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Thanks for a roaring season! © St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. 00733 STG 08/15
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C OFFICIALS – SEASON 2018 Patron: Mr. M.V. Lynch BOARD OF MANAGEMENT President: Mitchell Sim Ph: 9587 6451 Honorary Secretary: David Parkes Ph: 0414 896 740 Honorary Treasurer: Gary McCoullough Ph: 9153 5656 Fax: 9153 9775 Senior Vice President: Peter Trethewy Ph: 0419 435 992 Directors: Chris Books Ph: 0412 008 595 Gary Fa'afua Ph: 0402 242 801 Darren Campbell Ph: 0427 792 680 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Vice Presidents: Ahmed Ghassa Ph: 0402 923 123 Beverly Armstrong Ph: 9533 5416 Cathy Crowe Ph: 0409 911 094 Daniel Tasaico Ph: 0438 945 477 David Cahill Ph: 0415 332 931 Gary Crowe Ph: 0450 647 595 Glenys Ellis Ph: 9528 3930 Greg Hughes Ph: 0406 222 326 Kelly Campbell Ph: 0427 792 680 Khoder Ghassa Ph: 0402 769 712 Leba Abihanna Ph: 9502 4501 Maureen Connelly Ph: 9153 9384 YEARBOOK 2018 Michael Tsougranis Ph: 0447 442 213 Reece Merrick Ph: 0411 583 130 Robert Rayner Ph: 9570 6607 Steve Bell Ph: 9570 8549 Steve Edge Ph: 0412 899 700 Sue Bell Ph: 9570 8549 Toni Hughes Ph: 0424 655 059 Warren Driscoll Returning officer: Cathy Crowe Ph: 0409 911 094 Honorary auditor: Coleman, Maher & Co Ph: 9523 9344 AFFILIATED CLUBS PRESIDENTS, SECRETATRIES AND DELEGATES Voting rights determined by number of teams. Each club with one of two teams = one vote; three or more teams = two votes; eight or more teams = three votes. ARNCLIFFE SCOTS: Michael Tsougranis, Glenys Ellis, Linda Christie (14 teams) BRIGHTON SEAGULLS: Bruce Hartley, James Brickwood (six teams) EARLWOOD SAINTS: Andrea Perestrelo, Rob Gianessi, Tony Perestrelo (five teams) HURSTVILLE UNITED: Holika Taufa, Lindslay Merrick, Brett Hagan (11 teams) KINGSGROVE COLTS: Natalie Arajjo, Carlos Perez, Michael Lambino (13 teams) KOGARAH COUGARS: Mel Karauna, Koha Ghassa (nine teams) PENSHURST RSL: Graeme Chong-Sun, David Cahill (14 teams) RENOWN UNITED: Ted Palumberi, Bev Armstrong, Warren Turnell (13 teams) RIVERWOOD LEGION: Daniel Tasaico, Theresa Tasaico, Vicki Boyd (three teams) ST GEORGE REFEREES ASSOCIATION: Damien Simes, Josh Perestrelo, Joel Mani (2 votes) PA G E . 2
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C ST. GEORGE JUNIOR RUGBY FOOTBALL LEAGUE INC. 2018 AFFILIATED CLUB SECRETARIES JUNIOR LEAGUE SECRETARY Mr. David Parkes – PO Box 373 Peakhurst, 2210 Phone: 0414 896 740 ST. GEORGE D.R.F.L. REFEREES ASSOCIATION Mr. Joshua Perestrelo – Locked Bag 1500, Ramsgate, 2217 Ph: 0411 127 401 Fax: 9588 9039 ARNCLIFFE SCOTS R.L.F.C. Mrs. Glenys Ellis – 7 Surrey Pl, Kareela, 2232 Phone: 9528 3930 Fax: 9528 6320 BRIGHTON SEAGULLS J.R.L.F.C. Mr. James Brickwood – 50 Hudson St, Hurstville, 2200 Phone: 0426 882 063 YEARBOOK 2018 EARLWOOD SAINTS J.R.L.F.C. Mr. Rob Gianesi – 39 Woolcott St, Earlwood, 2206 Phone: 0435 806 035 HURSTVILLE UNITED R.L.F.C. Mrs Lindslay Merrick – 7/15 Letitia Street, Oatley, 2223 Ph: 0402 448 291 KINGSGROVE COLTS J.R.L.F.C. Ms. Natalie Arroja – c/o 5 Beaconsfield Ave, Kingsgrove, 2208 Ph: 0410 608 845 KOGARAH COUGARS J.R.L.F.C. Mrs. Mel Karauna – 2/31 Bruce St, Kogarah Bay, 2217 Phone: 0413 133 123 PENSHURST R.S.L. J.R.LF.C. Mr. David Cahill – 2/6 Connelly St, Penshurst, 2222 Phone: 0415 332 931 RENOWN UNITED SPORTS CLUB Mrs. Bev Armstrong – 2/16 Blackwattle St, Peakhurst, 2210 Phone: 0457 034 095 RIVERWOOD LEGION J.R.L.F.C. Mrs. Theresa Tasaico – 36 Gerald Rd, Illawong, 2234 Ph: 0421 630 721 PA G E . 3
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 COMMITTEES REGISTRATION GROUNDS NSWRL CCC JUDICIARY WELFARE David Parkes Mitchell Sim Gary Fa’afua David Parkes Mitchell Sim Darren Campbell Gary Crowe Glenys Ellis David Parkes Steve Bell Peter Trethewy Gary Fa’afua Beverley Armstrong DEVELOPMENT JOINT COMPETITIONS SECRETARIAL/MINUTE LIFE MEMBERS Darren Campbell David Parkes Glenys Ellis Gary McCoullough Gary Fa’afua Mitchell Sim Toni Hughes Mitchell Sim David Parkes Steve Bell MATCH AND DRAW COURSES RETURNING OFFICER REFEREES APPT’S Mitchell Sim Peter Trethewy Cathy Crowe Chris Books (Proxy) David Parkes David Parkes Gary Crowe (Delegate) YEARBOOK 2018 MAGAZINE REP TEAMS DEVELOPMENT NSW JL ASSOCIATION Daily Press David Parkes Darren Campbell Chris Books Jack Brady Cathy Crowe Gary Fa’afua David Parkes David Parkes David Parkes RECORDER HON. AUDITOR HON. LEGAL OFFICER CODE OF CONDUCT David Parkes Coleman, Maher & Co. Glenn Thompson Mitchell Sim Mitchell Sim David Parkes Peter Trethewy Gary McCoullough EDITORIAL FINANCE/CONSTITUTION David Parkes Gary McCoullough Chris Books David Parkes Mitchell Sim PA G E . 4
HONOUR ROLL PREVIOUS OFFICE BEARERS • 1946 – 2018 This list has been prepared from available records and we advise 1946 was our Association’s 40th year of operation. Only scant records prior to this time are available, however further research may disclose additional information for future publications YEAR PATRONS PRESIDENT SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER ASS. SECRETARY 1946 Mr A. Popplewell; Mr J. Mostyn; Mr S. Lands; Mr H. Lane; Mr P. Marsden Mr F.F. Lepherd Mr H. Townsend Mr W. Thompson Mr M. Gannon Mr J. McGrath, MLA; Mr M. Shanny 1947 Mr A. Popplewell; Mr J. Mostyn; Mr S. Lands; Mr H. Lane; Mr P. Marsden Mr F.F. Lepherd Mr H. Townsend Mr W. Thompson Mr L.S. Speakman Mr J. McGrath, MLA; Mr M. Shanny 1948 Mr A. Popplewell; Mr J. Mostyn; Mr S. Lands; Mr H. Lane; Mr P. Marsden Mr F.F. Lepherd Mr H. Townsend Mr W. Thompson Mr L.S. Speakman Mr J. McGrath, MLA; Mr M. Shanny 1949 Mr P. Marsden Mr W. Todd Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L.S. Speakman Mr W. Thompson Mr A. Lewis 1950 Mr P. Marsden Mr W. Todd Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L.S. Speakman Mr W. Thompson Mr A. Lewis 1951 Mr P. Marsden Mr L.H. Stephens Mr V. Harrington Mr L.S. Speakman Mr W. Thompson Mr P. Robinson 1952 Mr P. Marsden Mr L.H. Stephens Mr V. Harrington (ret’d) Mr L.S. Speakman Mr W. Thompson Mr P. Robinson Mr L. Doust (appointed) 1953 Mr P. Marsden Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L. Doust Mr L.S. Speakman Mr W. Thompson Mr P. Robinson 1954 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L. Doust Mr L.S. Speakman Mr W. Thompson Mr P. Robinson 1955 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L. Doust Mr A.J. Jones Mr W. Thompson Mr A. Goymour 1956 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L. Doust Mr A.J. Jones Mr W. Thompson Mr A. Goymour 1957 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L. Doust Mr A.J. Jones Mr W. Thompson Mr A. Goymour 1958 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.H. Stephens Mr J. Ellwood Mr A.J. Jones Mr W. Thompson Mr E. Cox 1959 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.H. Stephens Mr G. Gaut Mr A.J. Jones Mr W. Thompson Mr W. Dodd 1960 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.S. Speakman Mr G. Gaut Mr K. McSweyn Mr G.T. Taylor Mr J. Burke 1961 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.S. Speakman Mr G. Gaut Mr K. McSweyn Mr G.T. Taylor Mr W. Dodd 1962 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.S. Speakman Mr G. Gaut Mr W.J. Dodd Mr G.T. Taylor Mr C.H. Menser 1963 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr L.S. Speakman Mr G. Gaut Mr C.H. Menser Mr G.T. Taylor Mr W. Bergin 1964 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr