Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College

Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College
Senior School

  Information and Co-curricular Handbook
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 2


Vision and Values                    1
Message from the Headmaster          1
Message from the Deputy
Headmaster/Head of Senior School 2
Pastoral Care			3
Information, communications
and learning technologies            6
Keystone                             7
Boarding                             9
Outdoor Education                   10
Co-curricular, clubs and
Senior School procedures            34
School fees                         38
Important dates                     39
Key contacts in the
Senior School                       40
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College

                           Message from
                           the Headmaster
Vision and Values          The staff, students and I look
                           forward to welcoming you and your
                           family into the School in 2021.
Vision                     At St Peter’s College we believe
Our vision is to be an     in a holistic approach to
exceptional community      education. We are educating
of learning.               minds, building healthy bodies
                           and nourishing spirits. We achieve
                           this through our strong, inclusive
Values                     Anglican ethos, through the
Truth                      delivery of a robust academic
                           curriculum, and through the diverse range of co-curricular
We pursue truth that       activities that embrace a wide variety of sports, outdoor
we might live lives of     education, the creative and performing arts and other
integrity; we are led by   stimulating programs. We have a long tradition of success
truth to engage with       in providing a truly rounded education that prepares boys to
God, the world and         seize the opportunities and manage the uncertainties that
others with courage        inevitably lie ahead.
and kindness.
                           ‘Pushing the Boundaries’ is a well-researched outdoor
Respect                    education program designed to enrich the boys’ spirit
                           and broaden the depth of their experiences within a
We value each person
                           natural environment. I ask each boy to embrace this
and their place in the
                           experience to develop his personal attributes of courage,
rich web of life.
                           grit, determination, passion, endurance, commitment and
Service                    integrity.

We understand that the     You can be confident that in coming to St Peter’s College
world is a community in    you have chosen a school where we have outstanding
which order and wisdom     teachers who understand the specific needs of boys, and
must prevail to serve      where boys are allowed to be themselves. We know how
life for all beings in a   best to engage boys, and we know how to enthuse them.
sustainable way;           Each boy is nurtured and cherished for the contribution he
St Peter’s College         makes to the broader School community. We take pride
seeks to serve the needs   in knowing each boy in the School and we value every
of our wider community.    individual and his unique qualities. We understand how best
                           to encourage him to discover and develop his gifts, talents
                           and true strength of character.
                           I hope that you will find the information contained in this
                           booklet a helpful guide that will address any remaining
                           questions you may have as you prepare to join the School.
                           The staff, students and I stand ready to make the transition
                           as seamless as possible for you.
                           I am sure you will settle into life at St Peter’s College and
                           all it has to offer and that you will soon feel part of an
                           exceptional community of learning.
                           We look forward to seeing you soon.

                           Tim Browning | Headmaster
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 2

Message from the Deputy
Headmaster/Head of Senior School
With around 1,000 students from Years 7 to 12, including     minded approach to student progress, and we are active
100 boarders, the Senior School is a busy and vibrant        in supporting and facilitating accelerated learning wherever
place and a supportive community for all. Students pursue    appropriate.
interests and talents both in and out of the classroom,
                                                             At St Peter’s College, we believe relationships and
supported by both each other and a committed team
                                                             engagement are as important for student wellbeing as
of staff.
                                                             they are for learning. Driven by our values of truth, respect
St Peter’s College prides itself on its offer of a broad     and service, our students are confident to show their best
education and academic rigour. Students have the             efforts, contribute positively to our respectful culture and
opportunity to learn from a passionate team of teachers      make decisions in support of others. Outstanding pastoral
in an inspiring environment, one that reflects our history   care underpins everything we do and ensures that our
as much as our drive to be an exceptional community          families feel a strong and supportive sense of belonging.
of learning. The School strikes a balance between core
                                                             Welcome to St Peter’s College.
subjects and an exciting program of electives, which
adapts with the interests of each cohort, appropriately
                                                             Marcus Blackburn | Deputy Headmaster/
allowing student voice to influence and secure authentic
                                                             Head of Senior School
engagement in the learning process. We also lead an open-
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College

Pastoral care
House system                                                   Senior School Houses
Upon commencement at St Peter’s College every student
is allocated a House, each of which is led and guided by
the Head of House. Houses are the fundamental units in the
pastoral care system at the School. Each student is part of
a House, to which he can give his loyalty and from which he
can receive guidance and encouragement.
                                                               Da Costa House         MacDermott House
In Years 7 and 8 (Middle Years) students are part of Mentor
classes with other students from their year level. In Years
9 to 12 (Senior Years) students are organised into smaller
groups, known as Mentor groups, under the care of a
House Mentor. Our House system promotes the social,
academic, spiritual and emotional wellbeing of each student.
The House system provides many opportunities for               Farr House             School & Allen House
students to participate in annual traditions and community
activities enhancing a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
Friendships formed by the students during House activities
often last a lifetime.
For students in Years 7 and 8, the Mentor is the first point
of contact. The Mentor, Year Level Coordinator and Head of
                                                               Farrell House          Short House
Middle Years collaborate to support students.
In Years 9 to 12, the Mentor and Head of House are
the first points of contact for students and parents. The
Mentor, Head of House and Head of Senior School take
a collaborative approach in guiding and supporting each
                                                               Hawkes House           Woodcock House
Chapel program
Through our Chapel program students are encouraged
to develop an appreciation of the role that spirituality has
in wellbeing. This is an inclusive program, focused on
encouraging thoughtful engagement and meditation.
We impart our Anglican values directly through our House                              Young House
                                                               Howard House
Chapel Services, School Musters, and indirectly through the
role-modelling of our teachers and through the celebration
of students past and present who have represented these
values to all.
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 4

                                                                       The curriculum at St Peter’s College provides

                                                                       opportunities for every student to be educated to take
                                                                       their place in the world as informed, active, responsible
                                                                       citizens, often in positions of leadership in the community.

