Bitter cold strains power grid in US - Stripes Lite

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Bitter cold strains power grid in US
              Associated Press                   Arctic but is increasingly spilling into lower   any power.
   AUSTIN, Texas — Nearly 3.4 million util-      latitudes. Scientists say global warming            Blackouts lasting more than an hour be-
ity customers around the United States           caused by humans is partly responsible for       gan before dawn Tuesday in and around Ok-
were still without power Wednesday in the        making the polar vortex’s southward escap-       lahoma City, stopping electric-powered
aftermath of a winter storm that over-           es longer and more frequent.                     space heaters, furnaces and lights just as
whelmed power grids unprepared for cli-             Utilities from Minnesota to Texas and         temperatures hovered around minus 8 de-
mate change, and another blast of snow and       Mississippi have implemented rolling             grees Fahrenheit. Oklahoma Gas & Electric
ice threatened to impede the efforts to re-      blackouts to ease the burden on power grids      urged users to set thermostats at 68 degrees,
store service.                                   straining to meet extreme demand for heat        avoid using major electric appliances and
   The latest storm front was expected to        and electricity.                                 turn off lights or appliances not in use.
bring more hardship to parts of Texas, Ar-          More than 3 million customers remained           Entergy imposed rolling blackouts Tues-
kansas and the Lower Mississippi Valley be-      without power in Texas, Louisiana and Mis-       day night in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississip-
fore moving to the Northeast on Thursday.        sissippi, more than 200,000 more in four Ap-     pi and Southeast Texas at the direction of its
   “There’s really no letup to some of the mi-   palachian states and nearly that many in the     grid manager, the Midcontinent Independ-
sery people are feeling across that area,”       Pacific Northwest, according to powerout-        ent System Operator, “as a last resort and in
said Bob Oravec, lead forecaster with the, which tracks utility outage reports.     order to prevent more extensive, prolonged
National Weather Service, referring to Tex-         The weather has threatened the nation’s       power outages that could severely affect the
as.                                              COVID-19 vaccination effort. President Joe       reliability of the power grid,” according to a
   More than 100 million people live in areas    Biden’s administration said delays in vac-       statement from the New Orleans-based util-
covered by some type of winter weather           cine shipments and deliveries were likely.       ity.
warning, watch or advisory, the weather             The worst power outages by far have been         The Southwest Power Pool, a group of
service said.                                    in Texas, where officials requested 60 gen-      utilities covering 14 states, said the black-
   At least two dozen people have died in the    erators from the Federal Emergency Man-          outs were “a last resort to preserve the relia-
extreme weather this week, some while            agement Agency and planned to prioritize         bility of the electric system as a whole.”
struggling to find warmth inside their           hospitals and nursing homes. The state              The weather also caused major disrup-
homes. In the Houston area, one family suc-      opened 35 shelters to more than 1,000 occu-      tions to water systems in the Texas cities of
cumbed to carbon monoxide from car ex-           pants, the agency said.                          Houston, Fort Worth, Galveston, Corpus
haust in their garage. Another perished as          Texas’ power grid manager, the Electric       Christi and in Memphis, Tenn. In Houston,
they used a fireplace to keep warm.              Reliability Council of Texas, said that elec-    residents were told to boil their water — if
   Record low temperatures were reported         tricity had been restored to 600,000 homes       they had power to do so — because of a ma-
in city after city. Blame the polar vortex, a    and businesses by Tuesday night, but that        jor drop in water pressure linked to the
weather pattern that usually keeps to the        2.7 million households were still without        weather.

Vaccinated sailors have some virus restrictions lifted
        BY CAITLIN M. KENNEY                     tions that have been placed on our sailors at    longer required to undergo a 14-day restric-
              Stars and Stripes                  sea… The higher the percentage of the crew       tion of movement prior to their deployment.
  WASHINGTON — Ships with fully vacci-           immunized, the less risk there is to a wide-        Sailors who have come into close contact
nated crews will soon be able to relax some      spread outbreak,” according to the adminis-      with an infected person but have received
of the health protection measures put in         trative message.                                 their final vaccine dose more than two
place due to the coronavirus pandemic, ac-          The Navy has been encouraging sailors         weeks prior will not have their movement
cording to a Navy announcement issued            through social media about the importance        restricted, but must still follow health pro-
Tuesday.                                         of receiving the vaccine as a means to pro-      tection measures, according to the Navy
  The Navy’s updated coronavirus guid-           tect themselves and stop the spread of the       message, which is based on CDC guidelines.
ance factors in immunized crews, new Cen-        virus.                                              Commands that have a crew with 100%
ters for Disease Control and Prevention             Sailors will continue to abide by health      immunization can immediately eliminate
guidance on the virus, as well as lessons        measures such as wearing masks, accord-          the 14-day restriction of movement and re-
learned by the fleet during the pandemic.        ing the Navy.                                    lax health protection measures because the
  “In short, fully immunized sailors will al-       Immunized sailors — people who have           threat of an outbreak is reduced, according
low our Navy to begin to unwind the limita-      received two doses of the vaccine — are no       to the Navy.
PAGE 2      • STRIPES LITE •                 Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Black admiral: Military lags on diversity
      BY DAN LAMOTHE                       the USS Lake Champlain, after               streets, but he did not quite un-           moil of 1968. In some ways, he
       The Washington Post                 leaving a noose on an African               derstand it at the time.                    said, “we haven’t gotten very
   The young midshipman heard              American colleague’s bunk last                 A couple of years later, Haney           far” from the days after the as-
the question but kept walking as           month. He later admitted to it              was a student at Eastern High               sassinations of King and Presi-
he neared a group of white stu-            under questioning, said a Navy              School, a short walk from the               dent John F. Kennedy.
