Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club

Page created by Beverly Buchanan
Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
Uncle Bobs Club

     May 2020
Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
Contents                                                                     President’s
                     President’s Report                                 03
                     Meet Rachael Ralli                                 05
                     A First Good Friday Appeal                         06
                     Good Friday 2020                                   08
                                                                             It was certainly a very strange feeling sitting   comradery, of catching up with our “Good
                     A Busy Time For All                                14
                                                                             at home on Good Friday, almost feeling out        Friday” friends and listening to what had
                     Shop Online                                        16   of place, unreal. For over 45 years, I have       happened in their lives over the past 12
                     Good Friday Appeal Recollections                   17   only been in one place on Good Friday and         months, to meeting the ‘new’ members of
                     Find a Friend                                      26   that is at the Royal Children’s Hospital Good     their families and indeed, to hear of some
A First Good         Branch & Group Reports                             27   Friday Appeal. My memories drift back             of the losses. We were all part of a great
Friday Appeal                                                                to when I first started in the backrooms          big family – this is what I was missing this
                     »   Bendigo Group                                  28
                                                                             at the Herald Sun/3DB buildings – to say          Good Friday and I’m sure this feeling was
                     »   Nathalia Group                                 30
                                                                             these rooms were cramped would be an              being shared by many of us, whether you
                     »   Peninsula Group                                32   understatement. With chairs down each side        were part of the Counting Room teams,
                     »   St Arnauds Branch                              33   of the tables and “buckets” along the middle      part of our Corner Collection teams, part
                     GFA Supporters                                     34   for the sorting of coins, you sometimes           of the Peninsula Wheelbarrow push, part of
                     From the Archives                                  36   had to almost crawl under the tables to get       our 7-Eleven Collection teams and so on.
                     The Founders                                       39
                                                                             out! Bulk coins were stored in milk crates
                                                                             and had to be carried down a number of            This Journal would normally be dedicated
                     Past Presidents                                    40
                                                                             flights of stairs for pickup by Armaguard.        to celebrating our Good Friday Appeal
                     Vale - Merv Dyer                                   44
                                                                                                                               activities for this year, but instead, we
Good Friday 2020     Membership Nomination/Renewal Form                 45   Eventually, the Club graduated into the 3DB       have asked for your memories and we are
                     UBC Merchandise                                    47   auditorium, and what a blessing it was – we       pleased that we have had some responses,
                     Form of Bequest                                    49   had room to move and I can remember               so this Journal is celebrating the Club’s
                     The Website                                        50   when we were waiting for the next delivery        Good Friday achievements of year’s past!
                                                                             of cans for counting, out came the decks          We have been heartened by the many
                     September Journal Deadline                         52
                                                                             of cards for a game of UNO or 500. It was         messages of support we have received from
                                                                             nothing for us to be travelling in a lift and     members, volunteers and partners, invariably
                     *Note that all images in this journal were taken        for us to be sharing it with a TV or radio        with the same common message – we will
                     prior to COVID-19 and government restrictions           entity, or dare I say it, a real life football    be back bigger and better next year.
                     on social distancing requirements.                      star! And of course, when we came back
                                                                             to the counting room, we had to share             It was indeed one of the most difficult
                                                                             the experience with everyone there.               decisions the State Committee has had
The UBC Presidents                                                                                                             to make in deciding that the Club could
                                                                             Over the years, we were moved to “bigger          not participate in this year’s Appeal and
                                                                             and better” areas, the Green Room under           conveying this to Anne Randall who is in her
                                                                             the Concert Hall at Southbank, to Etihad          final year as the Appeal Director. The State
                                                                             Stadium and finally to the MCEC. But no           Committee felt that we could not take the
                                                                             matter where we were situated, there              risk of exposing our members, volunteers
                                                                             was a common feeling – the feeling of             and partner’s health to the COVID-19 virus

Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
Meet Rachael Ralli
as many of us were classified in that “high
risk“ category; concerns had been expressed
about continuing our GFA activities and
our decision was validated by the State
Government’s move to Stage 3 restrictions.
Nonetheless the RCH GFA did proceed, and
the Club was able to donate $50,078.00
to the Appeal. This is well down on what
we have previously donated, but it should
                                                                                                                                                 at the Royal Children’s Hospital in the old
be remembered that much of what we
                                                                                                                                                 building on Flemington Rd. Her research
donate is collected and counted on the
                                                                                                                                                 project at the hospital looked at embryonic
day itself. We have many tins still out in our
                                                                                                                                                 development. In 2016 Rachael left her
collection points, such as 7-Eleven Stores
                                                                                                                                                 science roles to travel through Europe for 9
which will be collected and hopefully will
                                                                                                                                                 months and on her return started her own
give us a flying start to the 2021 Appeal. So
                                                                                                                                                 small business in holistic counselling with
to all our members, volunteers, corporate
                                                                                                                                                 a focus on physical and mental wellbeing.
partners such as Freemasons Victoria,
7-Eleven stores, the MFB and CFA, La Manna,
                                                                                                                                                 In her spare time Rachael enjoys dancing
Altus Traffic Management, families and
                                                                                                                                                 (swing and tap), singing in her local
friends, thank you for your kind messages
                                                                                                                                                 community choir as well as yoga and hiking.
and assistance and we look forward to
your ongoing support in the future.
                                                                                                                                                 During her 20s Rachael had her own
                                                                                                                                                 health challenges and got to appreciate
The COVID-19 crisis has caused much
                                                                                                                                                 from a young age how important our
distress and difficulties to many people,        State Committee is continuing to closely
                                                                                                                                                 health really is and that it shouldn’t ever
families and organisations throughout            monitor the situation and look at options to
                                                                                                                                                 be taken for granted. “Our health is one of
Victoria and Australia. There are many           secure the Club’s ongoing viability, through       Rachael has been working in the UBC main
                                                                                                                                                 the most important things we have, and
non-profit and charitable organisations that     grants and Government assistance packages.         office in Tullamarine as the Marketing and
                                                                                                                                                 it is something we all should put a better
are facing a dire financial situation over       We are also looking to put plans in place so       Support Coordinator since late February,
                                                                                                                                                 focus and priority on all through our lives,
the coming year and years, with much of          that when we do come out of this crisis, we        casually two days a week. She is currently
                                                                                                                                                 starting from when we are young”. She
their fundraising activities being severely      can ‘hit the ground running’ with fundraising      working from home, as are all our office
                                                                                                                                                 is passionate about preventative health
curtailed, and unfortunately, we also fall       events to ensure the sustainability of the         team, in light of the COVID-19 situation.
                                                                                                                                                 on both a mental and physical level.
into this category. It is with regret that I     Club. The coming months will be particularly
have to advise that we have had to reduce        difficult for the Club, and I will not hide the    Rachael has a background in medical
                                                                                                                                                 She looks forward to meeting many of
our staff in order to contain our overheads,     fact, that our ongoing ability to continue         research, previously working at the Peter
                                                                                                                                                 you in the time to come and helping
with our Executive Officer, Sarah Parke          as a Club is at risk. If you want to assist us     MacCallum Cancer Centre in the cancer
                                                                                                                                                 support UBC and continue its long
leaving the organisation. Sarah had been         and are able, please visit the Club’s website      immunology department and also for a
                                                                                                                                                 standing history of helping children and
with us just on 1 year, having had a baptism and make a donation              private medical device company. Rachael
                                                                                                                                                 their families for improved health.
of fire with the 2019 Appeal and I would         to UBC; it will be very much appreciated.          also completed her Honours year with
like to convey our thanks to Sarah for her                                                          the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
contribution to the Club over the past           To all, please stay safe, look after your family
12 months. Our other staff are currently         and friends, and hopefully, we will all come
working from home, so if you do leave a          out of this COVID-19 crisis in a better place.
message on the office phones, please be
patient if we do not respond immediately         Best wishes,
as the office is not attended every day.
                                                 Paul Etherington
                                                 State President

