103 Marines discharged for vaccine refusal - Stripes Lite

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103 Marines discharged for vaccine refusal
        BY CAITLIN DOORNBOS                      emption.                                          The deadlines to be vaccinated for the
              Stars and Stripes                     Now that the Army’s deadline has            Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force passed
   WASHINGTON — Six active-duty Army             passed, the National Guard is the only force   last month and those services have already
leaders have been fired and 103 Marines          still awaiting its deadline. Guard members     begun the process of forcing out vaccine re-
have been discharged for refusing to re-         have until June 30 to receive their vac-       fusers. The Marine Corps is the second ser-
ceive the coronavirus vaccine that the Pen-      cines, unless called upon to deploy with ac-   vice branch to announce separation totals
tagon mandated in August, the services           tive-duty forces, in which case they must      after the Air Force on Monday announced
said Thursday.                                   already be vaccinated.                         it had discharged 27 airmen for refusing
   Two Army battalion commanders are                However, Oklahoma and Texas have re-        the vaccine.
among the six soldiers relieved of duty, the     fused to enforce the vaccine mandate for          The Navy on Wednesday instructed com-
service said in a statement, without naming      their Guard troops after the governors of      manders to begin processing separations,
the leaders. However, they have not been         those states have argued they should be        but so far none have been reported.
discharged. The Army’s vaccination dead-         able to control the mandate while Guard           While some critics have argued separat-
line was Wednesday and the service is giv-       members are under a Title 10 status, which     ing service members could cause a readin-
ing extra time for soldiers to change their      means on a mission controlled by state offi-   ess issue, chief Pentagon spokesman John
minds before starting the separation proc-       cials.                                         Kirby on Thursday urged the public to con-
ess next month.                                     “If the federal government keeps threat-    sider the “perspective” on vaccine refusal
   “To those who continue to refuse the vac-     ening to defund the Texas National Guard,      discharges.
cine and are not pending a final decision on     I will deploy every legal tool available to       “The Air Force noted that 27 were initial-
a medical or administrative exemption, I         me as governor in defense of these Amer-       ly being processed for administrative dis-
strongly encourage you to get the vaccine,”      ican heroes,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said      charge, but 1,800 [airmen] had been ad-
Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said.           in a Thursday letter to the Pentagon an-       ministratively discharged throughout the
“If not, we will begin involuntary separa-       nouncing his refusal to enforce the man-       year [of] 2021 for any number of other rea-
tion proceedings.”                               date.                                          sons,” Kirby told reporters Thursday at the
   The Army has issued 2,767 written repri-         Additionally, the governors of Wyoming,     Pentagon.
mands to soldiers who continue to refuse         Iowa, North Dakota, Alaska, Nebraska and          Still, separation and vaccine refusal
the vaccine order. In total, about active-du-    Mississippi sent a letter Tuesday asking       rates are comparatively low. Across the ac-
ty 3,864 soldiers, which is less than one per-   Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to cancel       tive-duty force, more than 97% of troops
cent of the active force, have refused the       the Pentagon’s mandate for Guard mem-          have had at least one shot and 90.7% are ful-
vaccine without a pending or approved ex-        bers operating under state authority.          ly vaccinated, Kirby said.

