ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 2018-2022 - Tea Tree Gully Council
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CONTENTS Executive summary.............................................................................................. 1 Background........................................................................................................... 3 Law/Guidelines..................................................................................................... 5 Organisational structure..................................................................................... 6 Revenue.................................................................................................................. 7 Management of dogs........................................................................................... 9 Management of cats.......................................................................................... 11 Objectives/Strategies/Measures (KPI) Business operations..................................................................................... 13 Dog management......................................................................................... 16 Cat management.......................................................................................... 22 By-laws................................................................................................................. 25 Related documents........................................................................................... 26
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Tea Tree Gully (the City) is located in The key objectives of the plan are to: Adelaide’s north-eastern suburbs, and covers around • Increase public safety so people and pets can ₂ 95km . It has approximately 99,000 residents, 38,000 integrate safely and harmoniously within the residential properties and 18,000 registered dogs. community Council has under its ownership or control • Create an environment that encourages responsible pet ownership approximately 950 hectares of publicly accessible open space. • Recognise that companion animals are part of the community and contribute towards the overall The Animal Management Plan has been prepared by quality of life Council staff in accordance with section 26A of the • Reduce public and environmental nuisances from Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and was adopted dogs and cats by Council on 14 November 2017. • Ensure Council delivers effective, efficient and This plan provides a sound basis and direction for innovative dog and cat management services. Council to make future decisions to meet the needs This Animal Management Plan is not a stand-alone of the community for the next five years. The focus document. Its objectives and Council’s role in will be on promoting and facilitating responsible relation to them have been created with reference to Council’s Strategic Plan 2020. ownership of dogs and cats, animal welfare and the benefits of animal companionship. There will Dog and cat control and management (including registration of dogs, recovery and management of be an emphasis on information sharing and public stray dogs and cats, investigation and management education programs to ensure our community of dog attacks) are services that have a clear recognises their individual responsibilities when it relationship to the key theme of “Healthy and Safe” comes to pet ownership. in the Strategic Plan. 1
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 BACKGROUND In 2001 Council adopted its first Animal Management • Education of the community about dog Plan (the Plan) and in 2007 our second plan was ownership and dog behaviour. endorsed, addressing the needs of both owners and non-owners of pets within the City for the five-year Purpose period 2007–2012. The objectives of the Dog and Cat Management Act The third plan, from 2013–2018, integrated 1995 are: the developing expertise in domestic animal (a) to encourage responsible dog and cat management Australia-wide with Council’s own ownership investigations and experiences. (b) to reduce public and environmental nuisance The Plan (2018–2022) covers issues associated with caused by dogs and cats dog and cat management, including: (c) to promote the effective management of dogs • Dog registration (including discounts for and cats. concession card holders, therapy dogs, working While the Act provides the legal framework for dogs, etc.) Council’s responsibilities and the penalties that • Cat registration (not currently applicable) can be imposed on dog and cat owners for non- compliance, this Animal Management Plan seeks • Arrangements for the detention of seized dogs to implement a balanced approach, incorporating and cats the needs of pet owners and their animals as well • Services available from Council (cat traps, as recognising the differing needs of the wider microchip scanning) community, such as non-pet owners and those • By-laws responsible in other ways for animal management. • Partnerships established with community The vision for this Animal Management Plan is to organisations assist Council to: • Mandatory microchip identification • Create an environment which encourages responsible pet ownership, where people and • Mandatory desexing pets integrate safely and harmoniously within the • Responsible dog ownership City of Tea Tree Gully community 2
