Page created by Norman Chavez
Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime   1

2021 / 2022

  Bangor | Downpatrick | Lisburn | Newtownards
2   South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                      Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime                        3

COVID-19 Response                                                        Content

The College will continue to closely monitor the evolving challenges     5    Welcome to SERC                               54 Part-Time Essential
                                                                                                                               Skills Courses
posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and will keep under review the
                                                                         6    Part-Time Learning
relevant government guidance to ensure that the health and safety of                                                        56 All the Support you
our students and staff is maintained. In order to protect our students   8    Fees and Fiancial 		                             Need
and maintain the ongoing quality of teaching and support, the College         Matters
                                                                                                                            62 Qualifications Explained
may have to implement certain amendments or other such reasonable        10 Online Study
adjustments in relation to your time of study at the College.                                                               63 Progression Chart
                                                                         11 Entry Requirements
                                                                                                                            64 Apply to SERC
                                                                         12 Part-Time Further
                                                                            Education Courses                               65 Our Campuses
    These may include
                                                                         40 Part-Time Higher
                                                                            Education Courses
Alterations to course delivery
methods (including
implementation of distance or IT
based learning);

Changes to course timetables
(including splitting or staggering
                                                                                  Did you know?
Temporary delays to course

                                                                                      Applications are
delivery; and/or

Temporary closure of the

                                                                                      Now Open for 2021
Should the College make any such
changes, you will be promptly
informed of their nature, the
reasons why they are needed and
any options available to you to
avoid such changes having an
adverse impact on your future
career or financial prospects.
                                                                         Please note all information in this prospectus is correct at time of publication and may be subject to change. Classes run on demand. SERC
                                                                         endeavours to run all courses as advertised. However we reserve the right to cancel classes which do not enrol a sufficient number of students to
                                                                         make the class viable. We shall contact you if the class is cancelled and SERC will provide personalised support to applicants to find an alternative
4   South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                               Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime   5

Welcome to SERC                                                Welcome to SERC, a dynamic and forward-thinking college. I’m
                                                               delighted that you are taking the time to look through this
At SERC we are passionate about inspiring,                     prospectus, explore our part-time course provision and find out
                                                               why we truly believe you are better off at SERC.
transforming and enriching the lives of our
students. We are immensely proud of our learners
and their achievements, and we are equally proud          Everyone has faced massive           inspiring, transforming and
of our role in supporting the next generation of          challenges during 2020 and           enriching the lives of all our
                                                          2021 and I want to assure you        learners. We are immensely
professionals, who will play a vital role in the          that at SERC we responded            proud of their achievements,
                                                          swiftly and worked hard to           and we are equally proud of our
Northern Ireland economy.                                 meet those challenges. As the        work in supporting the next
                                                          Covid-19 pandemic struck, we         generation of professionals,
                                                          maintained our usual high            who will play a vital role in the
                                                          level of support for our             Northern Ireland economy.
Ken Webb                                                  students as we moved online
                                                          and open for business from the
Principal and Chief Executive                             earliest days of lockdown.

                                                          That commitment to supporting
                                                          all students to meet their aims
                                                                                                    BOOK YOUR PLACE AT SERC
                                                          and realise their ambitions has
                                                          always been part of the SERC
                                                          culture and will continue to be at        Explore Your Options: Browse this prospectus,
                                                          the core of all that we do.
                                                                                                    view our online webinars
                                                          A part-time course at SERC
                                                          offers you the opportunity to
                                                          start or progress in your career          Get Advice: Speak to our Careers, Student
                                                          with professional and Higher              Finance, Learning Support teams. We will look
                                                          Education qualifications, gained          after you!
                                                          through our expert teaching and
                                                          using our industry-standard
                                                          facilities and we look forward to         Make an application: You can choose up to
                                                          welcoming you on to our                   three courses. See page 22 for how to apply.
                                                          courses. You will also be offered
                                                          support and advice to help you
                                                                                                    Get Results: Check the entry requirements for
                                                          achieve and set you on the right
                                                          path to the future.                       your course and upload your qualifications as
                                                          At SERC we are passionate about           soon as you have your results.

                                                                                                    SERC will support you every step of the way
6   South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                      Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime   7

Part-time Learning
More than 7,000 people choose SERC each year to study a Part-
Time course in any of a range of subjects and levels, to gain
qualifications and improve their skills or to stretch themselves
with something new.

SERC offers professional qualifications which can support career progression, not only
providing skills and increased knowledge but also demonstrating a commitment to succeed
within your industry. As a part-time student, you’ll have the same access to state-of-the-art

                                                                                                      How to use this Prospectus
facilities, expert tuition and extensive support services as our full-time students, with the added
flexibility which allows you to fit study around work and personal commitments.

You can also study just for fun with leisure courses in a range of areas such as Digital
Photography, Interior Design and DIY Brickwork. These can lead to accredited programmes,
opening up the possibility of turning a hobby into a career.                                          This prospectus introduces our list of part-time courses, and lets
                                                                                                      you find out a little about college life and shares some
                                                                                                      testimonials from students who have flourished through
                                                                                                      learning at SERC.

Fees and Finance                                                                                      You can find out more about
                                                                                                      our courses, our support
                                                                                                                                      Higher Education courses
                                                                                                                                      (level 4-6) include HNCs,
                                                                                                      services and our Students’      HNDs, Foundation Degrees,
Fees are payable at the point      the bottom of course
                                                                                                      Union and take a virtual        and Higher-Level
of enrolment for most Part-        descriptors on the SERC
                                                                                                      campus tour on our website      Apprenticeships.
Time courses. The College          website.
                                                                                                      – as well as catching up with
does offer some free courses
                                                                                                      the latest news from SERC.      There is also an Essential
e.g. Essential Skills.             You may be able to access a
                                                                                                                                      Skills section listing FREE
                                   range of financial support in
                                                                                                      The courses within this         courses in Maths, English and
The full fee quoted includes       the form of a grant or loan, or

                                                                                                      prospectus are categorised by   ICT to help you brush up on
tuition, registration and exam     you may be eligible for a
                                                                                                      level. Further Education        your skills or gain a
fee (if applicable). Some          concessionary fee and/or
                                                                                                      courses (level 1-3) include     recognised qualification.
courses may have an                payment by instalments.
                                                                                                      leisure courses, Diplomas,
additional fee (for example,       Please note that concession
                                                                                                      NVQs and Certificates.          We also offer a range of

for materials, uniforms and        rates are applied to the tuition
                                                                                                                                      courses suitable for
other items) information on        fee only, not the full fee. Please
                                                                                                                                      businesses to help you re-
such fees can be found ,at         see page 8 for further details
                                                                                                                                      train or upskill in your area of
8   South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                                                 Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime              9

Fees & Financial
                                                                                                                                 What happens with my payment if I         Student Finance Advisors are available      Education students should refer to
                                                                                                                                 am applying for funding?                  to offer you help and support.              the Fees Policy Appendix C.
                                                                                                                                                                           If you are intending to apply for a
                                                                                                                                 Further Education                         part-time fee grant or loan you will        Can my employer pay for me?
                                                                                                                                                                           be treated as a self funding student        Yes, we call this a sponsored

