Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper

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Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Friday July 31, 2020 | 015-307-5050 |

  Kgosi Sekororo II passes
                                             Hoedies show their dismay
                                             Lisa Wright                            food for many (now starving)
                                                                                    communities, Harris said.
                                                On Friday 24 July, the                 With many TERS and UIF
                                             Hoedspruit community came              payments either not paid or
                                             together to stand in solidarity        delayed, breadwinners are
                                             with all those whose lives have        resorting to desperate measures
                                             been deeply impacted by the            to feed their famished families –
                                             lockdown regulations, which            the brutal snaring and poaching
                                             have left the tourism industry in      of our wildlife! Sadly, one can
                                             crisis.                                hardly blame them.
                                                As the music of Johnny Clegg           With no income, they are
                                             filled the air, protesters from all    hungry, and it must be extremely
                                             walks of life chatted, danced          hard to explain to their starving
 Tintswalo Shipalana                                                                children why there is no food on
                                             and waved placards expressing
                                             their sense of loss and their          the table, Harris explained.
    Tributes have been pouring in from all                                             While the government can
 over the country to the Sekororo family,    desperate need for Government
                                             to reconsider its decision to keep     be applauded for trying to
 after the passing of Kgosi Seshego                                                 reduce the number of Covid-19
 Sekgalabjana Solly Sekororo II.             the tourism ban in place.
                                                Herald spoke to Lisa Harris,        fatalities, the tourism lockdown
    Premier Stan Mathabatha and                                                     is not feasible in South Africa.
 Executive Mayor of Mopani District          a local who stood out in the
                                             crowd. “There have been                   "TERS and UIF payments are
 Municipality, Pule Shayi are amongst                                               unreliable. The harsh reality is
 the dignitaries who sent in messages of     quite a few people today who
                                             have asked me to explain the           that communities that rely on
 condoleces.                                                                        tourism-related jobs are now
    ''On behalf of the Limpopo               significance of my zebra attire!
                                             What is the relevance, they            simply destitute and hungry.
 Government and the people of Limpopo,                                                 For many, the fear of
 we mourn with the Sekororo community        asked? Apart from the fact
                                             that I’ve played mother to my          starvation is greater than the fear
 because a leader has departed," said                                               of the virus.
 Mathabatha. Shayi stated that the           much-loved orphaned zebra
                                             filly, Georgina, I have taken my          "The dire consequences of the
 passing of the Kgosi Sekororo has left                                             millions of job losses, which
 the district poorer, because he dedicated   obsession for the striped equines
                                             to a new personal depth … my           include the informal sectors such
 his entire life to serve the people of                                             as artists who sell their wares on
 Mopani. “On behalf of the leadership        answer is simple: Black, white,
                                             spotted or striped, big, small,        the roadsides, are far-reaching
 collective in Mopani, the management,                                              and not always obvious.
 all staff and the entire populace, we       fat or tall – all lives matter," she
                                             said.                                     I am sure if the baying,
 send our deepest condolences to the                                                voiceless animals wrestling the
 Royal Family. Our thoughts are with            The collateral damage as a
                                             result of the complete closure of      snares on our reserves could
 them during this difficult time. We                                                speak, they would also tell you:
 wish to appeal to the community of          the tourism industry is being felt
                                             far and wide.                          #ALL LIVES MATTER!” she
 Mopani to keep the family in their                                                 concluded.
 prayers,” Shayi added. He was a man            No tourism equals no jobs
 who wore differents hats during his         nor tips. This, in turn, means no
 reign, including being a Chairperson
 of Limpopo Traditional Leaders, HIV/
 AIDS task team to partner with Nelson
 Mandela Foundationa to date. He was
 also roped in to the campaign to combat     Read more of this                                                            Recovery during
 the scourge of HIV/AIDS in Limpopo
 and he also served in the Mopani
                                             story in Regional
                                                  Herald                                                                  off-road adventure
 District Municipal Council.
    Kgoshi Sekororo led Banareng Ba
 Sekororo for 38 years until his untimely
 death. The late Kgoshi Sekororo was
 married to three wives. The candle wife
 is Matladi Thobejane, the second wife
 is Margareth Matlou and the third one is
 Nakala Matshidiso. He is also survived                                                                                   Outdoor and 4x4 enthusiast has
 by 17 children and 7 grand kids.                                                                                         all the right moves!
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
2         Hoedspruit Herald / News                                                                                                                                          Friday July 31, 2020