G.T. Taylor Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr L.S. Speakman Mr C. Shannon 1965 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr G.T. Taylor Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr L.S. Speakman Mr S. Gee 1966 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr L. Reynolds (joint Patrons) Mr G.T. Taylor Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr L.S. Speakman Mr S. Gee 1967 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr G.T. Taylor Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr L.S. Speakman Mr S. Gee 1968 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr G.T. Taylor Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr L.S. Speakman Mr F. Ede 1969 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr G.T. Taylor Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr L.S. Speakman Mr F. Ede 1970 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr R.J. Gardiner (joint Patrons) Mr P. Del-Grande Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr J. Ward Mr F. Ede 1971 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr R.J. Gardiner (joint Patrons) Mr P. Del-Grande Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr J. Ward Mr F. Ede S T. G E O R G E J R L F C PA G E . 5 1972 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr R.J. Gardiner (joint Patrons) Mr P. Del-Grande Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr J. Cole Mr F. Ede YEARBOOK 2018
YEARBOOK 2018 YEAR PATRONS PRESIDENT SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER ASS. SECRETARY PA G E . 6 1973 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr R.J. Gardiner (joint Patrons) Mr T. Butler Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr F. Allen Mr F. Ede 1974 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr R.J. Gardiner (joint Patrons) Mr T. Butler Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr F. Allen Mr F. Ede 1975 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr R.J. Gardiner (joint Patrons) Mr T. Butler Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr J.G. Richards Mr F. Ede 1976 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr T. Butler Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr J.G. Richards Mr F. Ede S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 1977 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr S.W. Shaw Mr F.E. Erickson Mr C.H. Menser Mr J.G. Richards Mr F. Ede 1978 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr S.W. Shaw Mr M.V. Lynch Mr C.H. Menser Mr J.G. Richards Mr W. Hooker 1979 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr S.W. Shaw Mr M.V. Lynch Mr C.H. Menser Mr J.G. Richards Mr G.A. Lowrie 1980 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr S.W. Shaw Mr M.V. Lynch Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr J.G. Richards Mr A.J. Russell 1981 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr S.W. Shaw Mr M.V. Lynch Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr J.G. Richards Mr A.J. Russell 1982 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr M.V. Lynch Mr K. Brown Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr J.G. Richards Mr A.J. Russell 1983 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr M.V. Lynch Mr K. Brown Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr J.G. Richards Mr L.G. Fernley 1984 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr M.V. Lynch Mr D. Wilson Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr J.G. Richards Mr L.G. Fernley 1985 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr M.V. Lynch Mr D. Wilson Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr J.G. Richards Mr L.G. Fernley 1986 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr M.V. Lynch Mr D. Wilson Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr J.G. Richards (Dec 2/6/86); Mr L.G. Fernley Mrs P.J. Towler (app 1/4/86) 1987 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr M.V. Lynch Mr D. Woodruff Mr G.A. Lowrie Mrs P.J. Towler Mr L.G. Fernley 1988 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr D. Wilson Mr D. Woodruff Mr G.A. Lowrie Mrs P.J. Towler Mr L.G. Fernley 1989 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr D. Wilson Mr D. Woodruff (dec 12/3/89); Mr G.A. Lowrie Mrs P.J. Towler Mr L.G. Fernley Mr P.W. Reeves (app 28/3/89) 1990 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP Mr D. Wilson Mr P.W. Reeves Mr G.A. Lowrie Mrs P.J. Towler Mr L.G. Fernley 1991 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr P.W. Reeves Mr R.A. Riley Mr G.A. Lowrie Mrs P.J. Towler Mr L.G. Fernley * 1992 ST GEORGE JUNIOR RUGBY FOOTBALL LEAGUE BECAME AN INCORPORATED BODY FROM 13/10/92 1992 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr P.W. Reeves Mr R.A. Riley Mr G.A. Lowrie Mrs P.J. Towler Mr L.G. Fernley 1993 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr P.W. Reeves Mr R.A. Riley Mr G.A. Lowrie Mrs P.J. Towler Mr L.G. Fernley; Mr S.J. Kelly; Mr J.J. Stoneham 1994 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr P.W. Reeves Mr R.A. Riley Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr L.G. Fernley; Mr S.J. Kelly; Mr J.J. Stoneham 1995 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr R.A. Riley Mr S.J. Kelly Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr L.G. Fernley; Mr JJ Stoneham; Mr P.W. Reeves 1996 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr R.A. Riley Mr S.J. Kelly (res 26/5/96); Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr L.G. Fernley; Mr P.W. Mr JJ Stoneham (elected 27/5/96) Reeves; Mr P.D. Blackman (elected 11/6/96) 1997 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr L.H. Stephens Mr L. Doust Mr A.J. Jones Mr W. Thompson Mr A. Goymour 1998 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr R.A. Riley Mr J.J. Stoneham Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr L.G. Fernley 1999 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch (joint Patrons) Mr R.A. Riley Mr J.J. Stoneham Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr P.W. Reeves
YEAR PATRONS PRESIDENT SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER ASS. SECRETARY 2000 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch; Mr R.A. Riley Mr J.J. Stoneham (res 25/3/00) Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr P.W. Reeves Mr R. McClelland, MP (joint Patrons) Mr P.W. Reeves (app 25/3/00) (until 25/3/00); Mr S.J. Bell (el 3/4/00); Mr R.G. Knowler; Mr R.W. Rayner 2001 The Hon W.F. (Bill) Crabtree, MP; Mr M.V. Lynch; Mr R.A. Riley Mr R.W. Rayner Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr S.J. Bell; Mr R.G. Mr R. McClelland, MP (joint Patrons) Knowler; Mr P.W. Reeves (ret 14/9/01)/ Mr C.C. Books (app 17/9/01 2002 Mr M.V. Lynch; Mr R. McClelland, MP (Joint Patrons) Mr R.A. Riley Mr R.G. Knowler Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr S.J. Bell; Mr R.W. Rayner; Mr C.C. Books 2003 Mr M.V. Lynch; Mr R. McClelland, MP (Joint Patrons) Mr R.A. Riley Mr R.G. Knowler Mr G.A. Lowrie Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr S.J. Bell; Mr R.W. Rayner; Mr C.C. Books 2004 Mr M.V. Lynch Mr R. McClelland, MP (Joint Patrons) Mr R.A. Riley Mr C.C. Books (res 31/5/04); Mr R.G. Knowler Mr G.T. Taylor Mr S.J. Bell; Mr R.W. Rayner; Mr S.J. Bell (app 31/5/04) Mr G.A. Lowrie; R.J. Bennett (elected 23/8/04) 2005 Mr M.V. Lynch: Mr R. McClelland, MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr R.J. Bennett Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr.G.A. Lowrie, Mr M. Sim, Mr J. Donnelly 2006 Mr M.V. Lynch Mr R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr R.J. Bennett Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G.A. Lowries, Mr M. Sim Mr J. Donnelly 2007 Mr M.V. Lynch, Mr R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr R.J. Bennett Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G.A. Lowrie, Mr M. Sim, Mr G Fa’afua 2008 Mr M.V. Lynch, Mr R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr R.J. Bennett, (resigned July 2008), Mr D Parkes, Mr G Fa’afua. 2009 Mr M.V. Lynch, Mr R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2010 Mr M.V. Lynch, Mr R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2011 Mr.M.V.Lynch, Mr.R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2012 Mr.M.V.Lynch, Mr.R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2013 Mr.M.V.Lynch, Mr.R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2014 Mr.M.V.Lynch, Mr.R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2015 Mr.M.V.Lynch, Mr.R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2016 Mr.M.V.Lynch, Mr.R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr C.C. Books Mr M. Sim Mrs C.A. Crowe Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua, Mr D. Parkes Mr P. Trethewy 2017 Mr.M.V.Lynch, Mr.R. McClelland MP (Joint Patrons) Mr M. Sim Mr P. Trethewy Mrs C.A. Crowe (resigned Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr G. Fa’afua,Mr C.C. Books 27/3/17), Mr D. Parkes Mr D. Parkes (apptd to (appointed 10/4/17) Hon. Sec), Mr D. Campbell (appointed 24/4/17 S T. G E O R G E J R L F C PA G E . 7 2018 Mr.M.V. Lynch (dec. 3/1/18), Mr. R. McClelland MP Mr M. Sim Mr P. Trethewy Mr D. Parkes Mr G.I. McCoullough Mr C.C. Books, Mr G. Faafua Mr D. Campbell YEARBOOK 2018
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Season 108 of the St George Junior league tag players, I hope you enjoyed this season, the seasons before and League has drawn to a close and the experience and can continue in all seasons going forward. once again it has been a privilege to the sport so as to prosper this line of Having been involved in all aspects of be involved with this organisation. I football under the banner of St George the game, I know the dedication and have such great admiration for this Junior league. It offers an exciting effort it takes in the roles you provide. junior league's history, its present future. Sometimes we don't agree on aspects position and I am so optimistic about but we always agree on wanting the its future. As New South Wales Rugby League best for our game and our players. I enhance their involvement in junior recognise and respect your passion. As has always been the case, there rugby league we have seen a growth Getting kids in the park and playing are so many dedicated volunteers in our numbers. It's a small step but I is the reward. You are a credit to your involved with a genuine best interest am sure the momentum will continue. home clubs and the district. in junior rugby league. For me There is so much positivity in the air. personally, it's an honour to have I would always urge all participants association. I would like to thank those involved of junior rugby league to offer their from the conferencing competitions, support and encouragement to our To the players and official that Stuart Stanton, Mick Hanratty and our Referees Association. They are such participated, I do hope you reaped as Conferencing Coordinator Holy Fuda. I a major contributor to the success much enjoyment as this game can do value our association and see it as of our game. A strong referees offer. I know junior rugby league can a strong alliance to the junior league's association lends itself to good give you rewards that can take you future. refereeing and a better game. Thank from juniors to adulthood. It really you to the whistle blowers for your does offer a great journey. The inputs of Pam Goodridge and contribution to the season. Huw Ellis, our NRL Development I'd like to offer my appreciation for Officers, into schools and the district This has been my 51st year involved the input of the board throughout the has to be noted with our growth in in the St George Junior league. It is YEARBOOK 2018 season. Honorary Secretary Dave the game. I'd also like to thank our also my 14th and final year on the Parkes's diligence, input of protocol fellow districts in the conferencing board. and alignment to procedure ensures competitions. It is such a pleasure to the management of the league is deal with so many people who see I will still remain involved but more always first class. Combined with the bigger picture for the game and so in the background as the district extinguishing every concern that contribute to the best interest of all. continues forward. Junior rugby comes up during the season, Dave league has always been an indulgence carries an unenviable workload to be Our senior clubs in St George Illawarra to me. The rewards I have taken from carried out in conjunction with his full- Dragons and St George Rugby League the game outweigh the efforts. time employment and work with the Football Club are also a major part in reps and development. His incredible our place in the district. Their physical Two of the highlights to me will output and contribution always and moral support is never to be always be the privilege of being a amazes me. understated. Thank you Peter Doust, life member of the St George Junior Craig Young and Steve Edge. I do League and secondly having had the Special mention to Honorary recognise and value your input and honour of being president. It really Treasurer Gary McCoullough who support. means a lot to me personally. puts to bed his treasurer's books for Thank you one and all. the 25th time. A quarter of a century I know the term is 'grassroots' but I in any position is an amazing feat. prefer to mention the people in 'junior Best wishes, Congratulations and thank you Gary. league'. To the advisory and club Mitchell Sim officials, thank you all for your efforts President To the rest of the board, my appreciation for your varied Junior League President contributions to the league. I do with Gordon Lowrie Award recognise your genuine wish for the winner Lyndslay Merrick future of this organisation and thank you for your input. 2018 saw us venture into expansion with women's football becoming a new part of our competitions for the first time. Welcome and congratulations to all the young ladies who entered into this historic milestone. Both as rugby league and PA G E . 8