                                                                                                                                 If you have already been approved for     until your funding is approved. You         enrolment.
                                                                                                                                 funding from Student Finance NI, in       will be required to complete the
                                                                                                                                 the form of a FE Grant, you must          following steps at enrolment:               Your sponsor will need to complete a
                                                                                                                                 submit your grant letter at the point                                                 Sponsor Liability Form (available from
                                                                                                                                 of enrolment.                             • Make an upfront payment of 25% of         customer services on campus). The
                                                                                                                                                                           the course fee                              completed form should be submitted
                                                                                                                                 The amount of the grant will be                                                       to Customer Services at the point of
                                                                                                                                 deducted from the total fee and if a      • Submit a completed direct debit           enrolment.
                                                                                                                                 balance remains this must be paid in      mandate at enrolment
Do I have to pay fees?                    50% on 3 May 2022 (by direct debit)          For details on eligibility for            full at enrolment, unless the criteria                                                Sponsors will be liable for the full cost
Yes, you will normally be charged a                                                    concessionary fees please view the        for payment by instalment is satisfied.   After enrolment you should submit           of the course fee and concessions do
fee for a part-time course.. The fee      It is important that you note the            Concessionary fees section on our                                                   your student finance application via        not apply.
for each course is listed in the course   following                                    website.                                  If you do not not have funding in         www.studentfinanceni.co.uk
descriptors founds on pages 12 to 52.     • Default in any payment will result in                                                place, at the point of enrolment, you                                                 The College directly invoices the
The College does offer some free          a £10 administration fee.                    Concessionary fee - must I bring          will be required to pay the full course   If approved for funding, your award         sponsor for your fees.
courses and they can be found on                                                       evidence with me?                         fee atthis point unless criteria for      letter must be submitted to Customer
page 54.                                  • Default in any payment will result in      Yes, you must submit evidence to          payment by instalment is satisfied.       Services as soon as it is received. If      The sponsor should become familiar
                                          enrolment on the course/programme            confirm that you are eligible for a       Once funding has been approved by         the award letter is not submitted to        with the terms fo sponsorship before
When and how do I pay?                    of study becoming invalid.                   concession. Evidence must be              Student Finance NI you must present       Customer Services prior to the first        completing the form. For example, if
Fees are generally payable at the time                                                 submitted at the time of enrolment,       your award letter to Customer             direct debit instalment date, the           you leave your sponsor’s employment
of your enrolment. We can accept          • Students who withdraw from their           otherwise the full course fees will be    Services. If the award covers the total   College will proceed with the direct        after the start date of the course the
payment by cash, cheque (payable to       course are still liable for payment of       charged. Evidence submitted after         fee, the College will refund the          debit. If your application for funding is   fee liability remains with the sponsor.
SERC), or payment card (e.g. debit /      their fee in full and therefore all direct   enrolment will not be considered for      amount already paid by you. The           unsuccessful or does not cover the
credit).                                  debit payments will be collected.            concessions.                              College will cancel any direct debit      full course fee, then you will be liable    What do I do if I’m experiencing
                                                                                                                                 agreement and issue the refund prior      for the outstanding fees. In all            unexpected difficulties in paying
Please note that fees are chargeable      Can I receive a reduced fee/                 Are there any discounts for paying        to 1 December 2021. If the grant does     instances, the College will refund to       my fees?
for each academic year. This means        concessionary rate?                          in full at the time of enrolment?         not cover the total fee, you remain       you any overpayments that have              Firstly, do not panic!
that you will have to enrol and pay       Yes, there are concessions available         Yes, if you are self-paying, with a       liable for any balance. If paying by      been made to your account and are
fees in each year when your course is     for certain circumstances.                   course fee greater than £300, you will    instalments, the College will proceed     due to you.                                 Our Student Finance team is here to
two or three years in duration.                                                        receive a 5% discount on the tuition      with the direct debit for the remaining                                               assist you where you have
                                          You can find the range of concessions        element of their course fees if you       fees on the notified dates. In all        Will there be any additional costs?         unexpected difficulties in paying your
Can I pay in instalments?                 that SERC offers on our website              pay in full at the point of enrolment.    instances, the College will refund to     Yes, there are courses that will have       fees.
Yes, when the total fee payable, after    www.serc.ac.uk/student-finance/                                                        youany overpayments that you have         additional costs. .
any concession is applied, totals £300    concessionary                                What happens if I do not pay my           made. In the event of Student Finance                                                 Please contact the Student Finance
or more.                                                                               fees?                                     NI not releasing the full amount of       Where a course incurs additional            Team at the earliest opportunity to
                                          Please note that you must be                 If do not pay your fees the College       your award (for example if you            costs, they will be detailed on the         discuss what potential help may be
You will need to set up a Direct Debit    studying on an accredited course,            will impose a number of sanctions,        withdraw), then you will be required      course descriptor on our website.           available. You should also contact the
arrangement with the College at the       that concessionary fees do not apply         including loss of access to College       to pay the remaining balance of the                                                   College’s Finance Department to
point of enrolment. To enrol we           to all courses, and are for the tuition      systems. Outstanding student fees         total fee.                                Can I get a refund?                         discuss your difficulties.
require a payment of 25% of the total     fee element only (ie do not apply to         may be referred to a debt recovery                                                  As a general rule the College does
course fee at the point of enrolment.     examination or other costs included          agency                                    Higher Education                          not offer refunds, although there is
For September enrolments, two             in the total fee).Please view our                                                                                                some discretion in exceptional
instalment payments will then be          website course finder or call 0345           It is important that you seek help at     As a Part-Time Higher Education           circumstances.
collected as follows:                     600 7555 for details on whether              the earliest opportunity. Our Student     student you can apply for assistance
                                          concessionary fees are available for         Finance Advisors can assit you if you     in the form of a means-tested tuition     To request a refund, in exceptional
25% on 1 December 2021 (by direct         your chosen course.                          encountered difficulty paying your        fee grant and/or non-means-tested         circumstances, you should complete
debit). 50% on 1 February 2022 (by                                                     fees.                                     tuition fee loan, as well as a course     the Fee Waiver/Refund Request form,
direct debit)                             Should you qualify for more than one                                                   grant. These are dependent upon           available on our website or from
                                          concession, the highest value                Can I re-enrol if I have outstanding      household income and course               Customer Services, and submit
For January/February enrolments,          concession only will be applied.             fees from a previous year?                intensity. Tuition fee grants will be     necessary supporting evidence.
two instalment payments will then be                                                   No, if you have an outstanding (part      paid directly to the College. You can     Please note that you will still be liable
collected as follows:                     The College reserves the right to            or full fees) from a previous year, you   apply for financial assistance, via the   for your fees if you decide to
                                          change or withhold concessions.              will not be allowed to enrol for a        Student Finance NI website and our        withdraw from your course. Higher
25% on 1 March 2022 (by direct debit)                                                  course in the new academic year.
10 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime                      11

Online Study                                                          Entry Requirements
                                                                      The table below shows typical entry requirements for each level,
Online study will play an important part of your education and        although your chosen course may have specific requirements, so
parts of your course this year will be delivered to you online.       please check individual course details through the listings on page ??.

                                                                                     Vocational Courses             Entry Requirements                                     Equivalent    When Completed

During the full lockdown in 2020, SERC successfully moved online       Level 6       Bachelor Degree                Successful completion of Level 5 related
                                                                                                                    qualification or related industry experience and an
                                                                                                                                                                           BA (Hons)     Continue to Masters or
                                                                                                                                                                                         use your skills to start
and remained online and open for business. This experience proved                                                   interview                                                            work

that students can develop good study habits, it reinforced digital     Level 5       Higher National Diplomas       Successful completion of Level 4 related               2nd year of   Progress to university
                                                                                     (HNDs), Foundation Degrees,    qualification or related industry experience and an    a Bachelor    or use your skills to
skills and it developed confidence in independent work. SERC wants                   Higher Level Apprenticeships   interview                                              Degree        start work

to build on that success and so courses will continue to use a
                                                                       Level 4       Higher National
                                                                                     Certificates (HNCs), Higher
                                                                                                                    A Levels or successful completion of Level 3
                                                                                                                    related qualification or related industry experience
                                                                                                                                                                           1st year of
                                                                                                                                                                           a Bachelor
                                                                                                                                                                                         Progress to Higher
                                                                                                                                                                                         Education at SERC,
blended learning approach - combining on-campus and online                           Level Apprenticeships          and an interview                                       Degree        University or use your
                                                                                                                                                                                         skills to start work
sessions. As ever, you will be expected to study a number of hours
each week outside College class time to complete assignments.          Level 3       BTECs, Diplomas,
                                                                                     Apprenticeships and
                                                                                     Access to Education
                                                                                                                    5 GCSEs at Grades C/4 or above including English
                                                                                                                    Language and/or Maths (some courses may require
                                                                                                                    both, please check your individual course). Or
                                                                                                                                                                           A Levels      Progress to Higher
                                                                                                                                                                                         Education at SERC,
                                                                                                                                                                                         University or use your
Support will always be available to guide your learning and to help                                                 successful completion of a Level 2 related
                                                                                                                    qualification and interview.
                                                                                                                                                                                         skills to start work

you achieve your goals.
                                                                       Level 2       BTECs, Diplomas, Awards,
                                                                                     Certificates, NVQs,
                                                                                                                    5 GCSEs at Grades D to G/3-1 (including a
                                                                                                                    curriculum related subject, English Language and/
                                                                                                                                                                           GCSEs         Progress to Level 3
                                                                                                                                                                                         study or use skills to
                                                                                     Apprenticeships and            or Maths). Or successful completion of a Level 1                     start work
                                                                                     Traineeships                   related qualification.

