A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba

Page created by Bruce Bates
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
                                   PRESIDENT OF UWC

                                   HM Queen Noor of Jordan
                                                                                                                                The central credo of UWC’s founder, Kurt     crisis, from racial and other injustices to
INDEX                                                                                                                           Hahn, rang particularly true in 2020:        COVID-19 response.
                                   UWC INTERNATIONAL BOARD                                                                      “There is more in us than we know. If we
                                   As of 1 January 2021                                                                         could be made to see it; perhaps, for the    What this year has made clearer than
Welcome                        2                                                                                                rest of our lives we will be unwilling to    ever is that we are needed. An education
                                   Dr Musimbi Kanyoro           Marco Provencio                                                 settle for less.”                            that empowers forward-looking,
Looking Back on 2020:              Chair of the Board,          Chair of Committee for the                                                                                   compassionate and resilient individuals
Reflections of a               3   Chair of Personnel and       Governance of the National                                      There had to be more in us than we           from all cultures, countries and social
UWC East Africa Pioneer                                                                                Dr Musimbi Kanyoro
                                   Remuneration Committee       Committee System              Chair, UWC International Board    knew: as a global organisation with          backgrounds, is needed to rise above the
                                                                                                                                school communities drawn from all            challenges we could not have imagined
Who We Are                         Pål Brynsrud                 Dr Maria Inês Kavamura                                          parts of the world, UWC was deeply           just one year ago.
                                   Vice-Chair of the Board,     Chair of International                                          affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Vision                    4    Chair of Nominating and      Development Committee                                           But that was not all. The situation          We are so thankful to stand together
Our Approach                  4    Governance Committee                                                                         in Hong Kong and the Nagorno-                with you in our pursuit. The partnerships
                                                                Mariana Arrobas                                                 Karabakh conflict presented unique           that we formed and continued to
Our Global Reach               5   Aram Rabadi                  Vice-Chair of Committee of                                      challenges to two of our schools.            cultivate this year enable us to provide
                                   Interim Vice-Chair of        the National Committees                                         The Black Lives Matter movement,             a UWC education to ever more diverse
2020: Rising                       Committee of the National                                                                    meanwhile, reminded us all that even an      young people, so that they can unite
                                   Committees                   Dr Victoria Mora                                                organisation like ours, built on uniting     with their communities to build a future
to the Challenge                                                President of UWC-USA
                                                                                                          Dr Quique Bassat
                                                                                             Chair, UWC International Council   people and celebrating diversity, has        with sustainability, justice, solidarity
My 2020 With UWC              6    Carma Elliot                                                                                 to practice critical self-reflection in      and peace at its core. Beyond the crucial
                                   College President, UWC       Veronika Zonabend                                               the fight against racism in all its forms.   scholarships that our donors provide
Rising To New Challenges       7   South East Asia              Founder and Chair of UWC                                        2020 was about working through               are the opportunities our partnerships
                                                                Dilijan                                                         these challenges and about identifying       engender to stretch our impact even
Rising To New Prominence      8
                                   Colin Habgood                                                                                opportunities in adversity. And indeed       further. In 2020, this included growing
Our Students in 2020          9    Treasurer,                   Jane Foster                                                     we did “find more in us than we knew”        the number of educational offerings for
                                   Chair of Finance and Audit   Special UWC International                                       and we made it through the year far          refugee students in partnership with Rise,
Our Education in 2020         10   Committee                    Board Representative on                                         better than could have been expected.        an initiative of Schmidt Futures and the
                                                                Safeguarding                                                                                                 Rhodes Trust, alongside building bridges
Impacting 2020                     Dr Christian Hodeige
                                                                                                          Jens Waltermann
                                                                                                                                In this Annual Review you will learn         of mutual understanding in Cyprus with
                                   Permanent Proxy Chair of                                               Executive Director,   about how UWC rose to the challenges         support from the European Commission,
COVID-19                      12
                                   UWC Robert Bosch College,                                              UWC International     of 2020. You will read about how the         and more. We thank you for enabling
The Environment               13   Chair of College Chairs’     With special thanks to the                                      UWC community overcame great                 us to plant seeds of change in more
                                   Committee                    UWC International Board                                         hurdles, eventually bringing almost all of   communities around the world.
Anti-Racism                   14                                members who supported                                           our 11,000 students from 158 countries
                                   Driek Desmet                 UWC through 2020:                                               back on our campuses to live and learn       And change is possible. As we saw in
The Refugee Crisis            15
                                   Chair of Community                                                                           together. It is the continued generosity     2020, both within the world of UWC
Grappling with Conflict       16   Engagement Committee         Nicole Severino                                                 of our partners and donors, and the          and beyond, seemingly insurmountable
                                                                Vice-Chair of Committee of                                      monumental shared effort of UWC              barriers can be overcome.
                                   Gabriel Abad Fernandez       the National Committees                                         families, staff, volunteers and friends,
Support in 2020                    Head of UWC Dilijan,                                                                         who made this possible.                      So Kurt Hahn was right: now is the time
With Gratitude                17   Chair of College Heads’      Peter Howe                                                                                                   to stretch further, to dream bigger, and
                                   Committee                    Principal of UWC Atlantic,                                      Students become alumni, and UWC              to take action to shape a better post-
Partner Spotlight:
                              18                                Chair of College Heads’                                         alumni go on to impact the world. Within     COVID future for all. Let us grasp 2021
Shelby Davis and Phil Geier
                                   Laura Carone                 Committee                                                       this Annual Review, you will see how         as a new starting point and inspire a new
Partner Spotlight:                 Chair of Committee of the                                                                    our graduates brought their grit, skills     generation to strive for more.
Kjartan Björnsson                  National Committees          Tove Veierød                                                    and multi-layered perspectives to the
                                                                Special UWC International                                       key areas deserving all of our attention,    We look forward to making this journey
Fundraising Spotlight:
                              20   Lin Kobayashi                Board Representative on                                         from the refugee crisis to the climate       together with you.
Tez Steinberg
                                   Chair of UWC ISAK Japan      Safeguarding                                                                                                                                               2
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
Looking back on 2020:
                             Reflections of a
                             UWC East Africa Pioneer
                             My name is Peter Makuei. I started my             challenging to continue with online studies
                             UWC journey one year ago, as part of the          due to limited internet and power supply
                             first group of UWC students (pioneers) at         access at the settlement, but with the
                             UWC East Africa. Before that, I was born          support from CAREDUCA Foundation all
                             and grew up in South Sudan, a nation              went well and I successfully completed my
                             that has been prone to wars. It was of no         first of the two-year programme.
                             surprise that I was finally forced out of
                             the country during the 2013 civil war. I          2020 has not been an easy year for anyone         Pandemic or no pandemic - the experience I
             Peter Makuei
              South Sudan
                             sought asylum in Uganda as a refugee at           - and it has contributed further challenges       have so far had here with my UWC East Africa
UWC East Africa, 2019-2021   Kiryandongo refugee settlement, a place           to refugee communities. This is why I believe     family has been amazing, from the social
                             that has been my home ever since.                 that this year’s World Refugee Day theme is       diversity to the beautiful environment and the
                                                                               so important: ‘Every Action Counts’ calls for     hospitality of the Tanzanians that makes it the
                             As a refugee child, life was full of surprises,   everyone in their own capacity to help refugee    best home away from home. As the pioneer
                             especially where my education journey             populations. For me this meant starting           generation of UWC East Africa we were also
                             was concerned. I found out about UWC              with small steps. When I returned to the          able to play a big part in shaping this school as
                             scholarships at a time when I was faced           settlement during the pandemic I set about        a UWC. We do believe that we have a huge role
                             with the possibility that I might not be able     translating the World Health Organisation         to play in setting the legacy that future UWC
                             to complete my final two years of high            COVID-19 guidelines into local languages          students will follow. Recently, we summited the
                             school: few schools in the region offered         that people there would understand. Once          highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro,
                             this, and none inside the settlement could.       I graduate from UWC East Africa in six            as a way of showing future students that it
                                                                               months time, I would like to go back to the       is doable. The teamwork we display in and
                             It was the UWC mission itself that inspired       settlement again and set up a project that will   outside the classroom makes us stick together.
                             me to apply for this opportunity to realise       help reduce disease outbreak through proper       Even during the pandemic we stayed in touch
                             my dreams and work together with my               waste disposal by constructing at least one       via Zoom calls.
                             friends to make the world a better place for      latrine in each cluster.
                             everyone, by recognising our differences                                                            And we are here - a young generation of
                             and learning how to live together amidst          These plans are important to me because           changemakers ready to solve the world’s
                             these differences. I applied through the          from the day I arrived at UWC East Africa         problems. Our ability to collaborate with one
                             UWC Ugandan National Committee and                my life has not been the same. I have             another and come up with common objectives
                             fortunately I got accepted: I am now a            met friends that have become part of              gives me hope that we shall overcome the
                             happy second-year student and member of           my life and my hope that was lost has             future challenges that our global community
                             the great UWC East Africa community.              now been restored with this novel gift of         will face.
                                                                               Education. I am thankful to CARECUDA
                             This same mission has carried me through          for making my dream of attaining an               I hope you will enjoy reading in this Annual
                             the added challenges of being a first-year        international education possible. I am            Review about how my fellow UWC community
                             UWC student in 2020.                              thankful that I already had the opportunity       members are already taking big steps towards
                                                                               to translate this gift into action by helping     overcoming those challenges.
                             During the pandemic, I went back to the           the COVID-19 prevention efforts in the
                             camp while the school was closed. It was          settlement this year.                             Thank you.

