SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...

Page created by Mary Franklin
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
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SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
                                 WELCOME TO LAW AT UOW

You are about to join a cohort of 350 people starting their
journey as a first year law student at UOW and a community
of almost 2000 peers.

At UOW, you will learn not only about the legal system, but
also about the real-world application of the law. Our school
is committed to teaching excellence and engaging students in
a practical, intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience,
that prepares you for life after university.

Our Law Students’ Society prides itself on              its deep
commitment to social justice and this drives the       work that
we do. We are committed to adding value to             your law
degree and enriching your educational, vocational      and social
experience during your time with us.

The Law Students’ Society is actively involved with UOW
law alumni, the wider University polity and the community.
You have the opportunity to be part of something great. I
encourage you to embrace it, get involved and take advantage
of the opportunities that come your way. We seek to provide
a wealth of opportunity to you – our members – and to have a
positive and meaningful impact in our University community
and beyond.

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with an overview
of the information you need to survive first year law. This is
a transition which may be daunting, however our Society is
committed to ensuring you don’t feel alone.

This guide outlines all you need to know about a UOW Law
degree, the subjects you will study and the proposed structure
of your degree. It also outlines key administrative information
that will make your first year that little bit easier.

You will find a range of events, careers opportunities,
competitions and other initiatives that the Society facilitates to
enrich your student experience and maintain your health and
wellbeing. We recognise the big picture – your future – and aim
to do what we can to prepare you for the next step

We pride ourselves on being inclusive, future-focused and
fearless, and hope that you will find as much value in this as
we do.

Be bold. Be fearless. Be a UOW Law Student.

SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
              FIRST THINGS FIRST
              President's Address
              UOWLSS Committee
              First Year Representation
              The POD System & POD Cup
              Get Involved
              - First Year Mentoring
              - Competitions
              - Careers
              - Events

              UNIVERSITY ADMIN
              Student Central
              Academic Consideration
              Campus Maps

              THE DEGREE
              Studying Law
              Key Dates
              First Semester Subjects
              Class Preparation
              Common Queries

              SUPPORT SERVICES

              Eating out


                                          University of Wollongong Law Students' Society

                                                                       Emerson Hynard
                                                                      Kristina Komadina
                                                                       Sophie Whittaker

                                                                        Graphic Design:
                                                                            Carly Burns
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
Established in 1991, the Law Students’ Society (LSS) is the peak body representing law students at UOW

 committed to furthering your interests. We are here to put on awesome events, help you with career
 and the largest student body at UOW. Leading the Society is a team elected by our students who are

 choices, bring you educational initiatives and host competitions to help you develop your legal skills.

                                                                                                               SOPHIE WHITTAKER                      EMERSON HYNARD                               OLIVIA POATE
                                                                                                                       PRESIDENT                             VP (ADMIN)                              VP (FINANCE)

                                                                                                           My name is Sophie and I am in the      My name is Emerson, a fourth            My name is Olivia Poate and I’m
                                                                                                           final year of my Bachelor of Laws      year Bachelor of Law/Commerce           your Vice-President of Finance
                                                                                                           (Direct Entry) (Honours) degree.       student. I grew up in Wollongong        for UOWLSS. I am a third-year
                                                                                                           As your President for 2019, my         and currently work part time at         student studying a Bachelor of
                                                                                                           role is to enhance the student         a Law firm in Sydney. As Vice-          Law/Commerce (Finance). My role
                                                                                                           experience of all UOW Law              President of Administration, I          as the Vice President of Finance
                                                                                                           students across Wollongong and         am responsible for organising all       is to ensure that the UOWLSS’
                                                                                                           South Western Sydney Campuses          Committee meetings and ensuring         financial affairs are conducted
                                                                                                           I am responsible for the leadership    the Constitution is followed. I also    in an efficient, correct and
                                                                                                           and overall administration of the      work in close association with the      transparent manner. As such this
                                                                                                           society, overseeing the activities     President and all other portfolios      role will require me to work closely
                                                                                                           of all portfolios, liaising with       to organise key initiatives for the     with the broader UOWLSS team
                                                                                                           members, sponsors, community           benefit of the society.                 to ensure that all financial affairs
                                                                                                           and University stakeholders,                                                   of the club are in order at all times.
                                                                                                           ensuring value in your degree.

                                                                                                               BETHANY MCGHIE                        KRISTINA KOMADINA                      MONICA NAUMOVSKI
                                                                                                                     VP (CAREERS)                          VP (EDUCATION)                          VP (MARKETING)

                                                                                                           Hi! I’m Bethany McGhie and I’m the     My name is Kristina Komadina            My name is Monica Naumovski
                                                                                                           2019 VP of Careers. I’m a final year   and I am the Vice-President of          and I am your VP of Marketing
                                                                                                           Laws student who is passionate         Education for 2019. I am a fourth-      and Publications for 2019. I am
                                                                                                           about       developing       careers   year student studying Bachelor          about to enter my final year of my
                                                                                                           opportunities for our students. My     of Law/Bachelor or Commerce.            Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor
                                                                                                           role this year is to help organise     As Vice-President (Education) I         of International Studies degrees.
                                                                                                           and set up various opportunities       respond to issues relating to your      My role as VP (Marketing and
                                                                                                           alongside my Careers officers. I’ll    education. My role is to enhance        Publications) is to communicate
                                                                                                           be coordinating the Careers Fair,      students’ academic and university       with you through our social media
                                                                                                           the Clerkship Guide and careers        lives whilst promoting positive         channels and promote UOWLSS
                                                                                                           workshops, as well as visits to law    health and wellbeing. Together          and UOW School of Law organised
                                                                                                           firms and public law industries.       with my team, I will strive to ensure   events. I will be bringing the
                                                                                                           I can’t wait to showcase the           your experience at UOW is positive      UOWLSS to you through funky
                                                                                                           amazing talent we have here at         and fulfilling, and you get the most    marketing and merchandise to
                                                                                                           UOW throughout 2019!                   out of your time at UOW...              build the LSS brand.
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
EMILY O’LOUGHLIN                     SAMANTHA SHARPE                         RACHAEL SMITH
     VP (INTERNAL COMPS)                  VP (EXTERNAL COMPS)                         VP (EVENTS)