We want every student to commit to being a creative,                   Boys in Years 9 and 10 also begin to prepare themselves
open-minded, life-long learner who can use failure as a tool           for either the SACE or the International Baccalaureate
for growth. Importantly, every student is responsible for his          Diploma Programme (IBDP). Our ‘stage not age’ approach
own learning. Teachers work with every student to enable               means that some students in Years 9 and 10 may have
him to show independence of thought, develop intellectual              the opportunity to study courses and material beyond their
tenacity and to understand himself as a learner.                       year level. Students are also invited to take part, where
                                                                       appropriate, in our Micro Credential Program.
From Years 7 to 12, students are challenged, inspired and
nurtured through both a rich and diverse curriculum and through        Years 11 and 12: Acceleration and moving
evidence-based, innovative teaching. Opportunities are provided        beyond the ATAR
for students to come to know the world through different
perspectives, represented by subjects within eight faculties:          Learning in Years 7 to 10 is designed to provide a firm basis
                                                                       for either of the two options offered to students in Years 11
•   The Arts (Visual and Performing)
                                                                       and 12:
•   English                                                           •   The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), or
•   P
      ersonal Development (Health and Physical Education,             •   The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
     Religious and Values Education, Wellbeing)
•   Humanities
                                                                       The School offers over 25 SACE subjects and 18 IBDP
•   Languages (including English as an additional language)
                                                                       subjects, in six different areas, to enable students to select
•   M
     athematics                                                       a course of study in keeping with their abilities and interests.
•   Science                                                           All three languages (Chinese, French and German) are
•   Technology.                                                       offered in Years 11 and 12 for both the SACE and the
                                                                       IBDP Diploma. Students who take the IBDP must study at
                                                                       least one language other than English. Italian and Spanish
Course structure                                                       ab initio are also offered in the IBDP. These are beginner
Years 7 to 8: A broad, liberal education                               language courses which can be undertaken without previous
                                                                       experience in this language. Due to small class sizes in Years
During the first two years of the Senior School, students              11 and 12 languages, often the SACE students will study the
study a broad range of subjects with no early specialisation.          IBDP language curriculum in a combined class with
Students choose one ‘Language other than English’ (LOTE),              IB students.
selecting from Chinese (Mandarin), French or German.
Arts and Humanities subjects are compulsory, offering the              Students should note that most SACE Year 12 subjects are
broadest possible base on which students can build their               now offered in Year 11 for learners in need of acceleration
aspirations as learners. Students are also invited to take part,       and enrichment. This approach also means that many
where appropriate, in our Micro Credential Program.                    senior classes will operate on a ‘stage not age’ basis. Heads
                                                                       of Faculty will determine applicants’ suitability for each
Years 9 to 10: Electivity and learner agency                           class, remembering that one size never fits all in education.
                                                                       Successful acceleration candidates will do more in Year 12
In Year 9, they are still obliged to study a language. Beyond
                                                                       than simply prepare for their remaining assessments.
these constraints, boys are free to choose from nearly
                                                                       Boys will be expected, where appropriate, to engage
50 semesterised, elective subjects that speak to the values
                                                                       meaningfully with a range of workplace, entrepreneurial,
of student passion and inter-disciplinary learning. Beyond
                                                                       creative and micro-credentialled opportunities offered in
this, some Year 10 electives offer accelerative possibilities
                                                                       their final year. Students should begin immersing themselves
for appropriate South Australian Certificate of Education
                                                                       in the real world as they near the end of their secondary
(SACE) candidates.
Whereas students study Science as a single subject in
                                                                       More information on both the SACE and IBDP can be found
Years 7 to 9, in Year 10 the Science program divides into
                                                                       in the Senior School Curriculum Guide.
three specialised subjects – Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Students study each subject for a trimester (approximately
11 weeks each). In Years 9 and 10, students study those
subjects mandated by the Australian Curriculum.
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College

Catering to diverse learning needs                              support may meet the criteria to be eligible for Curriculum
                                                                Support Class (Years 7 to 10). These classes are smaller
All students are different and learn differently. Curriculum
                                                                and allow for more individual attention.
content or speed of lesson presentation is varied to reflect
the particular needs of a class group. Subject teacher          Students who are recognised as being highly able will be
planning is flexible in recognising the needs of all students   taught in mainstream classes as part of a differentiated
as individuals and ensuring progression and relevance.          curriculum. Some subjects feature streamed classes and
However, students whose needs are truly exceptional             many electives are tailored to students who are particularly
require enhanced provisions to enable them to fulfil their      able in certain areas. Faculties and the Diverse Learning
potential.                                                      Needs team may identify and work in different ways with
                                                                truly exceptional learners in an effort to challenge them
There are provisions made across the Senior School for
                                                                beyond the school, state and national standards.
both enrichment and reinforcement in the curriculum.
Students who have a diagnosed learning disability or
difficulty may be eligible for Curriculum Support which
provides support through several methods. Students may
be on an Individual Learning Plan or be provided with
in-class support. Students who require more intensive
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Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 6

Information, communication
and learning technologies

MacBook Program                               If your son does not have a               Option B: purchasing from
                                              MacBook                                   another vendor
All students from Years 7 to 12
participate in an Information and             Families are free to choose any new       If you decide to purchase the device
Communication Learning Technology             model of MacBook. Specifications          from another vendor, please bring
(ICLT) MacBook program as part of             worth considering are the device’s        your device to Keystone. Further
their enrolment. This program requires        weight, size, storage capacity and        information about set-up sessions will
all students in these year levels to          cost. We recommend you purchase           be communicated at a later date.
purchase their own MacBook. These             no larger than a 13” MacBook.
are the only laptops compatible with
                                                                                        Apple Repair Centre
                                              Option A: purchasing from St Peter’s
this program.                                                                           In the event that your son’s MacBook
                                              College ICLT online store
                                                                                        requires repairs, the School provides
If your son already has a                     To assist in providing affordable and     servicing and repairs through an
MacBook                                       ready access to Apple technology,         authorised Apple Repair Centre.
To ensure the device is ready for use in      the School has partnered with an          This service can be accessed via the
our teaching and learning program for         Apple reseller.                           Keystone Support Centre.
Term 1, we must ensure the systems            The order process is done entirely
and settings have been configured to
                                                                                        Insurance and warranty
                                              online, with the device delivered
integrate with the St Peter’s College         directly to the School ready for your     It is your responsibility to repair or
network. This will allow your son             collection. The ICLT online store         replace a malfunctioning MacBook.
to connect to printers, the wireless          includes a range of MacBooks. There       The School recommends that you
network and access subject specific           is also the opportunity to purchase       consider the three-year CompNow
software.                                     other optional devices such as backup     Care (an affordable alternative to
                                              drives and laptop cases.                  Apple’s three-year warranty) when
For new students, this configuration
                                                                                        purchasing the device. CompNow
process will take place during a              The School prefers that you purchase
                                                                                        provides coverage for accidental loss,
set-up session at School. Details will        through this portal as it offers
                                                                                        damage, liquid spills and theft. More
be communicated to new families.              competitive pricing and excellent
                                                                                        information is available on Keystone.
For existing students, new MacBooks           warranty and insurance options.
need to be presented at the Keystone          Please allow three weeks for delivery.    Software supplied by the School
Support Centre in the Senior School
Miller Library. Please contact the            The School recommends purchasing          Software provided by the School
Keystone Support Centre on                    the three-year AppleCare Protection       includes Microsoft Office, iWork and a
(08) 8404 0444 or keystone@stpeters.          Plan (APP). When comparing prices         range of general-purpose applications to arrange a convenient             with external vendors please consider     and utilities. This software can be
time. The Keystone Support Centre is          if the price provided includes APP.       accessed via the School network once
open 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to             Parents can access the online store via   the machine has been configured
Friday.                                       Keystone.                                 during the set-up session. Any
                                              If you have any technical questions       software required for the teaching and
As part of this process, all the files and                                              learning program will be provided at no
software stored on the device may be          about any items provided on the online
                                              store please contact our Keystone         additional charge.
erased. Please make sure you or your
son backup and save any data he               Support Centre on (08) 8404 0444,         Laptop bags or sleeves
wishes to retain.                             via email
                                              or visit                 A bag, hard case or sleeve is required
                                                                                        for the device. While we allow the use
                                                                                        of bags, they must be in the form of
                                                                                        slim line style bags and should not be
                                                                                        designed to carry anything other than
                                                                                        the laptop.
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College