                 2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                          3
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
Who We Are
 UWC makes education a force to
 unite people, nations and cultures                                                                            EDUCATE

 for peace and a sustainable future.                                                                           A UWC education strives to empower students
                                                                                                               to create a more peaceful and sustainable future.
                                                                                                               Although each school and UWC short course
                                                                                                               operates differently, our educational model
                                                                                                               provides the framework for all UWC students to
                                                                                                               develop the skills and perspectives that will help
                                                                                                               them on this journey. A UWC education can be

 Our Vision                                           Our Approach                                             accessed through two educational experiences:

                                                                                                               UWC SCHOOLS

 UWC is a global education movement that              SEEK                                                     UWC’s 18 schools on four continents provide
 brings together young people from deliberately                                                                unparalleled learning opportunities for students.
 diverse backgrounds. Our schools and short                                                                    Each has their own distinct characteristics,
 courses equip them with the skills, values and       Our community is deliberately diverse. We                but all our schools nurture students’ passion
 perspectives that empower our students and           welcome students from across the globe through           for service, action and creativity. They foster
 alumni to build a more peaceful and sustainable      two application routes:                                  academic excellence, and encourage intercultural
 future. To ensure that a UWC education is                                                                     understanding, compassion and innovation.             INSPIRE
 accessible for anyone with the drive and potential   THE UWC NATIONAL COMMITTEE SYSTEM                        In their final two years, most students enroll
 to positively impact their community, we raise                                                                in residential programmes where they live             Whether UWC students spend two years at one
 over USD 60 million a year in scholarship funds      Our national committee system of volunteers is           and learn alongside fellow young people from          of our schools or as little as 10 days at a UWC
 and partner with a number of key organisations       present in over 155 countries. The committees find       the most diverse backgrounds and cultures.            short course, they will forever remain a part of
 that help us to expand our reach.                    students from within their own regions, often in the                                                           a thriving international community. Guided by
                                                      most unlikely of places. These students are selected     UWC schools place a high value on experiential        the UWC values and mission, members of the
 Most of our students are aged between 16 and         based on their potential to thrive at a UWC school or    learning, while also providing students with the      UWC movement become actors of change and
 19 years old. This is a time when young people’s     short course, independent of socio-economic means.       world’s most recognised international diploma:        forces for good, in whichever field they choose
 energy and idealism can be guided towards                                                                     the International Baccalaureate Diploma               to pursue. To date, a network of almost 60,000
 empathy, responsibility and lifelong action. Our     Once the most promising students have been               Programme (IBDP).                                     alumni across the world have been empowered
 students come from all kinds of cultural, ethnic     identified through a rigorous selection process, our                                                           to inspire others.
 and socioeconomic backgrounds, and over 155          financial assessment process allocates scholarships to   UWC SHORT COURSES
 different countries.                                 those who need them. The majority of UWC students
                                                      are selected through this application route and over     UWC short courses offer an intense and immersive
 This level of diversity is integral to a UWC         80% of national committee selected students receive      experience with a focus on experiential learning.
 education. By bringing together the entire           partial or full scholarships based on need.              With a duration of usually one to four weeks, these
 spectrum of our global society, from refugees to                                                              short programmes increase the number of people
 royalty, young people’s eyes are opened to fresh     THE GLOBAL SELECTION PROGRAMME (GSP)                     who can access a UWC education. Participants may
 perspectives. They learn to navigate intercultural                                                            come from the same country, region or continent,
 and intersocietal tensions and differences in a      Students who are able to pay the full fees for a         or they may be an entirely intercultural group.
 way that enables them to see the world as one        school can apply through the GSP route. This             UWC short courses focus on a variety of different
 global community. With the increasingly complex      is open to young people who wish to apply to a           themes or skill sets: from youth leadership to
 and global nature of today’s most pressing           UWC school 9 to 12 months before the beginning           sustainability, from dialogue to migration, from
 challenges, the world needs visionary leaders from   of the school year. For 2020 entry, 112 students         gender to conflict resolution.
 all backgrounds who can work across differences      were selected through this application route.
 to come up with shared solutions to the shared                                                                During the 2020 school closures, the UWC school
 problems our world faces. For 58 years, UWC has      Students applying through either selection route are     and short course education experience was
 been committed to making this vision a reality.      assessed along the same UWC selection criteria.          translated to the online sphere for the first time.

