Page created by Richard Cross

Pocket 1, Sector 14 Dwarka, Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi 110078
01                            08
Message from the         02   Life at NLU Delhi         16
Vice-Chancellor’s Desk
02                            The Batch of 2021          18

Message from the         04   10
Registrar’s Desk
                              A Descrip�on of            20
03                            the Batch

University Ranking       05
04                            Faculty Speaks             21

About the University     06   12
05                            Batch Achievements:
                              • ADR & Moot Court         23
Interna�onal Rela�ons & 08      Achievements
Collabora�ons                 • Sports, Debate &         25
                                Other Achievements
06                            • Internships
                              • Publica�ons,
                                Conferences &
Curriculum               10

07                            13
Research at NLU Delhi    12   Recruitment Coordina�on    32
“A mind without instruction can no
  more bear fruit than can a field,
however fertile, without cultivation.”
         -Marcus Tullius Cicero
“There Shall Justice Prevail”
The logo of Na�onal Law University Delhi is composed of 3 elements: n (N), L
(L) and U (U) which are interlinked by the second element of L. In its totality,
it represents the harmonious confluence of different elements of disciplines
and level—a rule that Law and its execu�ve, the judicial system also
performs. Individually, the ‘N’ and ‘U’ are downward and upward facing,
symbolising polar and complementary outlooks, through which Law threads
its way. The extension of ‘L’ or Law to beneath the layer, a�empts to
encapsulate the concerns of equality and social jus�ce. The emphasis is on
the ‘Rule of Law’ (represented by the second ‘L’) in promo�ng social jus�ce,
par�cularly targe�ng the vulnerable popula�on, which is lowest on the social
ladder. Its columnar arrangement suggests an upholding of jus�ce, equality,
fraternity, and human rights in all their facets to reach at a secular


                               With immense pleasure I present to you       Through various co-curricular and
                               the Batch of 2021, which is the 9th          extra-curricular engagements along
                               batch of students to graduate from our       with internships at leading na�onal
                               University. Over the past five years at       and interna�onal law firms, corporate
                               NLU Delhi proved themselves to be            houses, reputed non-governmental
                               bright and promising young adults,           organisa�ons and public sector under-
                               exploring their poten�al by demon-           takings, under senior li�gators and
                               stra�ng extraordinary levels of dedica-      higher judiciary members, the
                               �on, commitment, and zeal for growth.        students have gained exposure and
                                                                            experience to foray successfully into
                               Our students receive a comprehensive         the professional world.
                               legal educa�on which endows them
Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao      with crucial analy�cal skills, and           Groomed and honed with a student
Vice-Chancellor                empowers them to cri�cally evaluate          centric yet socially conscionable
Na�onal Law University Delhi
                               laws, the func�oning of the legal system     approach to teaching and learning, the
                               and the interplay between the legal          students of this batch have not just
                               system and society. I am overjoyed with      built their CVs, but have built their
                               the growth of this batch, who have not       personali�es and character. These
                               only set an example for their juniors in     students have been treated as capable
                               tackling their academic and co-curricu-      adults; the atmosphere of this
                               lars during the last semester while brav-    University created to be a microcosm
                               ing a global pandemic; but who are also      of the professional world outside. Such
                               now well equipped to deal with unprec-       exposure has Mentally invigorated
                               edented challenges which they may            them into thinking bigger through
                               face in the professional world a�er          constant Na�onal and Interna�onal
                               finishing their studies. These students       engagements. This has resulted in
                               have helped shape the University into        them transforming into competent law
                               what it is today both for themselves and     professionals but conscien�ous mem-
                               for the outside world. Their commit-         bers of the society who act as instru-
                               ment and contribu�on propelled the           ments of posi�ve and equitable
                               University to reach zenith in its achieve-   change.
                               ments, wherein NLU Delhi’s NIRF Rank-
                               ing has been 2nd in Law Category all         Adap�ng,           exploring        and
                               over India, for the last three consecu�ve    revolu�onising is the cornerstone and
                               years in a row in 2018, 2019, and 2020.      mandate of this batch. The fi�h year
                               Only with the performance of our             students have exemplified and
                               students at mul�-face�ed levels and          showcased this throughout the
                               their dedica�on to do the best has the       current scenario of global crisis. They
                               University been accredited with an ‘A’       have not only won ADR and moot com-
                               grade with a score of 3.59 on a              pe��ons, but also par�cipated in
                               four-point scale by NAAC Ranking; and        various events at the University, and
                               has earned Category-1 University status      also organised collec�vely Beneficial
                               UGC granted Autonomy.                        ac�vi�es through their student
                                                                            commi�ees and communi�es, like
                               This batch amply availed of opportuni-       holding yoga and calisthenics classes
                               �es to expand their repertoire of            for all, and debates and discussions on
                               knowledge and experience with the            social issues through their group called
                               University’s expansive interac�ons           Engage. With the backdrop of a
                               through faculty visits and lectures by       pandemic, having achieved so much
                               Dis�nguished,    Visi�ng/Chair,    and       despite the obvious challenges and
                               Honourary Faculty and engaging with          handicaps, with limited resources at
                               projects of Research Centres at NLUD.        hand, is a marvel in itself. This

showcases not only their intellectual    taking responsibili�es within the
development but also their vibrant       University. They have best adapted to
and diverse personal and social          the fast-moving, changing, and
development. The batch has made          demanding need of the hour by resort-
the University proud by winning the      ing to and adop�ng the virtual as reali-
Manfred Lachs Interna�onal Space         ty. The students here embody that
Law Moot Court Compe��on. The            teaching and learning are mutual
moot is the most pres�gious Interna-     processes of interac�on, give and take,
�onal Moot Court Compe��on glob-         and of ideas and thoughts being
ally in the field of Space Laws. They     exchanged. Thus, their ac�ve and
have proven to have been an intrin-      out of the way par�cipa�on and
sic part of NLU Delhi, trea�ng it both   engagement have been highly impera-
as a ma�er of pride and of responsi-     �ve to crea�ng an environment of
bility, not only towards oneself but     learning and growth. Their engagement
to the society and country at large.     with the faculty and with each other
The University takes an all-rounded      through legal aid, internships, online
approach to student growth and           cultural and other ac�vi�es, etc. have
welfare, which makes me hopeful for      imparted them with a holis�c and inclu-
these young students who have            sive growth, other than only academic.
become responsible adults with a
strong sense of self. Mul�-faceted       This batch has shown tremendous
dialogue, debate, discussion and         growth both collec�vely and as individ-
ques�oning is how students are           uals, with the students not only uphold-
groomed into becoming adept              ing the established high academic
lawyers, administrators, academi-        standards in the past semester but also
cians, researchers, and various other    progressing personally as young adults.
professionals with a sense of respon-    They inspire confidence in me for
sibility. Through the microcosms of      them to be represen�ng the universi-
the University, students were            ty, their parents, their country, and the
exposed to their own capabili�es         best of themselves into the outside
required to be the professional they     compe��ve world of law and legal
want to be in the macrocosm of the       ma�ers.
society and world.