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C NSWRL SOUTHERN REGION CLUB COMPETITIONS COORDINATOR REPORT The 2018 season has been a fantastic One of the best experiences for me introduction into rugby league in NSW this season was seeing the growth for me, it has been a great learning in female participation across both curve and I have thoroughly enjoyed formats of the game in tackle and tag. my experience with St George Junior League. It is great to be involved with a district that is proactive and supportive of The aim of the Club Competition females playing our great game. Coordinator is to provide administrative support to the In 2017, St George Junior League respective junior leagues and their had a total of 24 females playing, associated clubs, working in close compared with the 106 players in conjunction with St George and 2018 playing some form of rugby Cronulla Junior Leagues, NRL game league. development officers and NRL clubs to grow and retain players in rugby The Kogarah Cougars and Arncliffe league competitions. Scots have led the way in introducing League Tag to the conference YEARBOOK 2018 I began my role at the beginning of the competitions which is a fantastic junior league season and as a priority achievement for such a small district I met with all junior league and club and truly a highlight for me. executives. I would like to thank all the St George clubs for welcoming me A big thanks must go to the St George into their rugby league families. Junior League executive committee for their support and assistance whilst The time and feedback you have all settling into the role. provided me throughout the year is greatly appreciated and has allowed As we look towards the 2019 season, me to build relationships with all of I am excited to see what growth St you. All of you in some way have George Junior League will have and contributed to my learning and look forward to working with all of experience throughout the year. It has you again. I hope everyone has an been invaluable and I feel like I am enjoyable break over the off-season now better prepared for 2019. and spend some quality time with their families over the summer break. My first project was to work with club executives on coaching compliance Holly Fuda within their respective clubs, and NSWRL Club Competitions through hard work and dedication, we Coordinator – Southern Region achieved a respectable compliance report across the St George Junior League. By providing players an environment to flourish in with accredited and experienced coaches will give the participants the greatest chance for development and enjoyment of rugby league. So thank you to all who have been proactive in becoming The Arncliffe Scots accredited. This will be another focus Under-16 girls team was of the 2019 season. introduced in 2018 PA G E . 9
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 SECRETARY’S REPORT It's hard to believe another season has alternative programs and we look support they provide the junior league. come and gone so quickly. As we look forward to continue to work with her A special note of appreciation to back over the season, we are proud to in future seasons. We thank Holly for Craig Young and Steve Edge for the say what a great year it has been. her work throughout 2018. continued support provided to our junior league. We are extremely proud The 2018 season maintained a steady The NRL development team must of the wonderful working relationship growth in participation numbers, with also be thanked for their support that exists and we look forward to total registrations increasing 12 per within our local area. To Pam continue and develop this further in cent on the previous season. The Goodridge and Huw Ellis, thank you ensuring players from the local area season also welcomed an increase for all your efforts throughout the are provided opportunities in future in female participation thanks to the season. years. Under-15s League Tag competition and the nomination of teams in While we did see some scintillating A change to our development the female NSWRL conference games of rugby league across all program structure in 2018 was competitions. competitions and some great talent seen as a positive approach to the on show from our local area, it is development of our junior players We continued on as part of the disappointing we are still witnessing by all. This year we were once again NSWRL conference competition isolated examples of poor behaviour able to witness talented individuals model in 2018 and once again from parents, spectators and players, take part in games and represent welcomed our neighbouring districts both on and off the field. St George their clubs. This showcased the as competition. With our teams Junior League will continue to developmental pathway of rugby YEARBOOK 2018 primarily in the southern conference, work with all clubs, NSWRL and all league within the St George area – we continued building our relationship members to remove this from our from grassroots to the NRL – and within the area. A special thanks game and promote the reason why beyond. These programs don’t exist must go to Jenny McNamara for we all are involved, for the enjoyment without the hard work of individuals, her endless efforts throughout the and development of our game. and I thank both Darren Campbell and year, as well as Paul Tubridy and Bob Gary Fa'afua for their commitment to Cummings. The St George Junior League the programs as well as all coaching representative program showcased staff involved. To our fellow stakeholders and junior our local players again in 2018, with league administrators from Balmain, clubs represented in the Harold In the junior ranks we once again Canterbury, Souths, Western Suburbs, Matthews Cup and SG Ball squads. celebrated a festival of rugby league North Sydney and Manly – thank Despite a tough season on the field, with our junior league mini gala you for your efforts in ensuring both teams performed admirably and day and Craig Rimmer Carnival. the maintenance of our relative this experience is character building, What was a fantastic promotion of competitions. both personally and for the players' rugby league and a day to enjoy, we rugby league pathway. Special thanks witnessed some fantastic efforts by A new face joined the southern region must go to Scott Stewart and Steve all teams who celebrated the game in 2018 as Holly Fuda was welcomed Nielsen from the St George Illawarra they we all love and enjoy. to the Club Competition Coordinator Dragons for all the efforts as well as role. Following the framework set the junior rep staff for providing this Congratulations to Kingsgrove by Michael Hanratty, Holly achieved opportunity for our players. Colts on winning the Junior Club a high success rate for coaching Championship and Penshurst accreditations within the area. Holly Special thanks also to the board of RSL on winning the Senior Club was also instrumental in promoting St George DRFL for the continued Championship. Both clubs were Teams observe a moment's silence in memory of Lance Thompson PA G E . 1 0
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C well represented by their respective the support we receive from the St New Year. Enjoy your break and we teams and should be proud of their George Illawarra Dragons board. hope to see you all back for the 2019 achievements. Thank you for always believing in us. season! Thanks also to the St George Leagues It was also with immense pleasure Club who continue to provide ongoing David Parkes that the 2018 Gordon Lowrie Award support through junior club grants. Honorary Secretary for Volunteer of the Year was awarded to Hurstville United's Lindslay Merrick. We truly appreciate this commitment. Much of the work that Lindslay does I'd like to acknowledge those who goes unnoticed though her passion provide financial support for the for rugby league and Hurstville junior league in Addbuild Additions, showcases her love of the game. Club Central, Real Play Sportswear, Specialised Force Pty Ltd and Gow Congratulations to all teams for their Gates Insurance Brokers. We are efforts throughout the year, and to extremely grateful for your ongoing those who made it through to the support. finals and beyond. While we were able to celebrate our grand finals for To all our members and their families the younger ages at Jubilee Stadium, who may have suffered bereavement we must thank Penshurst RSL for during this season, our thoughts are hosting our conference competition with you. grand finals. I would like to thank my fellow board Further special thanks must go to members for their continued support, Steve Edge for his endless support guidance and friendship they provide of St George Junior League and our as well as the advisory board, club referees. We are forever grateful for presidents and secretaries, the St the huge amount of work done by George DRFL and St George Illawarra Steve behind the scenes to assist Dragons boards, St George Referees the local area's junior clubs and refs.I and the NSWRL. YEARBOOK 2018 wish to thank and acknowledge I wish you all a safe Christmas and Penshurst RSL junior on the run Hurstville United Under 10s at Jubilee Stadium PA G E . 1 1