Keystone                                       Keystone is the learning, information and communication
                                               platform developed by St Peter’s College.

It is in Keystone that the School’s            My Details                                 Clubs, Societies and Activities
events, processes and information are          Update the personal details that the       An online form for students to express
communicated. Importantly, Keystone            School holds about you and your son,       interest in joining clubs, societies and
is also the digital platform that records      including emergency contact details.       activities.
students’ academic, co-curricular and
                                               My Tasks                                   Community Directory
personal development.
                                               A tool for recording, tracking and         A searchable archive of contact details
Navigating Keystone                            submitting homework tasks allocated        of parents and boys at School.
                                               to your son.                               ICLT Online Store
Keystone is an innovative, dynamic
                                               Photography Consent Form                   Purchase hardware through our
website that contains dozens of useful
tools for the School’s many different          An online form granting permission for     online store.
processes and activities. Each tool is         your son’s photo to be used in School      School Calendar
represented by a labelled tile, and users      publications such as Saints, Magazine
                                                                                          A searchable list of every official event
will be presented with a suite of default      and social media.
                                                                                          in the School Calendar, displaying
tiles based on their individual needs.         My Photos                                  updates in real time.
                                               Photos that capture all aspects of         My Teachers
     Getting started                           student life from in-classroom learning
                                                                                          Find your son’s teachers and their
The Keystone URL is                            and co-curricular activities through to
                                                                                          contact details at a glance.            School events, music and sports.
You will need your Keystone ID and                                                        Learning Curve
                                               Student Medical Details
password in order to log in.                                                              The latest detailed information
                                               An online form for parents to keep their
                                                                                          regarding your son’s academic
                                               son’s medical information up to date to
    Menu bar                                                                              performance and progress. Parents
                                               ensure that he is able to safely attend
                                                                                          can view upcoming assessments,
The menu icon reveals all the Keystone         School activities, camps and excursions.
                                                                                          review how he has performed at
tiles, sorted into drop-down categories. If
                                               Financial Information                      specific skills and knowledge, and see
you are seeking a tile that is not on your
                                               Update your financial and/or banking       his overall grades. Data is published
dashboard, you can find it in the menu.
                                               information and view your current          throughout the year in real time.
    Searching for tiles                        School account balance.                    My Timetable
Search for tiles or other Keystone             Lunch Orders and Recharge                  An easy-to-use, updated display of
content in the search tool, denoted by         Place your son’s lunch orders in           your son’s academic timetable.
the icon of a magnifying glass. Start          advance or recharge your son’s lunch       My Wellbeing
typing the name of a tile to find it.          card for purchases while at School.
                                                                                          An archive of merits and concerns
                                               Music Timetable                            generated by staff about your son,
Customised dashboard                           Enrol your son into instrumental music     to help you engage with and reflect
While Keystone pre-selects tiles for your      lessons and check his lesson timetable.    with your son about his achievements,
dashboard, you can also customise it.          Sports Choices                             progress and challenges.
Press the menu bar to start customising,       An online form for students to choose
then add, remove or rearrange tiles at will.                                              Keystone Support Centre
                                               which sports they will play each term
                                               and a portal for parents to login and      Get in touch with the Keystone
    Searching for people                       approve their son’s request.               Support Centre to register technical
Find contact details of individuals and                                                   issues regarding your son’s device and
                                               Sport Zone
groups within the School community                                                        operational concerns about Keystone.
                                               Access sporting event information for
by searching through members’                                                             We also welcome feedback and
                                               the entire sporting program. Discover
relationships.                                                                            suggestions regarding Keystone.
                                               your son’s upcoming sporting fixtures
                                               and his past results. Also view Sport      You may also contact the Keystone
Keystone tiles
                                               Wikis with coaches’ information on         Support Centre on 08) 8404 0444 or
Among the many tiles available within          skills, training tips and more.  
Keystone, the following are particularly
useful for most users:
Senior School - Information and Co-curricular Handbook - St Peter's College
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 9

         Up to 100 boarders call the School home for
         38 weeks of the year.
         They are supported by qualified and dedicated boarding
         staff who provide the necessary support for the students in
         their care.
         The boarding staff supervise students during out-of-
         school hours and provide pastoral and academic support.
         Senior boarding staff are teachers at the School and are in
         constant communication with the boarders’ mentors and
         class teachers to ensure they are accessing the necessary
         We recognise that all students are unique and respond
         to the challenges of living away from home in different
         ways. Led by our Director of Boarding, International and
         Indigenous Programs, our staffing structure ensures
         students always have someone to speak to while also
         encouraging students to develop independence.
         The health and wellbeing of our boarders is our primary
         concern, and we encourage students and parents to make
         contact should any concerns arise.
         A significant amount of thought and planning is put into
         the staffing of our Boarding House. This is to ensure all
         students are well supervised and are able to access a
         staff member for any questions or concerns they may
         have. There is always a minimum of two live-in staff on
         duty who are directly accessible by students. Furthermore,
         during supervised study periods we have dedicated
         learning support assistance and additional tutoring staff
         are accessible to provide flexibility in offering small group
         and one-on-one academic assistance when required.
         Out of hours, the boarding students are provided with a
         comprehensive and engaging program. Emphasis is placed
         on partnering exciting activities with a meaningful ‘life skill’
         curriculum and to develop meaningful relationships and
         Each night a staff member resides in a dedicated overnight
         room, so that students have a single location to go to during
         the night should they need support or feel unwell.
         The Director of Boarding, International and Indigenous
         Programs and Heads of House also live on School grounds
         in close proximity to the Boarding House and are accessible
         to students whenever they are needed.
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 10

