock sports periodicals.
 member of the Departments Special
 Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT), as a
 K9 handler and operator, and on-call K9
 handler for the area DEA Task Force for               JARED KOMAR, BS, INSTRUCTOR
 Narcotic Interdiction.

 Steve is a graduate of 3 separate Patrol and                                  Jared    has   been
 Narcotics Handler Courses at the Global                                       working with dogs
 Training Academy in San Antonio, Texas; A                                     since he was a child
 basic Police K9 Trainer/Instructor class with                                 and    started    his
 Gold Coast K9 (California); and a graduate                                    professional career
 of the 12 week Police K9 Trainer/Instructor                                   with        Highland
 School with Highland Canine in North                                          Canine Training in
 Carolina.                                                                     2009.

 Steve has been recognized for Valor,                                          He    has     helped
 Bravery, Heroism, Unit, and Merit awards;            rehabilitate shelter dogs to help them get
 Captain Thomas Larson Memorial Award;                adopted quickly, worked with pet dogs and
 Citations of Appreciation for Police K9 work         their owners to work through everything from
 in the Community from the Pa Senate; 2013            basic/advanced     obedience   to    behavior
 South East Pennsylvania Police Officer of            modification. He has experience with working
 the Year; and the 2014 Mayors Award.

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

dogs and has assisted with training for
Homeland Security, city and state law
enforcement agencies, and the United States
Army. He specializes in not only training the
dog but teaching their owners and students
the psychology behind why dogs act a
certain way, and more importantly, how to
fix behavioral issues.

As a graduate of Highland Canine School for
Dog Trainers, Jared now helps incoming
students not only work with dogs but with
the business management aspect of the dog
training business. With over 15 years of
sales and business management experience,
he can teach you the fundamentals of
training a dog and also help you get your
business up and running in little to no time.

School for Dog Trainers Program Catalog 2018-2019
Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 STATE APPROVALS                                      APPLYING FOR ADMISSION

 Highland Canine Training, LLC School for             Requirements for application to any of our
 Dog Training is licensed by the North                programs are:
 Carolina State Board of Community Colleges
                                                      1) Must be at least 18 years of age.
 "The North Carolina State Board of Community
 Colleges is not an accrediting agency."              2) Completed application form
 North Carolina Community College System              3) "A copy of the high school transcript” / “a
 200 West Jones Street                                copy of the certificate of high school
 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603                        equivalency,” or CASAS ability to benefit
 (919) 807-7100                                       test may be taken before admissions.
 North Carolina State Approving Agency                4) Background check.
 for Veterans and Military Education
 120 Penmarc Drive, Suite 103
 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
 (919) 280-3690

 North Carolina Private Protective Services
 4901 Colennwood Ave. #200                            APPLICATION STEPS
 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612
                                                      Print out and complete the .pdf application
 (919) 788-5320
                                                      form available at
 MEMBERSHIPS                                          Submit a completed .pdf application form
                                                      either (a) scan copy of application, packet
 Association of Professional Dog Trainers             send by e-mail to
 International Association of Canine
                                                      (b) fax to +17046314819 or (c) mail to
                                                      Highland Canine Training, LLC
 ADMISSION PROCEDURES/                                School for Dog Trainers
 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS                                145 Foxfield Dr.
                                                      Harmony NC, 28634
                                                      If accepted, admissions will notify students
 Highland Canine Training, LLC School for
                                                      by e-mail. Student should review and return
 Dog Trainers does not discriminate against
                                                      all appropriate admissions documents.
 individuals based on their race, color,
 national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
 gender identity, religion, age, veteran
 status, ancestry, or any other legally
 protected classification.

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 If total tuition is greater than five-thousand        Service Dog Trainer Program
 dollars ($5,000), the school may collect up
 to 50 percent of the total tuition prior to           $13,775 - 18 week program
 that mid-point of the program. The
 remainder of the tuition may be collected             Obedience and Behavior Modification
 only when the student has completed one-              Professional Program
 half of the program. Federal regulations
 regarding the disbursement of tuition shall           $5,850 - Level 1 - 6 week program
 supersede state disbursement regulations              $7,775 - Level 2 - 8 week program
 stated in this Rule. Payments can be                  $9,750 - Level 3 - 12 week program
 made by check, cash, Mastercard, Visa,
 Discover, American Express and PayPal.                Police K9 Trainer/Instructor Program

                                                       $7,775 - Level 1 - 8 week program
                                                       $5,850 - Level 2 - 6 week program
                                                       $9,950 - Level 3 -12 week program

 We offer 0% interest and low monthly                  Search and Rescue Dog Trainer
 payments while students are attending                 Program
 school and can work with you to establish a
 payment schedule that you can easily                  $7,375 - Level 1 - 8 week program
 manage.                                               $5,650 - Level 2 - 6 week program
                                                       $9,550 - Level 3 - 12 week program
 VA and GI Bill Benefits Accepted
                                                       Detection Dog Trainer Program
 Our School for Dog Trainers accepts GI Bill
                                                       $7,375 - Level 1 - 8 week program
 and other Veterans Affairs benefits for many
                                                       $5,650 - Level 2 - 6 week program
 of our programs.
                                                       $9,550 - Level 3 - 12 week program
                                                       Protection Dog Trainer Program
 Prospective students must submit a
                                                       $7,375 - Level 1 - 8 week program
 completed enrollment packet and be
                                                       $5,650 - Level 2 - 6 week program
 accepted for admission before enrolling in
                                                       $9,550 - Level 3 - 12 week program
 any programs.
                                                       Detection Specialist Program
                                                       $13,720 - Level 1 - 6 week program
 Tuition is:
                                                       K9 Specialist Program
 Master Dog Trainer Program
                                                       $15,740 - Level 1 - 8 week program
 $17,775 - 24 week Program

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 Registration Fee: A non-refundable                   TRANSFER CREDITS
 $500.00 registration fee is due no later than
 1 week prior to the program.                         Due to the unique nature of our programs
                                                      our school does not recognize or credit any
 Registration is on a first come, first served        transferred programs from other education
 basis.                                               facilities or institutions.