 2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                                             WHO WE ARE   4
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
Our Global
                                                                                      UWC RED CROSS NORDIC

                                                                UWC ATLANTIC            UWC ADRIATIC
                                                                    Wales, UK           Italy

                                                                                         UWC MOSTAR                               UWC CHANGSHU CHINA
                                                                                         Bosnia and Herzegovina                   China

                                                                                                                                           UWC ISAK JAPAN
                              COLLEGE UWC
                                                                                                                                           UWC LI PO CHUN
                                                                                                                                                Hong Kong

                                                                                                     UWC DILIJAN                               UWC SOUTH
                                                                                                     Armenia                                    EAST ASIA
                                             UWC COSTA RICA           MAASTRICHT                                          UWC THAILAND
                                                   Costa Rica       The Netherlands                                       Thailand

                                                                                                                   UWC MAHINDRA
                                                                     UWC ROBERT                                    India
                                                                   BOSCH COLLEGE
                                                                          Germany                UWC EAST AFRICA

                                                                      WATERFORD KAMHLABA
                                                                      UWC SOUTHERN AFRICA

2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                   WHO WE ARE      5
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
2020:                                   My 2020 with UWC
Rising to                               We asked the UWC community to share the three words that sum

the Challenge
                                        up their 2020 with UWC. We received almost 200 responses from
                                        UWC students, alumni, staff members and volunteers. Here is
                                        how they summed up this past year:

 Watch the 2020 UWC End of Year video
                                                                                                        2020: RISING TO THE CHALLENGE   6
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
    All 18 UWC schools                 The community sprang into action in a combined effort involving
    implemented partial
                                       school staff, national committee volunteers, parents, alumni and UWC               MAY                        Large-scale discussions about how racism and
                                       International to bring almost 5,000 IBDP students from 158 countries                                          other inequities continue to manifest themselves,
    or full campus closures,                                                                                              The murder of George       also within UWC institutions, took place including
                                       home, into host families or to fund their stays on campus between June
    each lasting varying               and August for those students who could not safely return home during              Floyd sheds light onto     via a three-part UWC Unlocked Talk special series
                                                                                                                                                     that aimed to offer a dialogue space and provide
    lengths of time.
                                       this period.                                                                       the systemic injustices    opportunities for learning. Soon thereafter,
                                                                                                                          also affecting UWC         anti-racism and equity at UWC was placed at
                                                                                                                                                     the centre of deliberations at the June UWC
                                                                                                                          institutions.              International Board meeting, a UWC-wide
                                                                                                                                                     Diversity, Equity and Inclusion course was
                                                                                                                                                     created by UWCx Initiative, Critical Engagement,
                                                                                                                                                     and an Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and
                    JANUARY-APRIL                              UWC educators worked together to find ways to move
                                                                                                                                                     Inclusion Steering Group was formed. This
                                                               the experiential, holistic and interactive UWC education
                    The UWC experience                         model online in a matter of days. A core focus of this
                                                                                                                                                     last step involved the most far-reaching call for
                                                                                                                                                     steering group membership in the history of UWC
                    moves online.                              journey was providing the increased level of support
                                                                                                                                                     governance, leading to over 160 applicants
                                                               and attention students needed in a time of global
                                                               crisis. This included providing a Social and Emotional                                from across the UWC movement.
                                                               Learning framework helping students to understand and
                                                               manage their own emotions, set goals, manage time
                                                               and continue to build relationships with others. It also
                                                               involved the more practical steps necessary to provide
                                                               students in more disadvantaged contexts with internet                                 JUNE                             Six UWC short courses took the plunge to
                                                                                                                                                                                      move online this year with UWC Unlocked
                                                               access and online learning devices.                                                   In-person UWC                    Short Courses. From exploring how to build a
                                                                                                                                                     short courses
                                                                                                                                                                                      sustainable future to discovering how a deeper
                                                                                                                                                                                      understanding of identity can help us to enact
                                                                                                                                                     cannot go ahead.                 the change that we envision - these online

                                                                                                       To New
                                                                                                                                                                                      courses offer new opportunities for more young
                                                                                                                                                                                      people from more backgrounds and areas to
                                                                                                                                                                                      access a UWC education.

                                                                                                                                                     The UWC transfer system was developed
                                                                                                                          AUGUST                     for those students who could not travel to
                                                               The cross-UWC collaboration in this area culminated        Ongoing travel             their originally allocated UWC school.
                                                               in the UWC Global Campus: an online learning
                                                                                                                          restrictions affect        197 students were transferred to another
                                                               platform currently in development and accessible                                      UWC school through this system.
                                                               to all UWC teachers, students and short course             students’ ability
                                                               organisers where they can collaborate, co-create
                                                               and run professional development courses, as well
                                                                                                                          to return to or start      By December 2020, all but one UWC campus
                                                                                                                                                     was fully operational again, bringing together
                                                               as courses on core-UWC themes.                             their UWC journeys.        93% of the full student body. After an
                                                                                                                                                     unusual beginning to the year involving a
                                                                                                                                                     14 day quarantine for many, these students
                                                                                                                                                     were able to enjoy living and learning together
                    UWC Unlocked Talks were launched, a series                                                                                       with young people from 158 countries again.
                    of online conversations hosted by UWCers on
MARCH               a range of important topics, from the climate
A global            crisis to the refugee crisis, from mental health
                    to racial inequities. The Talks connected UWC                                                                   SEPTEMBER                      The UWC community - led by the UWC Dilijan leadership team - banded
community goes      community members across continents                                                                                                            together to keep the school community safe from harm. This support also
                                                                                                                                    Conflict ignites in the
into lockdown.      and generations, providing a dialogue space                                                                                                    extended to the internally displaced people in Dilijan, the direct victims
                    to explore shared solutions to global and                                                                       Nagorno-Karabakh               of the conflict and the staff members and their families compelled to
                    UWC-specific issues. 30 Talks have so                                                                           Region.
                                                                                                                                                                   serve in this conflict. So far, the UWC Dilijan community has donated
                    far been hosted with a total audience of                                                                                                       dry food and 1,200 meals cooked by students and staff, alongside
                    2,362 UWC community members.                                                                                                                   clothes, hygiene supplies and kitchen assets.

             2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                          2020: RISING TO THE CHALLENGE             137
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
Our presence at global events helped amplify                                                                           We celebrated our UWC students and alumni and the impact
 our vision for education into the consciousness                                                                        they are having on the world.
 of current influencers and decision makers.

                                                                                                                        MEDIA COVERAGE                                            YOUNG AURORA
         World Economic Forum, Davos                                                                                                                                              “Beehive Divide” from UWC East Africa won the first
         January 2020                                                                                                   UWC was featured in                                       prize of USD 4,000 with their solution to protect
                                                                                                                        Tatler as one of four of                                  the crops of villagers in Sanya Hoyee, Tanzania from
                                                                                                                        the best global schools,                                  elephant raids by building a chilli and beehive fence.
         Skoll World Virtual Forum                                                                                      where it gained its place
         April 2020                                                                                                     as ‘The Best School for
                                                                                                                        World Peace’.

         Climate One
         May 2020                                                                                                       Mai Al Qaisi (UWC Atlantic, 2007-2009) from
                                                                                                                        Palestine was appointed as the Save Our Future
                                                                                                                        Global Ambassador to Defend the Rights of
                                                                                                                        Refugee Children to Education and was featured
         C20 Virtual Summit                                                                                             on their channels alongside Lucy Keller, the Head
         October 2020                                                                                                   of Mindfulness at UWC Thailand.

