Page created by Elmer Holt
                           NEW YEAR CLASSIC

                              Indio, California
                         SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 2019
                          SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 2019
    The AKC has again selected the KC of Palm Springs Obedience Trials as the only
  Region 9 (California) trials to qualify for the National Obedience Championship (N.O.C.)

                     KCPS shows will be dedicated to Don Barber
            Don't forget to like us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter!
            Close of entries: Noon Wednesday December 19, 2018 PT

President................................................................................................................................................ John Low
Vice President ...................................................................................................................................... Darryl Vice
Recording Secretary ............................................................................................................... Patricia Williamson
Corresponding Secretary ............................................................................................................ Gloria Toussaint
                                             38647 Misty Meadow Dr, Yucaipa, CA 92399
Treasurer .................................................................................................................................................. Kreg Hill

                            Jill Hopper, James Thomson, Lilian Barber, Gay Dunlap, Bruce Gingles

Chairperson ................................................................................................................................. Gloria Toussaint
                               38647 Misty Meadow Dr, Yucaipa, CA 92399 951-318-3900
Assistant Show Chair .............................................................................................................. Patricia Williamson
Judges Selection Chairperson ............................................................................................................. Darryl Vice

                                   and all Officers and Directors of the Club
Obedience / Rally Chairperson ...................................................................................................James Thomson
Assistant Chair Obedience/ Rally ......................................................................................... Lesley Thomson

Grounds .................................................................................................. Terry Toussaint assisted by Larry Dorn
Judges’ Hospitality .................................................................................................... Jill Hopper and Karen Dorn
Judges’ Transportation.............................................................................. Kreg Hill and William Christensen
Ring Hospitality ................................................................................... Sheila Gordon, Larry and Karen Dorn
Trophies .......................................................................................................................................... .Merilynn Hurd
Vendor Chairman .............................................................................................................................. Lilian Barber
Catalog Advertising .......................................................................................................................... Toni Johnson
Catalog Sales .................................................................................................................................. Toni Johnson
Specialties Coordinator ............................................................. Gay Dunlap assisted by Patricia Williamson
Day-of-Show Parking/Unloading/Traffic Control Coordinator ..........................................................Greg Conner
Golf Carts ....................................................................................................................................... Bruce Gingles
Webmaster .............................................................................................................................................. Kreg Hill
Aisle Monitors .........................................................Jill Hopper, John Low, Terry Toussaint, Patricia Williamson
Event Hearing ...................................................................... Gloria Toussaint and Board Members available
                                                            VETERINARIAN ON CALL
                                      Valley Animal Medical Center (VCA) (760) 342-4711
                        46920 Jefferson St. (cor. of Hwy. 111 and Jefferson), Indio, CA 92201
Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians’ recommendations to ensure their dogs are free of internal and
      external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have had all recommended vaccinations.

                                   ATTORNEY FOR THE KENNEL CLUB OF PALM SPRINGS
                                          Robert F. Danelen, Esq., (818) 783-7122

   OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS – Only these photographers are allowed in judging rings. Only the listed
    official photographers may take win pictures. A win picture is defined as consisting of a judge, dog and
                   Bob Kohler - Callea Photo
                    Vicky Cook - Kitten Rodwell
        Vicki Holloway Photos for purchase on or email

                                                 ANNOUNCER – Bill Vail
                                        CHIEF RING STEWARD - Janet Thomas
                                         OVERNIGHT PARKING - Ron Mattson
                                      FLOWERS - Ann Leigh, and Vicki Donohue
                             DISASTER AND EMERGENCY COORDINATOR – Terry Toussaint
                                    With assist from Patricia Williamson & Lou Torres

                                                         #2019222902, Rally 2019222905
                                                         #2019222903, Rally 2019222906

                            KENNEL CLUB of PALM SPRINGS
                                   Licensed by the American Kennel Club
                           Unbenched/Outdoors - Show Hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
                                      SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 2019
                                        SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 2019
                      Empire Polo Club, Avenue 51 and Monroe, Indio, California
    This club does not agree to arbitrate claims as set forth on the Official AKC entry form for this event.
Kennel Club of Palm Springs is not responsible for the actions or products of any vendors at these shows.
                                          South Coast Vizsla Club
                                  Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America
                                  American Manchester Terrier Club Dist 7
                                   Chow Fanciers Assoc. of So California
                                   DESIGNATED SPECIALTY(Saturday)
                                       Berger Picard Club of America
                               Miniature American Shepherd Club of the USA
                                          SUPPORTED ENTRIES
                 All clubs listed below are supporting both days unless otherwise noted

German Shorthaired Pointer Club of So California         Australian Terrier Club of America
Great Western Flat-Coated Retriever Club (Sat)           Orange Coast Bull Terrier Club
Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles             American Manchester Terrier Club (Sun)
California English Setter Club (Sun)                     Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America (Sat)
Inland Empire English Setter Club (Sat)                  Miniature Bull Terrier Club of Southern Calif (Sun)
Irish Setter Club of Southern California                 Scottish Terrier Club of California
South Coast Vizsla Club (Sun)                            Chinese Crested Club of Southern California
Southern California Beagle Club                          Shih Tzu Fanciers of Southern California
Irish Wolfhound Assn. of the West Coast                  Pacific Coast Bulldog Club
Greater San Diego Whippet Club                           Desert to Sea Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Riverside
So California Alaskan Malamute Club                      Chow Fanciers Assoc. of Southern California (Sun)
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (Sun)               San Bernardino / Riverside Poodle Club
Boxer Club of Southern California                        Shiba Inu Fanciers of Southern California
Aztec Doberman Pinscher Club of San Diego                Xoloitzcuintli Club of America
Newfoundland Club of America                             Berger Picard Club of America (Sun)
Samoyed Club of Los Angeles                              Miniature American Shepherd Club, USA (Sun)
Camino Real Siberian Husky Club                          Shetland Sheepdog Club of So California
Am. Staffordshire Terrier Club of Riv/SanBdo

Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under
American Kennel Club rules and regulations.
                                                                                  Gina M. DiNardo, Secretary
                           Jack Bradshaw Dog Show Superintendents/Est. 1898
                          Post Office Box 227303, Los Angeles, California 90022
                Telephone: (323) 727-0136; FAX: (323) 727-2949; WEB:
                    Marion Bradshaw / Barbara Bradshaw / Susan Bradshaw MacLyman
       Julie Bradshaw Draper / John Bradshaw / Eloise O’Donnell / Cindy Marshall / Keith MacLyman
                      One or more of the above superintendents will attend the show

