Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond

Page created by Dwayne Grant
Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond
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                  Where Summer Learning =

                         School District of New Richmond
                                     Summer Stretch 2021
                          Monday, June 7 - Friday, June 25
                                        15 Days of Summer Fun!
                                         Register by April 12th
Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond
Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond
Summer Stretch 2021

        Table‌ ‌of‌ ‌Contents‌ ‌           ‌

Welcome!‌ 						                                               4‌‌
Who‌ ‌can‌ ‌register‌ ‌for‌ ‌Summer‌ ‌Stretch?‌      ‌	        4‌ ‌
When‌‌is‌‌Summer‌‌Stretch?‌ 			                                4‌‌
Key‌ ‌Information‌ ‌about‌ ‌Summer‌ ‌Stretch‌            ‌	    5‌ ‌
How‌ ‌to‌ ‌register‌ ‌for‌ ‌Summer‌ ‌Stretch‌    ‌		           5‌ ‌
Important‌‌registration‌‌guidelines‌‌‌ 		‌6‌‌
Transportation‌‌Information‌ ‌			                              6‌‌
Quick‌‌Reference‌‌Guide‌ 			                                7
                                                            ‌ -8‌‌
Pre-Kindergarten‌‌Class‌‌Descriptions‌ ‌		                     9‌‌
Grades‌‌K-1‌‌Class‌‌Descriptions‌	                      10-23‌‌
Grades‌‌2-4‌‌Class‌‌Descriptions‌                       24-40‌‌
Grades‌‌5-7‌‌Class‌‌Descriptions‌                       41-54‌
Eleyo‌Registration‌‌Instructions‌             ‌	             55‌‌
Registration‌ ‌Forms‌				                               56-57‌ ‌
Emergency‌‌Information‌‌Forms‌                          5
                                                        ‌ 8-59
Transportation‌‌Form‌s                                   60-61‌‌
Bus‌‌Stops‌‌List‌ ‌                                          61 ‌
Jumpstart Information                                        6
Summer Tiger Pack ‌                                          63 ‌

Register online at                          3
Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond
Summer Stretch 2021

           The School District of New Richmond is excited to provide you with
           this information on summer learning opportunities for your child! We

           welcome you to take advantage of our academic and activity classes.

           Who can register for Summer Stretch?
           Summer Stretch offers summer school classes for students from Pre-
           Kindergarten (entering Kindergarten Fall 2021) through current 7th
           graders. Summer Stretch is a FREE summer program for students in
           the School District of New Richmond. Current open-enrolled students
           don’t pay for Summer Stretch; non-district students may register
           for Summer Stretch classes and pay a small fee of $30.00 per class.
           While preference will be given to district students, we encourage you
           to share this opportunity with others, even if their children aren’t
           enrolled in the School District of New Richmond or St. Mary’s School.

           When is Summer Stretch?
           Classes this year will run from Monday, June 7th through Friday, June
           25th. The classes available vary at each grade level and are described in
           detail in the information that follows.

           Summer Stretch classes at our elementary and middle schools will
           start at 8:00 AM and finish at approximately 11:30 AM. A supervised
           recess period is included in this time period.

                                Summer Stretch Dates
                      Monday, June 7 - Friday, June 11, 2021
                      Monday, June 14 - Friday, June 18, 2021
                      Monday, June 21 - Friday, June 25, 2021
                           15 Days of Summer Fun!

           4			                                  Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond
Summer Stretch 2021

Key information about Summer Stretch
Key information about “Summer Stretch” classes include:

  •    Summer Stretch registration opens at 5:30 a.m., Monday, March 22nd
  •    Class locations vary per grade:
         HILLSIDE: 4 sections of Pre-Kindergarten + Grades K-1 classes
         STARR: 4 sections of Pre-Kindergarten + Grades 2-4 classes
         MIDDLE SCHOOL: Grades 5-7 classes

  •    Students currently in Kindergarten–Grade 7 will be able to register
       for 3 classes per day. A variety of enrichment and review classes will
       be available. Please talk to your child’s teacher to see if s/he has any
       recommendations for you regarding the classes that may be most
       beneficial to your child.
  •    Summer Stretch will end at approximately 11:30 AM.
  •    Snack-time will be offered daily. Students are responsible for their
       own snacks.
  •    Busing is available during Summer Stretch. For more information, see
       Transportation Information (page 6) and Forms (pages 60-61).
  •    High School summer program is run separately from Summer Stretch.
       Students currently in grades 8-11 that are interested in this option
       should contact the High School office.

How to register for Summer Stretch
Registration for Summer Stretch 2021 opens on March 22rd at 5:30 a.m.
All registrations should be submitted online or turned in no later than
Monday, April 12th.
Classes are filled on a “first come, first served” basis and typically fill
quickly. Please register online at For our
online registration, if the class is already full, you will not be able to
register for that class. Paper registration forms* should be returned to
your child’s school office (Hillside, Paperjack, or Starr Elementary, Middle
School) or the District Office. *Online registration is preferred, as classes are
subject to availability.
Once the registration period has ended (April 12th) and scheduling has
been completed, students will receive a confirmation packet in the
mail, which will include: class schedule, building map, name tag, and
bus information. Please do not call to inquire about the status of your
registration unless you have not heard from us by May 28th.

Register online at                                    5
Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond
Summer Stretch 2021

              Important registration guidelines:
                •   ELEYO is the online registration system that you will use to register for
                    Summer Stretch. See page 55 for registration information regarding

                •   Register your child based on their current 2020-21 grade-level.

                •   One registration form should be completed for each child.

                •   There is no cost* for School District of New Richmond resident
                    students to attend Summer Stretch. *Some classes may require a
                    supply fee.

                •   Complete all the registration information including contact
                    information and emergency information.

                •   Registration opens Monday, March 22, 2021 (online at 5:30 a.m.)

                •   Registration closes Monday, April 12, 2021.

              Transportation Information
              There will be multiple bus routes in operation that will pick up and drop off
              students at prearranged locations at the start and end of Summer Stretch.
              Parents will be responsible for picking their child up at the afternoon drop

              Please complete the enclosed transportation forms (even if you are
              dropping up/picking up your student) and return with your registration
              materials by April 12th. **See Page 60-61 for forms.

              For General Busing Questions:
              North America Central School Bus                         (715) 246-3261

                                   Registration Deadline
                                   Monday, April 12, 2021

              6			                                     Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021 - School District of New Richmond
Summer Stretch 2021

Quick Reference Guide
Where are Summer Stretch classes located?