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 • Recognise that companion animals are part of Statistics the community and contribute towards overall quality of life From 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 Council recorded the following figures in relation to animal • Ensure that the needs of animals and their management activities: owners are accommodated while, recognising the differing needs of all members of the community, Barking dog complaints 302 such as non-pet owners. Dog harassments involving people 24 Dog harassments involving animals 17 This vision will be achieved by the development and implementation of strategies and actions as detailed Dog attacks on people 34 later in this plan. Dog attacks on animals 70 Dogs wandering (that aren't impounded) 408 Dogs impounded 455 Dogs collected and returned to owner 425 Expiation notices issued 1,760 Cat complaints 19 Dogs registered 18,095 3
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 LAW/GUIDELINES The responsibilities for dog and cat management The Act also provides for the appointment of a in South Australia are prescribed in the Dog and Cat Dog and Cat Management Board. The Board is responsible for planning, promoting and advising Management Act 1995 (the Act) as well as the Dog on the effective management of dogs and cats and Cat Management Regulations 2017. Section 26, throughout South Australia, as well as overseeing “Council responsibility for the management of dogs the administrative provisions of the Act relating to and cats”, outlines civic responsibilities that include dogs and cats. the appointment of a Registrar of Dogs, maintenance Our aim is to cater for all stakeholder needs, and this will benefit not only dogs, cats and their owners of a dog register, the appointment of at least one as a group with legitimate needs, but also the authorised person to make arrangements for dogs wider community and those responsible for animal and cats seized, to fulfil other obligations under the management and enforcing the Act. Act. A council is also able to make by-laws relating to The role of the Registrar of Dogs has been delegated the management of dogs and cats within its area. to Council’s Manager Community Safety. 4
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Chief Executive Officer John Moyle Director Community & Cultural Responsible portfolio Development Community & Cultural Carol Neil Development Manager Community Safety Craig Hickman Team Leader Compliance Team Leader General Inspectors Administration Chris Buckley Kaye O'Rielly Compliance Administration Staff General Inspectors 5 6 5
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 REVENUE The City of Tea Tree Gully is currently required to Non-standard (full fee) applies to all other kinds of contribute 20 per cent of revenue raised through dog dogs, even if they are exempt from the requirement registration fees to the Dog and Cat Management to desex or microchip (such as dogs belonging to Board (DCMB). This contribution will increase to 24 registered breeders, working livestock dogs, etc.). The current non-standard registration fee is $70. per cent for the 2018–2019 dog registration year. Council offers additional discretionary registration Each financial year Council must provide a fee rebates that are not mandated by the Act: for statement to DCMB that determines the dollar example concession card holders, working livestock amount of the contribution to be made. This dogs, microchipped only, desexed only, trained dogs statement must be supported by documentation of or racing greyhounds. income and expenditure, which is audited to confirm Expiation fees apply for the keeping of unregistered compliance with Council’s obligations under the Act. dogs, so it is important that dog owners renew their registrations before 31 August annually. A late fee is Dog registration applied to dogs re-registered after 31 August. Council sets its dog registration fees each year. The Council maintains a register containing the fee structure is available within Council’s Fees and information relating to dogs and cats registered in its Charges Register and is available for viewing on area and makes this register available for inspection Council’s website: by members of the public. Arrangements have been made for issuing and replacing certificates of The DCMB requires all councils to offer two registration and registration discs. mandatory registration fee categories for 2017–2018. Other revenue Standard (mandatory legislated rebate) Council also collects fees under section 26 of the Dog applies only to a dog that is both desexed and and Cat Management Act 1995, including fees for the microchipped. Councils are required to provide a provision of extracts from registers kept under the mandatory 50 per cent rebate off the ‘non-standard’ Act, the registration of dogs or businesses, and for fee for a ‘standard’ dog registration. The current meeting any other requirement imposed on councils standard registration fee is $35. under the Act. 6
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Council receives other revenue from: • Expiations issued • Late payment of dog registration fees • Impounding fees • Permits issued in relation to keeping more than two dogs on the property • Dog training (obedience) • Dangerous dog collars and signs. The DCMB monitors Council’s administration of the Act to ensure that all money received under the Act is expended in administration or enforcement activities related to the management of dogs and cats. 7