What both surprises and delights
me, is this batch’s commitment to
causes greater than its own, and its
deep apprecia�on and sense of
responsibility towards others, which
is essen�ally the mandate of the
University to give back to the society
by training the students to be social-
ly relevant educated and consciona-
bly responsible adults. Be it through
Legal Aid or other student groups,
their sensi�vity towards the rights of
others by going through a process of
self-awareness during the tenure of
their study is unparelled. This has
ins�lled in them an importance of
respec�ng difference in the society.

The exhaus�ve curriculum is a novel
and innova�ve melange of quality
educa�on, building skills and
engaging ethics. Yet, no educa�on is
complete or whole, when it’s only
theore�cal. All the students have
been always making ample use of
opportuni�es to learn and grow by

With profound pride and honour, I           capable adults, the atmosphere of this     compe��ons, organised various
present to you the batch of 2021. The       University is a microcosm of the           events at the University, and
quest to learn and grow is the mantra of    professional world outside, mentally       engaged diversely through their
this batch. My personal and academic        invigora�ng them into thinking bigger      student commi�ees and social
interac�ons with these students gave        by exposing them to constant Na�onal       engagement communi�es.
me an insight into their enlightened        and Interna�onal engagements.
                                                                                       This batch’s eagerness to expand
thoughts and poten�al for a promising
                                            The students of this batch made use of     their growth delights me, for their
future, inspiring confidence in me for
                                            opportuni�es to learn and grow by          commitment towards collec�ve
them to be represen�ng NLU Delhi into
                                            taking responsibili�es to organise         learning and achieving. For a
the outside compe��ve world of law
                                            workshops, seminars and conferences        University that believes in the future
and legal ma�ers. The students of this
                                            within the University. They made           of the society in the hands of its
batch not only demonstrated their
                                            ample us of the online and print           youth, this batch of 2021 gives me
excellence in upholding high academic
                                            resources of the NLUD Library; thereby     hope for being adept at their socially
standards but also their personal
                                            honing their legal skills to real-life     relevant educa�on, contribu�ng to
progress, taking umpteen advantages
                                            situa�ons through programmes like          changing the social fabric that the
of the teacher to taught ra�o (1:10) by
                                            moo�ng, clinical exercises, legal aid      Country needs.
engaging in intellectually s�mula�ng
                                            advisory and projects, and a plethora
discussions, moot court compe��ons,
                                            of cultural and literary ac�vi�es. Their   With this, I am delighted to present
lectures, and opportunity to travel
                                            personal growth coupled with their         to you, Batch of 2021, which truly
aboard through student exchange
                                            academic proficiency, gained from           exemplifies educa�on intermingled
programmes. This batch amply availed
                                            series of challenges presented to them     with innova�on, values merged with
of opportuni�es to expand their
                                            star�ng with an extensive entry system     avenues, and the self centred
repertoire     of    knowledge      and
                                            to exhaus�ve syllabi; makes me look        around service of others.
experience with the university’s
                                            forward to their capable engagements
expansive interac�ons through faculty
                                            with the professional world.
visits and lectures by Dis�nguished,
Visi�ng/Chair, and Honourary Faculty        Inculcated with a           sense    of
and engaging with projects of Research      responsibility by assuming roles of
Centres at NLUD.                            leadership with patronship towards
                                            the diverse nature of India, they were
These students have helped shape the        introduced to external affilia�ons like
University into what it is today both for   the Increasing Diversity by Increasing
themselves and for the outside world.       Access (IDIA) that exposed their
Their commitment and contribu�on            weaknesses and strengths, and how to
propelled the University to reach zenith    op�mize and enhance their learned
in its achievements, wherein NLU            tradi�ons with modern prac�ces.
Delhi’s NIRF Ranking is 2nd in Law          Their sensi�vity towards the rights of
Category all over India, consecu�vely in    others by going through a process of
2018 and 2019; it is accredited with an     self-awareness during the tenure of
‘A’ grade with a score of 3.59 on a four    their study is unparelled, through their
point scale by NAAC Ranking; and has        exposure to the importance of
earned Category-1 University status                                                      Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai
                                            respec�ng difference in the society.          Registrar
UGC granted Autonomy.
                                            I especially could not have been             Na�onal Law University Delhi
The University is renowned to focus on      prouder of this batch for se�ng an
the holis�c and integrated development      example before their juniors and the
of its students into able legal             new first year batch, by not le�ng a
professionals, armed with both              global pandemic impede them in
theore�cal founda�on and prac�cal           progression or straying them from
knowledge of complexi�es and                their clear minded goals. They have
ni�y-gri�es of this demanding               not only upheld their academics but
profession. Students are treated as         also won Moots and other


NLU Delhi has been ranked 2nd in Law Category, all over India, by the NIRF for the last three con-
secu�ve years. It is accredited with an ‘A’ grade with a score of 3.59 on a four point scale by
NAAC Ranking; and has earned Category-1 University status UGC granted Autonomy. NLUD has
also recently been ranked 3rd in Swachhata Ranking 2019 by MHRD, Govt. of India.



One of the youngest Law Schools in the list of              enabling them to become pioneers of change for
premier Law Universi�es in India, Na�onal Law               future     genera�ons.      The      commendable
University Delhi was ins�tuted by Act 1 of 2008 of          achievements of the students of Na�onal Law
the Na�onal Capital Territory, Delhi. The University        University Delhi within a short span of �me stand
has been recognised by the Bar Council of India             tes�mony to the pool of skill and talent that this
under Sec�on 7(1) (i) of the Advocates Act, 1961 and        University has nurtured.
has been granted approval to conduct the five-year
integrated B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) programme.                   Dynamic in vision and robust in commitment, the
                                                            University in merely a decade has proven promising
The University has been established with a mandate          results of becoming one of the best, recognised both
to create lawyers who are professionally capable,           Na�onally a nd Interna�onally. More than an
socially responsive and equipped to face the myriad         ins�tu�on of teaching it has been a collabora�on of
challenges of an ever-evolving society. The vision of       teaching-learning-research, which brings together
the University is to create a global legal ins�tu�on        experienced and dis�nguished faculty from various
which strives to be the best, both within as well as        stratums of educa�on and from some of the best
outside India, and to present individuals with a            Law schools in the world. This has created NLUD into
wide range of opportuni�es to contribute to the             a space comprising a unique melange of eminent
legal profession.                                           and senior members and young and talented
                                                            members, all commi�ed towards strengthening
The curriculum and pedagogy at Na�onal                      higher educa�on in the Country.
Law University Delhi are designed to bridge the gap
between theore�cal concepts and their prac�cal
applica�ons. The University aims to encourage
novelty and scien�fic temper amongst its students,