Outdoor Education
The School’s Outdoor Education Program ‘Pushing the Boundaries’
focuses on the development of students outside the classroom.

t Peter’s College and emphasises recognition of self,
others and the natural world.
In 2021 Pushing the Boundaries will consist of the
following program for all Years 7 to 10 students:
Year 7
An overnight lead-in program at our outdoor
education campus at Finniss to prepare students for
their expedition. A five-day journey in small groups
with a focus on bushcraft and community living.
Year 8
An overnight lead-in program based at Finniss to
prepare students for their expedition. A six-day
journey in small groups exploring some of South
Australia’s regional areas.
Year 9
A seven-day journey in small groups exploring
wilderness areas of South Australia. This program is
focussed on building confidence around sense of self,
self-reliance and personal responsibility.
Year 10
Peak experience – an extended wilderness program
where students, in small expedition groups, complete
an epic journey through the Flinders Ranges.
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 13

          Sport and co-curricular activities are integral to the
          educational experience at St Peter’s College.
          We provide exceptional facilities, coaches and programs
          to support the students in developing their knowledge,
          skills and abilities necessary for a successful life.
          We provide programs for every student. The relationships
          developed through our comprehensive program are
          helpful in promoting enjoyment, learning and community.
          The School participates in interschool matches each
          week while interstate and overseas trips enhance the
          calendar. Our programs have enabled talented students
          to be selected at state, national and international levels.
          Traditional Intercol competitions between St Peter’s
          College and Prince Alfred College are also held for
          summer and winter sports at the culmination of each
          We look forward to welcoming each new student into
          our community of sports.
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 14

Sports choice                                                                 3. Students will generally practice twice a week, in the
                                                                                 afternoons, however some sports train in the morning
St Peter’s College has a compulsory sports policy.
                                                                                 from 6.45 am. Refer to the individual sport summaries
Please refer to the table below for information about the
                                                                                 that follow, as practice days and match days differ for
requirements for each year level.
                                                                                 some sports.
Students who play club sport are expected to manage
                                                                              4. Once a student puts his name down for a sport he is
club sport commitments (and any academy or state level of
                                                                                 expected to attend all practices and, if chosen in a team,
commitment) alongside their school sport commitments.
                                                                                 all matches.
If school and club sessions clash, school sport should take
priority. However, the School will always aim to ensure that                  5. Cross reference the sport choices with music tuition and
students honour and manage all their sporting commitments                        co-curricular activities and societies to ensure sports
in a safe and responsible manner.                                                choices do not conflict with other commitments.
                                                                              6. Teams are entered for the Sports Association for Adelaide
Making choices via Keystone                                                      Schools (SAAS) competitions, based upon the number
                                                                                 of students who choose a particular sport. A student will
1. All students in Years 7 to12 must select a primary sport
                                                                                 not be permitted to change his sport during the season
   for each term. This choice is placed in the space labelled
                                                                                 unless there are exceptional circumstances. In this case,
   ‘primary sport’. However, Year 12 students will usually
                                                                                 the student must first consult with the Director of Sport
   put ‘no selection’ in the Term 4 ‘primary sport’ space due
                                                                                 and HPE.
   to Term 4 examinations.
                                                                              7. Because of limitations imposed by grounds, and the
2. Some students may wish to play both a primary sport
                                                                                 number of other schools participating in a particular
   and an additional sport. The additional sport must play
                                                                                 sport, it may not be possible for all students to represent
   matches on different days to the primary sport. This
                                                                                 the School on a regular basis in their chosen sport. This
   choice may be entered in the space labelled ‘additional
                                                                                 may then create a rostering/rotation of players. Attempts
   sport’. Please note that if a student chooses an additional
                                                                                 will always be made to place a student in his preferred
   sport his full commitment to both, including practice, is
                                                                                 school team.
   essential. We recommend that Year 7 students do not
   choose an additional sport. The coach will tend to select                  8. Sports queries can be made directly to the sports
   ‘primary sport’ students in preference to ‘additional sport’                  department on 8404 0439 or
   students to ensure everyone plays at least one sport
   each week.

Summary of sports choices

                                                                                                              Can choose additional sports,
Years 7 to 9, 2021           Must choose a summer sport                  Must choose a winter sport
                                                                                                              co-curricular and/or societies

                             Must choose a summer                        Must choose a second sport           Can choose additional sports,
Year 10, 2021
                             or winter sport                             or debating/chess                    co-curricular and/or societies

                             Must choose a summer                        Can choose a second sport            Can choose additional sports,
Year 11, 2021
                             or winter sport                             or debating/chess                    co-curricular and/or societies

                                                                         Can choose additional sports,
Year 12, 2021                Must choose one sport
                                                                         co-curricular and/or societies

There are limited places available in some sports.
Training sessions are correct at time of publication, but are subject to change.
Please contact the sports department directly for more information.