                                                                                     Quick Reference
     HILLSIDE: 4 sections of Pre-Kindergarten + Grades K-1 classes
     STARR: 4 sections of Pre-Kindergarten + Grades 2-4 classes
     MIDDLE SCHOOL: Grades 5-7 classes

What Grade level should my child be registered for?
     Please use your child’s grade level during the CURRENT 2020-21 school
     year as the basis for their course selection in Summer Stretch.

How many classes can each student take?
     *K-7 students will be able to register for 3 classes per day.
     *Pre-Kindergarten students will be with the same teacher throughout
     the morning.

Will any classes be canceled?
     If classes are canceled due to insufficient enrollment or other
     unforeseen reasons, your child will be registered in a different (yet
     similar) class when possible.

What classes are available?
     A variety of enrichment and review classes are available. Please talk to
     your child’s teacher to see if s/he has any recommendations regarding
     what classes may be beneficial for your child.

How much does each class cost?
     Summer Stretch is free* to School District of New Richmond resident
     students. Current open-enrolled students may register free of charge.
     There is a $30.00 per class charge for non-resident students.
     *Some classes require a supply fee.

Where should I submit registration forms?
     Completed paper registration materials should be returned to your
     child’s elementary or middle school office. No paperwork is required for
     online registration; however, we recommend printing your registration

Will breakfast or lunch be served?
     Breakfast and lunch will be offered at all sites and is FREE for all students
     enrolled in Summer Stretch.

     For more details, contact Bobbie Guyette at 715-243-1714.

Register online at                                    7
Summer Stretch 2021

                  Quick Reference Guide – continued
Quick Reference

                  When can I drop my child off?
                     Supervision will be provided at each building from 7:45-11:45. Please do
                     not drop your child off before 7:45 AM.

                  When will we find out what classes my child has?
                     Once the registration period has ended (April 12nd), and scheduling has
                     been completed, students will receive a confirmation packet in the
                     mail, which includes: class schedule, building map, name tag, and bus
                     information. Packets will be mailed the week of May 10th.

                  What if my child has a disability?
                     Parents with questions regarding Summer Stretch classes for their child
                     with disabilities are encouraged to speak with their child’s IEP manager
                     for recommendations.

                  What if my child has a medical issue?
                     Health Assistants are staffed at all three Summer Stretch locations.
                     Please indicate any medical issues on page 58 of the Summer Stretch
                     Registration Forms.

                  What if I know my child will have to miss some days due to
                  family plans?
                     Teachers will try to make accommodations for family plans. Please be
                     sure to notify us in advance if possible. Students in review classes will
                     maximize their skills by regular attendance.

                  How do I report an absence?
                     In the event of an absence, please call the school at which the student
                     attends Summer Stretch class(es).
                        Hillside Elementary Attendance Line:		         (715) 243-1419
                        Starr Elementary Attendance Line:		            (715) 243-7434
                        Middle School Attendance Line:		               (715) 243-1616

                  How will the schools handle behavior issues?
                     Students who display behavior that results in the disruption of the
                     educational process may be dropped from Summer Stretch after
                     sufficient warning and parental notice from the Principal.

                  8			                                    Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021

Pre-Kindergarten Classes

Hillside Elementary & Starr Elementary
     • Pre-Kindergarten Summer Stretch classes are for students
       starting Kindergarten in the Fall of 2021.
     • 4 sections of Pre-Kindergarten classes will be held at both
       Hillside Elementary and Starr Elementary.
     • Please select the PreK class location that best fits your
       family’s needs. (Example: If your PreK student has siblings at
       Starr, register for the PreK –Starr class.)
     • Please submit one registration form per child.
     • Classes will be from 8:00-11:30 AM. Recess will be supervised.
     • Students will be with the same teacher throughout the
     • Pre-Kindergarten classes are free to district residents and
       current open-enrolled students. Non-resident students may
       register for PreK for $90.00. (Fee includes entire morning Pre-
       Kindergarten class.)


  PK-H           Pre-Kindergarten - HILLSIDE
  Grade          Time             Instructor               Location
  PreK          8:00-11:30     Various                     Hillside Elementary
  Each Pre-Kindergarten class will focus on different weekly themes, but
  all classes will help students work on the skills necessary for a successful
  start in Kindergarten.

 PK-S           Pre-Kindergarten - STARR
 Grade          Time             Instructor               Location
 PreK          8:00-11:15     Various                     Starr Elementary
 Each Pre-Kindergarten class will focus on different weekly themes, but
 all classes will help students work on the skills necessary for a successful
 start in Kindergarten.

Register online at                                    9
Summer Stretch 2021

                                    H1-A          Fun & Fit For Life
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1           8:00 - 9:00    Kaitlynn Belisle                Hillside Elementary
                                    Join us on an adventure of fun and fitness! Each day we will meet in the
                                    gym to get our bodies moving. Students will learn about the importance of
                                    an active and healthy lifestyle. Through play, we will explore the topics of
                                    nutrition, healthy choices, physical activity, and sportsmanship.
Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary

                                    H1-B          Card Games for Kids
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1           8:00 - 9:00    Darla Kruschke                  Hillside Elementary
                                    Card games are a great way for kids to learn math skills and strategy--as
                                    well as teamwork. We’ll enjoy playing all of the classic favorites, such as
                                    Uno, Garbage, Crazy 8’s--and more!

                                    H1-C          Add It Up Math Review
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                    1             8:00 - 9:00    TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    Need a little extra help learning those addition and subtraction processes
                                    you learned in school this year? Take this class and work on basic skills
                                    through direct instruction, independent practice, games, computer
                                    simulations and more! (This course is designed for students needing extra
                                    support with math.)
                                    H1-D          Sea Creatures
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1           8:00 - 9:00    Jami Engelhart                  Hillside Elementary
                                    Join us under the sea to learn about amazing sea creatures and explore
                                    their habitats. In this class, you’ll do projects and read about a fish that
                                    shares, a crab that searches for the perfect home, sea turtles and even
                                    sharks! We will end each week with Freaky Fish Friday. Be a part of this
                                    amazing school of fish and you’re sure to have fun!

                                   10                                         Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 H1-E            Magic School Bus Science
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 K-1             8:00 - 9:00      Kaitlyn Sabelko          Hillside Elementary
 Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus characters help us learn science! Plan
 to get a little messy as you engage in explorations and experiments that
 cover topics from Biology to Chemistry to Astronomy and more. Calling all
 young scientists - this class is for you!