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C ST GEORGE REFEREES PRESIDENT REPORT Season 2018 was our 99th year of committee, they again showed their This year we welcomed three new officiating in the St George District strong commitment to the association members to our association in in what was a very successful through guiding and participating in all Charlotte Tsui, Alex Pruscino and Kai year for the St George Referees meetings and sub committees. Chatib. All three had strong seasons, Association. Our members have showed plenty of promise and been excelling right across the St George Referees are extremely featured on grand final day – Alex and association, from the Under-6s up to lucky to be partnered with some Kai as Under-9s touch judges and the junior representative and NSWRL great sponsors. Without this our Charlotte as an Under-10s and Under- competitions. association simply would not be able 12s touch judge. A great result in your to operate as we do, and I cannot first year, well done! Firstly I'd like to extend a big thank thank our sponsors enough. So thank you to my fellow executives and you and a note of gratitude to the A special congratulations must also management committee in Josh following: go to Charlotte who won the Des Perestrelo, Joel Mani, Greg Tunks, McLean Rookie of the Year trophy at Chelsea Simes, Seamus Carroll and • Club Central our presentation night, capping off a Brendan Mani. As a group we have • Club Rivers very successful first season for her. worked together on two large tasks, drafting a new constitution and • St George District Club Our representative referees have planning our 100th year celebrations, • ZED n ZED Jewellers outstanding seasons and continue on top of our always strong focus on • Southside Security to push our association forward at coaching and development to enable the highest level. A brief summary of • MIYO our active members to achieve their some of the achievements we have YEARBOOK 2018 goals. I have no doubt our association seen this year: To David Parkes and the junior league, is in good hands and I sincerely thank thank you again for your strong each of you for your hard work. • Joel Mani – NSWRL Jersey Flegg support. Refereeing is a tough task preliminary final touch judge and not without its challenges, and I also would like to say a big thankyou having a supportive environment • Brendan Mani – NSWRL Harold to our life members, in particular; where we can work together with the Matthews touch judge; NSWRL Len Willis, John Mercer, Kerry Foley, junior league officials is appreciated women's grand final referee Paul Tape and Greg Tunks for their by our association and members. We • Seamus Carroll – NSWRL Tarsha continued support of our association. look forward to continuing this into Gale semi-finals referee In addition to our management next season. Joel, Brendan and Dylan Mani celebrate their respective awards PA G E . 1 2
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C YEARBOOK 2018 Under-18s grand final referees • Adam Bennett – Under-11s In addition to these achievements, Since David and Josh began as Nationals: semi-finals referee and I was very pleased to be able to referees, Toni and Greg have been big grand final touch judge announce at our presentation evening supporters of our association and our • Matthew King – Under-11s the addition of four new members members. into the NSWRL junior representative Nationals: semi-finals referee and train-on squad for 2019: Toni in particular has always made grand final touch judge, and Under- herself available as a willing assistant, 12s Nationals: semi-finals referee and • Adam Bennett whether at the ground taking photos grand final touch judge. • Matt King or providing sustenance for a long day in the form of her famous mars I am sure I echo the thoughts of all • David Hughes bar slice or at a social event behind members when I say I am extremely • Zac Pitkethley the barbecue. She is as much a proud of the efforts this year from member as any of us and I couldn't be these members. It would be remiss of Well done all! You have certainly made prouder to present her with honorary me not to mention and thank the hard our association proud. membership. work of Joel Mani in his role as coach. The standard of coaching and Another highlight personally for me Thank you for another enjoyable year, mentoring our members receive was the opportunity to present our I hope to see you all again in 2019. under his coaching programs is photographer and long-time supporter of a high standard and no doubt Toni Hughes, with an honorary contributes to the success we Damien Simes membership of St George Referees. have seen as an association at the President representative level. PA G E . 1 3
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 DEVELOPMENT SQUAD REPORT St George Junior League was pleased Matches were played against the Special thanks must also go to to once again provide the opportunity Roosters, Norths and Bulldogs the junior league for their ongoing for players within the district the while we took part in the inaugural support of our players, allowing opportunity to be involved with the NSWRL Development gala day us the opportunity to develop our junior development program. The where we came up against Penrith, talented juniors and providing the 2018 season saw a change in the Balmain, Parramatta and Canberra. developmental pathway from the structure of the program, though In every game, our players portrayed juniors to the junior reps, Jersey the development of players in the great sportsmanship and we were Flegg, ISP, NRL and beyond. Under-13s, 14s and 15s age groups extremely proud of the players' remained. efforts. There are many graduates from our junior development program now Under the guidance of our There is an enormous amount of playing in either the Jersey Flegg, ISP development coordinators Darren talent within our district and we look and NRL teams across several clubs. Campbell and Gary Fa’afua, as well as forward to seeing these players as We have had the pleasure of fostering our coaching mentors Paul Homann part of our development program the development of these individuals and Graham Host, the focus was on and junior representative program in and look forward to continuing the the development of the individual future years. tradition with our future stars. players and their finer skills of the game. The 2018 development program not On behalf of the St George Junior only allowed for