Trial could begin on Inauguration Day - IMPEACHMENT - Stripes Lite
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THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2021 IMPEACHMENT Trial could begin on Inauguration Day Associated Press McConnell said he had “not made a final de- No president has been convicted by the WASHINGTON — President Donald cision on how I will vote” in a Senate im- Senate, but Republicans have said that Trump’s impeachment trial could begin on peachment trial. could change in the rapidly shifting political Inauguration Day, just as Democrat Joe Bi- With the Capitol secured by armed Na- environment as officeholders, donors, big den takes the oath of office in an extraordin- tional Guard troops inside and out, the business and others peel away from the de- ary end to the defeated president’s tenure in House voted 232-197 on Wednesday to im- feated president. the White House. peach Trump. The proceedings moved at Conviction and removal of Trump would The trial timeline and schedule are large- lightning speed, with lawmakers voting just require a two-thirds vote in the Senate. ly set by Senate procedures and will start as one week after violent pro-Trump loyalists Biden said in a statement after the vote soon as the House delivers the article of im- stormed the Capitol, egged on by the presi- that it was his hope the Senate leadership peachment. That could mean starting the dent’s calls for them to “fight like hell” “will find a way to deal with their Constitu- trial at 1 p.m. on Inauguration Day. The cer- against the election results. tional responsibilities on impeachment emony at the Capitol starts at noon. Ten Republicans fled Trump, joining while also working on the other urgent busi- Trump was impeached Wednesday by the Democrats who said he needed to be held ac- ness of this nation.” House over the deadly Capitol siege, the on- countable and warned ominously of a “clear Unlike his first time, Trump faces this im- ly president in U.S. history twice im- and present danger” if Congress should peachment as a weakened leader, having peached, after a pro-Trump mob stormed leave him unchecked before Biden’s inau- lost his own reelection as well as the Senate the building. The attack has left the nation’s guration Jan. 20. It was the most bipartisan Republican majority. capital, and other capital cites, under high presidential impeachment in modern times, In making a case for the “high crimes and security amid threats of more violence more so than against Bill Clinton in 1998. misdemeanors” demanded in the Constitu- around the inauguration. The Capitol insurrection stunned and an- tion, the four-page impeachment resolution gered lawmakers, who were sent scram- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not said relies on Trump’s own incendiary rhetoric bling for safety as the mob descended, and it when she will take the next step to transmit and the falsehoods he spread about Biden’s revealed the fragility of the nation’s history the impeachment article, a sole charge of in- election victory, including at a rally near the of peaceful transfers of power. citement of insurrection. Some senior Dem- White House on the day of the Jan. 6 attack Pelosi invoked Abraham Lincoln and the ocrats have proposed holding back the arti- on the Capitol. Bible, imploring lawmakers to uphold their cle to give Biden and Congress time to focus The impeachment resolution is also in- oath to defend the Constitution from all ene- on his new administration’s priorities. tended to prevent Trump from ever running mies, foreign “and domestic.” Biden has said the Senate should be able for president again. She said of Trump: “He must go, he is a to split its time and do both. clear and present danger to the nation that A Capitol Police officer died from injuries The impeachment trial will be the first for we all love.” suffered in the riot, and police shot and a president no longer in office. And, politi- Holed up at the White House, watching killed a woman during the siege. Three other cally, it will force a reckoning among some the proceedings on TV, Trump later re- people died in what authorities said were Republicans who have stood by Trump leased a video statement in which he made medical emergencies. The riot delayed the throughout his presidency and largely al- no mention at all of the impeachment but ap- tally of Electoral College votes, which was lowed him to spread false attacks against the pealed to his supporters to refrain from any the last step in finalizing Biden’s victory. integrity of the 2020 election. further violence or disruption of Biden’s in- Ten Republican lawmakers, including Senate Republican leader Mitch McCon- auguration. third-ranking House GOP leader Liz Che- nell is open to considering impeachment, “Like all of you, I was shocked and deeply ney, of Wyoming, voted to impeach Trump, having told associates he is done with saddened by the calamity at the Capitol last cleaving the Republican leadership, and the Trump, but has not signaled how he would week,” he said, his first condemnation of the party itself. vote. attack. He appealed for unity “to move for- Cheney, whose father, Dick Cheney, is the Convening the trial will be among his last ward” and said, “Mob violence goes against former Republican vice president, said of acts as majority leader, as two new senators everything I believe in and everything our Trump’s actions summoning the mob that from Georgia, both Democrats, are to be movement stands for. ... No true supporter of “there has never been a greater betrayal by sworn into office leaving the chamber divid- mine could ever disrespect law enforce- a President” of his office. ed 50-50. That tips the majority to the Demo- ment.” The president’s sturdy popularity with the crats once Kamala Harris takes office, as the Trump was first impeached by the House GOP lawmakers’ constituents still had some vice president is a tie-breaker. in 2019 over his dealings with Ukraine, but sway, and most House Republicans voted In a note to colleagues Wednesday, the Senate voted in 2020 acquit. not to impeach.