                                                                                                                                                                                  The BBC featured                   The new partnership with Rise

         October 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                  two UWC Refugee                    was featured in the Times of
                                                                                                                                                                                  scholars: Summia                   Eswatini, spreading news of
                                                                                                                                                                                  (UWC-USA, 2014-2016)               the highly esteemed talent

                                                                                                     To New                                                                       and Dechen (UWC
                                                                                                                                                                                  Atlantic, 2019-2021).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     programme supporting refugee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     education and scholarship

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     opportunities, with a particular
We were delighted to welcome new partnerships                                                                                                                                                                        focus on African youth through
that have helped expand UWC’s reach even further.                                                                                                                                                                    Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya.

RISE                                   EDUCATION COMMISSION
A Schmidt Futures and Rhodes Trust     FOR THE SAVE OUR FUTURE                                                          We showed that United We Can.
initiative helping UWC to launch a     CAMPAIGN
new education programme at Kakuma      Launched in conjunction with
Refugee Camp in Kenya and supporting   the publication of the Secretary-
                                                                                                                        DAVIS-UWC IMPACT CHALLENGE                                UWC DAY 2020
five students per year from refugee    General’s Policy Brief on Education
                                                                              EU-FUNDED CYPRUS                          All UWC schools completed the Davis-UWC IMPACT            With the theme “United We Can”, events were hosted
backgrounds to attend UWC on full      during COVID-19 and Beyond, UWC
                                                                              SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME                     Challenge. UWC Red Cross Nordic and UWC Mahindra          by over 45 UWC entities. The strength and passion
scholarships.                          joined up with other leading voices
                                                                              Following the success of a pilot scheme   College join the other schools in raising USD 1 million   of the UWC movement shone through, despite all
                                       in the field of education to amplify
                                                                              which supported six scholarship           - thereby unlocking the matched funding of USD 1          challenges, and was spread across continents thanks to
                                       the voices of the nearly 1.6 billion
                                                                              students from the Turkish and Greek       million from UWC patron, Shelby Davis.                    the online event format many had to opt for.
                                       learners worldwide whose education
                                       was disrupted this year and set out    Cypriot communities to attend UWC
                                       the priority action areas to protect   Mostar, the European Commission
                                       education in COVID-19 response         agreed to extend and expand its
                                       around the world.                      support for UWC activities in Cyprus.                                                               VOLUNTEERING
                                                                              EU funding will be provided for 20                                                                  1,019 core UWC national              UWC IBDP students contributed
                                                                              scholarships for Cypriot youth, four                                                                committee volunteers contributed     over 125,000 hours
                                                                              UWC short courses and an ongoing                                                                    184,488 hours                        to community service projects,
                                                                              bi-communal community engagement                                                                    to the UWC movement.                 in-person and virtually.
                                                                              programme, to be implemented from
                                                                              2020 to 2024.

                                                                                                                                                       ...And we spent countless hours on Zoom, connecting,
                                                                                                                                                       discussing, deliberating and making decisions!

14                  2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                           2020: RISING TO THE CHALLENGE                  15
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
Our Students in 2020
            In Numbers
                                                                                                                 Meet Dechen, A Third-Generation
REACHED *                                                         More than 11,000
                                                                  attended UWC schools
                                                                                       students                  Tibetan Refugee Turned UWC
                       In 2020, a UWC
                   education reached almost
                                                                                                                 Atlantic Scholar
                   11,500 young people                            306   participants attended virtual
                      across its schools                          UWC short courses                              I am a third-generation Tibetan refugee          my views and understanding of the world
                    and short courses from                                                                       born and raised in North India. My               around me and provides me with the
                       158 countries                              Close to5,000         students studied
                                                                                                                 grandparents fled from Tibet as teenagers
                                                                                                                 and settled in the northeastern Himalayas
                                                                                                                                                                  opportunity to grow as a whole person and
                                                                                                                                                                  be the best possible version of myself.
                                                                  in grades 11 and 12 for the International
                                                                                                                 of India where me and my two siblings
                                                                  Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
                                                                                                                 were eventually born. Both of our parents        The experience has of course also been
                                                                                                                 passed away when we were very young,             testing at times: the sudden switch to
                                                                  Nearly 3,000     students were                 as a result of illness which I believe could     online learning this year due to COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dechen Chokey
                                                                  selected by UWC national committees            have been cured if they would have had           was demanding and, due to the hours             Tibet
                                                                                                                 access to the right medical help. This lack      we spent online, exhausting. However,           UWC Atlantic, 2019-2021
                                                                                                                 of medical expertise and infrastructure          the lockdown period definitely made me
                                                                                                                 has been my tragedy that fuelled my              feel appreciative of home and grateful
                     STUDENT                                                                                     desire to pursue my passion for medicine         for what I have. It also further expanded
                     SCHOLARSHIPS                                                                                and eventually be able to use science            my horizons: as I was not able to safely
                                                                  GENDER                                         to contribute to societal improvement,           return home over the Summer due to the
                     Over 80%                                     BREAKDOWN                                      particularly in remote areas in India like the   pandemic, I stayed with a host family in
                     of UWC national                                                                             one I call home.                                 England. There, I experienced an authentic
                     committee selected                                                                                                                           English lifestyle - an experience I would not
                     students in the IBDP years                                                                  It was when I saw some older students at         have necessarily encountered amidst the
                     at UWC schools received
                     partial or full financial
                                                                                   41%                           my school in India applying desperately
                                                                                                                 to UWC that I asked my school counsellor
                                                                                                                                                                  varied environment and diverse cultures of
                                                                                                                                                                  UWC Atlantic! I also thoroughly enjoyed
                     support based on need                                                                       for details about it. Totally fascinated         sharing my Tibetan culture with them.
                                                                                                                 about the UWC movement, the mission,
                                                                                                                 the education system and its diverse             Once I graduate from UWC Atlantic I
                                                         0.14%                           59%                     culture, I filled out the application form       hope to study biomedicine at University
                                                          Other                            Female                as soon as I was old enough to apply. The        - although my experience as leader of the
                                                                                                                 moment I heard the news that I got into          Wellbeing Council at UWC Atlantic has
                                                                                                                 UWC Atlantic on a scholarship with the           intrigued me into maybe also exploring
                                                                                                                 Pestalozzi International Foundation, I was       a career in psychology in the future. I am
                                                                                                                 full of the joys of spring. I couldn’t have      looking forward to applying all that I have
                                                                                                                 been more excited to have been selected.         learned and gained at UWC to finally
                                                                                                                 I didn’t ever imagine I would be able to         pursue my dream of improving health
BEYOND UWC           964      UWC alumni entered                  They join the3,407       Davis-UWC             study in a school like this and I am forever     outcomes in rural areas like the one I come
                     the Davis-UWC Scholars Program               scholars from 160 countries currently          grateful for the opportunity.                    from, to help families like my own live a
                     in 2020, with scholarships to                benefiting from the program, and the                                                            long and healthy life.
                     88 US colleges and                           10,424 UWC alumni that have                    I’ve been a student here for over a year
                     universities, including all eight            been supported by the Program since it         now. My experience at UWC Atlantic has
                     Ivy League schools.                          was launched in 2000.                          so far opened me up to a wider view of
                                                                                                                 the world and allowed me to look at life
                                                                                                                 from many different angles. It has been so
                                                                          *Figures are initial estimates based   challenging and so rewarding at the same
                                                                                 on data currently available.    time. Everyday, it pushes me to challenge
            2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                  OUR STUDENTS IN 2020           9
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER 2020 - Waterford Kamhlaba
Our Education in 2020