                                                                       Level 1       BTECs, Awards, Certificates,
                                                                                     Diplomas, NVQs, Skills for
                                                                                                                    1 formal qualification required                                      Progress to Level 2
                                                                                                                                                                                         study or use skills to
                                                                                     Life and Work                                                                                       start work

                                                                       Entry         Skills for Life and Work       No formal qualifications required                                    Progress to Level 1

                                                                      For some courses there is an interview requirement and there may be additional
                                                                      requirements in some cases - e.g. for creative arts courses you may be asked for a
                                                                      portfolio of your work. If you have disabilities or learning difficulties, you may not
                                                                      need to meet some entry requirements - our Learning Support Team can advise
                                                                      you. Call 0345 600 7555 for advice.
12   South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime      13

                                                           CODE            CAMPUS         DAYS          TIME            START      FINISH      TUT    OTHER     TOTAL
                                                                                                                                               FEE    FEES      FEE

                                                           Art & Design
                                                           Leisure Antiques And Collectables
                                                           This course is suitable for complete beginners as well as those who want to expand their knowledge and
                                                           appreciation. Build up excellent reference notes and take part in our class discussions and quizzes.
                                                           Y10260BDAA      Bangor         Thursday      09:30 - 11:30   20/09/21   30/01/22    120    0         120

                                                           Y10260BDEA      Bangor         Thursday      09:30 - 11:30   07/02/22   19/06/22    112    0         112

                                                           Leisure Creative Ceramics
                                                           This leisure course will introduce you to a range of making techniques using clay, including slab building,
                                                           coiling, press moulds and throwing of clay. The fee for this course includes the cost of materials required.

                                                           Y10261BDAA      Bangor         Friday        09:30 - 11:30   20/09/21   30/01/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261BDAB      Bangor         Monday        09:30 - 11:30   20/09/21   30/01/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261BDEA      Bangor         Friday        09:30 - 11:30   07/02/22   19/06/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261BDEB      Bangor         Monday        09:30 - 11:30   07/02/22   19/06/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261BEAA      Bangor         Tuesday       19:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   30/01/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261BEEA      Bangor         Tuesday       19:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261DDAA      Downpatrick    Friday        10:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   30/01/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261DDEA      Downpatrick    Friday        10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261LDAA      Lisburn        Wednesday     10:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   30/01/22    130    0         130
                                                           Y10261LDEA      Lisburn        Wednesday     10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    130    0         130

                                                           Leisure Life Drawing
                                                           This course is aimed at beginners and intermediate students and offers the opportunity to work with an
                                                           experienced Tutor and Model.
                                                           Y10264BEAA      Bangor         Wednesday     19:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   30/01/22    120    0         120
                                                           Y10264BEEA      Bangor         Wednesday     19:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    120    0         120

                                                           Leisure Upholstery & Soft Furnishings
                                                           This course is suitable for beginners and the more experienced. You will be instructed in a variety of
                                                           techniques using hand and machine stitches and upholstery skills giving you the opportunity to create
                                                           stylish home furnishings and upholstery.
                                                           Y10268HDAA      Holywood       Thursday      10:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   30/01/22    120    0         120
                                                           Y10268HDAB      Holywood       Thursday      12:30 - 14:30   20/09/21   30/01/22    120    0         120
                                                           Y10268HDAC      Holywood       Wednesday     10:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   30/01/22    120    0         120
                                                           Y10268HDEA      Holywood       Thursday      10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    112    0         112
                                                           Y10268HDEB      Holywood       Thursday      12:30 - 14:30   07/02/22   19/06/22    112    0         112
                                                           Y10268HDEC      Holywood       Wednesday     10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    120    0         120

                                                           Level 2 Award in Interior Design
                                                           This course will equip you with the skills required to become a competent Interior Designer and ensure
                                                           each student will produce an exciting and professional portfolio of their work.
                                                           Y10296BD1A      Bangor         Monday        09:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   12/06/22    180    31        211
14   South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                   Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime          15

CODE             CAMPUS        DAYS          TIME            START      FINISH     TUT     OTHER     TOTAL   CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME            START       FINISH     TUT     OTHER        TOTAL
                                                                                   FEE     FEES      FEE                                                                                          FEE     FEES         FEE

                                                                                                             Level 3 Certificate in Fashion and Photographic Make-Up
 Level 3 Award in Interior Design
                                                                                                             This is a specialist certificate for those who have an interest in period, catwalk and special occasion
The OCN NI Level 3 Award in Interior Design qualification has been designed to provide learners with an
opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills needed to contribute to art and design
activities.                                                                                                  Y10410LEAA      Lisburn         Monday        18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    30/01/22   90      69           159
Y10389BD1A       Bangor        Monday        12:00 - 15:00   20/09/21   12/06/22   180     37        217     Y10410LEEB      Lisburn         Monday        18:00 - 21:00   07/02/22    19/06/22   90      69           159

 Painting for Pleasure                                                                                       Level 3 Certificate in Stone Therapy Massage
This course is taught in a relaxed atmosphere and the class will cover the study of form, tone, pattern,     The target audience for this course is Beauty Therapists, Spa Therapists and Holistic Therapists who wish
colour and texture in drawing and painting through using a variety of media such as water colour, acrylic,   to add to their current qualifications.
oil, pencil and charcoal.                                                                                    Y10413LEEA      Lisburn         Monday        17:30 - 21:30   07/02/22    19/06/22   120     48           168
Y10607BDAA       Bangor        Monday        09:30 - 11:30   20/09/21   30/01/22   120     0         120
Y10607BDEA       Bangor        Monday        09:30 - 11:30   07/02/22   19/06/22   120     0         120
                                                                                                             Level 3 Certificate Indian Head Massage
Y10607DDAA       Downpatrick   Friday        10:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   30/01/22   120     0         120
                                                                                                             This course enables you to become a qualified Indian Head Massage therapist. It covers a variety of
Y10607DDEB       Downpatrick   Friday        10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   120     0         120     massage techniques and passive manipulations thus inducing an uplifted, revitalised and energised client.
Y10607LDAA       Lisburn       Wednesday     10:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   30/01/22   120     0         120     Y10417BEEA      Bangor          Monday        17:30 - 21:30   07/02/22    19/06/22   120     69           189
Y10607LDEA       Lisburn       Wednesday     10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   120     0         120     Y10417LEAB      Lisburn         Monday        17:30 - 21:30   20/09/21    30/01/22   120     69           189

 Level 2 Certificate In Creative Techniques in 3D									                                                   Level 3 Certificate Swedish Massage
                                                                                                             The VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage is a substantial vocational qualification that will prepare
This is an exciting new certified qualification is aimed at people who have a real interest in ceramics/     you for a career as a beauty (Swedish massage) therapist.
pottery and want to further develop and hone their skills in both hand-built and wheel thrown ceramics.
                                                                                                             Y10418DDAA      Downpatrick     Monday        09:30 - 12:30   20/09/21    13/02/22   102     69           171
Y10935BD1A       Bangor        Thursday      09:30 - 15:00   20/09/21   12/06/22   300     34        334

                                                                                                             Level 3 Diploma In Aromatherapy
                                                                                                             The theory and hands on practice of aromatherapy to include 40 essential oils, 18 carrier oils, full body
                                                                                                             aromatherapy massage, making products and related subjects such as background on all holistic
 Beauty & Holistic Therapies                                                                                 therapies, health & safety, anatomy & physiology, ailments business studies, client consultation
 Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Beauty Therapy General                                                               processes, a herbal field trip, commercial clinic working on clients and evidence 60 treatments part of
                                                                                                             which will be a product project.
The programme will help you develop an understanding of the beauty profession and deliver the basic
                                                                                                             Y10428BD1A      Bangor          Tuesday       13:00 - 21:30   20/09/21    19/06/22   512     110          622
skills and requirements for employment in the industry. Units covered include facials, waxing, manicures,
pedicures, make up application, Health and Safety                                                            Y10428LD1A      Lisburn         Thursday      13:00 - 21:30   20/09/21    26/06/22   512     110          622
Y10344BE1B       Bangor        Tues, Wed     17:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   512     96        608
Y10344DE1A       Downpatrick   Wed, Thur     17:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   512     96        608     Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology
                                                                                                             The theory and hands on study of foot and hand reflexology and related subjects such as a background
 Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Nail Services                                                                        on all holistic therapies, health & safety, anatomy & physiology, ailments business studies, client
                                                                                                             consultation processes, commercial clinic working on clients and evidence 100 treatments.
The VTCT Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Nail Services (QCF) is for learners seeking a career as a nail technician,
                                                                                                             Y10445BE1A      Bangor          Wed, Thur     17:30 - 21:30   20/09/21    26/06/22   512     110          622
this will including gel polish, nail extensions, nail art and nail treatments
                                                                                                             Y10445LD1A      Lisburn         Wednesday     13:00 - 21:30   20/09/21    19/06/22   512     110          622
Y10346BE1A       Bangor        Wed, Thur     17:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   512     96        608