                                                               COMMENT                                                                              Foundation
                                                                                                                                                    gives food to the
       Sylvia Papadopoulos, senior lecturer at the law faculty at the University of Pretoria and
                  Hoedspruit resident, writes on legal implications of the POPI Act.
                                                                                                                                                      The Gift of the Givers Foundation donated
                                                                                                                                                    food parcels to deserving families from all
       This is the third part in my series of                                                         to the processing of the data subjects        over the Mopani District Municipality.
    articles on the Protection of Personal                                                            information.                                    Over 150 beneficiaries from the district
    Act 4 of 2013 (POPI). If you are still                                                               There are many other specific instances    were identified by police together with
    wondering whether or not it actually                                                              where the consent of the data subject is      various community policing forums from the
    applies to you or your business, don’t.                                                           required, but the provisions relating to      district.
       As I discussed last week, the                                                                  consumer consent in the context of direct       Police stations transported recipients to
    definition of ‘processing’ and ‘personal                                                          marketing are of particular interest (and a   the ceremony.
    information’ are so wide that the                                                                 specific topic dealt with in more detail in     The deputy provincial commissioner
    application of POPI is virtually                                                                  the future).                                  for police, Maj Gen Scheepers, deputy
    guaranteed with very limited exclusions.                                                             In terms of section 69, the consumer’s     provincial commissioner for crime
    This third article looks specifically                                                             consent must specifically be obtained         detection, Maj Gen Manala and the district
    at the legitimacy of processing of                                                                before a supplier can engage in any           commissioner of Mopani district, Maj Gen
    personal information, focussing on the                                                            direct marketing to that consumer (the        Maggie Mathebula were amongst the guests
    requirement of data subject or consumer                                                           consumer needs to opt-in (agree) to           who attended the event.
    consent.                                                                                          receiving the marketing materials). Of          Some of the departments which were
       The Act refers to ‘the responsible                                                             course, the supplier can contact the          present, include the department of health and
    party’ as the person or business                                                                  consumer once to obtain the consent,          the Mopani District Municipality and other
    who is ultimately held responsible                                                                unless the consumer has previously            stakeholders.
    for compliance with the POPI Act                                                                  withheld such consent.                          Covid-19 pamphlets were also distributed
    obligations and therefore liable for the                                                             This obligation is softened in respect     and community members were encouraged
    astronomical fines for non-compliance.                                                            of existing customers but only if the         to comply with regulations, in order to
    In layman’s terms the responsible party                                                           following requirements are met:               remain safe and curb the spread of the virus.
    is the person(s) who determines the                                                                  • the supplier must have obtained the
    purpose and manner of processing the                                                              consumer’s information ‘in the context of
    information.                                      that the supplier must ensure that the          the sale of a product or service’;
       This could be the processor themselves         data subject is aware of the purpose for          • the consumer must have known that
    (business, retailer, lodge or BnB) or if          which the information is being collected       the information is being collected for
    there is someone acting on behalf of              (section 18(1)(c)) leads to the conclusion     purposes of direct marketing;
    another, the responsible party is the             that a general blanket consent to use             • the direct marketing in question
    instructing party who requires certain            information at will does not meet the          must be for that supplier’s own, similar
    actions to be completed on their behalf           criteria for the legitimate processing of      products or services; and
    under service provider agreements.                personal information.                             • the consumer must have been given
       There are limited numbers of occasions           In most instances the processor will         a reasonable opportunity to object (a)
    where the processing of personal                  need the data subjects consent again if        free of charge and without unnecessary
    information will automatically be                 the processor/ business wants to reuse         formality, (b) at the time at which the
    legitimate. Processing will be legitimate         information it already has its possession      information was collected, and (c) again
    if:                                               for a different purpose from that, for         during each communication for the
       • it is needed to conclude or perform          which it was obtained.                         purpose of marketing.
    a contract with the data subject (section           For example in the context of a lodge           In summary therefore when it comes          Some 150 families were identified and
    11(1)(b));                                        taking a booking, certain information          to obtaining consent to process personal       received much needed food parcels
       • the responsible party (data processor)       would be needed to process the booking         information it is important to remember
    is obliged to do so by law (section 11(1)         and payment of a deposit.                      that:
    (c));                                               If the lodge later wanted to pursue legal       • It cannot be a blanket consent to
       • it protects a ‘legitimate interest’ of the   action against these clients for destruction   process, it must be informed and specific.
    data subject (section 11(1)(d));                  of property or non-payment they may               • The purpose and scope of processing
       • it is necessary for the performance of       have to secure consent gain unless any         must be in plain understandable language.
    a ‘public law duty’ (courts, police etc.)         of the other legitimising facts listed in         • The difference between opting in and
    (section 11(1)(e)); or if                         section 11(1) above are present. The best      opting out must be kept in mind. For
       • it is done in pursuit of a ‘legitimate       factor would be a clear concise carefully      instance, where a consumer is asked to
    interest’ of the responsible party or a third     crafted purpose for collection statement       consent to the use of his or her personal
    party (section 11(1)(f)).                         that the data subject agrees to.               information by means of a tick-box,
       If none of these are applicable, the             However, processing must also be             which is ticked by default is not allowed
    responsible party or processor will have          compatible with the provisions of              as this would mean that the consumer has
    to ask the data subjects consent to use/          section 15 which set out the parameters        to opt-out instead of opting in.
    process the personal information (section         for the ‘further processing’ of personal          This article will be followed up by
    11(1)(a)). ‘Consent’ is any voluntary,            information. The bottom line is that the       a series of weekly articles discussing
    specific and informed expression of               further processing must be ‘in accordance      different compliance aspects of the
    will where permission is given for the            with’ or at least ‘compatible with’ the        POPI Act that we should start becoming
    processing of personal information. This          purpose for which it was collected,            familiar with.
    definition, together with the fact that           otherwise it is a new purpose which must          Please note that this does not constitute
    personal information ‘must be collected           also be lawful.                                legal advice and is written for information
    for a specific, explicitly defined and              The business owner (responsible party)       purposes only. Please seek appropriate
    lawful purpose’ (section 13(1)) and               must have proof that consent was given         legal advice for your own situation.
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Friday July 31, 2020                                                                                                                                                     Regional Herald




urged to claim
free electricity
   Indigent households in the          19 830 of identified
province are urged to claim         indigents households in
the free basic electricity at the   the province, in Eskom-
local municipal offices.            supplied areas, and 116 651
   This after the power             identified indigents supplied
utility, Eskom launched a           by the municipalities, are
communication campaign              unfortunately not collecting
aimed at raising awareness          their FBE.
of the longstanding Free               “Through raising awareness
Basic Electricity (FBE)             of this benefit, it is our wish to
programme together with the         increase the level of collection
municipalities.                     and thereby relieve some of
   According to Eskom               the strain experienced by low-

                                                                         Mopani calls for food donations
communication practitioner in       income households. Customers
the province, Modjadji Baloyi, who have been advised by
the FBE is targeted at giving       their respective municipalities
limited free electricity to         that they do qualify for the
indigent households in a bid to FBE benefit are urged to not                The Mopani District Covid-19
alleviate the impact caused by      let this relief go to waste,” she    Command Council is appealing to
the coronavirus pandemic.           advised. To claim the benefit,       individuals and businesses to make
   She said that qualifying         consumers should visit their         contributions to the District Food
households are those of the         nearest vendor. Alternatively,       Bank as the demand for food parcels
unemployed, low-earning,            USSD codes *130*869# or              continues to grow.
the destitute and the elderly.           *130*269# are already              The District Food Bank was
“Qualifying households                          configured for           established in April in order to
are encouraged to                                   customers to         consolidate at the level of the
approach their                                        claim the          district donations of food parcels
municipalities                  “Qualifying            benefit via a     and ensure equitable distribution to
to register                 households are              cell phone       beneficiaries at local municipalities.
as indigents                                            at no charge
in order to                  encouraged to               to the
                                                                            The chairperson of the DCCC,
                             approach their                              also the executive mayor of Mopani
collect their                                           consumers.       District Municipality, Pule Shayi
allocated free              municipalities to              Consumers     says the demand for food parcels
basic electricity                                      who wish
every month. This              register ...”         to ascertain
                                                                         increases at a faster rate and
                                                                         donations have slowed down.
is another way of                                  whether they             “We are appealing to individuals
lessening the impact                           qualify for the           and businesses to make
of the economic crisis on           FBE benefit, should do so            contributions to the food bank more
households,” said Baloyi.           by contacting their local            so now as we celebrate Mandela
   She explained that               municipality, local ward             Month. Let us make our minimum
electricity consumers on            councillor or a community            contribution in honour of Madiba’s
municipalities’ indigent            development worker.                  legacy. The donations will assist our       Mayor Pule Shayi of Mopani District Municipality.
household registers have the           Consumers are urged to            people to frontally confront hunger
right to collect a minimum 50       be on the lookout for illegal        during this difficult time,” says
kilowatt hours of electricity       connections and those who                                                       corner of the district to monitor our   things such as wearing masks,
                                                                         Shayi.                                     behaviour.                              regularly washing hands for
for free every month,               tamper with meters. “These              In its virtual sitting last week, the
which can also be higher,           are criminal acts which rob                                                       “It is ourselves who must             20 seconds, sanitising and
                                                                         DCCC has once again noted with             change our behaviour and begin          maintaining a safe social distance
depending on the municipality. communities of a stable                   concern increased non-compliance
“Unfortunately, a number            electricity supply. Should                                                      to appreciate the magnitude of the      that will assist for pushback
                                                                         with Covid-19 regulations in areas         battle in front of us.                  strategy against Covid-19 to
of indigent households do           the community witness such           such as Mavele, Mandlhakazi and
not exercise their right,           acts, we urge them to send an                                                     Nkowankowa has recorded               succeed.
                                                                         Tickyline where people continue to         additional 13 new cases in the past        People and businesses wishing
either because they are             anonymous SMS to Eskom’s             organise social gatherings.
unaware of the free basic           crime line on 32211 to report                                                   week and that on its own says that      to donate to the Food Bank may
                                                                            “We need to realise that in this        we have serious work ahead of us,”      contact Seshoene on 073 558
electricity, or because they        them,” she said.                     fight, law enforcement authorities
have not registered with the           For any other enquiries,                                                     said Shayi..                            0013 to make arrangements for
                                                                         may not be able to be in every               Shayi says that It’s the simplest     food deliveries.
municipality,” she said.            contact the Eskom Contact
   She also noted that              Centre on 0860037566.