My name is Emily O’Loughlin and       I’m Samantha! I’m in my third        My name is Rachael Smith and
I am the Vice-President of Internal   year of Bachelor of Law/Arts         I’m the Vice-President of Events
Competitions for 2019. My role        and I am your Vice-President of      for the 2019 Term. I’m entering
centres around organising the         External Competitions. My role       my final year of a Bachelor of
variety of internal competitions      as VP Comps is to organise and       Laws - Bachelor of Commerce
that the LSS hold for our students,   facilitate students competing in     (Accounting). My role is to organise
and includes introducing a new        external competitions such as the    the UOWLSS Events to make Law
Criminal Advocacy Competitions.       Intervarsity Criminal Law Moot. I    School more than just just lectures
The competitions are focused          moved from my small town home        and readings. This year, be sure
on simulating different skills        to attend UOW, but Wollongong        to get involved and come along
and challenges within the legal       is a very welcoming place and the    to Cocktail Party, Harbour Cruise,
professional, and provide you with    Law Students’ Society is here to     the First Year Survival Party, Trivia
the opportunity to develop your       make everything easier and more      Night and LAW BALL.
legal skills.                         fun for you.

EQUITY OFFICER                                           COMPS OFFICER
Grace Welsby (Education)                                 Jacob Morath (Competitions)

ACCESS OFFICER                                           COMPS OFFICER
Jamie Coleman (Education)                                Angus Mullins (Competitions)

SOCIAL JUSTICE OFFICER                                   COMPS OFFICER
Ranjith Raj (Education)                                  Charles Bailleul (Competitions)

EVENTS OFFICER                                           COMPS OFFICER
Toni Mudditt (Events)                                    Theodore Totsis (Competitions)

CAREERS OFFICER (PUBLIC)                                 FIRST YEAR REP
Madeleine Joseph (Careers)                               This could be you!

CAREERS OFFICER (PRIVATE)                                SECOND YEAR REP
Colleen Issa (Careers)                                   Jeremiah Edagbami (Marketing)

IT & PUBLICATIONS OFFICER                                FIRST YEAR REP (SWS)
Jackson Cocks (Marketing)                                This could be you!

COMPS OFFICER                                            SECOND YEAR REP (SWS)
Kirsten Pennings (Competitions)                          Raniya Dass (Marketing)
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...

               FIRST YEAR REP                                            FIRST YEAR REP
               WOLLONGONG                                                     SWS

             If you are interested in representing your cohort on the UOWLSS Committee and helping us to
                organise the best activities and events to improve your student experience, then this is the
                                                     position for you!!

                              TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION

                  THIS COULD BE YOU!
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
                      KNOW YOUR GROUP            FROM THE SAME POD:
                                                  YOUR LAW SCHOOL
                                        YOUR SUBJECTS

                                            At UOW you are allocated a class group that you share all your subject classes with in first semester.This
                                            is your POD.

                                            PODS are unique to UOW and ease the transition from high school to university. Everyone in your POD
                                            will be sharing the same experience, and your POD will become your law family.Your POD is your chance
                                            to make lasting friendships and make connections with like-minded peers.

                                        THE POD CUP

                                            The Pod Cup Challenge kicked off in 2014 and has been getting bigger and better every year. It’s now up
                                            to your POD to get your name on the Championship. Each challenge is worth a certain amount of points,
                                            with the championship awarded to the winning POD (the POD with the most amount of points) at the
                                            Survival Party at the end of semester.

                                        THE POD CUP INSTRUCTIONS

                                            - Follow your POD helpers to each location on the hunt checklist
                                            - Make sure you scan the QR code at each location & send pictures if necessary, with your name, POD
                                            number or colour to
                                            - Ask other member of the Law Society or a POD Mentor if you need help.
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
Keep your eye out for some sneaky bonus point rounds.
      Complete the
    Scavenger Hunt on        Follow the LSS Socials:        A POD member
     O-Day (on top of          LinkedIn, Facebook,           participates in an
     all the points for        Instagram, Snapchat         UOWLSS competition
     Scavenger hunt)               20 Points                   100 Points
                            for all 4 socials per person    per person, per comp
       200 Points

    10 members from         Member of your POD             High Distinction in any
   your POD attend the         donates blood                     assignment
      Cocktail Party
                                   50 Points                     50 Points
        300 Points                  per person               per person, per HD

  POD members change                                        Run for First Year
   their Facebook display    ‘On Wednesdays, we
                               wear pink’ POD              Repor SWS First Year
   pictures to your POD                                            Rep
           number             photo (get creative)
         20 Points             Max 200 Points                   50 Points
        per member             at least 5 members           per member that runs

 POD study group selfie     POD in PASS class with           Selfie with the
   with 5+ members              5+ members                  UOWLSS President
                                                            with 10+ members
       60 Points                  200 Points                     50 Points

     POD lunch date
      somewhere on           Share a Facebook Post           Take a whole POD
   campus with at least 5       made by the LSS               selfie with your a
         members                 Facebook page                 seminar leader
        50 Points                  10 Points                     50 Points
       Max 200 points          per share, per person

                                                             KEEP COUNT
  Photo at UniBar with       Photo at Wollongong                TOTAL
   10+ members of the         Lighthouse with 5+
          POD                members of the POD
       100 Points                 150 Points
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...
Find the library room for
 UOW students (hint: it’s
   in Liverpool Library)

       50 Points

All POD members, make       Find and add yourself
   a FB chat and send a        to the UOWLSS
       screenshot.             & UOWLSS SWS
                                facebook page
      50 Points                2 Points pp
SAF - University of Wollongong Law Students ...

     Entering a new world of study can
                                                 “First year mentoring brought great peace of mind
     be daunting. The UOWLSS offers a             as I started UOW law school. Being able to share
     peer mentoring program that is designed       stories and advice on the best ways to navigate
     to help ease first year students into        university life gave me confidence and helped me
     university life. The program is offered                     adapt to a new way of
     to all students starting their law degree                      learning.” - Nick.
     in 2019. Mentors are assigned to a POD
                                                  “The mentoring program is a must-have in your
     and each POD member will have the             first year of law. Having someone there to help
     opportunity to meet with their mentor       explain work that you don’t understand, help you
     on a fortnightly basis for the first 6      plan your degree, or even to just psych you up for
     weeks of the semester. Mentoring is a        exams is never going to go to waste. At the very
                                                    least, you’re making a friend that may be there
     chance to get advice from other law          right up until you join the workforce, and that in
     students and is a great way to meet new                    itself is invaluable.” - Jay
     people and make new friends.