PAGE 2 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, January 14, 2021 Some in Guillen’s command chain suspended BY ROSE L. THAYER responsible for Guillen were not there any- by civilians were released Dec. 8 and led Ar- Stars and Stripes more, Grinston said during a discussion with my Secretary Ryan McCarthy to take disci- AUSTIN, Texas — Sgt. Maj. of the Army about two dozen soldiers that Stars and plinary action against 14 leaders at Fort Hood, Michael Grinston told a group of soldiers last Stripes was permitted to attend under the con- including those Grinston referenced last week at Fort Hood that all the military leaders dition that none of the soldiers participating week. The Fort Hood Independent Review in Spc. Vanessa Guillen’s chain of command were identified. Committee outlined in their report that the had been fired in the aftermath of her disap- But Grinston clarified Wednesday that by command climate and culture problems at the pearance and death at the base. saying “gone,” he meant they were suspend- base were a result of poor leadership. Those On Wednesday, Grinston said some of those ed. While those leaders have been removed problems at the base were evident as far back soldiers — the seven leaders from her battal- from the unit, they could return to their previ- as 2014, according to the report. ion to her squad — have only been suspended ous job or other leadership roles in the Army Only five of the 14 leaders serving at the bri- until an investigation is completed. Under a pending the results of an ongoing Army gade-level and above were named in Decem- suspension, some of them could return to the Forces Command investigation. Three lead- ber’s announcement of the disciplinary ac- unit, according to an Army spokesman. ers from the brigade to corps level were previ- tion, in accordance with Army policy. Maj. “They’re gone,” Grinston said Thursday ously announced as fired. Gen. Scott Efflandt, the deputy commander of about the leaders when asked by a junior en- Gen. John Murray, commander of Army III Corps, who was the acting base command- listed soldier at the Texas base why soldiers Futures Command, was tasked in September er at the time of Guillen’s disappearance and and leaders who commit crimes or allow mis- with leading that investigation, known in the death, Col. Ralph Overland and Command conduct to persist are shuffled into new units Army as a 15-6. A public release of its findings Sgt. Maj. Bradley Knapp, the commander and where they can possibly harm others. hasn’t been scheduled. top enlisted soldier of Guillen’s unit, the 3rd From the squad to battalion, those leaders The findings of a separate investigation led Cavalry Regiment, were fired. Ex-Navy SEAL is questioned by Redstone Arsenal FBI on Capitol riot involvement to harbor HQ for BY CAITLIN M. KENNEY Newbold is a retired senior chief petty offi- Space Command Stars and Stripes cer, or E-8, who served more than 23 years. WASHINGTON — A retired Navy SEAL Most of his career, he was either training or BY COREY DICKSTEIN who described “breaching the Capitol” in a based at an “East Coast naval special war- Stars and Stripes Facebook video is now being questioned by fare unit” until he retired from the Navy The Air Force has chosen Alabama’s Red- the FBI about his involvement in last Reserve in 2017, according to details of his stone Arsenal to house the 1,400-member U.S. week’s violent riot, according to a news re- service record provided by the Navy. Space Command Headquarters, service and port. Newbold has deployed to Kosovo, Af- state officials said Wednesday. Adam Newbold, 45, from Lisbon, Ohio, ghanistan and Iraq, according to his mili- Outgoing Air Force Secretary Barbara Bar- rett selected Redstone this month “as the pre- recorded a now-deleted video when he was tary awards. Newbold has also received the ferred location” for SPACECOM, Air Force returning from Washington, saying he was Joint Service Commendation Medal, two officials said. Service officials told Alabama “proud” of the riot that happened at the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Med- Gov. Kay Ivey of their decision in a phone call Capitol building, ABC News reported. The als with Combat “V” for valor, the Army Wednesday morning, Ivey’s office said in a news organization was able to obtain a copy Commendation Medal and four Navy/Ma- statement. of the video before it was deleted. rine Corps Achievement Medals, according “I couldn’t be more pleased to learn that From the 30 seconds of video that ABC to his service record. Alabama will be the new home to the United News posted, Newbold appears to refer- In a Facebook video by Newbold posted States Space Command!” Ivey said in the ence lawmakers who returned to the Capi- the night before the riot, he said there are statement. “The bottom line is simple, the tol after the riot ended to conclude the certi- “good people on all sides of this thing,” but Redstone region is the most natural choice to fication of the election. they “can no longer be quiet.” become home to such an important mission “What did get destroyed — and they’re Newbold told ABC News that he had been for our country.” Redstone, an Amy installation just outside obviously trying to overcome now — again questioned by the FBI about his activities at Huntsville, was named one of six finalists for maybe they’re just — they just didn’t get the the Capitol building and a second interview the headquarters in November after the Air message, unfortunately. I’m hoping the had been requested. An FBI spokeswoman Force conducted two searches for a perma- message was strong enough. Unfortunate- from the Washington, D.C. Field Office nent home for the Pentagon’s newest combat- ly, maybe it wasn’t. I hate to see this esca- would not confirm Wednesday that he is be- ant command, which is charged with oversee- late more,” he said. ing questioned, saying the bureau does not ing and controlling the U.S. military’s myriad The Navy confirmed Wednesday that comment on specific investigations. space-based infrastructure and operations. Stars and Stripes digest is produced by the news desk at our central office in Washington, D.C. The internet address is: You may contact us by calling (202) 886-0003 or by sending an email to Visit Stars and Stripes online at