                                                                                                      Don’t let a lack of data
                                                                                                      stop you from searching
                                                                                                      for your perfect space!
                                                                                                     - Winners will receive the data automatically to their phone
                                                                                                     - Standard network USSD rate apply.
                                                                                                     - Private Property adheres to the POPI act rules & regulations
                                                                                                       and will not use your information for communication that
                                                                                                       you have not opted in for.
                                                                                                     - Promotion ends 31 July 2020

Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Regional Herald / News                                                                                                                                            Friday July 31, 2020

Budget                                     R500 m for economic recovery
adjusted                                  Matome Maila                                   of economic development, environment
                                                                                         and tourism has been given R42,5 million
                                                                                                                                              in unemployment and loss of income from
                                                                                                                                              both formal and informal business activities.

for Covid-19
                                            R500 million has been made available to      for the following projects: R10 million                The Democratic Alliance, Limpopo
                                          fund the socio-economic recovery projects      to support the small, medium and micro               spokesperson on provincial treasury, Risham
                                          throughout the province.                       enterprises (SMMEs) and cooperatives                 Maharaj said that the MEC Seaparo Sekoati

                                            This was revealed by the MEC for             through its public entity, Limpopo economic          and provincial treasury must put strict
                                          provincial treasury, Seaparo Sekoati during    development agency (LEDA).                           controls to ensure that departments and
                                          last week budget adjustment towards               R10 million to support SMMEs and                  entities that benefit from the adjustment
                                          Covid-19 relief efforts. Sekoati said the      cooperatives financed through the national           budget practice financial prudence so that
                                          department of public works, roads and          empowerment fund while another R10                   the people of Limpopo are well prepared for
Matome Maila                              infrastructure has been allocated the amount   million is to support Limpopo tourism                the Covid-19 peak.
                                          of R400 million as a transfer payment to       entities that did not benefit from the national        “We are concerned that if the adjustment
   The provincial treasury department     Roads Agency Limpopo to address road           tourism relief package.                              budget and its reallocated funds for the
has adjusted the 2020/2021 financial      infrastructure commitments;                       R7,8 million has been allocated to support        province’s Covid-19 response are not
year budget to fund Covid-19                The department of agriculture and rural      waste management collectors operators;               closely monitored by the provincial treasury
initiatives.                              development received R57,5 million to          and R4,7 million to independently review             they might end up misappropriated, abused
   MEC for treasury, Seaparo Sekoati      support Limpopo farmers with production        the special economic zone Eenvironmental             or misused,” said Maharaj.
said that adjusting the budget by         inputs which will be allocated to              impact studies. Sekoati said the reality               Maharaj added that the DA is committed
reprioritising R3,5 billion towards       accommodate farmers who scored 4 on the        is that Covid-19 has inevitably increased            to ensuring that the funds allocated will be
Covid-19 projects was made as part        national score card and did not benefit from   poverty in the province due to current               used prudently and in the best interest of the
of drastic measures to mitigate the       the national support package. Department       economic growth restraint and the increase           people province.
circumstances brought about by the
   Sekoati said that R3,5 billion has
been sourced from making budget
cuts of provincial departments and
their entities.
   According to Sekoati, the funds
have been reallocated to departments
and public entities to address
Covid-19 projects as follows:
   The office of the premier has
been reallocated R6 million to
supplement the province’s Covid-19
communication strategy while the
department of education has been
reallocated R397,6 million to address
Covid-19 return to school related
   The department of health has
been reallocated R1,847 billion to
prepare for the provincial health
Covid-19 surge plan response
while the department of transport
and community safety has been
reallocated R12,2 million to be
transferred to Gateway Airport
Authority Limited (GAAL) to
prepare the airport to accept air
   The department of public works,
roads and infrastructure has been
reallocated R36,6 million to be spent
on preparing provincial quarantine
and related sites while the department
of sport, arts and culture has been
reallocated R3,6 million to provide
relief for Limpopo based artist and
athletes. The department of social
Development has been reallocated
R10,4 million to address social work
services and provincial care Centres.
   The Democratic Alliance, Limpopo
spokesperson on provincial treasury,
                                          Limpopo NPO receives funds from retailer
Risham Maharaj said that the MEC
Seaparo Sekoati and provincial                The Shoprite group has heeded President Ramaphosa’s call in March to support the Solidarity Fund by supporting
treasury must closely monitor              organisations that are assisting the most vulnerable in local communities. Inspired by customer donations together with
spending of special Covid-19
adjustment budget.
                                             the retailer’s R2 million donation, an amount of R3.7 million has been raised toward their Act for Change Fund. When
   “While we acknowledge that              customers donate R5 or more at any Shoprite, Checkers or Usave till point nationally, the funds collected will go to vetted
the desired goal of the adjustment            beneficiary organisations involved in Covid-19 relief efforts in the province where the donation was made available.
budget is to offer support and enable
spending in response to Covid-19,
however, the DA is very concerned            “Following this success we wanted to        Hunger said.                                         their beneficiaries and communities to find
about the past performance of             give customers the opportunity to donate          Operation Hunger was established                  solutions that are linked to their long term
failing entities like GAAL which          to organisations specifically supporting       in the 1980’s to address the nutritional             goals of becoming independent.
has become synonymous with                their communities. For the first time          needs of children in South Africa. “Our                “This approach gives them back their
maladministration, poor financial         money collected via the Act for Change         founders identified the long term impact of          dignity while empowering them to become
management and financial controls,”       Fund will now go to multiple charities         malnutrition in our communities as being             an empowered members of society,” she
said Maharaj.                             simultaneously,” said Lunga Schoeman, CSI      a limiting factor for our future leaders,”           added.
   Maharaj said that the provincial       manager for the Shoprite group. The group      Bukula told Herald. In a bid to ensure that            While other NPOs suffer to meet their
departments like health that had          manages the fund on behalf of its customers    needs of the children were met sustainably,          needs, the organisation’s reputation and
accruals of almost R400 million at        and all donations are paid over to the         the organisation has continued to work with          experience in caring for the nation has
the start of the current financial year   selected beneficiary organisations without     the community to provide a lasting solution.         allowed it to successfully continue their
as well as education that has also        administrative costs.                             “This has been done by giving the                 work under lockdown.
had irregularities with its finances in      Operation Hunger was chosen as the          community access to skills and self                     “The continued support of our partners
the past must be closely monitored        beneficiary organisation in Mpumalanga         sustaining projects such as our food gardens,        and donors like Shoprite and the Solidarity
to ensure the money allocated for         and Limpopo where it has assisted 4 000        where they grow and sell the produce while           Fund is at the core of our operations. As
Covid-19 projects is efficiently spent    families to date.                              feeding their families,” she explained.              an NPO, we have continued to focus on
and not misused.                             “We work closely with communities to           According to Bukula, food insecurity has          providing an affordable food parcel to the
   “In the case of procurement of         provide sustainable and measurable food        been a concern for Operation Hunger for              families, giving them the opportunity to
services and personal protective          relief packages that leave the beneficiaries   over 40 years.                                       search for full time,” Bukula concluded.
equipment, the provincial treasury        empowered to face their current dire              “Covid-19 has brought what we have                  In addition to collecting for Covid-19
must ensure that suppliers on the         situation with dignity. Through the generous   seen as hunger problem and we have been              relief efforts, the Shoprite group, has since
provincial database are registered        donations of ordinary South Africans, we       addressing this to the fore. We believe a food       start of the national lockdown served more
on the central supplier database          are afforded the opportunity to make a real    insecure nation is not well placed to reach its      than 11.3 million meals valued at over R35
(CSD) in line with national treasury      difference in the lives of many people,”       full potential,” she stated. It is for this reason   million through its surplus food donations
instruction,” added Maharaj.              Sandy Bukula, interim CEO of Operation         their organisation continue to engage with           and mobile soup kitchens.
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Friday July 31, 2020                                                                                                                                       News \ Regional Herald