Fancy yourself the next Harvey               Women’s Moot                                Client Interviewing
Specter? Think you’ve got the                The Women’s Moot is available to our        In Client Interviewing, a team of
gift of the gab? Consider yourself           female law students, and is another         two lawyers interviews a potential
very… very persuasive? Well then,            opportunity for students from all years     client in order to understand their
competitions are for you!                    to get involved and increase their          legal situation, and suggest some
                                             experience in a court style scenario.       possible areas of future action by
The Law Students’ Society runs many          The Women’s Moot Grand Final is also        both the client and lawyer. The trick
competitions over the course of the          run on the same day as the Women’s          of client interviewing lies in the
year. Each competition is designed to        Law Luncheon.                               interviewer’s ability to obtain all
test particular skill sets required in the                                               relevant information from the client,
legal profession.                            Senior Moot                                 identify possible ethical issues and
                                             The Senior Moot involves teams of           communicate effectively with their
Competitions look very impressive on         two to three students from third year       partner.
your resume and set you apart from the       or above and runs in Autumn session.
other graduates going for competitive        The problem question is usually based       Witness Examination (WitEx)
legal jobs. Employers love this kind of      on Tort or Constitutional law (subjects     Can you handle the truth? If so, we
stuff - it shows you took the initiative     from second and third year). The team       would put it to you that the WitEx
to get involved. Competitions also help      that wins Senior Moot competes              competition is for you!
cement your knowledge of the law,            at ALSA against teams from other
which is very helpful come exam time         universities across Australia.              As a competitor in Witness
and can help you to improve your final                                                   Examination        Competition,   you
grades.                                      Criminal Advocacy Competition               will act as counsel in a mock court
                                             This competition is the first of its kind   scenario, where you will examine
Below you will find a brief description      in Australia, and will debut in 2019.       and interrogate two witnesses in
of the competitions which will be            This competition will focus on the          order to provide a clearer answer to a
run in 2019. We will also be offering        skills required of legal graduates to       particular legal problem, by revealing
workshops throughout the year so             prepare documents for, and present          the “facts”, and persuading the judge
you won’t be thrown in the deep end!         in court, in bail or sentencing matters.    in favour of your version of events.
                                             This competition will have a strong         One competitor acts as counsel for
Advocacy Competitions                        practical focus and help you get            the Prosecution and the other acts
                                             your head around crucial legislative        as counsel for the Defendant. You
There are extremely popular                  provisions and principles.                  will examine two witnesses: one
competitions in both junior and senior                                                   witness of the prosecution and one
years. Teams of two or three will be         Skills Competitions                         for the defence. The competition is
given a problem question in which                                                        recommended for those who have
they will be required to argue one for       Negotiation                                 completed Evidence Law, however,
one of the parties in front of a judge.      In the Negotiation Competition, two         this is not a pre-requisite.
                                             teams consisting of two ‘lawyers’
Junior Moot                                  each appear on behalf of hypothetical       Intervarsity Moot
Junior Moot consists of teams of             clients to consult with each other in       Teams from across the country come
two students from first a nd second          an attempt to achieve a compromise          to UOW to participate in the UOW
year and runs in Spring semester.            and resolve issues between the two          Intervarsity Criminal Law Moot.
The problem question is drawn from           parties. Teams must both make               Teams of two to three students
criminal or contract law. All interested     concessions and hold their ground,          moot a criminal law case on appeal
competitors are strongly encouraged          depending on which areas of the             and develop their criminal advocacy
to attend the Senior Moot Grand Final        proceedings are flexible and which          skills. UOW enters two competitively
in Autumn to get an idea of what is          are important to their client. Points       selected teams in this competition,
involved. As anyone who has mooted           will be awarded for each person’s           and Grand Finalists are adjudicated by
can tell you, the knowledge gained           ability to cooperate, communicate           a three-judge panel, including UOW’s
from watching a moot and observing           and attain as advantageous a position       Judge in Residence, Terry Buddin SC
courtroom practice is incredibly             as possible for the person, group or
valuable and reassuring when it comes        corporation they are representing.
time to present your argument.

This year is an exciting year for all UOW law students                of two to three top-tier law firms, exposure to the facilities
hoping to develop their careers, whether it be in                     available, and a Q&A panel with current graduates and partners
practice or in other parts of the community. We have                  within the respective firms. Although this visit is aimed at
a number of events which are aimed at encouraging                     penultimate and final year students, students of all years are
UOW professional development, such as our Careers                     encouraged to attend and become aware of the opportunities
Fair, our firm visits and our Careers and Clerkships                  available within the corporate sector.
                                                                      Careers Guide
Careers Fair                                                          Every year we publish our Careers Guide, which provides all
Our Careers Fair will provide students with an opportunity            students with a guide to different career paths available after
to talk one on one with a variety of different professionals in       their law degree. The guide includes testimonials, and advice for
an informal setting. This year we are branching out and hope          students on the steps they can take to ensure their employability
to welcome professionals from both private and public legal           in the particular areas of the law they wish to pursue.
practice, as well as local firms, Sydney firms, and Barristers. The
event will allow students from all year groups to get a feel for      Clerkship Guide
all the different opportunities available to them both during the     Annually the UOWLSS also publishes its Clerkship Guide, which
course of their degree and beyond, and speak to people who            provides information on the application process, what students
can help you choose where your law degree will take you after         can expect if they are selected for a clerkship and the benefits
university.                                                           of such a program. Students in all years are encouraged to pick
                                                                      up a copy, to understand whether they may wish to apply for
Firm Visits                                                           Clerkships in their later years.
This is the third year we are running our annual trip to some
of Sydney’s top commercial law firms. The trip involves a tour

Cocktail Party is the first event of the Law Society calendar.
The event provides you with the opportunity to catch up with
friends and make new ones too. It includes canapes, beer, wine
and soft drink as well as DJ music and a photographer. It is the
perfect way to start the academic year!

Save the Date: Friday, 22 March 2019

Harbour Cruise allows you to take in the views of Sydney Har-
bour from the best place possible - the water. The cruise in-
cludes a buffet dinner, beer, wine and soft drink and of course,
music and a photographer. A chance to dress up and spend a
night on the harbour, what’s not to love?

Save the Date: Saturday, 18 May 2019

Exclusively for first year Law students, the Survival Party pro-
vides the opportunity to celebrate finishing the first semester
of university. It’s a chance to party with your Pod, and where
we crown the champions of our Pod Cup Challenge. You won’t
want to miss this event; say farewell to your first semester and
hello to the rest of your life in Law.

