Page created by Heather Mcdaniel
                                                               SEPTEMBER 2021



                                                                SERVE TO
                                                                CHANGE LIVES
     District 9214                             District 9214
TH                            INSIDE UBUNTU
                                    DISTRICT CONFERENCE

                                   ARUSHA                         04

                                                                          Editors' Note
                                                                          An introduction to the Ubuntu 2

                                                                          RI President Message

                                   12 - 14TH MAY 2022             06
                                                                          Shekhar Mehta

                                                                          District Governor Message
                                                                          DG Young Kimaro

                                                                  07      The State of Education – In Uganda And Tanzania
                                                                          By Rotarian Julia Seifert

                                                                  10      Off-line Digital Library for Secondary Schools
                                                                          Rtn. Maryline Mamuya

                                                                  12      Reflections of a Teacher and Mother on the Effect of Covid 19
                                                                          on Education
                                                                          By Rtn Maria Namigadde Mpagi

                                                                  13      Education on Covid 19 Vaccines
                                                                          Rtn. Ruth Namutebi

                                                                  14      Mtakuja Secondary School Restoration Project
                                                                          By Rtn. Julia Seifert

                                                                  16      Providing Text Books to Support Mtakuja Secondary School
                                                                          By Gibson BonaventureKatuma

                                                                  18      Accessibility to Stem Education for All
                                                                          By Susan Temba

                                                                  20      Happy 50th Rotary anniversary PDG. Amir
                                                                          Rtn. Amir Somji

ARUSHA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE                            24      Empowering Girls In D9214
                                                                          By Rtn. Susan Ssamula

                                                                  26      Burhani School Vocational Project
                                                                          By AG Shrooti Asher

                                                                  27      Mikanjuni Secondary School Vocational Project
This year's DCA will be held at one of                                    By CMP Fatema Mamujee

the most prestigous conference venues                             28      D9214 Gives Birth to the Rotary Fellowship for Empowering Women
                                                                          Julie Kamuzze-Musoke

in Tanzania.                                                      30      A Collaboration And Community Engagement: Rotary Club Of
                                                                          Arusha Mount Meru
                                                                          By PP Catherinerose Barreto & PAG Edgar Muganwa

                                                                  31      Support to Butabika Mental Hospital, Kampala Uganda
                                                                          By CMP Prof Augustus Nuwagaba: Rotary Club of Muyenga

                                                 SERVE TO         32      President Advert
                                                 CHANGE LIVES
      District 9214         District 9214

                                                                  Designed by
2 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                         www.amicidesign.com                         September 2021 Ubuntu | 3

www.rotaryd9214.org                      rotarydistrict9214
EDITORS' NOTE                                                                                ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE

                            I grew up being told that “Education is the key to success”.
                                                                                                                       Shekhar Mehta
                            And now as an adult I couldn’t agree less; Education has
                            played a major role to my success.                                                      President 2021-2022
                            The academia journey is nevertheless not the easiest. It is
                            a sad reality that even as the world is transitioning to the
                            fourth industrial revolution. And some schools are adopting
                            the digitalized, practical and creative ways of conveying           My Dear Changemakers,                                            missed economic opportunity
                            knowledge. Some students in African, still struggle; I have                                                                          is more than $1 billion per year.
                                                                                                am sure you are having an
                            witnessed students in the urban areas fight for transport and
Rotarian Diana Elinam                                                                           enriching experience as you                                      Empowering people through
                            heard of those in rural areas that have to walk long distances
UBUNTU - Editor in Chief                                                                        Serve to Change Lives. One                                       education is among the boldest
                            to reach to school. This has led to early pregnancies and
                                                                                                of the ways you can make the                                     goals we have as Rotarians. We
                            deterioration of attendance.
                                                                                                greatest change in a person’s                                    don’t have to travel far from
                            Students have become demotivated due to lack of school              life is to help them learn to read.                              our homes to encounter those
                            meals and school necessities such as textbooks, leading to          Literacy opens up the world to                                   whose lives are being curtailed
                            high increase of dropouts. There are more challenges such as        us. It makes us better informed                                  because they struggle with
                            lack of proper water systems, and even extreme challenges           about life in our own communities and opens        reading, rely on others to read for them, or
                            such as schools not having latrines.                                vistas to other cultures. Reading and writing      cannot write anything more than their own
                            I have always believed that there is no better way to create a      connects people and gives us another way to        name.
                            proper future for Africa than wholeheartedly intervening and        express our love for one another.
                                                                                                                                                   Starting this month, consider how your club
                            bringing forth better and innovative projects that can bring a      September is Basic Education and Literacy          can Serve to Change Lives through literacy:
                            lasting change in the Education system. I am glad that with         Month in Rotary. Enhancing literacy skills is      Support local organizations that offer free
                            Rotary through the “shape up a school” initiative this hope         critical in our pursuit of reducing poverty,       programs to support adult literacy or local
Rotarian Florence           keeps going, it is very impressing to see clubs partnering          improving health, and promoting peace. In          language learning, or that provide teachers
Malinga                     with the government, schools, members of the community,             fact, if all students in low-income countries      with professional development centered
UBUNTU - Co-Chair           students and the parents of students to bring the changes we        left school with basic reading skills, it would    around reading and writing. Become literacy
Uganda                      need in the education system.                                       result in a significant cut in global poverty      mentors, or work with an organization like the
                            As I was editing this issue, I became so emotional and inspired     rates.                                             Global Partnership for Education to increase
                            with the articles by the Rotary Club of Dar es Salaam Bahari                                                           learning opportunities for children around
                                                                                                Without education, illiterate children become
                            Beach, The Rotary Club of Moshi, The Rotaract club Dar es                                                              the world. Have conversations with local
                                                                                                illiterate adults. Today, 14 percent of the
                            Salaam of Kwanza and The Interacts clubs of Dar es Salaam                                                              schools and libraries to see how your club
                                                                                                world’s adult population — 762 million people
                            HOPAC & DIS. These clubs have and still are executing                                                                  can support their existing programs or help
                                                                                                — lack basic reading and writing skills. Two-
                            tremendous signature and hands-on projects in schools. Bravo                                                           create needed ones in your community.
                                                                                                thirds of that group are women. Literacy and
                            D9214! I also want to appreciate all great articles that were not   numeracy skills are essential to obtaining         In India, the TEACH program, a successful
                            necessarily project based but were very educative on various        better housing, health care, and jobs over a       collaboration between the country’s Rotary
                            aspects such as COVID 19 vaccine, Girl's empowerment and            lifetime.                                          clubs and its government, has demonstrated
                            WASH.                                                                                                                  how to scale up literacy efforts to reach
                                                                                                Especially for girls and women, literacy can
                            This month's theme is “Basic Education and Literacy” and                                                               millions of children. And at a time when
                                                                                                be a life-or-death issue. If all girls completed
                            UBUNTU brings to you great content on this. Once again hats                                                            schools across India were closed due to the
                                                                                                their primary education, there would be far
                            off to my partner in creativity; The Assistant Chief editor Rtn.                                                       COVID-19 pandemic, the program’s e-learning
                                                                                                fewer maternal deaths. And a child is more
                            Florence Malinga, The UBUNTU dream team of great writers,                                                              component reached more than 100 million
                                                                                                likely to survive past age 5 if he or she is
                            The D9214 Public Image team and the PRs for their valuable                                                             children through national television.
                                                                                                born to a mother who can read. Improving
                            contribution.                                                       outcomes for more people worldwide is              Literacy is the first step out of poverty. As
                                                                                                possible only if countries remove barriers to      Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai has noted,
                            Yours in service!                                                   education for girls. The economic argument         "One child, one teacher, one book, and one
                                                                                                for doing so is clear: In some countries where     pen can change the world."
                            Diana Elinam                                                        schooling is geared toward boys, the cost of