Thursday, January 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E • PAGE 3 US unemployment claims up to 965K Associated Press record high. After declining quences but raising the risk of state aid and another that sup- WASHINGTON — The over the summer, weekly further infections. Minnesota plies benefits to self-employed number of people seeking un- claims have been stuck above allowed in-person dining to re- and contract workers. employment aid soared last 700,000 since September. sume this week, and Michigan Those two programs had ex- week to 965,000, the most The high pace of layoffs co- is poised to do the same. Some pired near the end of Decem- since late August and evidence incides with an economy that bars and restaurants in Kansas ber. They were belatedly re- that the resurgent coronavirus has faltered as consumers City are extending their hours. newed, through mid-March, in has caused a spike in layoffs. avoid traveling, shopping and In addition to the first-time a $900 billion rescue aid pack- The latest figures for jobless eating out in the face of soar- applications for unemploy- age that Congress approved claims, issued Thursday by the ing viral caseloads. Over 4,300 ment aid last week, the gov- and President Donald Trump Labor Department, remain at deaths were reported Tuesday, ernment said 5.3 million signed into law. That package levels never seen until the vi- another record high. Shut- Americans are still receiving also includes $600 relief rus struck. Before the pan- downs of restaurants, bars and state jobless benefits, up from checks for most adults and a demic, weekly applications other venues where people 5.1 million in the previous supplemental unemployment typically numbered around gather in California, New York week. benefit payment of $300 a 225,000. Last spring, after na- and other states have likely Many more Americans are week. Congressional Demo- tionwide shutdowns took ef- forced up layoffs. receiving jobless aid from two crats favor boosting the checks fect, applications for jobless Some states and cities are federal programs — one that to $2,000 and extending feder- benefits spiked to nearly 7 mil- resisting shutdowns, partly out provides extended benefits to al aid beyond March, as does lion — 10 times the previous of fear of the economic conse- people who exhausted their President-elect Joe Biden. Unruly flyers are focus Northwest US storm kills 1, of new FAA program knocks out power for 500K Associated Press conduct by passengers.” Associated Press across the greater Spokane re- WASHINGTON — Federal of- The order comes one day after SPOKANE, Wash. — A power- gion. Avista, a Spokane-based ficials said they are taking ag- Steven D’Antuono, head of the ful wind storm rolled through the utility, reported that more than gressive aim at security con- FBI’s Washington Field Office, Pacific Northwest, killing one 70,000 customers were without cerns that have surfaced in the said the agency was “actively person and leaving a trail of dam- power Wednesday morning. wake of violence at the U.S. Cap- looking at” placing the rioters on age — including a highway shut About 430,000 customers else- itol last week, including crack- the federal no-fly list. It was the down after a landslide and a trac- where in Washington state and in ing down on unruly airplane pas- first time FBI officials acknowl- tor-trailer that was nearly blown Oregon also lost electrical ser- sengers and potentially placing edged publicly they were con- off a bridge. More than 500,000 vice, officials said. those who participated in the riot sidering that step. people lost power. In Oregon, residents of the on the no-fly list. In recent days, lawmakers The death happened in Spo- small community of Dodson were Federal Aviation Administra- have questioned whether kane, when a woman in her 40s told to evacuate after the National tion chief Steve Dickson signed enough is being done to prevent died after a tree fell on her car and Weather Service issued a flash an order Wednesday that cre- a repeat of the violence that trapped her inside, city Fire Chief flood warning Wednesday morn- ates an “enforcement program” shook the Capitol. Among the Brian Schaeffer said. In Oregon, ing, KOIN-TV reported. targeted at passengers who “as- measures being considered is authorities said Jennifer Camus The weather service told resi- sault, threaten, intimidate or in- using the no-fly list to block peo- Moore, 50, was driving a vehicle dents to call friends in the area to terfere” with crew members ple from returning to Washing- believed to be swept away after a wake them up and tweeted that while flying. ton in the days leading to the in- auguration. landslide hit Interstate 84, au- the situation has been “deemed “The FAA has recently ob- served a proliferation of such That issue will likely be raised thorities said. too dangerous to send in rescue conduct, including conduct by law enforcement officials Winds reached gusts 50 to 70 crews.” stemming from the failure to during a Thursday briefing for mph in parts of the Puget Sound Near Dodson, part of Interstate wear masks in response to the members of the House Home- region as the storm blew through 84 was closed after the landslide COVID-19 pandemic-related land Security Committee. on the tail end of several inches of spilled onto the freeway. health measures in place on Committee Chairman Rep. rain that left the ground saturated Atractor-trailer in Washington board aircraft or conduct follow- Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., was and conditions ripe for trees to state blew over amid heavy wind ing the January 6, 2021 violence among the first lawmakers to de- fall, KOMO-TV reported. gusts as it attempted to travel over at the U.S. Capitol,” the agency mand that rioters to placed on As of early Wednesday, Seattle the Deception Pass Bridge north said. “This bulletin announces the no-fly list — a call echoed had received 20% of its normal of Seattle, officials said. Part of the an FAA special emphasis en- Tuesday by Senate Minority annual rainfall, according to the truck was left dangling over the forcement program to more ef- Leader Charles Schumer, D- National Weather Service. edge of the bridge, but the driver fectively address and deter such N.Y. High winds blew down trees escaped unharmed.