                                                      CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSIONS &
 A student enrolling in any of our available
                                                      ACTIVE ENROLLMENTS
 programs must be able to, and hereby
 agrees that he or she can:                           Highland Canine Training, LLC is committed
                                                      to providing a safe learning environment for
 - Attach and detach animal training collars
                                                      all students and faculty. An application from
 and leashes.
                                                      a prospective student that indicates a
 - Grasp and hold a leash, controlling small,         history of being convicted of or pleading
        medium and large dogs.                        guilty or no contest to a violent crime or
                                                      other type of felony will be subject to
 - Be able to reach above and below                   further review by Highland Canine Training,
        shoulder height with both hands.              LLC before being accepted. This policy
 - Be outdoors in various weather conditions.         extends to those students who have already
                                                      enrolled or are active students. Conviction
 - Lift up to 40lbs.                                  of a felony while attending, or         while
                                                      awaiting a first class start is grounds for
 - Carry up to 20lbs.                                 termination or denial. Certain felony
 - Physically restrain large dogs.                    convictions and charges, or convictions for
                                                      drug offenses will also limit an applicant’s
 - Hear normal conversation up to 100ft               eligibility to apply for and receive federal
        away and in close proximity to                student loans and grants. With regard to
        others.                                       admissions decisions, Highland Canine
                                                      Training, LLC, after its review, will notify
 INHERENT RISKS                                       students in writing of its decision to accept
                                                      or deny the application for enrollment.
 Student recognizes that training and
 working with dogs can be physically                  Highland Canine Training, LLC will not,
 demanding. The student understands that              however, accept applicants who:
 injuries can and do occur to people and
 dogs. Highland Canine Training, LLC is not           Have been convicted of, or plead guilty, or
 responsible for injuries that occur to any           no contest to a violent crime involving a
 student or dog from participating in                 weapon.
 activities related to or part of our training
                                                      Have been convicted of, or plead guilty or
                                                      no contest to sexual assault or other

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 sexually related crime, including but not             Once your application has been received,
 limited to child pornography or any non-              one of our instructors will contact you about
 consensual, involuntary sexual act.                   filling out a Registration Packet. A deposit
                                                       is required along with your registration
 Have been convicted of, or plead guilty or            packet in order to hold your space in a
 no contest to a felony within the previous            particular class.
                                                       TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT
 Have been convicted of, or plead guilty or
 no contest to a felony and released from              Students are provided basic tools and
                                                       equipment when enrolling in a program.
 prison within one year of expected
                                                       Other tools and equipment are available for
 enrollment date.                                      use by students during the program.
                                                       Students will be responsible for replacement
 Have been convicted of, or plead guilty or
                                                       cost of tools and equipment that is lost or
 no contest to murder, attempted murder or             damaged.
 voluntary manslaughter.
                                                       GRADUATION DOCUMENTS
 Have been convicted of, or plead guilty or
 no contest to selling, transporting,                  Highland Canine Training, LLC awards
 delivering, cultivating and manufacturing, or         certificates upon successful completion of
 intending to sell illegal drugs or controlled         programs. The graduation document
 substances unless such conviction or plea is          awarded for the program in which the
                                                       student is enrolled outlines the program
 more than 15 years old.
                                                       completed and length of program.
                                                       INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS
 All instruction at Highland Canine Training,
                                                       Program books are included in the price of
 LLC is conducted in English.
                                                       the program and are provided to each
 English language proficiency is determined
                                                       student for their use. Other texts that are
 by an interview with an admissions
                                                       required for each program are available to
 representative. Successful completion of
                                                       be checked out from our library for use
 the interview marks proficiency appropriate
                                                       during the program. Students will be
 for classroom learning. No Standard English
                                                       responsible for the replacement cost of any
 language test is administered.
                                                       unreturned materials. Certificates will not
                                                       be awarded to students that have an
 Highland Canine Training, LLC does not
                                                       outstanding balance for book or equipment
 provide English language learning services.
                                                       replacement costs.
 Programs typically begin on the first
                                                       Registration should be completed at least
 Monday of each quarter and instruction may
                                                       one week prior to the start date of a
 begin only when programs are scheduled.
                                                       particular program. Testing will be
                                                       conducted for any students that require
 Students wishing to enroll in programs
                                                       testing at least one week prior to the
 should fill out an Application for Enrollment.
                                                       program start date.