                                                                                    Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary
 H1-F            Curious Kids Exploration
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 K-1             8:00 - 9:00      TBD                      Hillside Elementary
 Are you a curious kid who likes to explore? In this class there will be hands-
 on crafts, cool experiments, and stories to read while we learn about the
 exciting world around us!

 H1-G            Mad Scientists
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 K-1             8:00 - 9:00      TBD                      Hillside Elementary
 Science is really cool! Students will have fun doing a variety of experiments
 and making cool projects such as exploding volcanos and neon slime. Little
 scientists will have lots of hands-on learning!

  H1-H            Amazing Artists
  Grade           Time             Instructor               Location
                               Melanie McDonough-
  K-1             8:00 - 9:00                                 Hillside Elementary
  Do you love art? In this class, we’ll read art-focused books and create art
  at the same time! We’ll also learn about artists--their life stories and why
  they are famous. Art you going to have fun in this class? Oh yeah! **Please
  bring your colored pencils, markers, scissors and glue left over from the
  school year.

Register online at                                   11
Summer Stretch 2021
                                    H1-J           Enchanted Engineering
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            8:00 - 9:00     TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    Think Beyond “Happily Ever After” and “Once Upon a Time”. Students will read
                                    familiar fairy tales and add a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)
                                    lens to problems that need to be solved. Be ready to use your imagination to
                                    generate design ideas, collaborate with your friends, and make connections to our
                                    world. Children are natural born scientists and engineers. This class will let their
Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary

                                    creativity soar!

                                    H1-K           The Olympics
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            8:00 - 9:00     Kayla Pabst                     Hillside Elementary
                                    If you love sports this is the class for you! In this class we will look into the
                                    different events of the Summer Olympics! We will even get to look at some
                                    medals and make our own! We might even have a track meet similar to the
                                    one they do in the Olympics.

                                    H1-L           Construction Junction
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            8:00 - 9:00     TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    You can build it! Students will work together to create structures made of
                                    unique materials---noodles, marshmallows, newspaper, cups, cardboard
                                    and more. Working in teams and individually, students will discuss what
                                    building elements make their structures sound and creatively Students
                                    will work individually and in teams to complete their structures. This
                                    engineering camp is perfect for students who need a platform to
                                    creatively build with a focus in mind.

                                    H1-M           Books & Cooks
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            8:00 - 9:00     TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    In Books & Cooks, we’ll be reading and listening to a variety of literature,
                                    as well as creating fun recipes related to the books we are reading. There
                                    will be many books and recipes for us to explore together! **Please let us
                                    know if your child has ANY food allergies.

                                   12                                           Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021

 H1-N            Reading is a Work of Art
 Grade           Time             Instructor                    Location

 K-1             8:00 - 9:00      TBD                           Hillside Elementary
 If you love to read and create fun art projects, this is the class for you! We will
 read favorite picture books and then use art to recreate characters, illustrations,
 and settings. We’ll learn to draw Mo Willem’s characters like Elephant, Piggie
 and Pigeon, recreate scenes from Eric Carle’s picture books, craft some Jan Brett

                                                                                            Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary
 favorites, and enter the world of Kevin Henkes with Lilly and Chrysanthemum. At
 the end of this class, you will have lots of fabulous artwork to take home!

 H1-O            Reading Rocks! Kindergarten Reading Review
 Grade           Time             Instructor                    Location

 K               8:00 - 9:00      TBD                           Hillside Elementary
 This summer review class will reinforce reading skills that have been
 introduced during the school year. Areas that will be addressed include
 vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and fluency. (This course is
 designed for students needing extra support with reading.)

 H1-P            Superhero Camp
 Grade           Time             Instructor                    Location

 K-1             8:00 - 9:00      TBD                           Hillside Elementary
 Have you ever wondered what makes a superhero? Join us in reading
 about famous and infamous superheroes! Feel free to bring your own
 superhero books to share.

 H1-Q            Out of this World: Space Camp
 Grade           Time             Instructor                    Location

 K-1             8:00 - 9:00      TBD                           Hillside Elementary
 Astronauts are requested for a trip into space! Prepare for a stop on the
 moon, a tour through the solar system, and many encounters with the

Register online at                                           13
Summer Stretch 2021
                                    H1-R           Pirate’s Cove
                                    Grade          Time             Instructor                       Location

                                    K-1            8:00 - 9:00      TBD                              Hillside Elementary
                                    Ahoy, Mateys! In this class we will learn all about pirates! We will increase fine
                                    motor skills by making pirate hats and other pirate crafts, enhance creativity by
                                    creating treasure maps, follow directions to find treasure, strengthen reading
                                    skills by reading stories about pirates, make some pirate snacks and much more!
                                    **Please let us know if your child has ANY food allergies.
Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary

                                    H1-S           Make It & Take It
                                    Grade          Time             Instructor                       Location

                                    K-1            8:00 - 9:00      TBD                              Hillside Elementary
                                    Do you love working with your hands? This class lets you explore and
                                    create fabulous crafts to take home and enjoy. We will concentrate on
                                    exercising fine motor skills and creativity by painting, gluing, cutting and
                                    crafting a new project each week.

                                                          End of 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Class List

                                    H2-A           Fun & Fit For Life
                                    Grade          Time             Instructor                       Location

                                    K-1            9:05 - 10:05     Kaitlynn Belisle                 Hillside Elementary
                                    Join us on an adventure of fun and fitness! Each day we will meet in the
                                    gym to get our bodies moving. Students will learn about the importance of
                                    an active and healthy lifestyle. Through play, we will explore the topics of
                                    nutrition, healthy choices, physical activity, and sportsmanship.

                                    H2-B           3’s in Literature
                                    Grade          Time             Instructor                       Location

                                    K-1            9:05 - 10:05     Darla Kruschke                   Hillside Elementary
                                    Good things come in 3’s! In this class, we’re going to dive into the “rule of
                                    3” which says stories with “3” are more funny and satisfying to read! We’ll
                                    look at books like the 3 Pigs, 3 Blind Mice--and more!

                                   14                                            Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 H2-C            Add It Up Math Review
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 1               9:05 - 10:05     TBD                    Hillside Elementary
 Need a little extra help learning those addition and subtraction processes
 you learned in school this year? Take this class and work on basic skills
 through direct instruction, independent practice, games, computer
 simulations and more! (This course is designed for students needing extra

                                                                                    Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary
 support with math.)

 H2-D            Diggin’ Dinosaurs
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 K-1             9:05 - 10:05     Jami Engelhart         Hillside Elementary
 Travel back in time to the day of the dinosaurs. Learn about a new
 dinosaur each day. In class we will discuss each dinosaur’s characteristics
 and behaviors. There will be storytelling, art, math and writing. Students
 will be making and finding fossils as if they were real archaeologists on a
 dinosaur dig!