Conservation leadership skills more important than ever
       As the conservation world grapples with the effects of Covid-19 on stakeholders and funding models, leadership has never been more important, says
   Environmental Sustainability Agency’s Clive Poultney, speaking about the launch of a new leadership programme at the Southern African Wildlife College near

Dianne Tipping-Woods

Dianne Tipping-Woods                              The 32 participants currently fill various      becoming more urgent than ever before in      complex ecosystems, conserve wildlife,
                                                roles at their respective organisations. Anathi   these challenging times,” she says.           and empower local communities. Common
   “Like the rest of the world, conservation    Wonga Pama, for example, is a Section               The collaboration between the Southern      Purpose is a 30-year old international not-
organisations are having to deal with the       Ranger at West Coast National Park. He has        African Wildlife College, Common Purpose,     for-profit organisation that develops leaders
fast-changing reality of a world impacted       been working in the nature conservation           and the Environmental Sustainability          who can cross boundaries to better solve
by lockdowns, shrinking revenues and the        and biodiversity management sector for the        Agency (ESA) is an exciting one, as they      complex problems, while the Environmental
need to keep an essential work force safely     past six years, starting his career in 2014       leverage their various strengths in support   Sustainability Agency is a for-profit
deployed. The ones that thrive post-Covid       as a field Ranger at SANParks’ Tankwa             of this work. The College has a more          enterprise that seeks impact through the
are going to be the ones that are the most      Karoo National Park. Within six months, he        than two-decade long history of equipping     development of rural inclusive agro-wildlife
agile, responsive and value-driven, which       was promoted to Ranger Sergeant. At the           people with the qualifications, practical     economies in partnership with landowning
is why strong leadership skills are more        time, Tankwa was an emerging park, which          skills, and thought leadership to manage      communities.
important than ever,” notes Poultney.           gave Wonga the opportunity to assist in
   Funded by the MAVA Foundation,               conservation operations and administration
via Peace Parks Foundation, the African         necessary for the development of the park.
Intergenerational Leadership Hub (AIGLH)        For two years in a row he was honoured
successfully launched its community             with SANParks’ Excellent Performance in
leadership programme in KwaZulu Natal in        the Workplace award and in 2017 he joined
January 2020. In July 2020, it launched the     the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency
conservation leadership programme with          (ECPTA) as a Section Ranger in the Great
more than 30 senior and young leaders from      Fish River & Mpofu Nature Reserve.
various conservation organisations around         Not all participants have a role in
South Africa taking part.                       the field. Chené Barnard, Data Capture
   Facilitated through the Southern             Administrator at Peace Parks Foundation
African Wildlife College and leadership         started at the company as an intern in
development organisation Common                 2018 and has been on a few adventures
Purpose, the programme’s goal is to develop     within the organisational structure since
future leaders involved in conservation         then. In 2019, she started as a Research
and environmental practices. With the           and Development Intern with the New
possibility that all sessions will take place   Technologies Programme (NTP). At the
online given the ongoing restrictions on in     beginning of 2020, she moved on to Human
person contact due to Covid-19, a blended       Resources and helped with data capturing.
learning approach has been adopted.             She is now assisting the Combating Wildlife
   “Future leaders in conservation and          Crime (CWC) department with financial and
environmental practices are key to leading      budget-related data capturing.
policy and implementation of natural              Another participant, Esther Matthew,
resource management in Africa. Young            Specialist Conservation Officer at the
people within such organisations are often      Endangered Wildlife Trust, completed her
not involved in developing management           M.Sc. in Environmental Science in 2015 and
strategies or management decisions, due         as part of her studies she successfully raised
primarily to the top down management style      and trained a scent detection dog to locate
of many formal conservation agencies and        Giant African Bullfrogs (Pyxicephalus
NGOs,” says Poultney.                           adspersus) underground. The project ignited
   By having multiple generations participate   Esther’s interest in training canines for
in the programme, the idea is to disrupt        conservation and research. As a result, she
that model as young leaders are identified      pursued additional training with national
and developed through the mentorship of         and international professionals in the canine
existing conservation professionals. At the     behaviour and scent detection fields. Esther
same time, those professionals are taken        joined the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s
through a change management process             Drylands Conservation Programme (EWT-
within conservation organisations that helps    DCP) in 2016 and is currently working
adapt their processes to be more flexible and   as their Specialist Conservation Officer,
open to inputs from young professionals.        focusing on in situ Endangered species
   “This intergenerational approach is          conservation and research. Esther also has a
really an innovative way of contributing        passion for sharing conservation knowledge
solutions to current and future conservation    and is a highly dedicated and motivated
challenges,” says Common Purpose’s              conservationist.
Elsbeth Dixon, who has been excited               “These are just a few examples of the
by both the quality and calibre of the          young people we’re working with,” notes
participants.                                   Dixon, who reports that the first virtual real
   She notes that with the ever-increasing      time live engagement Zoom session was
environmental challenges facing the African     exciting and inspiring for all. “Throughout
continent and its wildlife, it has become       the programme, participants will develop
progressively important for conservation        their skills to become leaders who can
organisations to equip their staff with the     bring about positive change within their
skills needed to tackle the demands ahead.      organisations and society, something that’s
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Regional Herald / News                                                                                                                   Friday July 31, 2020