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 MANAGEMENT OF DOGS Detention arrangements for seized Recent additions include: dogs • Emergency lighting inside and outside Council’s dog pound is located at our Works Depot • Isolated fenced area with automatic sliding gate at St Agnes and has provisions for the housing of that is used for delivering dangerous dogs and dogs and cats that have been impounded or seized exercising dogs by authorised officers. The pound: • Entry door at rear of pound that is accessible from • Is climate controlled the isolated area. • Can accommodate 19 dogs When a dog is found wandering at large and is • Has 10 inside pens, plus an isolation pen for sick dogs, and eight outside pens with non-slip floor seized, our Authorised Persons make every effort to coating. All have the ability to isolate unfriendly identify owners by checking the dog for a microchip dogs or any other visible identification. If the owner can • Has four holding pens for other animals, such as be identified they will be contacted and reunited cats, chickens, etc. with their pet as soon as possible. If the owner • Is fitted with smoke alarms and a fire exit door cannot be located immediately, a photo of the dog will be uploaded to our website and details added to • Has a landline phone, computers, EFTPOS facilities, microchip readers and a secure access the impounded dog register that is displayed at the card reader for better security Civic Centre. If an owner cannot be found, the dog • Provides dogs with beds, food and environment- will be held at the pound for a period of 72 hours, enrichment toys to keep them happy during their after which time the dog will be surrendered to the stay. Animal Welfare League. 8
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Microchipping and desexing of dogs It is a requirement of the Act that dog owners microchip their dog prior to 1 July 2018. All dogs being sold must be microchipped before they reach 12 weeks of age or within 28 days of the owner taking possession of the dog. The Act requires dogs to be desexed before they reach six months of age or within 28 days of the owner taking possession of the dog, and that dogs must be desexed by a registered veterinary surgeon. Owners will not be required to desex dogs born before 1 July 2018; however, Council will encourage this to be undertaken. 9
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 MANAGEMENT OF CATS Effective management of cat-related issues is commencement and completion of the program. dependent on positively identifying the nuisance cat A range of options exist for the management of and the associated reasons for the issue(s), followed nuisance cats, which are set out in various acts. by determining the ownership of the cat. It is the These options will be considered by Authorised obligation of cat owners to ensure that their cat(s) Persons in accordance with the Cat Management can be identified, in order to reduce the impact that Policy when considering cat management requests. nuisance cats have on the community. Support for residents in managing Council will: nuisance cats • Assess all complaints received about cats (except anonymous complaints) and respond accordingly Council provides free cat cages for hire (deposit required and subject to availability). • Ensure their officers are delegated with the appropriate authority to exercise powers Identified cats associated with the control and removal of cats If a person traps a cat that has identification1 or a • Scan all trapped cats for microchip identification microchip that can be read, the cat will be deemed as identified. An Authorised Person will be available • Provide cat management services in accordance during office hours to scan the cat for microchip with our Cat Management Policy during Council identification. When a person traps an identified business hours only. cat, they should release it immediately, unharmed, Prior to Council undertaking any authorised near the location where it was captured or return it program of trapping nuisance cats (including where to the owner. It is a condition of the hire of cat cages the process is managed by residents through the and a requirement for Council to take action, that if hiring of cages), Council will, as a minimum, provide complainants know the owner or origin of a trapped written advice to adjoining properties detailing the cat, they must share this information with Council. 1Under these circumstances, ‘identification’ refers to a collar around the cat’s neck and/or a tag attached to the collar that is marked with the current address and telephone number of the owner or other person entitled to possession of the cat. 10