dents at the Naval Academy.                official, who spoke on the condi-           D.C. Armory. He washed cars                    The admiral took on racism in
   “You know, the only reason              tion of anonymity because of the            and cut grass for money, and                the newsletter for the Naval A-
you’re here is the quota system,           sensitivity of the issue. An inves-         then took a summer job at Naval             cademy Alumni Association and
right?” one of them said.                  tigation is ongoing, said Cmdr.             Sea Systems Command, which                  Foundation, warning colleagues
   Cecil Haney, a Black student            Nicole Schwegman, a Navy spo-               needed operators for its massive            that the Navy’s process for inter-
from a Black neighborhood in               keswoman.                                   computers that tracked ship-                viewing prospective members
the District of Columbia, did not             Graffiti that included the               yard data.                                  “cannot accurately assess” all of
respond. His family had warned             phrase “Nazi life” also was                    Haney said his bosses —a                 their beliefs about biases and ra-
him that he could face racism at           found on the USS Carl Vinson,               Black woman and a white man                 cial prejudice.
the academy, and more than 40              an aircraft carrier, according to           — taught him computer lan-                     Haney wrote the essay, titled
years later, he remembers the              an official familiar with the sit-          guages and encouraged him to                “A Call to Action for USNA
remark clearly.                            uation.                                     apply to military service acade-            Alumni,” after a member of the
   “It’s bad enough having one                A new Navy task force on di-             mies. They invited a Navy cap-              class of 1980 accidentally broad-
individual ask that question,”             versity said in a report this               tain to walk him through options.           cast himself making racist com-
Haney said. “But what hurt the             month that although the servic-             Until then, he thought he might             ments in a Facebook live stream.
most was that tribe he was with            e’s inclusion efforts are “admi-            enlist in the Army to pay for col-          That person, retired Navy Capt.
said nothing to the contrary of            rable in many respects,” they               lege.                                       Scott Bethmann, apologized and
that kind of thing.”                       “clearly fell short of adequately              Haney said his father, an Ar-            resigned from the academy’s
   Haney, 65, went on to become            addressing the societal chal-               my veteran who worked at a bus              alumni association board of
one of the first Black four-star           lenges of today.”                           terminal, warned him that he                trustees at the request of senior
admirals in Navy history, serv-               At the highest ranks, the Navy           could face racism in the mili-              association officials.
ing as the commander of the U.S.           has slid, according to the report.          tary. But Haney bonded with his                The incident served as a re-
Pacific Fleet and the U.S. Strate-         Several minorities and a woman              white roommates and brought                 minder that some people “dis-
gic Command, where he over-                have held the service’s highest             friends home to visit his parents.          like me and disrespect anything
saw nuclear weapons before re-             rank in the past, but all 10 of its            Haney graduated from the a-              I accomplished simply because
tiring in 2017.                            current four-star admirals are              cademy in 1978 and became a                 of the color of my skin,” Haney
   Haney recalled working with             white men.                                  submarine officer. His initial as-          wrote.
a number of white colleagues                  Haney said he cannot under-              signment on the USS John C.                    The Navy’s new focus on di-
who were professional and kind             stand why it has taken so many              Calhoun, named for a former                 versity, including the task
during his military career. But            years for the military to confront          vice president who was a devout             force’s work, is a positive sign,
he was a rarity: a Black leader at         issues such as the Confederate              defender of slavery, triggered              Haney said. The report’s recom-
an institution that was mostly             battle flag, which was banned               questions from his father.                  mendations include adding “re-
white, with a disproportionate             last summer. He has issued a                   Haney said his goal was to               spect” as one of the Navy’s core
number of white leaders going              call to action to alumni from the           command a ship as he rose                   values, which have included
up through the ranks.                      academy to fight racism and big-            through the ranks. He took                  “honor,” “courage” and “com-
   The U.S. military is still strug-       otry.                                       charge of the USS Honolulu, a               mitment” since the 1990s.
gling with a lack of diversity, as            “I’m a big believer that you             fast-attack submarine, in 1996.                “It’s a big deal for a service to
well as racism and extremism in            have to look at best-case, but you             As Haney was considering re-             change its core values,” Haney
the ranks, which senior defense            also have to look at worst-case,”           tiring, he was selected to be-              said.
officials say is hard to track and         he said. Although it can be easy            come an admiral. His wife, Bon-                The report also called for a re-
expose.                                    to get wrapped up in the “rah-              ny, who died in 2017, played a              view of the names that ships and
   After recent racist incidents           rah of institution,” he said, “any          key role in his decision to stay.           buildings in the service.
in the Navy, Adm. Mike Gilday,             organization has things to work                “We had a heart-to-heart, and               Unlike the Army, the Navy
the chief of naval operations,             on.”                                        frankly she was more excited                does not have bases named for
said in a statement to sailors last           Haney remembers the race                 about me becoming a flag officer            Confederate officers who fought
week that “we cannot be under              riots that erupted in Washington            and the opportunity for an Afri-            to preserve slavery. But it does
any illusions that extremist be-           during his childhood after the              can American to do so than I ini-           have aircraft carriers named for
haviors do not exist in our Na-            Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was             tially was,” he said.                       men who advocated for segrega-
vy.”                                       assassinated in 1968. He saw                   As protests erupted last sum-            tion: former senator John Sten-
   In one of the incidents, a sailor       neighborhood stores destroyed               mer, Haney recalled his child-              nis, D-Miss., and former con-
was removed from his warship,              and U.S. troops deployed on city            hood in Washington and the tur-             gressman Carl Vinson, D-Ga.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 3

Austin vows new US tone at NATO meeting
     BY JOHN VANDIVER                 last year’s election campaign.        talks with allies.                    that countries sending troops
        Stars and Stripes                “Our alliances and partner-          NATO members are expect-            on NATO missions wouldn’t be
   STUTTGART, Germany —               ships are strategic advantages        ed to increase overall spending       stuck paying the whole cost of
On the eve of a major NATO            none of our competitors can           for the seventh straight year,        the deployment.
meeting, Defense Secretary            match. They lend to the mis-          even though only nine of 30             The move is likely to be wel-
Lloyd Austin said he would            sion-unique capabilities and          members will hit the alliance         comed by the Pentagon, which
bring a new level of respect to       credibility that sometimes each       benchmark of dedicating 2% of         pays the bill for various high-
the way Washington works              of us alone might lack,” Austin       gross domestic product to their       profile U.S. missions, such as
with allies, but also called on       said. “But teams succeed only         respective militaries.                leading a multinational battle
members to meet their defense         when every player is trusted            “It is heartening to see many       group in Poland focused on de-
spending obligations.                 and respected. And our alli-          of them meeting or exceeding          terring potential Russian ag-
   “We are not withdrawing            ance teammates haven’t al-            their obligations, even as fur-       gression.