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Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
A First Good
Friday Appeal
Kelli Ewer, our Membership and Fundraising Officer shares
her experience of her first Good Friday appeal in 2019

Whilst many of you will have great memories   never had to draw on the resources of         what a buzzing atmosphere. Decoration            almost deafening. The hustle and bustle
of The Good Friday Appeal from many years     The Royal Children’s Hospital for anything    and colour, cheerful chatter and laughter,       of key personal running to and fro in their
gone by I thought I would come from a         too serious and seeing they had two           happy little faces as far as the eye could       appointed roles, communicating with
completely different perspective and write    functional arms, two functional legs and      see. A place bursting with excitement,           Branches and Groups, sending messages
about my experience in 2019, participating    healthy strong bodies it was important        entertainment, activities and treats galore.     of totals and media updates. What appears
in the Appeal for the very first time.        that they got out there and rattled those     Every child’s dreamland, certainly a highlight   to be organised chaos, panic and stress,
                                              tins for the kids who weren’t so fortunate    for the young. To say I was blown away           all coming together in final moments
It began with my first ever visit to the      and didn’t have the ability to do so.         by the scene before me would be an               for that all important FINAL TOTAL!
UBC clubhouse to collect the GFA tubs                                                       understatement, and even more impressive
and volunteer vests. I was amazed by the      We were posted on the intersection of         the fact it was all being run by volunteers,     Then that look of relief and satisfaction
organisation down to the very last detail     Flinders St and Swanston St, in the heart     sharing their expertise and talents, taking      on the faces of all who have worked
by the friendly faced team of directors       of Melbourne’s City. Could we have had a      part in whatever way they knew how.              so hard, to contribute to the success
who had such an efficient production          busier location??? As passersby grinned and                                                    of yet another Good Friday Appeal.
line and procedure happening that is was      greeted us, kindly placing their generous     My day drew to a close spending the last
immediately obvious this dedicated team       donations in our tubs, many Melburnians       few hours in the Counting Room, joining a        The day will forever be a
had many more years of experience at this     thanking us along the way, it gave me an      table of lovely people and forming a team        memorable one for me!
than some would possibly like to admit.       overwhelming warm feeling in my heart         to count coins. This was an eye opener
                                              realising just how important this day was     for me as far as what takes place behind         Kelli Ewer
For my first Good Friday Appeal               to all who live in our city and state, and    the scenes. Trucks entering in and going         Membership and Fundraising Officer
volunteering with UBC, I decided I wanted     how special it was to be a part of it.        out dropping off tins and collections
to share in the experience with my son and                                                  from all over the state. The sound of
daughter, Layla and Zayne. I expressed        Next stop the Melbourne Convention Centre,    coins pouring into counting machines
to them how lucky we were that we had         a visit to the KID’S DAY OUT. And wow

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Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
Good Friday 2020
Adapted from Peter Harris’ emails to his area of Freemasons
Victoria district keeping them updated as the day

AM collections

The 2020 GFA is off again with collections                                                             Admiral Collingwood
being very different this year. Donations                                                              Volunteer Collectors
were made via the UBC website, on a
virtual ' tin shake ' or at 7 Eleven Outlets
in one of the very familiar collection
tins… We all know what they look like.

                                                                                                                                                   Wayne Motton & David Foond
Normally quite early each Good Friday
                                                                                                                                                      at Heidelberg Rd Fairfield
members of UBC and the support staff are
hard at work setting up the Counting Room
ready for the collections that will come in
throughout the day. Then by mid-morning
our Area Collection Co-ordinators would be
visiting each site to welcome the collectors    Sunbury volunteers Bob Mann &
and to check to see that all of the necessary    Bob Morcomb at Campbellfield
guidelines are being followed. We've had
some of the Area Co-ordinators with us
since the first collections by Freemasons
Task Force volunteers commenced with the
UBC at Shell Service Stations back in 2002.
Certainly a GREAT effort, so THANK YOU!

A list of those individuals include Col
Randall, Bruce Worcester, Frank Muddyman
[Dec] Bernie McGrillen, Bernard Henry,
Peter Henry, Nick LeRay-Meyer, Eric
Williams, David Heazlewood, Rob Lipman
[Dec], Jack Aquilina, Damian Byrne
and of course the GFA Collection Co-
ordinator in ND#116, Steve Cusack.

I do hope you enjoy the images (and
the memories they bring) of volunteer
                                                    Brendan & Ethan Holmes at
collectors doing their past collections.
                                                      High & Cooper St Epping
                                                                                Frank Jenkins at
                                                                                1603 Sydney Rd
  8                                                                               Campbellfield    Don & Andrew - The Army    Paul Sutton & Ken Barr at Main        9
                                                                                                           Lodge at Epping    & Edgars Rd Thomastown
Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
PM collections

'Well Now' it's early afternoon and the          the 8pm GFA Total stood at $7,180,897.
REALLY GOOD NEWS is that the 2pm
tally for the 2020 GFA is $1,954,302.            I think you'll agree that the real essence
                                                 of the day's activities is illustrated by this
By now, normally, the afternoon shift of         image, from a previous year, of the young
collectors will have started their activities    child making a donation into the collection
and perhaps the Collection Area Co-              tub knowing that 'Every Cent Helps' to
ordinator may well have called by and            make a difference in the life of a young
picked-up the morning collections to             patient in The Royal Children's Hospital.
get into the UBC Counting Room.

You might be interested to know, that
apart from the great work being done
by volunteers from Freemasons Victoria
at 7-Eleven Outlets, there is an army of
volunteers normally working directly through
UBC out on intersections throughout the
Melbourne Metro Area and country Victoria.

'GREAT NEWS'…. the 5pm
TOTAL is $4,391,088                                                                                                                                       Every cent helps

                                                                     Freemasonry Vic Volunteers
'Times getting on' now, normally, it's almost
time to be closing down the day's collection
activities and make SURE the monies that
have been donated are promptly delivered
into the Counting Room where things
normally are about to get really, really busy.

This process would be repeated in collection
areas in all the Districts involved with the
GFA Collections and the intersections too.

                                                                           Silvio Mignone & Ned
In 'normal' years, it's been a very tiring but
                                                                           Surla at Brunswick St
satisfying day's activities for everyone.
The Collection Area Co-ordinators and
volunteers would normally all soon be
returning home and resting up, eagerly
awaiting news of the collection result.

If you watched the GFA Special on Channel
7, you'll already know about the commitment
announced by the Premier of the State
                                                                       Ron Jones & Steve Austin
of Victoria to assist this year’s Appeal
                                                                            - Nice Hairdo Steve
with a sizeable donation and together

                                                                                                   Keith Minns & James Anderson at
  10                                                                                                                                                                         11
                                                                                                      1350 Pascoe Vale Rd Coolaroo   FMV Collector in Caulfield
Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
Chris & Greg
                                       20 Sydney Rd Brunswick

                                 Frank at Fairfield Coles Express

                                                                                            Ansett Group Volunteer
                                                                                           [ex AV531 ] in Sharps Rd

     Collectors at Abbortsford
        Coles Express in 2006

12                                                                                                      13
                                                                    Terry Didcock at Docklands 7 - 11
Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
A Busy Time For All
 In 1984 Frank Hargreaves the Club’s Secretary/Treasurer at                             “The phone's ringing, it's probably the Peninsula Group!"
the time and now our Historian wrote an article for the June                          "Yes, it's a bit early for the Frankston Barrow Push boys yet."
 1984 Journal that described the events leading up to Good
                Friday and on the day itself.                                                 "How are things in the counting room, Bob?”