 H2-E            Magic School Bus Science
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 K-1             9:05 - 10:05     Kaitlyn Sabelko        Hillside Elementary
 Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus characters help us learn science! Plan
 to get a little messy as you engage in explorations and experiments that
 cover topics from Biology to Chemistry to Astronomy and more. Calling all
 young scientists - this class is for you!

 H2-F            Summer STEM Challenge
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 K-1             9:05 - 10:05     TBD                    Hillside Elementary
 Challenge your Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math skills this
 summer! Each day includes a fun experiment and hands-on activity such as
 Drippin’ Dash, Keep it Cool, Wicked Fast Water Slide and more!

Register online at                                   15
Summer Stretch 2021

                                    H2-G           Creative Crafts
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            9:05 - 10:05    TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    Spark your artistic imagination in this awesome class! Students will make
                                    unique crafts with clay, glitter, beads, paints and many more art supplies,
                                    while collaborating with their friends.
Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary

                                    H2-H           Amazing Artists
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location
                                                                 Melanie McDonough-
                                    K-1          9:05 - 10:05                                   Hillside Elementary
                                    Do you love art? In this class, we’ll read art-focused books and create art at
                                    the same time! We’ll also learn about artists--their life stories and why they
                                    are famous. Art you going to have fun in this class? Oh yeah!

                                   H2-J           Enchanted Engineering
                                   Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                   K-1            9:05 - 10:05    TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                   Think Beyond “Happily Ever After” and “Once Upon a Time”. Students will read
                                   familiar fairy tales and add a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)
                                   lens to problems that need to be solved. Be ready to use your imagination to
                                   generate design ideas, collaborate with your friends, and make connections to our
                                   world. Children are natural born scientists and engineers. This class will let their
                                   creativity soar!

                                    H2-K           Under the Sea
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            9:05 - 10:05    Kayla Pabst                     Hillside Elementary
                                    We will go on a cruise though the ocean and learn about all of the animals
                                    under the sea and the lives that they live. We will also see some pirates and
                                    help them on a treasure hunt to find an ancient treasure hidden with our
                                    aquatic friends.

                                   16                                           Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 H2-L            Dream a Theme
 Grade           Time             Instructor                       Location

 K-1             9:05 - 10:05     TBD                              Hillside Elementary
 Students in this class will work on identifying themes and other reading
 characteristics in a variety of book readings (modified for selected age group) all
 the while working on their fluency, and comprehension skills! Students will also
 work on writing their own stories with unique characters revolving around themes

                                                                                            Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary
 that they’ve created. Students will work on adding to their story as they learn
 different story elements, and incorporate drawings of their own! Find the theme,
 and dream a theme!

 H2-M            Books & Cooks
 Grade           Time             Instructor                       Location

 K-1             9:05 - 10:05     TBD                              Hillside Elementary
 In Books & Cooks, we will be reading and listening to a variety of literature
 and participating in cooking activities. We will make fun recipes related to
 the books we are reading. We will read many books throughout the class!
 **Please let us know if your child has ANY food allergies.

 H2-N            Reading is a Work of Art
 Grade           Time             Instructor                       Location

 K-1             9:05 - 10:05     TBD                              Hillside Elementary
 If you love to read and create fun art projects, this is the class for you! We will
 read favorite picture books and then use art to recreate characters, illustrations,
 and settings. We’ll learn to draw Mo Willem’s characters like Elephant, Piggie
 and Pigeon, recreate scenes from Eric Carle’s picture books, craft some Jan Brett
 favorites, and enter the world of Kevin Henkes with Lilly and Chrysanthemum. At
 the end of this class, you will have lots of fabulous artwork to take home!

 H2-O            Reading Rocks! Grade 1 Reading Review
 Grade           Time             Instructor                       Location

 1               9:05 - 10:05     TBD                              Hillside Elementary
 This summer review class will reinforce reading skills that have been
 introduced during the school year. Areas that will be addressed include
 vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and fluency. (This course is
 designed for students needing extra support with reading.)

Register online at                                           17
Summer Stretch 2021

                                    H2-P             Science Camp
                                    Grade            Time            Instructor                       Location

                                    K-1              9:05 - 10:05    TBD                              Hillside Elementary
                                    Summer is a great time to explore science! We will learn how to make
                                    predictions and use our five senses to explore how things move, grow, and
                                    change. Some of these science projects will turn into a work of art!
Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary

                                    H2-Q             Out of this World: Space Camp
                                    Grade            Time            Instructor                       Location

                                    K-1              9:05 - 10:05    TBD                              Hillside Elementary
                                    Astronauts are requested for a trip into space! Prepare for a stop on the
                                    moon, a tour through the solar system, and many encounters with the

                                    H2-R             Zoo Animal Fun
                                    Grade            Time            Instructor                       Location

                                    K-1              9:05 - 10:05    TBD                              Hillside Elementary
                                    Get ready, we’re going to the zoo! That is, with our imaginations! During
                                    this class we’ll learn about all different types of animals that we might
                                    see at a zoo and their natural habitats. We’ll play fun animal games, get
                                    creative with animal crafts, read animal stories, and so much more.

                                        H2-S          Make It & Take It
                                        Grade         Time            Instructor                       Location

                                        K-1           9:05 - 10:05    TBD                              Hillside Elementary
                                        Do you love working with your hands? This class lets you explore and
                                        create fabulous crafts to take home and enjoy. We will concentrate on
                                        exercising fine motor skills and creativity by painting, gluing, cutting and
                                        crafting a new project each week.

                                                            End of 9:05 -10:05 a.m. Class List

                                   18                                              Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021

 H3-A            Fun & Fit For Life
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     Kaitlynn Belisle         Hillside Elementary
 Join us on an adventure of fun and fitness! Each day we will meet in the
 gym to get our bodies moving. Students will learn about the importance of
 an active and healthy lifestyle. Through play, we will explore the topics of
 nutrition, healthy choices, physical activity, and sportsmanship.

                                                                                    Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary
 H3-B            Color Mixing & Other Science Fun
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     Darla Kruschke           Hillside Elementary
 Calling all color scientists! In this exciting new class, we’ll combine art
 and science into cool, hands-on projects for students. We’ll use sensory
 activities such as color mixing, magnets, volcanoes, Dancing Raisins and
 more to expand their knowledge through visual learning skills.