players to showcase League, we would like to thank With the assistance of club coaches, their skills but also welcomed many everyone that has been involved with managers and trainers, we were able new officials to the program, allowing the 2018 development program. We YEARBOOK 2018 to provide a great experience for them to experience the game at a are one of the few junior leagues that those involved and we thank everyone different level. We thank all of our operate a development program such for assisting in delivering a great officials that were involved with the as ours. It is a credit to all involved program this season. program this year. Your efforts were for the way the program is conducted greatly appreciated. and supported. The 2018 development program showcased 90 players from our junior Appreciation must also go to our With the 2018 season now behind us, clubs, with players selected by the valued supporters in Addbuild we look forward to the future and to development viewing panel. All clubs Additions, Club Central Hurstville and further develop the program – helping were well represented within the McDonalds (St George Region). Your us achieve the goal of making the St program. 2018 was the first year of assistance and continued support George Junior League development the change in structure and we look assists us with the delivery of our program the best around! forward to continuing this on in future successful program each year. seasons in name of building on the Darren Campbell year's success. and Gary Fa'afua Development squad coordinators The Under-13s development team take in coach's half-time talk PA G E . 1 4
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C DRAG NS team store SHOP.DR AGONS.COM. AU 2019 YEARBOOK 2018 MEMBERSHIPS ON SALE NOW Meet the players Save on tickets Exclusive pre-sales and discounts Merchandise discounts Flexible memberships available Flexible payment options PA G E . 1 5
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C ST GEORGE JUNIORS RERESENTATIVE REPORT The 2018 St George Dragons’ junior The Harold Matthews’ season started their line for the last five minutes of representative teams showed promisingly with a Round 2 victory the match, the side hung tough and progress within the NSWRL Harold against the Sydney Roosters. A series repelled the onslaught to secure Mathews and SG Ball competitions of close losses stifled their season victory. despite failing to make the semi- though a memorable Round 8 victory finals. The undoubted highlight was against eventual premiers Manly The team also had some great the inclusion of the club’s inaugural was the standout performance of the individual achievements with Jason Tarsha Gale Under-18s women’s team season. Going into the game off the Saab and Kane Bradley included in the who went within a game of qualifying back of a big loss to friendly rivals in New South Wales Origin pathways for the grand final. the Steelers, the Under-16 Dragons program. Jason was selected in the went into the break against the Sea final team that played before Origin I; Eagles with their confidence high. he scored a try and set up another in SG Ball winger the team’s victory over Queensland. Jason Saab Coach Paul Homan steeled them for will join the Dragons' NRL a strong second half and the further Jason was also selected for the squad in 2019. the game went the more resolve the Australian Schoolboys who will tour team showed. With the full-time siren England in late November. approaching the Sea Eagles threw everything they had but the Dragons The SG Ball Coach’s Award was managed to hang on for an inspired presented by coach Pat Gibson to YEARBOOK 2018 victory. Jye McRae. Jye’s team-first attitude and his willingness to cover a variety The 2018 Harold Matthews Coach’s of roles and positions was a great Award for 2018 was won by Daniel reward. The Bill Spaul Trophy for Musolino, the team’s dynamic back- Player of the Year was won by James rower who played consistently Coyne. James is a classy, skilful throughout the year. The Player and dynamic ball runner. James is a of the Year was taken out by traditional centre, much like his father lock Caleb Navale. Caleb was Mark who captained the club, who a standout in the team, with has the ability to set up the players his hard running and brutal outside him in attack. defence a feature of his game. St George entered a team in the Tarsha Gale competition for the first The SG Ball team showed time in 2018. The development of this great improvement side was driven by coach Jonathan throughout the season Wilson and resulted in a solid squad and were unlucky not of 20 girls being selected. Despite to qualify for the finals, some inconsistent results in the early finishing 10th. While some may stages of the year, these girls realised see this as a disappointing result, the importance of controlling the ball those who watched the team play in this nine-a-side competition and would appreciate the style of rugby soon strung a series of good results league they played. The week to week together. effort they put in was great to watch. Despite finishing the competition in Like their Harold Matthews sixth place, they found their form in counterparts, they too had a the final series as they strung a series memorable victory against a strong of spectacular performances together. Sea Eagles outfit. This game saw them take a big lead well into the In Week One of the finals they second half before a late Sea Eagles destroyed Souths 54-8 and followed fight back had Dragons supporters this up by defeating the Steelers, who on the edge of their seats. Defending >> PA G E . 1 6
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C The Harold Matthews Dragons aim up in defence YEARBOOK 2018 only lost two games in the regular development player as a result and season. later went on to represent Australia’s The Tarsha Gale Dragons enjoyed Prime Minister’s XIII team against a successful They led the majority of their Papua New Guinea. first season qualifying final against title favourites the Sharks before a controversial A big thank you to all the staff charge down call – that would have involved in the junior representative sealed victory – went against them. program this season. These people showed enormous passion towards The Sharks scored to clinch a spot improving the players and the in the grand final that they eventually Dragons club. They work long hours won. This was a great first up season and continually place these up for the ladies, and with the majority and coming players’ wellbeing and backing up again next year it augers learning above all else, even when well for the 2019 season. results don’t reflect the overall effort of everyone involved. They The Coach’s Award for the Tarsha have been a pleasure to Gale team was presented to Taina work with. Naividi, a great player who showed outstanding commitment as she Scott Stewart travelled from the Central Coast St George to train and play each week. The Illawarra Dragons inaugural winner of the St George Female Player of the Year was Aaliyah Fasavalu-Fa’amausili. Aaliyah is best described as a brutal defender and a dynamic attacking weapon. The highlight of her performances throughout the season left no one in any doubt that she has a big future in the game. She would join St George Illawarra’s inaugural Women’s Premiership squad as a PA G E . 1 7