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Unidentified cats The Act requires cats to be desexed before they reach six months of age or within 28 days of the Where a person traps (i.e. seizes) an unidentified owner taking possession of the cat, and that cats cat, under section 64(e2) of the Dog and Cat must be desexed by a registered veterinary surgeon. Management Act 1995 the person should within Owners will not be required to desex cats born 12 hours deliver the cat to a Council officer or a before 1 July 2018; however, Council will encourage specified facility for the care of cats2. this to be undertaken. If an Authorised Person is required to seize the trapped cat a fee will apply, as Council is charged a fee by the two specified facilities for the care of cats. Council’s pound has holding pens suitable for cats. After every reasonable effort to find the owner has been exhausted, Council staff will photograph the cat and then deliver it to the Animal Welfare League (AWL) or Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). Resourcing All general inspectors of Council are also Authorised Persons, who are responsible for responding to customer requests about cats during Council business hours. Microchipping and desexing of cats It is a requirement of the Act that cat owners microchip their cat prior to 1 July 2018. All cats being sold must be microchipped before they reach 12 weeks of age or within 28 days of the owner taking possession of the cat. 2A “specified facility for the care of cats” includes the Animal Welfare League of South Australia or the RSPCA. 11
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES MEASURES (KPI) Tea Tree Gully Council has developed a wide range of objectives and strategies to facilitate domestic animal management. These objectives and strategies will ensure that objectives of the Act are met, provide effective management services and promote responsible animal management practices. Community Safety staff will submit an annual information report to Council on the performance against measures identified in the Animal Management Plan in November of each year commencing in 2018. The first year of the plan will be used to set benchmark target measures to assess the plan’s effectiveness in future years. Business operations Responsible pet ownership Educate and inform • Promote Council services to ensure residents and • Link to GoodDogSA the community on the community are aware of Council’s role and and GoodCatSA responsible pet responsibilities and the services provided websites and ownership and their • Publicise information and educational materials Facebook pages on rights and responsibilities for residents, who may be owners or non-owners of Council’s website dogs and/or cats • By the end of this • Use social media to improve information and plan 70 per cent communication for dog and cat management of dog owners are aware of their basic • Provide links to other relevant agencies and web dog ownership pages to promote dog and cat information responsibilities as • Promote the benefits of owning pets measured via a survey • Ensure new and prospective dog and cat owners are aware of their responsibilities 12
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Objective Strategies Measures Educate and inform • Provide information to prospective pet owners to the community on help them choose a dog breed appropriate to their responsible pet current/future lifestyle ownership and their • Promote the advantages of desexing, microchipping rights and responsibilities and training for dogs • Partner with our Library to deliver a school holiday program related to responsible dog ownership • Promote the GoodDogSA and GoodCatSA websites and Facebook as an option for further information Authorised persons Authorised Persons • Authorised Persons are provided with Safe Work Reduction in the number are provided with the procedures and equipment that allows them to of accident and incident relevant safety equipment work safely reports relating to the to ensure Council’s • Authorised Persons are provided with ‘Lone worker activities of Council’s work health and safety protection monitoring devices’ when working alone Authorised Persons obligations are met • Authorised Persons are provided with material safety data sheets for all products used in their duties (e.g. cleaning the dog pound) 13
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Objective Strategies Measures Provide Authorised • Promote the role of Authorised Persons and ensure • Type and number Persons acting under the they actively promote responsible pet ownership of training sessions Dog and Cat Management and education of pet owners attended by Act 1995 with appropriate • Provide Authorised Persons with professional Authorsied Person training development, education and training opportunities • Membership numbers suited to their roles of industry peak • Promote and encourage Authorised Persons to join bodies is 100 per cent relevant professional organisations by 2022 • Review skills of Authorised Persons to identify areas • All Authorised where additional training would be of benefit to Persons attend at other staff and Council least one professional networking meeting • Review training options regularly to ensure they are annually relevant and up to date Encourage and support Utilise effective IT solutions to improve processes and Conduct regular the continuous customer service performance reviews professional development of Authorised Persons Access to procedures Ensure that Authorised Ensure that standard operating procedures are Standard operating Persons enforce and developed for dealing with dog and cat matters procedures are operate within the developed and made provisions of the Dog and accessible for all Cat Management Act 1995 Authorised Persons by August 2018 • Review standard operating procedures regularly • Standard operating and implement changes as part of a continuous procedures are improvement program reviewed and updated • Develop a procedure manual for use by Authorised every two years Persons • Procedure manual is provided and accessible 14