PAGE 4 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, January 14, 2021 Some Ore. restaurants defy dining ban Associated Press bers either returned to work or presented a mo said in a statement. BORING, Ore. — A line formed out the valid excuse, such as a quarantine. door during the lunch rush at the Carver Dozens bundled up in winter gear for a North Carolina Hangar, a family-owned restaurant and “teach in” outside Chicago Board of Educa- CHAPEL HILL — The University of sports bar, and waitresses zipped in and out tion President Miguel del Valle’s home. North Carolina at Chapel Hill reported a of the kitchen trying to keep up with orders Those who’ve lost access to school email COVID-19 cluster on Wednesday that it as customers backed up in the lobby. and teaching platforms recorded videos or said involved students who stayed on the Indoor dining has been banned in much Facebook Live streams for their students. campus during winter break. of Oregon for nearly two months, but the Others protested in solidarity and contin- The school said the cases were found eatery 20 miles southeast of Portland was ued remote lessons from the lawn. through surveillance testing of students doing a booming business — and an illegal who lived at Carmichael Residence Hall. one. The restaurant’s owners, Bryan and Maine A “cluster” is defined by the N.C. De- Liz Mitchell, fully reopened Jan. 1 in de- PORTLAND — The number of CO- partment of Health and Human Services as fiance of Democratic Gov. Kate Brown’s VID-19 infections continues to soar in five or more cases in close proximity. The COVID-19 indoor dining ban in their coun- Maine, reaching a new daily record on people identified in the cluster have been ty despite the risk of heavy fines and surg- Wednesday, as the state made plans to up- identified and are isolating and receiving ing coronavirus cases. date its vaccine plan to prioritize older resi- medical monitoring at a different residence “We’re not going to back down because dents. hall set aside for quarantine and isolation, our employees still need to eat, they still The daily number of confirmed infec- and their close contacts have also been test- need that income,” said Bryan Mitchell, as tions reported by the Maine Center for Dis- ed and moved into quarantine, the school customers ate at tables spaced 6 feet apart. ease Control grew to more than 820 on said. “The statement that we’re making is, ‘Ev- Wednesday, surpassing the previous high ery life is essential. You have the right to of at least 780 on Friday. There also were Oregon survive. Nobody should tell you what you four more deaths. SALEM — Oregon has fined a Salem can and cannot do to provide for your fam- Maine’s seven-day average for new in- gym nearly $127,000 for remaining open in ily.’ ” fections was at more than 580, an increase defiance of COVID-19 restrictions. Health officials in Oregon and other from at least 510 a week ago and from near- Oregon Occupational Safety and Health states with bans say they are necessary be- ly 365 a month ago. announced Tuesday it had issued the fine to cause people can’t wear masks when they Democratic Gov. Janet Mills announced Capitol Racquet Sports for willfully refus- eat, are in close proximity in smaller and that Maine’s coronavirus vaccination plan ing to comply with state health orders at one often poorly ventilated spaces, and are has been updated to follow new federal gui- of its Courthouse Club Fitness locations in prone to talk more loudly in a crowded din- delines recommending that states priori- Salem, The Oregonian/OregonLive report- ing room — all known contributors to viral tize older residents. She said the state will ed. spread. The Centers for Disease Control start by dedicating a considerable amount The gym will have 30 days to decide and Prevention lists indoor dining as a of the state’s vaccine supply to residents 70 whether to appeal. It appealed prior sanc- “particularly high-risk” activity. years of age and older. tions. But even as coronavirus deaths soar, a Gyms in counties deemed “extreme growing number of restaurants in states New York risk” for COVID-19 spread have not been across the country are reopening in de- NEW YORK — The federal government allowed to conduct indoor operations since fiance of strict COVID-19 rules that have must speed the delivery of COVID-19 vac- late November under Gov. Kate Brown’s shut them down for indoor dining for cine doses to New York as appointments framework for COVID-19 restrictions. The weeks, or even months. Restaurants can are snapped up as quickly as they go online, regulations came after Brown mandated serve people outside or offer carry-out, but Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City that gyms close entirely for two weeks in winter weather has crippled revenues from Mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday. early November. patio dining. “At the end of the day, this is a supply issue and we need the federal government Vermont Illinois to provide us with more vaccine as quickly BURLINGTON — The University of CHICAGO — Chicago teachers punished as possible because there is simply not Vermont is hoping to give students more for refusing to show up for the start of in- enough and this is the weapon that will win room to study when they return to campus person classes over COVID-19 concerns the war,” Cuomo said. for the spring session. demonstrated Wednesday outside the The Democratic governor said more The Burlington school has erected two school board president’s home. than 7 million people statewide are now eli- large tents at different locations that can be Roughly 150 employees were docked pay gible to be vaccinated but the state is re- used, as UVM spokesperson Enrique Cor- and locked out of Chicago Public Schools ceiving just 300,000 vaccine doses a week redera puts it, for “appropriately distanced systems earlier this week, meaning they from the federal government. “We are auxiliary space, including for studying.” can’t teach remotely either as classes be- making the vaccine available based on fed- The Burlington Free Press reports both gan this week for thousands of pre-kinder- eral guidance and are continuing to push it of the steel-framed structures have solid garten and special education students. Dis- out the door quickly and efficiently, but due floors, are fully lit and will be fully wired trict officials said late Wednesday that the to the federal government’s limited alloca- for studying. They also will be warmed number had dropped to 100 as staff mem- tion, appointments are filling up fast,” Cuo- with industrial-sized propane heaters.