from Europe,” Austin said in          ways felt that respect.”              ther increases are essential for        Stoltenberg, after an initial
an op-ed published in The                The tone was likely to be          some to get there,” Austin said.      round of talks Wednesday, said
Washington Post on Wednes-            welcomed by NATO members                At NATO headquarters in             the Biden administration rep-
day, the first day of a 2-day         who faced frequent criticism          Brussels,     Secretary-General       resents a chance “to open a
meeting of NATO defense min-          from former President Donald          Jens Stoltenberg this week            new chapter in relations be-
isters.                               Trump. He regularly criticized        reaffirmed the importance of          tween Europe and North
   He is now reviewing the            allies for underinvestment in         meeting the 2% spending tar-          America.”
merits of the Trump adminis-          defense and at times ques-            get, but also said other reforms        Later this year, allies will
tration’s plan to withdraw            tioned the value of the alliance.     are needed.                           hold a heads of state summit,
nearly 12,000 troops from Ger-           Although defense spending            Stoltenberg wants defense           during which Stoltenberg said
many, a proposal that drew            was the hallmark issue for            ministers to consider increas-        he hopes allies will agree to a
skepticism from current ad-           Trump, it’s still likely to fea-      ing NATO’s shared budget.             new “strategic concept” to deal
ministration officials during         ture prominently in Austin’s          Such a change would mean              with new threats.

Navy sends destroyer to exercise Murkowski: I can’t
free passage in South China Sea fear fallout from
        BY MATTHEW M. BURKE                           China, Vietnam and Taiwan require either       impeachment vote
               Stars and Stripes                   permission or advance notice before a foreign
   The USS Russell conducted a freedom-of-         military vessel engages in innocent passage                       Associated Press
navigation operation in the South China Sea        through the area, a practice the United States       JUNEAU, Alaska — Alaska Republican
on Wednesday, challenging the “unlawful re-        holds is contrary to international law.           U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Tuesday that
strictions on innocent passage” imposed by            “The United States challenges excessive        she knows her vote to convict former Presi-
China, Vietnam and Taiwan, the Navy’s 7th          maritime claims around the world regardless       dent Donald Trump during his recent Senate
Fleet said.                                        of the identity of the claimant,” Keiley wrote.   impeachment trial could have political conse-
   The guided-missile destroyer steamed            “Unlawful and sweeping maritime claims in         quences, “but I can’t be afraid of that.”
past the Spratlys, a chain of more than 100        the South China Sea pose a serious threat to         If the people of Alaska decide that “because
small islands and reefs, according to a state-     the freedom of the sea, including freedoms of     I did not support my party that I can no longer
ment from 7th Fleet spokesman Lt. Joe Kei-         navigation and overflight, free trade and un-     serve them in the United States Senate, then so
ley on Wednesday.                                  impeded commerce, and freedom of econom-          be it,” Murkowski told reporters during a visit
   Six surrounding nations, including China,       ic opportunity for South China Sea littoral na-   to the state Capitol.
Vietnam and the Philippines, claim all or part     tions.”                                              She also said that if the state Republican
of the Spratlys, a commercial fishing zone            The 1982 United Nations Law of the Sea         Party decides to censure her due to her vote,
with potential oil and natural gas deposits.       Convention stipulates that ships of any state,    “they can make that statement. But I will make
The islands are west of the Philippine island      including warships, have the right to innocent    the statement, again, that my obligation is to
of Palawan.                                        passage through territorial seas, Keiley said.    support the Constitution that I have pledged to
   China has improved seven of the Spratly            The Russell’s trip past the Spratlys is the    uphold, and I will do that, even if it means that I
features with airstrips, helipads, barracks        Navy’s second freedom-of-navigation exer-         have to oppose the direction of my state party.”
and other facilities, including anti-ship cruise   cise in the South China Sea this month. A day        The Alaska Republican Party State Central
missiles, according to the CIA World Fact-         after steaming through the Taiwan Strait on       Committee earlier this month passed a resolu-
book online.                                       Feb. 4, the guided-missile destroyer USS          tion opposing the Senate impeachment trial as
   The Spratlys are near commercial ship-          John S. McCain sailed near the Parcel Is-         “moot” and opposing a conviction. Glenn Cla-
ping lanes that carry 80% of world trade by        lands, south of the Chinese island of Hainan.     ry, the party chairman, did not respond to
volume, according to the United Nations Con-       Possession of that small chain is also in dis-    messages Tuesday, including whether the
ference on Trade and Development.                  pute.                                             party is considering a censure of Murkowski.
PAGE 4    • STRIPES LITE •            Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Biden reframes goal for reopening schools
        Associated Press              Angeles, which opened Tues-          at a news confernce. “This can       Javits Center in New York City
   MILWAUKEE — President              day along with a similar facility    be done safely.”                     to Plattsburgh International
Joe Biden is promising that a         in Oakland. The two locations           Decisions about how and           Airport.
majority of elementary schools        are expected to get about 6,000      when to reopen schools to stu-
will be open five days a week         doses of vaccine a day, and are      dents are largely left to individ-   Arkansas
by the end of his first 100 days      intended to vaccinate people in      ual districts. Many districts —         LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas
in office, restating his goal after   communities hit hard by the          including Seattle, the state’s       Gov. Asa Hutchinson lifted
his administration came under         pandemic.                            largest — have been closed for       some restrictions Tuesday on
fire when aides said schools             The openings of the mass          in-person instruction for almost     smaller indoor events and
would be considered open if           vaccination sites, heralded by a     a year during the pandemic.          school sports as the state’s cor-
they held in-person learning          number of state and federal of-         Inslee said the state was en-     onavirus      cases     continued
just one day a week.                  ficials, came as California’s vi-    couraging local authorities to       trending downward and vac-
   Biden’s comments, during a         rus numbers continue to im-          increase the number of days in       cine distribution ramps up.