                                    Mail Entries with Fees to Jack Bradshaw
                                   P.O. Box 227303, Los Angeles, CA 90022
                                    Make checks payable to Jack Bradshaw
                 FAX SERVICE: (323) 727-2949 E-MAIL ENTRIES:
                                $4.00 per dog per show. $4.00 per cancellation
                  Include MasterCard, Visa or American Express number & expiration date
                      Hand Deliveries - 5434 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90022
          There will be a $4.00 convenience fee charged per dog per show when using a credit card
        for payment of hand delivered or mailed in entries. Fax machines are available 24 hours a day.
                All entries with fees must be in the office of the Superintendent not later than
                               NOON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2018 PT
after which time no entries may be accepted, cancelled, changed, substituted, corrected, completed, or
signed, and no entry fees refunded. Any change or cancellation must be made in writing and received prior
to closing, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the American Kennel Club Dog Show Rules.
Faxed entries that are received incomplete or are unreadable will not be accepted. The proof of
transmission is not proof for verifying faxed entries. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE
                                                       ENTRY FEES
First Entry * ................................................................................................................. $35.00
Each Additional Entry of the Same Dog ....................................................................... 27.00
Puppy Class (6-9), (9-12) ............................................................................................. 27.00
Puppy 4-6 (Sunday only) .............................................................................................. 15.00
Pee Wee (Saturday only)................................................................................................ Free
Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes on Saturday ................................................ 18.00
Vizsla, Manchesters, Bernese Mtn., Chows
                                          ATTENTION EXHIBITORS
1. Day-of-show parking for cars and small vans may be on grass. No setups allowed in day-of-show
parking area.
2. All parking on streets adjacent to the show site will be subject to local regulations and restrictions.
3. No un-entered dogs will be allowed on the show grounds.
4. Unloading zones will be indicated; cars may not be left unattended. Cars are not to be left in unloading
zone for more than 20 minutes. Please unload and move your vehicle from the loading zone to the general
parking area, as directed, and return to your dog(s) and equipment.
5. Guards will be on duty Friday and Saturday nights and on the days of the shows, but neither KCPS nor
Empire Polo Club can be responsible for any personal property left unattended under grooming tents.
6. No exercise pens/setups will be allowed within 20 feet of any ring, in the center aisles, or in any other
area posted "No Setups".
7. Dogs/crates are allowed under main tents only during judging for that breed – NO EXCEPTIONS -
unattended dogs/crates will be removed by KCPS. One crate per dog will be permitted in the center aisle,
and it must be removed immediately after each dog is excused from further judging on that day. No crates
8. KCPS is not responsible for providing electricity for exhibitors’ use.
9. Grounds will not be available for setups until after 2 PM Wednesday. There may be some distance from
setup area to your ring(s). Please allow enough time to get to your ring on time.
10. Events or circumstances not covered in these operating policies and procedures may be subject to
special consideration and stipulations, as deemed appropriate by Empire Polo Club management.
11. There will be chairs available at ringside; however, KCPS cannot guarantee that there will always be
chairs available at every ring, as needed. Exhibitors are encouraged to bring their own chairs.
12. There will be an EMT on the grounds during the show hours on both Saturday and Sunday.
13. Tented grooming space will be available by reservation only. Reserved “Bring Your Own Canopy”
grooming space will be available by reservation only (40 spaces TOTAL available & bring your stakes).
FREE Day of Show grooming areas will be identified with signs. Exhibitors are encouraged to bring their
own shade. Please make the best possible use of those areas and be considerate of others. (See
Reserved Grooming Space information page).
Mr. James M. Ashton                          399 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917
Ms. Mary Anne Brocious                       1130 Country Court, Milford, MI 48381
Mr. Stephen M. Cabral                        3033 Gardi St, Duarte, CA 91010
Mr. James Donahue*                           27239 N Mack Dr., Wauconda, IL 60084
Ms. Gay H. Dunlap*                           38562 Fallbrook Ave, Palm Desert, CA 92211
Dr. Karen M. Ericson*                        31431 NE 108th St, Carnation, WA 98014
Mr. Michael J. (Mickey) Feigelson*           367 Neutra St, Palm Springs, CA 92264
Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro*                   3201 Belle Cote Dr., Burtonsville, MD 20866
Mrs. R. Ellen Fetter                         1095 N Thayer Rd, Lima, OH 45801
Ms. Sandy Garlinger                          PO Box 1210, Perris, CA 92572
Mr. Rick L. Garvin                           4566 Harbour Hills Dr, Manhattan, KS 66503
Mrs. Joan Goldstein                          5 Klinger Ln, Warren, NJ 07059
Mrs. Sulie Greendale-Paveza                  56 Knoll Rd, Hamden, CT 06518
Mr. Gene S. Hains                            5130 Panhandle Cir, Matthews, NC 28104
Mrs. Kathleen Hairston                       6388 Via Serena, Alta Loma, CA 91701
Mrs. Noreen Harris                           2/38 Clendon Rd, Torrak, Vic Aus 3142,
Mrs. Peggy J. Hauck                          334 Terrace Dr, Oviedo, FL 32765
Mr. Nathaniel Horn                           7547 Rain Flower Way, Columbia, MD 21046
Mrs. Betsy Horn Humer                        P.O. Box 226, Pungoteague, VA 23422
Mr. James J. Hupp                            28 Southdowns, Kokomo, IN 46902
Ms. Julie A. MacKinnon*                      75 College Pond Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360
Mr. George Milutinovich                      7564 N. Tahan, Fresno, CA 93711
Mr. Desmond J. Murphy                        P.O. Box 257, Monroe, NY 10949
Mr. Thomas D. Parrotti                       552 Cobb Cross Rd, Hamden, NY 13782
Mr. D. Scott Pfeil*                          26910 Anderson Rd, Wauconda, IL 60084
Mrs. Mickey L. Polimeni                      1651 Avocado Dr, Vista, CA 92083
Mrs. Sheila Polk*                            170 Nardi Ln, Martinez, CA 94553
Mrs. Georgeann Reeve                         42220 Heaters Island Court, Leesburg, VA 21076
Mrs. Linda M. Riedel                         8905 Maple Dr, Pasco, WA 99301
Ms. Vicki Seiler-Cushman*                    293 Cedar Trce, Xenia, OH 45385
Mr. Stanley Shen                             38 Lorong Marzuki, d’Casita 05-08, Singapore 41710
Ms. Kathryn Sneider V.M.D.*                  75 College Pond Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360
Ms. Valerie Stanert                          223 Martha Lane, Sequim, WA 98382
Mrs. Debra Thornton                          581 Blacks Ln, Scottsville, VA 24590
Mr. Darryl Vice*                             22075 Skyview Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Ms. Pamela F. Winter                         550 S. Golden Sky Ln, Anaheim, CA 92807
Mrs. Carolyn S. Wray                         Box 145, St. Helens, OR 97051
*Judge was Provisional/Permit status for the assignment on the date the panel was approved by AKC.