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

              School for Dog Trainers
                        Programs of Study

                                                       PROGRAMS OF STUDY
                                                       We have several programs of study to
                                                       choose from that vary in length so that

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01


  PROGRAMS OF STUDY                                                   Level 2 - 8 weeks for a total of 320 hours
                                                                         190 Class Hours - 130 Lab Hours
  We have several               programs of study to
  choose from that             vary in length so that
                                                                      Class                                      Class   Lab     Total
  students have the             opportunity to learn as                                                          Hours   Hours   Hours
  little or as much as         they would like.                       INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology          16      0       16
                                                                      ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior             24      0       24
                                                                      LEA-103 - Learning Theory and Principles   32      8       40
  OBEDIENCE AND BEHAVIOR                                              ATT-104 - Application of Training Tools    20      20      40
  MODIFICATION PROFESSIONAL                                           BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems         32      8       40
                                                                      BUS-106 - Business & Marketing             30      2       32
  PROGRAM                                                             CLI-107 - Working with Clients             4       4       8
                                                                      SPE-108 - Dog Specialties                  4       12      16
  Our most popular program is our Canine                              VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues       12      12      24
                                                                      DOM-201 - Dominance & Aggression           8       32      40
  Training and Behavior Modification Program                          FEA-202 - Fear & Aggression                8       32      40
  and is the program where many of our                                TOTAL HOURS                                190     130     320

  graduates begin with their dog training
  education. Many people begin this program
                                                                      Level 3 - 12 weeks for a total of 480 hours
  out of a love of dogs and a desire to spend
                                                                         236 Class Hours - 244 Lab Hours
  their days working with them. They are
  looking to make a full time career and are                          Class                                      Class   Lab     Total
                                                                                                                 Hours   Hours   Hours
  interested in becoming a professional dog                           INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology          16      0       16
  trainer. Pet owners as well as dog rescue                           ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior             24      0       24
                                                                      LEA-103 - Learning Theory and Principles   32      8       40
  organizations are always in need of a                               ATT-104 - Application of Training Tools    20      20      40
  professional dog trainer’s assistance both                          BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems         32      8       40
  short and long term for canines in their                            BUS-106 - Business & Marketing             30      2       32
                                                                      CLI-107 - Working with Clients             4       4       8
  care.                                                               SPE-108 - Dog Specialties                  4       12      16
                                                                      VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues       12      12      24
  This program is offered for:                                        DOM-201 - Dominance & Aggression
                                                                      FEA-202 - Fear & Aggression
  Level 1- 6 weeks for a total of 240 hours                           TRI-301 - Dog Tricks / Therapy Dogs        8       32      40
                                                                      COM-302 - Competition Obedience            16      24      40
      174 Class Hours - 66 Lab Hours                                  AGI-303 - Teaching Agility                 16      24      40
                                                                      ISR-304 - Introduction to Service Dogs     6       34      40
  Class                                      Class   Lab     Total    TOTAL HOURS                                236     244     480
                                             Hours   Hours   Hours
  INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology          16      0       16
  ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior             24      0       24
  LEA-103 - Learning Theory and Principles   32      8       40
  ATT-104 - Application of Training Tools    20      20      40
  BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems         32      8       40
  BUS-106 - Business & Marketing             30      2       32
  CLI-107 - Working with Clients             4       4       8
  SPE-108 - Dog Specialties                  4       12      16
  VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues       12      12      24
  TOTAL HOURS                                174     66      240

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01


  If you are eager to be a service dog trainer
  and work with their handlers, our Service
  Dog Trainer Program is the best program
  for you. This intensive program will help
  you cultivate the appropriate skill set
  necessary to understand how to properly
  select, socialize, and train service dogs for
  mobility, hearing assistance, as well as
  other psychological disabilities. The program
  also covers rights and laws governing
  service dogs, their trainers, and their

  This program is offered for:
  18 weeks for a total of 720 hours
      312 Class Hours - 408 Lab Hours
  Class                                   Class   Lab     Total
                                          Hours   Hours   Hours
  INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology       16      0       16
  ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior          24      0       24
  LEA-103 - Learning Theory and           32      8       40
  ATT-104 - Application of Training       20      20      40
  BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems      32      8       40
  BUS-106 - Business & Marketing          30      2       32
  CLI-107 - Working with Clients          4       4       8
  SPE-108 - Dog Specialties               4       12      16
  VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues    12      12      24
  SDO-210 - Service Dog Overview          18      22      40
  CWD-211 - Working with Clients          12      28      40
  with Disabilities
  SIG-212 - Training Signal Dogs          14      26      40
  SDT-213 - Scent Discrimination          8       32      40
  MOB-214 - Mobility Dog Overview         22      32      54
  MOB-310 - Mobility Dogs - Teaching      12      28      40
  AAD-215 - Training Autism Service       18      22      40
  AAD-311 - Training Autism Service       6       34      40
  Dogs 2
  SAD-216 - Training Dogs for Seizures,   16      24      40
  PUB-217 - Service Dogs in Public        4       36      40
  BUS-218 Managing Your Service Dog       6       34      40
  SDP-312 Service Dog Practical           2       24      26
  TOTAL HOURS                             312     408     720