University Infrastructure
The University flaunts its sprawling          Y. K. Sabharwal Moot Court Hall and Moot
campus, situated at Dwarka, New Delhi,       Court Research Room:
with a contemporary, trendse�ng, and
                                             The University has a pioneering E-Moot
leading-edge infrastructure. Its facili�es
                                             Court Hall equipped with the latest
comprise of an Academic block (five
                                             up-to-date high-tech AV equipment, with a
floors), Halls of residence, Hostels
                                             sea�ng capacity of over 170 people.
separately for boys and girls (six floors),
                                             Students studying here are habituated to
independent Administra�on block (five
                                             real lifelike legal scenarios, by acquain�ng
floors), a Library, and an Auditorium.
                                             them with moo�ng through organising,
The campus is wi-fi (wireless friendly)       a�ending, and par�cipa�ng in prac�ce
enabled and the classrooms are well          moots and compe��ons.
equipped with digital podiums, LCD
                                             The Moot Court Research Room was
projector with display screen, and
                                             inaugurated in August 2020. It has been
‘E-Sta�on Smart Mul�media Podium’
                                             constructed essen�ally for students to have
used to facilitate teaching through
                                             a space to concentrate, study, and prac�ce;
audio-visual methods. The University has
                                             and have resource material available to
a fully air-condi�oned auditorium with a
                                             prepare for moot court compe��ons. Setup
sea�ng capacity of over 650 people. It
                                             inside the library in its basement, it has a
also houses four Conference/Seminar
                                             separate entrance for students. It houses
rooms, furnished with ultra-modern AV
                                             previous moot memorials, compactors with
facili�es, located at various floors of the
                                             a capacity of accommoda�ng 2000 books,
Academic Block in the University.
                                             sea�ng for more than 35 people, two staff
The University provides access to            members, four casse�es AC, and a projector
state-of-the-art academic and research       to be placed soon.
infrastructure; thereby enabling the
students to pursue their interests. The
Jus�ce T.P.S. Chawla library has a rich
collec�on of over 45,000 volumes of
books, academic and repor�ng journals,
commi�ee reports, and other reference
materials which include over 150 journal
subscrip�ons and online journals.
Further, the students are also provided
on-campus as well as off-campus
access to the best legal resources    and
digital databases including AIR Infotech,
Manupatra, SCC Online,         LexisNexis,
Westlaw,      HeinOnline, JSTOR, Hart
eBooks, Kluwer Arbitra�on Online and
eBooks of Taylor-Francis.

Distinguished, Chair, Honourary
and Visiting Professors
The University has the advantage of          Chair Professor, Professional • Prof. K.P.S. Mahalwar
invi�ng si�ng and re�red judges of the       Ethics:
Supreme Court, the High Court and            Dis�nguished Professor:       • Prof. (Dr.) Upendra Baxi
also leading lawyers, academicians                                         • Prof. B.B. Pande
and re�red Judicial Officers for lectures,
seminars and discussions involving the       Honorary Professor:           • Hon’ble Jus�ce Khalil Ur Rahman
students and the faculty. The following                                    • Hon’ble Mr. Jus�ce Lyonpo Sonam Tobgye
dis�nguished luminaries have been            Honorary Professor of         • Prof. Steve K. Ngo
appointed     by our University as           Law:                          • Hon’ble Mr. Jus�ce Mohan Peiris
Dis�nguished and Honorary Professors.                                      • Prof. Marc Galanter
                                                                           • Prof. Sophie M. Sparrow
                                                                           • Prof. Olivier De Schu�er
                                                                           • Prof. Sukhsimranjit Singh

The Na�onal Law University Delhi pro-ac�vely explores             The University has a dedicated Interna�onal Rela�ons
possibili�es of signing MoUs with various Universi�es and         Office (IRO) for coordina�ng these Interna�onal
Ins�tu�ons of Na�onal and Interna�onal repute, to                 engagements across the globe, including mutually forging
garner a global face to the University. These MoUs pave           �es, and running its student exchange programmes.
the way for Students’ and Faculty Exchange Programmes,            University of Bergen, Norway regularly offers Erasmus
also further facilita�ng collabora�ve research and other          Plus Scholarships to NLUD students. It was offered to 9
academic ac�vi�es. These provide opportuni�es to the              students for the Academic Year 2019-20.
Faculty and students to excel in the field of legal
educa�on across the globe.


•   Asian Arb and Adr Alliance, Singapore                         •   School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
•   Asean Legal Alliance Ltd.                                         University of London
•   Bodh Raj Sawhney Memorial Trust, Delhi                        •   School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir,
•   Commonwealth Human Rights Ini�a�ves (CHRI)                        Sonwar, Srinagar
•   Copyright X Affilia�on Agreement, Harvard Law School            •   The University of Alabama School of Law, Alabama
•   Council of Secure Jus�ce, Delhi                                   USA
•   Central Reserve Police Force, Central Government              •   The University of Bergen, Faculty of Law, Norway
•   Cochin University of Science and Technology                   •   The University of Illinois
•   Deakin University, Victoria, Australia                        •   The University of New Hampshire, School of Law
•   Faculty of Law, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal,             •   The Legal Faculty of The Ruhr University Bochum,
    Srinagar                                                          Germany
•   Herbert Smith Freehills LLP                                   •   The University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
•   Interna�onal Centre for Alterna�ve Disputes                   •   The University of Melbourne
    Resolu�on (ICADR), Pepperdine University, U.S.A               •   The Law School of the Beijing Normal University,
•   Law Faculty of Julius-Maximillians University,                    China
    Wirzburg, Germany                                             •   The Straus Ins�tute for Dispute Resolu�on,
•   Law Faculty of the University of Antwerp, Belgium                 Pepperdine University, School of Law
•   Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.            •   Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey
•   McGill University (Ins�tute of Air & Space Law, Faculty       •   University of Houston Law Centre, USA
     of Law), Canada                                              •   University of Passau, Germany
•   Ministry of Law & Jus�ce, Government of India                 •   University of Johannesburg, South Africa
•   Na�onal Academic Depository (CSDL, Mumbai)                    •   University of Bergen, Faculty of Law, Bergen, Norway
•   Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Canada              •   University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense, France
•   Paris Bar, France, and The Chamber of Commerce and            •   University of Melbourne, Australia
    Industry France and India                                     •   Universidad Pon�ficia Comillas, Madrid, Spain
•   Pepperdine University, Malibu, USA                            •   University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
                                                                  •   VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

            “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those
                                   who prepare for it today.”

                                                    - Malcolm X


•   The Law School of the Beijing Normal University,             •   Cochin University of Science and Technology
    China                                                        •   The Himachal Pradesh Na�onal Law University,
•   Asian Arb and Adr Alliance, Singapore                             Shimla (HPNLU)
•   Asean Legal Alliance Ltd.                                    •   Damodaram Sanjivayya Na�onal Law University,
•   South Ural State University (Na�onal Research                     Visakhapatnam
    University)                                                  •   Indian Ins�tute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), Manesar
•   School of Law, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires,            •   Lal Bahadur Shastri Na�onal Academy of
    Argen�na                                                         Administra�on, Mussoorie, U�arakhand
•   Queen’s University at Kingston (Canada) on behalf of         •   BML Munjal University, Gurugram
    the Faculty of Law                                           •   G. D. Goenka University

• ‘Centre for Criminology and Vic�mology’ (CCV), NLU Delhi, and ‘The Indian Society of Criminology’ (ISC): This is mainly
to collaborate and publish jointly—the ‘Indian Journal of Criminology’; which is the oldest Journal in the country in
Criminology, being published since 1973, with 43 Volumes published and available online. On behalf of ISC, Prof. Arvind
Tiwari, its President, and Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh, Vice-Chancellor, NLUD and Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai, Registrar and
Chairperson CCV, NLUD, signed the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). NLUD publishes this Journal bi-annually, with
Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai as its Editor.