SATURDAY                                          Plott Hounds ........................................ Ms. Dunlap*
                                                                            Portuguese Podengo Pequenos............ Mrs. Harris
                     BEST in SHOW                                           Redbone Coonhound........................... Ms. Dunlap*
                                                                            Rhodesian Ridgebacks............................. Mr. Shen
               Mrs. Sulie Greendale-Paveza                                  Salukis ................................................... Mrs. Harris
                                                                            Scottish Deerhounds ......... Mrs. Greendale-Paveza
                    SPORTING BREEDS                                         Sloughis ......................................................Mr. Pfeil
                                                                            Treeing Walker Coonhounds ............... Ms. Dunlap*
                     Mr. Nathaniel Horn                                     Whippets.....................................................Mr. Pfeil
Brittanys................................................ Mrs. Humer
Lagotto Romagnolos ............................ Mrs. Humer                                       WORKING BREEDS
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes .................... Mr. Horn                                         Mrs. Linda M. Riedel
Pointer .................................... Ms. Seiler-Cushman
Pointers (German Shorthaired) ............ Mrs. Humer                       Akitas ................................................. Mrs. Polimeni
Pointers (German Wirehaired)............... Mr. Murphy                      Alaskan Malamutes ........................... Mrs. Polimeni
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) .............. Mrs. Humer                       Anatolian Shepherds .......................... Ms. Brocious
Retrievers (Curly-Coated)...................... Mr. Murphy                  Bernese Mountain Dogs .........................Ms. Winter
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) ........................ Mrs. Harris               Bernese Mt. Dog Swp........................... Mrs. Reeve
Retrievers (Golden) ............................... Dr. Ericson             Bernese Mt. Dog Vet Swp..................... Mrs. Reeve
Retrievers (Labrador) ....................Ms. MacKinnon*                    Black Russian Terriers ........................ Ms. Brocious
     Open Dogs, Black; Chocolate; Yellow. Same                              Boerboel ................................................ Mrs. Harris
     division of classes in bitches.                                        Boxers................................ Mrs. Greendale-Paveza
Retrievers (NS Duck Tolling) ..................... Mr. Horn                     Open Dogs, Brindle; Fawn. Same division of
Setters (English) ....................................... Mrs. Polk             classes in bitches.
Setters (Gordon).................................... Mrs. Harris            Bullmastiffs ....................................... Mrs. Thornton
Setters (Irish) .....................................Mrs. Thornton              Open Dogs, Brindle; Any Other Allowed Color.
Setters (Irish, Red and White) .............. Mrs. Humer                        Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (American Water) Mrs. Greendale-Paveza                             Cane Corso............................ Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
Spaniels (Boykin)............... Mrs. Greendale-Paveza                      Chinook......................................................Mr. Vice*
Spaniels (Clumber) ....................................Mr. Shen             Doberman Pinschers .............................Mrs. Riedel
Spaniels (Cocker) Black ............................Mr. Shen                    Open Dogs, Black; Any Other Allowed Color.
Spaniels (Cocker) Ascob ...........................Mr. Shen                     Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti Color ....................Mr. Shen                  Dogue De Bordeaux ........................... Ms. Brocious
Spaniels (English Cocker) ........................ Mrs. Polk                German Pinschers .............................. Ms. Brocious
Spaniels (English Springer) ...............Mrs. Thornton                    Giant Schnauzers ..................................Mrs. Riedel
Spaniels (Field)..................................Mrs. Thornton             Great Danes ..........................................Mrs. Riedel
Spaniels (Irish Water) ........................Mrs. Thornton                    Open Dogs, Black; Blue; Brindle; Fawn; Harle-
Spaniels (Sussex)..............................Mrs. Thornton                    quin; Mantle; Merle. Same division of classes in
Spaniels (Welsh Springer) .................Mrs. Thornton                        bitches.
Spinoni Italiani ....................................... Mrs. Harris        Great Pyrenees...................... Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
Vizslas .................................................. Mrs. Humer       Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs ...................Mr. Vice*
Vizslas Swp ....................................... Ms. Garlinger           Komondorok ..................................... Mrs. Thornton
Vizslas Vet Swp ................................. Ms. Garlinger             Kuvaszok .......................................... Mrs. Thornton
Weimaraners ..................... Mrs. Greendale-Paveza                     Leonberger .................................... Mr. Ferruggiaro*
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons.................. Mr. Murphy                   Mastiffs ............................................. Mrs. Thornton
Wirehaired Vizslas ............. Mrs. Greendale-Paveza                      Neapolitan Mastiffs ............................. Ms. Brocious
                                                                            Newfoundlands ......................................Mrs. Riedel
                       HOUND BREEDS                                         Portuguese Water Dogs......... Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
                                                                            Rottweilers ................................................ Mr. Shen
                       Mr. D. Scott Pfeil*                                  S T. Bernards ......................... Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
Afghan Hounds................................... Mr. Donahue                Samoyeds.......................................... Mrs. Polimeni
American English Coonhounds ........... Ms. Dunlap*                         Siberian Huskies................................ Mrs. Polimeni
American Foxhounds........................... Ms. Dunlap*                   Standard Schnauzers ......................... Ms. Brocious
Azawakh ....................................................Mr. Pfeil*      Tibetan Mastiffs................................... Ms. Brocious
Basenjis ............................................. Mr. Donahue*
Basset Hounds .......................................... Mr. Horn                                TERRIER BREEDS
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) ......................... Mr. Murphy                                   Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ........................... Mr. Murphy
Black and Tan Coonhounds................. Ms. Dunlap*                       Airedale Terriers..................................... Mr. Parrotti
Bloodhounds........................................ Ms. Dunlap*             American Hairless Terriers..................... Mr. Parrotti
Bluetick Coonhounds........................... Ms. Dunlap*                  American Staffordshire Terriers ............. Mr. Parrotti
Borzois........................................................ Mr. Pfeil   Australian Terriers.................................. Mr. Parrotti
Cirnechi dell Etna ....................................... Mr. Pfeil        Bedlington Terriers................................. Mr. Parrotti
Dachshunds (Longhaired) ......................... Mr. Horn                  Border Terriers ....................................... Mrs. Fetter
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                           Bull Terriers (Colored)............................ Mr. Murphy
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                         Bull Terriers (White) ............................... Mr. Murphy