Summer sports information
Terms 1 and 4, 2021

Athletics                                                             Where possible Middle Years teams train on Mondays
                                                                      and Wednesdays and Open teams train on Tuesdays
Athletics at St Peter’s College is well supported and
                                                                      and Thursdays.
delivered by passionate and qualified staff and coaches.
Students compete in both interschool and interclub                    In-season training (Term 1 and 4)
competition. Please note: this is a Term 4 and Term 1 sport,          Open A – 3 sessions per week.
which includes some school holiday commitment.                        Middle – 1 to 2 sessions per week.
                                                                      All other teams – 1 session per week.
St Peter’s College athletics singlet and School white                 All boys are given the opportunity to access a drop-in
sports shorts.                                                        session once a week throughout Term 1 and Term 4.
                                                                      These sessions are open to all boys and provides them
                                                                      with an additional training opportunity.
Tuesday and Thursday 3.45 pm to 5.15 pm.
                                                                      Badminton trainings are also run throughout the off season,
                                                                      in Terms 2 and 3, offering keen students the opportunity to
Friday or Saturday.
                                                                      play and train all year round. There are usually two training
Location                                                              sessions available for every student during this period.
SA Athletics Stadium, Mile End.
Transport                                                             Open A – Saturday mornings, 8.00 am or 10.00 am start
Individual’s responsibility.                                          times at the Adelaide Badminton Centre.
Heat Policy                                                           All other teams – Saturday mornings, 8.00 am, 9.30 am
Training: 38 degrees or above students cannot train outside           or 11.00 am start times.
as normal; however, athletics will normally transfer to gym so
                                                                      Open teams usually play at 8.00 am or 9.30 am.
training will continue. Staff will advise.
                                                                      Middle teams at 9.30 am or 11.00 am, dependent on
Competition: is conducted by Athletics SA, they will provide          facilities.
information to our Head of Athletics, who will advise of
                                                                      St Peter’s College also enter Open and Middle teams into
any changes. Expect to participate unless you are advised
                                                                      the State Knockout Competition each year.
otherwise. For further information please visit the Athletics
SA website at                                  The School has strong connections with local clubs and
                                                                      state/national associations providing students with many
                                                                      competition opportunities outside of school to pursue their
                                                                      aspirations in the sport.
Badminton is a successful and popular sport at St Peter’s
                                                                      Match length
College. The badminton program at St Peter’s College caters for
                                                                      Open A – Students play one singles and two doubles
all students, offering participation opportunities for boys looking
                                                                      matches, best of three sets to 21 points. Match duration is
for fun, more technical coaching for boys looking to develop
                                                                      approximately two hours.
their skills and advanced training for boys pursuing state/national
representation. Badminton training sessions run throughout the        All other teams – students play one singles and one doubles
School year and a variety of holiday clinics are also offered.        match, best of three sets to 21 points. Minimum eight players
                                                                      required. Match duration is approximately 90 minutes.
School PE uniform. Open A shirts can be purchased from                Locations:     Adelaide Badminton Centre (Open A only),
the Uniform Shop.                                                     		             various school venues (all other teams).
Equipment                                                             Transport:     Individual’s responsibility.
Students are to provide their own racquet.
                                                                      Heat Policy: 38 degrees and above – all training and
Training                                                              		           competition cancelled.
Training times are largely dependent on facilities. Training will
                                                                      2021 Intercol: 28th Badminton intercol will be held in
take place in either the Burchnall Sports Centre or the Junior
                                                                      		             March at PAC.
School Sports Hall and can be either morning
(7.00 am-8.15 am) or afternoon (3.45 pm-5.15 pm).
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 16

Cricket                                                           Rowing
Cricket at St Peter’s College has been running for over           Saints has a long and successful history of rowing. There is
140 years. With over 15 teams in the Senior School and            a focus on team work, respect, resilience, ownership, time
eight teams in the Junior School, St Peter’s College Cricket      management, core strength and technique. The program is
is for students of all ages and experience. The program           challenging and rewarding; part-time participation is not possible.
offers national and international tours, Junior School skill
                                                                  The racing season for rowing starts in Term 4 and continues
programs, holiday clinics and several development squad
                                                                  in Term 1 of the following year. An introductory program is
programs. The aim of the cricket program is to create an
                                                                  available in Term 1 for students in Year 7 and older boys who
environment where training and games emphasise fun
                                                                  are new to the School. All rowers participate in the Saints
and participation, enhance skill development, and further
                                                                  rowing camp at Finniss prior to the start of the School year.
advance a player’s ability to make decisions and work
cooperatively as a team on and off the field.                     For the 2021 calendar camp dates are:

Uniform                                                           Term 1, 2021
St Peter’s College white cricket top and white cricket pants
(no creams). The School’s white cricket hat or blue cricket       Juniors           Years 8 to 9 Finniss Camp
cap. The School’s cricket training top or PE uniform must be      		                Thursday 21 January – Sunday 24 January
worn to all training.
                                                                  Intermediates Year 10 Finniss Camp
Equipment                                                         		                Thursday 14 January – Sunday 17 January
Cricketers are advised to wear spiked cricket shoes on turf
pitches and all players must provide their own protectors.        		                Year 10 selected boys travel to the National
Helmets are compulsory and should be part of each player’s kit.   		                Rowing Championships in Tasmania, Lake
                                                                  		                Barrington Tuesday 23 March – 28 March
Twice per week from 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm.                            Seniors           Years 11 to 12 Finniss Camp
                                                                  		                Monday 11 January – Sunday 1 January
Years 7 to 9 on Saturday morning.                                 		                Years 11 to 12 selected boys travel to
Years 10 to12 Saturday morning/afternoon.                         		                the National Rowing Championships in
                                                                  		                Tasmania, Lake Barrington
Match length
                                                                  		                Tuesday 23 March – 28 March
Three to six hours depending on level.
Location                                                          Term 4, 2021
Various school venues.
                                                                  Juniors           Years 7 to 8 Torrens Boathouse Camp
Transport                                                         		                Friday 8 October – Sunday 10 October
Individual’s responsibility.
                                                                  		                Years 7 to 8 Berri/Renmark regatta with
Heat Policy                                                       		                parents from 4 December – 5 December
38 degrees and above.
Training: All training cancelled.                                 Intermediates Year 9 Finniss Camp
Competition: First XI play but all other cricket cancelled.       		            4 December – 5 December

2021 Intercol                                                     		                Year 9 Berri/Renmark regatta and camp
145th Cricket Intercol will be held in March at                   		                from Friday 3 December – Wednesday
St Peter’s College.                                               		                8 December

                                                                  Seniors           Years 10 to 11 Finniss Camp
                                                                  		                Monday 9 October – Sunday 12 October
                                                                  		                Years 10 to 11 Berri/Renmark regatta
                                                                  		                and camp from Friday 3 December –
                                                                  		                Wednesday 8 December
                                                                  St Peter’s College zoot suit, long sleeve body hugger top
                                                                  and St Peter’s College rowing cap. St Peter’s College sports
                                                                  uniform to be worn for ergo training and gym sessions.