Hoedies come out in their droves to protest
Joining the nationwide protest #jobssavelives last week on Friday were resdients, businesses, lodges and many of the game reserves in the vicinity of Hoedspruit
                                  who are dependent on the tourism industry. Photos Brent Abrahamse and Cristiena Kruger.
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Friday July 31, 2020                                                                                                                 News \ Regional Herald

#Jobssavelives silently protested in Magoebas
 A few restaurants and hotels in Magoebaskloof and Haenertsburg joined the nationwide #jobssavelives silent protest last Wednesday. Only a handful participated
because of strict lockdown restrictions. The silent protest was to show solidarity that the hospitality industry were together in making their voices heard. Owners
     of hotels, lodges and pubs in the area took to the R71 road to voice their grievances. They took out empty chairs and tables and placed them in front of their
                            establishments in a bid to get the message across regarding the loss of income due to lockdown restrictions.
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Regional Herald / News                                                                                                                                                     Friday July 31, 2020

                                                                                              PEOPLE                                                 The Helichrysum plant
                                                                                                                                                    helps with the following:
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-inflammatory              Filters the sun's UV rays
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-infectious             Cures Meniers Syndrome
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-Fungal                     Relieves Hypertension
                                                                                                                                                     Topical painkiller                     Anti-spasmodic
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-microbial                 Increases bile secretion
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-oxidant            Increases liver detoxification
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-viral                              Relives asthma
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-specticAids in healing                       Gout
                                                                                                                                                     Immunomodulatory                       Anti-rheumatic
                                                                                                                                                     Relieves Eczema                            Cures sinus
                                                                                                                                                     Lessening existing scars           Relieves burn pains
                                                                                                                                                     Relieves Psoriasis                             Diuretic
                                                                                                                                                     Relieves migraines                         De-stresser
                                                                                                                                                     Relieves insect bites                       Astringent
                                                                                                                                                     Useful for mouthwash                      Heamostatic
                                                                                                                                                     Helps one sleep                              Antiseptic
                                                                                                                                                     Poor circulation                       Anti depressant
                                                                                                                                                     Aids in relieving Bronchitis                     Ulcers
                                                                                                                                                     Expectorant                       Breast engorgement
                                                                                                                                                     Anti-allergic               Increase Lymph drainage
                                                                                                                                                     Balances oily skin         Relieves whooping coughs

                                                                                                                                                      Floral water or Hydrosol toner and freshner is an
                                                                                                                                                       essential product of the distillation process that
                                                                                                                                                      separates from the essential oil when the steam
                                                                                                                                                    is cooled. It contains small particles of the essential
                                                                                                                                                        oils locked into the distilled water. Floral water
                                                                                                                                                     works as a toner or a quick 'pick me up' if sprayed
Meet the McMahons. At the back are Toban and Tamla McMahon with their rooster pet Hamlet. In front are Mark and Julie McMahon.                         on the face, and it is also offered at the Thomac.

Meet the eccentric McMahons
                                                                                                            increases lymph drainage
Anwen Mojela                                                                                                and detoxification of the liver
  An eccentric family in                                                                                    and acts as a de-stresser that
Magoebaskloof is pioneering the                                                                             encourages sleep.
extraction of essential oils from                                                                              Mark is in charge of the
an indigenous plant in the area.                                                                            distillation process.
  Julie McMahon says their oil                                                                                 “It has been an epic journey
distillation company, Thomac                                                                                so far with many ups and
Essential Oils, extracts the oil                                                                            downs, but I am very happy
from a Helichrysum splendidum                                                                               with the profession that we
plant.                                                                                                      chose all those years ago. It is
  The company’s name is a                                                                                   something different than the
combination of Julie’s maiden                                                                               normal farming practices in
name, Thompson, and her                                                                                     Haenertsburg,” said Mark.
husband, Mark’s family name,                                                                                   “We sell the oil to brokers
McMahon. The business was                                                                                   who export it internationally, but
started by Julie who had a keen                                                                             we want to start exporting the oil
interest in medicinal plants since                                                                          ourselves. We do distribute oils
childhood. “I would collect                                                                                 locally,” he added.
indigenous plants and ask the                                                                                  The business has four
employees on the farm what                                                                                  employees who harvest the
they were used for,” said Julie.                                                                            plant. It is then dried and refined
                                     and perseverance we are able to going to parties with friends,         into oil. Plant rests are used to
“My mother was a nursing sister,     do it,” added Julie.               I would be roaming the farm
so the interest in the mixture of                                                                           make manure.
                                       Fortunately for Julie,                   looking for plants,” said      Toban, a mushroom expert
botany and natural healing was       her children, Toblan                           Julie.
born there,” she added.                                                                                     and beekeeper, is responsible for
                                     and Tamla, have                                     At school she      harvesting the plant.
  Clifford, Julie’s father,          the same love for                                  was  labeled                                              The final product after the distillation.
dabbled in essential oil             nature as their
                                                              “It has been an            the weird kid,
                                                                                                               Tamla does the administration
extraction later in life which                                                                              of the business and also helps
                                     parents.                   epic journey              up to a point     with harvesting.
started the ball rolling. One of
the deciding factors to continue
                                       “I am sort                so far with               where teachers       “I studied horticulture
                                     of a pioneer              many ups and               said that she     at Tshwane University of
to develop the oils was to protect   parent, I teach                                      had Down’s
the flora on the four hectares on                                                                           Technology.
                                     my children                  downs.”                Syndrome.             “I chose it because of my
their property.                      everything they                                      The oil has
  “After my father passed on,                                                                               family’s background in botany
                                     need to know in                                 multiple uses          and my love for plants. It is
my husband and I continued           order to survive in this                     and is known to
to experiment with steam                                                                                    useful for the future of the farm
                                     world.                                relieve asthma, psoriasis,       and business. I am able to apply
extraction of several indigenous       “When I was five, instead of     migraines, insect bites, eczema,
oils. With patience, hard work                                                                              my knowledge,” said Tamla.