     of classes in bitches.                                                 Cairn Terriers ......................................... Mr. Parrotti
Dachshunds (Smooth)............................... Mr. Horn                 Cesky Terriers........................................ Mr. Parrotti
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                           Dandie Dinmont Terriers ........................ Mr. Parrotti
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                         Fox Terriers (Smooth) ............................ Mr. Parrotti
     of classes in bitches.                                                 Fox Terriers (Wire) ................................. Mr. Parrotti
Dachshunds (Wirehaired).......................... Mr. Horn                  Glen of Imaal Terriers ............................ Mr. Parrotti
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                           Irish Terriers ........................................... Mr. Parrotti
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                         Kerry Blue Terriers .......................... Mr. Ferruggiaro
     of classes in bitches.                                                 Lakeland Terriers ................................... Mr. Murphy
Foxhounds (English)............................ Ms. Dunlap*                 Manchester Terriers (Standard) ...... Mr. Ferruggiaro
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens ................ Mr. Horn                     Manchester Terriers (Std) Swp ..............Ms. Stanert
Greyhounds ......................................... Ms. Dunlap*            Manchester Terriers (Std) Vet Swp ........Ms. Stanert
Harriers................................................ Ms. Dunlap*        Miniature Bull Terriers ............................ Mr. Murphy
Ibizan Hounds...................................... Ms. Dunlap*             Miniature Schnauzers ........................... Dr. Ericson*
Irish Wolfhounds ........................................ Mr. Horn          Norfolk Terriers ...................................... Mr. Parrotti
Norwegian Elkhounds................................ Mr. Horn                Norwich Terriers..................................... Mr. Murphy
Otterhounds......................................... Ms. Dunlap*            Parson Russell Terriers.......................... Mr. Parrotti
Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens ....... Ms. Dunlap*
Pharaoh Hounds.................................... Mrs. Harris
SATURDAY                                                              HERDING BREEDS
Rat Terriers ............................................ Mr. Parrotti                           Mrs. Sheila Polk
Russell Terriers...................................... Mr. Murphy         Australian Cattle Dogs .............................. Mrs. Polk
Scottish Terriers.............................. Mr. Ferruggiaro           Australian Shepherds ........ Mrs. Greendale-Paveza
Sealyham Terriers................................. Dr. Ericson*               Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
Skye Terriers.......................................... Mr. Parrotti          Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers ........ Mr. Ferruggiaro                     Bearded Collies ..................................... Mrs. Harris
Staffordshire Bull Terriers ............... Mr. Ferruggiaro               Beauceron .......................................... Ms. Brocious
Welsh Terriers....................................... Dr. Ericson*        Belgian Malinois.................................. Ms. Brocious
West Highland White Terriers ................ Mr. Parrotti                Belgian Sheepdogs............................. Ms. Brocious
                                                                          Belgian Tervuren................................. Ms. Brocious
                       TOY BREEDS                                         Bergamasco Sheepdogs .................... Ms. Brocious
                     Mrs. Peggy J. Hauck                                  Berger Picard...................................... Ms. Brocious
                                                                          Border Collies ....................................... Mrs. Humer
Affenpinschers .......................................... Mr. Hupp        Bouviers Des Flandres ....................... Ms. Brocious
Brussels Griffons ...................................... Mr. Hupp         Briards ...............................Mrs. Greendale-Paveza
Cavalier King Charles Sp........ Ms. Seiler-Cushman                       Canaan Dog........................................ Ms. Brocious
Chihuahuas (Long Coat) ....................... Mrs. Hauck                 Cardigan Welsh Corgis ......................... Mrs. Humer
Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) ................... Mrs. Hauck                   Collies (Rough) ...................................... Mrs. Fetter
Chinese Crested.....................................Mrs. Fetter           Collies (Smooth) .................................... Mrs. Fetter
     Open Dogs, Hairless; Powderpuff. Same divi-                          Entlebucher Mountain Dogs ................. Mrs. Humer
     sion of classes in bitches.                                          Finnish Lapphund ................................. Mrs. Humer
English Toy Spaniel (Blen & PrCh) ........ Mrs. Hauck                     German Shepherd Dogs........................... Mrs. Polk
English Toy Spaniel (KgCh& Ruby) ....... Mrs. Hauck                       Icelandic Sheepdogs ..................... Mr. Ferruggiaro*
Havanese ......................................... Mr. Feigelson*         Miniature American Shepherd ............... Mrs. Harris
Italian Greyhounds ................................ Mrs. Hauck                Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
Japanese Chin.......................................... Mr. Hupp              Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Maltese ..................................................... Mr. Hupp    Norwegian Buhunds .............................. Mrs. Harris
Manchester Terriers (Toy)............... Mr. Ferruggiaro                  Old English Sheepdogs ...................... Ms. Brocious
Manchester Terriers (Toy) Swp.............. Ms. Stanert                   Pembroke Welsh Corgis ................ Mr. Ferruggiaro*
Manchester Trs (Toy) Vet Swp............... Ms. Stanert                   Polish Lowland Sheepdogs ................... Mrs. Harris
Miniature Pinschers .................................. Mr. Hupp           Pulik ....................................................... Mrs. Harris
Papillons ................................. Ms. Seiler-Cushman            Pumik................................. Mrs. Greendale-Paveza
Pekingese................................................. Mr. Hupp       Pyrenean Shepherds ............................. Mrs. Harris
Pomeranian .............................................. Mr. Hupp        Shetland Sheepdogs ................................ Mrs. Polk
     Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable;                                 Open Dogs, Sable and White; Any Other
     Black, Brown and Blue; Any Other Allowed                                 Allowed Color. Same division of classes in
     Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                              bitches.
Poodle (Toy) ..................................... Mrs. Goldstein         Spanish Water Dog ................................ Mrs. Harris
Pugs ......................................................... Mr. Hupp   Swedish Vallhunds................................. Mrs. Harris
     Open Dogs, Black; Fawn. Same division of
     classes in bitches.                                                                  MISCELLANEOUS CLASS
Shih Tzu ......................................... Mr. Milutinovich                        Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro
Silky Terriers ................................... Mr. Milutinovich
Toy Fox Terriers .............................. Mr. Milutinovich          There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs
Yorkshire Terriers...................................... Mr. Hupp         and bitches in each breed: Barbet, Belgian Laekenois,
                                                                          Dogo Argentino, Dutch Shepherd, Lancashire Heeler,
                NON-SPORTING BREEDS                                       Mudi, Norrbottenspets, Peruvian Inca Orchid, Portu-
                 Mr. George Milutinovich                                  guese Podengo and Russian Toy.