4 | September 2021 Ubuntu
                            Editor in Chief                                                                                                                                September 2021 Ubuntu | 5
Basic Education and Literacy

                                             DG YOUNG KIMARO                                            within the first 24 hours has better overall       objects and is able to sit upright on the lap.
                                                                                                        retention. Therefore, parents should avoid         That reassuring and loving embrace and
                                                                                                        sending children immediately after returning       voice of a parent leave positive emotional
                                                                                                        home from school to farm or to do household        imprint on the child’s psyche, drawing the
                                                                                                        chores until dark.                                 child to reading for life. Reading well, you
                                                                                                                                                           know, is the foundation to good learning.
                                                                                                        Make a game out of learning the alphabet
                                                                                                        and numbers. Did you know that children            Nowadays there are so many colourful
                                                                                                        can master the alphabet and count up to            children’s books to choose from at affordable
                                                                                                        20 by the time they are two? Teach them            prices. For families that still find it costly,
                                                                                                        through fun and games and shower praises           form children’s book clubs. In a group of ten,
                                                                                                        whenever they are right. That helps to build       each parent purchases one different book.
                                                                                                        positive self-image. Even for parents with         By sharing, their children will benefit from
                                                                                                        limited education, teaching alphabets and          ten.
                                                                                                        numbers should not pose a problem. When
                                            DG's Note
                                                                                                                                                           What if at every project which targets
                                                                                                        school starts and the child finds herself
                                                                                                                                                           primary schools Rotarians speak to school
                                                                                                        ahead of others in class, she is likely to study
                                                                                                                                                           parents about what they can do to uplift their
                                                                                                        harder not to lose her advantage.
                                                                                                                                                           children’s education…? What if those parents
                                    RI PRESIDENT SHEKHAR MEHTA AND FIRST LADY RASHI’S                   Read to your child. From when? From the            spread the word to their relatives, friends and
                                    VISIT.                                                              time the child’s eyes can focus, recognize         neighbours? What if?

                                    They will arrive in Kampala on the 13th September and depart late
                                    on the 15th to visit D9213 and D9214. President Shekhar will meet
                                    with Uganda Government dignitaries, visit various Rotary project
                                    sites such as the Rotary Peace Centre at Makerere University, the
                                    Blood Bank, and the Cancer Centre. He will hold virtual meetings
                                    with Change Maker Presidents (13th), all Rotaractors (14th), and
                                    all Rotarians of D9213 and D9214 (15th). Please all Change Maker
                                    Presidents and Rotarians of D9214 make special effort to attend
                                    the virtual meetings. A note at the end of this Ubuntu explains
                                    the areas that RI President Shekhar is interested in.

THIS MONTH OF EDUCATION. In September                   The solution is quite easy. Some food can
we celebrate the difference we, Rotarians,              be cooked the night before and set aside for
have and are making to uplift education in              children’s breakfast, and fruits are readily
our communities. We donate books, desks                 available.
and chairs, and repair roofs. We construct
                                                                   FOODS THAT CAN BE SET ASIDE
buildings,   build gender-sensitive toilets,
provide piped water or rainwater facilities,              Cooked the night before       Uncooked

support training for teachers, and provide                 Boiled sweet potatoes       Ripe bananas
computers. In this, parents and communities                      Potatoes                Avocados
share. But when it comes to learning, the                          Corn                   Mango
burden is mostly left to teachers. However,                      Cassava                  Papaya
parents irrespective of their education, can
                                                                 Pumpkin                 Oranges
make a big difference.      Every education
                                                                   Eggs                 Passion fruit
project should therefore        include    a
component stressing this point.                                    Milk                    Guava

Do not send children to school on empty                 30-60 minutes daily for after school study.
stomachs. Many children, particularly in rural          It may work best to have a child study soon
areas, skip breakfast because parents are               after returning home from school in a quiet
tending to cows and goats. International                setting before it gets dark, as 60% or more
studies show that children absorb their                 households in Uganda and Tanzania do not
lessons 30-40% than when they hungry than               have electricity. Educators tell us that a
when they have eaten.                                   child, who reviews the day’s work at school

66 || September   Ubuntu
      August 20212021 Ubuntu                                                                                                                                                        September 2021 Ubuntu | 7
Basic Education and Literacy

By Rotarian Julia Seifert                   excluded due to their inability to read
                                            and write in their respective national
Education is the foundation of a well-
informed and engaged citizen and
ultimately society. The importance of       As Rotarians we need to build programs
Education has been recognized by the        in the education sector that are aware
Sustainable Development Goal 4 which        of the above disparities, and we should
aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable     give particular attention to the gap
quality education and promote lifelong      that exists between male and female
learning opportunities for all.” Hand in    students. Many female students,
hand with this goal goes the Rotary         especially in rural communities in
Area of Focus “Basic education and          Tanzania and Uganda, are challenged
literacy”, which aims, among other          by long distances to their schools,
things, to remove barriers to girls’        which have reportedly contributed to
education caused by cultural attitudes,     early childhood pregnancy. Further,
safety concerns, and the need for           they are challenged by increased
girls to contribute to the household        household     responsibilities    which
economy. Gender equality is vital to        engage them for a great time out
sustainable community development.          of their school time and hence
                                            decreases their ability to engage in
That said, in Tanzania and Uganda we
                                            both extracurricular activities as well
are yet to achieve the outcomes listed
                                            as homework and additional reading.
under the indicators that compromise
SDG4, in particular “The provision          Considering adult Tanzanians and
of 12 years of free, publicly-funded,       Ugandans who are unable to read and
inclusive, equitable, quality primary       write, we should reconsider the various
and secondary education – of which          means of communications we use to
at least nine years are compulsory,         deliver our various programs, i.e. if we
leading to relevant learning outcomes       create a communication campaign for
– should be ensured for all, without        Polio we should consider that about a
discrimination.”                            quarter of our population will not be
                                            able to read, hence radio and other
In Tanzania, as per the 2012 census
                                            audio-visual engagements become
the National Net Enrolment rate
                                            paramount. Secondly, we should
(measuring percentage of 7 to 13
                                            derive more effort towards adequate
years old in school) was at 76.8%,
                                            adult education programs to avoid
hence indicating a gap of slightly
                                            further exclusion of these illiterate
less than a quarter of eligible primary
                                            population segments. Here, once again
school children. Further, literacy levels
                                            it remains paramount to understand
for men were established at 83.4%
                                            the importance of considering the
whereby their female counterparts
                                            gender gap by providing special
were at 73.3%.
                                            support to female attendees in the
In Uganda, World Bank data from 2018        form of additional compensation to
reports an 83% literacy rate for male       allow for the engagement of a house
Ugandans while female Ugandans lack         help or providing child support at the
behind at 71%. Further, World Bank          educational side.
data from 2013 indicates a 95% net
                                            Together,      through     well-crafted
enrolment rate for primary age pupils.
                                            initiatives, we shall be able to close
The above presented statistics              the gender gap in basic education
indicate a gender gap as well as the        and literacy and raise educational
need for continuous adult education         standards across Tanzania and Uganda
initiatives, as currently about a quarter   as we deliver to SDG4 and the Rotary
of both Tanzanians and Ugandans are         Area of Focus.
8 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                              September 2021 Ubuntu | 9
Basic Education and Literacy