 H3-C            Add It Up Math Review
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 K               10:25 -11:35     TBD                      Hillside Elementary
 Need a little extra help learning those addition and subtraction processes
 you learned in school this year? Take this class and work on basic skills
 through direct instruction, independent practice, games, computer
 simulations and more! (This course is designed for students needing extra
 support with math.)
 H3-D            Dr. Seuss
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     Jami Engelhart           Hillside Elementary
 Through reading Seuss books, we will enjoy the imaginary world of Dr.
 Seuss and create art projects to go along with his stories. We may even
 experience a Seuss video to bring his world even more alive.

Register online at                                   19
Summer Stretch 2021
                                    H3-E          Magic School Bus Science
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1           10:25 -11:35   Kaitlyn Sabelko                 Hillside Elementary
                                    Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus characters help us learn science! Plan
                                    to get a little messy as you engage in explorations and experiments that
                                    cover topics from Biology to Chemistry to Astronomy and more. Calling all
                                    young scientists - this class is for you!
Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary

                                    H3-F          Healthy Snacks and Math
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1           10:25 -11:35   TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    Snacks and math go together like cheese and crackers. In this class we
                                    will practice counting, adding and subtracting all while enjoying a healthy
                                    snack together! **Please let us know if your child has ANY food allergies.

                                    H3-G          Under the Sea With You & Me
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1           10:25 -11:35   TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    Learn about the ocean and what lives in the ocean, play with water, create
                                    sea creatures, read stories and have fun with other surprise activities.

                                    H3-H          Amazing Artists
                                    Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location
                                                                 Melanie McDonough-
                                    K-1           10:25 -11:35                                  Hillside Elementary
                                    Do you love art? In this class, we’ll read art-focused books and create art
                                    at the same time! We’ll also learn about artists--their life stories and why
                                    they are famous. Art you going to have fun in this class? Oh yeah! **Please
                                    bring your colored pencils, markers, scissors and glue left over from the
                                    school year.

                                   20                                         Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 H3-J            Enchanted Engineering
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     TBD                     Hillside Elementary
 Think Beyond “Happily Ever After” and “Once Upon a Time”. Students
 will read familiar fairy tales and add a science, technology, engineering and
 math (STEM) lens to problems that need to be solved. Be ready to use
 your imagination to generate design ideas, collaborate with your friends,

                                                                                  Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary
 and make connections to our world. Children are natural born scientists
 and engineers. This class will let their creativity soar!

 H3-K            Best Board Games
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     Kayla Pabst             Hillside Elementary
 Do you like to play games? Join us as we have fun learning while playing
 games. Students will be introduced to some new and exciting board and
 card games. We will of also dip back into the old game closet to play some
 oldies but goodies.

 H3-L            Green Machine
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     TBD                     Hillside Elementary
 Let’s go green! In this new class, students will learn about our planet,
 how to be eco friendly, as well as create and explore concepts involving
 nature. We’ll explore our beautiful physical world through nature walks, art
 projects, and class discussions about how we can keep it that way.

 H3-M            Books & Cooks
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     TBD                     Hillside Elementary
 In Books & Cooks, we will be reading and listening to a variety of literature
 and participating in cooking activities. We will make fun recipes related to
 the books we are reading. We will read many books throughout the class!
 **Please let us know if your child has ANY food allergies.

Register online at                                 21
Summer Stretch 2021
                                    H3-N           Reading is a Work of Art
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            10:25 -11:35    TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    If you love to read and create fun art projects, this is the class for you! We will
                                    read favorite picture books and then use art to recreate characters, illustrations,
                                    and settings. We’ll learn to draw Mo Willem’s characters like Elephant, Piggie
                                    and Pigeon, recreate scenes from Eric Carle’s picture books, craft some Jan Brett
                                    favorites, and enter the world of Kevin Henkes with Lilly and Chrysanthemum. At
Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary

                                    the end of this class, you will have lots of fabulous artwork to take home!

                                    H3-O           Reading Rocks! Grade 1 Reading Review
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    1              10:25 -11:35    TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    This summer review class will reinforce reading skills that have been
                                    introduced during the school year. Areas that will be addressed include
                                    vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and fluency. (This course is
                                    designed for students needing extra support with reading.)

                                    H3-P           Games, Games, and More Games!
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            10:25 -11:35    TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    Be ready to laugh and compete with your friends! We will learn new games,
                                    old games, and share our favorite games with our friends. We will also be
                                    creating our OWN game! Put on your thinking caps and get ready for some

                                    H3-Q           Out of this World: Space Camp
                                    Grade          Time            Instructor                      Location

                                    K-1            10:25 -11:35    TBD                             Hillside Elementary
                                    Astronauts are requested for a trip into space! Prepare for a stop on the
                                    moon, a tour through the solar system, and many encounters with the

                                   22                                           Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021

 H3-R            Animals and Their Habitats
 Grade           Time             Instructor                 Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     TBD                        Hillside Elementary
 Join us and explore different animals and their habitats through creative
 projects, sensory exploration, read alouds, and experiments.

                                                                                     Grades K-1 - Hillside Elementary
 H3-S            Puppet Creator
 Grade           Time             Instructor                 Location

 K-1             10:25 -11:35     TBD                        Hillside Elementary
 We will create an assortment of puppets using different materials and play
 act with them. Using stories, comics, videos and our imaginations we will
 present the stories with the handmade puppets.

               End of 10:25-11:35 a.m. Class List
                 End K-1 Class Descriptions

   Learning does not end when school is out, neither does the need for good
  nutrition - which is crucial for children to have a safe and productive summer.
    All students enrolled in Summer Stretch will be offered free breakfast and
    free lunch meals each week day. Meals will be served and consumed by
   students in the cafeteria of the site they are enrolled in for Summer Stretch

 Questions about meals, please contact Bobbie Guyette at
 715-243-1714. See District Website for more information.

Register online at                                    23
Summer Stretch 2021

                                 S1-A          Gadgets Galore
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                       Location

                                 2-4           8:00 - 9:00     Greg Kier                        Starr Elementary
                                 Kids never seem to have time to create fun gadgets and try them out. This
                                 class is designed to make gadgets and learn more about science. We use
                                 video clips, research, and experiments to create boats, cars, planes, and
                                 other fun gadgets.

                                 S1-B          Fitness & Fun
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                       Location

                                 2-4           8:00 - 9:00     Bailey Walz                      Starr Elementary
Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary

                                 Fitness & Fun! Let’s get active this summer! Fitness & Fun will teach you
                                 the fundamentals of sports along with good sportsmanship skills! You
                                 will also learn the importance of warming up and stretching prior to
                                 completing fitness activities. Sports included in this course are baseball/
                                 softball, football, hockey, soccer, kickball, basketball and more!