                                                                                                             Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy
 Level 3 Award in Crystal Therapy
                                                                                                             This course has been designed to provide the knowledge, understanding and skills to work in an
The Level 3 Award in Crystal Therapy is a course that has been specifically designed to allow therapists
                                                                                                             unsupervised capacity as a sports massage practitioner, with non-pathological (non-injured) tissue.
interested in the theory and practice of crystal therapy, to explore these concepts.
                                                                                                             Y10448BE1A      Bangor          Tuesday       16:30 - 21:30   20/09/21    19/06/22   320     107          427
Y10381LEEA       Lisburn       Tuesday       17:30 - 21:30   07/02/22   19/06/22   136     53        189
                                                                                                             Y10448LE1A      Lisburn         Monday        16:30 - 21:30   20/09/21    26/06/22   320     107          427
16 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                       Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime       17

CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME            START      FINISH      TUT     OTHER     TOTAL   CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME            START       FINISH     TUT     OTHER     TOTAL
                                                                                     FEE     FEES      FEE                                                                                          FEE     FEES      FEE

 Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Beauty Therapy Massage                                                                 Bricklaying
This course provides students with a broad range of options for a career in beauty therapy and covers          DIY Brickwork
topics including body massage, hot stone massage, Indian head massage spray tanning and health and             This course encourages students to design and work on projects of their own choice.
                                                                                                               Y10135NEAA      Newtownards     Wednesday     18:30 - 21:30   04/10/21    30/01/22   126     0         126
Y10490BD1A      Bangor          Monday        09:00 - 17:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    512     102       614
Y10490LE1A      Lisburn         Mon, Tue      17:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22    512     102       614
                                                                                                               Level 2 Award In Computerised Accounts
                                                                                                               This course provides an excellent foundation in computerised accounting. Ideal for gaining employment
 Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy Studies                                                                     and use in businesses.
This is a vocational qualification and includes all the required elements to work effectively as a junior      Y10286BEAA      Bangor          Thursday      17:30 - 20:30   27/09/21    13/02/22   102     32        134
beauty therapist                                                                                               Y10286DEAA      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:00 - 21:00   20/09/20    13/02/22   102     32        134
Y10816LE1A      Lisburn         Mon, Tue      17:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22    512     107       619
                                                                                                               Level 2 Award in Payroll for Business
 Level 2 Award in Threading Depilation                                                                         The Level 2 Award in Payroll for Business qualification aims to provide learners with a comprehensive
The VTCT Level 2 in Threading Depilation is a qualification that has been specifically designed to develop     range of knowledge and the practical skills that they will be able to use as a payroll processor for a variety
your practical skills in how to provide threading.                                                             of businesses
Y10907LDEA      Lisburn         Monday        09:00 - 13:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    136     53        189     Y10822BEAA      Bangor          Tuesday       18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    27/02/22   102     108       210
                                                                                                               Y10822LEAA      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    27/02/22   102     108       210
                                                                                                               Y10822LEEA      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:00 - 21:00   31/01/22    19/06/22   102     108       210

 Bio Sciences                                                                                                  Level 3 Award in Working with Children and Young People with Special Needs

 GCSE in Biology                                                                                               Working with children who have special needs.
                                                                                                               Y10401BDAA      Bangor          Tuesday       09:30 - 12:00   20/09/21    06/02/22   80      31        111
The CCEA GCSE Biology specification provides a broad, coherent and practical course that develops
confidence in, and a positive view of, science. It encourages students to appreciate the value of science in   Y10401BDEA      Bangor          Tuesday       13:30 - 16:00   07/02/22    26/06/22   75      31        106
their lives and in the wider world around them. It also gives students opportunities to apply their            Y10401BEAA      Bangor          Tuesday       16:30 - 19:00   20/09/21    06/02/22   80      31        111
knowledge and understanding of the nature of science and the scientific process. Practical science is a key
part of this specification, with students carrying out nine prescribed practicals during the course.
                                                                                                               Level 3 Certificate in Computerised Payroll Administration
Y10818BE1A      Bangor          Tuesday       18:30 - 21:00   20/09/21   26/06/22    165     33        198
                                                                                                               This qualification has been designed to provide the essential knowledge and skills required to
                                                                                                               complement and enable candidates to progress to other L3 qualifications in the IAB framework and to
 Level 3 Diploma in the Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Technicians				                                   give the confidence and skills to seek employment
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in the Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Technicians is for learners       Y10409BEEA      Bangor          Thursday      18:30 - 21:00   07/02/22    26/06/22   85      153       238
who are employed in the role of pre-registration trainee pharmacy technician.

                                                                                                               Level 3 Certificate in Payroll for Business
Y10827BD1A      Bangor          Thursday      08:30 - 19:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    1144    156       1300
                                                                                                               The Level 3 Certificate in Payroll for Business qualification aims to provide learners with a comprehensive
Y10827LD1A      Lisburn         Thursday      08:30 - 19:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    1144    156       1300
                                                                                                               range of knowledge and the practical skills that they will be able to use as a senior payroll processor or
                                                                                                               payroll administrator for a variety of businesses.
 Level 2 Certificate in the Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Support Staff                                 Y10823BEAA      Bangor          Thursday      18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    27/02/22   102     108       210
This is a BTEC Specialist qualification which puts learning into the context of the world of work, giving      Y10823BEEA      Bangor          Thursday      18:00 - 21:00   07/02/22    26/06/22   102     108       210
learners the opportunity to apply their research, skills and knowledge in relevant and realistic work
contexts. It is suitable for learners who work in, or who are intending to work in (by the time the course
                                                                                                               Level 3 Geographical Information Systems
starts), the role of pharmacy support staff within a pharmacy setting, in Northern Ireland and want to
achieve the requirements for the education and training of pharmacy support staff as set out by the            This Level 3 course gives you a foundation in understanding how to enhance business performance of
General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).                                                                         your organisation using innovative Geographical Information System (GIS) software.
Y10936BD1A      Bangor          Wednesday     09:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    420     140       560     Y10462LD1A      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    13/02/22   90      49        139
Y10936LD1A      Lisburn         Wednesday     09:00 - 12:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    420     140       560     Y10462LEEA      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:00 - 21:00   24/01/22    05/06/22   90      49        139
                                                                                                               Y10462LEAA      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    06/02/22   90      49        139
18 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                    Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime 19

CODE            CAMPUS         DAYS          TIME            START      FINISH     TUT     OTHER    TOTAL     CODE           CAMPUS          DAYS         TIME            START      FINISH      TUT    OTHER     TOTAL
                                                                                   FEE     FEES     FEE                                                                                          FEE    FEES      FEE

 CMI Chartered Manager                                                                                        Computer Animation
Chartered Manager is the highest status that can be achieved in the management profession. Awarded            This course will teach you the fundamentals of 3D designing and animations. Students will get to learn the
only by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), thousands of UK managers at all levels and across all       Maya basics of Skinning, Lighting and Rendering, and Utility Nodes, Texturing and Texture Mapping,
sectors now hold Chartered Manager Professional Status. Chartered Manager is a Professional recognition       Adobe Photoshop Basics, Tiling and Layering Textures, Block Texturing a Non-Organic Object and Texture
award and not a qualification.                                                                                Distressing.
Y10798BD1A      Bangor         0             0               04/10/21   19/06/22   350     100      450       Y10116BE1A     Bangor          Wednesday    18:00 - 20:30   27/09/21   19/06/22    248    0         248

 Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice                                                            European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL)
The CIPD Level 3 Certificate in People Practice is a Foundation-level, professional qualification based on    ECDL consists of 7 units: IT User Fundamentals, Using Internet and Email, Security for IT Users, Word
the CIPD Profession Map. The Map was launched in 2018, having been developed in collaboration with a          Processing, Spreadsheet Software, Presentation Software and Improving Productivity using IT. This
wide range of experts working at the heart of the profession. It sets the international benchmark for the     course is taught using Microsoft Office.
people profession and provides a strong foundation to give people professionals the confidence and
                                                                                                              Y10150BE1A     Bangor          Tuesday      18:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    198    103       301
capabilities to guide their decision-making, actions and behaviours. This qualification is ideal for anyone
looking to start a HR career and will provide individuals with a broad understanding of number of key HR      Y10150DE1A     Downpatrick     Thursday     18:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    198    103       301
areas. New CIPD qualifications are being introduced in 21. Based on the new Profession Map, the               Y10150LE1A     Lisburn         Wednesday    18:30 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    198    103       301
qualifications focus on the knowledge and behaviours required to create value and make an impact in the
changing world of work. The new qualifications set the standard for people professionals. We are
                                                                                                              Introduction to Games Development
planning to offer these from Sep 21 (pending CIPD approval). At this stage we are taking expressions of
interest. More information will be available once approval is confirmed.                                      In this course, you will learn to develop 2D and 3D games in Unity. No prior knowledge of Unity is required
                                                                                                              in order to take this course. You will learn the basics of Game Design, the concepts for Development and
Y10925BE1A      Bangor         Tuesday       17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   29/05/22   298     139      437
                                                                                                              create fun, fantastic looking games.
Y10925LE1A      Lisburn        Thursday      17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22   298     139      437
                                                                                                              You will start from the basics like how to download Unity IDE, how to use unity IDE and even what are the
                                                                                                              tips and tricks for using Unity IDE more efficiently. You will be introduced to 3D models and how you can
                                                                                                              manage those 3D models with scripting. At the end of this course you will get strong knowledge about
 Carpentry & Joinery                                                                                          unity 3d and you will be able to develop games in unity.
                                                                                                              Y10237BEEA     Bangor          Wednesday    18:00 - 20:00   07/02/22   03/04/22    80     0         80
 Woodwork Introduction                                                                                        Y10237DEEA     Downpatrick     Wednesday    18:00 - 20:00   07/02/22   03/04/22    80     0         80
Students will be encouraged to design and work on projects of their own choice. This course is a              Y10237LEEA     Lisburn         Wednesday    18:00 - 20:00   07/02/22   03/04/22    80     0         80
beginners course in which students will develop basic Carpentry and Joinery skills.
Y10728DEAA      Downpatrick    Thursday      18:30 - 21:30   01/11/21   13/03/22   144     0        144
                                                                                                              Introduction to Mobile Development
Y10728LEAA      Lisburn        Wednesday     18:30 - 21:30   27/09/21   06/02/22   144     0        144
                                                                                                              This course aims to help you understand how to develop and write applications for mobile phones. It will
Y10728NDAA      Newtownards    Friday        12:30 - 15:30   20/09/21   06/02/22   144     0        144
                                                                                                              concentrate on the Android Operating System.
                                                                                                              Y10240BEEA     Bangor          Tuesday      18:00 - 20:00   28/02/22   08/05/22    80     0         80
                                                                                                              Y10240LEEA     Lisburn         Tuesday      18:00 - 20:00   28/02/22   08/05/22    80     0         80

 Computing/Software Engineering/Networking                                                                    Introduction to Programming
 CompTIA A+                                                                                                   This course is designed as the first step in introducing computer programming to new or novice learners
CompTIA A+ certified professional qualifications are the industry standard for learners commencing an IT      with an interest in this field. Learners will work under the expert tuition of our staff to develop a
career or those keen to climb the ranks. This entry level course is designed to facilitate those from a       functioning system in response to a given project brief.
non-IT background to learn the fundamental IT operations and be able to technically support the IT needs      Y10242BEAA     Bangor          Wednesday    18:00 - 20:00   15/11/21   16/01/22    80     0         80
of their organisation.                                                                                        Y10242DEAA     Downpatrick     Wednesday    18:00 - 20:00   15/11/21   16/01/22    80     0         80
Y10115BE1A      Bangor         Wednesday     19:00 - 21:30   27/09/21   19/06/22   320     0        320       Y10242LEAA     Lisburn         Wednesday    18:00 - 20:00   15/11/21   16/01/22    80     0         80
Y10115LE1A      Lisburn        Wednesday     19:00 - 21:30   27/09/21   19/06/22   320     0        320
20 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                   Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime       21

CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME              START      FINISH     TUT   OTHER   TOTAL   CODE           CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME            START      FINISH     TUT     OTHER    TOTAL
                                                                                      FEE   FEES    FEE                                                                                        FEE     FEES     FEE

                                                                                                            Early Years
 Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology
                                                                                                            Level 3 Award in Supporting Children and Young Peoples Speech. Language and Communication
This 1-year programme is equivalent to 1 A level. This useful and popular Information Technology course
has a practical focus and will prepare you for employment in the IT industry or for further study.          This course is suitable if you wish to pursue a career in early years education. Candidates should have
Y10471BE1A      Bangor          Tues, Thur    18:00 - 21:30     20/09/21   26/06/22   462   153     615     completed the classroom assistants course or be working as a classroom assistant prior to joining this
Y10471LE1A      Lisburn         Mon, Wed      18:00 - 21:30     20/09/21   26/06/22   462   153     615
                                                                                                            Y10395LEEA     Lisburn         Tuesday       18:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   96      59       155
                                                                                                            Y10395LEAA     Lisburn         Tuesday       18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      58       154
 Comptia Network +
CompTIA Network+ helps develop a career in IT infrastructure covering troubleshooting, configuring, and
                                                                                                            Level 3 Award in Working with Children and Young People with Special Needs
managing networks.
Y10826BEAA      Bangor          Tuesday       18:30 - 20:30     20/09/21   26/06/22   320   0       320     Working with children who have special needs.

Y10826LEAA      Lisburn         Tuesday       18:30 - 20:30     20/09/21   26/06/22   320   0       320     Y10401CDEA     Newcastle       Monday        13:00 - 16:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   90      31       121
                                                                                                            Y10401DDAA     Downpatrick     Monday        13:00 - 16:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      31       127
                                                                                                            Y10401LDEA      Lisburn        Thursday      15:00 - 17:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   84      31       115
 CCNA Cyber Security Operations
                                                                                                            Y10401NEAA      Newtownards    Tuesday       16:30 - 19:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      31       127
The Cisco CCNA® Cybersecurity Operations 1.1 (CyberOps) course provides students with content to
                                                                                                            Y10401LDAA      Lisburn        Thursday      15:30 - 18:30   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      31       127
develop practical, relevant, and job-ready knowledge and skills required of cybersecurity analysts
employed in a Security Operations Center (SOC).                                                             Y10401CDAA      Newcastle      Monday        14:30 - 17:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      31       127
Y10825BD1A      Bangor          0             0                 20/09/21   26/06/22   360   0       360
                                                                                                            Level 3 Diploma for Children’s Care. Learning and Development
                                                                                                            This programme prepares you for work in an early years setting.
                                                                                                            Y10426DD1A      Downpatrick    Thursday      15:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22   600     175      775
 Construction Studies                                                                                       Y10426LD1A      Lisburn        Thursday      15:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22   600     175      775
                                                                                                            Y10426ND1A      Newtownards    Wednesday     15:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   05/06/22   600     175      775
 Level 2 Award in 2D Computer Aided Design
This course will provide you with the necessary skills required for 2D Computer Aided Drafting. A good
course recommended for beginners.
Y10285BE1A      Bangor          Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30     20/09/21   26/06/22   231   95      326
Y10285DE1A      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30     20/09/21   26/06/22   231   95      326
                                                                                                            Electrical Installation
Y10285LE1A      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30     27/09/21   26/06/22   232   95      327     Level 3 Fire and Security Engineering
                                                                                                            This qualification is for those who are new to the industry and those already in the industry who wish to
 Level 3 National Diploma in Civil Engineering                                                              gain a formal qualification and industry recognition in their occupation.
This programme helps Civil Engineering students fulfil the requirements of the competence based             Y10899SD1A     SERC            Tuesday       09:00 - 17:00   20/09/21   31/08/25   462     205      667
component and allows them to demonstrate underpinning knowledge and professional attributes.                               Professional
                                                                                                                           Skills Centre
Y10434LD1A      Lisburn         Monday        09:00 - 20:00     20/09/21   26/06/22   640   202     842