CNN town hall in Milwaukee,           prove even as demand for the         which children can be back in           Arkansas reported 177 new
marked his clearest statement         vaccine far exceeds capacity.        the classroom. The Democratic        cases of the virus Tuesday, but
yet on school reopenings. Biden                                            governor said moving toward          testing was greatly decreased
had pledged in December to re-        North Carolina                       more in-person instruction is in     because of winter weather that
open “the majority of our                CHEROKEE — While mi-              line with the scientific consen-     hit the entire state a day earlier,
schools” in his first 100 days,       nority communities across the        sus and the latest guidance          Hutchinson said.
but has since faced increasing        United States have struggled to      from federal officials.                 But beyond the weather-re-
questions about how he would          trust the COVID-19 vaccine,                                               lated decreases, Arkansas’ roll-
define and achieve that goal,         the opposite is true for the East-   New York                             ing average of daily new cases
with school districts operating       ern Band of Cherokee Indians,           ALBANY — Some New                 over the past two weeks has
under a patchwork of different        a Native American tribe of           Yorkers are driving hours to         dropped by nearly 50%, accord-
virtual and in-person learning        16,000 in western North Caroli-      get the COVID-19 vaccine be-         ing to researchers at Johns
arrangements nationwide.              na, and other tribes across the      cause they are unable to find        Hopkins University.
   He said comments by White          country, which were also quick       appointments closer to home             On Tuesday, the Republican
House press secretary Jen Psa-        to adopt coronavirus preven-         through a state website.             governor lifted a temporary re-
ki earlier this month that one        tion measures.                          Residents of the Albany and       striction that required any in-
day a week of in-person learn-           The federal Indian Health         Buffalo areas in particular have     door event of 10 people or more
ing would meet his goal were “a       Service said Tuesday that it has     complained on social media           to obtain state approval in ad-
mistake in the communica-             administered nearly 385,300          and to their local lawmakers         vance. Indoor events with 100
tion.”                                doses of COVID-19 vaccines. At       that they have had to resort to      people or more still require ap-
   Asked when the nation would        a rate of about 18,490 per           signing up for appointments in       proval under restrictions put in
see     kindergarten      through     100,000, that’s higher than all      Utica, Rochester, Binghamton         place last fall.
eighth grades back to in-person       but five U.S. states, according      or Syracuse.
learning five days a week, Bi-        to an AP analysis of federal da-        Jessica Muenter, 48, said she     Oklahoma
den said, “We’ll be close to that     ta.                                  lives a short drive away from           OKLAHOMA CITY — A
at the end of the first 100 days.”       The trend owes itself both to     the SUNY Buffalo site, but in-       winter storm that brought
He said he expected many              a harsh reality — Native Amer-       stead resorted to booking an         heavy snowfall and record-
schools would push to stay open       icans and Alaskan Natives are        appointment in Rochester,            breaking freezing temper-
through the summer, but sug-          four times more likely to be         which is over an hour away.          atures slowed Oklahoma’s dis-
gested reopening would take           hospitalized from COVID-19,          She was one of several millions      tribution of the coronavirus
longer for high schools due to a      according to the Centers for         of New Yorkers with eligible         vaccine on Tuesday.
higher risk of contagion among        Disease Control and Preven-          health conditions that leave            Health officials in many ci-
older students.                       tion — and tradition. Communi-       them particularly vulnerable to      ties and counties across the
                                      ty before self has long been a       COVID-19 who could start sign-       state worked to reschedule vac-
California                            core principle in Native Amer-       ing up for vaccines Sunday.          cination appointments. The
   LOS ANGELES — California           ican culture.                           Muenter and other newly eli-      Tulsa County Health Depart-
is moving toward easing re-                                                gible individuals have grown         ment kept delivering vaccines
strictions on businesses now          Washington                           frustrated in recent days with       Tuesday at the city’s Expo
that the nation’s most populous         SEATTLE — Washington               the state’s Am I Eligible sign-      Square Pavilion. Still, it cau-
state has emerged from the            state is expanding COVID-19          up portal for state-run mass         tioned people with appoint-
deadliest surge of the pandem-        testing options for many public      vaccination sites, which has         ments to dress warmly and
ic and is seeing rapid declines       schools and Gov. Jay Inslee          continued to greet them with         wait in their vehicle until their
in new coronavirus cases and          said Tuesday that more stu-          messages saying “No Appoint-         scheduled appointment time.
hospitalizations.                     dents should have access to in-      ments Available” at SUNY Al-            Tulsa reported more than
   The governor spoke at the          person learning.                     bany and SUNY Buffalo. Mean-         6,000 appointments were res-
site of a new federally support-        “This is the best way to edu-      while, appointments have been        cheduled by the department
ed mass vaccination site in Los       cate our children,” Inslee said      at times available at sites from     due to inclement weather.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 5


Valentine’s Day balloon               day.                                  investigation of second-degree      crossing over the border.
                                         Garrett argued that a 2018 at-     murder, while her husband was
cuts power for thousands              tack caused him to suffer per-
                                                                                                                Snow leopard known for
                                                                            arrested for investigation of
                                                                                                                her 7 healthy cubs dies
CA          FRESNO — A Valen-
            tine’s Day balloon fil-
                                      manent injuries, including
                                      nerve damage and the inability
                                                                            fourth-degree assault, the re-
                                                                            lease states.
led with helium drifted into a
power line Sunday, sparking an
                                      to use his left hand, in addition
                                      to mental health effects. His suit
                                                                            Explosion destroys                  NJ        CAPE MAY COUNTY
                                                                                                                          — A snow leopard that
                                                                            5 garbage trucks                    gained national attention for
outage       that    temporarily      alleged that the dogs were un-
                                                                                                                giving birth to seven cubs has
plunged more than 2,300 Fres-         leashed after he returned to his
no households into the dark.
   Pacific Gas & Electric spo-
                                      cell following an altercation
                                      with another inmate.