• CBI Academy Ghaziabad: Na�onal Law University Delhi, and CBI Academy, Ghaziabad, signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU), mainly for a coopera�ve partnership in order to undertake mutually beneficial research and
analysis, and conduct training and capacity building programmes to meet the missions of CBI Academy and NLU Delhi. On
behalf of CBI Academy, Shri Sharad Agarwal, its Director, and Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh, Vice-Chancellor NLUD and Prof. (Dr.)
G. S. Bajpai, Registrar NLUD, signed the MOU.

• Na�onal E-Governance Division, Ministry of Electronics and Informa�on Technology: The Na�onal E-Governance
Division NEGD, Department of Electronics and Informa�on Technology have signed a MoU with three law schools i.e. NLIU
Bhopal, NLU Delhi, and RGNUL in connec�on with a Post-Graduate Diploma in Cyber Forensics.
As a part of this a course, NLU Delhi has been iden�fied as the centre to impart prac�cal training to the officials engaged
in computer forensics. To this end, a state-of-the-art computer forensics lab, which will have the most modern technology
and so�ware to deal with cyber forensics cases, will be established at NLU Delhi. In the first phase, as many as 1000
officials of different cyber labs will be trained at NLU Delhi campus.


FIRST YEAR                                            FOURTH YEAR
Semester I                             Credits        Semester VII                            Credits
1. Legal Methods                         3            1.   Corporate Law-I                      3
2. Law of Torts-I                        3            2.   Environmental Law                    3
3. History of Legal and Cons�tu�onal     3            3.   Intellectual Property Rights Law     3
   Development in India                               4.   Banking & Nego�able Instruments      3
4. Poli�cal Science-I                    3            5.    Seminar Course-I                    5
5. English-I                             3
                                                      Semester VIII
Semester II                                           1.   Corporate Law-II                     3
1.   Law of Contracts-I                  3            2.   Taxa�on Laws                         3
2.   Law of Torts-II                     3            3.   Cyber Laws                           3
3.   Criminal Law-I                      3            4.   Clinic-II                            6
4.   Poli�cal Science-II                 3            5.   Seminar Course-II                    5
5.   English-II                          3

SECOND YEAR                                           FIFTH YEAR
Semester III                           Credits        Semester IX                             Credits
1.   Law of Contracts-II                 3            1. Interna�onal Trade Law                 3
2.   Family Law-I                        3            2. Judicial Process &                     3
3.   Criminal Law-II                     3               Interpreta�on of Statutes
4.   Economics & Law-I                   3            3. Clinic-III                             6
5.   Sociology-I                         3            4. Seminar Course-III                     5
                                                      5. Seminar Course-IV                      5
Semester II
1.   Law of Property                     3            Semester X
2.   Family Law-II                       3            1. Law of Insurance                       3
3.   Law and Poverty                     3            2. Human Rights, Interna�onal             3
4.   Economics & Law-II                  3               Humanitarian Law & Refugee Law
5.   Sociology-II                        3            3. Clinic-IV (Court Management &          6
                                                         Prac�cal Training)
                                                      4. Seminar Course-V                       5
THIRD YEAR                                            5. Seminar Course-VI                      5

Semester V                             Credits
1.   Jurisprudence-I                     4
2.   Cons�tu�onal Law-I                  4
3.   Administra�ve Law                   4
4.   CPC & Law of Limita�on              4
5.   Law of Evidence                     4

Semester VI
1.   Jurisprudence-II                    4
2.   Cons�tu�onal Law-II                 4
3.   Clinic-I (ADR)                      5
4.   Interna�onal Law                    3
5.   Labour Law                          3

Evaluation Criterion
At Na�onal Law University, Delhi, students are evaluated on a seven-point
Cumula�ve Grade Point Average (CGPA). Evalua�on is based on a series of
periodic tests, semester examina�ons, research projects, disserta�ons and class
presenta�ons conducted throughout the semester.

Clinical Legal Education                              Curriculum
Recognising that any legal educa�on is                NLU Delhi’s curriculum is inspired by the ‘UGC
incomplete without prac�cal exposure, the             Curriculum Development Commi�ee Report’,
curriculum at Na�onal Law University Delhi is         to meet the challenging academic progressions
the synergy of classroom teaching and clinical        posed by globaliza�on; e-commerce; and
legal educa�on, aimed at ensuring a                   transna�onal, legal, social, and poli�cal issues.
s�mula�ng and par�cipa�ve learning process            The study curriculum addresses the myriad
that spans across disciplines. Our students are       concerns of an Indian society intermingled
required to study four clinic courses which           with modern educa�on involving legal literacy,
inculcate crucial skills such as dra�ing,             poverty, human development, etc. The syllabi
conveyancing, pleading,         trial advocacy,       promote an inter-disciplinary approach,
professional ethics and training in methods of        including aspects of clinical legal educa�on as
alternate dispute resolu�on. The structure of         integral component of instruc�on and
the academic year at the University also              dissemina�on of knowledge.
permits students to undertake internships for
the purpose of gaining professional experience


The University has many illustrious Research Centres established to cater to diverse research and training needs
of the society. The corpus of research funds of these centres run into Crores, and aids from Governmental
agencies, higher judiciary, and Interna�onal academia; partnering for various projects. The centres addi�onally
offer significant opportuni�es to the students to indulge in research to build their competence. Currently there
are 19 ac�ve Research Centres at NLUD.

                                       Project 39A
                                       Project 39A, previously known as the Centre on the Death
                                       Penalty, was established in 2014 to undertake new
                                       avenues of research on the criminal jus�ce system,
                                       ensure competent legal representa�on for indigent
                                       prisoners sentenced to death, and open new fronts and
                                       methods of discussion on the death penalty, among
                                       various stakeholders and the public.

                                       Centre for Innovation,
                                       Intellectual Property and
                                       Competition (CIIPC)
                                       The Centre for Innova�on, Intellectual Property and
                                       Compe��on was set up in 2015 with the aim of
                                       suppor�ng academic and policy oriented dialogue in
                                       the individual and intersec�onal areas of innova�on,
                                       intellectual property and compe��on.

                                        Centre for Communication
                                        Governance (CCG)
                                        The Centre for Communica�on Governance was
                                        established in 2013 to ensure that Indian legal educa�on
                                        establishments engage more meaningfully with
                                        informa�on law and policy, and contribute to improved
                                        governance and policy making.