                            THE TRANSITION TO ONLINE LEARNING

                            A Reflection by Shirla Sum
                            Nga Wan, Vice Principal
                            at UWC Changshu China
                            Former Intel CEO Andy Grove once said:            students become more motivated when              we have strived to uphold a sense of
                            “Bad companies are destroyed by crises;           they feel trusted to exercise their learner      belonging to a shared community across
                            good companies survive them; great                agency. Meanwhile, an interactive cycle of       UWCs. The online and offline cross-
                            companies are improved by them.” Education        experimentation starts to gain momentum          cultural collaboration involved in producing
                            institutions are no different. The COVID-19       as teachers design ways to create a nurturing    music and dance shows at events such
                            outbreak in 2020 has presented all UWC            learning environment with stimulating digital    as the virtual One World event at UWC
                            schools with one of the greatest challenges       resources and appropriate levels of challenges   Changshu China definitely stand out as
                            yet. As international schools with ‘deliberate    to our students.                                 terrific reminders that our community
   Shirla Sum Nga Wan
           Vice Principal   diversity’ at our hearts, the closing down                                                         bonds, despite being stretched by distance,
at UWC Changshu China       of borders around the world poses a direct        Experimentation with technology during           nevertheless remain intact.
                            threat to our education model. Limited to         these times has shed new light on how we
                            digital interactions, UWC educators have          may meet the learning needs of incredibly        This is not to say it was all a smooth
                            been compelled to create experiential             diverse UWC students. Disparate time             journey. All UWCs have had their fair
                            learning experiences which are dramatically       zones, varying levels of connectivity,           share of ups-and-downs in offering
                            different to those on physical campuses. We       juggling family responsibilities: these are      online learning. What has excited me the
                            have probably not gotten it completely right,     just some of the additional hurdles UWC          most is the collaboration and innovation
                            but with a spirit of bold experimentation,        teachers and students had to deal with this      spurred by the crisis. Collaborating with
                            UWC educators globally have made notable          year. By creating high quality instructional     representatives across 14 different UWCs,
                            strides in enhancing our education offering in    videos, for example, students can engage         together we launched the Guidelines
                            the online learning environment.                  with the material when it best suits them.       for Effective UWC Teaching Online to
                                                                              English learners, meanwhile, may watch           support teachers through this transition
                            Online learning has given teachers the much-      the video with subtitle support. And some        as well as The UWC Global Campus. With
                            needed push over the edge to let go of the        students who are less vocal in a physical        developments such as these, I am hopeful
                            drivers’ seat. When we can no longer track        classroom have found new confidence in           that innovation and collaboration among
                            students’ every move in a physical classroom,     the alternative spaces for peer learning         UWC educators will continue long after we
                            teachers must learn to trust students to          offered by a number of digital platforms.        return to ‘normal’, meaning that the crisis
                            take ownership of their learning. Flipped                                                          would have led to improvement after all.
                            instruction, for example, presents a student-     Meanwhile, students’ well-being remains
                            centered model where instructional content        fundamental to their learning, and even
                            is delivered outside class time, and students     more so during these turbulent times. All
                            engage in hands-on interactive learning           UWCs have identified promoting students’
                            activities especially designed to consolidate     well-being as a paramount objective of the
                            and extend their learning during class time.      past year. Frequent communication and
                            Students own the choice to decide the pace        consistent, empathetic dialogue help to
                            at which they would like to learn and how         foster meaningful relationships between
                            they would like to learn. What has surprised      students, as well as between students and
                            teachers is that students still learn! In fact,   teachers/advisors. As much as possible,

              2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                      OUR EDUCATION IN 2020   10

                                 A UWC Mahindra College
                                 Student and Teacher
                                 Look Back
                                 Mithi (UWC Mahindra College, 2019-            in an instant on campus, and which are
                                 2021) from Delhi, and teacher of Spanish,     core to MUWCI and to UWC, in the
                                 Paola, share their experiences of their       online space. But after a challenging
                                 online learning journeys that began in        first few months we now have a robust
                                 March 2020 at UWC Mahindra College            schedule, and we’re not really missing                                                                                                              Mithi and Paola, now back
                                 (MUWCI) due to the COVID-19 outbreak          any concrete aspects of college life: we                                                                                                                    on campus at last!
                                 and continued into the new academic           have college meetings, classes, and about
                                 year. Students began arriving back on the     40-50 Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS)
              Mithi Jethwa       MUWCI campus from mid-November,               projects that have found a way to work
                                 after this interview took place.              online. But we are also all very tired of       What are the big learnings from this
       UWC Mahindra College,
                 2019-2021                                                     sitting in front of screens all day. So each    past year that you will carry with you
                                 How would you sum up your online              part of the online learning journey had its     into the next year and beyond?
                                 learning experience in 2020?                  own challenges.
                                                                                                                               Paola: Personally I would just like to say
                                 Mithi: If I had to choose one word it         Acknowledging how challenging the               how amazed I have been at the resilience
                                 would be ‘growth’. The turnaround             past year has been, are there any               we have shown over the past year as
                                 between having to leave campus and            positives that you can draw from the            a community. When we had to close
                                 online learning starting was extremely        experience?                                     the school in March, it was very hard,
                                 rapid - I think faculty had around two                                                        traumatic even for the students. But still,
                                 weeks to get it set-up. And so, naturally,    Mithi: At the start of online learning,         we found ways to celebrate graduation, we
                    Paola Leal   last academic year the online learning        one of the things I was most concerned          started the new year and have found ways
Teacher of Spanish and Head of   experience was characterised by teachers      about was how we would carry on being           to carry on with the MUWCI traditions
  IBDP Language Acquisition at   and students alike grappling with new         changemakers while at home.                     and moments that make this experience
       UWC Mahindra College
                                 territory, trying to work this new journey                                                    so special. I feel very proud of UWC,
                                 out together. It has been amazing to see      Now a lot of people are taking part in          of MUWCI, and of all the teachers and
                                 how we all have come together to create       protests at home, engaging with the             students. None of us are having a good        held in September. Usually, on campus
                                 a well-structured learning environment,       politics in their nation, having difficult      time, and especially for teenagers this       we have a maximum of 30 observers for
                                 learning how to create a similar              conversations with family and friends - and     is a very complicated experience to be        these meetings, but when we held the
                                 experience to the one we had at MUWCI         then sharing those experiences with the         confronted with. So the resilience that the   online one 170 people attended. That is
                                 in the virtual space.                         rest of us online. It shows that just because   community has shown despite all of that       at least three quarters of the campus. To
                                                                               you are not on campus, it doesn’t mean          has been awe-inspiring.                       see people so engaged with the way life
                                 Paola: To sum it up, the word I would         that you can’t carry on making change                                                         is going right now and willing to come
                                 choose is ‘creativity’. We had to re-design   happen in many of the same ways as you          Mithi: It’s true, the community has found     up with new ideas, not because they
                                 and re-think everything: our classes,         would if you were physically at school.         a lot of different ways to support each       have to but because they care about this
                                 our teaching style, while simultaneously      This is usually a process that happens after    other. Teachers have been so responsive       community so much, has been awesome
                                 reinventing and recreating our community      graduation, but for our batch it’s happening    and have done so much for us students.        to see. It shows just how much people
                                 and the ways in which we understand           right now and it’s super empowering. It’s       The amount of effort that has gone into       care about being part of UWC - whether
                                 what MUWCI is. We had to examine              like living in two parallel communities at      upholding this community has been so          there’s a campus or not, the same MUWCI
                                 how we could facilitate the kinds of          once, and that’s an experience we would         inspiring to see. One clear example of this   traditions or not, mud games or not… That
                                 intercultural interactions that happen        not have otherwise had.                         is the student government meeting we          is what I’m most proud of.