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

  POLICE K9 TRAINER/INSTRUCTOR                                        VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24
                                                                      SDT-213 - Scent Discrimination         8       32      40
  PROGRAM                                                             Trailing
                                                                      CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
                                                                      PEQ-221 – Police Canine Equipment      2       10      12
  Our most inclusive working dog program,                             DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34
  the Police K9 Trainer Program emphasizes                            APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &      4       6       10
                                                                      Bite work
  tasks Police K9s and their partners are                             TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18
  called to do. This program is ideal for                             ADI-231 -- Advanced Detection &
                                                                                                             6       8       14

  current and former Law Enforcement                                  TOTAL HOURS                            178     142     320
  Personnel, K9 unit supervisors and handlers,
  military, as well as for civilians who are
                                                                      Level 3 - 12 weeks for a total of 480 hours
  interested in training and handling K9s for
                                                                          244 Class Hours - 236 Lab Hours
  this fascinating work.
                                                                      Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
  Level 2- 6 weeks for a total of 240 hours                                                                  Hours   Hours   Hours
    76 Class Hours - 164 Lab Hours                                    INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology
                                                                      ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior
                                                                      LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
  Class                                  Class   Lab     Total        Principles
                                         Hours   Hours   Hours        ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
  SDT-213 - Scent Discrimination         8       32      40           Tools
  Trailing                                                            BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40
  CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8            BUS-106 - Business & Marketing         30      2       32
  PEQ-221 – Police Canine Equipment      2       10      12           VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24
  DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34           SDT-213 - Scent Discrimination         8       32      40
  APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &      4       6       10           Trailing
  Bite work                                                           CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
  APP-314 1 Apprehension & Bite          6       28      34           PEQ-221 – Police Canine Equipment      2       10      12
  Work 2                                                              DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34
  TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18           DET-313 – Detection Dogs 2             2       22      24
  ADI-231- Advanced Detection &          6       8       14           APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &      4       6       10
  Interdiction                                                        Bite work
  TBS-240 – Tactical Building Searches   8       14      22           APP-314 Apprehension & Bite Work       6       28      34
  AVP-241 – Advanced Police K9           6       18      24           2
  Training                                                            TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18
  SWA-242 – SWAT K9 Concepts and         6       10      16           ADI-231 -- Advanced Detection &        6       8       14
  Integration                                                         Interdiction
  SUP-243 – K9 Unit Supervision &        8       0       8            TBS-240 – Tactical Building Searches   8       14      22
  Management                                                          AVP-241 – Advanced Police K9           6       18      24
  TOTAL HOURS                            76      164     240          Training
                                                                      SWA-242 – SWAT K9 Concepts and         6       10      16
                                                                      SUP-243 – K9 Unit Supervision &        8       0       8
  Level 1 - 8 weeks for a total of 320 hours                          TOTAL HOURS                            244     236     480

      178 Class Hours - 142 Lab Hours
  Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
                                         Hours   Hours   Hours
  INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology      16      0       16
  ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior         24      0       24
  LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
  ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
  BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

  SEARCH   AND   RESCUE                                DOG          Principles
                                                                    ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
  TRAINER PROGRAM                                                   Tools
                                                                    BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40
                                                                    BUS-106 - Business & Marketing         30      2       32
  Our Search and Rescue Dog Trainer                                 VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24
  Program prepares you to train and handle                          AGI-303 – Teaching Agility             16      24      40
                                                                    SDT-123 - Scent Discrimination         8       32      40
  dogs in the challenging and exciting world                        Trailing
  of Search and Rescue. We teach the                                WLD-224 – Training the Wilderness
                                                                    Search and Rescue Dog
                                                                                                           8       0       8

  fundamental skills needed to be successful                        HRD-225 – Training the Human           8       0       8
                                                                    Remains Detection Dog
  in training and handling dogs for all                             USR-232 - Training the Disaster        8       0       8
  categories of Search and Rescue Dog                               Search Dog
                                                                    TOTAL HOURS                            214     106     320
  operations: Disaster Dog/Urban Search and
  Rescue – USAR , Air Scenting/Wilderness
                                                                    Level 3 - 12 weeks for a total of 480 hours
  SAR, Scent Discrimination Trailing, Human                             250 Class Hours - 230 Lab Hours
  Remains Detection (HRD)/Cadaver Dog for
  Search and Recovery Operations, Water                             Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
                                                                                                           Hours   Hours   Hours
  SAR, and Water HRD.                                               INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology      16      0       16
                                                                    ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior         24      0       24
  Level 2 - 6 weeks for a total of 240 hours                        LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
      80 Class Hours - 160 Lab Hours                                ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
  Class                                Class   Lab     Total        BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40
                                       Hours   Hours   Hours        BUS-106 - Business & Marketing         30      2       32
  AGI-303 – Teaching Agility           16      24      40           VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24
  SDT-123 - Scent Discrimination       8       32      40           AGI-303 – Teaching Agility             16      24      40
  Trailing                                                          SDT-123 - Scent Discrimination         8       32      40
  SUP-243 – K9 Unit Supervision &      8       0       8            Trailing
  Management                                                        TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18
  WLD-224 – Training the Wilderness    8       0       8            SUP-243 – K9 Unit Supervision &        8       0       8
  Search and Rescue Dog                                             Management
  HRD-225 – Training the Human         8       0       8            WLD-224 – Training the Wilderness      8       0       8
  Remains Detection Dog                                             Search and Rescue Dog
  USR-232 – Training the Disaster      8       0       8            HRD-225 – Training the Human           8       0       8
  Search Dog                                                        Remains Detection Dog
  USR-224 – Teaching Disaster Search   6       34      40           USR-232 – Training the Disaster        8       0       8
  Dog Skills                                                        Search Dog
  WLD-245 – Teaching Wilderness        6       30      36           USR-224 – Teaching Disaster Search     6       34      40
  Search Dog Skills                                                 Dog Skills
  HRD-246 – HRD Canine Training        6       30      36           WLD-245 – Teaching Wilderness          6       30      36
  Skills                                                            Search Dog Skills
  PRS-247 – K9 Problem Solving         6       10      16           HRD-246 – HRD Canine Training          6       30      36
  TOTAL HOURS                          80      160     240          Skills
                                                                    PRS-247 – K9 Problem Solving           6       10      16
                                                                    SAR-315 – Scenario Based Training      0       6       6
                                                                    for SAR Dogs
  Level 1 - 8 weeks for a total of 320 hours                        TOTAL HOURS                            250     230     480