Considering that the Club, like so many other organisations,                                      "Quiet, but they won't stay that way."
 was not able to play a major role in this year’s Appeal, we
     thought you might like to read what Frank wrote                                 Many people are attending our stall – asking questions, finding
                                                                                      out about the CIub's activities and purchasing accessories.
                       back in 1984….
                                                                                       A tin pick-up from corners is organised and the counting
                                                                                       room is now a hive of activity. The firemen from St. Kilda
                                                                                       Junction arrive, their helmets full to the brim with money.
                              This Day has 1000 Hours
                                                                                       Meal and refreshment breaks are arranged; the Groups are
           According to my diary 1984 has 366 days each 24 hours long.                   arriving. "What did you say, $3000 from Hampton?"
            But there is one day that defies that rule - GOOD FRIDAY.
                                                                                              "Someone stand by the phone; we should be
           My calculations show that this day is 1000 hours long. It is not                      hearing from the country areas soon.”
           heralded by the chiming of a clock or the chill of the midnight
          air, instead, it begins when someone says, "Do you realise that it            "Anybody from Eastern Suburban Branch arrived yet?"
          is only five weeks to the Appeal?", and a voice replies, “ls it? we
              had better get moving if we want to beat last year's total”.                       "No, but they cannot be far away now."

         And so the day begins; letters are sent to all who helped us last year      And so the work goes on - counting, receipting and recording
      seeking their assistance again; tins, banners, etc., are ordered, stationery      of donations and promises, entertaining the volunteers
         needs are determined and arrangements made to have them ready.               as they come in from the collection areas, and indications
          Tins are delivered to all suburban railway stations, Flinders Street is           are that we are heading towards a record total.
        manned every day, meetings are held to decide who will control each
        activity, equipment is picked up by - or delivered to - corner captains,                   "ls the car booked to go to HSV7?"
       and working bees are organised to count the money already coming in
        from hotel jars, collection tins, personal donations, special efforts and             "Yes, we'll have to be ready in five minutes."
      so forth. A meeting with the appeal organisers is held, all the equipment
         needed at the Herald office is packed, delivered and set up to go, all               “It gives me great pleasure Mr. President to
            is in readiness. Hopes are high, and for one moment all is quiet.                     present our cheque for $207,963.31.”

14                                                                                                                                                      15
Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
Do you
                                                                                          Good Friday Appeal
                             shop online?                                                 Recollections
                                                    Donate when you shop online and
                                 the best part is pay no extra to make the donation!!!

UBC has signed up with Shopnate, who partners with hundreds of big name Australian
       and International retailers such as Ebay, ASOS, Priceline pharmacy,,
   Amazon, Millers, Lorna Jane, Etihad Airways, Expedia (and many more) and allows
              customers to donate to a chosen charity when they’re shopping online.

                                               How do you get involved?
                  All you have to do is nominate UBC -
                                    cause/uncle-bobs-club-ubc and click “Support Us”
                    and then shop like you normally do but through Shopnate and the
                                            retailer will donate to UBC on your behalf!

                                                                                                                                          Korrumbara South Gippsland Group, Good Friday 2018

                                                                                          Our board members, valued                      scenes. The most memorable is the people,
                                                                                          members and volunteers have                    I look forward to each year catching up with
                                                                                                                                         old friends and making new ones.”
                                                                                          many fond memories of UBC and
                                                                                          the Good Friday Appeal. We have                Lauren Reus:
                                                                                          collated a few past memories                   “My favourite memory is after finishing
                                                                                          to share in this edition of the                collecting, heading down to the counting
                                                                                                                                         room, excitement of seeing everyone, finding
                                                                                          magazine. We hope you enjoy
                                                                                                                                         out how much we raised and the smiles on
                                                                                          reading them as much as we did.                everyone’s faces after another successful
                                                                                                                                         year of fundraising for the kids. I hadn’t been
                                                                                          Kelly Reaburn (our GFA convener):              to the RCH since my early teenage years and
                                                                                          “I have so many fond memories. From a kid      last year I went back to visit a friend whose
                                                                                          going on trams to collect and then head-       baby was very sick and saw the amazing
                                                                                          ing into the old Herald Sun building, to the   facilities that are available today and it
                                                                                          hundreds of people that would count on the     just made me feel very grateful and realise
                                                                                          side of Southbank as we overlooked them        how rewarding volunteer work can be”.
                                                                                          in the Arts Centre Hammer Hall green room.
                                                                                          To starting my own collection in Lancefield    Nola Humphryis:
                                                                                          and Romsey and having the amazing sup-         “I remember the CFA fire truck leaving
                                                                                          port of the CFA, local primary school,         Lancefield full of young kids with such
                                                                                          Neighbourhood House, Shell servo and local     happy looks on their faces, as they
                                                                                          aged care home, to becoming a board mem-       go out to collect. Two community
                                                                                          ber and seeing how much goes in behind the     groups collecting to help sick kids.”