Training                                                          All sailors participate in a weekend sailing camp at Finniss –
Junior and intermediate squads train twice a week on the          date to be confirmed.
water. Senior squads have three water sessions per week.          Competition
Gym sessions for strength, conditioning and fitness take          If selected, there are approximately five Sunday regattas for
place during the week.                                            the season organised by Australian Sailing. In addition to
                                                                  the state titles there is a four-day event held during the April
                                                                  school holidays.
Regattas are held on Saturdays in Terms 4 and 1.
Rowing SA administers the regatta schedule:                       Locations                                       Date to be confirmed during season.
If there is no regatta, squads train on the water.                Transport
Locations                                                         For weekday trainings a minibus leaves school at
West Lakes or River Torrens for racing and water sessions,        3:45 pm from the Hackney Road car park and returns at
St Peter’s College gym for indoor sessions.                       approximately 7.30 pm. For weekend trainings and regattas,
                                                                  private transport must be arranged.
Individual’s responsibility weekends only. Bus provided           Heat Policy
during the week and for camps.                                    Training: Expect to participate unless you are advised
Heat Policy
                                                                  Competition: Regattas are organised by Australian Sailing,
Training: 38 degrees or above rowing will normally transfer
                                                                  expect to participate unless you are advised otherwise.
to gym training. The teacher in charge will advise.
Competition: As regattas are organised by Rowing SA,
expect to participate unless you are advised otherwise.           Tennis
2021 Intercol                                                     Tennis at St Peter’s College has been offered to students for
Rowing Intercol (Head of the River) Ramsay Regatta Course,        over 125 years. The Senior School has 17 teams with trainings
West Lakes Saturday 20 March 2021.                                during the week and competition on Saturdays. The program
2021 Australian Rowing Championships                              offers skills development and provides School holiday clinics
Tasmania, Lake Barrington, Monday 22 March – Sunday               and development squad programs, as well as opportunities for
28 March 2021.                                                    students to compete at National competitions.
                                                                  The aim of the tennis program is to create an environment
Sailing                                                           where training and games emphasise fun, encourage
                                                                  participation and enhance skill development. Tennis is a
St Peter’s College participates in the School’s Team Sailing
                                                                  unique sport as each player learns to compete individually
competition and competes against a wide variety of other
                                                                  and in a team.
schools. No matter if you are an expert sailor or a novice,
we will teach you to sail if you are interested. We have a        Tennis teams comprise six players at A team level and eight
focus on team work and learning and perfecting sailing skill.     players at B and C team level. Years 7, 8 and 9 compete
Team Sailing is regularly described as “chess on water”           together in the middle age group. Years 10, 11 and 12
where strategy, tactics and ability combine to ensure fast        compete together in the Senior age group.
and exciting races.
Uniform                                                           St Peter’s College PE uniform and cap for practice and
St Peter’s College sailing cap/hat, white rash top and            matches.
clothing that can get wet. School sailing jacket can be
purchased from the sailing committee.
                                                                  Students provide their own racquet.
PFD type 2 life jacket suitable for sailing (compulsory), water
                                                                  Years 7 to 9 practice Monday or Wednesday morning or
shoes, spray jacket is recommended.
                                                                  Years 10 to 12 practice Tuesday and/or Thursday afternoon.
Either Tuesday or Thursday after school and Saturday
mornings at Port River Sailing Club. Opportunities for
extra time on the water on some Saturday afternoons
participating in fleet sailing with Port River Sailing Club.
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 18

Competition                                                        Water Polo
Saturday mornings.
                                                                   Students selecting water polo may be selected to compete
Game length                                                        in the Interschool’s Swimming Competition (Term 1 only).
Two hours.                                                         Students involved in other sports may choose water polo as a
                                                                   second sport if commitments and numbers allow.
Hatswell Street and Avenue courts or other school venues.          Uniform
                                                                   School bathers and cap.
Individual’s responsibility.                                       Training
                                                                   Years 7 and 8 train Monday afternoon and Wednesday
Heat Policy
38 degrees and above.
                                                                   Year 9s train Monday morning and Wednesday morning.
Training: All training cancelled.
                                                                   Open B squad train Tuesday afternoon and Thursday
Competition: All tennis cancelled except Drive Tennis can
negotiate with opposition school.
                                                                   Open A squad train Tuesday morning and Thursday morning.
2021 Intercol
124th Tennis Intercol will be held in March.
                                                                   Friday afternoons 4.00 pm – 6.30 pm.
                                                                   Match length
Volleyball                                                         25 minutes.
Students involved in other sports may choose volleyball as an      Locations
additional sport if commitments and numbers allow.                 St Peter’s College, Pembroke School and Adelaide Aquatic
                                                                   Centre (North Adelaide).
Years 7 to 9, St Peter’s College PE uniform, white socks and       Transport
non-marking trainers.                                              Individual’s responsibility.
Years 10 to 12, St Peter’s College volleyball top, white shorts,   Heat Policy
white socks and non-marking trainers (First VI players will        Expect to participate in both training and competition unless
need a number on their volleyball top).                            you are advised otherwise.
Training                                                           2021 Intercol
Years 7 to 9 and some Year 10s train on Monday and                 11th Water Polo Intercol will be held at St Peter’s College.
Years 11 to 12 and some Year 10s train on Tuesday
and Thursday.
                                                                   St Peter’s College offers a swimming program that runs
                                                                   throughout the year. A professional coach delivers the
Friday afternoons.
                                                                   program and students have the option to select this as a
Game length                                                        second sport.
One hour.
Locations                                                          School bathers and cap.
Burchnall Sports Centre and other school venues.
Transport                                                          Wednesday 3.45 pm – 5.30 pm (Term 4),
Individual’s responsibility.                                       Friday 6.30 am – 8.00 am. Subject to change.
Heat Policy                                                        Competition
38 degrees and above – all training and competition cancelled.     Wednesdays 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm (Term 1).
                                                                   The School swimming team will be selected by performance
                                                                   at swim trials and at the House Swimming Carnival.
                                                                   The swim team competes in the SAAS competition and the
                                                                   School Sport SA Championships which is held at the SA
                                                                   Aquatic and Leisure Centre, Marion in March.
                                                                   Burchnall Sports Centre.
                                                                   2021 Intercol
                                                                   35th Swimming Intercol will be held in Term 1 at St Peter’s

Extreme weather guidelines
St Peter’s College Heat Policy
Temperatures are based on the maximum temperature listed
on the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website on the morning
the practice, game or event is to occur.
Should there be any concern about the occupational, health,
safety and welfare of the students, the person responsible
for a sport on a particular day i.e. Director of Sport, coach or
manager, is able to cancel the activity. A parent/guardian may
also cancel the activity if there are any concerns.
Other schools’ heat policies may vary so please check Sport
Zone carefully for your match details to see if there are any

Sports Association for Adelaide Schools extreme
weather guidelines
Hot weather blanket cancellation procedures (other than
for water-based sports).