Center for Law, Justice
and Development (CLJD)
The Centre for Law, Jus�ce and Development envisions
revisi�ng, analysing and engaging with the development
discourse and its interface with the legal discourse with
the aim to par�cipate in, contribute to and endeavour to
mould the discourse as well as opera�onalisa�on of
varied no�ons within the same in ways geared towards
securing just domes�c and interna�onal order.

Centre for Transparency and
Accountability in Governance (CTAG)
Centre for Transparency and Accountability in
Governance has been cons�tuted to uphold the
commitment of the rule of law and good governance.
The Centre emphases on sensi�zing people on
transparency and accountability in governance;
empowering people such as students, lawyers, and public
officials to contribute effec�vely to ensure transparency
and accountability in governance; and crea�ng and
promo�ng quality research in the area of transparency
and accountability in governance.

Centre for Linguistic Justice
and Endangered Languages (CLJEL)
Centre for Linguis�c Jus�ce and Endangered Languages
(CLJEL) aims to facilitate an innova�ve approach towards
the ongoing research and teaching thrust, and also to
become a unique ini�a�ve in the country, a well as a
role model for other legal educa�on ins�tu�ons for
interdisciplinary work.

Centre for Tax Laws (CTL)
The Centre for Tax Laws was established in 2018 to work
in the area of tax laws. A robust taxa�on framework helps
in mobilizing revenue for governments’ welfare
commitments and serves as the backbone of a sound

Centre on Criminology and
                                          Victimology (CCV)
                                          The Centre on Criminology and Vic�mology promotes
                                          research and ac�on in the areas of criminal jus�ce and
                                          vic�mology and conducts training to wings of the criminal
                                          jus�ce system, especially in the area of juvenile jus�ce.
                                          Addi�onally, the Centre cri�cally analyses and examines
                                          laws, policies and programmes from the perspec�ve of
                                          the vic�m, with emphasis on protec�on, rehabilita�on,
                                          par�cipa�on and jus�ce.

                                          Centre for Transnational
                                          Commercial Law (CTCL)
                                          The Centre for Transna�onal Commercial Law aims to be
                                          a na�onal leader in private and governmental transna-
                                          �onal commercial law research, teaching and discussion.
                                          It also engages in private and governmental transna�onal
                                          commercial law reform advice and policy evalua�on, and
                                          provides consulta�ve services to the government and
                                          other ins�tu�ons dedicated to the development of
                                          transna�onal commercial law and prac�ce.

                                          Center for Human Rights
                                          and Subaltern Studies (CHRSS)
                                          The focus of the Centre is researches on human rights
                                          related to the subaltern social groups, especially Dalits,
                                          women, indigenous communi�es and religious, ethnic
                                          and linguis�c minori�es.

Centre for Studies in                                          Centre for Banking and
Disability and Law (CSDL)                                      Financial Laws (CBFL)
The Centre for studies in Disability and Law aspires to        The banking has been a foremost sector which has
spearhead and contribute to the development of the             reformed the country’s economy to a great extent.
interdisciplinary theore�cal research, and advocacy            From its old paradigm of capital, labour and
frameworks necessary to remove the social,                     technology, the country’s economic growth has
legal, physical, policy, and a�tudinal barriers that           shi�ed its gaze towards the mobiliza�on of savings,
exclude people with disabili�es.                               their investments and returns.

Centre for Cyber Laws (CCL)                                   Centre for Alternative
                                                              Dispute Resolution (CADR)
The Centre for Cyber Laws has been established
to understand the socio-legal issues related to ever          The Centre for ADR has a vision to promote the use of
evolving cyberspace. Cyberspace is infinite and has            ADR methods among the legal and non-legal
poten�al to grow and evolve infinitely. The                    professionals, students and general public at large.
issues related to cyberspace are also evolving with           The Centre envisions a society which values harmony,
the advancement of informa�on technology.                     peaceful co-existence and diversity.

Center for Comparative Studies                                Centre for Criminal Justice
in Personal Laws (CCSPL)                                      Administration and
Research in the field of personal laws is required to
                                                              Human Rights (CCJAHR)
be done in India due to its mul�cultural and
                                                              The Centre for Criminal Jus�ce Administra�on and
religiously diverse society. As there is lack of
                                                              Human Rights aims to study and conduct research
uniformity in various matrimonial, succession and
                                                              on the distribu�on and ra�onalisa�on of power
in other related issues under personal laws despite
                                                              among various func�onaries with special emphasis
the direc�ve enunciated under Ar�cle 44 of the
                                                              on the inves�ga�on process, prosecu�on process
Cons�tu�on of India regarding the endeavour of
                                                              and trial process including sentencing process.
state to secure ci�zens, a uniform civil code, the
need of such kind of in-depth research becomes a
necessity, which is the one of the mandate of the

Centre for Comparative                                        Centre for Constitutional Law,
Law (CCL)                                                     Policy and Governance (Former)
The Center for Compara�ve Law was cons�tuted                  The Centre for Cons�tu�onal Law, Policy and
with the aim to promote as well as to serve as a point        Governance focuses on foregrounding rights,
of exchange of knowledge and exper�se amongst                 rightlessness   and other vulnerabili�es         in
the scholarly community involved in compara�ve                understanding, cri�quing, and reforming laws, legal
legal studies, both within and outside the country.           ins�tu�ons and modes of governance, so that they
                                                              reflect the cons�tu�onal ideals of jus�ce.

Centre for Environmental                                      Centre for Corporate Law
Law, Policy and Research                                      and Governance (CCLG)
(CELPR)                                                       To bring academicians, professionals, legal
                                                              experts, economists, regulators, judges, banking and
The Centre was established in August, 2016. The               financial law experts and students on panels for
fundamental objec�ve of the Centre is to promote              discussions as subject of Corporate Law is
legal educa�on and research in the field of                    mul�disciplinary in nature; to encourage debates
environmental law.                                            amongst par�cipants of the Center and produce
                                                              academic research.