Keep the night of your final exam free,
to make sure you don’t miss this one!

Making its debut in 2018, the UOWLSS Trivia Night is a chance
to show everyone that our knowledge isn’t limited to the law.
Message your friends, get a team together, support a good cause
and see whether you can be the Trivia Champions of 2019.

Law Ball is the final event of the Law Society calendar and is by
far the biggest and best. Giving you the chance to dress up and
enjoy a sit down meal with unlimited beer, wine, soft drink and
spirits, it is an event not to be missed. Law Ball also includes a
DJ, photographer and a bus into town afterwards to continue
the party. There is no better way to finish the academic year!

Save the Date: Friday, 11 October 2019
University admin is often confusing and frustrating for first
year students since processes are not clearly outlined and
sometimes take an excruciatingly long time to complete. This
section will introduce you to the main administration hubs at
UOW so that your first few weeks are not bogged down in
admin struggles.

SOLS is the online portal for all things student administration.
It is beneficial to have a browse of the different tabs on the
portal to familiarise yourself with the services available.

SOLS mail is your main way to recieve important
communications from the University, your faculty and your
tutors. You must ensure that you check your SOLS Mail daily
during semester because information regarding assignments
and any other urgent notifications will be posted here.

This tab is home to your University timetable. For your first
semester, as you are allocated classes in your PODS, this will
already be filled out for you. This provides you with the day,
time and location of your class, and will tell you whether         S TU DENT C ENTRAL
your classes run all weeks during the semester. You might be
pleasantly surprised to find you have a week off.                  Located on the Ground Floor of Building 17, Student Central
                                                                   is there to answer any of your administrative questions. They
ENROL M E N T R E C O R D                                          are particularly useful in sorting out enrolment issues (not
                                                                   tutorial enrolment – they should be raised with the subject
This is where your final results for subjects will be uploaded     co-ordinator).
each semester. Your mark will not be accompanied by any
feedback and you will not receive your exam results. Of            AC ADEMIC C O NS IDERATION
course if you are concerned about your mark you can always
contact the subject coordinator and follow an official appeals     Sometimes unexpected events interfere with our academic
process if necessary.                                              studies. If your ability to complete an assessment or exam has
                                                                   been affected by substantial illness, injury or misadventure, you
ASSI G N M E N T R E S U LT S                                      should apply for academic consideration online. Although the
                                                                   University is often willing to accept genuine reasons, work will
This is the link to all your assignment results. Some tutors may   never be considered as a ground for academic consideration.
not upload marks to this portal until some time after you have
recieved you results. Tutors may also not release results until    All academic consideration requests must be submitted online
you have recieved your assignments back in hard copy. By the       via SOLS.To access the relevant page, click on the side bar table
end of the session, it is important to browse through this tab     labelled ‘Current Session’ then ‘Academic Consideration’. If
and assess how you are fairing, heading in to the final exam.      you are applying for academic consideration on the basis of
                                                                   illness, ensure that you visit a doctor and receive a certificate
M OOD L E                                                          to attach to your request.

Moodle is the main learning hub. This is where your subjects
will appear each semester and it will be your source of truth.
Your tutor will upload the Subject Outline to Moodle, any
relevant readings, assignments, links that are useful and post
any online quizzes to complete. Just as with your SOLS Mail,
it is essential that you are always checking the Moodle page
for every subject.
SOLS is the online portal for all things student
administration. It is beneficial to h ve a browse of the
different tabs on the portal to familiarise yourself with
the services available.
                                                            Although in your first semester you will not have to
                                                            worry about this button, it is very useful to get your
                                                            head around. This is where you will go to enrol in
                                                            your tutorials.
This is your access point for Moodle. Explained below.
                                                            This is by far the single most stressful experience
                                                            you will ever encounter. Once you have enrolled
                                                            in a subject, it will appear on the page with an
                                                            enrolment time and the available tutorials for that
SOLS is your main way to receive important                  class. If you’re a busy person and you can really only
communications from the University, your faculty            do one of the five classes available, brace yourself.
and your tutors.You must ensure that you check              Enrolments open for every student doing the
your SOLS Mail daily during semester because                subject (bear in mind for first year law subjects this
information regarding assignments and any urgent            will be over 300 students) at the exact same time.
notifications will be posted here.                          You must be quick and we mean really quick.

However, the catch – SOLS mail only remains                 Top tips for getting your desired tutorial:
on your portal homepage for 7 days. This button             1. The time set for the opening of your tutorial is
enables you to search through your entire SOLS              the exact same as the Apple WorldClock – so for all
mail for the career opportunity your friend now has         you Macbook lovers, ensure that your little clocks
that you swear you never received… but really did.          have the second hand ticking.
                                                            2. Don’t think that you have a 10-minute window
                                                            and you may as well wait to finish dinner and then
                                                            do it – No, you must be ready and waiting.
                                                            3. Ensure that you are already on the tutorial
This tab could be your happiest friend or worst             enrolment tab and all you have to do is refresh hit
nightmare. This is where your final results for your        the refresh button – if you didn’t already know,
subjects will be uploaded each semester.Your mark           command + R is refresh and is way faster that
will not be accompanied by any feedback and you             clicking that little button.
will not receive your exam results. Of course if you        4. Have your mouse hovering over your desired
are concerned about your mark you can always                tutorial time ready to click once you refresh.
contact the subject co-ordinator and follow an              5. If you have a slow computer, god help you, but
official appeals process if necessary.                      the best advice is to refresh on the 58 second mark.
                                                            6. Remember – once you click the tutorial, there is
                                                            another confirmation page, you must click confirm
                                                            as quick as you clicked the tutorial or else you may
                                                            as well have finished dinner at the table.
This tab is home to your University Timetable. For          7. Always be prepared for failure – this is cut throat
your first semester, as you are allocated classes in        business. This means that you MUST always have a
your PODs, this will already be filled out for you.         plan B, C and D probably wouldn’t hurt.
This provides you with the day, time and location of
your class, and will tell you whether your classes run
all weeks in the semester.You might be pleasantly           Now that you know all the tips, the game just got a
surprised and find you have a week off.                     whole lot more competitive! Happy tut enrolments!
Remember: People are friendly so don’t be afraid to ask for directions.You can also download the Lost on
Campus App, to help you find your way around the university.
                                                                                                           GET T ING A RO UND
                                                                                                                     WOLLONGONG MAP
                     SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY MAP