                                                                                                                   supplements the few outdated and tattered         The challenge we now face is that once
                                                                                                                   textbooks in schools and improve the overall      students gets into the computer lab, they
                                                                                                                   quality of education.                             don’t want to leave because W2K carries
                                                                                                                                                                     programmes such as story books, novels,
                                                                                                                   The project has students trained on computer
                                                                                                                                                                     encyclopedias, simulations and videos that
                                                                                                                   basics to enable them to make use of the
                                                                                                                                                                     are interesting and, yes, addictive.“
                                                                                                                   digital library. Each student learns at his/her
                                                                                                                   own pace. Those who need extra time can           (A school computer lab manager.)
                                                                                                                   do so, repeating exercises, testing with past
                                                                                                                                                                     COVID-19 pandemic makes it clear that
                                                                                                                   exam papers until they have understand the
                                                                                                                                                                     schools need to undergo an extensive digital
                                                                                                                   subject matter. It enables them to catch up
                                                                                                                                                                     transformation if they are to meet the needs
                                                                                                                   on what they hadn’t understand well in class.
                                                                                                                                                                     of the future. Unfortunately, though it has
                                                                                                                   Reactions to what the project has to offer has
OFF-LINE DIGITAL LIBRARY FOR                                                                                       been positive.
                                                                                                                                                                     been years since Tanzania had declared ICT
                                                                                                                                                                     as a school subject, there still aren’t enough
SECONDARY SCHOOLS                                                                                                  “I feared computer is a complicated device
                                                                                                                   that requires much time to learn. But, having
                                                                                                                                                                     computers in schools for hands-on learning
                                                                                                                                                                     to adequately equip them for the technology
                                                     Late Anna Mghwira, the then Regional Commissioner             gone through the training through this            oriented future.
                                                     of Kilimanjaro and her team observe students at the           project, my fear has gone. Also, W2K software
                                                     computer on the opening day at Karanga Secondary                                                                Rotary Club of Moshi plans to continue its
    Rtn. Maryline Mamuya (RC Iringa,                                                                               has enabled me to improve my English and
                                                     School computer lab                                                                                             partnership with the Global Outreach Team,
    CEO, Global Outreach Tanzania)                                                                                 problem-solving skills.”
                                                                                                                                                                     and to expand the reach of Windows to
    CMP Cynthia Asiyo (RC Moshi, Project                                                                           (A student at Karanga Secondary School.)          Knowledge (W2K) digital library to schools in
    Leader)                                       tech devices. We hope our project will set                                                                         Kilimanjaro and beyond, to prepare them for
                                                                                                                   “W2K software is precisely what we needed.
                                                  new standards that when the Government                                                                             the digital future which has already arrived at
                                                                                                                   Reading habits of students have improved.
                                                  plans to update its computer syllabus                                                                              our doorstep.
                                                  and teaching methods, W2K approach to
Imagine having a digital library where learning   teaching and learning could provide a good
materials can be stored and accessed easily       frame of reference.
at all times, irrespective of connectivity.       Each school is provided 15-20 computers,
A mere dream in Africa? Guess what? RC            depending on enrollment, a powerful server,
Moshi’s partnership with Global Outreach          a projector, a power stabilizer and router.
Tanzania enabled five schools in Moshi in         Numerous programs are uploaded onto each
Kilimanjaro region to turn this dream into        computer, including a Windows to Learning
reality.                                          (W2K) digital library - an offline software
For years, RC Moshi had dreamt of bridging        which is rich in educational materials for
the digital divide, to transform learning in      simulations, models, graphics, animations,
government secondary schools. At last this        quizzes, past national examination papers,
year, with a Global Grant of US$ 48,559, RC       e-notes, etc. It encourages research and                                                                             Teachers trained at Kirima Secondary School,
                                                  self-learning. Students are also trained in                                                                          Moshi
Moshi set out to transform five secondary
schools in Northern Tanzania, with RC Venice      good stewardship of the lab.
Sunrise (USA) its International Partner, and
a local NGO, Global Outreach Tanzania,             Window to Knowledge (W2K) is an offline
which has extensive experience in designing        software, a digital library rich in academic
educational software, promoting digital            materials, designed by the Global Outreach
learning and providing technical support to        Tanzania, an NGO in Iringa.
more than a dozen schools in Tanzania.             Its aim is to increase children learning, and
                                                   uplift their performance.
The over-arching objective of the project is       It helps teachers prepare teaching materials.
to improve educational outcomes for the            It provides unlimited access to learning ma-
students. Secondary school teachers are            terials without internet connectivity.
trained in Ms-word, Excel , Spreadsheets,          It's by far cheaper than keeping a library, as
Internet and e-mails. They are taught 21st         we know it, well stocked and maintained.
century teaching methods to integrate                                                                      A student at Karanga Secondary School, Moshi
technology into their teaching, to manage                                                                                                                              Computer lab at Ewong’on Secondary School,
                                                  The project includes 5 schools with about                explains the W2K programmes to the Project Leader,
classes where all students are equipped with                                                                                                                           Simanjiro
                                                                                                           CP Cynthia Asiyo.
                                                  2,500 students in total. Its digital library

10 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                                                                                                                   September 2021 Ubuntu | 11
Basic Education and Literacy                                                                                                                                                     Education on COVID 19

REFLECTIONS OF A TEACHER AND                                                                         EDUCATION ON COVID 19 VACCINES