EVENTS ON CAMPUS                                   Professor     Ghanshyam       Singh
Oxford-Price Media           Law Moot              Memorial Parliamentary Debate
Court Compe��on                                    The Professor Ghanshyam Singh Memorial
                                                   Parliamentary Debate is the flagship deba�ng event
The ‘Compara�ve Media Law and Policy’
                                                   of Na�onal Law University Delhi. The tournament
programme at          Oxford     University in
                                                   is a tradi�onal 3-on-3 style parliamentary
collabora�on with Na�onal Law University
                                                   debate. Started in the year 2011, the event has
Delhi organises the South-Asia Rounds of the
                                                   grown to become one of the biggest deba�ng
pres�gious ‘Price Media Law Moot Court
                                                   events in the country The University has previously
Compe��on’, annually at the NLUD campus.
                                                   hosted 38 teams from various Universi�es, with
Started in 2010 as an India-qualifying
                                                   combined prize money for this edi�on over 1.5
round, the moot has grown tremendously
                                                   Lakhs INR for various categories.
to include par�cipa�on from other
South-Asian na�ons like Pakistan, Nepal,           Insolvency Moot Court Compe��on
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It focuses on           The Insolvency Law Moot Court Compe��on, in
contemporary issues rela�ng to media and          associa�on with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
informa�on technology law and is well-known       Board of India is organised by the Centre
for its excellent judging standards.              for Transna�onal Commercial Law. The compe��on
                                                  was the first of its kind, curated to simulate the
NLU Delhi-Herbert Smith Freehills                 proceedings under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Interna�onal Nego�a�on Compe��on                  Code, 2016.
The University hosts the Interna�onal
Nego�a�on Compe��on in associa�on with             CCI Moot
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, London since 2014.    Na�onal Law University Delhi, in collabora�on
Each year the par�cipa�on and level of             with     Compe��on Commission        of India,
students’ performance exper�se progresses to       organises Na�onal NLUD-CCI Moot, dedicated to
further levels. In the recent past the             the field of Compe��on Law. The first edi�on held
compe��on has had 28 teams compe�ng with           in 2018, drew par�cipa�on from various law
each other, with 15 from across the globe;         colleges across India.
engaged in real-life simula�ons.
                                                  Bodh Raj Sawhny Memorial Ora�on
Na�onal Rounds, ICC Moot Court                    The Bodh Raj Sawhny Memorial Ora�on is being
Compe��on                                         organised at Na�onal Law University Delhi for over
The University began hos�ng the na�onal           five years. The lectures focus on contemporary
rounds of the ICC Moot Court Compe��on in         poli�co-legal issues, delivered by renowned legal
2016. The qualifying teams represent India at     and non-legal luminaries, including Prof. Upendra
the interna�onal rounds of the compe��on          Baxi, Shri Wajahat Habibullah, Prof. N. R. Madhava
held at The Hague, Netherlands.                   Menon, Dr. Shashi Tharoor and Ms. Santosh Yadav.

Cultural Fest
Cultural fest is the annually held cultural
fes�val of Na�onal Law University Delhi. The
cultural fes�val is filled with a wide array of
events, compe��ons and performances from
students and ar�sts par�cipa�ng from all
across the country. Cultural fest is among one
of the few cultural fes�vals organised by
various law colleges in India.

Increasing Diversity by Increasing                    Ambedkar Periyar Phule Study
Access (IDIA)                                         Circle
The University’s student body ac�vely                 This is a student-led ini�a�ve extending support in
par�cipates in Mr. Shamnad Basheer’s ini�a�ve         academics to marginalized students in the
to make learning of the law more accessible           University, especially those who are unable to
and inclusive to young children from various          u�lize academic opportuni�es due to various
economic and social strata. Students are              social barriers and constraints. It also acts as a
involved in training and mentoring aspiring law       pla�orm for discussion and debate on the issues of
students as well as in sensi�zing marginalized        social jus�ce, gender, caste, race and other
communi�es about legal educa�on.                      contemporary issues in India through guest
                                                      lectures, panel discussions and movie screenings.
Cinema Club
The Cinema Club is a gateway to world cinema,         Queer Collec�ve
exploring myriad themes to inculcate art              The Queer Collec�ve is an independent student
apprecia�on and crea�ve thinking. It provides a       collec�ve dealing with LGBTQIA+ poli�cs and
pla�orm    for     discussions   on      many         representa�on on campus. It has been involved in
contemporary and relevant themes.                     crea�ng awareness on issues surrounding
                                                      LGBTQIA+ rights through poster      campaigns,
Enable                                                movie screenings and discussion groups. It has
Enable is a student group dedicated towards           invited speakers belonging to the LGBTQIA+
providing support to disabled students by             community to interact with students, and has
making everyday life more accessible. The             par�cipated in the Delhi Queer Pride Parade as
group seeks to spread awareness and sensi�ze          well.
members of the University to the problems
faced by the disabled community, and how the          Engage
same can be addressed.
                                                      A student group geared towards encouraging a
Gender Circle                                         culture of thought and discourse on campus. This
                                                      ini�a�ve will lay equal emphasis on University
The Gender Circle has played a prominent role         issues as it will on broader socio-poli�cal,
in breaking gender stereotypes and crea�ng            economic, and cultural discussions through a
gender sensi�za�on on campus through                  variety of formats. While trying to resolve issues
various formal and informal interac�ve events,        related to harassment and discrimina�on,
guest lectures and panel discussions.                 a�endance and academic performance, mental
                                                      health, student governance, administra�ve
Legal Aid
                                                      transparency, etc. we intend to facilitate effec�ve
The University, through the Legal Services            dialogue between various stakeholders, star�ng
Commi�ee, has been involved in fostering legal        with the students, faculty, and the administra�on.
aid and awareness. The University has
established a fully func�onal Legal Aid Clinic
and the Clinic for Assistance in Labour Laws
(CALL) -- an ini�a�ve to bridge the chasm
between workers and the legal machinery, by
providing access to quality legal aid. As a part of
the HSF Community Engagement Awards, the
ini�a�ve was selected as one of the five best
legal aid ini�a�ves in India. The University,
through the Commi�ee, has also cons�tuted a
pro-bono panel of prac�sing lawyers who help
the commi�ee in its legal interven�ons.


Gradua�ng from a leading university with a               a sense of social responsibility. We have worked
stellar reputa�on comes with its fair share              under various research projects like the
of expecta�ons and responsibili�es. The Batch            Death Penalty Research Project, NALSA, the
of 2021 of Na�onal Law University Delhi has              Tihar Jail Project and several ini�a�ves under
�me and again stood up to and conquered                  the umbrella of the Centre for Communica�on
such challenges.                                         Governance.
Our class is a healthy mix of students hailing           We have also been ac�vely involved as research
from various parts of India, which adds value            assistants for some of our professors, and have
to the holis�c educa�on provided by the                  assisted them on an array of assignments
University. It allows for a more diverse,                ranging from empirical field work to doctrinal
engaging and enriching academic experience.              research. Various engagements through
Being the ninth batch of the University, we have         student commi�ees and student communi�es
had the opportunity of being both mentees (of            expanded our growth and exposed us to issues
seniors) and mentors (to juniors), as well as the        greater than our own. Constant discussions,
chance to spearhead the growth and                       debates and delibera�ons have sensi�sed us to
development of our ins�tu�on.                            difference and diversity of opinions,
The class comprises of students who are not              strengthening us by exposing us to our personal
just academically inclined and commi�ed to               and collec�ve weaknesses.
the highest of scholarly pursuits, but also those        Moreover, the pandemic has added newer
who display a voracious zeal for co-curricular           dimensions to our growth, increased pro-ac�ve
ac�vi�es such as moot court compe��ons,                  inclina�ons, and added depth to the sensi�vity
debates,     nego�a�on        and      media�on          to our personali�es towards societal welfare. It
compe��ons, Model United Na�ons (MUN)                    has also made us more efficient in balancing
conferences, and par�cipa�on in na�onal                  life’s unprecedented challenges while making
and interna�onal conferences, seminars and               op�mum use of the resources available or
courses.                                                 crea�ng new possibili�es and avenues for
Our enthusiasm also extends to sports, where
we have won numerous laurels at the na�onal              The Batch of 2021 has seen immense personal
level. We have also had immense interna�onal             and professional growth through its journey at
exposure, with students from our class                   this University, a�ributable, in no small part, to
having par�cipated in various interna�onal               the University itself and the infrastructure,
moot court compe��ons, media�on and                      mentorship and opportuni�es it works so hard
nego�a�on      compe��ons     and    student             to provide to its students. As we near the end of
exchange programs. Various engagements                   this journey, our earnest hope is that this
through student commi�ees and student                    growth shines through to you. We hope you will
communi�es expanded our growth and                       enjoy acquain�ng yourself with our batch as
exposed us to issues greater than our own.               much as we have enjoyed our own
Constant     discussions,    debates     and             development over the past five years. We look
delibera�ons sensi�sed us to difference and               forward to interac�ng with you.
diversity of opinions, strengthening us by
exposing us to our personal and collec�ve
Apart    from    having    gained    valuable
experience      and     professional     skills
while being associated with notable
advocates, law firms, corporate houses, think
tanks, and non-governmental organisa�ons, we
have      also     been     ins�lled     with


           Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur
           Professor (Law)
           Taught Corporate Law
           It's a pleasure to introduce the Batch of 2021 to prospec�ve employers. Having
           interacted with them for a period of two semesters, I am impressed with their
           intellectual capabili�es and communica�on skills. Their research quali�es
           highlight their clear understanding of concepts and the eagerness to learn. I wish
           them all the best for their future and I am sure they will do jus�ce to any work
           which is assigned to them.

           Prof. (Dr.) Ruhi Paul
           Professor (Law)
           Taught Civil Procedure Code & Alterna�ve
           Dispute Resolu�on
           I had a very enriching experience while teaching the Batch of 2021. I have
           witnessed the overall performance of the batch ge�ng be�er with each passing
           year of their stay at the Na�onal Law University Delhi. This is a very focused batch
           of students not only in academic and research ac�vi�es but also other extra and
           co-curricular ac�vi�es. Students of this batch are very well - mannered,
           hardworking, dedicated, professional and disciplined. I am sure, with all these
           quali�es, each and every student of Batch of 2021 will be a valuable asset to any
           ins�tu�onal they will join.

           Dr. Risham Garg
           Associate Professor (Law)
           Taught Law of Contracts
           It is my privilege as a teacher to write a note of recommenda�on for the class of
           2021. I have taught them a faw courses and also had the occasion to interact
           closely with them in a few conferences. Teaching them each course has been a
           pleasure as they have been keen students in class, par�cipa�ng in class discussion
           and never falling to ini�ate interac�on. I have always been impressed with their
           inquisi�veness and quest for knowledge through a�endance at symposiums,
           seminar and personal communica�on with other experienced professionals in
           the field. I am confident that they will con�nue to display the same level of
           commitment and enthusiasm as they did at Na�onal Law University Delhi.

           Dr. Aparna Chandra
           Assistant Professor (law)
           Taught Cons�tu�onal Law
           I’ve had the privilege of extensively interac�ng with the students from the batch
           of 2021. I taught the class Cons�tu�onal Law in their third year and found the
           class consistently well prepared, engaged, enthusias�c, and commi�ed to
           learning. Students from this class have also made a significant mark on the
           community life of the University. They par�cipate vigorously in co-curricular
           ac�vi�es and take the lead in organising campus events. This ability to take
           ownership of the ins�tu�on and work towards its be�erment makes me
           confident that students from this batch will be a great asset to any organisa�on
           they join.



•   INADR Interna�onal Media�on Tournament, Chicago, USA, 2020
•   Quarter Finalist, AILSF Na�onal Media�on Compe��on 2020
•   Winner, first NLU Jodhpur Deal Media�on Compe��on, 2019
•   Runner-up Nego�ator, IV RMLNLU NA�onal Media�on Compe��on, 2018
•   Semi Finalist, 4th Na�onal Law School- Interna�onal Nego�a�on Compe��on, 2018
•   Quarter-finalist, Warsaw Business Nego�a�on Round, Poland 2018
•   ICC Paris Media�on week, 2018
•   Winner, Media�on category, NLS Nego�a�on Media�on and Client Counselling Compe��on, 2017
•   Speaker Rank 5, Client Nego�ator Category, Young Interna�onal Media�on Compe��on, Vis East
    Moot Founda�on, Hong Kong, 2017


•   Winner, World Finals, 29th Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court
    Compe��on, 2020
•   Best Defence Memorial, Best Defence Team, Semi-Finalist, World Rounds,
     Interna�onal Criminal Court Moot Court Compe��on, The Hague,
    Netherlands 2019
•   Winners, SK Puri Interna�onal Moot Court Compe��on, CLC Jus�fied,
•   Semi-Finalist and 3rd Best Speaker, 11th Na�onal Law School Bangalore-
    Trilegal Interna�onal Arbitra�on Moot, 2019
•   Octa-Finalists and Winner of best Newcomer Performance, 20th Annual
    Interna�onal Mari�me Law Arbitra�on Moot, Ro�erdam, Netherlands,
•   Pre-Finals, World Rounds, Nelson Mandela World Human RIghts Moot
     Court Compe��on, Geneva, 2019
•   Best Memorials, India Round, Philip C Jessup Interna�onal Law Moot Court
     Compe��on, 2019
•   Second Best Memorials, 20th DM Harish Government Law College
     Interna�onal Moot Court Compe��on, Mumbai, India 2019
•   3rd Best Team Overall, Best Oralist, Second Best Memorial, Quarter-Finalist,
     Asia-Pacific Con�nental Rounds, Malfred Lachs Interna�onal Space Law
    Moot Court Compe��on, 2019
•   9th Best Team, World Rounds, Frankfurt Investment Arbitra�on Moot
    Court Compe��on, Frankfurt, Germany, 2019
•   Semi-finalists and Second Runner-up, Asian Interna�onal Arbitra�on
    Center-Interna�onal Chambers of Commerce Vis Pre-Moot, Kuala Lumpur,
    Malaysia, 2018
•   Quarter-Finalists, World Rounds, ICC Moot Court Compe��on, The Hague,
    Netherlands, 2018
•   Quarter-Finalist, ICRC Henry Dunant Memorial Moot COurt COmpe��on,
     2018 (Na�onal Rounds)
•   3rd posi�on overall and 5th Best Memorials, World Rounds, Herbert Smith
    Freehills Compe��on Law Moot Court Compe��on 2018
•   Best Applicant Memo, India Rounds, Leiden - Sarin Interna�onal Air Law
    Moot Court Compe��on, 2018