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Emergency animal management Provide a 24-hour, after Authorised Persons attend to reports of aggressive Dog management hours emergency call out dogs, dog attacks and dogs detained for collection services are available service for dog-related outside of Council business hours to residents outside of matters Council's core business hours Minimise the impact of an • Highlight the importance of emergency • Council provides emergency or disaster on management plans for pet owners and boarding rural residents and the animal population of kennels and catteries in rural and bushfire-prone businesses with the City areas annual reminder to • Encourage animal owners in high-risk areas to update emergency consider their pets as part of their Bushfire Survival management plans Plan • Guidelines are • Develop guidelines to help animal owners to plan available on Council’s for the care and management of their pets before an website emergency occurs • Provide relevant advice, information and resources through Council’s website Dog training/obedience Maintain a Council- Promote Council’s dog training school, which is • Information on funded dog obedience operated at a suitable location within the City and run Council's dog program and encourage by volunteers training programs is dog owners to socialise disseminated to the and train their dogs community • Increase in the number of dog owners eligible to claim the dog registration training concession • Increased number of dogs attending Council's dog obedience school 15
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Dog management Registration and identification Increase/maintain the • Send annual renewal notices and ID tags to all • Council dog number of registered previously registered dogs registrations do not dogs in the City • Provide an effective and efficient service for people vary by more than 5% renewing their dog registration on a year to year basis • Ensure all current and new dog registrations are kept up to date • Educate the community about the importance and requirement for registration and identification of dogs • Advertise the convenience of our online registration payment options to encourage compliance • Offer registration rebates for concession card holders, and for desexing, microchipping and training • Offer free registration during June for new dogs registered • Provide information about dog registration on Council’s website • Promote dog registration using roadside signage, digital signage, social media, Gully Grapevine and local newspaper notices • Educate dog owners about the Council by-law limiting dog numbers on properties Enforce the legal • Issue expiation notices to owners if dogs are • Council conducts an requirements of unregistered when they are impounded annual door knock identification and • Conduct annual door knocks to identify dog program to check for registration registrations that have not been renewed or identify dogs that have not homes where there are unregistered dogs been registered from the previous year • Encourage residents to register prior to the door knock by placing an advance notice in the local • Council conducts a newspaper minimum of 3 whole of suburb door knocks • Provide free registration for the month of June each year for the remainder of the current year 16
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Mandatory microchip identification Educate residents • Mail out information about mandatory • Increase in the about the mandatory microchipping with dog/cat registration renewals number of times microchipping • Use Council website and social media to post educational requirements information about mandatory microchipping information is distributed • Place notices in local newspaper and Gully Grapevine about the microchipping requirements • Increase in the number of different formats used to distribute information Increase in the proportion • Host discount microchipping days • Increase in the of microchipped dogs • Negotiate discount microchipping with local vets number of dogs/cats and cats in the local (partially subsidised by Council) microchipped at a Council area Council-facilitated • Promote microchipping requirements with posters, microchipping day or flyers, digital signage, roadside signage at dog other promotion obedience school, local newspaper, Gully Grapevine, vets and places likely to be visited by dog and cat • Increase in owners the number of microchipped dogs • Promote registration rebates for microchipped dogs registered in the City • Send emails to dog owners whose dogs are not microchipped to advise of requirements and options Enforce compliance • If an un-microchipped dog is impounded, the owner • Decrease in the with the mandatory is advised that they are required to microchip their number of non- microchipping dog microchipped dogs requirements • After 1 July 2018 expiation notices will be issued to and cats arriving at owners whose dogs and cats are not microchipped Council’s pound Mandatory desexing Educate residents about • Include information about mandatory desexing with • Increase in the mandatory desexing registration renewals number of times requirements • Use Council website and social media to post educational information about mandatory desexing information is distributed • Promote desexing requirements with posters, flyers, digital signage, roadside signage at dog obedience • Increase in the school, local newspaper, Gully Grapevine, vets and number of different places likely to be visited by dog and cat owners formats used to distribute information • Promote registration rebates for desexed dogs 17