Julie McMahon explains the uses of the essential oil.                   Thomac Essential Oils worker prepares for the distillation process.       The steaming process during distillation.
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Friday July 31, 2020                                                                                                                 Motoring \ Regional Herald

  Recovery during an off-road adventure                                                                                                                     Auto

                           “When it comes to doing 4x4, I was taught: as slow as possible, as fast as necessary,
                            with the least amount of damage. Others believe: 5th gear, brights, limiter .... That
                             usually doesn’t end well,” writes Rouan Snyman (photo left), an outdoor and 4x4
                                                      enthusiast from Haenertsburg.
                              “There is a fine line between being confident         There are numerous recovery gear and they
                           and arrogant and most of the time it is the type      are absolutely awesome, making your life a lot
                           of vehicle that puts people in one of those           easier e.g. Snatch rope, Snatch strap, Bridals,
                           categories. It is amazing how strong these            Lanyards, Bow Shackles (not D shackles),
                           vehicles are and most of the time you must just       Winches, Snatch Blocks, Winch Extension
                           hold it steady and let the vehicle do the work.       High Lift Jacks, Tracktion Boards just to name
                           Other times you need to choose certain lines to       a few.
                           get clearance over high obstacles and keep as            Out of all these, the most commonly used
                           many wheels on the ground as possible.                is the Snatch Strap and a spade, you can't go
                              I have been doing some proper 4x4 trips            anywhere without a spade and that is the one
                           the last seven years and have been exposed to         thing people forget to pack the most.
                           offroad driving since I was a little boy. I came         There is a massive difference between a
                           to realise, in my opinion the most important          snatch strap and snatch rope and a winch
                           thing on your 4x4 vehicle is type and size of         extension, although they look similar. How
                           tyres and proper recovery points!                     to ancker it to a vehicle is very important,
                              Most people put in massive spacers and lift        connecting it to one side of the chassis, you
                           the body nice and high, and because it looks          may bend the chassis when snatching, but
                           high, does not mean that you have ground              wait people say, "you just put it over the ball
                           clearance. Getting proper ground clearance            joint for trailer, that will distribute the power
                           only comes with tyre sidewall size, not how           equally...THAT IS A NO GO ZONE with any
                           wide it is.                                           recovery!! Many people have lost their lives by
                              Knowing your vehicle and vehicle limits,           doing recoveries off a ball hitch.
                           like approach and departure angles is very               When you attach the recovery gear to the
                           important. That prevents rollbacks or stalls on       vehicle, make sure there are propper recovery
                           steep hills as well as runaways on down hills.        points fixed to the vehicle, home made
                           Wheel spin loses traction, so know how much           recovery points aren't always reliable.
                           power to give and when is critical.                      Any snatch recovery should be done like
                              My biggest concern and what I would like to        follows:
                           emphasize, is the recovery of 4x4 vehicles and           YOU NEED: undamaged snatch strap or
                           the recovery gear. If you have not gotten stuck       snatch rope; 2 bridals, at least 2 lanyards; 4
                           doing offroad, then you have not tried hard           bow shackles or soft shackles.
                           enough, LOL. There is nothing wrong with                 The bridal slides through the snatch strap on
                           getting stuck, infact, I like it when there's a 4x4   both sides of the snatch strap, the bridal gets
Don’t forget your spade!   vehicle stuck.                                        secured to the vehicle on 2 recovery points
                              It takes you out of your comfort zone and          (one on each side of the chassis) with bow
                           you see true colours (arrogant/confident as           shackles on both vehicles. The lanyard must
                           mentioned earlier). It's also lots of fun building    be secured to the snatch strap by running it
                           recovery rigs and helping friends get out of          over the snatch strap and through itself and to
                           the situation. But the problem comes in with          the vehicle at a seperate point not with bow
                           a lack of knowledge on how to recover and             shackle used.
                           poor recovery points, safety is your primary             The bridal distributes the energy evenly
                           objective.                                            through the chassis, once you snatch the
                              Guys spend thousands of Rand to put all the        vehicle and any point breaks, the lanyard will
                           bells and whistles on their vehicles, but don't       grab the snatch strap so that it does not become
                           spend one minute reading up on how to use it          a lethal weapon. It is a bit overkill but safety
                           in the correct and safest way. Proper recovery        first and the quick way out, may be your quick
                           point is probably the most important. Just ask        way out of this earth.
                           any 4x4 owner to work a High Lift Jack.                  We love the outdoors and 4x4's take you
                              "Moet die knoppie op wees as ek wil op jack        places. Enjoy every second of it and remember
                           of moet hy af wees ... Hoe laat sak mens nou          the points mentioned. Learn your vehicle and
                           weer die ding...?”                                    how it performs in different environments like
                              Common words on the 4x4 trips when using           sand, rock , mud and hill climbs. Learn your
                           a High Lift Jack.                                     recovery gear and lastly, remember your spade!
Kgosi Sekororo II passes Hoedies show their dismay - Letabaherald Epaper
Regional Herald / Entertainment                                                                                                                               Friday July 31, 2020