        16                                                                                                                                                                         17
Journal May 2020 - Uncle Bobs Club
there were two elderly ladies waiting on the     plenty of steak, chops, sausages, a bit of
                                                                                                   floor with autograph books in hand. Dan was      the chicken has gone, but I’ve got no fish
                                                                                                   so chuffed he would not stop beaming.”           fingers left”. It didn’t dawn on either one of
                                                                                                                                                    us at the time that people do not eat red
                                                                                                   Tom Bakacs:                                      meat on Good Friday. Once we found out,
                                                                                                   “We were down at the Peninsula AGM to            we could not stop laughing of how silly we
                                                                                                   celebrate the milestone and Dame Elizabeth       had been, certainly had enough leftovers
                                                                2018 - (back row) Gabby & Dani,    was invited and did attend. The members          that year to last us the weekend at home.”
                                                        (Front row) Debbie, Elaine, Mindi, Megan   had found the original wheelbarrow for
                                                                                                   the wheelbarrow push and presented it            Jacquie Priest (Board Member):
                          2015 - Debbie & Roz
                                                                                                   to Dame Elizabeth who promptly sat in            “The Good Friday appeal is something
                                                                                                   and was wheeled around the meeting               that I have been a part of ever since mum
                                                                                                   room. I took a photo but the camera was          (Bronwen Lamond) trusted me with money.
                                                                                                   stolen before I could download it.”              My first ‘job’ I had was eventually dubbed
                                                                                                                                                    a gofer. We would run with the trolleys up
                                                                                                   Daryl Gates (Board Member): “I would have        the ramp, unload cars full of tins and deliver
                                                                                                   to say my fondest memory of collecting for       them back to the counting room. I remember
                                                                                                   UBC was back in the 1980’s. I was given the      eating SO MUCH chocolate every year and
                                                                                                   Clifton Hill area to look after, nine corners.   had so much fun. I never even considered
                                                                                                   Welcome to Uncle Bobs collecting for             I could do anything else on Good Fridays!
                                                                                                   Good Friday. I had collected for many years      One year when I was about 14 (before age
                                                                                                   just for GFA. That year was disastrous, I        restrictions were properly enforced), I even
                         2017 - Mindi & Debbie                                                     lost more tins than what we returned. The        got to pose on a table and pretend to count
                                                                                                   next year worked out to be quite terrific        money for The Age. This image was also
Debbie Botha:                                                                                      when I introduced corner captains making         used for the following year in the Green
“This was my 6th year volunteering for                                                             one person responsible for each corner.          Guide which was pretty exciting. When I
UBC and the GFA. It was Roz back in 2015                                                           It made collecting a whole lot better and        was old enough to shake tins, I began doing
that got me onto this and I thank her from                                                         the total result was better than it had been     that with my sister (Sarah Meney), who
                                                                   2019 - Debbie, Elaine & Mindi
the bottom of my heart for getting me                                                              for a few years. Each year Clifton Hill grew     was the corner captain. I did this for a few
involved. Along the way table 8 (yes every                                                         with collecting and membership of UBC.           years until I was old enough to be a corner
year we are table 8) has grown, in 2017 I                                                          The second year that I was in charge of          captain myself. I then did this for about 3
                                                 Tom Bakacs:
got my sister Mindi involved and by 2018                                                           Clifton Hill area my father and I decided we     years, with a group of my friends, which
                                                 “I picked up Dan Webb from home to attend
we had our best mates Megan & Elaine                                                               would have a barbecue. We thought this           was always such a fun and exciting day.
                                                 the appeal and give an interview on TV. We
and our friend Dani and her sister Gabby                                                           was a terrific idea giving everyone a meal       It then always ended in me helping in the
                                                 got to the check-in point and had to present
there. There is no place I would rather be                                                         during the middle of the day. Back in those      counting room until the end of the day. The
                                                 our driving licenses at security to allow us
on good Friday then helping at the GFA.                                                            days we weren’t pulled off the corners           following few years I was then given the task
                                                 in. I was OK, but when Dan presented his
I'm sad that this year we will miss out, but                                                       when it rained and my dad stood there            of doing 7-Eleven pickups. Now that I am on
                                                 they would not let him in. I asked why and
the safety of everyone is more important,                                                          with a raincoat and umbrella cooking the         the State Committee, I have a more active
                                                 the answer was it is not Dan Webb, I said
plus I'm sure next year we will make up                                                            barbeque. Are you ready for it: he cooked        role in the counting room and assisting
                                                 have a look at him, still they refused because
for it and have the greatest year ever!”                                                           chops, steak, sausages, chicken and fish         with various tasks like Kids Day Out. I was
                                                 his name on the license was Thomas Webb.
                                                                                                   fingers. I took people from the corners they     very upset when this year was cancelled
                                                 I had to phone Emoke to come down and
Amy Miles:                                                                                         were collecting to where dad was cooking         and I can’t wait to come back next year
                                                 verify Dan. When it came to the interview,
“It’s the excitement of the day, how                                                               the barbecue in the middle of Alexandra          and pretend that 2020 never happened!”
                                                 Dan said “I am too old, no one will remember
much are we going to collect this year?                                                            Parade! After a while, I went to dad and I
                                                 me”. How wrong. All the crew were shaking
Catching up with friends I only saw                                                                said “How are we going with the supplies?”
                                                 his hand and talking about old times. After a
once a year and being able to give back                                                            There was nothing open on Good Friday in
                                                 very successful interview, as Dan was being
to the hospital that saved my life.”                                                               those days either. He said “well we’ve got
                                                 helped down the few steps off the stage

  18                                                                                                                                                                                           19
UBC Cheque                                                                            Bec, Rosalyn and Trish in 2019. They met
                                                                                 Presentation in 2005                                                                          in the counting room several years ago
                                                                                                                                                                               and have been good friends ever since.

                                                                                                                        Bob Bunyip always happy to help out

       Raffle Winner in 2018 for the
            West Gippsland Branch                                           The GFA Cheque in 2016                   Afternoon crew at Clayton 7 - 11 in 2007

We reached out to our Branches                 Treasurer to continue the work his father                Friday, and by the time he had done so                  “It's always good to see the State
and Groups to look back at what                had been doing until he passed away.                     and counted the money, it was past 2am!                 President present a cheque on behalf of
makes the Good Friday Appeal so                                                                                                                                 the UBC,” said Kevin Potter, Treasurer
special each year to them. Here’s              Wayne’s sisters and their families also                  Good Friday often moves at a frantic                    of the West Gippsland Branch.
                                               get involved, his 86-year-old mother is                  pace, as Bendigo Group Treasurer Tracey
what some of them had to say.
                                               as keen as ever, with talking to everyone                Stevens pointed out. It’s not surprising                What also unites us is knowing that we are
At a time when the children, their families,   who comes to donate a highlight for her.                 that Tracey said with a laugh that she                  making a difference, which is particularly
and hospital staff need it more than ever,                                                              looks forward to going to bed at the end                important as a way forward through
it was heartening to see the community         Another group with strong associations                   of the day – who can’t relate to that?                  uncertain times. It goes to show how
standing with them once again. As President    with UBC is the CFA, such as in Bunyip                                                                           important the pre-Good Friday fundraising
of the South Gippsland Group Bill O’Neill      where the group have used the fire station               There’s still a lot of time for fun before              activities are, but people were also able
pointed out, so many people have a personal    as their collection point for over 20 years.             the final total: Kylie Dohnt, Nathalia                  to adapt. There was a positive response
connection to the Royal Children’s Hospital.   CFA member (Honorary Life Member                         Branch Secretary, has fond memories                     to the Virtual Tin Shake, contributing
                                               of UBC) John Beavis helps ensure that                    of waiting to see what past member                      $1,515.28 to the final total of $50,078.
Bill is an example of this himself, getting    this continues, and remembers the early                  Freddy Elliot’s costume would be for
involved with the Good Friday Appeal           days of the brigade’s involvement.                       each Good Friday. “The last time he                     People will always have their connections
out of a desire to repay the support                                                                    did it he was Dame Edna and he was                      to the Royal Children’s Hospital, which is
his family had received when his son           “We used to drive around the town                        all dressed up and he looked great.”                    why Bill is optimistic that the Good Friday
was diagnosed with epilepsy.                   in our support vehicle with a loud                                                                               Appeal will continue to get the support
                                               speaker to let the public know that                      The Appeal has a lot of power to bring                  that it always has. Bob looks forward to the
The Good Friday Appeal has also been           there were collectors around.”                           people together, whether it’s Bob having a              return of the Easter raffle, and Kylie said
a family affair for Wayne Peacock of the                                                                yarn with the shopkeepers when he rounds                “I'm hoping we'll have a big celebration next
Drouin Group. His parents were involved for    For Bob Wooley of St Arnaud, what comes                  up the tins, Tracey meeting new volunteers              year, and make it twice as good as before.”
many years, Wayne joined in as a collector     through loud and clear is the lessons he                 who found the club through Facebook, or
when he was younger and later with his         learned in his first Appeal as Treasurer                 seeing the collective efforts of the branches           Written and compiled by
own family. Wayne took on organising the       for the branch. Bob opted to round up                    and groups come together in the final total.            Charlotte Beveridge
Appeal as well as the roles of Secretary and   all the tins on the Thursday before Good

  20                                                                                                                                                                                                       21
Frank Muddyman [ Pat ] and Garry
  Ewart with the 2013 GFA Cheque
                                                                           Lancefield CFA Member
                                                                              Bryce Ettwell getting
                                                                         reading for the doorknock                  Lancefield crew on a lunch break from collecting                                     Members of Kangaroo flat fire
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Brigade in 2017 (Bendigo Branch)