                                                                                                                                             Rtn. Ruth Namutebi
                                                                                                                                            Public Image Director
                                                                                                                                     Rotary Club of Kisugu-Victoria View
                                     By Rtn Maria Namigadde Mpagi
                                         RC Kisugu Victoria View.
                                                                                                     Due to lack of knowledge very few people knew        I know of a good number of friends who were
                                            Teacher of French,
                                                                                                     the effect of the Covid-19 vaccines but through      affected by Covid-19 because they were not
                                   Rainbow International School Uganda
                                                                                                     Print media, Radio and TV adverts, and training      vaccinated. They ended up in ICU because
                                                                                                     by the Ministry of Health officials the public       their bodies were not ready to prevent the
As we all know, Covid-19 has impacted the             A mother and teacher working from home,        gradually got to learn more about it.                virus. They listened to the wrong stories and
world in so many aspects. But of all these            doing her best to manage expectations, both                                                         people who did not have the right knowledge
changes, one of them has affected almost              from her job and from her family. Teachers     Many people were able to learn that COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                          about vaccination. Luckily, they all came out
                                                                                                     vaccines help keep us from getting seriously
everyone on Earth – school closure. No matter         and parents have had to adapt and learn                                                             well and they are okay.
                                                                                                     ill even if we do get the virus. Once we get
where you are on planet Earth, from the               multitasking skills.
                                                                                                     vaccinated, we may also protect people around        Based on Centers for Disease Control and
unbearable heat of the Outback in Australia
                                                      Teachers have not been spared in this          us, particularly those at increased risk of severe   Prevention (CDC), Covid-19 can lead to mental
to the lush green landscape of Uganda, you
                                                      quagmire. During teacher training, what they   illness from the virus.                              complications such as agitation and stroke. It
have felt the unmistakable change in the way                                                                                                              is also important to note that although all age
                                                      learnt was how to teach “actual” children      Due to the negative publicity there was
children are studying today.                                                                                                                              groups are at risk of contracting COVID-19,
                                                      in an “actual” classroom. Imagine their        hesitancy in the turn up for vaccines hence
No one foresaw this! There were theories              horror when they now had to interface with                                                          older people face significant risk of developing
                                                                                                     an increase in numbers of people contracting
about what the future would be like; robots,          machines, deal with an unstable internet                                                            severe illness if they contract the disease due to
                                                                                                     Covid-19. The Ministry endeavored to educate
cyborgs and smart living rooms; but this              connection and keep addressing virtual                                                              physiological changes that come with ageing
                                                                                                     the public about the side effects which come
was never predicted – school going children           children – “Switch on your mic”, “Mute                                                              and potential underlying health conditions.
                                                                                                     with this vaccine like low grade fever or redness
studying online.                                      yourself”, “Are you still there?”              at the injection site, muscle aches which can        People may fear the side effects but it is
Now students and teachers’ main pieces                Resilience and adaptability – the key skills   be signs that the body’s immune system is            important to accept these vaccines as a
                                                                                                     responding to the vaccine.                           key challenge in defeating the coronavirus
of equipment are laptops, phones, tablets             needed by all … students, teachers and
                                                                                                                                                          pandemic both now and in the future. Let us
and routers. Children studying at home and            parents … if we are to wade these fuzzy        So many people decided to stay home because
                                                                                                                                                          get out of our comfort zones and walk to the
having exposure to the internet means that            waters referred to as the “new normal”         of all this and missed out on the chance to be
                                                                                                                                                          Healthy facilities and do the needful before it
they run a risk of not being focused enough,                                                         vaccinated on time. By the time some people
                                                                                                                                                          is too late.
cyber-bullying and exposure to inappropriate                                                         decided to wake up it was already late as
online content. Also, while in school, they are                                                      the Ministry had directed that the available         The Government also has a role to talk openly
obliged to get into their lessons on time and                                                        vaccines were meant for those going for the          about all aspects of the vaccines including side
settle down, which expectation is a fallacy                                                          second shot. A good number of people are yet         effects.
when they are at home.                                                                               to get their first jab for this reason hence the
                                                                                                     frustration because of lack of vaccines.
Parents have had to either stay at home and
supervise their children or get a responsible
adult to do it on their behalf. Imagine making
this sacrifice when they have their own jobs
to attend to! Oh, how stressful! Not forgetting
the daily data purchases!

12 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                                                                                                         September 2021 Ubuntu | 13
Mtakuja Secondary school

UBUNTU writer Rtn. Julia Seifert held an Interview with the project manager of The Rotary Club of Bahari
Beach Rtn. Murtaza Versi to learn more on their successful signature Project. Their Project is what one
would point out to be a textbook example of sustainable project implementation for Rotary and beyond.

By Rtn. Julia Seifert                                 classrooms, improved ICT infrastructure as
                                                      well as summer school STEM education are
Rtn. Julia Seifert: What drove you to start the
project at Mtakuja Secondary School?
                                                      All activities are implemented with the aim
Rtn. Murtaza Versi: The school is located
                                                      of transforming the learning environment to          on the girl child, to deploy an effective        Rtn. Murtaza Versi: From early on we
at Kunduchi Beach, in the direct vicinity of
                                                      make it more conducive for both teachers             initiative we have collaborated with the         have engaged both the Parents as well as
our club’s area of work. It is a government
                                                      and students and hence positively impact on          Roteractors from UDSM to undertake a need        the school board and management; this
secondary school, accommodating 39
                                                      learning outcomes.                                   analysis.                                        has shown immense effects in regard to
teachers and 1300 students.
                                                                                                                                                            sustainability and acceptance. They have
                                                      Rtn. Julia Seifert:        What        has    been   Further we anticipate building a new block
Initially the club deployed various smaller                                                                                                                 among other things been instrumental in
                                                      implemented till date?                               wall, boundary wall [TZS 60m], around the
projects, which resulted in the establishment                                                                                                               obtaining all necessary permission from local
                                                                                                           newly allocated land that was given by the
of a laboratory; Three years ago, under Past          Rtn. Murtaza Versi: Since the project has                                                             authorities and ensuring smooth project
                                                                                                           municipality. We also want to renovate the
President Hitesh Tana (Rotary Year 2019-              been declared our signature project Past                                                              implementation. To keep them continuously
                                                                                                           existing boys and girls toilet block [TZS
2020) and then the club made a decision to            President Hitesh (2019-2020), Immediate                                                               engaged we now hold period student,
                                                                                                           75m], the drinking water shed [TZS 30m],
make Mtakuja the club’s signatory project for         Past President Fred Laiser (2020-2021) and                                                            teacher and parental reviews.
                                                                                                           renovate the laboratories [TZS 25m], and
the next 5 years.                                     now current President Diamond Carvalho
                                                                                                           lastly renovate the classrooms [TZS 240m].       Secondly, the initial needs assessment has
                                                      (2021-2022) have been able to mobilize the
Rtn. Julia Seifert: After identifying it as your                                                                                                            been paramount, so that we were able to
                                                      club and completed the new toilet block for          Rtn. Julia Seifert: Looking back on all that
signature project, what were your next steps?                                                                                                               understand the context better and design
                                                      20 students, new water supply and drainage           has been achieved so far, would you term the
Rtn. Murtaza Versi: We conducted a needs                                                                                                                    more meaningful interventions.
                                                      connection, water tank, septic tank and soak         project as a success?
assessment which presented that the school            pit, chain link fence and water for existing                                                          Thirdly, we have linked structural with soft
                                                                                                           Rtn. Murtaza Versi: Yes, we already see
is facing various challenges, such as poor            student labs all to the tune of TZS 130m.                                                             projects to maximize our impact and ensure
                                                                                                           that the project has gained traction with
and insufficient sanitary facilities, inability                                                                                                             sustainability. During this process we are
                                                      Further, we have established an Interact club        the parents, school management, school
to provide necessary printing of materials,                                                                                                                 now working in tight collaboration with the
                                                      that will be engaged throughout all onward           board as well as the local community. We
outdated staff rooms as well as challenges                                                                                                                  newly formed Interact club and the scouts at
                                                      projects.                                            are even more excited to know that the local
in school feeding and various equipment                                                                                                                     the school.
                                                                                                           government wants to take the toilet plans
needed for various subjects.                          Rtn. Julia Seifert: What         are    the   next
                                                                                                           designed for Mtakuja and utilize them as a       Lastly, the decision to make this project
                                                      upcoming activities?
This was followed by the development of a                                                                  model for other schools.                         our signature project made us focus and
detailed project plan, focusing on three of           Rtn. Murtaza Versi: We will do soft skill                                                             determined to allocate all our resources, in
                                                                                                           Rtn. Julia Seifert: It is amazing how you have
Rotary’s Areas of Focus; mainly Water and             education on health and sanitation issues,                                                            terms of time, money and human resource
                                                                                                           conceptualized, planned and implemented
sanitation, Basic education and literacy and          to link soft skills with structural projects that                                                     towards a common goal.
                                                                                                           this project so far. What made this project a
Economic and community development.                   have been deployed so far. Further, we are
                                                      planning an project that focuses intentionally
For now we are looking into the renovation of

14 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                                                                                                         September 2021 Ubuntu | 15

                             PROVIDING TEXT
                             BOOKS TO SUPPORT
                             MTAKUJA SECONDARY
                             SCHOOL STUDENTS
                                                    By Gibson Bonaventure
                                                    Immediate Past President
                                                    Interacts Club of HOPAC Dar
                                                    es Salaam
                                                    Sponsored by RC of Dar

                             EBy Gibson Bonaventure Katuma
                             Immediate Past President
                             Interacts Club of HOPAC Dar es Salaam
                             Sponsored by RC of Dar Mikocheni.
                             P2020-2021 hasn't been an easy year on so many
                             fronts; but there has never been a better time to serve
                             others than this. In partnership with DIS interact club,
                             HOPAC interact club pledged to support Mtakuja
                             secondary school by providing textbooks to aid the
                             students there.
                             This project looked smooth on paper; but with the
                             challenge of the pandemic, its execution was much
                             more complicated.
                             Things did not always go as planned, and there were
                             moments where we felt like there was no light at
                             the end of the tunnel. However, credit to both club
                             members with the leadership in place, improvisation,
                             dedication and perseverance are what led to this
                             project being a success.
                             All these challenges proved to be worth it after seeing
                             the smiles on both the teachers and students when
                             we delivered the textbooks. They looked like faces
                             with renewed hope, faces full of delight, and faces
                             that are grateful. These faces will forever remain in
                             my mind. Reminding me of the power that service
                             has and how fulfilling it is. And more importantly,
                             motivate me to choose to help others always; no
                             matter how little our help might seem, the impact
                             might be massive enough to move minds and hearts.