                                                University of Wollongong
                                                South Western Sydney
                                                Shop R6, 33 Moore Street,
                                                Liverpool, NSW, 2170
                           L AW
                               At University, the path you choose to take and your ‘specialty areas’ are entirely up to
                               you.You are required to do a number of core subjects as part of the ‘Priestley Eleven’
                               (compulsory subjects to be a lawyer) but when and how you do them is your choice
    “At the end of 2012 I      (although there is a recommended sequence of subjects and you need to make sure
   had just graduated and      you satisfy the prerequisites).
 it was at this point that I
decided to take a gap year     Not only can you choose to study full time or part time, take a leave of absence or
   to travel before starting   take on a double degree, but there are a range of Law electives that you can study to
 fulltime work. During this    tailor your degree to your particular interests. The best resource to understand and
                               plan your degree is the Course Handbook. Make sure you always use the Handbook
   year I started to realise   from the year you commenced your degree.This means you should refer to the 2019
 that I wanted to continue     Handbook in future years.
  my studies at University
and I kept coming back to      Your first ear
  the idea of studying Law     In your first year, you will studying strictly law.You will be doing five law subjects both
                               sessions and will only start your second degree (if you are enrolled in a combined
   at UOW. As the months
                               degree) in your second year. You will develop your written and verbal communication
 passed this idea became       skills and develop your ability to think critically and analyse problems before you.
 more firm in my mind to       Being able to wrap your head around the key skills and concepts is crucial, and will
  the point where I finally    allow you to focus mostly on the content in later years.
decided that studying Law
    in 2017 was definitely     Double degree
     what I wanted to do.      It is very common for law students to double down on their law degree. This is a
                               great way to supplement your law degree, pursue some other interests and take a
                               break from studying law all the time. You will begin your double degree in second
 After completing my first     year, when your university life will turn into almost a holiday after first year. It’s a
   year I can say without      good idea to look at your course requirements (in your Course Hand book) to
    hesitation that it has     understand how your double degree will play out. It is important to remember that
   been one of the most        different faculties will have different processes or requirements for things like majors,
challenging and rewarding      tutorials and assignment submission. For example, most law seminars do not have an
                               attendance requirement (although Class Participation marks consider attendance),
   years of my life. At the
                               whilst the Arts faculty require an 80% tutorial attendance rate. For reasons like this
 end of my first year I am     it’s important to read your subject outlines, or consult faculty pages (
 delighted with my choice      au/about/faculties/index.html). Each faculty also has an office (or ‘Central’) you can
  to return and study law      visit if you need help.
 at UOW.The friends and
experiences I have gained      In relation to course structure, after first year, generally you will do two Law subjects
within my first year alone     each semester and two subjects from your other degree. In your other degree
                               you usually do your compulsory subjects first before picking electives or doing the
 have been amazing and         subjects that are part of your major.
  I am looking forward to
 the final two years of my     Degree overview
           degree.”            Each Course Handbook is specific to the degree you’re studying. For example the
                               Bachelor of Laws (Direct Entry) Course Handbook will differ from the Course
          - Gareth             Handbook for each double-degree offered at UOW. The Course Handbook sets out
                               the recommended structure for your Law degree, and makes sure that you complete
                               the core subjects in order.
                                         AU T U M N
                                          AC T I V I T Y                        DATE
                                         ORIENTATION                          26 FEBRUARY 2019

                                         LECTURE COMMENCE (WEEK 1-7)          4 MARCH- 19 APRIL 2019

                                         MID-SESSION RECESS                   22 APRIL- 26 APRIL 2019

                                         CONSENSUS DATE (LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW 31 MARCH 2019
                                         WITHOUT PAYING THE SUBJECT FEE)

                                         SSAF FEES DUES (IF THESE ARE NOTE    1 APRIL 2019
                                         INCLUDED IN YOUR HELP LOAN)

                                         LECTURES RECOMMENCE (WEEK 8-13)      29 APRIL- 7 JUNE 2019

                                         LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW WITHOUT         12 MAY 2019
                                         ACADEMIC PENALTY
                                         STUDY RECESS                         10 JUNE- 14 JUNE 2019

                                         EXAMS                                15 JUNE- 28 JUNE 2019

                                         RELEASE OF RESULTS                   11 JUNE 2019

                                         SP R I N G
                                          AC T I V I T Y                        DATE
                                         ORIENTATION                          26 FEBRUARY 2019

                                         LECTURE COMMENCE (WEEK 1-7)          4 MARCH- 19 APRIL 2019

                                         MID-SESSION RECESS                   22 APRIL- 26 APRIL 2019

                                         CONSENSUS DATE (LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW 31 MARCH 2019
                                         WITHOUT PAYING THE SUBJECT FEE)

                                         SSAF FEES DUES (IF THESE ARE NOTE    1 APRIL 2019
                                         INCLUDED IN YOUR HELP LOAN)

                                         LECTURES RECOMMENCE (WEEK 8-13)      29 APRIL- 7 JUNE 2019

                                         LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW WITHOUT         12 MAY 2019
                                         ACADEMIC PENALTY
                                         STUDY RECESS                         10 JUNE- 14 JUNE 2019

                                         EXAMS                                15 JUNE- 28 JUNE 2019

                                         RELEASE OF RESULTS                   11 JUNE 2019

    1          F O U N DAT I O N S
               O F LAW ( LLB 1 1 0 0)
                                                                 2           LEGAL S KILLS
                                                                             ( LLB1115)
Foundies gives you an overview of the legal system           Legal skills foundational skills subject that is designed
in Australia, which has been influenced by our               to prepare students for all stages of their degree. It will
British colonalism, Aboriginal customary law, the            focus on the critical and core skills of legal research,
Constitution and human rights. Learn how to identify         referencing practice and communication skills, both
the ratio decidendi in judgments and how to interpret        written and oral. It will address researching primary
the law from statutes (legislation) – this will be helpful   and secondary legal sources, knowledge of the AGLC
in future law subjects. Familiarise yourself with AGLC       referencing style and the importance of academic
and cite cases with the most authoritative source –          integrity to the study and practice of law.
this may be different from the course reader but will
impress your marker!