                   2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                            OUR EDUCATION IN 2020       11
Impacting 2020

                           From Global Health Researcher
                           in Diseases of Poverty
                           to COVID-19 Advisor:
                           Alumnus Dr Quique Bassat
                           Shares his Reflections
                           Dr. Quique Bassat (UWC Atlantic, 1991-            that of adults. This research brought us
                           1993) is a pediatrician with a special interest   a long way in being able to advise the
                           in infectious disease epidemiology and            Spanish government on the strategy for
                           public health. He is the Head of the Malaria      reopening schools.”
                           Programme at the Barcelona Institute for
                           Global Health (ISGlobal), and has combined        The fact that the clinical research
                           his clinical work with biomedical research,       undertaken by Quique and his colleagues
                           focusing on life-threatening diseases in parts    in the field of COVID-19 has such
       Dr Quique Bassat
                  Spain    of the world where many people do not             strong political implications means that
UWC Atlantic, 1991-1993    have access to the fragile health systems         Quique’s UWC education has become
Chair, UWC International   that exist there. With COVID-19 entering          particularly useful this past year: “The
                           the world’s stage in 2020, Quique’s research      work that I do has become highly
                           focus suddenly shifted:                           politicized in this current global health
                                                                             crisis. Within this context, my UWC
                           “I have been heavily involved in two main         background has undoubtedly helped me
                           research areas regarding COVID-19. The            navigate the meetings with governments
                           first is about evaluating drugs for the           I’ve been involved in this year, which
                           treatment of COVID-19. Here I continued           vividly brought to mind our global affairs
                           with my internationally focused lens,             discussions at UWC Atlantic. The lessons       This is my normal everyday job, so the      put the most vulnerable at the centre,
                           working together with our long-term               I learned then are directly applicable         disruption caused by COVID-19 was           prioritise your scarce resources to those
                           collaborators in Manaus, Brazil to show           to the diplomatic skills that are so           no surprise to me. I’ve just seized the     most in need and do not forget those who
                           the futility of Hydroxychloroquine for            important to my work today.”                   opportunity to express my opinions and      are often neglected. Globalisation has many
                           the treatment of COVID-19 for the first                                                          provide my technical input on a problem     positive aspects, but also many terrible
                           time, as well as the potential safety issues      Within these discussions, Quique’s past        which is so familiar to the Global South,   ones. A disease that emerges in the forests
                           related to it. These results were highly          work in tackling poverty related infectious    but seemed to appear out of the blue in     of the Democratic Republic of Congo, or
                           criticised in the context of a very politicised   diseases remains at the forefront of his       the Western World.”                         in a food market in Wuhan can quickly
                           atmosphere, given president Bolsonaro’s           considerations: “My experience with                                                        become global. We need to be prepared,
                           open support of these drugs.                      diseases like Malaria has helped ensure        When asked about what key learnings         and we must acknowledge that distance
                                                                             that I always place equity at the top of the   Quique will take away from this year        and remoteness are no longer good enough
                           Back in Barcelona, the second focus point         priorities list in any COVID-19 discussion.    in terms of how our world must move         excuses to remain oblivious to the suffering
                           of my work over the last year involved            For the first time in many years, a problem    forward to meet the health challenges of    that has long affected humankind.”
                           groundbreaking research that showed               traditionally associated with the Global       tomorrow, he shared:
                           children and adults to be similarly               South, or with poverty, has hit the North
                           susceptible to COVID-19 infections, but           harder - meaning that global attention         “The same key learnings that my work
                           that childens’ transmission potential             has suddenly (and finally!) focused on the     in infectious diseases in low and middle
                           to others appears limited compared to             disruptive power of infectious diseases.       income countries has always taught me:

             2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                                IMPACTING 2020   12
Our Impact on 2020

             THE ENVIRONMENT

             UWCers Unite to Help
             Curb the Effects of
             the Mauritius Oil Spill
             The 2020 Mauritius oil spill has been          going to be severely impacted. So as
             named one of the worst environmental           soon as the news broke out that there
             disasters in the country’s history, creating   was now oil in our crystal blue waters,
             immeasurable damage to the island’s            me and a team of UWCers picked up
             already fragile ecosystem.                     the phone and started investigating
                                                            how we could help.
             At the time, a group of local UWC alumni
             and students jumped in immediately to do       I would admit that, had I not gone to       can be made. So far I have learned that        What people from around the world
             what they could to protect the landscape and   UWC, I think I would have rather relied     human negligence can cause big disasters,      can do is spread awareness. The more
             wildlife from damage. Among them was Lina      on other people to do the job instead       but huge drastic changes can also be made      attention the world pays to this issue
             Curimjee (UWC Mostar, 2018-2020), a recent     and hope for the best. I think that now     through simple actions.                        over here, the more importance will be
             UWC graduate, now back in Mauritius:           that I am a UWC alumna, it’s become                                                        given to this crisis, and the more support
                                                            my duty to make a change in the world       Finally, why does the world need to listen     we will receive. I urge everyone to stay
             When did you realise how big the               as UWC has taught us to do.                 to what is happening in Mauritius and          alert to how the smaller countries around
             problem was and what made you decide                                                       what can they do to help?                      the world are being impacted by climate
             to get involved?                               What have you learned from the                                                             change: don’t forget us and maybe we can
                                                            experience so far?                          Like many small countries, Mauritius is        help convince your people to make the
             In the thirteen days between the ship                                                      often ignored while the eyes of the world      changes necessary in their lives to turn
             having crashed and the oil spill starting,     The oil spill disaster has definitely       focus on big countries like the US or China.   the tide on the climate crisis.
             we all feared the worst. And given that        been a learning curve for me. Having        However, it’s actually the small nations
             there were two internationally recognised      recently graduated from UWC, this is        such as Mauritius that suffer the most. All
             marine protected areas right where the oil     my first opportunity to step out into the   you have to do is look at how the actions
             was spilling, it was clear from the start      world as a graduate and start to make a     of one ship have impacted Mauritius, both
             that endangered endemic species were           difference. This is the time where change   environmentally and economically.