16 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                  September 2021 Ubuntu | 17
Rotaract: Accesibilty to STEM

By Suzan Temba                                     women in STEM. We envision a future of
                                                   STEM inclusion, one in which STEM activities
A truly facilitating community is one in which
                                                   are accessible to all young people of both
STEM education and activities are accessible
                                                   genders, most specifically young females.
to all people.
                                                   How do we achieve that? Through students
STEM stands for Science, Technology,
                                                   mentorship programs that we are planning
Engineering, and Mathematics. The skills
                                                   with different schools, working in collaboration
gained from STEM education extend beyond
                                                   with STEM aspiring organizations to spread
those needed to be successful in today’s
                                                   the good news.
world. STEM education fosters creativity and
divergent thinking alongside fundamental           On that, we are organizing an Inspire STEM
disciplines, it motivates and inspires young       Walkathon to be held later this year.
professionals to generate new technologies
                                                   This will be a movement to challenge
and ideas through innovations, and it focuses
                                                   individual and society perspectives on STEM
on practice and innovation which enables
                                                   careers for young females. The campaign
students to get to learn through practice.
                                                   aims to promote STEM education to young
Every young person of all gender despite their     people especially girls who have been
economic, cultural, or social backgrounds          lagging behind STEM activities.
has a right to STEM education. However,
                                                   This walkathon also aims to fight the
perspective barriers within the community
                                                   stereotypes and judgment towards women in
and lack of STEM role models are widely
                                                   STEM fields and it can also serve as a starting
recognized as contributors to many young
                                                   point on forming a STEM network amongst
people especially girls not participating in
                                                   young people and a getaway to other STEM
STEM activities.
Despite the Tanzanian government’s efforts
                                                   The walkathon will involve various STEM
to ensure that there is an increase in the
                                                   stakeholders in the country who will
participation of girls in science-related fields
                                                   showcase what they are doing in promoting
and strategies including building science-
                                                   STEM to young people and also inform girls
based schools special for girls, the number of
                                                   on opportunities available to motivate them.
young females in STEM is still not satisfying.
                                                   Through this, we aim to raise 10 million
Possible reasons for this could be; Lack
                                                   Tanzanian Shillings to be directed to the
of awareness about STEM activities,
                                                   establishment of STEM clubs in designated
overwhelming judgment faced by young
                                                   schools and also equipping these clubs with
females aspiring to STEM careers, lack
                                                   the necessities for functioning.
of support from the community and or
immediate family due to various cultural           We welcome donations, partnerships, and
stereotypes, difficult work environments           sponsorships in making this walkathon a
for women in STEM sectors i.e. engineering         huge success.
where mostly manpower is required. (No             For more information: +255 744 100 357 Rose
simplified tools/types of equipment that           (President, Rotaract Club of Kwanza)
will enable both genders to do the work at         +255 743 523 142 Irene (Vice president,
ease) and lack of female representatives who       Rotaract Club of Kwanza),
could act as a source of inspiration to others     Email: kwanzarotaract@gmail.com
especially young girls                             Account: 0025925001 – GT Bank
The Rotaract club of Kwanza is aiming
at increasing the participation of young

18 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                            September 2021 Ubuntu | 19
PDG Amir Somji
                                                                                                                                           PDG Amir Somji

                                 RTN. AMIR SOMJI      By President Samantha Button                        Rtn. Hamza: So if that is the case Amir, how
                                                      (Rotary Club of Arusha)                             was your introduction and retention into Rotary
                                                                                                          when you were a new member and what are
                                                      In our third edition of UBUNTU talks with Rtn.
                                                                                                          we doing wrong now, not necessarily in Rotary
                                                      Hamza Kasongo, we get to learn more about
                                                                                                          Club of Arusha. As PDG you visited many clubs
                                                      the man of the moment himself: PDG Amir
                                                                                                          too, even now when you are not a governor.
                                                      Somji who in the interview shares his journey
                                                      as he reflects on Rotary 50 years ago and           PDG Amir: I still tell my club and they agree
                                                      today. Before he begins the interview, PDG          with me - if it is all business and no fun, we will
                                                                                                          lose members. Fortunately for us in Arusha
                                                      Amir asks to dedicate this interview to his late
                                                                                                          there are a cross section of people - there are
                                                      wife to whom he was married to for the past 52
                                                                                                          professionals and there are non-professionals.
                                                      years until she passed on the 15th of December
                                                                                                          But I think when they come to our club, they
                                                                                                          find it very interesting and so they stay behind.
                                                      Rtn. Hamza: Welcome to the UBUNTU chats
                                                                                                          Let me take you to other clubs - I once went
                           Past District Governer
                                                      with Hamza, PDG Amir. On the 11th of August
                                                                                                          to a meeting in Dar es Salaam - and by the
                                                      this year you celebrated 50 years of service in
                                                                                                          way it happened to be your club - they had no
                                                      Rotary. Take your mind back to 1971 when you
                         (District 9200: 1994 - 95)   joined. How was the Rotary Club then?
                                                                                                          speaker and asked me to speak. I asked them
                                                                                                          'What is the subject', they said we don't get
                                                      PDG Amir: Rotary then was a strong club.            good attendance, we'd like you to talk about
                                                      I was invited to join by a man called Mr. MD        that.

