Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Burlington

Page created by Carolyn Manning
Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Burlington
Board of Chosen Freeholders of
                            the County of Burlington
Office of the                                                                   Phone:   609.265.5012
Division of Purchase                        Division of Purchase                FAX:     609.265.5438
Room 104                                    Post Office Box 6000
49 Rancocas Road                            Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060
Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060

                                                                                 October 25, 2019


 ADDENDUM No. 1 for Solicitation Entitled: GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)

 BIDS DUE: November 7, 2019 at 10:30 AM

                                                    GASOLINE 2020-2022
                                              (4-BUCCP-19009) – Addendum No.1

       Q1: I am writing today regarding the pricing structure and award process for the
       Gasoline bid (4-BUCCP-19009). We were also a bidder for this in November 2017.
       Back in 2017 when that last bid was awarded, I felt that there was a flaw in the pricing
       structure and the way the bid was awarded and I feel I must bring this up. In 2017, we
       offered an upcharge of $0.0474 for Regular Gasoline and $0.0574 for Premium
       Gasoline. The two upcharges are added together and the award is based upon the
       total of the two products (for that bid in 2017, our combined year one upcharge total
       was $0.1048). The awarded bidder’s regular gasoline upcharge was $0.0545 and
       premium was (-$0.0450) for a year one total of $0.0095. The flawed thinking here is
       that you chose the lowest bidder. When in fact, the County and ALL but ONE of the
       participating agencies uses Regular Gasoline… only ONE uses Premium Gasoline.
       By my estimation, at 196,000 gallons a year of regular gasoline, the Lead Agency
       could have saved $1391 per year by awarding the LOWEST bidder for regular
       gasoline and the Participating Agencies combined could have saved $4785. Maybe
       that savings is not significant enough to the county, but from my vantage point, this
       is an important sticking point. As a bidder, this feels like an unfair bias. It makes me
       contemplate skipping bidding on this bid until the error in the award process is
       rectified. I humbly submit this letter to you for your consideration.

       ANSWER Q1: Please review the revised Section 2.00 Bid Form and award structure attached to this
       addendum. All bidders shall replace the Bid Form in the specifications with the Bid Form attached to
       this addendum on pages 5-7.

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       ADDENDUM NO.1
       GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)
Q2: Please confirm which locations can receive delivery from transport semi-trucks
and which sites require a smaller bobtail/tank wagon for delivery?

ANSWER Q2: Please refer to Section 1.17 “Delivery”.

Q3: Will a metered BOL be accepted in place of a metered truck?

ANSWER Q3: No, trucks shall be equipped with meters.

Q4: Are common carriers seen as subcontractors? Will common carriers be approved
to provide work on this contract?

ANWER Q4: Common carriers shall be considered subcontractors for the purpose of this RFP.
Please refer to Section 3.21 “Subcontracting” of the specifications regarding use of subcontractors
as it relates to this RFP.

Q5: May we be provided with a list of bidders invited to bid?

ANSWER Q5: The County does not release that information.

Q6: Have any addenda been released for this bid?

ANSWER Q6: To date, this is the only addendum released for this bid.

Q7: When is the anticipated award date?

ANSWER Q7: Under New Jersey state law, Burlington County has sixty (60) days to award a
contract from the time of receipt of bids.

Q8: What is the average load amount orders for each location?

ANSWER Q8: That information is not available.

Q9: Are extensions mutually agreed upon?

ANSWER Q9: Please refer to Section 3.50 “Contract Extension” regarding extension information.

Q10: Can you do better than net 30 days for the payment of invoices, IE net 10 or net

ANSWER Q10: The County’s terms are net 30 days payment, providing all proper paperwork is
submitted to the County on time.

Q11: I would like to request a few copies of recent invoices and BOLS. Can these be

ANWER Q11: Invoice and BOLS copies can be requested through an Open Public Records Act
(OPRA) request with Burlington County.

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GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)
Q12: Which sites are accessible by a transport truck?

ANSWER Q12: Please see the answer to Question #2.

Q13: Which sites are accessible by a small bobtail truck only?

ANSWER Q13: Please see the answer to Question #2.

Q14: Is the pricing based on the OPIS Average feed for Philadelphia PA?

ANSWER Q14: Please refer to revised Section 2.00 Bid Form, attached to this addendum on pages

Q15: What are your payment terms?

ANSWER Q15: Please see the answer to Question #10.

Q16: Who is your current vendor?

ANSWER Q16: The current contract holder is Riggins, Inc.

Q17: May we please have current copies of invoices and bill of ladings for each

ANSWER Q17: Please see the answer to Question #11.

Q18: Will the vendor be required to set the sites up on an auto-fill schedule?

ANSWER Q18: The County and Participating Agencies each reserve the right to establish blanket
purchase orders and automatic fill schedules.

Q19: Can applicable taxes be line itemed on the invoice?

ANSWER Q19: No, taxes shall not be line itemed on the invoice, and prices should be exclusive of
all taxes but shall include all transportation and delivery costs (FOB destination) to the using
agencies’ storage tanks.