  2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                        IMPACTING 2020   13

                                 A Cross-UWC Conversation
                                 on Anti-Racism, Diversity,
                                 Equity and Inclusion
                                 between Koko and Kathrin, students at Waterford Kamhlaba
                                 UWCSA, and Rod Jemison, Head of UWC ISAK Japan.

                                 Anti-racism has been catapulted to             Equity and Inclusion Steering Group. Koko,         Nevertheless, the three agreed that issues      want to make change happen together.
                                 the top of most diversity, equity and          Kathrin and Rod got together - virtually           of racism cannot be dismissed as political,     We’re ready to get going.”
                                 inclusion agendas in 2020. This includes       - to have a conversation about what unites         emotional or put down to ignorance:
                                 the Asinakekelane group at Waterford           them in the work that they are doing at            “Although UWCers can be pretty passionate       Wrapping up the conversation on a high,
                                 Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa.               two different UWCs, the challenges they            about their own views, they are also luckily    the three shared what makes them positive
                                 Asinakekelane means ‘Let’s Care About          face, as well as what is making them               very open to broadening their horizons and      and excited for the future of Anti-Racism,
                                 Each Other’ in siSwati and is a community      excited for the UWC anti-racism work they          to learning new things. So that’s how we        Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work at UWC:
                                 organisation comprised of students,            envision for 2021.                                 need to frame the fight against racism going
            Kathrin Burger       teachers, alumni and parents discussing                                                           forward: we need to educate people about        For me it’s the fact that everyone has been
                                 all issues of discrimination. As Black Lives   “When it comes to racism, it’s very easy           different perspectives and the struggles so     made aware that racism is still a very big
Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of
 Southern Africa, 2020-2021      Matter protests rose to a peak back in         to find people who are aware of the issues,        many people face, rather than attempting        issue in the world and, whether they like it or
                                 May, Koko from the Democratic Republic         who are willing to share their experiences         to outright ‘correct’ their views. It’s so      not, we will change things. Especially with
                                 of Congo and Kathrin from Austria (both        and opinions, and who want to take part            important that anti-racism becomes a core       COVID-19, I have a very strong sense that the
                                 Waterford Kamhlaba UWCSA, 2020-                in creating solutions. But we’ve also found        and mandatory part of the curriculum and        world has flipped - so everything else has to
                                 2021 & co-heads of Asinakekelane)              that enacting those solutions isn’t always         that it’s taught at various stages of a UWC     flip with it. I’m looking forward to the change
                                 saw an intensified need in their school        that simple and that we often want or              education. Conversations around racism          I can feel coming.
                                 community to offer support and learning        need things to change quicker than the             cannot be the reserve of those who are          Koko
                                 opportunities in the area of anti-racism.      institutional nature of the problem allows         directly affected by it, or those who are
                                 “We tried to do as much we could to be         for”, Koko said, reflecting on the main            already engaged in tackling it. And we need     I’m excited to get back to campus and feel
                                 there for our community - even though          successes and challenges she and her peers         to create an environment where people feel      that UWC spirit in real life again [once the
                                 everything was online by then due to           have come across in their work so far.             comfortable to share their questions and        campus reopens]. As soon as we feel that, and
    Koko (Divine) Sanginga
Democratic Republic of Congo     COVID-19. We organised virtual protests,                                                          insecurities - otherwise true transformation    we can talk face to face about the things we
 Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of       videos and supported two of our co-years       The group also discussed how these                 cannot happen,” Kathrin added.                  care most about, we can overcome anything.
  Southern Africa, 2020-2021     to set up the Waterford Kamhlaba Race          challenges carry additional complications                                                          Kathrin
                                 Talks to keep the community informed           amidst the diversity of nationalities,             Koko, Kathrin and Rod went on to discuss
                                 about what was going on in the world           backgrounds, cultures and perspectives             how interconnected these challenges were        In my lifetime, I have not seen the consistent,
                                 and discuss how it related to issues of        that make up the UWC student-body.                 across all UWC schools, with Rod urging         aggressive and constant dialogue that we
                                 diversity, equity and inclusion within our     As Kathrin pointed out, “Some people               the students to unite with their co-years       are having about issues of racism across
                                 own community. Seeing how important            didn’t even realise racism was such a              around the world to take on this issue          the board. I was used to having these
                                 these issues were to our school made it        pressing issue before the Black Lives Matter       together: “There’s so much momentum             conversations with other people that look
                                 pretty clear to us that issues of racism       protests erupted on such a global scale. I         right now to get the ball rolling and           like me. Now those conversations have
                                 needed to be a focus for Asinakekelane         have a friend at UWC who comes from a              the energy I see from you two and the           spread around the world, no matter what
                                 moving forward,” Koko explained.               background where racism and other forms            students here at ISAK is immense. So            race, colour or creed people are. You see
                                                                                of discrimination were just not talked             once you connect with each other - and          black and white people, people of all
                Rod Jemison
    Head of UWC ISAK Japan       Meanwhile, Rod Jemison, Head of UWC            about - so since May we’ve spent hours on          I know your generation is good at that -        genders and ethnicities, standing side by
        Co-Chair of the UWC      ISAK Japan, saw similar needs brought to       Zoom together discussing these issues. This        the chain reaction you will set in motion       side during the BLM protests - and it’s like
Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity   the fore, both within the ISAK community       diversity of perspectives and approaches           will be unstoppable. I hope you will leave      nothing I’ve ever seen before. So, I’m looking
 and Inclusion Steering Group
                                 itself and across the wider UWC                can be surprising at first, but then in a way it   this conversation knowing that you have         forward to it being normal for people to
                                 movement. Rod was also later named co-         actually mirrors UWC: we are so diverse, so        friends all over the world, and especially in   understand racism. It’s exciting.
                                 chair of the UWC Anti-Racism, Diversity,       of course there are different viewpoints.”         the movement, who are on your side and          Rod

                   2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                                        IMPACTING 2020   14
THE REFUGEE CRISIS                                                                                       been an attempt to shift learning online,        and then went on to set up his own Kiosk in     REFUGEE SUPPORT

               Filling the Urgent Gap in                                                                                many refugees, especially in camp settings,      the camp - telling us that he would never       AT UWC

                                                                                                                        have huge challenges in accessing reliable       have had that idea, had he not done the         Since 2016, UWC has supported 171

               Opportunities For Refugee Youth
                                                                                                                        connectivity and devices. At the same            course. Or there’s Zamzam from the same         refugees and internally displaced
                                                                                                                        time, schools also function as support           camp who set up a conflict resolution           youth with full scholarships to attend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         UWC schools in the IBDP years.