Thursday, January 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E • PAGE 5 AMERICAN ROUNDUP Profile in magazine brings probe, post that is circulating online, I was con- which leads to man's conviction cerned and ordered a thorough review of Man gets 6 months for trying to his social media platforms.” smuggle drugs into jail MN MINNEAPOLIS — A Minne- sota man whose profile in Pop- Ex-Crimestoppers board MA LAWRENCE — A man re- leased from a Massachusetts ular Science magazine about making member indicted jail after testing positive for the coronavi- homemade explosives for the NFL and oth- ers initiated a federal investigation was sentenced Tuesday to nearly two years in MS JACKSON — A former board member of a Mississippi Crim- estoppers’ group has been arrested follow- rus has been sentenced to an extra six months behind bars after trying to smuggle drugs back inside the facility. prison for possessing illegal materials. Agents raided the Brownsville home of ing her indictment for embezzlement. A judge ruled Monday that Eric Jalbert, Kenneth Miller in March, after the maga- State Auditor Shad White, in a news re- of Salem, will serve the extra time after zine article showed photographs of Miller lease Tuesday, said Michelle McBride sur- completing a two- to three-year sentence shooting red flares off the hood of his pick- rendered Monday to special agents from on fentanyl distribution charges, The Sa- up truck and packing powdered chemicals his office at the Pearl River County Sher- lem News reported. in a nearby shack he used as a makeshift iff’s Office. Her bond was set at $20,000. It Jalbert was awaiting trial when he tested laboratory. was unknown if she has an attorney who positive for COVID-19 in April, according Miller told the magazine he built special could speak on her behalf. to authorities. He was released by a judge effects for the NFL, air shows and Holly- McBride allegedly used her position as in April with the condition that he stay un- wood movies, including the blockbuster Secretary/Treasurer of the Pearl River der home confinement at his mother’s Be- Transformers franchise. County Crimestoppers to embezzle over verly home. But prosecutors say Jalbert Investigators said Miller had previous fe- $52,000 from January 2014 to April 2019. failed to comply with the conditions of his lony convictions that precluded him from Investigators believe McBride used the release, and was ordered back to jail. touching the highly combustible material group’s debit card for personal rodeo ex- When Jalbert reported to the Middleton used to create these devices. Miller admit- penses and transferred PRCCS funds to jail, officers found 15 Suboxone strips, mar- ted to manufacturing and selling smoke- fraudulent nonprofit accounts she owned. ijuana and tobacco hidden in a body cavity, generating devices and a chlorate explo- the district attorney’s office said. sive mixture to customers across the coun- 200-foot-wide Avalanche sweeps He was convicted of the fentanyl charges in July. try. skiers down mountain Police officer suspended over Man sentenced for letting more social media posts MT BILLINGS — An avalanche swept three skiers down a Montana mountain, seriously injuring one than 200 cattle die MD UPPER MARLBORO — A Maryland police officer was suspended on Tuesday over two social who was evacuated by helicopter. Authorities said the avalanche last Fri- day on Republic Mountain south of Cooke NE GENEVA — A southeast Ne- braska man has been sentenced to 15 to 20 years in prison after more than media posts, including one showing him City left a second skier temporarily uncon- 200 cattle he was supposed to be caring for wearing what was described as a political scious and not breathing, The Billings Ga- died. T-shirt as he displayed his badge and ser- zette reported. Aaron E. Ogren, 31, of Exeter, was sen- vice weapon. Six skiers involved were carrying ava- tenced Tuesday on seven charges. He ini- The Prince George’s County Police De- lanche beacons and rescue gear as they tially faced 43 charges after Fillmore Coun- partment said in a news release that its in- climbed up the slope at an elevation of ty sheriff’s deputies found the dead cattle ternal affairs division opened an investiga- 9,700 feet. The avalanche started about 250 last April on property near Exeter. tion which discovered a second media post feet above the skiers in an area known as Prosecutors said Ogren also sold cattle that raised concern and led to the suspen- The Fin. he didn’t own, The York News-Times sion by Interim Chief Hector Velez. The of- The three skiers were swept downhill as reported. ficer wasn’t identified and the specific na- the avalanche expanded to 200 feet wide A horse also died on the property and ture of the posts wasn’t disclosed. and snow rumbled 700 feet down the moun- more livestock died later because they “I fully support an officer’s First Amend- tain. were in such poor condition when they ment rights, however these posts are in vio- “It’s super serious avalanche terrain,” were removed from the farm, authorities lation of the department’s social media pol- said Doug Chabot, director of the Gallatin said. icy,” Velez said. “When I was shown the National Forest Avalanche Center. — From wire reports