Happy 50th Rotary anniversary PDG. Amir               Kirmali. I visited the club 3 times, and my
                                                      sponsor requested that I become a member.
                                                      The president of the club then was Reverend
                                                                                                          I said this is the wrong attendance as these are
                                                                                                          the people attending - but anyway - unless you
                                                                                                          nurture your members, unless you look after
                                                                                                          them, remember them when they are absent
                                                      Rtn. Hamza:These days one of the problems is        and tell them we missed them, and things like
                                                      membership retention inspired you stay on for       that, we shall lose them. We used to do that,
                                                      50 years?                                           in our club. The people are very busy, the
                                                      PDG Amir: Let me tell you this Hamza, I'm a         youngsters have to earn a living, they probably
                                                      very disciplined man because I played sports        have families to look after. But - but - it can be
                                                      and I captained many events. I decided that         done!
                                                      I will keep those two hours for Rotary every        Rtn. Hamza: It was not an easy adjustment for
                                                      Wednesday and I enjoyed that. There was a           women to join Rotary. In the US this led to a court
                                                      time I missed 3 meetings consecutively and I        case. How did you receive the introduction of
                                                      received a letter from the president - please       women into the club, and how do you find it
                                                      tell us why we should not take your name            now that you have a woman president in your
                                                      out because you missed the 3 meetings.              club: President Samantha?
                                                      Fortunately, I had a very good reason - I had
                                                                                                          PDG Amir: I think it was 1987 when women
                                                      been to KCMC, I was about to go for my hajj. In
                                                                                                          were allowed to join us. I thought - this is
                                                      those days they were very strict, if you did not
                                                                                                          never going to work out - in my mind, I never
                                                      attend 3 consecutive meetings you were told
                                                                                                          told anybody but I thought so. I had a habit of
                                                      thank you very much you are not a member
                                                                                                          telling jokes that were under the belt - I thought
                                                      anymore. But also, our meetings were very
                                                                                                          what would happen if women would come into
                                                      conducive for anybody to come there because
                                                                                                          Rotary. I later found out they really enjoyed
                                                      they were fun but at the same time there was
                                                                                                          those jokes also.
                                                      seriousness, and also, we had good speakers.
                                                                                                          Women have been a blessing to Rotary. And
                                                      Rtn. Hamza: Does this mean having fun and
                                                                                                          I always say - women deliver babies already,
                                                      the presence of good speakers made the club
                                                                                                          so why can't they deliver here? You give
                                                      quite buoyant?
                                                                                                          them a project, and I can assure you it will
                                                      PDG Amir: Yes, I quite agree. Because when          be completed successfully. And I think now if
                                                      new Rotarians join and they don't understand        they said no women in the club, I would ask
                                                      what is happening for instance when we only         for an exemption in the attendance. I enjoy
                                                      talk about projects, they tend to get bored and     being there. In my club the women are going
                                                      they leave. I would say if any Rotarian leaves us   to outrun the men any time now - the women
                                                      the fault is ours, because we did not nurture       will be in the majority. I have some of the finest
                                                      them well.                                          women I think in my Rotary Club - we have the

20 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                                                          September 2021 Ubuntu | 21
5th consecutive lady president at the moment       I said, why can't you do this, I was told - we      PDG Amir: Samantha is a very professional             Samantha to speak. Your friends call you Kipara
and now we are having difficulties to find a       don't have money. Realize that 21,000 TZS in        person, in fact before we finish the interview,       and Fupi. You accept Kipara and not Fupi. Why
President Elect, that is why we had to ask         those days - divided by 7 - was 3000 US$. I         I'd like her to speak also. Not necessarily about
                                                                                                                                                             PDG Amir: Because I am not as fupi as you
somebody to become one.                            stood up and said, we are all Rotarians, what       me, about her own club, how she found it,
                                                                                                                                                             think! But let me tell you something, in my
                                                   can we do to make this number. I sent a card        how we are doing it. I think we are equal at
Rtn. Hamza: At present, certain clubs in                                                                                                                     time if your name started with A, you became
                                                   to everyone to contribute what they wanted,         the moment, men and women, there is a lady
Tanzania particularly face an acute shortage of                                                                                                              a governor. Andy Chande. Amu Shah. Abdul
                                                   and, it came to about 19,000 TZS, I raised the      coming in 2 - 3 weeks and there will be more
Rotarians who want to become presidents. In                                                                                                                  Sanji. Amir Somji. Amin Merali. and so on. There
                                                   rest and gave it to the lady. In the meeting        females. I don't have to tell her anything, she is
fact, in many clubs, Rotarians have got to be                                                                                                                was a time when all the Fupis were presidents,
                                                   later I was criticized, who gave me permission.     good, and she knows exactly what she does.
cajoled to become the president. Why do you                                                                                                                  and I was not there, they were mostly from
                                                   Rightfully, I apologized, I said I should have      But before you go to her - before you end the
think this is and what was the situation when                                                                                                                Uganda. And the late Hatim was there (may he
                                                   done it privately. But - 6 months later that        interview with me, I will also tell you my scariest
you became the president?                                                                                                                                    rest in peace)
                                                   same lady came to speak to us, she showed           moment in life, in Rotary
PDG Amir: I became president in 1982 - 83, I       us a picture of the lady who was crawling –                                                               Later the time came for bouncers. The Bigger
                                                                                                       Rtn. Hamza: What is your scariest and most
had competition then, there was someone else       and another picture of crutches and walking.                                                              people, Harish was one of them. I'm not Fupi,
                                                                                                       horrible experience you remember in your 50
standing. My friends had to canvas for me to       That gave me a lot of satisfaction and it is one                                                          I'm Kipara.
                                                                                                       years in Rotary?
become the president. There was competition        project I will never forget.                                                                              Rtn. Hamza:      What   are   your    concluding
then and practically every year. To come to your                                                       PDG Amir: I was District Governor, in 1994
                                                   PDG Amir: The second is the 3H project -                                                                  remarks?
question - why do we have to cajole people to                                                          when I went to Madagascar, I was at a hotel; I
                                                   during that time we didn't have these Global                                                              PDG Amir: I first tell Sharmilla to put Samantha
become presidents? I have difficulty in saying                                                         would be collected every day at 9 o'clock and
                                                   Grants, we had matching grants. There was a                                                               on the DCA, she will be the host president
exactly what is happening, but maybe they                                                              on the dot, they were particular about it. I was
                                                   special grant for 3 H -- Humanity, Hunger and                                                             during that time. I would like to thank Samantha
are too busy, maybe there is too much work                                                             in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar.
                                                   Health. In 1991 with the help of Mama Kuku                                                                for organizing this interview.
to be a president. I would fail to give a proper                                                       One day I needed some money, there was a
                                                   Faye Cran, we applied through an international
response to this.                                                                                      bank under the hotel. For $50 you got a lot           Rtn. Hamza: President Samantha, please could
                                                   club and were given a grant of $434,000.
                                                                                                       of Malagasy money, Malagasy Francs. And so            you conclude our program.
Rtn. Hamza: So, is there anything we can do?
                                                   This was to provide a place for the lepers who      I went with my jacket, as a District Governor,
At that time, we were busy in our own style, but                                                                                                             CMP Samantha: Thank you so much Hamza
                                                   came to live in Arusha. We bought a plot in Usa,    and I went to the teller and I gave her a $50
now they are now in their own style. You and I                                                                                                               for carrying out this interview for PDG Amir. It
                                                   a place called Maji ya Chai. We put electricity     note, and asked her for Mlagasey money, they
are analog, these fellows are digital. What can                                                                                                              has been a pleasure to listen. Amir, you wanted
                                                   and water there, then we built a place for          usually deal in French Francs. She went inside,
we do to make people become leaders of their                                                                                                                 me to talk about Rotary - it has been such a
                                                   the lepers, after which we built a school and       came with another lady and they looked at me
communities, through our clubs?                                                                                                                              wonderful moment in my life.
                                                   a lot of things. After 5 years we handed over       and both of them went inside, a man came
PDG Amir: Put them on the ladder. - to serve       to some nuns - there is a fishpond cattle and       with those two ladies and they said 'sorry sir,       I'd heard about Rotary for a long time, Rotaract
as secretary, as treasurer, as board members.      kukus. Mama Kuku did a fantastic job with this,     but the note you have given us is fake'. And my       at university, at school Interact. I have had the
Unless they do that and they feel they are         But I was part of it too because I wrote to my      heart skipped a beat, I am sure. I said "my God,      opportunity to learn from people like Amir,
getting it higher up, we will struggle to find     Past District Governors in 1995, requesting for     what am I doing?                                      as he mentioned we have people of so many
leaders. But then - I say some leaders are born,   help. Again, I was criticized for going outside,                                                          different professions, ages, nationalities, and
                                                                                                       They said 'this note does not say at the back
some leaders have leadership thrust onto           but anyway, on 1st May 1995, it was a holiday                                                             both genders.
                                                                                                       'in God we trust'. I looked at it and said it was
them. Some who you think are not leaders           of course, we walked a golf cart from Arusha
                                                                                                       true. And I took out some other notes which           In terms of professional learning, it has been
go on to become fantastic leaders in Rotary.       to Kili airport. By the end of it the Arusha club
                                                                                                       I had taken from the bank. In 1993 you were           enormous. I really care so much about giving
We shall have to take it that way, make our        had collected $75,000. That project is there
                                                                                                       not allowed to open a USD account, but                back. It is such a big and important thing for
meetings very interesting, because if we don't     and sometimes we still take visitors there. The
                                                                                                       because my money was coming from Rotary               me, Rotary is the perfect platform where you
do that, we will fail in our goal to have more     real leader to see it was done was Mama Kuku
                                                                                                       International, I could have a USD account.            can connect needs and resources - both in
and more members.                                  - Faye Cran.
                                                                                                       So, I looked at another one and it said 'In God       terms of professional resources, money, skills,
Rtn. Hamza: As the president in the 1980s, of      Rtn. Hamza: What would you advise young             we trust'. I said 'can I give you another note',      time, and heart. So, Rotary has been such a
course the needs were much more than now.          Rotarians regarding attending or not attending      and they said why not. Oh, I said 'my God, I          wonderful experience in my life, and I really
Of the projects that you undertook, can you        the coming DCA? If they do, what will they get      gave them another note and they came with             value it. Those few hours on a Wednesday
name 2 - 3 projects that are still dear to your    out of it?                                          the money. I forgot about it but I was scared         are often the highlight of my week. Amir
heart?                                                                                                 - what if they had put me in jail and there was       challenged me, when I congratulated him on
                                                   PDG Amir: This is a platform where people
PDG Amir: Let me take you back to before I                                                             news "District Governor, across international         Wednesday, on the 11th of August, on his 50
                                                   meet, and they make friends. And it is an
became a president of the club, a lady from                                                            borders... ".                                         years in Rotary, he challenged me to strive to
                                                   absolutely fantastic thing, it gives you time, it
Makumira which is not far, just before Usa         is not all business, there is also pleasure out     But that is not the end of the story - I went to      achieve the same. (Will you). I will try my best,
River,was crawling and could not stand up          of it. For instance, the DG's cocktail functions    the bank, I told them 'You gave this to me but        I would like to - God willing, and my health
to use crutches because she needed an              and many other evening functions where you          it's not right - they took it very quickly back and   allows - I would like to be in Rotary for the rest
operation. A missionary came and told us what      meet.                                               gave me another 50 dollars note, and I was told       of my life.
was required - 20 thousand shillings to be                                                             by a banker after about 2 years that the note
                                                   Rtn. Hamza: What do you have to tell Samantha
taken to KCMC to be operated on to enable her                                                          was worth about $2000" as it was antique.
                                                   with regards to getting more women into
to walk. President said we would let her know
                                                   Rotary?                                             Rtn. Hamza: I will conclude before I ask
through Amir.