For Saturday sport and weekday sport
If the temperature for the forthcoming Saturday is forecast
at 38 degrees all SAAS sport, with the possible exception
of First XI Cricket, will be cancelled. This includes any indoor
Saturday sport – e.g. badminton.
Weekday secondary sport – all other weekday sport including
indoor competitions will be cancelled if the temperature for
the day is forecast at 38 degrees on the BOM website on the
morning of the competition.
If the forecast temperature is less than 38 degrees, but
conditions are considered extreme, the SAAS Executive
Officer in consultation with the Chair of Executive and
Coordinators will inform both Coordinators and Principals of
Schools by email if sport is to be cancelled.
Cancellations due to other weather conditions
The SAAS Executive Officer in consultation with the Chair of
the Executive may issue a blanket cancellation when weather
conditions across the metropolitan area are considered to be
so extreme as to warrant such a cancellation.
It is recognised that extreme weather conditions
(hail, lightning, rain, thunderstorms, wind gusts etc)
could impact upon proceeding with games.
Fixtures may be cancelled by either participating school if
deemed necessary.
For further information and clarification of SAAS rules and
guidelines visit
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 20

Winter sports information
Terms 2 and 3, 2021

Basketball                                                         Chess
                                                                   (Additional sports choice only for Years 7 to 9)
The St Peter’s College Basketball Program began in
1957 and is the biggest basketball program in South                Senior School students play in the South Australian Junior
Australia. With 20 teams in the Senior School, St Peter’s          Chess League (SAJCL). Chess is available to students at
College competes in a wide variety of tournaments and              all age levels and capability. Students compete in both
competitions.                                                      Divisions 1 and 2 with multiple teams in each division.
                                                                   Year 7s still play in the junior division.
Senior School games are played on Saturday and each year
our Open 1st Team competes in the Open A1 competition,             Uniform
which offers qualifying teams the chance to participate in the     Full blazer uniform.
state knockout tournament.
Students who are selected for our Middle First team and            Monday and Wednesday mornings in Old School House FF14.
Open 1st team compete in an annual tournament with
Shore Grammar in Sydney, with each school hosting the
                                                                   All divisions Friday evenings between 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm.
tournament on alternate years.
                                                                   Year 7 competition Friday afternoons 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm.
In addition to weekly training, students are also offered school
holiday basketball camps which take place during Term 1,
                                                                   Chess Centre, 10 Ranelagh St, Adelaide. Year 7s at PAC
Term 2 and Term 3 holidays. A range of extra sessions are
                                                                   Piper Pavilion.
also offered during and outside the regular season.
Basketball is available to students of all ages and ability
                                                                   Individual’s responsibility.
levels. Trainings will vary depending on the number of teams
and as facilities demand.                                          2021 Intercol
                                                                   49th Chess Intercol will be held at PAC.
St Peter’s College Basketball singlet, shorts and optional
training singlet.                                                  Cross Country
Training                                                           Cross country can be chosen as either a primary or
Years 7 to 9 train Monday mornings, Monday afternoons              additional sport in conjunction with another winter sport.
and Wednesday afternoons.                                          SAAS Competition races are usually 4 km for Years 7 to
Years 10 to 12 train Tuesday mornings,Tuesday afternoons           9 and 6 km for Years 10 to 12. Runners of all levels are
and Thursday afternoons.                                           encouraged.
Open 1st teams are expected to train twice a week.                 Uniform
Competition                                                        St Peter’s College athletics singlet and white sports shorts.
Saturday mornings.                                                 Training
Match length                                                       Monday and Wednesday afternoons for all years levels
One hour.                                                          (when not competing).

Locations                                                          Competition
Various school venues.                                             Wednesdays 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm.

Transport                                                          Locations
Individual’s responsibility.                                       Various school venues.

2021 Intercol: 57th Basketball Intercol will be held at PAC.       Transport
                                                                   Transported to and from competition by bus.

Debating                                                           Locations
(Additional sports choice only for Years 7 to 9)                   Various school venues.
St Peter’s College participates in the South Australian Debating   Transport
Association (SADA) Schools’ competition. Debating offers           Individual’s responsibility.
students from all year levels in the Senior School the
                                                                   2021 Intercol
opportunity to be challenged, engaged and ultimately
                                                                   151st Football Intercol will be held at PAC.
rewarded with improved skills in public speaking. The
students develop the ability to think critically, analyse and
examine issues, consider differing points of views, and            Hockey
present issues and ideas in a persuasive, objective and logical
                                                                   St Peter’s College participates in the SAAS hockey
                                                                   competition. Years 7 to 9 are permitted to play in the hockey
Uniform                                                            1st XI team if selected.
Full blazer uniform.
Training                                                           St Peter’s College hockey top, white shorts and royal blue
One lunchtime meeting per week.                                    socks. First team kit to be purchased from the Uniform
                                                                   Shop. Mouthguard and shin guards are compulsory.
Five minor round debates are held during Terms 2 and 3.            Equipment
Junior/Intermediate Grade (Years 7 to 10) on                       Students provide their own shin guards and hockey stick
Tuesday evening.                                                   and are compulsory at both training and matches.
Senior Debates (Years 10 to 12) on Wednesday evening.
Debate length                                                      Middle School trains Mondays 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm.
60 minutes.                                                        Senior School trains Tuesdays 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm and
                                                                   Thursdays 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm.
Various school venues.                                             Competition
                                                                   Years 7 to 9 matches are held on Wednesday afternoons.
                                                                   Years 10 to 12 matches are held on Saturday mornings.
Individual’s responsibility.
                                                                   Match length
2021 Intercol
                                                                   Middle School: 2 x 25 minute halves.
31st Debating Intercol will be held at PAC.
                                                                   Senior School: 2 x 30 minute halves.
                                                                   Various school venues.
Football is available to students at all age levels. Students
are placed into a practice squad and are expected to attend
                                                                   Individual’s responsibility.
all training sessions.
                                                                   2021 Intercol
                                                                   41st Hockey Intercol will be held at PAC.
St Peter’s College football guernsey, royal blue shorts and
socks. A football training top is also required to be worn at
all training sessions. Mouthguard is compulsory.
Years 7 to 9 train on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Years 10 to 12 train on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Years 7 to 10 are held on Saturday mornings.
Years 11 to 12 are held on Saturday afternoons.
Match length
Years 7 to 9, games are 72 minutes.
Year 10, games are 80 minutes.
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd XVIII teams, games are 100 minutes.
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 22

Pedal Prix                                                        Rugby
Pedal Prix is open to students in Years 7 to 12. Small            Rugby teams are formed by age groupings. Juniors make
groups of riders compete in a series of endurance races in a      up the Under 14 and Under 16 teams. Seniors comprises
purpose built three-wheeled Human Powered Vehicle (HPV).          Under 18 teams.
It requires regular endurance training, culminating in three
races throughout the year. Races are against other schools
                                                                  St Peter’s College rugby top, white shorts and socks.
from both South Australia and interstate and include two
                                                                  Mouthguard is compulsory.
six-hour endurance races held in Victoria Park, Adelaide on
a Sunday in May and June. The final race is a 24-hour event       Training
held at Murray Bridge in late September.                          All teams train on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.

