December 12, 2021 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish

Page created by Alfredo Fisher
December 12, 2021 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
December 12, 2021
  Together In Faith Led By Christ
Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo
December 12, 2021 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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December 12, 2021 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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             Mass Intentions: December 11-19                           Readings of the Week / Lecturas de la Semana
       Intenciones de la Misa del 11 al 19 de diciembre
                                                                     Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9;
    Saturday, December 11th: Advent Weekday; St. Damasus I           Mt 21:23-27
8:00AM: Daniel & Stephen Terzo                                       Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23;
5:00PM: Antoni & Ludwika Spyrka, Stanislaw Spyrka, Paul Chybicki,    Mt 21:28-32
Michael Chybicki, Louise Chybicki, Ludwik Wojtowicz                  Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9-14;
        Sunday, December 12th: Third Sunday of Advent
                                                                     Lk 7:18b-23
8:00AM: Joseph & Violet Brdecka, Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka OSF,             Thursday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b;
Carol Madejczyk                                                      Lk 7:24-30
10:00AM: Steve Crowgey Helen Lipski                                  Friday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17
12:00PM: Silvia Valdivia, Agustin Valdivia                           Saturday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25
                                                                     Sunday: Mi 5:1-4a; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; Heb 10:5-10;
               Monday, December 13th: St. Lucy
8:00AM: People of St. Colette                                        Lk 1:39-45

        Tuesday, December 14th: St. John of the Cross                                      PRAYER LIST
8:00AM: Marge Unger
                                                                     Please remember the following people in your prayers.
         Wednesday, December 15th: Advent Weekday                    Por favor recuerden estas personas en sus oraciones.
8:00AM: People of St. Colette
                                                                     Micehle Adamski     Richard Miguel       Angela Heimgartner
          Thursday, December 16th: Advent Weekday                    Mary Gallagher      Susan Schuett        Curt Taras
8:00AM: People of St. Colette                                        Erasmo Guillen      Stephen Terzo        Sara Pawlak
                                                                     Helen Lipski        Anna Schwartz        George Wenzel
         Friday, December 17th: Late Advent Weekday
8:00AM: Carol Madejczyk

        Saturday, December 18th: Late Advent Weekday
8:00AM: Daniel & Stephen Terzo
5:00PM: Dennis J. Szafran, Henry Geisen, Lori Geisen, Linda Orleno

        Sunday, December 19th: Fourth Sunday of Advent
8:00AM: Joseph & Violet Brdecka, Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka OSF,
Robert Duffey, Tommy Loesch
10:00AM: Carol Madejczyk, Helen Lipski, Marjorie Becker
12:00PM: Silvia Valdivia

                    Mass Intentions
 If you have any mass intentions, contact us through our
 parish website or call our parish
 office at 847-394-8100 and a parish staff member will
 be happy to assist you.

                 Intenciones de la Misa
 Si tiene intenciones de la misa, contáctenos a través de
 nuestro sitio web parroquial o llame
 a nuestraoficina parroquial al 847-394-8100 y un
 miembro del personal parroquial estará encantado de

                     Ministry of Care
If you are sick or recovering from an operation, the
Ministry of Care at St. Colette would like to bring
communion to you. Please call the Parish House at
(847) 394-8100 to make an appointment.
December 12, 2021 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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December 12, 2021 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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                   Our Lady of Guadalupe, FEAST

         The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is on Sunday,
         December 12. Mary is the Patroness of the Americas
         and is the Patron Saint of Mexico. Every year, thou-
         sands of people from all over the world have made a
         pilgrimage to the Basilica in Mexico City. This day
         commemorates her apparition to Saint Juan Diego in the
         hills of Tepeyac in 1531. Our Lady of Guadalupe asked
         him to go to the bishop and tell him that the Ever Virgin
         Mary, Mother of God, sent him to ask for a church to be
         built on Tepeyac Hill.

         Today on Tepeyac Hill stands the great Basilica of Saint
         Mary of Guadalupe. People now gather to celebrate
         Mass, pray, and offer devotion, and offer thanksgiving
         to our Lady for favors granted. Many other fiestas and
         celebrations take place in honor of La Virgen Morena.
         Many Families in Mexico and the Americas erects an
         altar to the Virgin Mary for the day and the faithful
         demonstrate their joy by lighting candles. In Mexico
         they express their joy by lighting fireworks throughout
         their cities.