               C R I M I N A L L AW                              4           LAW O F C O NTRAC T
                                                                             ( LLB1120)
    3          A N D P RO C E D U R E A
               (LLB1130)                                     Contracts provides the legal background for
                                                             transactions and the transfer of ownership of
Crim A is by far the most exciting first year subject.       property. This is the perfect opportunity to enliven
You will be introduced to the essentials of all the juicy    your legal problem solving skills and relate the law to
stuff you came here fore in the first place – murder,        your real life scenarios. This subject covers the rules
manslaughter, you name it. This subject may even             in creation, terms, performance, breach and discharge
make for a gut-wrenching weekly read!                        of a contract.
The Illawarra caters to it large University
population        EVIL students some great
           by offering
Assessments at UOW law typically fall into five categories:
1. Class Participation
2. Essay and/or Problem Question assignment
3. Final Open-Book exam
4. Final Closed-Book exam
5. Take Home Exams

Class Participation (CP)
Tutors are required to give each student a mark out of either
10 or 15 at the end of each seminar, which is averaged at
the end of the semester in order to give you your CP mark.
These marks will count toward your final grade, and will be
the easiest marks to gain provided you do your readings and
contribute to class discussion. Remember, if you give a wrong
answer in class you are not deducted marks for CP, so you
have nothing to lose. As long as your teacher can see you are
doing your readings, thinking about the topic and contributing
to the seminar, you will get these marks easy.

Essays involve in-depth research and crafting a sophisticated
argument into an often ambiguous area of law. A good first step         Open-book exams
is analysing the question and finding instructive keywords which        Open-book exams are self-explanatory - generally, you will be
hint at the marker’s expectations. Take-home essays often involve       able to bring your own materials into the examination room
research in areas not be covered in class so exhaustive research        (subject to some conditions, and depending upon the unit of
is necessary to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge on the              study). First year law students may sometimes get lulled into
topic. As you conduct your research and familiarise yourself            a false sense of security and rely upon their notes too much,
with the major cases and their judgments (including dissenting          rather than committing the subject content to knowledge. Make
judgments), consider the arguments that you want to pursue and          sure your exam notes are concise and well-structured, and that
prioritise them by strength. Your essay should be structured to         you know where information is within your notes when you
include an introduction (addressing the question asked, including       spot issues/questions within the exam. It is very discouraging
your thesis statement and providing a roadmap or brief context          during the exam to lose track of where you content is, then have
for your essay), body (providing your arguments – it is helpful         to burn crucial writing time to find it. The exams are normally
to reference cases, legislation and readings in every paragraph –       3 hours long.
and linking them back to your thesis statement) and conclusion
(where you restate your thesis and succinctly summarise your            Closed-book exams
arguments).                                                             Most of you would be familiar with the “closed-book” exam
                                                                        format, which requires a large degree of memorisation of
Problem questions                                                       content. Lecturers generally provide a case list within the exam
Problem questions involve applying the law to a set of facts. To        itself, and this may be made known to students beforehand.
start, you should read the problem several times and pick out key       If it is, take the opportunity to use that case list as the outer
facts linking to principles of law. Remember – facts in problem         confines of the subject that you will need to familiarise yourself
questions are not put there for no reason; they are part of the         with. Doing practice exams and problem questions repeatedly
legal problem. As you have been given time to prepare in an             will help you recall important issues, which will aid with
assignment, you are expected to research the law by reading and         constructing a response within a time-limited environment.
citing, even quoting from the cases. Most lecturers recommend
that you follow the ILAC acronym (Issue, Law, Application and           Take-home exams
Conclusion) for each legal point, but it is vital to also include the   These are exams released, and then you are given a certain
authority for the rule (usually an important case or legislation).      period (generally around a week or a weekend) to complete
                                                                        the exam “at home”, rather than in a formal setting. Again,
Some tips include:                                                      the extra time may lull students into a false sense of security;
- Use headings and identify the parties involved (eg Smith v Blue)      however, you should prepare for these exams as you would for
- Do not repeat or invent facts – use what you have been given          other exams, as there will be no time to revise content during
- Raise all the issues but allocate sufficient space depending on       the “writing” period. Read the details of the examination
their importance and contention                                         carefully, as they may also incorporate elements of research
- Note dissenting judgments with ‘Cf’ or ‘Contra’ because this          alongside a problem question, and they will most likely need
demonstrates an in-depth understanding (but do not do this too          to be referenced according to the Australian Guide to Legal
often as your word count is limited)                                    Citation (AGLC), unlike formal exams.
Law exams are very intense as you are expected to push out           2. Be careful to read the paper and its questions carefully; many
quite a bit of information and knowledge within a very limited      a mark have been lost through mundane carelessness such as
period of time. You will develop a study routine that will work     getting the name of a party wrong on the facts.
the best for you - there are no hard and fast rules as to how
long you should study every day. However, we do have some           3. Is it a problem question, or is it an essay response?
general advice below that may be helpful for first year adjusting   Depending on the type of question, your response will need to
to legal examinations.                                              be planned and constructed differently.

 1. More pain during semester, more gain during exams: the          4. Allocate writing time to each question/section of the exam
more conscious time spent with legal content, especially during     according to how many marks they are worth, not how long you
semester, the better you will perform. Though it’s tempting to      think it would take to answer the question fully.
say that “I’ll catch up later because I have time coming up to
exams,” it is almost never the case. Diligently compiling your      5. Sketch the structure of your long responses in reading time
examination notes means further time to review them, and            so that you may keep yourself on track during writing time.
therefore ensuring that they are accurate and useful.
W H ATS PA SS ?                                                                  “It was student directed.
                                                                                    We were able cover
PASS aims to provide a learning atmosphere which differs from                      content that we were
the traditional tutorial environment. PASS sessions are led by                 struggling with or required
‘PASS Leaders’. The focus is on integrating the course content                   clarification about. PASS
(what to learn) with academic reasoning and study skills (how                    is an extremely friendly
to learn). At each session a PASS Leader will be on hand to                    environment and a way of
guide students through the course material. The focus of each
session will be determined by the needs of the group, providing
                                                                               meeting like minded people
a valuable opportunity for students to seek help and advice in a                in a relaxed atmosphere.
friendly, relaxed environment.                                                   It helped to consolidate
                                                                                content and concepts by
PASS has been supporting student learning at UOW since                         being given the opportunity
2002. Over 30,000 students have participated in PASS since it                     to discuss it with other
commenced at UOW and evidence shows that a student that
                                                                                students and to help and
attends attain higher marks and are less likely to fail or withdraw
from a subject.
                                                                                         be helped”
                                                                                   - LLB170 student
Sessions are designed to be informal, flexible, and fun! They
are facilitated by PASS leaders - students currently studying at
UOW who excelled in the subject in the past and who have
been trained in facilitation techniques to ensure students get
the most out of each session.