22 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                                                                                                            September 2021 Ubuntu | 23
Empowering girls

By Rtn. Susan Ssamula                                    girls for primary, secondary, tertiary and    These include RFEW (Rotary Fellowship
Assistant Ambassador                                     technical education.                          for Empowering Women), Rotary Vijana
Empowerment Girls Team                                                                                 Poa, ROLI (Rotaract Ladies Initiatives),
                                                      3. Maternal and Child Health
                                                         Early prevention and treatment services       Commercial Banks, Mothers’ Union and
INTRODUCTION:                                            focused on teenage pregnancies.               others.
Empowering of Girls is one of RI President            4. Disease Prevention and treatment              IMPLEMENTATION:
Shekhar Mehta’s initiatives this Rotary year             Promote HPV immunization, a young girl’s      The National Committee will support Clubs
2021/2022 focusing on club level projects                vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. There     and cover all the functions of reporting,
to create change in the lives of our girls. In           is need to sensitise our communities so       coordinating, mobilization, sensitization,
D9214, District Governor Young Kimaro has                that they can have more girls take this on.   publicity, Monitoring and Evaluation of the
taken this on and it is one of the programs              Clubs can approach Government medical         entire project on behalf of the District.
that we are running. It is aimed at helping              centres and partner with them.
girls 18 years and below to have access                                                                All Clubs will be required to nominate
                                                      5. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene                 Empowerment of Girls Officers under the
to education, better health care, more
                                                         Construction of toilets which are gender      Director Service Projects who will help in
employment opportunities and equality.
                                                         sensitive and proportional to the school      the implementation and be the link between
In Uganda currently, I am working on our                 population, incinerators, boreholes and       the National Committee and the Club.
concept with Rtn Doreen Busingye, RC                     sanitary pads disposal systems in schools
Kyengera and Rtr Prudence Asobola, Rct                   and communities.                              Clubs are encouraged to address the
Muyenga Breeze. The Tanzanian team is led                                                              problems faced by our young girls today,
                                                      6. Environment                                   create a lot of awareness about the
by Assistant Ambassador Rtn Aisha Sykes.
                                                         Natural resources management practices        Empower Girls project, and broadcast
PROBLEM:                                                 put in place like teaching the girls to       successful stories on Rotary showcases
Girls today are faced with poverty, HIV and              make brickets and power saving cooking        and other media channels. M&E will be
AIDS, early marriage, teenage pregnancy,                 stoves.                                       done progressively throughout the period
Gender-Based Violence, Female Genital                    The girls together with their families can    to check progress and measure the impact
Mutilation and low participation in secondary            be taught how to sort waste at home           of the project.
education among others. As a result, they                and encourage their communities to            AWARDS:
lose their self-esteem and this makes it                 do the same. The other waste is sold off
difficult for them to realize their full potential.      for recycling while the biodegradable is       At the DCA in Arusha, Clubs which go an
                                                         turned into manure. The manure is used        extra mile will be recognized.
INTERVENTION BY              THE    ROTARY       /
ROTARACT CLUBS:                                          to grow vegetables among others in            EXPECTED RESULTS:
                                                         gardens or containers. The environment is
A lot can be done to ensure that we                      protected, nutrition at home is improved      We will among others have better quality
empower young girls both in and out of                   while some income is earned from sale of      girls, better educated, regain their self-
school. Some Clubs have already started                  scrap and also extra food grown.              esteem, enjoy their rights and lead to
on the interventions by implementing these                                                             economic betterment of our nation.
projects. Interventions cover all Rotary areas        7. Peace Building & Conflict Prevention
                                                         Provide Rehabilitative services in our        THE CALL:
of focus and below are some examples:
                                                         communities for victims of domestic           We are going to take stock of what is
1. Community and Economic Development                    violence and engagement in peace              happening in clubs, we request for
   Mentoring, Advocacy and Skilling                      building processes.                           cooperation from the entire District
   where mentors are identified, Schools                                                               Leadership, Club Leadership, Rotarians and
   and Institutions are convinced to take             MOBILISATION AND SUSTAINABILITY:
                                                                                                       Rotaractors. Together, we can do this.
   on girls to enable them attain financial           Mobilisation will be done by the Community
   independence in areas like financial               leaders including Youth Council leaders and      Clubs are requested to forward names of
   literacy, savings culture and sanitary pads        to ensure continuity, projects have to be        the Empowerment of Girls officers as soon
   making among others.                               sustainable.                                     as possible.