      214 Class Hours - 106 Lab Hours
  Class                                Class   Lab     Total
                                       Hours   Hours   Hours
  INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology    16      0       16
  ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior       24      0       24
  LEA-103 - Learning Theory and        32      8       40

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

  DETECTION TRAINER PROGRAM                                           AGl-303 – Teaching Agility             16      24      40
                                                                      CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
                                                                      DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34
  Detection work with dogs is gaining                                 ADI-231 – Advanced Detection &         6       8       14
  popularity throughout the world.       From                         Interdiction
                                                                      HRD-225 – Training the Human           8       0       8
  Police K9 to Military Working Dogs to                               Remains Detection Dog
                                                                      TOTAL HOURS                            214     106     320
  commercial     detection   dogs,     people
  recognize the value a trained detection
  canine can bring to their organization. Our                         Level 3 - 12 weeks for a total of 480 hours
  Detection Dog Trainer Program is designed                               248 Class Hours - 232 Lab Hours
  to teach the fundamental skills necessary to
  be successful in the canine detection                               Class                                  Class
  industry.                                                           INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology      16      0       16
                                                                      ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior         24      0       24
                                                                      LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
  Level 2 - 6 weeks for a total of 240 hours                          Principles
      80 Class Hours - 160 Lab Hours                                  ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
                                                                      BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40
  Class                                  Class   Lab     Total        BUS-106 - Business & Marketing         30      2       32
                                         Hours   Hours   Hours        VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24
  AGI-303 – Teaching Agility             16      24      40           AGl-303 – Teaching Agility             16      24      40
  CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8            CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
  DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34           DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34
  TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18           DET-313 – Detection Dogs 2             2       22      24
  ADI-231 – Advanced Detection &         6       8       14           TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18
  Interdiction                                                        ADI-231 – Advanced Detection &         6       8       14
  SUP–243 – K9 Unit Supervision &        8       0       8            Interdiction
  Management                                                          SUP–243 – K9 Unit Supervision &        8       0       8
  HRD-225 – Training the Human           8       0       8            Management
  Remains Detection Dog                                               HRD-225 – Training the Human           8       0       8
  HRD-246 – HRD K9 Training Skills       6       30      36           Remains Detection Dog
  PRS-247 – K9 Problem Solving           6       10      16           HRD-246 – HRD K9 Training Skills       6       30      36
  BSM-248 – Building Search Methods      3       23      26           PRS-247 – K9 Problem Solving           6       10      16
  for Detection Handlers                                              BSM-248 – Building Search Methods      3       23      26
  CVS-249 – Commercial Vehicle           3       23      26           for Detection Handlers
  Search Methods                                                      CVS-249 – Commercial Vehicle           3       23      26
  CDS-250 – Commercial Detection         2       4       6            Search Methods
  Services                                                            CDS-250 – Commercial Detection         2       4       6
  TOTAL HOURS                            80      160     240          Services
                                                                      TOTAL HOURS                            248     232     480

  Level 1 - 8 weeks for a total of 320 hours
     214 Class Hours - 106 Lab Hours
  Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
                                         Hours   Hours   Hours
  INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology      16      0       16
  ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior         24      0       24
  LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
  ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
  BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40
  BUS-106 - Business & Marketing         30      2       32
  VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

  PROTECTION TRAINER PROGRAM                                          APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &      4       6       10
                                                                      Bite work
                                                                      Sbt-316 – Scenario Based Training      2       8       10
  Protecting one’s home and family is                                 for Protection Dogs
                                                                      TOTAL HOURS                            206     114     320
  important, and many turn to canine
  protection to meet their needs. Others are
  interested in training or handling protection                       Level 3 - 12 weeks for a total of 480 hours
  dogs for competition. Our Protection Dog                                253 Class Hours - 227 Lab Hours
  Trainers School teaches the skills necessary
  to confidently train a dog from “selection to                       Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
                                                                                                             Hours   Hours   Hours
  protection.”                                                        INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology      16      0       16
                                                                      ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior         24      0       24
  Level 2 - 6 weeks for a total of 240 hours                          LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
      79 Class Hours - 161 Lab Hours                                  ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
  Class                                  Class   Lab     Total        BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40
                                         Hours   Hours   Hours        BUS-106 - Business & Marketing         30      2       32
  COM-302 – Competition Obedience        16      24      40            CLI-107 – Working with Clients        4       4       8
  AGI-303 – Teaching Agility             16      24      40           SPE-108 – Dog Specialties              4       12      16
  CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8            VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24
  PEQ-221 – Police Canine Equipment      2       10      12           COM-302 – Competition Obedience        16      24      40
  APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &      4       6       10           AGI-303 – Teaching Agility             16      24      40
  Bite work                                                           CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
  APP-314 – Apprehension & Bite          6       28      34           PEQ-221 – Police Canine Equipment      2       10      12
  Work 2                                                              APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &      4       6       10
  TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18           Bite work
  TBS-240 – Tactical Building Searches   8       14      22           APP-314 – Apprehension & Bite          6       28      34
  AVP-241 – Advanced Police K9           6       18      24           Work 2
  Training                                                            TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers         4       14      18
  PRS-247 – K9 Problem Solving           6       10      16           TBS-240 – Tactical Building Searches   8       14      22
  DSP-251 – Dog Sports for Protection    3       13      16           AVP-241 – Advanced Police K9           6       18      24
  Dogs                                                                Training
  TOTAL HOURS                            79      161     240          PRS-247 – K9 Problem Solving           6       10      16
                                                                      DSP-251 – Dog Sports for Protection    3       13      16
                                                                      TOTAL HOURS                            253     227     480
  Level 2 - 8 weeks for a total of 320 hours
      214 Class Hours - 114 Lab Hours
  Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
                                         Hours   Hours   Hours
  INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology      16      0       16
  ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior         24      0       24
  LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
  ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
  BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems     32      8       40
  BUS-106 - Business & Marketing         30      2       32
   CLI-107 – Working with Clients        4       4       8
  SPE-108 – Dog Specialties              4       12      16
  VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues   12      12      24
  COM-302 – Competition Obedience        16      24      40
  CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
  PEQ-221 – Police Canine Equipment      2       10      12