                                              Dame Elisabeth with                   Freemason’s collecting at the             John White - 2nd prize winner of the raffle                     Lisa and Chester from Bendigo collecting
    Dame Elisabeth in the Barrow                   some children                        Geelong APCO way back                      from Eaglehawk Fire Brigade in 2017                                   for Good Friday in past years

       John Trail (Board Member) shares                  totals for reporting through to the appeal                      The Game, Don what is the Game? Well                  The Presidents Challenge
       another memory...                                 office and the all-important final total the                    around mid-afternoon the visitation teams
                                                         club would hand over to the appeal.                             will return from their rounds and John will           One of the final tasks on Good Friday was to
       Well after 45 plus years of Good Friday
                                                                                                                         head straight for us wanting to know how              come up with the final total which at times
       appeals it was such a disappointment to
                                                         Don was very easy to talk to, we of course                      we are going and are we going to beat last            was not always easy as we had an 8pm
       not take a more active role in 2020 and
                                                         had a common interest in Uncle Bobs                             year’s total, “and?”, I said, well it’s our job not   presentation time and we still had money
       given that we all now have some spare time
                                                         and Don’s wife was heavily involved with                        to build up expectations at this early stage.         on the tables being counted. Fortunately,
       on our hands I have decided to put pen
                                                         Hockey Administration which by default                                                                                we had some very experienced estimators
       to paper and share a couple of the lighter
                                                         meant he also helped out, and my sister                         “So what happens next Don?”, he said                  who could come up with a very reliable
       moments of my Good Fridays past with you.
                                                         and I both played, so there were lots of                        John asks us lots of questions about                  total of what was added to the total we had,
                                                         things to talk about while we set up.                           how the appeal is going, have we heard                to get the final total. When the final count
       The “Game”
                                                                                                                         from the barrow push team etc. which                  was finished any under or over amount was
                                                         Don was very organised - he had a complete                      ends with the all-important are we going              carried forward into the next year’s reserve.
       So just to set the scene a little, our State
                                                         copy of last year’s files and he walked me                      to beat last year’s total? To which the
       Treasurer was John Collier, John and I
                                                         through the process as we set up the current                    response was “we are going OK, but                    What puzzled me was why we always
       were both members of the Myer Group
                                                         year’s forms. The first reporting time was                      it’s too early to call at this stage”.                seemed to come up with totals that
       however, John was a senior manager and
                                                         11am which we only reported the Reserve                                                                               included cents, and were more often than
       I, well let’s just say I was at the bottom
                                                         figures, being the money raised towards                         After John left I said to Don, do you think           not tongue twisters when we could just
       of the food chain so I considered it
                                                         the appeal prior to Good Friday itself and                      he bought that, Don said of course not,               as easily adjust the estimate slightly by
       important to keep on his good side.
                                                         we reported each hour afterwards so the                         he knows how to play the game when                    a few dollars or a few cents to come up
                                                         day would get progressively busier as the                       somebody asks him the question, he will               with a nice rounded total. Well it seems
       The State Committee had decided as part
                                                         counting room cranked up and the figures                        quote some of our better answers and end              that none of the executive were safe on
       of its succession planning that they would
                                                         from the Branches and groups started to                         with it’s too early to call at this stage.            Good Friday particularly the President and
       team some of us newbie’s with experienced
                                                         roll in, plus in mid-afternoon there is the                                                                           it seems that it was our task to give the
       people, so I was teamed with Don Vincent,
                                                         game that we need to prepare for. It all                                                                              best tongue twister total that we could.
       whose role was basically to pull all the
                                                         made perfect sense except for the game.
       information together to work out the hourly

         22                                                                                                                                                                                                              23
Kendall, Carol and Sam
                                                                                                                                                          from Bendigo Branch

                                   2014 Cheque Presentation $588K

                                                                                       Maiden Gully Fire Brigade

     President Paul Etherington and the all important cheque in 2017

                                                                       Matt Winter - Lucky 1st prize winner
                                                                            of the raffle 2017. Matt is from
                                                                        Armaguard and normally operates
                             Paul Etherington Club President on the          the coin counting machine on          Members of the Bendigo UBC Branch
24                                                                                                                                                                   25
                                      radio for Good Friday in 2017        Good Friday. (Bendigo Branch)                  and their extra Budge family
FIND A FRIEND                                                                                           NATHALIA

for UBC                                                                         Branch & Group
                                                                              ST ARNAUD

            voucher of
           your choice!

       The “FIND A FRIEND” campaign is on and it closes 30th                              BELLARINE
            June 2020. Which branch or group will win?
Here’s what you need to do:                                                                                           WEST GIPPSLAND
  •    Find a friend who wants to help support children’s health
  •    Sign them up to your Branch or Group                                                                        WONTHAGGI

  •    Have them send the form with their membership fees
       ∗    New membership costs $45 ($25 joining fee + $20 membership fee)
  •    Get them to do the same and find a friend!!

The Reward:
The Branch or Group with the highest percentage of new members will be
rewarded with a $100 gift voucher!

You can use the Member Nomination form in this magazine, or sign your
friends up online at

      26                                                                                                                        27
Bendigo Group

       Jamie and Nick along with some of the volunteer ticket sales team, Shirley Vaitkus,
             Carol Maher, Denise Bailie, Bailey Vaitkus, Elka Castle and Sam Budge.                                   Carol Maher with Doug Murley from Eaglehawk Fire Brigade, 2016

                                                                                                     Good Friday Appeal:
Belmont Hotel Donation:

                                                                                                     While we all understand the reason why so
A huge thank you to Jamie and Nick,                 To sell the tickets for a couple of hours on a
                                                                                                     many of the activities that would normally
owners at the Belmont Hotel in Bendigo,             Friday Night over the three weeks leading
                                                                                                     happen on Good Friday just couldn’t
who run a fundraising event each                    into Christmas. The event raised $1,164.10,
                                                                                                     this year, never the less there is an air of
month to support local charities. They              a fantastic effort! A big thank you to our
                                                                                                     disappointment, but also an eagerness
offered Uncle Bobs an opportunity to                volunteers as well as Jamie and Nick.
                                                                                                     to do great things for the 2021 Appeal.
participate in their December raffle.
                                                    If you are ever up Bendigo way and looking
                                                                                                     Looking back, it is only 4 short years ago
Jamie and Nick organised the prizes,                for a meal why not give them a try, their
                                                                                                     that in 2016, the group cracked the $1 million
tickets and we provided the volunteers.             food is very good, as is their service.
                                                                                                     mark for money that we had raised for the
                                                                                                                                                                        John Stewart and Carol Maher
                                                                                                     Good Friday Appeal. What an achievement.
                                                                                                                                                                         with Lisa Chesters MP in 2016
                                                                                                     There were lots of smiling faces then!

  28                                                                                                                                                                                              29
Nathalia Branch

Hello everyone, from beautiful Nathalia.       The first Santa photos were taken in the
                                               rotunda in the centre plantation, the 2014
I do hope you are all well and coping with     ones were taken in what was then an empty
the situation we find ourselves in. Due to     shop and last year we found a "permanent
the situation (COVID-19) we also could not     home" in an unused shop in the main street.
do our usual Good Friday collections. All      In fact, this shop is "ours" (thanks to Ross
the same, with monies that were banked         Smith who owns it, and the shop next door
since 2019 Good Friday, including the Santa    that he actually runs his business in) so we
photos, we managed to raise $2,211.00.         can advertise our events, etc. at any time...
This figure actually may be more, but we       We also had an Easter display this year too,
won't know by how much until I can get         but I have no photos to share this time.
the jars/tins that are in the closed hotels.
When monies from these can eventually be       The photos shown here show the late
counted, they will be banked for 2021 GFA.     Fred Elliott dressed as Dame Edna
                                               at Easter in 2014 and a group of our
I have been the UBC Nathalia branch            UBC volunteers with Santa in 2013.
treasurer since 2012 (how time flies when
you're having fun!!) and decided to go         This is all I have for this journal; I          The late Fred Elliott made a great Santa in 2013 and 2014
back through my records to see how             hope to write again next time.
much we have sent to the Children's
Hospital during my tenure. In 2012 it was      Be well, be safe, everyone.
$11,692.20; in 2019 we sent $13,218.30. In
the years in between the figures varied        Eve Attwood
and 2012-2019 totalled $98,664.48,             Nathalia Treasurer and Public Relations
making an average of $12,333.06... nothing
to sneeze at by any means! We are
certainly proud of our little metropolis!