YEARBOOK 2018 PA G E . 1 8 ST GEORGE DRAGONS S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 HAROLD MATTHEWS CUP Back row: Harry Hewitt, Edmond Phares, Khalil Youssef, Nikau Wrathall, Chris Yang, Thomas Flynn Third row: Darren Campbell (Manager), Tyrone Simitsopoulos, Mason Taufa, Jesse-James Nafo’i, Max Ferguson, Ouday Zreika, John Dufty, Liam Bolger, Blake Glanville (Trainer) Second row: Chris Watts (Strength and conditioner), Fletcher Williamson, Harrison Dimmer, Mason Makatoa, Daniel Musolino, Floyd Te Paiho-Murray, Josh Porter, Jim Maguire (Junior rep manager) Front row: Mike Ellazar, Holika Taufa (Assistant coach), Caleb Navale, Paul Homann (Coach), Declan Purcell (Captain), Mick Tsougranis (Assistant Coach), Brendan Tapuai, Cain Homann (Trainer), Mackenzie Roche Ball boys: Nicholas Tsougranis, Luca Guarrera, Angus Tsougranis Absent: Ernest Tevaga
YEARBOOK 2018 ST GEORGE DRAGONS PA G E . 1 9 S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 SG BALL TEAM Back row: Volkan Er, Jason Saab, Kane Bradley, Simeone Taateo, David Parkes (Trainer) Third row: Daniel Tasaico (Trainer), Clayton Faulalo, Cody Ramsey, Jared Wooster, Hayden Budd, Spiro Psiroukis, Kane Evans, Aden Perry, Kane Campbell (Trainer) Second row: Greg Giannini (Manager), Henry Togise, Jack Emery, Daniel Payne, Murray Sua, Darcey Moran, Soakimi Folaumoeloa, Jim Maguire (Junior rep manager) Front row: James Coyne, Jye McRae, Carlin Deane, Pat Gibson (Coach), Harris Georgopoulos (Captain), Graham Host (Assistant coach) Ethan Hicks, Dallas Collins, Rahim Mundine Ball boys: Nicholas Tsougranis, Luca Guarrera, Angus Tsougranis Absent: Luciano Svagelli, Daniel Teece-Johnson
YEARBOOK 2018 PA G E . 2 0 ST GEORGE DRAGONS S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 TARSHA GALE CUP Back row: Jonathan Mose (Trainer), Betty Mose, Leanne Toomalatai, Adi Ranamola, Senimili Rabuatoka, Hana Herlihy, Lindy Vi, Seraira Yasa, Siteri Scott (Trainer) Middle row: Pamela Goodridge (Trainer), Camelia Lotoa’atu, Carly Drury, Anastacia Shum-Cottrell, Tiana Fasavalu-Fa’amausili, Rebecca Mose, Ema Rainima, Theresa Tasaico (Manager) Front row: Lara Blom, Aya Elosman, Aaliyah Fasavalu-Fa’amausili, Jonathan Wilson (Coach), Sereana Naitokatoka (Captain), Corey Gardiner (Trainer), Taina Naividi, Elizabeth Vakacoa, Ana Tohi-Hiku Ball boys/girls: Zeedan Wilson, Xavius Wilson, Silas Gardiner, Serene Gardiner Absent: Chloe Faumuina
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C AROUND THE GROUNDS YEARBOOK 2018 Arncliffe Under-16s enjoy their win Kingsgrove Under-13s happy as larry PA G E . 2 1
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C 2018 FINAL COMPETITION LADDERS Under-9s Under-10s Under-11s Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS 1 Brighton Seagulls 26 1 Kingsgrove Colts 28 1 Renown United 28 2 Renown United White 24 2 Arncliffe Scots 18 2 Arncliffe Scots 19 3 Kingsgrove Colts 22 3 Hurstville United 16 3 Penshurst RSL 17 4 Renown United Green 14 4 Brighton Seagulls 13 4 Kingsgrove Colts 10 5 Arncliffe Scots 11 5 Penshurst RSL 6 5 Brighton Seagulls 10 6 Penshurst RSL 8 6 Kogarah Cougars 3 6 Hurstville United 4 7 Hurstville United 7 Under-12s SOUTH EASTERN UNDER SOUTH EASTERN UNDER 13s (SILVER) - EASTERN 13s (BRONZE) - EASTERN Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS 1 Penshurst RSL Gold 26 1 Kingsgrove Colts 42 1 Matraville Tigers 38 2 Kingsgrove Colts 24 2 Concord Burwood 40 2 Hurstville United 36 3 Renown United 18 3 Arncliffe Scots 38 3 Botany Juniors 34 4 Penshurst RSL Green 8 4 Coogee Randwick 38 4 Clovelly Crocodiles U13 30 5 Kogarah Cougars 6 5 Matraville Tigers 38 YEARBOOK 2018 6 Hurstville United 2 6 Hurstville United 36 7 Botany Juniors 34 8 Clovelly Crocodiles U13 30 9 Renown United 28 10 Maroubra 28 11 Alexandria Rovers 24 12 Earlwood Saints 23 13 Carlingford Cougars 20 14 Penshurst RSL 16 SOUTH EASTERN UNDER SOUTH EASTERN UNDER SOUTH EASTERN UNDER 14s (GOLD) 14s (SILVER) - SOUTHERN 15s (SILVER) - SOUTHERN Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS 1 St John Bosco / 44 1 Cronulla Caringbah 44 1 Hurstville United 44 Yarrawarra Tigers Sharks 2 Como/Yarrawarrah 44 2 Concord Burwood 42 2 Kingsgrove Colts 42 3 Gymea Gorillas 37 3 Bondi United U14 GOLD 42 3 Aquinas Colts 33 4 Penshurst RSL 36 4 Engadine Dragons 39 4 Renown United 31 5 Earlwood Saints 34 5 Gymea Gorillas 35 5 Gymea Gorillas 29 6 Arncliffe Scots 30 6 De La Salle Caringbah 34 6 De La Salle Caringbah 29 7 Engadine Dragons 29 7 Como Jannali 32 7 Como/Yarrawarrah 21 8 St Joseph's 26 8 Matraville Tigers 31 8 St Joseph's 18 9 Cronulla Caringbah 23 9 Holy Cross Rhinos 28 Sharks 10 Botany Juniors 28 14 Penshurst RSL 16 11 Arncliffe Scots 26 12 Leichhardt Wanderers 19 PA G E . 2 2
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C COMBINED UNDER EASTERN GIRLS UNDER SOUTH EASTERN UNDER 15s GIRLS LEAGUE TAG 16s (SILVER) 16s (GOLD) Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS 1 Hills Bulls Black 21 1 St Christophers 47 1 Engadine/Yarrawarrah/ 46 Bosco/Como 2 Hills Bulls Maroon 17 2 Arncliffe Scots 38 2 Maroubra 40 3 Cougars Black 17 3 Glenquarie All Stars 32 3 Aquinas Colts 36 4 Moorebank 15 4 Minto Cobras 28 4 De La Salle Caringbah 35 5 Milperra 11 5 Greenacre Tigers 21 5 St Joseph's 34 6 Mounties 10 6 South Eastern 16 6 Gymea Gorillas 29 7 Cougars Gold 8 7 South Eastern 24 8 Arncliffe Scots 6 8 Coogee Randwick 24 9 Renown United 23 SOUTH EASTERN UNDER SOUTH WESTERN UNDER COMBINED UNDER 18s (SILVER) 16s (SILVER) 17s (SILVER) Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS 1 Penshurst RSL 47 1 Arncliffe Scots 42 1 Kogarah Cougars 45 2 St Christopher's 42 2 Penshurst RSL 42 2 Sutherland Loftus United 43 3 Narrabeen Sharks 38 3 Cronulla Carringbah 38 3 De La Salle Caringbah 38 Sharks 4 Ryde Eastwood Hawks 35 4 Glenquarie All Stars 33 4 Coogee Dolphins 38 5 Menai Roosters 31 5 Gymea Gorillas 32 YEARBOOK 2018 5 Kingsgrove Colts 32 6 Narraweena Hawks 29 6 Riverwood Legion 27 6 Como/Engadine/ 28 7 Newtown Jnr Jets 24 Yarrawarrah/Bosco 7 Liverpool Catholic Club 20 8 Earlwood Saints 23 7 Aquinas Colts 18 8 East Hills 13 9 Taren Point Titans 22 8 Gymea Gorillas 18 10 Minto Cobras 6 COMBINED UNDER 20s (SILVER) SOUTHERN OPEN AGE (SILVER) Pos Team PTS Pos Team PTS 1 Valley United Spartans 44 1 Aquinas Colts 44 2 Ryde Eastwood Hawks 40 2 St Joseph's 42 (2) 3 Penshurst RSL 41 3 Bankstown Sports 28 4 Renown United 31 4 Penshurst RSL 27 5 Arncliffe Scots 20 5 Belrose Eagles 22 6 Hurstville United 10 6 St George Dragons 21 PA G E . 2 3
YEARBOOK 2018 PA G E . 2 4 RESUME OF FINAL SERIES 2018 S T. G E O R G E J R L F C COMPETITION SEMI-FINALS PRELIMINARY FINAL GRAND FINAL 2018 PREMIERS ST GEORGE UNDER-9s Kingsgrove Colts 30 Renown United White 28 Renown United Green 18 Kingsgrove Colts 40 Brighton Seagulls 64 Brighton Seagulls 28 Renown United White 4 Kingsgrove Colts 26 Brighton Seagulls ST GEORGE UNDER-10s Hurstville United 18 Arncliffe Scots 26 Brighton Seagulls 30 Brighton Seagulls 30 Kingsgrove Colts 30 Kingsgrove Colts 26 Arncliffe Scots 18 Brighton Seagulls 18 Kingsgrove Colts ST GEORGE UNDER-11s Penshurst RSL 18 Arncliffe Scots 22 Kingsgrove Colts 12 Penshurst RSL 12 Renown United 22 Renown United 48 Arncliffe Scots 6 Arncliffe Scots 0 Renown United ST GEORGE UNDER-9s Renown United 18 Renown United 30 Renown United Penshurst RSL 4 Penshurst RSL 30 Penshurst RSL 24 Kingsgrove Colts Red 12 Kingsgrove Colts Red 10 Brighton Seagulls 10 ST GEORGE UNDER-12s Renown United 28 Kingsgrove Colts 22 Penshurst RSL Green 0 Renown United 18 Penshurst RSL Gold 18 Penshurst RSL Gold 22 Kingsgrove Colts 14 Kingsgrove Colts 16 Penshurst RSL Gold SOUTH EASTERN UNDER- Botany Juniors 42 Hurstville United 10 Clovelly Crocodiles U13 14 Botany Juniors 26 13s (BRONZE) – EASTERN Matraville Tigers 60 Matraville Tigers 22 Hurstville United 0 Botany Juniors 18 Matraville Tigers SOUTH EASTERN UNDER- Arncliffe Scots 16 Concord Burwood 24 Coogee Randwick 34 Coogee Randwick 16 13s (SILVER) – EASTERN Kingsgrove Colts 38 Kingsgrove Colts 26 Concord Burwood 16 Concord Burwood 20 Kingsgrove Colts