PAGE 6 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, January 14, 2021 Nets have pieces, now they must fit Associated Press alongside John Wall. He wanted a trade, their foreseeable draft future — three first- Having a Big Three is great. stars who want trades almost always get round picks, at minimum — on the hope that That is, if those players want it to be great. their way, and after what amounted to a re- Harden is the last piece needed on the way And that’s the challenge in Brooklyn now, signation speech on Tuesday night after a to a championship. He’s now reunited with after agreeing to the trade that landed loss to the reigning champion Los Angeles not just Durant, another former teammate three-time reigning scoring champion Lakers it was clear that he was never wear- in Oklahoma City when they were starting James Harden from Houston: Getting Har- ing a Rockets jersey again. out and still found their way to the 2012 NBA den, Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving, all in- Irving won a title in Cleveland with Le- Finals, but also former Rockets coach Mike dividually great, to want to be great togeth- Bron James, but that relationship never was D’Antoni as well. er. what it could have been — and nobody That said, turning a Big Three into the big A lot of futures and a lot of legacies de- knows where Irving’s mind is at after now a trophy isn’t automatic. pend on what happens. week and counting of personal leave away And doing it during a pandemic with lim- Durant found a way to make it happen in from the Nets. He reportedly left for family ited practices and seemingly inevitable Golden State when he played alongside Ste- birthday parties and a Zoom call to help or- breaks, makes it a stiff challenge. phen Curry and Klay Thompson on the way ganize a candidate’s campaign for district James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh to a pair of NBA titles. It worked there be- attorney in Manhattan. Oh, and that Zoom were the trio that led Miami past those cause Curry and Thompson, more than hap- happened on a night that the Nets were Thunder in the 2012 finals, getting a ring in pily, checked their egos at the door and playing. their second year together (and one the next made it seem like a seamless incorporation. At this point, it’s unclear when — or if — year, too). They lost the finals to Dallas in Harden never made the NBA Finals in Irving will return to the Nets. 2011 and needed to win two elimination Houston with big-time backcourt partners But give the Nets credit. They went all-in games against Boston just to get out of the like Chris Paul and Russell Westbrook, plus with this trade. They dealt away a rising Eastern Conference on the way to that 2012 didn’t even give it a chance this season standout in Caris LeVert and bet most of title. Lakers, James drop Thunder, jump to 7-0 road start Associated Press restrictions, COVID, every- bounds. waukee was 7-for-11 from long OKLAHOMA CITY — Le- thing that’s going on. So we’ve Nets 116, Knicks 109: Kevin distance. The Pistons were 4- Bron James scored 26 points come together even closer.” Durant scored 26 points as the for-20 overall in the period and and the Los Angeles Lakers Mavericks 104, Hornets 93: solo superstar before soon cen- trailed 27-13 after one. routed the Oklahoma City Luka Doncic had 34 points, 13 tering a Big Three, leading Jrue Holiday added 21 points Thunder 128-99 on Wednesday rebounds, nine assists and a ca- Brooklyn — short-handed after for the Bucks. Jerami Grant had night for their franchise-record reer-high four blocks, Kristaps agreeing to a trade for James 22 for Detroit. seventh straight road victory to Porzingis scored 16 points in his Harden — past host New York. Clippers 111, Pelicans 106: start the season. return from a knee injury and Durant was already sched- Kawhi Leonard scored 28 Montrezl Harrell added 21 Dallas won at Charlotte. uled to play on both nights of a points, Paul George added 27 points, and Anthony Davis had Tim Hardaway Jr. added 18 back-to-back for the first time and host Los Angeles beat short- 18 points and seven rebounds. points to help Rick Carlisle be- since surgery to repair his handed New Orleans. The defending champion Lak- come the 16th coach in NBA his- Achilles tendon. He maybe had The Pelicans were without ers have won four straight to im- tory to win 800 games. The Ma- to do a little more than planned starters Zion Williamson, Lonzo prove to an NBA-best 10-3. They vericks have won four straight after the Nets shook up their Ball and Eric Bledsoe. New Or- surpassed the 1985-86 squad after opening 2-4. roster earlier in the day with a leans coach Stan Van Gundy with the 7-0 road start. Trail Blazers 132, Kings four-team blockbuster high- said Williamson was ruled out Shai Gilgeous-Alexander 126: Damian Lillard scored lighted by the acquisition of because of inconclusive corona- scored 17 points to lead the eight of his season-high 40 Harden. Thunder. The Lakers led by 24 points in the final four minutes Bucks 110, Pistons 101: virus test results. in the second quarter before the and visiting Portland tied a Giannis Antetokounmpo had 22 Grizzlies 118, Timberwolves Thunder cut it to 58-46 at half- franchise record with 23 three- points, 10 rebounds and 10 as- 107: Jonas Valanciunas had 24 time. James scored 15 points in pointers to win at Sacramento. sists for his 20th triple-double points and 16 rebounds, Gray- the half. Lillard and CJ McCollum and Milwaukee beat host De- son Allen scored a season-high Los Angeles’ biggest lead was each hit six threes to lead the troit for the third time this 20 off the bench and Memphis 31 points in the fourth quarter. Trail Blazers to their fourth month. won at Minnesota. Brandon Oklahoma City never led. straight victory. Lillard added The Bucks built a big early Clarke added 19 points. Malik “We just have a bunker men- 13 assists, and McCollum had 28 lead with a flurry of three-point- Beasley had 28 points for Min- tality on the road — just us,” points, 10 assists and seven re- ers. Brook Lopez connected nesota. D’Angelo Russell added James said. “But obviously, it’s bounds. Jusuf Nurkic had a sea- three times from beyond the arc 25, and Karl-Anthony Towns even more just us because of the son-best 18 points and 13 re- in the first quarter, when Mil- had 25 points and 14 rebounds.