American Eskimos.......................... Mr. Milutinovich                    JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
Bichons Frises .................................. Mrs. Goldstein                      Mrs. Betsy Horn Humer
Boston Terriers ...................................... Mrs. Harris
    Open Dogs, under 15 lbs.;15 lbs. and over.
    Same division of classes in bitches.                                                         OBEDIENCE
Bulldogs..............................................Mrs. Hairston       Beginner Novice A .................................. Mr. Garvin
Chinese Shar-Pei ........................... Mr. Milutinovich             Beginner Novice B .................................. Mr. Garvin
Chow Chows .................................. Mr. Milutinovich            Novice Class A .......................................Mr. Ashton
    Open Dogs, Black; Red; Any Other Allowed                              Novice Class B ....................................... Mr. Garvin
    Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                           Novice Graduate......................................Mrs. Wray
Chow Chows Swp .................................. Mr. Cabral              Open Class A...........................................Mrs. Wray
Chow Chows Vet Swp ............................ Mr. Cabral                Open Class B...........................................Mrs. Wray
Coton de Tulear .............................. Mr. Milutinovich           Open Graduate .......................................Mr. Ashton
Dalmatians..............................................Mrs. Fetter       Preferred Novice......................................Mrs. Wray
    Open Dogs, Black Spotted; Liver-Spotted.                              Preferred Open ........................................Mrs. Wray
    Same division of classes in bitches.                                  Preferred Utility .......................................Mr. Ashton
Finnish Spitz ................................... Mr. Milutinovich        Utility Class A..........................................Mr. Ashton
French Bulldogs................................ Mrs. Goldstein            Utility Class B..........................................Mr. Ashton
Keeshonden ................................... Mr. Milutinovich           Versatility Class ......................................Mr. Ashton
Lhasa Apsos...........................................Mrs. Fetter         Rally Novice A ........................................ Mr. Garvin
Lowchen ......................................... Mr. Milutinovich        Rally Novice B ........................................ Mr. Garvin
Norwegian Lundehunds.................. Mr. Milutinovich                   Rally Intermediate................................... Mr. Garvin
Poodles (Miniature) .......................... Mrs. Goldstein             Rally Advanced A ................................... Mr. Garvin
Poodles (Standard)........................... Mrs. Goldstein              Rally Advanced B ................................... Mr. Garvin
Schipperkes.................................... Mr. Milutinovich          Rally Excellent A..................................... Mr. Garvin
Shiba-Inu ................................................Mrs. Fetter     Rally Excellent B..................................... Mr. Garvin
Tibetan Spaniels .....................................Mrs. Fetter         Rally Master............................................ Mr. Garvin
Tibetan Terriers.......................................Mrs. Fetter
Xoloitzcuintli.............................................Mrs. Polk*
SUNDAY                                        Otterhounds ......................................... Mrs. Riedel*
                                                                          Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens.......... Mrs. Harris
                      BEST in SHOW                                        Pharaoh Hounds................................ Mr. Donahue*
                                                                          Plott Hounds ........................................ Mrs. Riedel*
                  Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro                               Portuguese Podengo Pequenos.................Mr. Pfeil
                                                                          Redbone Coonhound........................... Mrs. Riedel*
                   SPORTING BREEDS                                        Rhodesian Ridgebacks...... Mrs. Greendale-Paveza
                  Mr. Desmond J. Murphy                                   Salukis ........................................................Mr. Pfeil
                                                                          Scottish Deerhounds ............................. Mrs. Harris
Brittanys..................................................... Mr. Horn   Sloughis ............................................... Mrs. Riedel*
Lagotto Romagnolos ...............................Mrs. Polk*              Treeing Walker Coonhounds ............Mrs. Goldstein
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes ............... Mrs. Humer                     Whippets............................................ Mr. Donahue*
Pointer .................................................. Mrs. Humer
Pointers (German Shorthaired) ................. Mr. Horn                                      WORKING BREEDS
Pointers (German Wirehaired)................... Mr. Horn                                     Ms. Mary Anne Brocious
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) ....... Mrs. Greendale-
Paveza                                                                    Akitas ........................................................ Mr. Shen
Retrievers (Curly-Coated)......................... Mrs. Polk              Alaskan Malamutes ............... Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) ........................... Mrs. Polk            Anatolian Shepherds ................................ Mr. Shen
Retrievers (Golden) .......................Ms. MacKinnon*                 Bernese Mountain Dogs ................... Mrs. Thornton
Retrievers (Labrador) ..............Ms. Sneider V.M.D.*                   Black Russian Terriers ................... Mr. Ferruggiaro*
     Open Dogs, Black; Chocolate; Yellow. Same                            Boerboel ............................................. Ms. Brocious
     division of classes in bitches.                                      Boxers............................................... Mrs. Thornton
Retrievers (NS Duck Tolling) ...................Mrs. Polk*                    Open Dogs, Brindle; Fawn. Same division of
Setters (English) .................................... Mr. Murphy             classes in bitches.
Setters (Gordon)......................................Mrs. Polk*          Bullmastiffs ............................ Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
Setters (Irish) ............................................. Mr. Horn        Open Dogs, Brindle; Any Other Allowed Color.
Setters (Irish, Red and White) ............... Mrs. Harris                    Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (American Water) ........................ Mr. Horn               Cane Corso......................................... Ms. Brocious
Spaniels (Boykin).................................. Mrs. Humer            Chinook.................................................. Mrs. Harris
Spaniels (Clumber) ................................... Mrs. Polk          Doberman Pinschers ............................. Mr. Murphy
Spaniels (Cocker) Black ........................... Mrs. Polk                 Open Dogs, Black; Any Other Allowed Color.
Spaniels (Cocker) Ascob .......................... Mrs. Polk                  Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti Color ................... Mrs. Polk               Dogue De Bordeaux ................................. Mr. Shen
Spaniels (English Cocker) ......................... Mr. Horn              German Pinschers ................................. Mrs. Harris
Spaniels (English Springer) ................... Mrs. Riedel               Giant Schnauzers ................... Ms. Seiler-Cushman
Spaniels (Field)........................................Mrs. Polk*        Great Danes ...................................... Mrs. Polimeni
Spaniels (Irish Water) ..............................Mrs. Polk*               Open Dogs, Black; Blue; Brindle; Fawn; Harle-
Spaniels (Sussex)....................................Mrs. Polk*               quin; Mantle; Merle. Same division of classes in
Spaniels (Welsh Springer) ........................ Mrs. Polk                  bitches.
Spinoni Italiani .........................................Mrs. Polk*      Great Pyrenees.................................. Mrs. Polimeni
Vizslas ............................... Mrs. Greendale-Paveza             Greater Swiss Mountain DogsMs. Seiler-Cushman*
Weimaraners .............................................Mr. Shen         Komondorok ....................................... Ms. Brocious
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons......................Mr. Shen                Kuvaszok ............................................ Ms. Brocious
Wirehaired Vizslas ................................ Mrs. Humer            Leonberger ............................ Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