SOUTH EASTERN UNDER- Aquinas Colts 14 Kingsgrove Colts 36 Renown United 0 Aquinas Colts 6 14s (SILVER) – SOUTHERN Cronulla Caringbah Sharks 34 Cronulla Caringbah Sharks 8 Kingsgrove Colts 0 Kingsgrove Colts 4 Cronulla Caringbah Sharks COMBINED UNDER-15s Kogarah Cougars Black 30 Kogarah Cougars Black 6 Moorebank 0 Hills Bulls Black 26 GIRLS LEAGUE TAG Hills Bulls Black 22 Hills Bulls Black 12 Hills Bulls Maroon 26 Hills Bulls Maroon 22 Hills Bulls Maroon SOUTH EASTERN UNDER- Gymea Gorillas 6 Hurstville United 14 Penshurst RSL 8 Penshurst RSL 6 15s (SILVER) – SOUTHERN Hurstville United 4 Como/Yarrawarrah 0 Como/Yarrawarrah 20 Hurstville United 6 Hurstville United EASTERN GIRLS UNDER- Glenquarie All Stars 28 Arncliffe Scots 42 Minto Cobras 10 Glenquarie All Stars 12 16s (SILVER) St Christophers 24 St Christophers 32 Arncliffe Scots 22 Arncliffe Scots 24 St Christophers SOUTH EASTERN UNDER- Cronulla Caringbah Sharks 20 Penshurst RSL 10 Coogee Dolphins 10 Cronulla Caringbah Sharks 20 16s (SILVER) Arncliffe Scots 24 Arncliffe Scots 26 Penshurst RSL 12 Cronulla Caringbah Sharks 12 Arncliffe Scots SOUTH WESTERN UNDER- De La Salle Caringbah 26 Kogarah Cougars 20 Glenquarie All Stars 16 De La Salle Caringbah 32 17s (SILVER) Kogarah Cougars 14 Sutherland Loftus United 8 Sutherland Loftus United 24 De La Salle Caringbah 10 De La Salle Caringbah COMBINED UNDER-18s Narrabeen Sharks 20 Narrabeen Sharks 14 Ryde Eastwood Hawks 12 St Christophers 20 (SILVER) Penshurst RSL 16 Penshurst RSL 10 St Christophers 14 St Christophers 4 Penshurst RSL COMBINED UNDER-20s Bankstown Sports 30 Bankstown Sports 20 Penshurst RSL 20 Ryde Eastwood Hawks (2) 10 (SILVER) Valley United Spartans 12 Bankstown Sports 18 Ryde Eastwood Hawks (2) 0 Valley United Spartans 16 Bankstown Sports SOUTHERN OPEN AGE Penshurst RSL 16 St Joseph’s 22 Renown United 20 Renown United 10 (SILVER) Aquinas Colts 32 Aquinas Colts 24 St Joseph’s 4 St Joseph’s 10 Aquinas Colts S T. G E O R G E J R L F C PA G E . 2 5 YEARBOOK 2018
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C ARNCLIFFE SCOTS It was a history making year for the Cup finals, senior semi-finals, senior Mitch to watch the Scots' women's Scots being the first club in the St finals and development games at team make St. George and Arncliffe George district to field a women's Cahill Park and we thank the junior history when they played in the grand team where they went all the way to league board for the opportunity to do final. the grand final. this. To all the other clubs thanks again Adding to this our Under-16s team In total, 23 Scots boys played for your co-operation and friendship, won the Combined Competitions development this season, and all are I hope you all have a relaxed and Championship. Both these teams the better for the experience. Four enjoyable off season. See you all brought pride to the club in the Scots boys had the honour of playing again next year. manner in which they played their in the St. George Dragons' Harold football and conducted themselves Matthews team. Glenys Ellis both on and off the field. They were Club Secretary what club football should be all about We had a lot of changes this season – enjoyment and sportsmanship. in our major officials, and it was a big learning curve for them and the We successfully fielded 12 teams club as a whole. I thank them for plus the Under-15s league tag girls. putting up their hands to support both The Under-13s qualified for the semis Arncliffe Scots and junior league. only to lose the game in extra time while the Under-10s made the final To the district club, the referees, and the Under-11s played both the NRL development, NSW competition premiership and Rimmer Cup grand officials and the board of the junior finals. league, I thank you all on behalf of Arncliffe Scots for another great YEARBOOK 2018 The Under-14s and Under-15s had season. good seasons while the Under-6s to Under-9s enjoyed learning more about I would personally like to thank both the game. David and Mitchell for their support, help and friendship in what was not The club was delighted to support the always the easiest of seasons. It was junior league by hosting the Rimmer a pleasure to sit with both David and Arncliffe Under-16s girls team photo PA G E . 2 6
S T. G E O R G E J R L F C BRIGHTON SEAGULLS Brighton Seagulls entered six teams Other highlights were when we Repairs, Express Transport, Pest Free, into competitions for season 2018. It witnessed the slickest of our mini Agia Projects, Passive First, Impact was a successful but testing year for league aged kids stride out to win the Group and KPR Recruitment. Thank the club, due to the long delay in the St George mini relay in front of a large you so much for your support. completion of our new amenity block crowd at the Dragons v Tigers match at Scarborough Park. at Jubilee Stadium. Many thanks to the St George Junior League for their guidance throughout It meant we had to operate with basic Our Under-10s team also played in the season. The concern also shown essentials and it was only for the the St George Bank Challenge again by Steve Edge and the St George special effort of our volunteers that at Jubilee Stadium. Many thanks to District Club is also appreciated. enabled us to complete the season Adam Bezzina and the NRL club for with few problems. presenting these events as they give Finally it is important that we our junior league players exposure to acknowledge the importance of our Also keeping our spirits high was the rugby league public. referees and the part they played in the performance of our teams, with our season. Many are still learning our Under-9s side winning our first These occasions are also a thrilling their craft and importantly should competition in four seasons and the experience for our young players. always be given our support. Under-10s team producing a brave The performance of our coaches, effort in the grand final as runners- up trainers and managers were once Now with the new amenity block to the undefeated Kingsgrove Colts. again exceptional. Their time and complete at Scarborough Park, we effort to the children of our club is look forward to a more settled year in Our registrations increased appreciated. 2019. significantly in 2018 with our mini- league grades chockfull of talent so Our committee – consisting of many Bruce Hartley all augurs well for the future at the new members this year – were our President YEARBOOK 2018 Seagulls. volunteer base and the club owes you so much. A pleasing feature also was that we witnessed a renewed interest by our New interest was also provided by parent group with many stepping many new sponsors. Joining major forward and all of our positions being sponsor Southwest Builders this year filled at our AGM. were team sponsors Bodyline Auto Brighton Seagulls Under-9s team photo PA G E . 2 7
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