Thursday, January 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E • PAGE 7 Stamkos’ return sparks Bolts in opener Associated Press The Lightning captain has Andersen had 28 saves. Bo Horvat, Adam Gaudette, TAMPA, Fla. — Steven Stam- points in 17 consecutive games Josh Anderson scored twice and rookie Nils Hoglander also kos had a goal and two assists in — including 14 goals. in his debut for the Canadiens, scored for the Canucks in the his return to the Tampa Bay Brayden Point, Anthony Ci- while Nick Suzuki had a goal first of two games in two nights Lightning lineup, and the de- relli, Ondrej Palat and Mathieu and an assist, and Tomas Tatar between the teams. Braden fending Stanley Cup champions Joseph also scored to help Tam- also scored. Jonathan Drouin Holtby made 28 saves for his opened the season with a 5-1 pa Bay win its seventh consec- and Jeff Petry each added two first win for Vancouver. victory against the Chicago utive season opener. Victor assists. Price finished with 29 Flyers 6, Penguins 3: Joel Blackhawks on Wednesday Hedman and Alex Killorn each saves. Farabee had a goal and three night. finished with two assists. An- Blues 4, Avalanche 1: Oskar assists, Michael Raffl, James Stamkos underwent surgery drei Vasilevskiy had 23 saves. Sundqvist scored twice and van Riemsdyk and Nolan Pa- in early March that kept him Dylan Strome scored for Chi- blocked four shots, and Jordan trick also scored to lead host out of all but one game in the cago, and Malcolm Subban Binnington made 26 saves to Philadelphia over Pittsburgh in playoffs before undergoing sur- stopped 28 shots. lead St. Louis to a win at Col- the first game of the NHL sea- gery again in October to repair Maple Leafs 5, Canadiens 4 orado. son. the same core muscle. Wednes- (OT): Morgan Rielly scored at Jordan Kyrou also found the The unconventional opener day’s game was the first full 3:24 of overtime to lift host To- net after being recalled from was decided when Raffl scored game Stamkos played since ronto. the taxi squad, and new addi- from the slot and beat Tristan Feb. 22. Rielly took a feed from Maple tion Kyle Clifford added anoth- Jarry 5:37 into the third for a “It’s the best I’ve felt in a long Leafs captain John Tavares on er goal as the Blues scored four 4-3 lead and the only cheers for time,’’ Stamkos said. “It’s tough a 2-on-1 to beat Montreal goalie unanswered. the go-ahead goal came from sometimes in camp and those Carey Price and end a chaotic Andre Burakovsky scored Flyers fans watching at home. scrimmages; you only have 10 extra period where both teams early in the first period for the The Flyers pounced from days to get ready. Then you get had chances to get the victory. Avalanche, whose streak of sea- there -- Oskar Lindblom and into real action the instincts William Nylander had two son-opening wins was halted at Kevin Hayes scored 20 seconds take over and you want to be goals and an assist for Toronto, four. apart to turn this one into a out there making plays. But I while Tavares added a goal and Canucks 5, Oilers 3: Brock rout. felt good, I feel like I’m just go- two assists. Jimmy Vesey Boeser scored twice, including Mark Jankowski, Sidney ing to build off of that and con- chipped in with his first goal for the winner, as Vancouver won Crosby and Bradon Tanev tinue to get stronger.’’ the Maple Leafs, and Frederik at Edmonton. scored for the Penguins. McClung’s jumper lifts Texas Tech over No. 4 Texas Associated Press “I’ve got a lot of confidence in minutes as Wake Forest went 4-0 Atlantic Coast Conference) AUSTIN, Texas — Mac Mac,” Texas Tech coach Chris cold. opened an 18-10 lead and built it McClung made a long jumper Beard said. “He has the courage The Cardinals shot 51% for the to 37-25 by halftime. Cormac with 3 seconds left and No. 15 to take those shots.” game to reach 4-0 in the league, Ryan scored 16 and Trey Wertz Texas Tech rallied to beat No. 4 McClung finished with 22 marking the program’s best 13 for Notre Dame (3-8, 0-5), Texas 79-77 on Wednesday points. Andrew Jones had 20 for start since joining the ACC be- which lost its fourth in a row and night, ending the Longhorns’ the Longhorns, but scored just fore the 2014-15 season. It fell to 0-11 against the Cavs in perfect start in the Big 12. two points after halftime as the marked the best start in any conference games. Texas (10-2, 4-1) led almost Red Raiders shut him down. league since for Louisville since No. 21 Ohio State 81, North the entire game and a blistering Jericho Sims added 16 for Texas, winning its first eight Big East western 71: Duane Washington start against one of the top de- but was just 6-for-14 on free games during the 2008-09 sea- Jr. scored a career-high 23 fensive teams in the country had throws, with two key misses late. son. points to lead the host Buckeyes the Longhorns in control before No. 16 Louisville 77, Wake Daivien Williamson scored 19 to a win over the Wildcats. a sloppy finish and some late Forest 65: Carlik Jones scored points for the Demon Deacons Ohio State (10-3, 4-3) avenged Texas Tech three-pointers a season-high 23 points to help (3-4, 0-4), a one-point loss to Northwestern snatched the win for the Red the visiting Cardinals beat the No. 18 Virginia 80, Notre on Dec. 26. Raiders (11-3, 4-2). Demon Deacons and extend Dame 68: Jay Huff scored 18 Justin Ahrens added 12 McClung’s shot was originally their best start in Atlantic Coast points and Sam Hauser had 15 points, hitting four three-point- ruled a three-pointer before a Conference play. points and nine rebounds as the ers, including a timely one late in video review. Texas had a final Samuell Williamson added 15 host Cavaliers beat the Fighting the second half to help preserve chance, but Matt Coleman’s des- points and 11 rebounds for Irish for their fourth consecu- the Buckeyes’ lead. peration three-pointer never Louisville (9-1, 4-0 ACC), which tive victory. Chase Audige kept the Wild- came close to the basket. Cole- blew nearly all of a 16-point sec- Huff, who is 7-foot-1, made a cats (6-5, 3-4) in the game, scor- man also missed a shot in traffic ond-half lead before finally put- career-best four three-pointers ing 21 of his career-best 25 for the lead with 17 seconds left. ting this one away in the final 6 in the first half as Virginia (8-2, points in the first half.