                                                                            FL        PENSACOLA — An
                                                                                      explosion and fire de-
                                                                            stroyed five garbage trucks and
                                                                                                                died at 17 years old, a New Jer-
                                                                                                                sey zoo said Sunday.
keswoman Karly Hernandez                 A dog’s attack in May 2020                                                Himani, who reared four lit-
                                                                            damaged two others at a sanita-     ters of cubs at a time when snow
said that the outage began about      left Johnson requiring more
                                                                            tion complex in the Florida Pan-    leopard breeding success was at
8 p.m. in an area east of Valen-      than 20 stitches on his right
                                                                            handle.                             a low point, was “peacefully eu-
tine Avenue, The Fresno Bee           hand and arm, according to his
                                                                               The flames erupted Sunday        thanized following a battle with
reported Monday. Most lights          lawsuit. Johnson said he was ly-
                                                                            afternoon at the station in Es-     cancer” on Friday, according to
were back on an hour later but        ing facedown with his arms ex-
                                                                            cambia County, Emerald Coast        a press release from Cape May
some residents were without           tended outward after a fight
                                                                            Utilities Authority said in a       County.
power until midnight.                 with another inmate when a
                                                                            statement. The complex is lo-          Himani was born in June
   Last year, metallic balloons       handler released a dog onto
                                                                            cated north of Pensacola. No in-    2003 and came to the Cape May
caused about 450 outages in           him. The handler alleged he let
                                                                            juries were reported but five
PG&E’s service area in North-         the dog loose after Johnson ap-                                           County Zoo in 2009 from the
ern and central California, the                                             trucks were destroyed.
                                      proached another officer in a                                             Knoxville Zoo in Tennessee, the
utility reported. The utility rou-                                             News outlets reported the fire
                                      threatening manner.                                                       Press of Atlantic City reported.
tinely warns residents of the                                               happened at a fueling station.
                                      1 dead, 1 jailed after fight          The authority said the cause of     Pizza Ranch expanded in
dangers of balloons before ma-
jor holidays.
                                      over a political sign                 the explosion is under investi-     2020 despite pandemic
Men file lawsuits alleging
attacks by prison dogs                WA           BIG LAKE — One
                                                   woman is dead and        Bison largely remaining             IA       ORANGE CITY — Io-
                                                                                                                         wa-based Pizza Ranch,
                                      another is being held in jail for     within boundaries of park           known for its buffet of pizza,

VA          RICHMOND — Two
            men who say they
were viciously attacked by pris-
                                      investigation of murder after a
                                      fight over the alleged theft of a
                                      political sign.                       MT          BOZEMAN — Bi-
                                                                                        son have largely
                                                                                                                chicken and other offerings, ex-
                                                                                                                panded last year, even as the
                                                                            stayed in Yellowstone National      coronavirus pandemic hit the
on security dogs have filed fed-         Skagit County Sheriff’s Office
                                                                            Park and avoided being cap-         restaurant industry harder than
eral civil rights lawsuits against    deputies were called to a resi-
                                                                            tured by park officials or killed   most.
the Virginia Department of Cor-       dence on Big Lake Road about
                                                                            by hunters this winter, officials     Pizza Ranch, based in Orange
rections, alleging the agency vi-     5:30 p.m. Saturday to a report of
                                                                            said.                               City, has over 200 locations in 14
olated protections against cruel      a fight, according to the sheriff’s
                                                                              Montana Fish, Wildlife and        states. The chain added five
and unusual punishment.               office. Upon arriving at the
                                                                            Parks spokesperson Morgan Ja-       new locations last year and has
  Curtis J. Garrett, 29, a former     scene, deputies found a 32-year-
inmate at the Sussex II State         old Arlington woman dead in           cobsen said most of the animals     six or seven more openings slat-
Prison, and Corey E. Johnson,         the driveway, the release states.     have remained within the            ed for this year, Chief Adminis-
51, a current inmate at Red On-       The two residents of the house, a     park’s borders on the slopes        trative Officer Ryan Achterhoff
ion State Prison, filed lawsuits      58-year-old man and a 55-year-        above Gardiner, The Bozeman         told the Sioux City Journal.
this month in U.S. District Court     old woman, came out of the            Daily Chronicle reported. Bison       The National Restaurant As-
in Richmond and Roanoke. The          house to speak to deputies, the       migrate to lower elevations out-    sociation reported in Septem-
two alleged that they were obey-      report states. Initial investiga-     side of the park annually in        ber that almost 100,000 restau-
ing orders from corrections offi-     tion has determined that the          search of food, which is when       rants — nearly one in every six
cers when the canines were let        fight began over the theft of a       they are trapped at the park’s      — closed permanently or long-
loose on them, The Richmond           political sign, the release states.   Stephens Creek Capture Facili-      term due to the pandemic.
Times-Dispatch reported Mon-             The woman was booked for           ty and killed by hunters after                 — From wire reports
PAGE 6    • STRIPES LITE •            Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Serena returns to form for semfinals
        Associated Press            Williams’ defense. Both ended        ed ability to get where she wants     ble 2018 U.S. Open final.
   Serena Williams agrees with      with forehand misses by Halep.       to go as quickly as she wants to         The semifinalists on the other
everyone else that her footwork     Both helped Williams break           get there.                            half of the draw will be No. 25
and movement are better these       serve as part of a five-game,           One is that it makes it “tough-    Karolina Muchova vs. No. 22
days than they’ve been for a bit    match-closing run.                   er for the opponents to finish the    Jennifer       Brady.    Muchova
— and that’s a big reason she’s        Asked how long it’s been          point,” Halep explained, and          knocked off No. 1 seed Ash Bar-
closing in on what would be a re-   since she felt she owned those       the other is that it’s “much eas-     ty 1-6, 6-3, 6-2, while Brady end-
cord-tying 24th Grand Slam sin-     sorts of lengthy, pivotal points,    ier” for Williams to properly         ed the surprising run of unseed-
gles title.                         Williams crossed her legs, fold-     calibrate offensive shots when        ed Jessica Pegula, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1.