 Lil Meri turns a new leaf in life

                                                                                                                                          LIVERS SHINE BRIGHT IN 2020

                                                                                                                                            The year 2020 has been a great one for
                                                                                                                                          African and traditional gospel star, Livers
                                                                                                                                            He has received two nominations
Anwen Mojela                                                                                                                              including, Best Traditional Album at the
                                                                                                                                          Isuntu Awards and for Best Gospel Category
LilMeri is a 21-year-old Bolobedu disco musician from Muruji near Tzaneen.                                                                in the MAMA 2020.
The young musician, born Merithas Samuel Malatji, captured the hearts of young and old in 2019 with his hit single,                         Ngobeni was born and raised in Lulekani
‘NgwanaWaMotho’ (which translates to someone’s child). The dance song garnered him local support under the CSG Production                 township in Phalaborwa and has been a
label. LilMeri’s long term goal is to become a household brand in Limpopo and beyond. He says his life experiences have been the          professional musician since 2018.
inspiration behind his music . “Like everyone else, I have a past, with good and sad memories and it is those memories and real life        “I was inspired by other artists to also
experiences which remind me that life is a process, a process that we have to learn from and draw inspiration from regardless of the      make use of my talent to glorify God with it.
circumstances. For this reason most people can relate to my music, because it is about everyday life experiences,” said LilMeri.            “Having led choirs in both church and
LilMeri wants to be a role model to young people and aspiring artists by encouraging them to invest in their dreams. “I did not           school, I felt it was the right time for me to
get to where I am today by chance, it took real hard work and dedication and I hope that young people of Bolobedu can see                 become a professional musician to reach the
themselves through me. LilMeri is also involved in a couple of youth and community development initiatives. He will be performing         masses,” he explained.
at the Bolobedu Youth Leadership Summit later this year. The initiative also collaborates with Make You Smile Foundation in a tree          In 2018 he was nominated for Traditional
planting event at a local school in Bolobedu. LilMeri, who headlined a University of Limpopo event in February this year, dreams          Gospel Song of the year in the Limpopo
of collaborating with other prominent artists as he believes that working together with other people can yield positive results. He       Music Awards and in 2019 at the Xitsonga
has been in studio since the lockdown and has released another hit song with Icon Lamaf (Khale Keo Nyaka) and his solo track              Music Awards.
(Coronavirus) with more music to be released in the coming weeks. He just shot the music video for his hit song, Ke ngwana wa               To vote for Livers Ngobeni in the MAMA,
Motho, which will also be available in the next few weeks.                                                                                SMS MAMA 3192 to 40439 and in the
                                                                                                                                          Isuntu Awards, SMS ISA001 B396 Best
                                                                                                                                          Gospel Spiritual to 45633.

  Bongani captures moments for lifetime with his golden hands
 Anwen Mojela                                    Dragon Ball Z.
                                                    In 2007 I made a portrait of Mrs
                                                 Gerber, the principal of Meridian
   28-year-old Bongani Ndlovu from               College, the school I attended and
 Nkowankowa is an accomplished portrait          started to get really good at it."
 artist.                                            He became a DJ for five years
   "I started off doing cartoons.                and since last year has been again
   My first drawing was in 2001 of               dedicating his time to his art.
                                                    Earlier this year Bongani signed
                                                 with Chris Mkhari Productions.
                                                    Mkhari's background is in events
                                                 and he was with eTV for nine years.
                                                    "I have a background in music and
                                                 sound engineering.
                                                     My company is Chris
                                                 Mkhari Productions is based in
                                                     I was referred to Bongani by a
                                                 friend to review his work and I was
                                                 amazed by what he does," said Chris          The potrait of Somizi Mhlongo and his late mother Mary Thwala
                                                 Mkhari, Bongani's new manager.
                                                    Chris is going assist Bongani to
                                                 run his art business in a professional
                                                 way, get him proper equipment
                                                 and help him set up interviews for
                                                    "We are going help him to get his
                                                 work out there, even internationally.
                                                    His job must be to paint peacefully
                                                 knowing that his affairs are taken
                                                 care off," added Chris.
                                                    Bongani says that drawing makes
                                                 him feel peaceful.
                                                    "It fulfills me and it brings me so
                                                 much joy when I see people smile.
                                                     I will be doing it full-time and
                                                 after I have raised enough funds
                                                 for equipment, I will be opening
                                                 a proper studio in Tzaneen and
                                                 Nkowankowa," concluded Bongani.
                                                                                              Portrait of Nelson Mandela                  Maternal portrait
Friday July 31, 2020                                                                                                                          Education \ Hoedspruit Herald                 3