PAGE 8 • STRIPES LITE • Thursday, January 14, 2021 Rams’ Akers heats up before cold game Associated Press month, a high ankle sprain in- any player in a postseason this offense. But the biggest LOS ANGELES — Cam Ak- credibly sidelined him for only game in team history, trailing thing is just getting him in ers grew up in Mississippi, and one week. And in his first NFL only efforts by Eric Dickerson space, seeing him make moves his football journey has taken playoff game last weekend, Ak- in 1986 and Lawrence and make guys fall and hit the him to Tallahassee and Los An- ers racked up 131 yards rushing McCutcheon in 1974 — and ground.” geles. and 45 more receiving against more than Hall of Famer Mar- Akers has come on quickly So the Rams’ rookie running Seattle in the Rams’ 30-20 victo- shall Faulk ever managed in his for a rookie who played spar- back hasn’t spent a whole lot of ry — played in the chilly 30s, no famed tenure with the Greatest ingly — and didn’t even touch time in the type of frigid weath- less. Show on Turf. the football in two games — er he’s about to experience in “I’m still learning,” Akers Left tackle Andrew Whit- over the first 12 weeks of the Green Bay, where it’s expected said. “I’m still taking every- worth put it succinctly in Seat- regular season, instead sharing to be below 25 degrees at kick- thing day by day. Just putting tle: “He’s made of the right carries with Darrell Henderson off Saturday before the sun goes them in my pocket and just try- junk. His heart, his passion for and Malcolm Brown. down and it really gets cold. ing to learn and grow. The big- the game is special.” When he got a prominent role Akers does have one promi- gest one is, don’t get comfort- When Robert Woods made in early December, Akers cap- nent memory of freezing foot- able. Last week was a big game, his first career playoff touch- italized with 340 yards in the ball, however: Florida State lost but the next one is even bigger.” down catch to clinch Los An- Rams’ final four regular-season at Notre Dame two years ago on The top-seeded Packers geles’ win in the fourth quarter, games before his stellar work in one of the coldest gamedays in (13-3) are the next big thing in the veteran receiver thanked Seattle. South Bend in decades. Akers’ way, but the rookie ap- Akers for it: Woods got wide The Green Bay defense has What does he remember pears to be peaking at the ideal open on a play-action because noticed. about that chilling experience? time for Los Angeles (11-6). Al- the Seahawks were so con- “He puts a foot in the ground “I scored two touchdowns,” though his growth into a role as cerned about the rookie’s run- and he cuts back and he’s explo- Akers said Tuesday with a grin. Todd Gurley’s replacement be- ning ability. sive,” Packers defensive line Akers has plenty of reasons to gan slowly, it’s picking up speed “For him to bounce back how coach Jerry Montgomery said. be confident heading to the fro- like one of his downfield runs. he did and take over that run- “He’s got twitch. He’s a little bit zen tundra, particularly after In Seattle, Akers became the ning back room and then lead it, of a jump-cutter at times, and what’s happened during the first Rams rookie to rush for 100 really for a rookie to come in then there’s times when he puts second half of his increasingly yards in the postseason for a and make the right cuts and the one foot in the ground and hits it impressive NFL debut season. franchise born in 1936. His 176 right runs in critical situations, and gets it. Just explosive. Can After his breakout 171-yard combined rushing/receiving I think that’s super huge,” take it to the house on any game against New England last yards were the third-most by Woods said. “It really opens up snap.” Wolfe rediscovers love for game with winning Ravens Associated Press ary: still alive in the playoffs and knows what it takes to win. I’ve ever seen,” Ravens coach Derek Wolfe signed as a free very much in the running for a “I really have so much experi- John Harbaugh said. “Guys like agent with the Baltimore Rav- trip to the Super Bowl. ence that I know what a winning that, in a sideline situation like ens last March because he mis- After defeating Tennessee team looks like and the kinds of that when you go down 10, that’s sed the joy of competing in the last Sunday, Baltimore faces things you have to do,” he said. “I what holds a team together. NFL playoffs. Buffalo on Saturday night with a really just try to lead by exam- That’s what keeps guys fight- Wolfe, an energetic and tal- berth in the AFC title game on ple, and I try to speak up when I ing.” ented defensive end, lost his pas- the line. feel like I need to say some- Harbaugh was hoping to get sion for the game during a mi- The Ravens got the 30-year- thing.” Wolfe in Baltimore after watch- serable four-year stretch in old Wolfe because he’s a run- Wolfe had 51 tackles, a sack, a ing him star with the University Denver that featured three head stopper, can pressure the quar- fumble recovery and knocked of Cincinnati, but the Broncos coaches, 37 defeats and not a sin- terback and provides leadership away two passes this season. snagged him in the second round gle trip to the postseason. in the locker room and on the Then he helped the team limit of the 2012 draft. Still, Harbaugh “I started playing this game field. Before that dry spell in NFL rushing leader Derrick never lost sight of the 6-foot-5, when I was 7 years old because I Denver, Wolfe was part of a Henry to 40 yards in a 20-13 vic- 285-pound lineman. liked to win,” Wolfe said. “Un- team that reached the playoffs tory at Tennessee. “I came here because I want- fortunately, I had the rough four four years in a row. The Broncos Wolfe tied for the team lead ed to get back to winning football years in Denver. It made me re- compiled a 50-14 regular-season with six tackles against the Ti- games. That’s why you play the ally not love the game anymore.” record during that span and re- tans and had Baltimore’s lone game,” Wolfe said. “When that So he took a one-year deal with ached the Super Bowl twice, sack. Just as important, he ral- opportunity really isn’t there, Baltimore, and now Wolfe and winning one and losing one. lied his teammates after Ten- and you know you don’t have the the Ravens are right where they So, in spite of his troubling fi- nessee bolted to a 10-0 lead. team that can really do it, it’s want to be in the middle of Janu- nal four years in Denver, Wolfe “He’s one of the best leaders heartbreaking.”
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