Santa photos started in 2013 and proved
popular with local families. The late Fred
Elliott made a great Santa and filled
this position for the following year also.
With Fred's passing in 2015 we didn't
continue with Santa photos for a number
of years. Last year, 2019, we restarted
this fundraiser, with another of our
members playing Santa (doing well too);
this was a success again, so we hope to
continue in this way on a yearly basis.

  30                                                                                                                                       31
Peninsula Group                                                                                  St Arnaud Branch
                                                                                                 Hi all Uncle Bobbers in isolation.             hotel (our previous point of sale) were to
                                                                                                                                                re-open as, at this point in time there was
                                                                                                 Wow! As I blissfully strolled to the bank      no indication of the oncoming pandemic
                                                                                                 to deposit our December takings, which         disaster that was just over the horizon.
                                                                                                 included $613.00 from our Christmas raffle
                                                                                                 one pleasant summer's morning, how             At the March market on the 14th, another
                                                                                                 could I (or anyone else for that matter)       cool and windy day which forced most
                                                                                                 have foreseen the oncoming disaster            stall holders to pack up early, bushfire talk
                                                                                                 that was to overcome the world in the          had been confined to history and been
                                                                                                 early part of the new year. Our December       replaced by coronavirus and whether
                                                                                                 market had been well patronised and we         there would be an April market to which
                                                                                                 were all looking forward to the Christmas/     we assured everyone that, as things
                                                                                                 New Year break, even though, for me, it        stood at the moment, we could see no
                                                                                                 was going to be my first time home alone       reason why it wouldn't go ahead as usual
                                                                                                 in my life during the festive season after     - how wrong we were to be proven!
                                                                                                 having made the heartbreaking decision
                                                                                                 in November to have Joyce, my wife of          I don't need to remind everyone that things
             Spencer Unthank and Roy and Sheila Briggs drawing the lucky raffle winners          46 years, committed to aged care.              deteriorated rather rapidly from then until
                                                                                                                                                the government decided that we would go
                                                                                                 It was back to business as usual with our      into lockdown on Tuesday, 24th March. I
It is quite sad to have to report that this year   you to Coles for giving us the space to sit
                                                                                                 first market of 2020 on the 11th January, a    decided that on the Monday I would bring
due to the COVID-19 lockdown we were               and sell and thank you to our generous
                                                                                                 cool and windy day, then the first Friday      the Easter Bunny forward a trifle and do
unable to conduct our Annual Good Friday           public who bought the tickets in support
                                                                                                 night raffle on the 24th January. The          my change-over of collection tins as some
Sorrento to Safety Beach Wheelbarrow Push.         of the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal.
                                                                                                 February market was held on the 8th with       of the businesses where we had tins placed
As with all Uncle Bobs we had to stay home
                                                                                                 the main talking point being the horrendous    would be closing and, having done that
and only dream of what may have been.              All of us down here on the Mornington
                                                                                                 bushfires and accompanying smoke haze          we were able to contribute $623.20 to the
                                                   Peninsula are staying home and keeping
                                                                                                 which, fortunately, was not too confronting    Good Friday Appeal. Now as I settle in
On a slightly brighter note we were able           ourselves safe, as we look forward to
                                                                                                 here. But within a few days the first of the   for another afternoon and evening of TV
to sell some tickets in our Good Friday            2021 when we can once again get out
                                                                                                 bad news that was to affect our branch         documentaries and movies (lucky I'm a
Easter Raffle, before the lockdown ended           onto the Nepean Highway on Good
                                                                                                 was that the other half of our Friday          movie buff) I ponder a slight variation of the
that prematurely as well. Enough tickets           Friday and push our wheelbarrow.
                                                                                                 raffle, the Botanical hotel, had once again    words of the late, great Vera Lynn - "We'll
were sold to allow us to still draw the raffle,
                                                                                                 closed indefinitely and, with no other hotel   meet again, do know where, don't know
announce two lucky winners and still show          We extend our prayers and good wishes
                                                                                                 available for us sell tickets on a Friday      when". See you on the other side of Covid-19.
a small profit for the Uncle Bobs Club as          to all Uncle Bobs and trust that we will
                                                                                                 night, we were left with just the RSL. As
well. Thank you to our members who sat             all get to the other side so that we can
                                                                                                 this rendered our raffle unprofitable it       Cheers,
at Coles in Hastings selling tickets, thank        resume somewhat of a normal life.
                                                                                                 was decided to suspend it until either the     Bob Wooley
                                                                                                 Botanical or the closed Farmers' Arms
                                                   Susy & David Morgan

  32                                                                                                                                                                                       33
GFA Supporters
Thanks to our Supporters

Freemason’s Task Force

Freemason’s task force has partnered
with UBC for over 15 years. Each
year Freemason’s Victoria man the
                                                     T R A F F I C                          LaManna
7-Eleven stores and APCO service
stations across Victoria, which is over              Safely Managing Risk
                                                                                            Each year LaManna have Good Friday
150 locations. Freemason’s assist with
                                                                                            Appeal tins on their counters to raise funds.
working bees in preparation for GFA            Altus Traffic Management
                                                                                            The relationship was established through our
and other activities over the year.
                                                                                            former Craigieburn Group over 10 years ago
                                               Altus Traffic Management have provided
                                                                                            and there is also a direct relationship with                                     traffic management for the Annual Wheel
                                                                                            the GFA Appeals Office. They allow UBC to       CFA
                                               Barrow Push since 2016. They generously
                                                                                            collect in store and run our GFA raffle. They
                                               donate over $10,000 in staff and equipment
                                                                                            also provide hundreds of dollars of fruit,      Many CFA brigades across Victoria
                                               each year. Without their services the
                                                                                            water and soft drink each year to ensure our    assist in door knocks, corner collections,
                                               Wheel barrow Push would not go ahead.
                                                                                            members and volunteers are looked after.        counting money and traffic management.


7-Eleven started with UBC in 2007 and
allow tins in all stores across Victoria for
4 weeks leading up to Good Friday. They
also run a BBQ and raffle prior to Good        MFB
Friday every year. Plus they provide coffee
and slurpee vouchers for collectors at         The MFB have partnered with UBC for 61
their stores on Good Friday. They also         years. Over the year’s MFB personnel have
provide food supplies for MBF/CFA run.         collected on corners around Melbourne,
                                               sold AFL posters and in conjunction with
Raised $837,206.70                             the CFA participated in the Treadmill
                                               Challenge in the Bourke Street Mall.                                 MFB has raised over $1 Million.