   Here’s what she wants to         ed her hands and cracked her-        she is in the right spot at the          In each of her previous two
make clear, though, as a block-     self up with a joke.                 right time.                           rounds at Melbourne Park,
buster Australian Open semifi-         “It’s definitely been a minute.      That patience within points is     there were drawn-out points in
nal against Naomi Osaka ap-         It’s been a long minute. I think     helpful, even if not always sec-      which Williams sprinted this
proaches on Thursday: This is       1926 — the summer of 1926, I         ond nature for players with the       way and that, somehow getting
nothing new.                        think — was the last time I felt     sort of quick-strike power that
                                                                                                               the ball back over the net, be-
   As much as Williams thrives      that,” Williams said, before         Williams possesses. But by bid-
                                                                                                               fore eventually producing a des-
with her best-in-the-game           turning more serious.                ing her time, tracking down op-
                                                                                                               peration defensive lob.
serves, superb returns and             “I’m good at rallying and I       ponents’ shots and letting it all
                                                                                                                  And each time, Williams was
booming groundstrokes, her          have to embrace the things I’m       develop, Williams can let the
                                                                                                               rewarded when her opponent
ability to cover the court has      good at. I’m good at playing         other players’ mistakes help her
                                    power. I’m good at hitting 100                                             put an overhead into the net.
long been a staple of her suc-                                           as much as her own winners do.
                                    balls,” said the 39-year-old                                                  “Movement has always been
cess. Yes, it’s been below par —                                            “When you’re not (having) a
“the last two, three years,” in     American, whose most recent          good day, you need a Plan B. ... If   one of my strengths, and so it’s
her coach’s estimation — but is     major championship came at           you can’t move well, there is no      actually more natural for me to
once again an asset, thanks in      the Australian Open in 2017.         Plan B; the only plan is attack,”     move, than for me not (to). So it
part to finally getting past a      “And that’s one thing that’s         said Williams’ coach, Patrick         was just kind of, like, ‘Oh, that’s
problematic left Achilles.          unique about me, that I just         Mouratoglou. “I think it cost her     how I used to move!’ So it’s pret-
   Two key points during a 6-3,     need to kind of accept and em-       a few important matches. So we        ty good,” Williams said. “I’m
6-3 quarterfinal victory over       brace and just be good at both.”     have decided to find a way to         happy that I’m doing that again
No. 2 seed Simona Halep on             Halep, a two-time major           bring back the footwork that she      and that I put it back into my
Tuesday illustrated this ele-       champion who beat Williams in        used to have in the past.”            game. I think I was more fo-
ment of Williams’ game. Com-        the 2019 Wimbledon final, cer-          That could come in handy           cused on other things and not fo-
ing at deuce while Halep served     tainly noticed a change.             Thursday in the semifinals,           cused on something that is ac-
at 3-all in the second set, the        She said Williams is “running     when Williams takes on three-         tually a strength of mine — has
first lasted 21 strokes, the sec-   more,” and described two as-         time major champion Naomi             always been a strength of
ond 13. Both were extended by       pects that matter about a renew-     Osaka, who won their memora-          mine.”

Czech Republic’s Muchova knocks off No. 1 seed Barty
        Associated Press            home since Chris O’Neil in 1978.     Greece.                               22nd-seeded Jennifer Brady,
   MELBOURNE, Australia —              “It’s    heartbreaking,      of     The women’s semifinals              who beat fellow American and
Top-ranked Ash Barty built a        course,” said Barty, who took        Thursday will be the first            good friend Jessica Pegula 4-6,
big lead in the Australian Open     nearly all of 2020 off because of    matches at Melbourne Park             6-2, 6-1. Brady reached her sec-
quarterfinals before her oppo-      the coronavirus pandemic, in-        with crowds in nearly a week af-      ond Grand Slam semifinal, fol-
nent took a medical timeout and     cluding opting not to try to de-     ter the easing of restrictions im-    lowing a run that far at the U.S.
left the court.                     fend her 2019 French Open title.     posed by the Victoria state gov-      Open in September.
   More than an hour later, it      “But the sun will come up to-        ernment during a five-day lock-         “I hope I make it a habit,”
was Barty heading abruptly for      morrow. You’re either winning        down in Australia’s second-           Brady said. “Hopefully I have a
the exit, upset 1-6, 6-3, 6-2       or you’re learning, and today is     largest city to contain the           new habit of making finals.”
Wednesday by 25th-seeded Ka-        a massive learning curve for         spread of a COVID-19 cluster.           She struggled at times and
rolina Muchova of the Czech         me.”                                   Tournament director Craig           gave her racket an angry toss
Republic.                              No. 2-ranked Rafael Nadal         Tiley said Wednesday that at-         midway through the second set.
   Muchova earned her first         built a big lead in a night-time     tendance will be capped at 7,477      But the unseeded Pegula, who
semifinal berth at a Grand Slam     quarterfinal, but his bid for a      — about half the capacity of Rod      advanced beyond the third
tournament and ended Barty’s        men’s-record 21st Grand Slam         Laver Arena — for each of the         round at a major for the first
bid to become the first Austra-     title ended with an upset five-set   last four days of the tournament.     time, appeared to tire down the
lian woman to win the title at      loss to Stefanos Tsitsipas of          Muchova’s opponent will be          stretch.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •            PAGE 7

Nadal blows 2-set lead in quarters loss
         Associated Press               ter.”                                   high level of tennis” over the        his Grand Slam debut.
   MELBOURNE, Australia —                  At his put-the-ball-where-he-        last two sets, the 34-year-old           The women’s semifinals
Rafael Nadal entered his Aus-           wants-it best in the early going,       Spaniard’s play dipped consid-        Thursday are Serena Williams
tralian Open quarterfinal with a        Nadal went ahead rather easily,         erably.                               vs. Naomi Osaka, and Jennifer
223-1 record when grabbing the          winning 27 consecutive points              Nadal made a total of only 10      Brady vs. Karolina Muchova.
first two sets of a Grand Slam          on his serve in one stretch and         unforced errors in the first two         Nadal won the 2009 Austra-
match.                                  running his streak of consecu-          sets combined, then 32 the rest       lian Open, but it is the only ma-
   Thanks to his own mistakes —         tive sets won at major tourna-          of the way — 11 in the third, 14 in   jor he hasn’t won at least twice,
and some spirited play by Stefa-        ments to 35, one shy of Roger           the fourth, seven in the fifth.       with 13 titles at Roland Garros,
nos Tsitsipas — that mark is            Federer’s record for the profes-           The only other occasion in         four at the U.S. Open and two at
now 223-2.                              sional era.                             which Nadal went from a two-          Wimbledon.