PASS commences in week 2 and runs weekly throughout the
semester. You will get the maximum benefits by attending PASS
every week. Enrolments open on SOLS in the evening after the
first lecture. Some subjects also have an extra STUVAC session
to further support exam preparation - these are offered to
students who attend PASS 7+ times during semester, and run
                                                                      PASS@UOW Team
for 2-3 hours during the study break.
Check the Timetable to see if PASS or PASS Online is available        Phone: +61 2 4221 5526
for your subject.

How to make the most of your semester                                   you should not be beating yourself up if you don’t make it
                                                                        through all the readings. There are many ways to still feel on
Prepare: Reading will form a large part of your legal education         top of your work, even if you are unable to read the nitty gritty
and your career, should you choose to enter the profession.The          of every page each week. As a starting point, it is important to
reading lists in law can be substantially longer than any other         review the relevant textbook chapter or required cases prior
discipline. Despite this, it is a good idea to at least read one        to a class to help you familiarise yourself with the issues and
week ahead so that the material is not completely unfamiliar            legal principles (and so you can hopefully contribute). If you
when you try to learn it in class. If you have a tutorial, you should   have time, you should make notes on the important notes of the
try to prepare responses to problem questions so you can                readings and cases and annotate or add to these notes during
make the most of the class and contribute to earn your class            class.
participation marks.
                                                                        What is a case summary?
Turn up: Missing even one class means that you lose guidance            Case notes involve summarising or analysing a court judgment.
on substantial amounts of content. Lecture recordings are               These are highly beneficial as they enhance your ability to
provided but it is always better putting in the hard yards as you       understand legal material and pick out the most important
go rather than trying to learn enormous volumes of content              elements. Firstly, make sure you develop a clear understanding
in one go. Additionally, class participation is often allocated a       of the difference between ratio decidendi and obiter dictum,
percentage of marks in first year law subjects. If you do not turn      and summarise the judicial officer’s reasons. Whilst it may be
up, you get a big fat 0 for that week.                                  easy to use words or phrases from the court’s judgment, it is
                                                                        important that you use your own words to demonstrate your
Contribute: It might feel incredibly intimidating to put your           understanding. It may be helpful to understand the procedural
hand up in class to answer a question, but know that your tutors,       history and read the judgments of the courts below (if there are
lecturers and friends are always there to guide and support you.        any) to get a grasp of the matter.
Don’t feel nervous about giving a wrong answer, because you’ll
get to the right one eventually. If you have prepared adequately        A useful way to structure a case summary is to address the
for a class, you should be confident that it is apparent in your        following headings
contributions.                                                          ·    Case Name
                                                                        ·    Procedural history
So much reading though?                                                 ·    Issue
Although reading everything set for your subjects every week            ·    Reasoning
before class is the ideal aim, reality is this rarely occurs. Indeed,   ·    Ratio decidendi

How do I change my timetable due to extenuating                      How do I take a leave of absence or defer for a year?
circumstances?                                                       If you have never taken a break from studying at UOW then
If you have necessary reason for your request, simply email          you simply need to fill out the Application for Leave of Absence
the subject co-ordinator of the tutorial you want to change,         - Domestic form under ‘Student Forms’ in SOLS. You do not
and they may be able to accommodate you. If you’re not sure          need to get approval for anything under 12 months. If you have
if your circumstances are ‘significant’ enough, it can’t hurt to     had a break before and the combined leave of absence time
try any way! You may be surprised by how accommodating the           of your intended break and your past break totals more than
university can be.                                                   12 months, you will need to seek approval from the Head of
                                                                     Students and may wish to seek some academic advice from a
Can the university help me if I’m a single parent or                 Student Support Advisor.
Students with parental or carers responsibilities are encouraged     I swear I’ve done this subject before (at another uni) –
to visit the first-year coordinator to have a chat about POD         who do I talk to?
placement for Autumn session in first year. In Spring session or     If you’ve done a subject somewhere else that you feel is
later years, contact your subject coordinators before tutorial       equivalent, you may be eligible to receive ‘Advanced Standing’
registrations open on SOLS.                                          or ‘Credit’ as it is commonly referred to. In order to do this you
                                                                     will need to complete the ‘Application for Credit or Exemption’
How do I get a new student ID card?                                  Form found under the Forms link on the Current Student Page.
You will need your Student ID card for exams, and it is proof        This form will need to be submitted with proof of your mark
that you are an enrolled student. If you lose your student ID        from the institution in which you studied the requisite subject
card, visit Student Central and ask for a replacement to be          as well as their subject outline. Once you submit this to the
printed. This will cost you $10.00.                                  LHA Office, the form will go to the Head of School who will
                                                                     make a recommendation as to whether you should receive the
How do I get cheap travel?                                           credit or not. If approved it will be added on your academic
As a UOW student you can receive one for reduced fares on            record as ‘specified’ or ‘unspecified’ credit, the difference being
public transport with an Opal card. You can apply for this via       whether the subjects are listed with their UOW equivalent.You
SOLS.                                                                should note that your grade for these subjects are not recorded
                                                                     and do not contribute to your Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
How do I drop down to part-time?                                     at UOW. For more questions about this process you should
To lighten your study load, a consultation with your first-year      contact Student Central or the Head of Students.
coordinator is the first step. You’ll be able to work out a study
plan to suit your circumstances. To make it official you simply      How do I change my second degree? Or change from a
only enrol in the subjects you want to take i.e. two subjects is     straight law degree to a double degree?
part time study.                                                     Fill out this form;
I failed a subject. What now?                                        studentcentral/documents/doc/uow060764.pdf and return it to
Unfortunately, if it’s a mandatory core subject then you’ll have     the LHA. Follow the rules of all faculties involved in the change,
to retake it. Yes, this does mean that you’ll be charged twice for   as listed on the front of the form. For most transfers you must
the subject as you’ve used the university’s resources twice. If      have also completed at least half a year full time study. You
it’s not a core however you may wish to take a different subject     should get notification of the outcome via SOLSMail.
in its place or speak to the Law School’s Head of Students
or the Student Support Advisor to talk about your degree.            How on earth do I use the printer/photocopier in the
LHA Central can organise an appointment for you with the             library?
appropriate person.                                                  It’s not as confusing as it seems at first! Step by step:
                                                                     1. Put money on your student card by going to the Photocopier
How do I know what textbooks I should buy?                           Room in the library and swipe your card in the blue vertical
Head to the UOW Unishop website. Search the relevant subject         machines against the wall and insert money or pay by card for
code in the search bar in the top right corner of the webpage.       the amount desired.
The compulsory/recommended texts for the subject will be             2. Go to any computer on the UOW system (not your laptop)
listed.We recommend that you buy the most up to date version,        and print your document to ‘Follow Me’ printer. The computer
at least in areas where the law changes often.                       will display a message telling you how much the printing will
                                                                     cost and ask you to input your student username (the same one
How do I enrol in my subjects next year?                             you use to login to SOLS).
Even though you’re automatically enrolled for first year, you’ll     3. Go up to any printer or big photocopier, and follow the
have to do it yourself for 2020 at the end of Spring Session 2019.   instructions on the screen pad (your first time won’t have a set
To do that log in to SOLS, click Enrolment and Variation on the      pin code, you set it the first time you print) - too easy!
left hand side and type in your subject codes for the subjects       4. If you have any trouble, there are Printing Assistants in the
you want to take in the coming year.                                 Printing Room to help.
Free support services are available to you at
UOW if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed
or in need of some targeted support with your