 Level 3 Nat Diploma in Civil Eng & Dip for Technicians (ICE)
This programme helps Civil Engineering students fulfil the requirements of the competence based
component and allows them to demonstrate underpinning knowledge and professional attributes.
                                                                                                            Electronic Engineering
Y10433LD1A      Lisburn         Monday        0                 20/09/21   26/06/22   700   358     1058    Electronics for Kids
                                                                                                            This course has been created for the young engineers of the future. Is your son or daughter interested in
                                                                                                            how things work? In this course they will learn how to design and engineer common items e.g. an alarmed
                                                                                                            Y10143BDAA     Bangor          Wednesday     16:00 - 18:00   20/09/21   07/11/21   80      0        80
22 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                   Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime 23

CODE            CAMPUS         DAYS          TIME            START      FINISH      TUT    OTHER     TOTAL   CODE           CAMPUS          DAYS         TIME            START      FINISH     TUT     OTHER    TOTAL
                                                                                    FEE    FEES      FEE                                                                                       FEE     FEES     FEE
                                                                                                             Y10149NE1B     Newtownards     Wednesday    17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22   198     47       245
                                                                                                             Y10149NEAB     Newtownards     Wednesday    17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      47       143
 Introduction to Arduino
                                                                                                             Y10149NEEA     Newtownards     Wednesday    17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   96      25       121
Have you ever wanted to programme your very own microcontroller? From an automatic watering system
for the green house, to starting the coffee machine when you wake up, the Arduino can do it!                 Y10149NEAA     Newtownards     Tuesday      17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      25       121

Y10233BEEA      Bangor         Wednesday     18:00 - 20:00   07/02/22   03/04/22    80     0         80      Y10149NEEB     Newtownards     Tuesday      17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   96      47       143
                                                                                                             Y10149BEEB     Bangor          Tuesday      17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   96      47       143
                                                                                                             Y10149BEAB     Bangor          Thursday     17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      47       143
 Introduction to Circuit Design and Manufacture
                                                                                                             Y10149BEAA     Bangor          Tuesday      17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      25       121
Technology is such a part of all our lives. From mobile phones to home electrical appliances, they all
                                                                                                             Y10149BEEA     Bangor          Thursday     17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   84      25       109
depend on some form of circuit board or electronic system. Learn how to design and manufacture
standard and surface- mount PCBs.                                                                            Y10149DEAA     Downpatrick     Wednesday    17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      25       121
Y10234BEAA      Bangor         Wednesday     18:00 - 20:00   01/11/21   19/12/21    80     0         80      Y10149DEEA     Downpatrick     Thursday     17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   84      25       109
                                                                                                             Y10149DEAB     Downpatrick     Thursday     17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22   96      47       143
                                                                                                             Y10149DEEB     Downpatrick     Wednesday    17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22   96      44       140
                                                                                                             Y10149OD1E     Bridge Comm Tues, Thur       10:00 - 13:00   20/09/21   29/05/22   252     0        252
 ESOL                                                                                                                       Centre
You will learn to communicate in English, from basic greetings at beginner level, to sophisticated and
fluent language at advanced level. Classes are taught in a friendly environment using colourful and
relevant resources.                                                                                          GCSE
Y10149BD1A      Bangor         Mon, Wed,     09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   19/06/22    576    0         576
                               Fri                                                                           GCSE in English Language
Y10149BDAA      Bangor         Tues, Thur    09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   06/02/22    192    25        217     Develop your reading and writing skills through studying and creating a range of functional and
Y10149BDAB      Bangor         Mon, Wed      09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   06/02/22    192    25        217     imaginative texts. You will study language and develop your speaking and listening abilities.
Y10149BDEA      Bangor         Tues, Thur    09:15 - 13:15   07/02/22   19/06/22    204    47        251     Y10163BE1A     Bangor          Thursday     18:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   180     33       213
Y10149BDEB      Bangor         Mon, Wed      09:15 - 13:15   07/02/22   19/06/22    192    47        239     Y10163DE1A     Downpatrick     Wednesday    18:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   192     33       225
Y10149BE1A      Bangor         Tuesday       17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    198    25        223     Y10163LE1A     Lisburn         Thursday     18:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   180     33       213
Y10149BE1B      Bangor         Wednesday     17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    198    47        245
Y10149DD1A      Downpatrick    Mon, Wed,     09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   19/06/22    576    0         576     GCSE Mathematics
                               Fri                                                                           A one year GCSE maths course to develop your skills in Number, Statistics, Algebra and Geometry. The
Y10149DD1B      Downpatrick    Mon, Wed      09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   19/06/22    384    47        431     course offered is linear and consists of two exams over the year. (Full Time Access students do not pay
Y10149DD1C      Downpatrick    Mon, Wed      09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   19/06/22    384    72        456     tuition fee, registration only)
Y10149DE1A      Downpatrick    Wednesday     17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    396    25        421     Y10164BE1A     Bangor          Thursday     18:15 - 21:15   20/09/21   19/06/22   180     33       213
Y10149DE1B      Downpatrick    Thursday      17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    186    47        233     Y10164DE1A     Downpatrick     Thursday     18:15 - 21:15   20/09/21   19/06/22   180     33       213
Y10149LD1A      Lisburn        Mon, Wed,     09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   19/06/22    576    0         576     Y10164LE1A     Lisburn         Wednesday    18:15 - 21:15   20/09/21   19/06/22   192     33       225
                               Fri                                                                           Y10164NE1A     Newtownards     Wednesday    18:15 - 21:15   20/09/21   19/06/22   192     33       225
Y10149LDAA      Lisburn        Mon, Tues,    09:15 - 13:15   20/09/21   06/02/22    192    25        217
                               Wed, Thur
Y10149LDEA      Lisburn        Mon, Tues,    09:15 - 13:15   07/02/22   19/06/22    192    47        239

Y10149LE1A      Lisburn
                               Wed, Thur
                               Monday        17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    192    25        217
Y10149LE1B      Lisburn        Thursday      17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    186    47        233     Level 2 Certificate in Barbering
Y10149LEAA      Lisburn        Monday        17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22    96     25        121     This one year course covers basic traditional and commercial cutting techniques, cutting hair designs and
Y10149LEAB      Lisburn        Thursday      17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   06/02/22    96     47        143     cutting facial hair.
Y10149LEEA      Lisburn        Thursday      17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    84     25        109     Y10314BE1A     Bangor          Tuesday      18:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   224     69       293
Y10149LEEB      Lisburn        Monday        17:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    90     0         90      Y10314LE1B     Lisburn         Wednesday    18:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   19/06/22   224     69       293
Y10149NE1A      Newtownards    Tuesday       17:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   19/06/22    198    25        223
24 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                            Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime 25

CODE             CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME             START       FINISH     TUT     OTHER     TOTAL      CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME            START       FINISH      TUT     OTHER    TOTAL
                                                                                       FEE     FEES      FEE                                                                                              FEE     FEES     FEE

 Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Hairdressing                                                                                Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF)
This course prepares you for a career as a junior stylist or progress to further courses of study.                  The SafeCert Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work is Accredited by CCEA Regulation. This qualification is part
Y10345BE1A       Bangor          Tues, Wed     17:30 - 21:30    20/09/21    19/06/22   512     96        608        of the RQF (previously the QCF)
Y10345LE1A       Lisburn         Mon, Tue      17:30 - 21:30    20/09/21    19/06/22   512     96        608        Y10387LEAA      Lisburn         Thursday      17:30 - 21:30   01/11/21    04/12/21    40      12       52
                                                                                                                    Y10387NEAA      Newtownards     Wednesday     17:30 - 21:30   01/11/21    05/12/21    40      12       52
 Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Hairdressing                                                                                Y10387DEAA      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30   01/11/21    12/12/21    36      12       48

On this Level 3 Hairdressing course you will develop artistic flair and gain insight into supervisory roles
within salons. All skills are at an advanced level.                                                                 Level 3 Certificate Counselling Studies
Y10496DD1A       Downpatrick     Monday        09:00 - 17:00    20/09/21    19/06/22   434     100       534        This course provides a transition from using counselling skills at an informal level to counsellor
                                                                                                                    practitioner training. The course forms part of the entry requirement for the CPCAB Level 4 Diploma in
                                                                                                                    Therapeutic Counselling (TC-L4).
                                                                                                                    Y10405BE1A      Bangor          Tuesday       18:00 - 21:30   20/09/21    26/06/22    232     253      485