   A couple of uncharacteristi-            Nadal and Federer are cur-           set advantage to a defeat in a           “Sometimes the things go
cally sloppy overheads and a            rently tied at 20 Grand Slam sin-       Slam came at the 2015 U.S.            well,” Nadal said, “and some-
framed backhand in a third-set          gles titles, more than any other        Open against Fabio Fognini            times the things go worse.”
tiebreaker began Nadal’s undo-          man in the history of a sport that      (who just so happened to have            He came into this year’s first
ing, and his bid for a men’s-re-        dates to the late 1800s.                lost to Nadal in the fourth round     major with doubts about his
cord 21st major championship               But Tsitsipas never wavered          at Melbourne Park this year).         back, citing that as his reason
eventually ended Wednesday              and that surprisingly poor tie-            So now, instead of Nadal at-       for pulling out of the ATP Cup
with 3-6, 2-6, 7-6 (4), 6-4, 7-5 loss   breaker by Nadal — thinking             tempting to surpass Federer, it       team competition that preceded
to the younger, sharper Tsitsi-         too far ahead, perhaps? —               will be Tsitsipas — a 22-year-        the Australian Open and saying
pas.                                    helped hand over the third set          old from Greece with a flashy         the problem prevented him
   “Was little bit of everything,       and begin the epic comeback.            game — who will meet 2019 U.S.        from practicing properly for
no? I missed a couple of balls in          “I started very nervous, I           Open runner-up Daniil Medve-          about three weeks.
the tiebreak that I shouldn’t —         won’t lie,” the fifth-seeded Tsit-      dev in the semifinals Friday.            But Nadal said after the loss
that I could not — miss if I want       sipas said. “But I don’t know              Neither Tsitsipas nor Medve-       to Tsitsipas that his back was
to win. And that’s it,” said Nadal,     what happened after the third           dev has won a Grand Slam tour-        not an issue.
who briefly left the Spanish por-       set. I just flied like a little bird.   nament.                                  Nadal hadn’t ceded a set at
tion of his post-match news con-        Everything was working for me.             In the other men’s semifinal,      Melbourne Park through four
ference after clutching at his          The emotions at the very end            17-time major champion and            matches; he also won all 21 sets
cramping right hamstring.               are indescribable.”                     No. 1-ranked Novak Djokovic           he played at last year’s French
   “I have to go back home,” Na-           As Tsitsipas played, in Na-          will face 114th-ranked qualifier      Open, where he picked up his
dal said, “and practice to be bet-      dal’s estimation, a “very, very         Aslan Karatsev, who is making         20th Slam trophy.

Islanders complete two-game sweep of Sabres
         Associated Press               review of the offside challenge         Sheary and Jakub Vrana scored            Avalanche 3, Golden Knights
  BUFFALO, N.Y. — New York              clearly showed Buffalo captain          in the second period, and Wash-       2: Nazem Kadri scored with 41
Islanders goalie Ilya Sorokin’s         Jack Eichel entering the zone           ington stopped a four-game            seconds remaining in the third
eyes lit up and he broke into a big     before the puck 22 seconds ear-         slide by winning at Pittsburgh.       period, lifting Colorado to a win
smile in not needing an interpre-       lier. The Sabres never managed             Lars Eller also scored for the     at Vegas.
tation when asked his favorite          another shot after that, as New         Capitals, and Vitek Vanecek              Moments after Marc-Andre
memory of his first NHL win —           York completed a two-game               stopped 26 shots in his 11th          Fleury stopped Mikko Ranta-
and a shutout, no less.                 sweep of Buffalo.                       straight start.                       nen’s backhand with 45.3 sec-
  “Video review,” the Russian-             Sorokin improved to 1-2-1, and          Devils 5, Rangers 2: Yegor         onds left, the Avalanche got the
born goalie said. “Canceled it.”        began showing the potential he          Sharangovich and Nicholas             better end of a faceoff from the
  There was more to Sorokin’s           displayed in establishing him-          Merkley scored in the third peri-     right circle, eventually setting
20-save performance in the Is-          self as one of the Russian-based        od and visiting New Jersey sent       up Kadri, who was able to lift a
landers’ 3-0 victory over the           Kontinental Hockey League’s             New York to its fourth straight       loose puck into the net for his
Buffalo Sabres than an over-            top young netminders. The Is-           loss.                                 second game-winner of the sea-
turned goal on Tuesday night.           landers’ 2014 third-round pick             Pavel Zacha, Will Butcher and      son.
But the 25-year-old rookie un-          won 25 or more games in each of         Mikhail Maltsev also scored for          Kings 4, Wild 0: Jaret Ander-
derstood how big of a save he got       his past four seasons and had a         the Devils, who returned to ac-       son-Dolan had a goal and an as-
from coach Barry Trotz in hav-          league-leading nine shutouts            tion for the first time since Jan.    sist, Jonathan Quick made 28
ing Victor Olofsson’s power-            last year.                              31 after a pause due to a CO-         saves and Los Angeles defeated
play goal negated with 6:59 re-            His teammates were most              VID-19 outbreak. Mackenzie            visiting Minnesota.
maining.                                happy to contribute by building         Blackwood made 37 saves and              It was the Wild’s first game
  Rather than have the Sabres           a 2-0 first-period lead.                Janne Kuokkanen added three           since Feb. 2 due to a COVID-19
cut New York’s lead to 2-1, the            Capitals 3, Penguins 1:Conor         assists in the win.                   outbreak.