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Lowveld Academy students
                                                                                                             time: 12hoo- 14h00                                     /0716131256
                                                                                                             Sunday service :
                                                                                                             Faith Church Of All
return to school successfully
                                                                                                             Village, Service start
                                                                                                             at 09h00-till late for                                   your
                                                                                                             more info contact :
                                                                                                             071 287 1032/ 076
  Lowveld Academy reopened its doors on 1      successful in reintroducing all classes to the                161 8610
June for grade 12 students.                    satisfaction of parents and department, the                                       AM004357
  On the advent of the lockdown in March,      school said.                                                                                                           your business
Lowveld Academy’s educators rose to the          Lowveld Academy had their first Covid-19                                    what
challenge and found new ways of teaching       scare when a student tested positive in early
                                                                                                                                                                          in our
                                                                                                                             you                                        classified
online. "While this has thus far been a        July.                                                                         seek
roaring success, Lowveld Academy strongly        The grouping system ensured that all                                                                                    section!
believes in continuing with contact sessions   contact were isolated, and the school was
between student and educator," the school      shut for three days as a precautionary                         HOEDSPRUIT
says. The school was extensively cleaned       measure. This incident helped the school test
and sanitised beforehand and learners were     their preventative measures and has proven
                                                                                                             AL-ANON FAMILY
                                                                                                                 GROUP                                               015 307 5050
thoroughly orientated in following new rules   that they are more than prepared in their
to comply with the new “normal”.               response.                                                     Where can you go                             
  With the success of reintroducing the          "Lowveld Academy knows that their                           when a loved one                                         32 Boundary Street
matric students, Lowveld Academy has           students are just as eager as their educators                 drinks too much? Let                                          Tzaneen
reintroduced the rest of the lower grades      to get back to school and continue with                       Hope     Arise,    the
with grade 8 being the final group to          academic work.                                                Hoedspruit Al-Anon
                                                                                                             Family Group is the                                            0017
return on 29 June. The school has been           The life of a student will not be the                       place to find strength                                       SERVICES
coordinated into two groups who will attend    same and Lowveld Academy is set for the                       and hope. It takes
school on alternate days to ensure that        challenge to adapt to the new rules and is                    place       at    the                                     "Do you need a
social distancing measures apply. Lowveld      confident that we will push through and help                  Hoedspruit                                                      Car??"
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                                                                                                             Tuesday: home cell
                                                                                                             Wednesday: prayer                                      JOHAN BARNARD
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                                                                                                             Thursday:         Church                                                   AM004421
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                                                                                                             Services in other
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                                                                                                             Sunday           service
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Limpopo se eie sewes-ster gesels
   Die rugbyloopbaan van die 19-jarige                                                                                                           graag wil doen,” vertel hy.
Christiaan Smit is tans oefen en nogmaals                                                                                                          As hy nie rugby speel en aan die
oefen.                                                                                                                                           bedrywighede in die oefengroep deelneem
   Christiaan het verlede jaar matriek geskryf                                                                                                   nie, vang hy graag vis. “Dit gee ‘n mens
en het ‘n twee jaar kontrak geteken om in                                                                                                        die kans om bietjie stil te raak weg van
die Blitsbokke se oefengroep opgeneem te                                                                                                         tegnologie en die harde oefen.”
word.                                                                                                                                              Daniel Carter van die All Blacks is sy
   “Ek woon tans in Stellenbosch en oefen                                                                                                        rugbyheld. “Hy is ‘n losskakel wat altyd lyk
by die Stellenbosch Akademie vir Sport                                                                                                           of hy rustig en in beheer is van alles.
(SAS),” vertel hy.                                                                                                                                 Hy was nie altyd die grootste ou nie maar
   Christiaan is in Modjadjiskloof gebore                                                                                                        hy het ‘n baie groot hart.
en het op Tzaneen grootgeword. Hy was                                                                                                              Hy was ook ‘n goeie leier wat gekyk het
op Laerskool Tzaneen en daarna by Die                                                                                                            dat almal op hul plek is.”
Hoërskool Ben Vorster.                                                                                                                             Christiaan se toekomsplanne is steeds om
   Hy was tot en met verlede week in                                                                                                             rugby te speel.
Tzaneen weens die koronaviruspandemie.                                                                                                             “Teen middel van volgende jaar sal ons
“Die pandemie het ons oefenprogram baie                                                                                                          weet of ons kontrakte weer hernieu gaan
omver gewerp.                                                                                                                                    word.
   Die gimnasiums is gesluit en dit is                                                                                                             Ek wou nog nooit iets ander word as ‘n
moeilik om fiks te bly, maar ons werk aan                                                                                                        beroepspeler nie, daarom sal ek voortgaan
voorgeskrewe programme wat deur die                                                                                                              om dit te doen solank ek kan,” sluit hy af.
afrigter gegee word,” vertel Christiaan.
“Ons gee daagliks aan hom terugoer sodat
hy op hoogte kan bly met ons vordering en
kondisionering,” vertel hy.
   Hy is in ‘n oefengroep van dertig
spelers. “Ek het verwag dat dit moeilik
in Stellenbosch sou wees. Dis nie meer
net hoërskoolrugby nie, jy beoefen nou ‘n
professionele sport.
   Dit sit sielkundige druk op ‘n mens,” sê
hy. Hy is nog nie vir die span self gekies
nie. “Ek geniet dit baie, maar dit is ook baie
stresvol. Jy wil nie jou spanmaats teleurstel
nie en jy wil seker maak dat jy elke dag in
top-kondisie is.”
   Hy sê die spanoefeninge voel asof hy elke
dag proewe speel. “Ek het geleer om my           gespeel en my dyspier geskeur.                   Christiaan sê al wat hy nog altyd wou
verhouding met die Here in stand te hou. Dit       Ek moes toe die hele toer mis,” vertel      doen was om ‘n professionele rugbyspeler
is die enigste manier hoe ek my selfvertroue     hy. “Ek het daarna baie af gevoel, maar het   te word.
kan behou en in myself glo.”                     aangehou hard werk.”                             “As die ander kinders gedroom het om ‘n
   Christiaan sê een van sy persoonlike            Gelukkig is hy later die jaar beloon toe    dokter te word, het ek gedroom om rugby te
teleurstellings was verlede jaar toe hy vir      Ben Vorster se eerstes die Beeld-trofee       speel.”
die SA Sewes 0.18-span gekies is. “Ons sou       omhoog kon hou. “Dit was ‘n hoogtepunt.          Hy sê hy word geïnspireer deur klein
in Namibië gaan toer het, maar die Saterdag      Dit was die eerste keer wat Vossies in die    dinge wat normale mense doen.
voor ons sou vertrek het ek vir Ben Vorster      gevorderde liga die beker kon wen.”              “Ek sal iets raaksien en dink ek sal ook dit

MTB fans can look forward to XCO Lockdown Challenge
  Magoebaskloof MTB will be hosting              damages,” says Jennifer Noné, organiser of    tourism a much needed boost. Firstly a            contact. Please remember to wear your face
a series of socially distanced challenges        the annual Magoebaskloof MTB. “Copper         portion of the funds raised will be donated to    mask. No helmet, no ride. If you are not
until the end of September.”Covid-19 has         Moon Events in conjunction with sponsors,     the Magoebaskloof Tourism Association and         feeling well, please stay at home. Strictly no
had a devastating effect on local tourism        Insect Science, ZZ2, BF Petroleum, Miami      secondly, people who come to participate in       spectators allowed. You must please leave
and the events industry and as a result we       Canners, Trophy Motors, Talisman Hire and     the challenges will be able to support local      after your ride to avoid social gatherings.
have had to come up with some innovative         Stihl, will be hosting a series of socially   tourism businesses, many of whom have             You can repeat the challenge as many times
ways to keep things ticking over in an           distanced lockdown challenges.                had no income since the end of March,”            as you like to improve your time,” noted
attempt to avoid job losses and irreparable        “These challenges will give our local       said Noné. The first challenge will be an         Noné.
                                                                                               XCO MTB route that opened on Saturday                Timing will only be done on
                                                                                               25 July on the improved XCO course behind         Strava. Join our Strava clubs namely
                                                                                               Stanford Lake College, just off the R71, in       MAGOEBASKLOOFMTB and Limpopo
                                                                                               Magoebaskloof. “The route is approximately        Trail Running in order for your results to be
                                                                                               6km and we have not only cleaned up and           tracked and verified. People who are not on
                                                                                               repaired the old favourites, but have also        Strava and have not paid for their entry on
                                                                                               added a few exhilarating new sections. The        Entry Ninja beforehand, will not qualify and
                                                                                               route will be well marked so that people will     stand a chance to win a prize.
                                                                                               be able to go and do the challenge whenever
                                                                                               it suits them,” she added.                          Follow these steps to enter and complete
                                                                                                  It is however, important to note that this     the first challenge:
                                                                                               is not an organised event nor a race. It is         1. Join the MagoebaskloofMTB club
                                                                                               a socially distanced challenge, whereby           on Strava
                                                                                               people are permitted to cycle on their            magoebaskloof_mtb
                                                                                               own under the current Covid-19 laws and             2. Enter and pay for the challenge on
                                                                                               regulations.                                      EntryNinja
                                                                                                  “We cannot stress enough that cyclists         events/73502-xco-lockdown
                                                                                               and trail runners adhere to the following           3. Come to Magoebaskloof between 25
                                                                                               guidelines:                                       July and the end of September.
                                                                                                  Keep at least 3 meters from any other            4. Ride the XCO route as many times as
                                                                                               cyclists or runners. Avoid gathering and          you want to.
                                                                                               physical contact on the route. Indicate to the      5. After riding make sure you upload your
                                                                                               person in front of you that you are going to      ride to Strava. If you are not on Strava you
                                                                                               pass and do so quickly without any physical       cannot be timed/ranked.
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