                                                                          Mastiffs .................................. Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
                     HOUND BREEDS                                         Neapolitan Mastiffs ................ Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
                     Mrs. Joan Goldstein                                  Newfoundlands ................................... Ms. Brocious
                                                                          Portuguese Water Dogs............................ Mr. Shen
Afghan Hounds........................................... Mr. Pfeil        Rottweilers ........................................ Mrs. Thornton
American English Coonhounds ........... Mrs. Riedel*                      S T. Bernards ............................................ Mr. Shen
American Foxhounds............................. Mrs. Harris               Samoyeds.............................. Ms. Seiler-Cushman*
Azawakh .................................................... Mr. Horn     Siberian Huskies...............................Mrs. Goldstein
Basenjis ............................................... Mrs. Riedel*     Standard Schnauzers ............................... Mr. Shen
Basset Hounds ........................................... Mr. Pfeil       Tibetan Mastiffs................................. Mrs. Thornton
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) .................... Mrs. Goldstein
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ...................... Mrs. Goldstein                                   TERRIER BREEDS
Black and Tan Coonhounds.............. Mrs. Goldstein                                         Mr. Thomas D. Parrotti
Bloodhounds........................................ Mrs. Riedel*
Bluetick Coonhounds........................... Mrs. Riedel*               Airedale Terriers.................................... Dr. Ericson*
Borzois.......................................................Mr. Shen    American Hairless Terriers.................... Dr. Ericson*
Cirnechi dell Etna ............................. Mrs. Goldstein           American Staffordshire Terriers ............ Dr. Ericson*
Dachshunds (Longhaired) ..................... Mrs. Riedel                 Australian Terriers................................. Dr. Ericson*
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                         Bedlington Terriers................................ Dr. Ericson*
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                       Border Terriers ....................................... Mr. Parrotti
     of classes in bitches.                                               Bull Terriers (Colored)...............................Mr. Hains
Dachshunds (Smooth)........................... Mrs. Riedel                Bull Terriers (White) ..................................Mr. Hains
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                         Cairn Terriers .................................. Mr. Ferruggiaro
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                       Cesky Terriers....................................... Dr. Ericson*
     of classes in bitches.                                               Dandie Dinmont Terriers ....................... Dr. Ericson*
Dachshunds (Wirehaired)...................... Mrs. Riedel                 Fox Terriers (Smooth) ..................... Mr. Ferruggiaro
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                         Fox Terriers (Wire) .......................... Mr. Ferruggiaro
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                       Glen of Imaal Terriers ........................... Dr. Ericson*
     of classes in bitches.                                               Irish Terriers .......................................... Dr. Ericson*
Foxhounds (English).............................. Mrs. Harris             Kerry Blue Terriers ................................ Dr. Ericson*
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens ....... Mrs. Goldstein                      Lakeland Terriers .................................. Dr. Ericson*
Greyhounds ......................................... Mrs. Riedel*         Manchester Terriers (Standard) ............. Mr. Parrotti
Harriers.................................................. Mrs. Riedel    Miniature Bull Terriers ...............................Mr. Hains
Ibizan Hounds.................................... Mr. Donahue*            Miniature Schnauzers ............................ Mr. Parrotti
Irish Wolfhounds .................................... Mrs. Harris         Norfolk Terriers ......................................Mr. Murphy
Norwegian Elkhounds............................ Mrs. Harris               Norwich Terriers..................................... Mr. Parrotti
SUNDAY                                                            HERDING BREEDS
Parson Russell Terriers ......................... Mr. Murphy                                 Mrs. Betsy Horn Humer
Rat Terriers ........................................... Dr. Ericson*     Australian Cattle Dogs ........................ Ms. Brocious
Russell Terriers..................................... Dr. Ericson*        Australian Shepherds ............................... Mrs. Polk
Scottish Terriers........................................ Mr. Hains           Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
Sealyham Terriers.................................. Mr. Murphy                Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Skye Terriers.......................................... Mr. Murphy        Bearded Collies .................................. Ms. Brocious
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers .............. Dr. Ericson*                  Beauceron ............................................. Mrs. Harris
Staffordshire Bull Terriers ...................... Mr. Murphy             Belgian Malinois..................................... Mrs. Harris
Welsh Terriers........................................ Mr. Murphy         Belgian Sheepdogs............................... Mrs. Humer
West Highland White Terriers ................ Mr. Murphy                  Belgian Tervuren................................... Mrs. Humer
                                                                          Bergamasco Sheepdogs ....................... Mrs. Harris
                       TOY BREEDS                                         Berger Picard........................................ Mrs. Humer
                      Mr. James J. Hupp                                   Border Collies ........................................ Mrs. Harris
                                                                          Bouviers Des Flandres ............................. Mrs. Polk
Affenpinschers ....................................... Mrs. Hauck         Briards .................................................. Mrs. Humer
Brussels Griffons ...................................Mrs. Hauck           Canaan Dog.............................................. Mrs. Polk
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels ............. Mr. Parrotti                 Cardigan Welsh Corgis ............................. Mrs. Polk
Chihuahuas (Long Coat) .......................... Mr. Hupp                Collies (Rough) .........................................Mrs. Polk
Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) ...................... Mr. Hupp                  Collies (Smooth) ....................................... Mrs. Polk
Chinese Crested............................. Mr. Milutinovich             Entlebucher Mountain Dogs ..................... Mrs. Polk
     Open Dogs, Hairless; Powderpuff. Same divi-                          Finnish Lapphund ..................................... Mrs. Polk
     sion of classes in bitches.                                          German Shepherd Dogs....................... Mrs. Humer
English Toy Spaniel                                                       Icelandic Sheepdogs ................................ Mrs. Polk
(Blenheim & Prince Charles) .................... Mr. Hupp                 Miniature American Shepherd .............. Mrs. Humer
English Toy Spaniel                                                           Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
(King Charles & Ruby).............................. Mr. Hupp                  Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Havanese ................................................. Mr. Hupp       Norwegian Buhunds ............................. Mrs. Humer
Italian Greyhounds ..................................... Mr. Pfeil        Old English Sheepdogs ........................ Mrs. Humer
Japanese Chin....................................... Mrs. Hauck           Pembroke Welsh Corgis ..................... Ms. Brocious
Maltese .................................................. Mrs. Hauck     Polish Lowland Sheepdogs ................ Ms. Brocious
Manchester Terriers (Toy)...................... Mr. Parrotti              Pulik .................................................... Ms. Brocious
Miniature Pinschers ............................... Mrs. Hauck            Pumik.................................................... Mrs. Humer
Papillons .................................................... Mr. Horn   Pyrenean Shepherds .......................... Ms. Brocious
Pekingese.............................................. Mrs. Hauck        Shetland Sheepdogs ............................ Mrs. Humer