PAGE 8     • STRIPES LITE •              Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ingram, Williamson power                                                                                      James leads
                                                                                                              Lakers past
Pelicans past Grizzlies                                                                                       Timberwolves
                                                                                                                              Associated Press
                Associated Press                      game absence because of COVID-19 proto-
                                                      cols and scored 23 points in 24 minutes for                MINNEAPOLIS — LeBron James had 30
   NEW ORLEANS — Brandon Ingram had                   the Grizzlies.                                          points, 13 rebounds and seven assists and
27 points, 12 rebounds and a career-high                 “He really attacked it well tonight and de-          Dennis Schröder scored 24 points, helping
four blocks, Zion Williamson capped a 29-             fensively did some good things,” Memphis                the Los Angeles Lakers pull away from the
point night with a game-sealing dunk in the           coach Taylor Jenkins said. “Obviously, his              Minnesota Timberwolves for a 112-104 vic-
final minute, and the New Orleans Pelicans            minutes will continue to go up and up as he             tory on Tuesday night.
beat the Memphis Grizzlies 118-109 on Sat-            gets back and reconditions. He was really                  Montrezl Harrell pitched in 17 points for
urday for their third straight victory.               good for us tonight.”                                   the Lakers, who stopped a seven-game los-
   Eric Bledsoe scored 11 of his 21 points in            Kyle Anderson scored 21 for the Griz-                ing streak at Minnesota with their first win
the fourth quarter, when New Orleans fell             zlies, and Ja Morant had 16 points and nine             at Target Center since March 25, 2015.
behind by seven before storming ahead by              assists. But it wasn’t enough to prevent the               Nets 128, Suns 124: James Harden
outscoring Memphis 23-7 over the final sev-           team from losing its third straight.                    scored 38 points, Joe Harris added 22 and
en minutes. Lonzo Ball added 16 points for               “We kind of lost our pace there in the               Brooklyn overcame a 24-point deficit to win
the Pelicans, who broke open a close game             fourth quarter. They forced us into some                at Phoenix.
despite playing one night after pulling out a         tough possessions and some tough shots,”                   Raptors 123, Bucks 113: Fred VanV-
tight road game in Indiana.                           Jenkins said. “We still had some good looks             leet scored 33 points, Pascal Siakam added
   “Everybody just got super aggressive.              but didn’t make it, and credit to them. ...             23 and Toronto withstood the loss of Kyle
The momentum shifted a little bit,” Ingram            They made some big-time shots. That was                 Lowry to win at slumping Milwaukee.
said of the final stretch. “We stayed in and          kind of the difference there late in the fourth            Celtics 112, Nuggets 99: Jaylen Brown
we knocked down shots and we got stops on             quarter.”                                               had 27 points and eight assists to help Bos-
the defensive end. So it all came down to the            After the teams were separated by a sin-             ton withstand a 43-point night from Nikola
fourth quarter where we had to bring a little         gle point at halftime and the end of the third          Jokic and beat visiting Denver.
extra energy off of a back-to-back. We just           quarter, Memphis appeared to be taking                     Trail Blazers 115, Thunder 104: Da-
couldn’t make (being) tired an excuse, and            control when Tyus Jones scored six of his               mian Lillard scored 12 of his 31 points in the
just kept going.”                                     eight points during an 11-2 run that put the            final 4:11 to help Portland win at Oklahoma
   Jonas Valanciunas returned from a five-            Grizzlies up 102-95.                                    City.

Camara leads Georgia’s rally over Missouri
          Associated Press               es, played with even more hunger        6-8) with 16 points.                       64: Davonte Davis led four Razor-
   ATHENS, Ga. — Losing a big            than the Tigers.                          Camara’s three-point play with           backs in double figures with 18
second-half lead made Missouri’s           “I believed ... the most desperate    4:55 left broke a 62-all tie, launch-      points in a victory over the visiting
third consecutive loss even more         team will probably win the game,”       ing an 18-8 run to end the game.
painful.                                 Camara said.                              No. 5 Illinois 73, Northwestern
                                           Missouri dropped 10 spots in this     66: Kofi Cockburn had 17 points              Arkansas (17-5, 9-4 Southeastern
   Toumani Camara scored 15
                                         week’s Top 25.                          and 10 rebounds, Ayo Dosunmu               Conference) entered the Top 25 on
points, including a big three-point
play, and Georgia rallied to beat the      Kobe Brown led the Tigers with a      added 13 points and the host Illini        Monday for the first time since
                                         career-high 21 points. Mark Smith       beat the Wildcats.                         2018 and has won seven straight
No. 20 Tigers 80-70 on Tuesday
                                         and Xavier Pinson had 11 apiece.          Cockburn got his 14th double-            league games.
                                           Missouri forward Parker Braun         double of the season for Illinois
   Missouri (13-6, 6-6 Southeastern                                                                                           Florida (10-6, 6-5) turned a 15-
                                         said the Tigers “stopped being ag-      (20-5, 11-3 Big Ten), which took
Conference) blew a 48-35 lead fol-                                                                                          point, second-half deficit into a lead
                                         gressive” after building the big sec-   control early in its sixth straight
lowing a dominant start to the sec-                                                                                         with 4:40 left after Tyree Appleby’s
                                         ond-half lead.                          win.
ond half.                                  “We’ve just got to stay locked in       Chase Audige scored 22 points            layup. Davis and Jalen Tate made
   “You put yourself in a position to    for a full 40 minutes and be ready to   for Northwestern (6-13, 3-12).             back-to-back buckets, Justin Smith
win it on the road, you’ve got to find   play down the stretch,” Braun said.       Pete Nance added 14 points for           blocked Anthony Duruji at the rim
a way to win it,” coach Cuonzo Mar-        Missouri center Jeremiah Til-         the Wildcats, who lost their 12th
tin said.                                                                                                                   and Moses Moody made a pair of
                                         mon missed his second consecutive       straight.
   Camara said it was important          game while away from the team             The Illini led 25-7 but saw their        free throws to push Arkansas back
that the Bulldogs, faced with their      following a death in his family.        lead cut to two points with 1:30 left. .   ahead by two possessions with less
own streak of two consecutive loss-        Justin Kier led Georgia (13-8,          No. 24 Arkansas 75, Florida              than 1:30 left.
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