Mental Health Support
The most important thing anyone will ever say to you as a
law student is to take your mental health very seriously. The
pressures of law and of working in the legal profession are
intense at times as you’ll find yourself working harder than
you’ve ever had to work before. Law students are at the most
risk of mental health issues, and working as a lawyer will see you
into the top three suicide rates for Australian professions. You
need to recognise signs and know how to help if someone you
know goes through periods of stress and depression.

Small to moderate levels of stress can motivate you into action       Academic Support
and increase your productivity. It is true however, that too much     It is always encouraged that you contact your lecturer or
pressure can have a negative impact on your productivity and          seminar leader if you have any trouble with a particular topic of
your health. High levels of stress over long periods of time can      study. Additionally, if there are any issues or problems that are
lead to feeling negative emotions and physically manifesting          affecting your studies, UOW Student Support Advisors (SSAs)
illnesses. It may also intensify symptoms in autoimmune diseases      are here to help. Call or email your faculty SSA to make an
or affect other pre-existing illnesses.                               appointment.

How can I reduce stress?                                    
In order to manage and control stress you need to learn to            html
recognise when you are becoming stressed and how to control it.
Techniques for stress management may include: improving your          UOW Security
time management skills, regular exercise to reduce physiological      UOW Security operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week
reactions to stress, meditation, deep breathing, aromatherapy,        throughout the year. The team have the responsibility for
avoiding alcohol and other drugs, natural medicine, time              responding to Help Calls, First Aid Alerts and Emergency Alerts.
management, listening to certain types of music, SLEEP and a          UOW Security are able to escort you to your car if you are
balanced diet.                                                        studying late in the library. Get first aid and security support
                                                                      easily with the safezone mobile app.
Who can I talk to?                                                    Emergencies Ph: 4221 4900
Of course, the first person you should speak to are your friends      General Enquires Ph: 4221 4555
and family. However, if you want to talk confidentially and private
to an experienced professional, do not hesitate to contact one        Student IT support
of the numbers below.                                                 IT Service Centre
                                                                      Level 1, Building 17, Wollongong Campus
UOW Counselling and Disability Services                               Email:
Building 11, Level 2.                                                 Ph: (+61 2) 4239 2000
UOW Wollongong Campus
Monday – Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm.                                     For all academic enquiries:
Phone 02 4221 3445 to book a face to face or online appointment.      LHA Central
                                                                      02 4221 3456
UOW after hours Crisis Support Line                         
Available whenever the counselling service is closed.                 Building 19, Level 1
Phone 1300 036 149 or text 0488 826 347                               9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday

Lifeline Australia                                                    For all other enquiries:
13 11 14 - Crisis Support                                             Student Central                                          Ground Floor, Building 17, Wollongong campus
                                                                      1300 ASK UOW
Take care of yourselves.The UOWLSS is always here to talk.

C AF E S                                                             Amigos
                                                                     Fancy a taco Tuesday with your pals? Or 60c wings Wednesday?
Diggies Café and North Kiosk                                         Amigos Wollongong offers great deals (and margaritas) suitable
Only a stones throw from the sand of North Wollongong Beach,         for any student budget.
enjoy a hearty breakfast at Diggies or a delicious smoothie from
kiosk.                                                               Samaras
                                                                     Serving authentic Lebanese and Mediterranean cuisine, Samaras
Quay Canteen                                                         is one of the best restaurants in Wollongong. Its ambience is
A modern take on Vietnamese street food – this affordable café       perfect for a relaxed dining experience.
boasts a large selection of vegan meals and vibrant salads for
every palate.                                                        His Boy Elroy
                                                                     Bar and burgers – need we say more?
Opus Coffee Brewers
Great coffee, delicious food and fast service. They serve their      Kinn Thai
coffee and meals on cups and plates made by a local ceramicist,      Exceptional Thai cuisine in the heart of Wollongong.
using local produce with it’s leafy décor supplied by a florist in
Fairy Meadow.
Stokes Lane Café                                                     Howlin’ Wolf
If you’re heading North to Bulli beach, stop by and grab a           Boasts the Illawarra’s largest selection of Whiskey, cocktails
delicious cup of Campos coffee from Stokes Lane Café, located        and craft beer. Moody little spot open late, with regular live
on the Princes Highway.                                              music.

Meni                                                                 Black Cockatoo
This cafe serves great coffee and even better brunch. It’s quirky    Hidden behind a gelato shop, Wollongong’s own secret bar.
design gives it a homey feel that will keep you going back for
more.                                                                Humber
                                                                     Three levels of bars, our favourite the rooftop.

EATI N G OUT                                                         Juniper
                                                                     Top end of town on Keira Street, if gin is your thing Juniper is
Kneading Ruby                                                        one not to be missed.
Modern Italian cuisine offering authentic wood fired pizzas and
bespoke dishes designed to be shared.                                Ron de Vu
                                                                     Crazy big cocktails and RnB.
You can also read