Q20: Are the estimated gallons for the duration of the contract (24 months) or for 1

ANSWER Q20: Please refer to the “Estimated Quantities” subsection under Section 1.11 of these

Q21: May we please have the most recent bid tabulations?

ANSWER Q21: Burlington County’s current bid tabulations are available on our website at:

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GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)
Q22: On page 6, section 1.11, part B under “successful bidder responsibilities” Does
the requirement “the successful bidder shall… furnish technical and engineering
services” not apply?

ANSWER Q22: Page 6, Section 1.11, Part B shall apply to the Successful Bidder.

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GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)

                                     COUNTY OF BURLINGTON, NEW JERSEY
                                            GASOLINE 2020-2022

                                                                        _______________, 20__
         Board of Chosen Freeholders
         County of Burlington
         49 Rancocas Road
         Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060-6000


         The undersigned hereby undertakes and promises to furnish GASOLINE 2020-2022
         (4-BUCCP-19009) and other items as appropriate and required by the solicitation containing
         instructions and specifications dated OCTOBER 15, 2019 as well as the contract documents
         concerning the same, including all written amendments and changes thereto, which are
         incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this bid.

         Cash Discount Terms ____________________________________

         The undersigned is further: (ONE LINE ONLY MUST BE MARKED)

         _____ willing to provide the item(s) herein bid upon to Other Agencies in System #4 BuCCP,
         without substitution or deviation from specifications, size, features, quality, price or
         availability as herein set forth. It is understood that orders will be placed directly by the
         other participating agencies by separate contract, subject to be awarded by the County of
         Burlington, that no additional service or delivery charges will be levied except as permitted
         by these specifications, and that orders shall not be accepted from said Other Agencies
         which cause the aggregate cost (based on the bid price) of the total estimated quantity
         specified herein for that category.

         _____ not willing to extend prices to Other Agencies as described above. It is understood
         that this will not adversely affect consideration of this bid with respect to the needs of the
         Lead Agency.

         IMPORTANT NOTE: The quantities provided on the following pages are estimates only.
         The County reserves the right to order a minimum of zero (0) or a maximum of 150% of
         the estimated quantities during the two-year term of this contract. The County reserves
         the right to increase or decrease quantities as conditions warrant. The following prices
         shall be effective during the twenty-four (24) month contract period.

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GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)
To establish the Fixed Base Unit Price per gallon delivered to the County and Other Agencies
         for this contract, the data listed in the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) for Gasoline
         Prices, Reseller Rack Phil., PA location will be used.

         The Fixed Base Unit Price will be determined by averaging the high and low prices cited.

         The Fixed Base Unit Price per gallon will remain firm for each one (1) week period, Monday
         through Sunday. Only Monday’s publication rate will be used for deliveries within that

         To determine the total price per gallon, bidders will provide on the Bid Form one price that
         reflects any additional, margin or markup costs per gallon. This price will be the only bid
         price listed.

         Bidders shall submit only the markup price per gallon. Prices shall be EXCLUSIVE of all taxes
         but shall include all transportation and delivery costs (F.O.B. destination) to the Using
         Agencies' storage tanks.

         All invoices will include a photocopy of the pertinent price page taken from the Oil Price
         Information Service (OPIS) Publication for the week of delivery.

         On the space below, please indicate your per gallon mark-up bid for Years One and Two.
         Awards shall be made to the lowest bidder by each commodity.


                  a.        YEAR ONE MARK-UP PER GALLON                                      $_________

                  b.        YEAR TWO MARK-UP PER GALLON                                      $_________

                  c.        TOTAL COMBINED MARK-UP PER GALLON FOR YEARS 1 AND 2              $_________
                            (Ex: 1a + 1b = 1c)


                  a.        YEAR ONE MARK-UP PER GALLON                                      $_________

                  b.        YEAR TWO MARK-UP PER GALLON                                      $_________

                  c.        TOTAL COMBINED MARK-UP PER GALLON FOR YEARS 1 AND 2              $_________
                            (Ex: 2a + 2b = 2c)

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GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)
Please take notice that only those bids submitted on this BID FORM will be considered in
determining the lowest bid.

____________________________________                  ____________________________________
(Signature)                                           (Business Name)

____________________________________ _____________________________ __________, 20___
(Type or Print Full Name)            (Title)                       (Date)

____________________________________                  _______________________________
(Telephone Number)                                    (Fax Number)

All erasures and/or changes must be initialed by the individual making modifications to the solicitation for

By signature below we accept the terms as outlined under section 3.50 Contract Extension

This will in no way effect this bid/proposal award.

____________________________________ ________________, 20__
(Signature)                          (Date)


COMPANY NAME:            ________________________________________________________

ADDRESS:                 ________________________________________________________



                         _______________________________              ___________________
                             AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                            TITLE

                         Date __________, 2019

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       ADDENDUM NO.1
       GASOLINE 2020-2022 (4-BUCCP-19009)
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