 Health & Care                                                                                                      Y10405LD1A      Lisburn         Thursday      18:00 - 21:30   20/09/21    26/06/22    224     253      477
                                                                                                                    Y10405ND1C      Newtownards     Tuesday       12:30 - 16:00   20/09/21    26/06/22    232     253      485
 Level 2 Award in Outdoor Play and Learning
Outdoor play for children.                                                                                          Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Northern Ireland)
Y10302LEAA       Lisburn         Thursday      18:00 - 21:00    20/09/21    16/01/22   90      27        117
                                                                                                                    This QCF Level 3 Diploma is a competency based qualification designed for staff already working within
                                                                                                                    health and social care.
 Level 2 Certificate Counselling Skills                                                                             Y10437DD1A      Downpatrick     Wednesday     16:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    19/06/22    640     189      829
This qualification is suitable if you wish to learn initial counselling skills to help and support others, either   Y10437LD1A      Lisburn         Monday        16:00 - 21:00   20/09/21    19/06/22    620     178      798
in a voluntary or employed capacity.                                                                                Y10437ND1A      Newtownards     Tuesday       16:00 - 20:00   20/09/21    26/06/22    660     178      838
Y10309BE1A       Bangor          Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30    20/09/21    26/06/22   232     172       404
Y10309BE1B       Bangor          Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30    20/09/21    26/06/22   232     172       404        Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning
Y10309LE1A       Lisburn         Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30    20/09/21    26/06/22   232     172       404
                                                                                                                    This course is suitable if you wish to work as a classroom assistant in a school or college setting.
Y10309ND1A       Newtownards     Tuesday       09:00 - 12:30    20/09/21    26/06/22   232     172       404
                                                                                                                    Y10934DE1A      Downpatrick     Wednesday     15:30 - 21:30   20/09/21    19/06/22    384     113      497
                                                                                                                    Y10934LE1A      Lisburn         Wednesday     15:30 - 21:30   20/09/21    19/06/22    384     113      497
 Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) (Northern Ireland)                                              Y10934LD1A      Lisburn         Friday        09:30 - 16:00   20/09/21    19/06/22    384     113      497
Competence-based qualification (NVQ) QCF based programme                                                            Y10934BD1A      Bangor          Monday        09:30 - 16:00   20/09/21    19/06/22    384     113      497
Y10326DD1A       Downpatrick     Wednesday     16:00 - 21:00    20/09/21    26/06/22   660     183       843        Y10934CD1A      Newcastle       Monday        09:30 - 16:00   20/09/21    19/06/22    384     113      497
Y10326LE1B       Lisburn         Monday        16:00 - 21:00    20/09/21    19/06/22   620     183       803        Y10934ND1A      Newtownards     Friday        09:30 - 16:00   20/09/21    19/06/22    384     113      497
Y10326ND1A       Newtownards     Tuesday       16:00 - 20:00    20/09/21    26/06/22   660     183       843        Y10934NE1A      Newtownards     Tuesday       15:30 - 21:30   13/09/21    12/06/22    384     113      497

 Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF)
The SafeCert Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF) which is Accredited by CCEA
Regulation. This qualification is part of the RQF (previously the QCF).                                             Horticulture
Y10386DDAA       Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30    01/11/21    14/11/21   28      7         35         Autumn and Winter Gardening
Y10386LEAA       Lisburn         Thursday      18:00 - 21:30    01/11/21    14/11/21   28      7         35
                                                                                                                    This course provides an introduction to practical gardening techniques in a relaxed and informal
Y10386NEAA       Newtownards     Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30    01/11/21    14/11/21   28      7         35         environment.
                                                                                                                    Y10038HDAA      Holywood        Monday        13:00 - 15:00   06/09/21    23/01/22    64      31       95
                                                                                                                    Y10038HDAD      Holywood        Thursday      14:00 - 16:00   30/08/21    09/01/22    64      31       95
                                                                                                                    Y10038HEAA      Holywood        Wednesday     19:00 - 21:00   30/08/21    09/01/22    64      31       95
26 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                   Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime 27

CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS         TIME            START      FINISH      TUT    OTHER     TOTAL   CODE            CAMPUS         DAYS         TIME            START      FINISH      TUT    OTHER     TOTAL
                                                                                    FEE    FEES      FEE                                                                                        FEE    FEES      FEE

 Floral Art                                                                                                  Level 2 Floral Design
This course covers all aspects of flower arranging, from those of you who do the church flowers, to those    This course covers all aspects of flower arranging, from those of you who do the church flowers, to those
who just like flowers at home.                                                                               who just like flowers at home.
Y10154BDAA      Bangor          Tuesday      09:30 - 12:00   20/09/21   06/02/22    120    0         120     Y10339BE1A      Bangor         Wednesday    19:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    165    31        196
Y10154BDEA      Bangor          Tuesday      09:30 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    120    0         120     Y10339BE1B      Bangor         Thursday     19:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    155    31        186
Y10154NEAA      Newtownards     Tuesday      19:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   06/02/22    120    0         120     Y10339ND1A      Newtownards    Thursday     13:30 - 16:00   20/09/21   26/06/22    155    31        186
Y10154NEEA      Newtownards     Tuesday      19:00 - 21:30   07/02/22   19/06/22    120    0         120
                                                                                                             Level 2 in Garden Design
 Leisure Gardening                                                                                           This course aims to give an understanding of the design process, to develop basic drawing skills and to
This course provides an introduction to practical gardening techniques in a relaxed and informal             produce garden and planting plans.
environment.                                                                                                 Y10340HD1A      Holywood       Tuesday      14:00 - 17:00   20/09/21   26/06/22    198    49        247
Y10263DEAA      Downpatrick     Wednesday    19:00 - 21:00   30/08/21   09/01/22    96     0         96
Y10263DEEA      Downpatrick     Wednesday    19:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    96     0         96      Level 3 Floral Design
Y10263HD1A      Holywood        Monday       10:30 - 12:30   06/09/21   23/01/22    96     0         96      This course covers all aspects of flower arranging, from those of you who do the church flowers, to those
Y10263HD1B      Holywood        Monday       10:30 - 12:30   07/02/22   26/06/22    96     0         96      who just like flowers at home and builds on the content covered as part of the Level 2 course.
Y10263HDAA      Holywood        Wednesday    10:00 - 12:00   30/08/21   09/01/22    96     0         96      Y10788BE1A      Bangor         Wednesday    19:00 - 21:30   20/09/21   26/06/22    160    31        191
Y10263HDAB      Holywood        Friday       10:00 - 12:00   30/08/21   09/01/22    96     0         96      Y10788ND1A      Newtownards    Thursday     13:30 - 16:00   20/09/21   03/07/22    165    35        200
Y10263HDAC      Holywood        Friday       13:00 - 15:00   30/08/21   09/01/22    96     0         96
Y10263HDAD      Holywood        Tuesday      13:30 - 15:30   30/08/21   09/01/22    96     0         96      Spring and Summer Gardening
Y10263HDEA      Holywood        Wednesday    10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    96     0         96
                                                                                                             This course provides an introduction to practical gardening techniques in a relaxed and informal
Y10263HDEB      Holywood        Friday       10:00 - 12:00   07/02/22   26/06/22    96     0         96      environment.
Y10263HDEC      Holywood        Friday       13:00 - 15:00   07/02/22   26/06/22    96     0         96      Y10693HDEB      Holywood       Monday       13:00 - 15:00   07/02/22   26/06/22    64     31        95
Y10263HDED      Holywood        Tuesday      13:00 - 15:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    96     0         96      Y10693HDED      Holywood       Thursday     14:00 - 16:00   07/02/22   03/07/22    64     31        95
Y10263HEAA      Holywood        Tuesday      19:00 - 21:00   30/08/21   09/01/22    96     0         96      Y10693HEEA      Holywood       Wednesday    19:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    64     31        95
Y10263HEEA      Holywood        Tuesday      19:00 - 21:00   07/02/22   19/06/22    96     0         96
Y10263YDAA      Ballynahinch    Monday       13:00 - 15:00   06/09/21   23/01/22    96     0         96
Y10263YDEA      Ballynahinch    Monday       13:00 - 15:00   07/02/22   26/06/22    96     0         96
Y10263OE1A      Online          Monday       19:00 - 21:00   06/09/21   29/05/22    180    0         180     Hospitality & Catering
                                                                                                             Artisan yeast breads
 Leisure Organic Fruit & Vegetable Growing
                                                                                                             This course will allow you to experience the art of yeast breads, producing breads such as; Focaccia, Pan
This course is suitable for students who have previously completed the OCN Organic Fruit and Vegetable
                                                                                                             Di Mie and a selection of flavoured dinner rolls.
Growing Course, Level 2 Award in Vocational Skills.
                                                                                                             Y10034BESA      Bangor         Thursday     18:00 - 21:30   06/06/22   19/06/22    35     0         35
Y10265HD1A      Holywood        Tuesday      10:00 - 12:30   21/02/22   28/08/22    248    0         248
                                                                                                             Y10034LESA      Lisburn        Thursday     18:00 - 21:30   16/05/22   22/05/22    35     0         35