               in 2020: An interview with UWCx
                                                                                                                        structures for disadvantaged students.           group for women - reporting that the
                                                                                                                        Many young refugees live complex lives,          Amala course gave her the confidence to
                                                                                                                        worsened by the reality that many have           put her idea into practice.”                    2016    44
               Initiative, Amala                                                                                        been forced into work as their parents face
                                                                                                                        job losses caused by the pandemic. These         So, what’s next for Amala?                      2017    90
                                                                                                                        students need to be supported in order to
                               Amala - inspired by the Arabic word for   Polly and Mia agree that the core beliefs      reduce the chance of dropping out.               “In the current climate a lot of it comes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2018    93
                               “hope” - was founded back in 2017 (then   behind all Amala programmes are closely                                                         back to resilience: how can we be resilient
                               called Sky School) by UWC alumnae         tied to the values of the changemaker          At Amala, we’ve been trying our very             during these times, how can we maintain our
                               and former UWC International staff        education they both received while at          best to support our students during this         mission and continue to use transformative      2019    81
                               members Polly Akhurst (UWC Atlantic,      UWC:                                           uncertain time. We have been helping             education to create opportunities and inspire
                               2004-2006) and Mia Eskelund Pedersen                                                     students with connectivity and access            positive change in the lives of refugees and
                               (UWC Mahindra College, 2005-2007)         “We want to provide an education that          to devices which are needed for remote           their communities? How can we reach out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         45% of these students are women.
                               in response to the severe shortfall in    our learners will feel is relevant, engaging   learning, while our education team               to more like-minded organisations to work
    Mia Eskelund Pedersen
     UWC Mahindra College,     secondary education opportunities         and meaningful - to improve their own          has been hard at work converting our             together on creating shared problems to
                 2005-2007     they found to be available for young      lives and those of their communities. Even     curriculum to online-only formats. Our           the shared solutions that we face? Within
Co-Founder and Co-Executive    refugees. In the years since Amala’s      with those education opportunities that        facilitators have also been doing individual     this context, we are very excited to partner
           Director of Amala
                               conception, they have educated more       do exist for young refugees, it is too often   outreach to students to continue to              with UWC and with Rise [a Schmidt Futures
                               than 400 refugee youth through their      the case that the curricula does not relate    motivate them in their studies.”                 and Rhodes Trust initiative] to launch a
                               programmes.                               to the international and complex lives                                                          new foundational programme for a total of
                                                                         that they lead.”                               Throughout all of these challenges, it’s the     60 refugee students from 2021 to 2023 at
                               This year, Amala also launched the                                                       stories of their learners that keep Polly, Mia   Kakuma camp.
                               first international secondary education   The need for the kind of learning              and the rest of the Amala team going:
                               programme specifically designed for       programmes that Amala provides has only                                                         It is partnerships like this that are helping
                               refugee youth and host communities.       been accentuated in the past year. As Polly    “Our learners have shown us from the             us expand our reach, further diminish the
                               The programme was developed with          and Mia explain, “the pandemic has really      very beginning how deeply impactful              number of young people from refugee
                               the support of UWC South East Asia as     laid bare the inequalities within education    transformational learning can be. Even just      backgrounds deprived of a secondary
              Polly Akhurst
   UWC Atlantic, 2004-2006     a founding education partner, and with    and the loss of learning is huge: where we     a 10 week short programme can change             education and, most importantly, instil
Co-Founder and Co-Executive    the support of over 150 educators and     currently work in Kakuma Refugee Camp,         lives. Take Mofti from Kakuma camp Kenya,        hope in a generation of young people
           Director of Amala   refugee learners, many from within the    Kenyan schools have just reopened for the      for example, who took our course on              who will bring about positive change
                               UWC movement.                             first time since March. While there has        peacebuilding and social entrepreneurship        in their communities.”

                 2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                                     IMPACTING 2020               15
                          Experiencing The
                          Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
                          as a UWC Dilijan Student
                          Mica (UWC Dilijan, 2020-2022) is a             showed us the procedures to follow in            It was an extraordinary experience for
                          first year student from Belgium. Having        case the air raid alarm went off. And long       many of us. But besides that we learned a
                          overcome the difficulties of starting her      after my social networks filled up with          lot. Indeed, what could be more relevant
                          UWC journey in the midst of a global           #artsakhstrong or #armenia. No, the              than learning how to build peace in the
                          pandemic, Mica and the rest of the UWC         first time I understood what war was, was        midst of a conflict? Is there a better way
                          Dilijan community were faced with the          when I saw friends from affected countries       to understand the necessity of peace
                          next global challenge: the outbreak            running out of the classroom as soon as          than by seeing the ravages of war with
                          of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in            they got a phone call or when I saw some         our own eyes? It was an opportunity to
           Mica Michel
                Belgium   September 2020. Below she describes            students crying while reading the news.          confront our ideals with a much harder and
UWC Dilijan, 2020-2022    her experiences of watching the conflict       It was the constant tension, fear and            more complex reality. I understood (not
                          unfold from the UWC Dilijan campus             uncertainty all over the campus that really      endorsed) how two peoples can hate each
                          in Armenia with her co-years from all          took me by surprise. At first we thought it      other to the point of no longer questioning
                          around the world.                              would only last for a few days as it has in      their responsibility in the conflict. I
                                                                         the past. But from ceasefire to ceasefire        understood that the wars depicted on
                          Barev dzez! My name is Mica. This summer       the conflict lasted one month and 14 days.       television and on several social networks
                          I left my little Kingdom of Belgium to                                                          were often simplified to the point of
                          come here, to Armenia. I come from a           On campus we adapted, we knew that our           showing us only one side of the conflict.
                          small European country where war is            Outdoor Education Instructor had gone            And I also understood a form of patriotism
                          only experienced through history books         to the front, as well as many relatives of       I’ve never seen in Europe.                     would have achieved it long ago. Peace,
                          or in the news through blurred pictures        students and staff. As the days went by, I saw                                                  such as the one I seek through the UWC
                          and subtitled tears. I came to UWC with        a bubble of support growing. Everyone was        In conclusion, this experience of conflict     movement, is not the absence of conflict.
                          a view to learn how to build peace but I       trying to do what they could to bring every      and war made me grow along my UWC              It is a daily practice to treat each other
                          didn’t really expect to learn about it while   bit of comfort to those who needed it most.      journey. “UWC makes education a force          with respect in order to ensure stability
                          entering a conflict zone.                      It ranged from cooking or donating clothes       to unite people, nations and cultures for      in social cohesion and to meet the
                                                                         for the Artsakh refugees to the little paper     peace [...]”. My experiences of the last few   vital needs and protection of everyone.
                          On 27 September 2020, Armenia and              words of encouragement left here and there       months have changed my view on this            Experiencing this unity between Turks,
                          Azerbaijan went to war. I don’t really know    for affected staff. There were also memorable    sentence. Peace now seems to me even           Russians and Armenians living on the
                          when I first realised what this meant.         moments, an Armenian song sung in chorus         more complicated to build but also much        same campus while their countries are
                          Probably long after I received the multiple    by all the Armenians in honour of the soldiers   more necessary. There is no one way            torn apart makes me believe that through
                          calls from my relatives who were panicking     who fought or a Turkish pupil in a geopolitics   and no miracle recipe to build a healthy,      education and communication we will be
                          watching the news. Long after the school       class defending the Armenians of Artsakh.        fair and lasting peace, otherwise we           able to come closer to what we call peace.

            2020: A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                                                                                                IMPACTING 2020   16
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