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 MASTER TRAINER PROGRAM                               This  Program                    is          offered       for:
                                                      24 weeks for a                  total        of 960      hours
 Our most inclusive dog training program is               412 Class Hours - 548 Lab Hours
 our Master Dog Trainer Program and is
 popular among students who are truly                 Class                                   Class    Lab      Total
                                                                                              Hours    Hours    Hours
 looking to jump-start their dog training             INT-101 - Introduction & Ethology       16       0        16
 career. This program is designed to offer            ADB-102 - Applied Dog Behavior          24       0        24
                                                      LEA-103 - Learning Theory and           32       8        40
 you all of the tools and experience that it          Principles
                                                      ATT-104 - Application of Training       20       20       40
 takes to become a successful dog trainer in          Tools
 an expanding and profitable industry. This           BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems      32       8        40
                                                      BUS-106 - Business & Marketing          30       2        32
 program will immerse you in all aspects of            SPE-108 - Dog Specialties              4        12       16
 dog training and allow you the opportunity           VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues    12       12       24
                                                      DOM-201 Dominance and                   8        32       40
 to learn from some of the top trainers in the        Aggression
                                                      FEA-202 – Fear and Aggression           8        32       40
 industry. Unlike other master dog training           TRI-301 – Dog Tricks & Therapy Dogs     8        32       40
 programs that simply cover dog training              COM-302 – Competition Obedience         16       24       40
                                                      SDO-210 - Service Dog Overview          18       22       40
 specialty areas for a few days, this program         SIG-212 - Training Signal Dogs          14       26       40
 gives you an enormous amount of valuable             SDT-213 - Scent Discrimination          8        32       40
 hands-on experience that is required to be           MOB-214 - Mobility Dog Overview         22       32       54
 successful in the dog training industry.             MOB-310 - Mobility Dogs - Teaching      12       28       40
                                                      AAD-215 - Training Autism Service       18       22       40
                                                      AAD-311 - Training Autism Service       6        34       40
                                                      Dogs 2
                                                      SAD-216 - Training Dogs for Seizures,   16       24       40
                                                      TBI, PTSD
                                                      CAS-220 – Canine Case Law               8        0        8
                                                      PEQ-221 – Police Canine Equipment       2        10       12
                                                      DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs       10       24       34
                                                      DET-313 - Detection Dogs 2              2        22       24
                                                      APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &       4        6        10
                                                      Bite work
                                                      APP-314 – Apprehension & Bite           6        28       34
                                                      Work 2
                                                      TKH-230 – Teaching K9 Handlers          4        14       18
                                                      TBS-240 – Tactical Building Searches    8        14       22
                                                      AVP-241 – Advanced Police K9            6        18       24
                                                      SWA-242 – SWAT K9 Concepts and          6        10       16
                                                      SUP-243 – K9 Unit Supervision &         8        0        8
                                                      WLD-224 – Training the Wilderness       8        0        8
                                                      Search and Rescue Dog
                                                      HRD-225 – Training the Human            8        0        8
                                                      Remains Detection Dog
                                                      USR-232 – Training the Disaster         8        0        8
                                                      Search Dog
                                                      TOTAL HOURS                             412      548      960

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 DETECTION SPECIALIST PROGRAM                         Level 1 - 6 weeks for a total of 240 hours
                                                          128 Class Hours - 112 Lab Hours
 The Detection Specialist program is
 designed for those individuals who are               Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
                                                                                             Hours   Hours   Hours
 ready to begin a career in commercial                LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
 detection or looking to enhance their skills         Principles
                                                      ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
 while incorporating a trained single purpose         Tools
 detection dog into their work. As a single           BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems
                                                      VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues
 purpose detection dog is included in this            SDT-213 - Scent Discrimination         8       32      40
 program, this very specialized course                CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
 combines our detection training with the             DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34
                                                      ADI-231 -- Advanced Detection &        6       8       14
 purchase of a trained detection dog and              Interdiction
 gives you the knowledge and              the         TOTAL HOURS                            128     112     240

 foundation to quickly get your business off
 the ground and making money.

 These detection dogs can be trained to
 detect a variety of odors depending on the
 nature of your company or requirements
 including but not limited to; narcotics,
 explosives, bed bug, mold and truffles.