Pomeranian ........................................... Mrs. Hauck             Open Dogs, Sable and White; Any Other
     Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable;                                 Allowed Color. Same division of classes in
     Black, Brown and Blue; Any Other Allowed                                 bitches.
     Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                          Spanish Water Dog ............................. Ms. Brocious
Poodle (Toy) ...........................................Mrs. Fetter       Swedish Vallhunds.............................. Ms. Brocious
Pugs ...................................................... Mrs. Hauck
     Open Dogs, Black; Fawn. Same division of                                             MISCELLANEOUS CLASS
     classes in bitches.                                                                   Mrs. Besty Horn Humer
Shih Tzu ................................................ Mrs. Hauck
Silky Terriers ............................................. Mr. Hupp     There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs
Toy Fox Terriers ........................................ Mr. Hupp        and bitches in each breed: Barbet, Belgian Laekenois,
Yorkshire Terriers....................................Mrs. Fetter         Dogo Argentino, Dutch Shepherd, Lancashire Heeler,
                                                                          Mudi, Norrbottenspets, Peruvian Inca Orchid, Portu-
                NON-SPORTING BREEDS                                       guese Podengo and Russian Toy.
                  Mrs. R. Ellen Fetter
                                                                               JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
American Eskimos..................................Mrs. Fetter                           Mr. Nathaniel Horn
Bichons Frises ........................................Mrs. Fetter
Boston Terriers ............................... Mr. Milutinovich
    Open Dogs, under 15 lbs.;15 lbs. and over.                                                   OBEDIENCE
    Same division of classes in bitches.                                  Beginner Novice A ..................................Mr. Ashton
Bulldogs.......................................... Mr. Ferruggiaro        Beginner Novice B ..................................Mr. Ashton
Chinese Shar-Pei ........................... Mr. Ferruggiaro              Novice Class A ........................................Mrs. Wray
Chow Chows .................................... Mrs. Goldstein            Novice Class B .......................................Mr. Ashton
    Open Dogs, Black; Red; Any Other Allowed                              Novice Graduate..................................... Mr. Garvin
    Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                           Open Class A.......................................... Mr. Garvin
Coton de Tulear ......................................Mrs. Fetter         Open Class B.......................................... Mr. Garvin
Dalmatians........................................ Mrs. Goldstein         Open Graduate ........................................Mrs. Wray
    Open Dogs, Black Spotted; Liver-Spotted.                              Preferred Novice..................................... Mr. Garvin
    Same division of classes in bitches.                                  Preferred Open ....................................... Mr. Garvin
Finnish Spitz ................................... Mr. Ferruggiaro         Preferred Utility ........................................Mrs. Wray
French Bulldogs.............................. Mr. Milutinovich            Utility Class A...........................................Mrs. Wray
Keeshonden ...........................................Mrs. Fetter         Utility Class B...........................................Mrs. Wray
Lhasa Apsos................................... Mr. Milutinovich           Versatility Class .......................................Mrs. Wray
Lowchen .................................................Mrs. Fetter      Rally Novice A ........................................Mr. Ashton
Norwegian Lundehunds..........................Mrs. Fetter                 Rally Novice B ........................................Mr. Ashton
Poodles (Miniature) ................................Mrs. Fetter           Rally Intermediate...................................Mr. Ashton
Poodles (Standard).................................Mrs. Fetter            Rally Advanced A ...................................Mr. Ashton
Schipperkes............................................Mrs. Fetter        Rally Advanced B ...................................Mr. Ashton
Shiba-Inu ........................................ Mr. Milutinovich       Rally Excellent A.....................................Mr. Ashton
Tibetan Spaniels ............................. Mr. Milutinovich           Rally Excellent B.....................................Mr. Ashton
Tibetan Terriers............................... Mr. Milutinovich          Rally Master............................................Mr. Ashton
Xoloitzcuintli............................................Mrs. Fetter
This classification applies to each breed, whose name is listed. Any change in regular or non-regular
classes appears under the individual breed heading.
                                           REGULAR CLASSES
Puppy Dogs                                                Puppy Bitches
         6 mos. and under 9 mos.                                 6 mos. and under 9 mos.
Puppy Dogs                                                Puppy Bitches
         9 mos. and under 12 mos.                                9 mos. and under 12 mos.
12 mos. and under 18 mos. Dogs                            12 mos. and under 18 mos. Bitches
Novice Dogs                                               Novice Bitches
Amateur-Owner Handled Dogs                                Amateur-Owner Handled Bitches
Bred by Exhibitor Dogs                                    Bred by Exhibitor Bitches
American Bred Dogs                                        American Bred Bitches
Open Dogs                                                 Open Bitches
Winners Dog                                               Winners Bitch
Veteran (divided by sex - 7 years of age and older)
                               BEST OF BREED/VARIETY COMPETITION
Best of Breed/Variety Competition - "The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in
Best of Breed competition. Dogs that are Champions of Record. Dogs which, according to their
owner's records, have completed the requirements for a championship but whose championships are
unconfirmed, provided this transfer is made in writing and presented to the superintendent at least
30 minutes prior to the start of each trial. The entry and showing of dogs whose championships are
unconfirmed is limited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where a dog completed the
requirements for a championship according to the owner's records. If, at the end of the 90-day period,
the championship of a dog has not been confirmed by the American Kennel Club, no further entries of
the dog for Best of Breed competition are to be made until its championship has been confirmed by the
Stud Dog Class - For dogs that have sired two dogs or bitches entered in this show. The award will
be based on the merits of the get. The owner of the stud dog need not be the owner of the get. As the
judge's decision in this class will be based on the merits of more than one dog or bitch, no one of the
dogs or bitches making up the entry judged first in the class, will be eligible to compete for Best of
Breed by virtue of having won this class. The Stud Dog must appear in the ring with his get and be
entered in the Stud Dog Class.
Brood Bitch Class - For bitches that have whelped two dogs or bitches entered in this show. The
award will be based on the merits of the produce. The owner of the brood bitch need not be the owner
of the produce. As the judge's decision in this class will be based on the merit of more than one dog or
bitch, no one of the dogs or bitches making up the entry judged first in the class will be eligible to
compete for Best of Breed by virtue of having won this class. The Brood Bitch must appear in the ring
with her produce and be entered in the Brood Bitch Class.
Brace Class - For two dogs of the same breed or variety, with at least one common owner.
                              JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP CLASSIFICATION
Novice Junior                                Novice Intermediate                            Novice Senior
Open Junior                                  Open Intermediate                               Open Senior
                                     OBEDIENCE CLASSIFICATION
Novice A                                          Open A                                           Utility A
Novice B                                          Open B                                           Utility B
Beginner Novice A                            Beginner Novice B
Graduate Novice                               Graduate Open                                      Versatility
Pref Novice                                      Pref Open                                      Pref Utility
                                        RALLY CLASSIFICATION
     Novice A, Novice B, Intermediate, Advanced A, Advanced B, Excellent A, Excellent B, Master
        (Jump height listed in order for Intermediate, Advanced, Excellent, Master) 4”, 8”, 12”, 16”