         Therefore, the bishops of the United States of America
         affirm: Mary embraces God’s will and freely chooses to
         cooperate with God's grace, thereby fulfilling a crucial
         role in God’s plan of Salvation.

               Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, FIESTA
         La Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es el
         domingo 12 de diciembre. María es la Patrona de las
         Américas y es la Patrona de México. Cada año, miles de
         personas de todo el mundo peregrinan a la Basílica de la
         Ciudad de México. Este día conmemora su aparición a
         San Juan Diego en los cerros del Tepeyac en 1531.
         Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe le pidió que fuera al
         obispo y le dijera que la Siempre Virgen María, Madre
         de Dios, lo envió a pedirle que se hiciera una iglesia.
         construida sobre el cerro Tepeyac.

         Hoy en el cerro del Tepeyac se encuentra la gran
         Basílica de Santa María de Guadalupe. La gente ahora
         se reúne para celebrar la Misa, rezar y ofrecer devoción,
         y ofrecer acción de gracias a Nuestra Señora por los
         favores otorgados. Muchas otras fiestas y celebraciones
         tienen lugar en honor a la Virgen Morena. Muchas
         familias en México y las Américas erigen un altar a la
         Virgen María por el día y los fieles demuestran su
         alegría encendiendo velas. En México expresan su
         alegría encendiendo fuegos artificiales en todas sus

         Por lo tanto, los obispos de los Estados Unidos de
         América afirman: María abraza la voluntad de Dios y
         elige libremente cooperar con la gracia de Dios,
         cumpliendo así un papel crucial en el plan de salvación
         de Dios.
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                        THE ST. COLETTE ROSARY GARDEN
                      A place of contemplative prayer and memorial

 Thank you to everyone that has joined in to contribute to our St. Colette Rosary
 Garden. We are look forward to ordering our Memorial Bricks soon. Please join in and
 purchase a Memorial Brick of thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one. Perhaps this
 is a good time as it can be part of your Christmas to remember a family member or
 loved one.

 Here is the list of the ways available for you to contribute:

 The Cross of Jesus – Apostles Creed Donor                                 $2,500.00
 The Statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe                                       $2,500.00
 The Statue of Our Lady Lourdes                                             Donated
 The Statue of St. Joseph                                                   Donated
 The Grotto for Our Lady                                                   $1,000.00
 Water fountain/Bird Feeder                                                 Donated
 Bench #1                                                                    $500.00
 Bench #2                                                                   Donated
 Glory Be Prayer Bead Plants                                                $250.00
 Our Father Prayer Bead Plants - 6 donors                                   $250.00
 Hail Mary Bead Plants - 55 donors                                           $250.00
 Maintenance Contribution Donors                                      $200.00 or less

 Send your memorial intention with your donation, including your name, address,
 phone number and parish envelope # to St. Colette Rosary Garden Project c/o Gail
 McCusker. You can bring your donation envelope to the rectory or place your
 envelope in the Sunday Collection Basket.

 Mary Mother of the Church and all the faithful – Pray for Us
 Our Lady of the Rosary – Pray for Us
 Our Lady of Guadalupe – Pray for Us
 St. Michael the arch Angel – Pray for Us
 St. Colette our patron saint – Pray for Us and Our Church
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Church Name & Number- Saint Colette #512188

Address - 3900 Meadow Drive, Rolling Meadows 60008

Phone - 847-394-8100 ext.102

Contact Person—Eduardo Guillen

Software- Publisher 2013
         Adobe Acrobat X
         Windows 10

Printer– Kyocera ECOSYS M3550idn KX

Number of pages sent - 1 through 13 (including information page)

Sunday date of bulletin-
December 12, 2021

Special Instructions– Quantity should be 350 bulletins
Added 4 additional pages. Spoke to Charlotte A. Smith, Parish Consultant, and
confirmed these additional pages will come at an extra cost that will be invoiced to
the parish. These additional pages will be weekly from this week forward until
further notice. Any questions, call (224) 522-1051.
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