 Level 2 Award in Organic Fruit and Vegetable Growing
                                                                                                             Baking Breads
This course provides an introduction in growing fruit and vegetables organically.
                                                                                                             This is a 6 week course covers the basics of bread making. Students are required to supply their own
Y10301HD1B      Holywood        Thursday     10:00 - 13:00   17/01/22   28/08/22    198    32        230
                                                                                                             Y10039BEAA      Bangor         Thursday     18:30 - 21:00   22/11/21   23/01/22    60     0         60
 Level 2 Certificate Horticulture                                                                            Y10039BEEA      Bangor         Thursday     18:30 - 21:00   14/03/22   15/05/22    60     0         60
This is a Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) Level 2 Certificate intended for those pursuing a professional    Y10039DEEA      Downpatrick    Wednesday    18:30 - 21:00   14/03/22   15/05/22    60     0         60
career in horticulture, as well as amateur garden enthusiasts.                                               Y10039LEAA      Lisburn        Wednesday    18:30 - 21:00   20/09/21   07/11/21    60     0         60
Y10313HD1A      Holywood        Wednesday    10:00 - 13:00   20/09/21   26/06/22    198    148       346     Y10039LEEA      Lisburn        Wednesday    18:30 - 21:00   10/01/22   06/03/22    60     0         60
Y10313HE1A      Holywood        Wednesday    18:00 - 21:00   20/09/21   26/06/22    198    148       346
28 South Eastern Regional College Part Time Prospectus                                                                                                                      Discover more at www.serc.ac.uk/parttime 29

CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME             START      FINISH     TUT     OTHER    TOTAL   CODE            CAMPUS          DAYS          TIME             START      FINISH      TUT     OTHER     TOTAL
                                                                                     FEE     FEES     FEE                                                                                           FEE     FEES      FEE

 Cake Decorating                                                                                              Level 2 NVQ Professional Cookery
This is a fun course if you wish to create decorative cakes.                                                  This course aims to provide realistic training in food preparation for the industry at a basic level.
Y10074BEAA      Bangor          Tuesday       18:30 - 21:30    20/09/21   19/12/21   120     0        120     Y10351BD1A      Bangor          Wednesday     09:00 - 17:00    20/09/21   26/06/22    495     79        574
Y10074BEEA      Bangor          Tuesday       18:30 - 21:30    24/01/22   22/05/22   120     0        120     Y10351DD1A      Downpatrick     Wednesday     09:00 - 17:00    20/09/21   26/06/22    495     79        574
                                                                                                              Y10351LD1A      Lisburn         Wednesday     09:00 - 17:00    20/09/21   26/06/22    495     79        574
 Cakes Bakes and Treats
This is a 6 week course is perfect for anyone wanting to enhance their baking skills. Students are required   Oriental Cookery
to supply their own ingredients                                                                               This is a 6 week course which will teach you to prepare and cook Oriental favourite dishes. Students are
Y10075BEAA      Bangor          Thursday      18:30 - 21:00    20/09/21   14/11/21   60      0        60      required to supply their own ingredients
Y10075BEEA      Bangor          Thursday      18:30 - 21:00    09/05/22   26/06/22   60      0        60      Y10606BEAA      Bangor          Thursday      18:30 - 21:00    20/09/21   07/11/21    60      0         60
Y10075DEAA      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:30 - 21:00    01/11/21   19/12/21   60      0        60      Y10606DEAA      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:30 - 21:00    20/09/21   07/11/21    60      0         60
Y10075LEAA      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:30 - 21:00    08/11/21   26/12/21   60      0        60      Y10606DEEA      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:30 - 21:00    09/05/22   26/06/22    60      0         60
Y10075LEEA      Lisburn         Wednesday     18:30 - 21:00    28/02/22   17/04/22   60      0        60      Y10606LEAA      Lisburn         Monday        18:30 - 21:00    20/09/21   07/11/21    60      0         60

 European Cookery                                                                                             SERC Cookery School - How to Survive the Festive Season
This short introductory course will give you a taste of European cookery e.g. Spanish, Italian cuisine.       The SERC cookery school offers a range of Saturday cookery courses at the Bangor campus.
Students are required to supply their own ingredients.                                                        Y10685BDAA      Bangor          Saturday      10:00 - 14:00    04/10/21   10/10/21    60      0         60
Y10151BEEA      Bangor          Thursday      18:30 - 21:00    31/01/22   27/03/22   60      0        60      Y10685BDAB      Bangor          Saturday      10:00 - 14:00    06/12/21   12/12/21    60      0         60
Y10151DEEA      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:30 - 21:00    24/01/22   20/03/22   60      0        60      Y10685BDEA      Bangor          Saturday      10:00 - 14:00    28/02/22   06/03/22    60      0         60
Y10151LEAA      Lisburn         Monday        18:30 - 21:00    08/11/21   19/12/22   60      0        60      Y10685BDSA      Bangor          Saturday      10:00 - 14:00    02/05/22   08/05/22    60      0         60
Y10151LEEA      Lisburn         Monday        18:30 - 21:00    10/01/22   06/03/22   60      0        60
Y10151LEEB      Lisburn         Monday        18:30 - 21:00    28/02/22   17/04/22   60      0        60      Spanish Tapas and Rioja
                                                                                                              Experience the tastes of the trendy small, bit sized Spanish Tapas. Dishes will include; Tortilla, Pinchitos
 Fresh Pasta                                                                                                  and Patatas Bravas to name but a few.
This course will allow you to experience the art of making fresh pasta, such as; Ravioli, Tagliatelle and     Y10692BESA      Bangor          Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30    16/05/22   22/05/22    35      0         35
Linguini. You will have the opportunity to produce a tomato/creamed based sauce using the freshest            Y10692DESA      Downpatrick     Tuesday       18:00 - 21:30    16/05/22   22/05/22    35      0         35
ingredients to accompany the dish.                                                                            Y10692LESA      Lisburn         Thursday      18:00 - 21:30    16/05/22   22/05/22    35      0         35
Y10156DEEA      Downpatrick     Wednesday     18:00 - 21:30    17/01/22   23/01/22   35      0        35
Y10156LEAA      Lisburn         Thursday      18:00 - 21:30    01/11/21   07/11/21   35      0        35
                                                                                                              Student Cookery on a Budget
                                                                                                              This course has been designed to teach and develop basic practical cookery skills for year 13 and year 14
 International Street Food                                                                                    students preparing to go off to university.
Experience the tastes of international street food dishes from countries such as Korea, Mexico and India.     Y10695BDSA      Bangor          Mon, Tues,    09:00 - 14:30    13/06/22   19/06/22    40      31        71
Y10231BEEA      Bangor          Thursday      18:00 - 21:30    17/01/22   23/01/22   35      0        35                                      Thur, Fri
Y10231DEEA      Downpatrick     Tuesday       18:00 - 21:30    07/03/22   27/03/22   35      0        35      Y10695DDSA      Downpatrick     Mon, Tues,    09:00 - 14:30    13/06/22   19/06/22    40      31        71
Y10231LEEA      Lisburn         Thursday      18:00 - 21:30    21/03/22   03/04/22   35      0        35                                      Thur, Fri
                                                                                                              Y10695LDSA      Lisburn         Mon, Tues,    09:00 - 14:30    13/06/22   19/06/22    40      31        71
                                                                                                                                              Thur, Fri
 Junior Chef School
The course is aimed at Years 9, 10 and 11 students and provides a great start for those interested in a       Summer Barbecue
career in food and culinary arts.
                                                                                                              Learn how to create marinades, rubs and dressings for ribs, chicken and pork in time of the summer
Y10252BDEA      Bangor          Saturday      09:30 - 12:00    18/04/22   29/05/22   60      0        60
Y10252DDEA      Downpatrick     Saturday      09:30 - 12:00    18/04/22   29/05/22   60      0        60
                                                                                                              Y10697BESA      Bangor          Tuesday       18:00 - 21:30    30/05/22   05/06/22    35      0         35
Y10252LDEA      Lisburn         Saturday      09:30 - 12:00    18/04/22   29/05/22   60      0        60
                                                                                                              Y10697DESA      Downpatrick     Tuesday       18:00 - 21:30    06/06/22   19/06/22    35      0         35
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