 This course will allow you to learn sound
 detection principles and practices as well as
 develop marketable handling skills in a
 setting that allows you to bond with your
 new teammate over an intensive 6 weeks
 and gain valuable experience running real
 world detection problems under the
 experienced eyes of our trained instructors.

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 K9 SPECIALIST PROGRAM                                Level 1 - 8 weeks for a total of 320 hours
                                                          148 Class Hours - 172 Lab Hours
 The K9 Specialist program incorporates
 handler training with the purchase of a              Class                                  Class   Lab     Total
                                                                                             Hours   Hours   Hours
 dual-purpose detection and patrol dog.               LEA-103 - Learning Theory and          32      8       40
 This program is designed for current law             Principles
                                                      ATT-104 - Application of Training      20      20      40
 enforcement personnel as well as civilians           Tools
 interested in handling a dog trained in              BEH-105 - Canine Behavior Problems
                                                      VET-109 - Veterinary & Health Issues
 detection as well as patrol to include;              SDT-213 - Scent Discrimination         8       32      40
 apprehension, handler protection and                 CAS-220 – Canine Case Law              8       0       8
 building searches.                                   DET-222 – Training Detection Dogs      10      24      34
                                                      DET-313 – Detection Dogs 2             2       22      24
                                                      APP-223 – Criminal Apprehension &      4       6       10
 These dogs can be trained in either                  Bite work
 narcotics or explosives detection in addition        APP-416 Apprehension & Bite Work
                                                                                             6       18      24

 to the patrol work.                                  ADI-231 -- Advanced Detection &        6       8       14
                                                      TBS-240 – Tactical Building Searches   8       14      22
 As a student in this program you will                TOTAL HOURS                            148     172     320
 develop handler skills in both detection and
 patrol work while gaining valuable
 experience running real world detection and
 patrol problems.

 This course would be ideal for those
 civilians interested in pursuing a career in
 the quickly expanding private security
 industry or a company wanting to add in-
 house K9 security to their existing program.

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 CLASS DESCRIPTIONS                   AND            This class explores a variety of learning
                                                     theories and principles that are used in dog
                                                     training. The student will learn the proper
 INTRODUCTION AND ETHOLOGY                           application of reinforcement schedules as
 INT-101                                             well as behavior shaping and the
 16 class hours, 0 lab hours                         fundamentals of training.

 Introduction to the industry of dog training        Primary equipment used in this program:
 and the evolution of the domestic dogs from         Training manual
 wolves. Students will learn about the roles
                                                     Prerequisites: None
 of dog trainers and explore different areas
 of training, such as, service dogs, police          APPLICATION OF TRAINING TOOLS
 dogs, therapy dogs, detection dogs, etc.            ATT-104
 Students will also explore theories of              20 class hours, 20 lab hours
 domestication and learn about differences
 between domestic dogs and other canids as           This class provides an overview of different
 well as innate canine behaviors and their           types of training tools and their various
 impact on training dogs.                            uses. The student will learn the proper
                                                     application and use of a variety of tools
 Primary equipment used in this program:             including the gentle leader, harness, prong
 Training manual                                     collar, Martingale and remote training collar.

 Prerequisites: None                                 Primary equipment used in this program:
                                                     Training manual, training collars and
 APPLIED DOG BEHAVIOR                                equipment.
 24 class hours, 0 lab hours                         Prerequisites: ABD-102, LEA-103

 This class gives students an understanding          CANINE BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS
 of applied dog behavior and its use in              BEH-105
 training dogs. The class covers clicker             32 class hours, 8 lab hours
 training as a method of training dogs
 through the use of positive reinforcement as        This class focuses on       understanding
 well as explaining baiting and luring dogs.         common canine behavior problems and how
                                                     to successfully diagnose and rehabilitate
 Primary equipment used in this program:             them. In this class the student will learn
 Training manual, clicker                            how to conduct proper behavior analysis of
                                                     canine behavior problems as well as options
 Prerequisites: None
                                                     for treating each of them.
 LEARNING THEORY AND                                 Primary equipment used in this program:
 PRINCIPLES                                          Training manual
 32 class hours, 8 lab hours                         Prerequisites: None

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 BUSINESS & MARKETING                                 the resources and experience required to
 BUS-106                                              teach these specialties.
 30 class hours, 2 lab hours
                                                      Primary equipment used in this program:
 This program covers an overview of                   Training manual
 strategies for successfully starting and
                                                      Prerequisites: None
 operating a dog training business. Students
 will learn about challenges of beginning a           VETERINARIAN & HEALTH ISSUES
 business and marketing it successfully as            VET-109
 well as franchise options for national dog           12 class hours, 12 lab hours
 training related businesses.
                                                      Students will learn about common
 Primary equipment used in this program:              veterinary and health issues that impact
 Training manual                                      training and overall dog health. This class
                                                      teaches students how to identify and treat
 Prerequisites: None
                                                      injuries and canine parasites. The class also
 WORKING WITH CLIENTS                                 teaches canine first aid and CPR.
                                                      Primary equipment used in this program:
 4 class hours, 4 lab hours
                                                      Training manual, first aid supplies, canine
 In this class students will learn how to             resuscitation mannequin.
 properly teach clients how to train their own
                                                      Prerequisites: None
 dogs. This class covers some of the pitfalls
 of working with clients and how to deal with         DOMINANCE & AGGRESSION
 them. Also covered in this class are                 DOM-201
 methods of properly setting up and teaching          8 class hours, 32 lab hours
 group classes, and other dog training
 lessons.                                             Students will learn more about dominance
                                                      and dominance aggression in dogs. They
 Primary equipment used in this program:              will also study methods of rehabilitating and
 Training manual                                      managing this behavior. This class also
                                                      discusses techniques for working with
 Prerequisites: None
                                                      owners who have dogs suffering from
 DOG SPECIALTIES                                      dominance aggression.
                                                      Primary equipment used in this program:
 4 class hours, 8 lab hours
                                                      Training manual
 Students will explore a variety of dog
                                                      Prerequisites: BEH-105
 related specialties, such as, triebball,
 herding, rally obedience, agility, barn hunt
 tests, K9 scent work, competition obedience
 as well as others. Students will learn about