                                 S1-C          Genius Hour
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                       Location

                                 2-4           8:00 - 9:00     TBD                              Starr Elementary
                                 Do you wish you had a choice in what you learned each day at school?
                                 Do you enjoy being creative and working with your hands? During Genius
                                 Hour, students will choose their own topics, research, and create fun
                                 projects. It is a chance for students to pursue their interests, learn a skill, or
                                 explore their curiosities. Sign up for Genius Hour today!

                                 S1-D          How-to-Jewelry
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                       Location

                                 2-4           8:00 - 9:00     Angie Brown                      Starr Elementary
                                 In this class, we will create a variety of jewelry and make our own how-to
                                 book. The book will include step-by-step directions on how to make each
                                 piece of jewelry from class, so you will be able to re-create each piece in
                                 the future.

                                24                                           Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 S1-E            Reader’s Theater
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      TBD                    Starr Elementary
 Do you love to perform? In this class, you will have the opportunity to
 perform without the need for memorization, props, costumes or a set.
 Instead, be prepared to have fun bringing the story alive using your voice,
 facial expressions and gestures.

 S1-F            Beginning German
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      Tiffany Vier           Starr Elementary
 Learning a new language is sehr gut (very good)!! In this class, students

                                                                                  Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary
 will get an introduction into the German culture and learn basic greetings,
 counting and simple sentence structures.

 S1-G            Cool Computer Math Games
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      Jamie Knutson          Starr Elementary
 Do you love playing computer games? Do you want to be an even better
 math student? Learning math is fun with the introduction of over 10
 different websites to grow students’ logical thinking and math skills! Some
 games even let you play against some of your classmates, which just adds
 up to even more fun!

 S1-H            Kids That Cook
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      Brooke John            Starr Elementary
 Do you love to watch cooking shows on television? In this class we will
 learn how to follow child friendly recipes that do not require and oven.
 Our goal will be to enhance measuring, sequencing, and organizing skills.
 We will end the class with a cooking competition similar to “Little Big
 Shots” or “Star Kids”. ** Please let us know if your child has any food

Register online at                                 25
Summer Stretch 2021

                                 S1-J         Building Blocks for Reading Success (grade 2)
                                 Grade        Time           Instructor                       Location

                                 2            8:00 - 9:00    Katie Marten                     Starr Elementary
                                 This summer review class will reinforce reading skills that have been
                                 introduced during the school year. Areas that will be addressed include
                                 vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and fluency. (This course is
                                 designed for students needing extra support with reading.)

                                S1-K         Crazy About Dogs
                                Grade        Time           Instructor                       Location

                                2-4          8:00 - 9:00    Laura Ritten                     Starr Elementary
Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary

                                Crazy About Dogs! Explore the world of dogs! Become a dog expert by
                                learning amazing facts about dogs through true stories. We will create
                                special dog crafts using a variety of fun art materials. There will also be
                                time to play some silly doggy games with your classmates. On the last day
                                you will take home your very own PAW shaped book full of the activities
                                and facts you have learned in our class! Whether you know a little or a lot
                                about dogs… BOW-WOW! Come join the fun!

                                 S1-L         Game On!
                                 Grade        Time           Instructor                       Location

                                 2-4          8:00 - 9:00    TBD                              Starr Elementary
                                 Would you like to learn some classic games and develop your
                                 communication or negotiating skills? Each day we’ll be laughing and
                                 learning while playing games such as Monopoly, Rush Hour, War, Shoe
                                 Tower, and many more!

                                 S1-M         Making Music Challenge
                                 Grade        Time           Instructor                       Location

                                 2-4          8:00 - 9:00    Heather Zappetta                 Starr Elementary
                                 Love Music? Would you like to learn how to write music and play different
                                 instruments? In this class we will learn how to write, play and make music
                                 together. No experience necessary!

                                26                                         Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021

 S1-N            Learn to Code with Minecraft and Roblox
 Grade           Time             Instructor                Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      Heather Bjorne            Starr Elementary
 Love Minecraft? Join me as we learn to code using Minecraft and Roblox
 games. We will build games and play the games we built.

 S1-O            Digital Gaming
 Grade           Time             Instructor                Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      Tom Cleveland             Starr Elementary
 Do you enjoy playing video games? Ever wonder when the first video game

                                                                                    Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary
 was developed or who created it? In this class you will learn the history of
 digital gaming and also have the options of playing the games. There will
 be strategy based games, puzzles, multiplayer and educational games.

 S1-P            Becoming An Author
 Grade           Time             Instructor                Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      Miranda Haack             Starr Elementary
 Do you love to write stories? Become an author of your very own
 children’s book. Write your story and learn everything from writing, to
 drafting, to illustrating and finally what is involved in publishing that book.

 S1-Q            Creative Coloring
 Grade           Time             Instructor                Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      Carmen Markgren           Starr Elementary
 Do you ever notice those beautiful complex coloring books in the stores?
 What does it take to color those fun designs? Learn about coloring
 technique and color theory while you create sensational pictures!

Register online at                                   27
Summer Stretch 2021
                                 S1-R          Disney Days
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                       Location

                                 2-4           8:00 - 9:00    Hannah Nelson                    Starr Elementary
                                 Disney Days filled with games and adventures, arts and crafts, books,
                                 writing, movies, and a few special surprises and celebrations. If you love
                                 Disney or have dreamed about going to Disney- you’ll love Disney Days.

                                 S1-S          Math Mania (grade 3)
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 3             8:00 - 9:00    TBD                             Starr Elementary
                                 Do you like math and want to refresh your skills over the summer? Join
                                 us in this class as we review math skills and challenge each other to learn
Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary

                                 more about the magnificent world of math! We will play math games,
                                 simulations, and do fun activities.

                                 S1-T          Art of Fishing
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4           8:00 - 9:00    Mike Pike                       Starr Elementary
                                 Fish on! Students will learn about different styles of fishing (summer
                                 fishing, ice fishing), as well as basic techniques and fish identification.
                                 They’ll also use their artistic skills to design and paint their own lures, and
                                 test them out at Mary Park. *Due to popular demand, we ask that only new
                                 students to The Art of Fishing enroll this year. Previous students will need
                                 to be moved out of the class.

                                 S1-U          Five Kinds of Farms
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4           8:00 - 9:00    Maggie Greene                   Starr Elementary
                                 Wisconsin has many kinds of farms! We’ll create projects that teach us
                                 about bee farms, tree farms, horse farms, fruit farms, and even maple
                                 syrup farms! You will become a real farmer as you use your hands and
                                 imaginations to create your own miniature farm!