•   3rd Best Team, Indian Qualifiers, 12th Frankfurt Investment Arbitra�on
    Moot Court, 2019
•   Winner, S.K. Puri Interna�onal Moot Court Compe��on, 2019
•   Runners-up and 2nd best Memorials, Jindal Technology Law and Policy
    Moot Court Compe��on 2018
•   Semi-Finalists, interna�onal Chambers of Commerce India Vis Pre-Moot,
    Delhi, 2018
•   Best-Oralist, 14th Nani Palkhivala Memorial Tax Moot, SASTRA University
    Thanjavur, 2018
•   2nd Best Memo, Compe��on Law Moot, Na�onal Law University, Jodhpur,
•   Quarter-finalists and 2nd Best Memorial, Bodh Raj Sawhney Na�onal Moot
    Court Compe��on, NALSAR University, Hyderabad, 2017
•   4th GNLU Moot on Securi�es and Investment Laws - 3rd Best Memorial


•   Best Athlete (joint), Viraj, Annual Sports Fes�val, NLU Odisha, 2019
•   2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze Medals, Mixed Swimming Events Viraj,
    Annual Sports Fes�val, NLU Odisha, 2019
•   Winners, Women’s Basketball, Viraj, Annual Sports Fes�val, NLU
    Odisha, 2019
•   Winner, Women’s Football, Viraj, Annual Sports Fes�val, NLU
    Odisha, 2019
•   Yuvardha, Sports Fest, Na�onal Law University, Jodhpur, 2019
•   Best Con�ngent Overall, Virudhaka, NLIU Bhopal, 2016
•   Winners, Girls’ Football, Virudhaka, NLIU Bhopal, 2016
•   Runners-up, Girls’ Basketball, Virudhaka, NLIU Bhopal, 2016
•   Runners-up, Football, Virudhaka, Sports Fest, NLIU Bhopal, 2016

•   Winner, United State Embassy Debate, Delhi, 2018
•   Winner, Steel Authority of India And Central Vigilance Commission Debate on An�-
    Corrup�on Prac�ce 2018
•   Winners, 70th Mukarji Memorial Debate, St. Stephens College, 2018
•   Winners, Jodhpur Parliamentary Debate, 2018
•   Winner, Novice Category, Mukarji Memorial Debate Compe��on, St. Stephens
    College 2017
•   Winners, 3rd Indian Women’ Deba�ng Championship, 2017

•   1st Posi�on, Surana and Surana Essay Compe��on, 2019
•   Runner-Up, SIPLA-NLS lkigai Contract Dra�ing Compe��on, 2019
•   Third Posi�on, Durga Das Basu Essay Compe��on, NUJS; Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy, 2019
•   1st Posi�on, Surana and Surana Essay Compe��on, 2018
•   Runner-Up, IBBI Insolvency Essay Compe��on, 2018

•   Students performed a skit at Na�onal Seminar on Good Governance, Development
    and Human Rights, organised by Na�onal Human Rights Commission and NLUD
•   Students Par�cipated as cast member in Dramatech theatre company, worked in
    produc�on - The Front Page and Towards Zero


•   Arista Chambers                                    •     Majumdar & Partners
•   AZB & Partners                                     •     Nishith Desai & Associates
•   Banana IP                                          •     P&A Law Office
•   Candour Legal                                      •     PSL Law Office
•   Chug LLP, USA                                      •     S&R Associates
•   Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas                          •     Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas
•   Dua Associates                                     •     Shearman & Sterling
•   GNP Legal                                          •     Singh & Singh
•   Herbert Smith Freehills                            •     Singhi & Co
•   HSA Advocates                                      •     Singhi & Singhi
•   Ikigai Law                                         •     Skadden Arps
•   India Law                                          •     Talwar Thakore & Associates
•   J. Sagar Associates                                •     TechLegis Advocates
•   Khaitan & Co.                                      •     Trilegal
•   Kochhar & Co.                                      •     Vaish Associates
•   L&L Partners                                       •     Verist Law
•   Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan                         •     Ver�ces Partners
•   Law Global Associates                              •     Yadav Associates
                                                       •     Wadhwa Law Chambers

•   ADN Rao, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of                •   K.K. Mannan, Senior Advocate, Delhi High Court
    India                                                        •   Krishna Kumar, Advocate Delhi High Court
•   Adit S. Pujari, Advocate, Supreme Court of India             •   Madhav Khurana, Advocate Delhi High Court
•   Anand Grover, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of              •   N Venkataraman, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of
    India                                                            India
•   Anirudh Wadhwa, Advocate, Wadhwa Law Chambers,               •   Pramod Kumar Dubey, Advocate, Delhi High Court
    New Delhi                                                    •   Puneet Mi�al, senior Advocate, Delhi High Court
•   Awadh Singh, Advocate, Karkardooma District Court            •   Rahul Narayan, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court
•   CU Sing, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India                 of India
•   Debesh Panda, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court              •   Ramesh Tripathi, Advocate, bombay High Court
    of India                                                     •   Rebecca M. John, Senior Advocate, Delhi High Court
•   Gourab Banerji, Former Addi�onal Solicitor Journal of        •   Rishabh Sanche�, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme
    India                                                            Court
•   Jai Dehadrai, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of           •   Senthil Jagadeedhan, Advocate-on-Record, Supreme
    India                                                            Court of India
•   J P Goyal, Senior Advocate, Rajasthan High Court             •   Sadan farasat, Advocate-on-record, Supreme Court of
•   K.T.S. Tulsi, Senior Advocate and Former Addi�onal               India
    Solicitor General of India                                   •   Shri Singh, Advocate, Delhi High Court
•   Karuna Nundy, LL.M. (Columbia), Advocate, Supreme            •   Sucheta Kumari, Advocate, Karkardooma District
    Court and Delhi High Court                                       Court
•   Kentan Kamdar, Advocate, District Court & Gujarat            •   Yug Mohit Chaudhary, Advocate, Bombay High Court
    High Court, Ahmedabad

•   Honourable (Dr.) Jus�ce D.Y. Chandrachud,
    Supreme Court of India
•   Honourable Jus�ce Pra�bha Singh,
    Delhi High Court
•   Honourable Jus�ce C Hari Shankar,
    Delhi High Court
•   Honourable Jus�ce Pankaj Bhandari,
    Rajasthan High Court

•   Centre for Equity Studies
•   Centre for Policy Research
•   Consumers India, New Delhi
•   CUTS Interna�onal, Jaipur, Rajasthan
•   Delhi State Legal Services Authority, New
•   Manipur Women’s Gun Survivors Network,
•   People’s Union of Civil Liber�es (PUCL)
•   Swechha, New Delhi

•   Beam Suntory Spirits and Wine (India) Limited
•   Columbia Global Freedom of Speech Project
•   District Court, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh
•   Gujarat State Legal Services Authority
•   Intellectual Property Rights Law Chair, NLU Delhi
•   Na�onal Green Tribunal
•   Secretariat of Lok Sabha, Parliament of India
•   The Indian Express
•   The Interna�onal Law Commission, United Na�ons Office, Geneva
•   Young Leaders for Ac�ve Ci�zenship
•   Zydus Cadilla, Ahmedabad

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