Uniform                                                           Competition
St Peter’s College PE uniform.                                    SASRU competition games
                                                                  Junior games (U14 and U16) Thursday afternoons.
                                                                  Senior games (U18) Wednesday afternoons.
Various training sessions in the gym.
Junior: Tuesday morning 6.45 am – 8.00 am and                     Game length
Wednesday afternoon.                                              70 minutes.
Senior: Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning
6.45 am – 8.00 am.
                                                                  Various grounds.
In the event of clashes with music and other sport training,
alternative arrangements can be discussed. Voluntary
                                                                  Bused to away games and returned to School at the
in-car training sessions at Victoria Park occur periodically
                                                                  conclusion of the game.
on Saturdays or Sundays, subject to weather and track
availability. All novice riders must attend at least one in-car   2021 Intercol
session to demonstrate proficiency prior to being cleared to      34th Rugby Intercol will be held at PAC.
compete. Please note: training arrangements may change
based on the availability of coaching staff.                      Soccer
Competition                                                       Soccer is a popular sport at St Peter’s College and is
Two six-hour endurance races at Victoria Park in May and          available to students of all abilities. The School fields at least
June. The final race is a 24-hour event held at Murray Bridge     two teams at each age level. Opportunities exist in soccer to
in late September. Six-hour race in Loxton by invitation only.    tour interstate and overseas regularly and participate in an
Locations                                                         extremely competitive competition between SAAS Schools.
Victoria Park and Murray Bridge street circuits.                  Uniform
Transport                                                         Saints soccer top and shorts. Studded soccer boots and
Individual’s responsibility.                                      shin guards must be worn at all times in practice and
Heat Policy
38 degrees and above.                                             Training
Training: All training cancelled.                                 Years 7 to 9 train on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Competition: Events are conducted by Australian HPV.              Years 10 to 12 train on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Super Series and will advise the Head of Pedal Prix of any        Our First XI team trains on Tuesday afternoons and Friday
changes. Expect to participate unless you are advised             mornings.
otherwise.                                                        Competition
                                                                  First XI play Wednesday evenings.
                                                                  All other games are played on Saturday mornings.
                                                                  Game length
                                                                  75 – 90 mins (depending on age).
                                                                  Various school venues.
                                                                  Individual’s responsibility.
                                                                  2021 Intercol: 44th Soccer Intercol will be held at PAC.

Squash                                                             Table Tennis
Nominations for the Squash SA High School competition              Table Tennis is open to all students across the Senior School
are based on overall participant numbers at each age group.        with A and B divisions held across Year 10 to 12 and A, B
Students involved in other sports may select squash if             and C divisions held across Years 7 to 9. Each year level will
commitments allow.                                                 have teams of eight from year level squads if numbers permit.
                                                                   We also offer the opportunity for students to compete in an
                                                                   internal competition if student numbers permit.
St Peter’s College PE uniform.
                                                                   St Peter’s College PE uniform. Open A Table Tennis top is
Students provide their own racquet.
                                                                   available for purchase from the Uniform Shop.
Held at the ARC Campbelltown on Tuesday and Thursday
                                                                   Students provide their own bat. It is highly recommended
afternoons. Additional training can occur at Walkerville
                                                                   that an approved bat be purchased from the Head Coach.
YMCA on Wednesday (TBC).
                                                                   Takes place in the Green Shed behind the Hackney Road
Friday afternoons 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm.
                                                                   car park. All students will be expected to attend two
Game length                                                        trainings per week.
Two hours.                                                         Division A trains after school.
                                                                   Division B trains at lunchtime.
                                                                   Years 7 to 9 Monday and Wednesday.
Various – PAC, Walkerville YMCA, Kensington YMCA
                                                                   Years 10 to 12 Tuesday and Thursday.
and the ARC. Venues determined by Squash SA at the
beginning of each season.                                          Competition
                                                                   Friday afternoons.
Student’s responsibility, however, minibus transport to training   Game length
sessions will be determined at the beginning of each season        One hour.
on a needs basis. Please note: all transport to venues are one
way only and boys need to arrange collection from the venue
                                                                   Burchnall Sports Centre and various other school venues.
at the conclusion of training or matches.
                                                                   Individual’s responsibility.
                                                                   2021 Intercol
                                                                   11th Table Tennis Intercol will be held at PAC.
Senior School Information and Co-curricular Handbook 24

Sports choice                                                         Year 11 primary sport – must choose one summer or
submission procedure                                                  winter sport. Can choose a second sport or debating,
                                                                      chess, music or service learning as their second co-
In the Senior School, students select their sports choices
                                                                      curricular activity. Can choose additional sports co-curricular
using our online form, and then parents are notified of their
                                                                      and/or societies.
son’s choices by email.
                                                                      Year 12 primary sport – must choose one sport in their
Please follow these steps to complete the online Sports
                                                                      final year. Can choose additional sports co-curricular and/or
Choice form.
1. Log into Keystone:
                                                                      Additional sport – additional sports are optional. Should
                                                                      you wish to choose an additional sport, you must fully
2. Under My Keystone click on the Sport Zone tile.                    commit to this sport in addition to your primary sport,
                                                                      including training sessions and matches.
                                                                      To select an additional sport for summer and/or winter, tick the
   Sport Zone                                                         checkbox in the light blue panel to reveal the sport choices.
                                                                      What you select for summer (Term 1) will be automatically
                                                                      applied to summer (Term 4).

                                                                       Should you wish to choose an additional sport, you must fully commit to this sport
                                                                       in addition to your Primary Sport, including Training Sessions and Matches.
                                                                          I understand and wish to choose and commit to an additional sport.

3.	Once on the Sport Zone page, click on the
    Co-curricular Choices Form button.
                                                                      5. Click the Submit button to submit your sports choices.
                                                                      6. Parents will be sent a notification email containing their
                                                                         son’s sports choices. Sports choices are considered
                                                                         approved by default.
 Click below to select your cocurricular choices.
                                                                      7. If a parent does not wish their son to participate in one
                                                                         of the sports, we ask that they negotiate with their son
 Cocurricular Choices Form                                            	and for the student to resubmit their sports choices,
                                                                         or please contact the Director of Sport and HPE,
                                                                         Mr Barnaby Eaton on

4.	Complete the Sports Choice form.                                  8. If an Exemption has been selected for either season,
                                                                         parents must upload a supporting document marked
Years 7 to 9 primary sport – must choose both a summer
                                                                         for the “Attention of the Director of Sport and HPE”.
and winter sport.
                                                                         Parents may submit the supporting document online.
Year 10 primary sport – must choose a summer or winter                   Please use the link provided within the notification
sport. Must choose a second sport or debating/chess. Can                 email. Supporting documents may be uploaded in the
choose additional sports, co-curricular and societies.                   following formats: .doc .docx, .jpg, .pdf, .txt.
You can also read