  34                                                                                                                                                                                35
From the Archives
                                                                                                  One evening in early December 1941 at the      A letter of authority from Mrs. Altman to
                                                                                                  Riversdale Hotel in Hawthorn Mr. Alf Clark,    form the Group and for Alf Clark to collect
                                                                                                  Mr. Ray Fisher, Mr. Jock McAdam and Mr.        funds was tabled at this meeting, and
                                                                                                  Clarrie Williams (Riversdale Hotel Licensee)   the conditions applying to the Group’s
The Beginning of Uncle Bobs Club                                                                  were enjoying a quiet drink when Ray Fisher    activities, were agreed to by those present.
                                                                                                  produced some raffle tickets the proceeds of
                                                                                                  which would go to the Children's Hospital.     At this meeting it was also agreed that the
                                                                                                                                                 name of the Group be the "Uncle Bobs
                                                                                                  Reminded of his association with the           Orthopaedic Fund", derived from the
                                                                                                  Orthopaedic Section of the Hospital, Mr.       fact that membership subscription was
                                                                                                  Clark suggested that a group be formed         to be one Bob (one shilling) per week.
                                                                                                  to raise money for the Orthopaedic
                                                                                                  Section of the Children's Hospital.            Moving Forward

                                                                                                  A couple of days later Alf Clark met           The first General meeting of the Group
                                                                                                  with Mrs. Stella Altman, Acting Medical        was held at R.M.S., on 8th January 1942,
                                                                                                  Superintendent of the Children’s               with 25 members in attendance.
                                                                                                  Hospital Orthopaedic Section, to
                                                                                                  discuss the proposed Group and to seek         On the advice of the Manager and Secretary
                                                                                                  permission to collect funds for CHOS.          of the Children’s Hospital, Mr. Howard
                                                                                                                                                 Barrett, that the name chosen for the Group
                                                                                                  A meeting of gentlemen interested              would limit its future activities, the first
                                                                                                  in forming this Group was held on              item of business was a notice of motion
                                                                                                  17th December 1941, at 194 Riversdale          that the name "Uncle Bobs Orthopaedic
                                                                                                  Road, Hawthorn, which was the                  Fund” be changed to "Uncle Bobs Club".
                                                                                                  business address of R.M.S. Pty. Ltd., a
                                                                                                  Company owned in partnership by Mr.            Mr. Barrett recalls
                                                                                                  Alf Clark and Mr. Ray Fisher, and the
                                                                                                  following Committee was installed:             Mr. Barrett was guest speaker at a public
                                                                                                                                                 meeting held on Friday 21st November 1952
               The Children’s Hospital Orthopaedic Section in Mt Eliza (circa 1964)               President:            Mr. Jock McAdam          at the Grosvenor Hotel in Shepparton for the
                                                                                                                                                 formation of the Shepparton Branch of the
                                                                                                  Vice-President:       Mr. Ray Fisher           Club. As part of his address Mr. Barrett said,
The formation of Uncle Bobs Club as a               For it was in 1939 that Mr. Alf Clark and
charitable organisation was officially on the       his family began visiting their neighbour's   Honorary Secretary: Mr. Alf Clark              “I well remember in 1942 receiving a visit in
3rd January, 1942. However, the seeds that          daughter, Heather Smith, who was                                                             my office of 4 or 5 gentlemen who wished
have grown into one of the most successful          a patient at the Children's Hospital          Honorary Treasurer:   Mr. Bert Wheeler         to do something to help the Orthopaedic
and respected charitable organisations in           Orthopaedic Section (CHOS) at Mt Eliza                                                       Section, and the Club's present enthusiastic
Victoria were probably planted in 1939.             being treated for TB in her right knee.       Committee: Messrs;    Dave Smith, 		           President, Mr. Alfred Clark, was one of the
                                                                                                                        Clarrie Williams, 		     gentlemen in that group. After a little talk
                                                                                                                        George Thompson,         it was decided to form Uncle Bobs Club.”
                                                                                                                        Alex Whitecross,
                                                                                                                        Gil Hendrie,             Mr. Barrett joined the Club in 1943 and
                                                                                                                        Jack Moore		             served on the Club’s central committee
                                                                                                                        Ray Jackson.             from 1944 to 1956. He was awarded
                                                                                                  Auditor:              Mr. Bennett.             Honorary Life Membership in 1957.

  36                                                                                                                                                                                        37
1942 in brief
                                                                                                            The Founders
                                             They set other standards also. At a General
                                                                                               As part of the Club’s 20th Anniversary a motion
Mr. Bert Wheeler passed away early in
                                             meeting held on 11th February 1942 when,           was passed by the Committee at its July 1962
1942 and Mr. Dave Smith (Heather’s father)
was elected to the position of Treasurer.
                                             following a donation of 20 Pounds to the         meeting to reallocate the member numbers of the
                                             Orthopaedic Hospital, a letter from Mr.
                                             Barrett was received in which Mr. Barrett said
                                                                                              Club’s four founders who, with their new numbers,
Eight meetings were held during the
first year, with attendances varying from
                                             “should the Club desire a Life Governorship                      are pictured below.
                                             for its efforts, this could be arranged.” The
10 to 34. At these meetings, policies for
                                             following motion was passed unanimously:
the operating procedure of the Club
were determined, functions, such as
                                             "That the Secretary be instructed to
theatre and dinner nights, were arranged,
                                             write to the Secretary of the Children's
new members were welcomed and the
                                             Hospital thanking them for their
foundation of this great Club was laid.
                                             suggestion and stating that no member
                                             desired any such Governorship, as the
1942 ended on a high with 34 members
                                             Club was absolutely happy to be of
attending the December General meeting,
                                             help without thought of reward."
at which it was reported that the Club had
130 members, and the total receipts from
                                             More about Heather Smith
all sources for the year was 350 Pounds.
Nominations for the 1943 committee
                                             In 1950 Heather married Victorian
were also received at this meeting.
                                             and Australian wicket-keeper
                                             batsman Len Maddocks.
Dedicated to the Cause
                                                                                                    1 - Mr. Alf Clark                               2 - Mr. Ray Fisher
                                             Heather is still a member of the Club and
The gentlemen responsible for the
                                             her and her family are extremely proud of
establishment and running of this Club
                                             what has been achieved by the Club that
in its infancy were men of compassion,
                                             she played such a vital part in its formation.
dedicated men, business men and others
who had the ability to see what was
                                             Heather has been a special guest at a
needed in the future. This is evidenced by
                                             number of Club functions, including the
the writing of a constitution early in the
                                             40th and 50th Anniversary events.
Club's history, recording of events and
encouraging an active membership, as was
                                             Frank Hargreave
shown by the number of meetings held
                                             Club Historian
and the attendances at those meetings.

These men set standards that we still
use for the operation of the Club today,
the mechanics, such as nomination for                                                              3 - Mr. Jock McAdam                            4 - Mr. Clarrie Williams
membership and committee, conduct
and format of meetings and the like.