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 FEAR & AGGRESSION                                   Primary equipment used in this program:
 FEA-202                                             None
 8 class hours, 32 lab hours
                                                     Prerequisites: ABD-102, LEA-103, ATT-104,
 Students will learn more about phobias and          DOM-201, FEA-202
 fear aggression in dogs. They will also
 study methods of rehabilitating and
 managing this behavior. This class also
                                                     TEACHING AGILITY
 discusses techniques for working with
 owners who have dogs suffering from fear
                                                     16 class hours, 24 lab hours
                                                     Students will learn how to teach skills for
 Primary equipment used in this program:
                                                     the fast-paced and precision sport of agility.
 Training manual
                                                     This program teaches students how to
 Prerequisites: BEH-105                              teach agility for competition as well as
                                                     practical agility skills for working dogs.
 TRI-301                                             Primary equipment used in this program:
 8 class hours, 32 lab hours                         Training manual, Agility equipment

 This program covers methods for training            Prerequisites: ABD-102, LEA-103, SPE-108,
 dog tricks and therapy dogs. Students will          DOM-201, FEA-202
 learn how to utilize operant condition to
 train complex behaviors and teach dog
 tricks. Students will also learn about              INTRODUCTION TO SERVICE DOGS
 training therapy dogs, their uses and               ISR-304
 certification requirements for therapy dogs.        6 class hours, 34 lab hours

 Primary equipment used in this program:             In this class, students will explore the
 Training manual, wheelchair, walkers                various types of service dogs that are used
                                                     to assist individuals with disabilities.
 Prerequisites: ABD-102, SPE 108, DOM-201,
                                                     Students will learn about Autism Service
                                                     dogs, Hearing Service Dog, Mobility Service
 COMPETITION OBEDIENCE                               Dogs and Seizure Alert/Assistance dogs.
                                                     Primary equipment used in this program:
 16 class hours, 24 lab hours
                                                     Training manual
 Students will learn the skills for teaching
                                                     Prerequisites: ABD-102, LEA-103, SPE-108,
 competition level obedience for AKC
                                                     DOM-201, FEA-202
 competitions as well as other competition
 sports such as Schutzhund, IPO, etc.

Program Catalog 2018-2019, Volume 05, Number 01

 SERVICE DOG OVERVIEW                                 handler to the sound. This class also
 SDO-210                                              teaches how to select dogs for this work.
 8 class hours, 22 lab hours
                                                      Primary equipment used in this program:
 Students will learn in-depth information             Training manual
 about the training of a variety of service
 dogs and how they assist individuals with            Prerequisites: SDO-210, CWD-211
 disabilities. This class also teaches the
                                                      SCENT DISCRIMINATION
 student about the Americans              with
 Disabilities Act, Air Carrier Access Act and
 Fair Housing Act and how they apply to
                                                      8 class hours, 32 lab hours
 service dog trainers and owners.
                                                      Students will learn about human odor
 Primary equipment used in this Program:
                                                      theory and how it applies to trailing dogs.
 Training manual
                                                      Students will also learn the fundamentals of
 Prerequisites: None                                  training   trailing    dogs   for      scent
                                                      discrimination and variable surface trailing
 WORKING WITH CLIENTS WITH                            to find lost individuals and criminal
 DISABILITIES                                         suspects. Also covered in this class are the
 CWD-211                                              environmental factors that affect scent
 12 class hours, 28 lab hours                         discrimination trailing dogs.

 Students will learn about the challenges             Primary equipment used in this program:
 that are faced by service dog clients.               Training manual
 Students learn the challenges of being in a
 wheelchair, being blind and deaf. Through            Prerequisites: LEA-103, ATT-104
 this understanding, students will better
                                                      MOBILITY DOG OVERVIEW
 learn how to teach and work with
 individuals with disabilities.                       22 class hours, 32 lab hours
 Primary equipment used in this program:              Students will learn the fundamental skills of
 Training manual, wheelchair, walker                  training mobility dogs for individuals with
 Prerequisites: SDO-210                               physical disabilities. This class teaches
                                                      students how to train dogs to work around
 TRAINING SIGNAL DOGS                                 manual and electric wheelchairs. This class
 SIG-212                                              also teaches how to select dogs for this
 14 class hours, 26 lab hours                         work.

 Students will learn the fundamental skills of        Primary equipment used in this program:
 training signal dogs for individuals with            Training manual, electric    wheelchair,
 hearing disabilities. This class teaches             manual wheelchair
 students how to train dogs to respond to
 alarms and other noises and to alert their           Prerequisites: SDO-210, CWD-211

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