                                28                                         Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 S1-V            Creating from A-Z with Beads
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 2-4             8:00 - 9:00      TBD                     Starr Elementary
 Get excited for some beading madness! We’ll have fun learning about the
 many things you can bead besides jewelry! From lawn ornaments to pencil
 holders, and a few new surprises along the way, this is the class to make
 your beading talents learn to soar!

 S1-W            Math Mania (grade 4)
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 4               8:00 - 9:00      Ashley Hall             Starr Elementary
 Do you like math and want to refresh your skills over the summer? Join
 us in this class as we review math skills and challenge each other to learn

                                                                                    Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary
 more about the magnificent world of math! We will play math games,
 simulations, and do fun activities.

                     End of 8:00-9:00 a.m. Class List

 S2-A            Genius Time
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Greg Kier               Starr Elementary
 Have something that really interests you? How do animals keep warm in
 the winter? Why does my dog lean up against me? Why are there so many
 stars in the sky? Investigate various topics of your own choosing and
 create fun ways to share your expertise with others.

 S2-B            Fitness & Fun
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Bailey Walz             Starr Elementary
 Fitness & Fun! Let’s get active this summer! Fitness & Fun will teach you
 the fundamentals of sports along with good sportsmanship skills! You
 will also learn the importance of warming up and stretching prior to
 completing fitness activities. Sports included in this course are baseball/
 softball, football, hockey, soccer, kickball, basketball and more!

Register online at                                   29
Summer Stretch 2021

                                 S2-C          Games Around The World
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   TBD                               Starr Elementary
                                 Would you like to learn some awesome games that are played around
                                 the world? Each day we will be laughing and learning about a new game
                                 or activity played in a different part of the world. Grab your passport and
                                 come learn about how kids in other countries like to play and have fun!

                                 S2-D          How-to-Jewelry
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   Angie Brown                       Starr Elementary
Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary

                                 In this class, we will create a variety of jewelry and make our own how-to
                                 book. The book will include step-by-step directions on how to make each
                                 piece of jewelry from class, so you will be able to re-create each piece in
                                 the future.

                                 S2-E          Puzzle A Day
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   TBD                               Starr Elementary
                                 Puzzles are brain food! Besides being fun, puzzles sharpen your math,
                                 reading, and spelling skills. What makes some puzzles more difficult than
                                 others? How many different ways can you solve puzzles? How many
                                 different kinds of puzzles are there? In this class you will be solving puzzles,
                                 creating puzzles, and using puzzles to enhance your problem solving and
                                 critical thinking skills.

                                 S2-F          50 Nifty United States
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   Tiffany Vier                      Starr Elementary
                                 Come explore our awesome country! Students will enjoy fun songs, games,
                                 coloring, and activities to help them learn all about the 50 United States.

                                30                                           Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 S2-G            Cool Computer Math Games
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Jamie Knutson          Starr Elementary
 Do you love playing computer games? Do you want to be an even better
 math student? Learning math is fun with the introduction of over 10
 different websites to grow students’ logical thinking and math skills! Some
 games even let you play against some of your classmates, which just adds
 up to even more fun!
 S2-H            Sign Language
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Brooke John            Starr Elementary
 Join us to learn some sign language basics! We will learn letters, numbers,

                                                                                    Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary
 colors, and more! By the end of the class you will be able to “sing” a song
 in sign language and play a game with a friend by signing during your turn!
 Maybe you have always wanted to learn some sign language or have a
 friend that uses sign language to communicate. This class will help you
 learn some ways to talk with that friend!

 S2-J            Building Blocks for Reading Success (grade 3)
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 3               9:05 - 10:05     Katie Marten           Starr Elementary
 This summer review class will reinforce reading skills that have been
 introduced during the school year. Areas that will be addressed include
 vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and fluency. (This course is
 designed for students needing extra support with reading.)

 S2-K            Crazy About Dogs
 Grade           Time             Instructor             Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Laura Ritten           Starr Elementary
 Crazy About Dogs! Explore the world of dogs! Become a dog expert by
 learning amazing facts about dogs through true stories. We will create
 special dog crafts using a variety of fun art materials. There will also be
 time to play some silly doggy games with your classmates. On the last day
 you will take home your very own PAW shaped book full of the activities
 and facts you have learned in our class! Whether you know a little or a lot
 about dogs… BOW-WOW! Come join the fun!
Register online at                                   31
Summer Stretch 2021
                                 S2-L         Game On!
                                 Grade        Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4          9:05 - 10:05   TBD                             Starr Elementary
                                 Would you like to learn some classic games and develop your
                                 communication or negotiating skills? Each day we’ll be laughing and
                                 learning while playing games such as Monopoly, Rush Hour, War, Shoe
                                 Tower, and many more!

                                 S2-M         Music Is Fun
                                 Grade        Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4          9:05 - 10:05   Heather Zappetta                Starr Elementary
                                 Do you love music, singing and games? In this class we will work on
Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary

                                 singing, playing instruments, learning game songs and much more. No
                                 matter what type of music you like, join us for some music fun and let the
                                 games begin!

                                 S2-N         Paper Crafts and Origami
                                 Grade        Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4          9:05 - 10:05   Heather Bjorne                  Starr Elementary
                                 The coolest, most unique crafts! Learn how to fold origami, make
                                 homemade cards, paper flowers, and other items using various techniques.

                                 S2-O         Digital Gaming
                                 Grade        Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4          9:05 - 10:05   Tom Cleveland                   Starr Elementary
                                 Do you enjoy playing video games? Ever wonder when the first video game
                                 was developed or who created it? In this class you will learn the history of
                                 digital gaming and also have the options of playing the games. There will
                                 be strategy based games, puzzles, multiplayer and educational games.

                                32                                        Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021

 S2-P            Hands on Science
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Miranda Haack            Starr Elementary
 Let’s explore the wonderful world of science using “ hands on”
 experiments. Students will be able to explore and learn about the world
 around them and participate in a “hands on” experience. Put on your lab
 coats and let’s have some fun!

 S2-Q            Counted Cross Stitching
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Carmen Markgren          Starr Elementary

                                                                                     Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary
 In this class you will be using floss, not the kind from your dentist, to create
 a design on fabric. You will learn the basic cross stitch and to “count” the
 number of holes per inch to make your design.