                                                                                                                 (Photos colourised courtesy of MyHeritage)

                                                                                                                              Frank Hargreave
                                                                                                                               Club Historian

  38                                                                                                                                                                         39

           Past Presidents
                  A Look at our History

                                                          Mr. John Kirkwood   Mr. William Allison    Mr. Chris Howlett
                                                          1948                1949 & 1950            1951

                                                                                                                       Mr. Bassant
                                                                                                                       resigned in
                                                                                                                       1954 due to
                                                                                                                       moving to the
                                                                                                                       UK. Mr. Barker
                                                                                                                       was appointed
                                                                                                                       President for
                                                                                                     Mr. George
                                                                                                                       the rest of the
1942                                                      Mr. Alf Clark       Mr. Eric Barker        Bassant
                                                                                                                       committee year.
                                                          1952                1953 & 1955            1954

Mr. Jock McAdam     Mr. Ray Fisher   Mr. Picton Hopkins   Mr. Frank Hall      Mr. Wally Williamson   Mr. Doug Scott
1942                1943             1944                 1955/56             1956/57                1957/58

Mr. Gil Hendrie     Mr. Roy Butler   Mr. Fred Maxted      Mr. Dick Moore      Mr. Arthur Clark       Mr. Frank Moore
1945                1946             1947                 1958/59             1959/60                1960/61

  40                                                                                                                              41
1961                                                                         1984

                                                                                                                                                 Mr. Etherington
                                                                                                                                                 resigned in April
                                                                                                                                                 1993 due to
                                                                                                                                                 health problems.
                                                                                                                                                 Mr. Reaburn
                                                                                                                                                 was appointed
                                                                                                                                                 President for
                                                                                                                                                 the rest of the
                                                                                                                                                 committee year.
Mr. Bob Lamond       Mr. Jim Cosgriff                 Mr. Rex Hunt
                                                                             Mr. Geoff Walters                                Mr. Paul Etherington
1961/62              1962/63                          1963/64                                          Mrs. June Warner
                                                                             1984/85 to 1988/89                               1991/92 & Part
                                                                                                       1989/90 & 1990/91

Mr. Buster Burston   Mr. Pat Chaundy                  Mr. Ray Mollison       Mr. Greg Reaburn          Mr. William Gilmore    Mr. Peter Harris
1964/65              1965/66 & 1966/67                1967/68 & 1968/69      Part 1992/93 to 1996/97   1997/98 & 1998/99      1999/2000 to 2002/03

Mr. Don Vincent      Mr. Kevin Henry                  Mr. Frank Hargreaves   Mr. Robert Willey         Mr. John Traill        Mr. Ian Jager
1969/70 to 1971/72   1972/73                          1973/74 to 1975/76     2003/04 to 2005/06        2006/07 & 2007/08      2008/09 to 2011/12

                                                                                                                              Some of these
                                        Mr. Lamond
                                                                                                                              photos were
                                        passed away
                                                                                                                              originally black
                                        in November
                                                                                                                              and white
                                        1979. Mr.
                                                                                                                              and were
                                        Collier was
                                                                                                                              courtesy of
                                                                                                                              My Heritage.
                                        for the
                                        rest of the
Mr. John Collier     Mr. Kevin                        Mr. Anthony Pettit     Mr. Matthew Lee           Mr. Paul Etherington
1976/77 to 1979/80   Lamond                           1980/81 to 1983/84     2012/13 to 2015/16        2016/17 to 2019/2020
                     Part 1979

  42                                                                                                                                                       43
                                                                                               Nomination/Renewal Form
                                    Merv Dyer
                     02/07/1944 – 09/04/2020                                                          Please complete the following and return to PO Box 1429, Tullamarine, 3043


                                                                                              I, (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms) __________________________________________________
                                                                                              desire to renew / become an Adult / Jet / Company member of Uncle Bobs Club
                                                                                              and agree to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Club
                                                                                              (which can be found at

                                                                                              Address: ______________________________________________________________


                                                                                              Email: ________________________________________________________________

                                                                                              Telephone: ________________ Mobile: _________________ Work: ______________

                                                                                              Date of birth: ______/_______/_______		                         Fax: ________________

                                                                                              Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____/______/_______­­_____

                                                                                              Do you have a Working with Children Card?            Joining Fee:		         $ _________

                                                                                              YES / NO                                             Membership Fee:        $ _________
   Merv (centre) presenting 173 knitted Care-Bears to Civil Ambulance Victoria. Paramedics
                   give the Care-Bears to distressed children for comfort.                    Number: ____________________________                 Donation:		            $ _________

                                                                                              Expiry: ____/____/____                               TOTAL:                 $ _________
         Merv was already a long time and dedicated member of the Freemasons
          Task Force when they were originally approached by the UBC in 2001 to
       lend the support of Freemasons to the annual Good Friday Appeal collection
        project. He was personally supportive of the briefings provided by the UBC
         Liaison Officer between the Task Force and GFA Collection Co-ordinators.
                                                                                                      Yearly subscription is $20 Adult Membership, $5 Jet Membership (under 18)
Over many years his active support was ‘shared’ between several community organisations:          and $110 Company Membership. *A joining fee of $25 applies for new Adult members.
  Blaze Aid, Variety Club, Monash Children’s Hospital, the Civil Ambulance Victoria Care                        Only new Adult members will receive a Club polo shirt.
 Bear project, Ring Pull Recycling as well as the Uncle Bobs Club, just to name a very few.                                   All fees are GST inclusive.

      The club extends its condolences to Merv’s family and friends at this sad time.
                                                                                                           Membership renewals will be due one year after joining.
   His years of faithful service will certainly serve as an inspiration to many… VALE Merv.

 44                                                                                                                                                                                   45

       If you would like to pay by credit card, please fill out the below details.
                           Note: there is a $25 minimum.

Card type:  VISA  MASTERCARD

Card number:   ££££/££££/££££/££££
Name on card: _________________________________________________________

Expiry date: ____________/___________ Security code (rear of card): £          £££
Signature: _____________________________________________________________

Do you require a receipt? YES / NO

Branch or Group Member is to join: ________________________________________

Code: _____________________________

                                  ADULT MEMBERS
Please circle your shirt size:
Mens: S / M / L / XL / 2XL / 3XL / 4XL / 5XL             Ladies: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 /18

                 Note: Club polo shirts are $25 for existing members.
        Please indicate if you would like to purchase additional shirts above.

                              PRIVACY LEGISLATION
Do you agree to the use of your image in any media, such as the Club’s journal,
website or other publicity? YES / NO

Signature: _____________________________________________________________

               Membership renewals will be due one year after joining.


Form of Bequest
        Please consider this important first step
                 We do ask that you seek independent legal advice and
                     discuss your intentions with your loved ones.

                       Residuary estate gift to Uncle Bobs Club

“I GIVE to Uncle Bobs Club (ABN 18006207227) of Unit 4, 41-43 Allied Drive, Tullamarine
   3043, a _______ (insert a figure) percent share of my residuary estate for its general
  purposes and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Chief Administration Officer, Secretary,
    Treasurer or other proper officer of Uncle Bobs Club shall be a sufficient discharge
     to my Trustees without my Trustees being required to see the application thereof

                       Pecuniary legacy gift to Uncle Bobs Club

“I GIVE to Uncle Bobs Club (ABN 18006207227) of Unit 4, 41-43 Allied Drive, Tullamarine
   3043, a legacy of $_______ (insert an amount) of my residuary estate for its general
  purposes and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Chief Administration Officer, Secretary,
    Treasurer or other proper officer of Uncle Bobs Club shall be a sufficient discharge
     to my Trustees without my Trustees being required to see the application thereof

                       Specific purpose gift to Uncle Bobs Club.

                           Examples of a specific purpose gift:

    1. Study Scholarship for paediatric nurses, doctors, surgeons, research projects.

     2. Equipment for your local community hospital or a major children’s hospital.

           3. Support for individual paediatric or adolescent patients to assist
                  in their recovery or the management of their illness.

                                     PLEASE NOTE:

   The Uncle Bobs Club is pleased to inform you that our honorary solicitors, Pearce
    Webster Dugdales, 379 Collins St, Melbourne, have indicated that they would be
    prepared to make wills without charge to people making a bequest to the Club.

          The Club extends its grateful thanks to Pearce Webster Dugdales for
               their invaluable and ongoing support of our organisation.

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