SATURDAY BEST IN SHOW – The Desert Empire Terrier Club of Southern California offers an
Engraved Murano Vase on a round Ebony Base. The Kennel Club of Palm Springs offers a Rosette.
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW – Vince Grosso offers an Engraved Alabaster Plate with Gold Trim. The
Kennel Club of Palm Springs offers a Rosette.

SUNDAY BEST IN SHOW – John Low MD and William Matthews MD, offer an Engraved Murano Vase
on a round Ebony Base. The Kennel Club of Palm Springs offers a Rosette.
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW – Vince Grosso offers an Engraved Alabaster Plate with Gold Trim. The
Kennel Club of Palm Springs offers a Rosette.

GROUPS – An Engraved Crystal Blue Vase is offered for Group 1 placing on Saturday and Sunday. The
Kennel Club of Palm Springs offers Rosettes for first through fourth place both days, unless otherwise

SPORTING GROUP - Offered by the Southern CA Sporting Dog Association
HOUND GROUP - Offered by the Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California
WORKING GROUP - Offered by Terry & Gloria Toussaint, Terraglo Alaskan Malamutes
TERRIER GROUP – Offered by Gay Dunlap
TOY GROUP - Offered by the Toy Breeders Assoc. of Southern California
NON-SPORTING GROUP - Offered by the Sand to Sea Non-Sporting Association of Southern California
HERDING GROUP – Offered by Karen and Larry Dorn, Derrydown Dandie Dinmont Terriers

SPORTING GROUP - Offered by the Southern CA Sporting Dog Association
HOUND GROUP - Offered by The Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California
WORKING GROUP - Offered by Terry & Gloria Toussaint, Terraglo Alaskan Malamutes
TERRIER GROUP - Offered by Kreg Hill and Bill Christensen, Christhill Kennels Australian Terriers
TOY GROUP - Offered by The Toy Breeders Association of Southern California
NON-SPORTING - Group Offered by The Sand to Sea Non-Sporting Association of Southern California
HERDING GROUP – Offered by Huzzah Greyhounds

Saturday and Sunday
BRACE GROUP PLACEMENTS - Rosettes offered by The Kennel Club of Palm Springs.
Saturday, BEST BRACE IN SHOW – Bill Christensen and Kreg Hill, Christhill Kennels, offer an Engraved
Alabaster Plate with Gold Trim
Sunday, BEST BRACE IN SHOW - Bill Christensen and Kreg Hill, Christhill Kennels, offer an Engraved
Alabaster Plate with Gold Trim
Saturday - Best In Show Owner Handled- Arbroath Westies, John Low, MD and William Matthews, MD,
offer an Engraved Alabaster Plate with Gold Trim.

Saturday–NOHS – Non-Sporting Group
Trophies Offered by Suzanne Fuentes on behalf of Chow Fanciers Assn of Southern California
Group 1 Route 66 Tapestry Back Pack
Group 2-4 Route 66 Tote Bag

Sunday - Best In Show Owner Handled – Don Ingamells and Merilynn Hurd offer an Engraved Alabaster
Plate with Gold Trim.
NEW CHAMPIONS – The Kennel Club of Palm Springs offers a Medallion to anyone who finishes their
dog’s Championship on Saturday or Sunday. Come to the trophy table with your ribbon to claim your
medallion while supplies last.

The Kennel Club of Palm Springs offers for purchase, a Bronze Medallion for Best of Breed or Variety and
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed to those Clubs and Breeds who are supporting their entry and also to

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