 S2-R            Full STEAM Ahead
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2-4             9:05 - 10:05     Hannah Nelson            Starr Elementary
 Full STEAM Ahead: Science, Technology, Art, Math projects, experiments,
 and activities. We’ll ask questions and try to find the answer. We’ll design
 and create. We will be hands-on every day trying new things and seeing
 where we want it to take us. Learn how to make slime.

 S2-S            Math Mania (grade 2)
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2               9:05 - 10:05     TBD                      Starr Elementary
 Do you like math and want to refresh your skills over the summer? Join
 us in this class as we review math skills and challenge each other to learn
 more about the magnificent world of math! We will play math games,
 simulations, and do fun activities.

Register online at                                    33
Summer Stretch 2021
                                 S2-T          Art of Fishing
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   Mike Pike                       Starr Elementary
                                 Fish on! Students will learn about different styles of fishing (summer
                                 fishing, ice fishing), as well as basic techniques and fish identification.
                                 They’ll also use their artistic skills to design and paint their own lures, and
                                 test them out at Mary Park. *Due to popular demand, we ask that only new
                                 students to The Art of Fishing enroll this year. Previous students will need
                                 to be moved out of the class.

                                 S2-U          Our Feathered Friends
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   Maggie Greene                   Starr Elementary
Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary

                                 Let’s explore the birds we watch in our backyards all year long! We’ll
                                 create our own birds with feathers. We’ll learn bird songs, build nests, and
                                 make lots projects as we discover facts about cardinals, mallard ducks,
                                 woodpeckers, and many more of our feathered friends!

                                 S2-V          CSI-Investigate!
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   TBD                             Starr Elementary
                                 Do you want to solve a mystery? Learn to be a detective and follow real
                                 clues! Learn how to dust for fingerprints, and let’s figure out “who dunnit!”

                                 S2-W          Hour of Code
                                 Grade         Time           Instructor                      Location

                                 2-4           9:05 - 10:05   TBD                             Starr Elementary
                                 Do you miss the game Flappy Bird? Do you want to learn how to create
                                 your own Flappy Bird game? In this class, you will not only use technology,
                                 but you will CREATE technology. This class will provide a variety of
                                 student-guided tutorials for all ages and experience levels!

                                                      End of 9:05-10:05 a.m. Class List

                                34                                         Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021
 S3-A            Money Monopoly
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 2-4             10:20 - 11:20    Greg Kier               Starr Elementary
 Have you played the board game Monopoly? Come join us as we make the
 game come alive!!! We will set up a mini-city and each person will create
 their own business.

 S3-B            Fitness & Fun
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 2-4             10:20 - 11:20    Bailey Walz             Starr Elementary
 Fitness & Fun! Let’s get active this summer! Fitness & Fun will teach you
 the fundamentals of sports along with good sportsmanship skills! You

                                                                                    Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary
 will also learn the importance of warming up and stretching prior to
 completing fitness activities. Sports included in this course are baseball/
 softball, football, hockey, soccer, kickball, basketball and more!

 S3-C            Building Blocks for Reading Success (grade 4)
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 4               10:20 - 11:20    TBD                     Starr Elementary
 This summer review class will reinforce reading skills that have been
 introduced during the school year. Areas that will be addressed include
 vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and fluency. (This course is
 designed for students needing extra support with reading.)

 S3-D            How-to-Jewelry
 Grade           Time             Instructor              Location

 2-4             10:20 - 11:20    Angie Brown             Starr Elementary
 In this class, we will create a variety of jewelry and make our own how-to
 book. The book will include step-by-step directions on how to make each
 piece of jewelry from class, so you will be able to re-create each piece in
 the future.

Register online at                                   35
Summer Stretch 2021
                                 S3-E          Scavenger Hunts Galore
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           10:20 - 11:20   TBD                               Starr Elementary
                                 Calling all detectives! Come join a fun class of deciphering clues, team
                                 work, and racing to be the first one to find the last clue in daily scavenger
                                 hunts. We’ll hunt for clues both outside (weather permitting) or inside!,
                                 within small group or individually.

                                 S3-F          Pets & People
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           10:20 - 11:20   Tiffany Vier                      Starr Elementary
                                 Do you love animals? This exciting new class looks at the various pets
Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary

                                 people have, facts about those pets, and how to care for them. There
                                 might even be special visitors!

                                 S3-G          Cool Computer Math Games
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           10:20 - 11:20   Jamie Knutson                     Starr Elementary
                                 Do you love playing computer games? Do you want to be an even better
                                 math student? Learning math is fun with the introduction of over 10
                                 different websites to grow students’ logical thinking and math skills! Some
                                 games even let you play against some of your classmates, which just adds
                                 up to even more fun!

                                 S3-H          Kids That Cook
                                 Grade         Time            Instructor                        Location

                                 2-4           10:20 - 11:20   Brooke John                       Starr Elementary
                                 Do you love to watch cooking shows on television? In this class we will
                                 learn how to follow child friendly recipes that do not require and oven.
                                 Our goal will be to enhance measuring, sequencing, and organizing skills.
                                 We will end the class with a cooking competition similar to “Little Big
                                 Shots” or “Star Kids”. ** Please let us know if your child has any food

                                36                                            Register online at
Summer Stretch 2021

 S3-J            Yoga for Kids
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2-4             10:20 - 11:20    Katie Marten             Starr Elementary
 Yoga is proven to help with mental clarity, self-control, patience, kindness,
 mindfulness, and overall focus! Each day you will learn fun active yoga
 poses that go along with a story or theme, complete projects such as
 calming bottles and mandalas, and end with relaxation poses.

 S3-K            Outdoor Adventure
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2-4             10:20 - 11:20    Laura Ritten             Starr Elementary

                                                                                   Grades 2-4 - Starr Elementary
 Put down those electronics for a bit and have some fun with classic
 outdoor games such as SPUD, Sardines, Pickle, Freeze Tag and many
 others. Bring your friends and make some new ones as we enjoy the
 summer just like the good old days!

 S3-L            Pokemon Academy
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2-4             10:20 - 11:20    TBD                      Starr Elementary
 Gotta catch them all! Students will have the opportunity to research and
 present different Pokemon, complete Pokemon puzzles, read about
 Pokemon, learn the card game (which includes math and strategy) and also
 get some exercise through using Pokemon Go app.

 S3-M            Bing ! Bang! BOOM!
 Grade           Time             Instructor               Location

 2-4             10:20 - 11:20    Heather Zappetta         Starr Elementary
 Music can be made anywhere, with anything! All it takes is a little creativity.
 Using everyday materials, we will make woodwind, brass and/or percussion
 instruments. During the third week, students will be challenged to create
 their own instrument using their imagination.

Register online at                                  37
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