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Objective Strategies Measures Increase the proportion of • Develop partnerships with local vets to offer • Increase in the desexed dogs and cats in discounted desexing percentage of the City • Include information about the National Desexing desexed dogs that are Network (NDN) on Council’s website registered • Promote the NDNs National Desexing Month in July • High proportion of all dogs (born after 1 July 2018) are desexed • Reduction in the number of dogs registered in the ‘non- standard’ registration category Monitor compliance with • Enforce the ‘standard dog’ registration rebate by • Reduction in the the mandatory desexing requiring proof of desexing for the rebate number of breeders requirement • Follow up new dog registrations where the dog is identified as non- registered and is not desexed compliant with breeder registration • Increase in the number of desexed dog Breeder registration Educate residents about Communicate with registered ‘kennel establishments’ Reduction in the number breeder registration and breeding businesses advising they need to be of breeders identified requirements registered as a breeder with the DCMB by 1 July 2018 as non-compliant with breeder registration Enforce compliance with • Monitor adverts in local newspapers and local Reduction in the number the breeder registration websites to check if dog and cat advertisements of breeders identified requirements include breeder registration numbers as non-compliant with breeder registration 18
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Wandering at large Objective Strategies Measures Reduce the number of • Inform the community (social media and other • Number of events/ dogs found wandering at methods) about events that may cause dogs to warnings posted to large wander (e.g. fireworks, severe weather, etc.) social media • Educate property owners on the requirement to • Reduction in the have adequate fencing to contain dogs number of dogs found • Educate the community on safe practices when wandering at large walking dogs in public places • Reduction in the • Ensure all dogs are registered and identified to number of dogs enable safe return to their owners impounded • Ensure 'on-leash' areas are adequately signed • Reduction in the number of complaints • Display rules at dog parks regarding effective control about wandering dogs • Reduction in the number of complaints about dogs not 'on-leash' or under effective control • SMS option is available for use to inform the community/dog owners about events Nuisance barking Objective Strategies Measures Reduce the impact of • Educate the community about dealing with a • Reduction in the barking dogs in the nuisance barking dog in the neighbourhood number of complaints community (e.g. Council’s investigation process) received • Provide education to dog owners regarding • Increase the number nuisance barking offering suggestions to reduce or of methods used to redirect unwanted behaviour in their dogs distribute information, • Investigate nuisance barking complaints using e.g. website, social Council’s standard operating procedure media, local paper, Gully Grapevine, at Civic Centre, local vets, dog clubs 19
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Dog incidents (attack/harassment) Objective Strategies Measures Minimise the risk of • Provide advice to dog owners on dog behaviour, • Reduction in the dog attack/harassment what to do when they are approached by a dog they number of dog attack/ incidents in the City are unfamiliar with, or a dog presenting aggressive harassment incidents behaviour that occur over time • Advise dog owners that no matter what the size or • Reduction in the breed of the dog, all dogs have the ability to bite number of repeat • Encourage dog owners to socialise and train their offenders through the dogs at recognised dog obedience schools use of control orders • Fully investigate dog incidents reported to Council • Link to GoodDogSA within agreed time frames and GoodCatSA websites and • Use control orders as a tool to prevent re-offending Facebook pages on • Require owners to attend training with their dog(s) if Council’s website a control order is issued • Offer a registration rebate for dogs that are trained to level two or above • Analyse collected dog attack data; identify any trends or common factors and revise management strategies where appropriate Public safety/dogs in public places Objective Strategies Measures Provide areas of open • Educate the community on safe practices when • Reduction in the space within the City walking their dogs in public places number of dog where dogs can be • Consider requests for new 'on-leash' or 'off-leash' incidents that occur in exercised 'off-leash', dog exercise areas public open space 'on-leash', as well as areas where dogs are • Regularly inform owners of leash provisions through • Increase the total website or media articles number of signs prohibited in the interests erected and number of the health and safety of • Erection of signage in all 'off-leash', leash required of different locations the public and 'dogs-prohibited' areas where the signs have • Undertake regular reviews of open space in the City been installed available for the exercise of dogs 'off-leash' • Conduct a review of existing 'off-leash', 'on-leash' and dogs-prohibited areas and identify and implement any recommended changes 20