2. Basic education and literacy                       PARTNERSHIPS:                                    D9214 – Uganda.
   Keep girls in school campaign. Clubs                                                                0772 503296/0702 503296
                                                      Will be with organisations already working       susynaks@yahoo.com
   are encouraged to sponsor at least five
                                                      on the empowerment of girls’ projects.

24 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                                                                           September 2021 Ubuntu | 25
Burhani - Tanga                                                                                                                                           Mkanjuni Secondary School

                                                                                        MIKANJUNI SECONDARY SCHOOL
                                                                                        VOCATIONAL PROJECT
                                                                                        By CMP Fatema Mamujee
                                                                                        RC Tanga Central
                                                                                        On Rotary International focus for the Year
                                                                                        2021/22; RI President, Shekhar Mehta calls on
                                                                                        empowering girls, hereby sharing our story.
                                                                                        “TUWAWEZESHE WASICHANA”
                                                                                        RC Tanga Central, in collaboration with
                                                                                        facilitators from Community Volunteer
                                                                                        Services TZ, on 6th August 2021 presented an
BURHANI SCHOOL VOCATIONAL                                                               Educative Presentation on MHM, Menstrual
                                                                                        Health Management And Sexuality Education
PROJECT                                                                                 AT Mikanjuni Secondary School which has
                                                                                        1649 plus students, out of which 864 are Girls.
                                                                                        Demonstrations on how to use the
                                                                                        menstruation kit had also been shown to
By AG Shrooti Asher                                                                     them. The 800 plus girls that were present
                                                                                        there were very keen to learn about menstrual
                                                                                        hygiene and were spontaneously taking part        Our Future plans are: In order to make our
SECONDARY SCHOOL, are both Private
                                                                                        in the discussion as well. The CLUB gave          Project Sustainable we have planned to teach
schools managed by TANGA BOHRA
                                                                                        donations for 200 packs of Reusable Sanitary      them the skills of making their own reusable
                                                                                        pads.                                             sanitary pads. Furthermore with this we will
On Friday, 30th July 2021, the members of                                                                                                 also ensure that they become capable of
                                                                                        As a club our message to our girls was:
the Rotary Club of Tanga Central visited the                                                                                              generating their own revenue with the skill
                                                                                        “WASICHANA na Wanawake ni Nguzo ya
Burhani School for a seminar for the Students                                                                                             provided.
                                                                                        Maendeleo, hivyo Basi”
of Class 6 and Form 1 on the overview of the
President Fatema and Rtn. Shrooti gave a
wonderful and informative presentation to
the students enlightening them about Rotary
and the Interact Club. The 100 (approx.)
students and 3 teachers who attended the
seminar were very anxious and delighted
to know about all the good work that the
Interactors do across the Globe.
In order to bring out the leadership skills
in them, the club members also arranged
some leadership games to play with the
students which was fun. The main motive of      ROTARY CLUB OF TANGA CENTRAL
conducting the seminar was to encourage         President 2021/22
the students to form a new INTERACT CLUB
in the school and step into the world of
“SERVICE ABOVE SELF”. We also received a
very good response from the teachers who        OUR MESSAGE TO CHILDREN:
were very supportive in encouraging the         GET READY TO BE LEADERS FOR TOMORROW,
students, ON OUR MOTTO for the youth to         SERVE TO CHANGE LIVES”
SERVE the community.

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Rotary Roses

                                                                                                                                           Rotary Fellowship for
                            “Childbirth is more        Objectives of RFEW:                                                                 Empowering Women
                            admirable         than
                            conquest,        more
                                                       • Widen our membership base                              District 9214
                            amazing than self-         • Create visibility through service projects
                            defense,     and     as
                                                       • Leadership and personal development

                                                                                                                                        OUR VISION
                            courageous as either
                            one." These words by       • Celebrating sisterhood
                            renowned      Feminist

Julie Kamuzze-Musoke
                            Gloria Marie Steinem
                            resonate and bring as
                                                       Core Values of RFEW:
                                                       1. Leadership
                                                                                                              A future where girls and women lead and thrive.
Director, Pr & Publicity    much joy to the new           We are individual leaders in our fields of work.
                            mothers in D9214 after        We believe in the importance of leadership and
the birth of a new child; The Rotary Fellowship for
Empowering Women (Rfew).
                                                          the personal development of our members.
                                                       2. Service
                                                                                                                                       OUR MISSION
The Fellowship was born out of the Rotary Roses,          We are members of action; committed and
                                                          passionate about changing lives in our
                                                                                                                Empowering women to lead change within
a brain child of IPDG Rosetti Nabbumba Nayenga,
whose objective as the Governor of Rotary District        communities through service. We believe
                                                          that our service activities and programs bring
                                                                                                                  themselves and in the communities.
9211, was to grow and groom female leaders
in Rotary and to highlight the role of women in           about greater world understanding and peace.
community service.
                                                                                                                                       OUR MISSION
                                                       3. Diversity
The Fellowship brings together like-minded                We believe in the object of Rotary that unifies
people with a passion of empowering girls and             all people internationally behind the ideal

                                                                                                                                1                                  2
women to take action to lead and thrive in their          of service. We are diverse in vocations, age,
professions, businesses and personal lives while          ethnicity and gender.
creating a lasting change in our communities.          4. Fellowship
Our membership is open to both male and female            We are a global fellowship who believe that
Rotarians, Rotaractors and non-Rotarians with a
                                                                                                                      Widen our                           Create visibility
                                                          individual efforts focus on individual needs but
passion of empowering women throughout the                confined efforts serve humanity. The power
                                                                                                                     membership                           through service
                                                          of combined efforts and passion knows no
“We are proudly known as ROSES because of our             limitations, multiplies resources and broadens
                                                          our lives and perspectives.
diversity in gender, age, professions, ethnicity,
interests and skills. What brings us together is our   5. Relationships
                                                                                                                        base.                                projects.
love for empowering women through our gender              Relationships are about recognizing and
related service activities, sharing ideas and             celebrating our achievements. Through our
knowledge as well as celebrating our sisterhood.”         sisterhood, we establish healthy, positive
                                                          business relationships with colleagues,

                                                                                                                                3                                  4
Each Rose color identifies our membership as
follows:                                                  partners, associates, and any other entity that
                                                          directly or indirectly contributes to the success
a. Blue Roses           Male                              of our fellowship. We foster friendships,
b. White Roses          Female Rotarians                  camaraderie, valuable professional networks
c. Yellow Roses         Non-Female Rotarians
                                                          and treat others with respect.
                                                                                                                     Leadership                              Celebrating
d. Pink Roses
e. Orange Roses
                        Females from other
                                                       Our membership is globally represented and                   and personal                             sisterhood.
                        service organisations e.g.
                                                       constitutes Rotarians, Rotaractors and Non-
                                                       Rotarians both male and female who have a                    development.
                        Inner wheel, Lions Club        shared passion of giving back to our communities
                                                       through service and grooming women and the
f. Green                Corporate sponsors
                                                       youth to become better leaders of tomorrow.
Our Vision: A future where girls and women lead        Our annual membership fee is US$30.                          Visit our website: www.rotaryempoweringwomen.org
and thrive.
Our mission: Empowering women to lead change                                                                                        @rfewofficial        @rfewofficial
within themselves and in the communities.

28 | September 2021 Ubuntu                                                                                                                                          September 2021 Ubuntu | 29
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