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Exercise and socialisation Educate the community • Maintain and promote the City’s dog-friendly parks • Conduct twice-yearly on the availability of • Promote the benefits of training and socialising dogs education through suitable areas provided multiple media for exercising their dogs • Erect signage in all dog exercise areas advertising sources and the importance of conditions of use, facilities available, etc. • Increase number of socialising their pets • Undertake periodic reviews of 'off-leash' dog visits to dog parks by exercise areas, regarding suitability and effectiveness General Inspectors of facilities • Conduct a quarterly review of dog park facilities Impounding and pound facilities Operate and maintain • Ensure best practice management is followed for the • All impounded dogs Council's dog pound to a care and transport of seized animals are kept in a safe high standard of safety • Ensure the equipment in the pound is maintained to environment a high standard • Workplace safety • Provide the impounded dogs with beds and review conducted environment enrichment toys, food and exercise quarterly during their stay Facilitate the prompt • Educate dog owners about what happens when • 75 percent of return of animals to their their dog is impounded and the associated costs impounded dogs are owners • Maintain a daily register of impounded dogs and reunited with their ensure photographs of the dogs can be viewed on owners as soon as Council's website possible • Ensure that unclaimed dogs are held for at least • Reduction in the 72 hours and that unclaimed dogs are surrendered number of animals to the Animal Welfare League that need to be impounded 21
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 Dog faeces management Maintain a hygienic • Educate the community about the responsibilities • Reduction in numbers outdoor environment of dog owners to remove animal faeces from public of complaints received for all members of the places about dog faeces community • Educate dog owners about the correct way to • Increase the total dispose of dog faeces collected on their properties number of signs • Determine sites where dog faeces is a problem and erected and number erect appropriate signage of different locations where the signs are • Install dog tidy bag dispensers and waste bins in installed locations that have been identified as high-use areas Cat management Detention of seized/impounded cats Nominate a facility where • Hire out cat traps to the community so that residents • All cat cage hirers seized or impounded cats may capture wondering cats and deliver them to an provided with may be delivered appropriate facility information on • Inform the community where they can deliver Council's Cat unidentified cats when they are caught as part of the Management Policy hire process prior to cage hire • Ensure Council's website provides information on nominated facilities Nuisance cats Provide animal • Assist residents where practical in the management • Cat Management management services of nuisance cats Policy reviewed every that meet the needs • Conduct regular reviews of Council’s Cat three years of the community and Management Policy • An increased number encourage responsible of customer requests cat ownership is dealt with in relation to cat management issues 22
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 BY-LAWS Council first endorsed the Dogs By-law 4 in 2008. By-law 4 gives the Council the ability to manage and control dogs and their access to open space under its ownership or control within its Council area. Limit on dog numbers On-leash areas – The limit on the number of dogs kept on properties is specified in the By-law. In a small property the In all specified reserves with playgrounds, in all flora limit is one dog and in premises other than a small and fauna reserves, in wetland areas, and in Dry property, the limit is two dogs. Permission is required Creek and in the Linear Park (except in certain areas), to keep any dog on any premises if the number of dogs must be exercised 'on-leash'. dogs on the premises exceeds the limit. Dog-prohibited areas – Use of open space areas for dogs Off-leash areas – Dogs are prohibited from being exercised on specified sporting playing surfaces. They may be exercised 'on-leash' in areas immediately Council has some designated dog parks and some surrounding playing fields. sections of Dry Creek and Linear Park have been allocated for exercising dogs 'off-leash'. 23
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 RELATED DOCUMENTS Council’s Strategic Plan Emergency Management Plan Business Continuity Plan By-law 4 Enforcement Policy Cat Management Policy 24
City of Tea Tree Gully Animal Management Plan 2018–2022 APPROVAL AND REVIEW DATES Endorsed by Council 14 November 2017 Endorsed by Dog & Cat Management Board 15 November 2017 Commencement date 1 January 2018 Review date May 2022 PREPARATION DETAILS Portfolio Community and Cultural Development Responsible Director Carol Neil Department Community Safety Responsible Officer Craig Hickman, Manager Community Safety 25
571 Montague Road, Modbury 5092 PO Box 571, Modbury 5092 Telephone 08 8397 7444
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