Service members killed in Kabul blast to be honored
   BY COREY DICKSTEIN               the White House announced.          medal.                              Schmitz, 20, Cpl. Hunter Lopez,
        Stars and Stripes           The bill was passed in the             “Today’s a great day!”           22, Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, 31,
  The 13 U.S. service members       House in October and in the         McClain wrote in a Facebook         Cpl. Daegan William-Tyeler
killed in a bombing at Kabul’s      Senate last month without oppo-     post after Biden signed the bill.   Page, 23, Sgt. Nicole Gee, 23,
airport as they worked to evac-     sition in either chamber.           “I'm glad to see these brave men    Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, 22,
uate thousands of Americans,           In a brief statement marking     and women honored and re-           Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola, 20,
Afghans and allies ahead of the     his approval of the bill, Biden     membered in a bipartisan fash-      and Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pi-
U.S. military withdrawal from       thanked Rep. Lisa McClain, R-       ion.”                               chardo, 25.
Afghanistan will receive the        Mich., for introducing the bill        It was not immediately clear       The 13 perished in a massive
highest honor from Congress,        Aug. 31, just hours after the fi-   Thursday when the medals            suicide attack near one of the
the White House said Thursday.      nal American ground troops left     would be presented to the loved     gates at HKIA, where thou-
  President Joe Biden signed        Afghanistan after some two          ones of Navy Petty Officer 3rd      sands of Afghans had flocked in
into law a bill awarding the Con-   decades of war. Biden also          Class Max Soviak, 22, Army          a desperate attempt to flee their
gressional Gold Medal to the        thanked Sens. Steve Daines, R-      Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, 23, and     home country as the Taliban re-
sailor, soldier and 11 Marines      Mont., and Elizabeth Warren,        Marines Lance Cpl. Kareem Ni-       turned to power in a lightning
killed Aug. 26 from an Islamic      D-Mass., for their leadership in    koui, 20, Lance Cpl. David Espi-    offensive in the weeks ahead of
State suicide blast at Hamid        assuring the fallen service         noza, 20, Lance Cpl. Rylee          the U.S.-announced Aug. 31
Karzai International Airport,       members were awarded the            McCollum, 20, Lance Cpl. Jared      withdrawal.
PAGE 2      • STRIPES LITE •                  Friday, December 17, 2021

Russia sets tough demands for NATO
                 Associated Press                         near Russia.                                               but demanded the West provide a set of legal
  MOSCOW — Russia on Friday published                       The tough demands appear certain to be                   guarantees precluding NATO’s expansion
draft security pacts demanding NATO deny                  rejected by the U.S. and its allies, which have            to Ukraine and other Russian neighbors and
membership to Ukraine and other ex-Soviet                 emphasized that Russia doesn’t have a say in               the deployment of the alliance’s weapons
countries and to roll back its military deploy-           NATO’s enlargement. The alliance’s secre-                  there, a demand NATO has rejected.
ments in Central and Eastern Europe — bold                tary-general warned that any security talks                   Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov
demands that the U.S. and its allies already              with Moscow would need to take into ac-                    said that Russia’s relations with the U.S. and
have rejected.                                            count NATO concerns and involve Ukraine                    its NATO allies have approached a “danger-
  The documents, which have been submit-                  and other partners.                                        ous point,” noting that alliance deployments
ted to the U.S. and its allies earlier this week,           The publication of the draft pacts come                  and drills near Russia have raised “unac-
also call for a ban on sending U.S. and Rus-              amid soaring tensions over a Russian troop                 ceptable” threats to its security.
sian warships and aircraft to areas from                  buildup near Ukraine that has drawn Ukrai-                    Ryabkov told reporters that Moscow pro-
where they can strike each other’s territory              nian and Western fears of an invasion. Mos-                posed that the U.S. immediately start the
and demand a rollback on alliance drills                  cow has denied plans to attack its neighbor,               talks on the proposed drafts in Geneva.

Biden promises $2T package will pass in 2022
          Associated Press                 opposition from one holdout:                   “I believe that we will bridge           the Senate floor for votes as early
  WASHINGTON — President                   Sen. Joe Manchin of West Vir-               our differences and advance the             as possible.
Joe Biden has all but acknowl-             ginia.                                      Build Back Better plan, even in                “We will — we must — get
edged negotiations over his                  The president said that in their          the face of fierce Republican op-           Build Back Better passed,” Bi-
sweeping domestic policy pack-             recent discussions, the West Vir-           position,” Biden said in the state-         den said.
age will likely push into the new          ginia senator has reiterated his            ment.                                          At the same time, Democrats
year, as he does not yet have the          support for the framework he,                  Biden said he and his team will          were rushing to show progress
votes in the Senate to lift the            the president and other Demo-               continue to have discussions                on another jammed-up priority:
roughly $2 trillion bill to passage.       crats had agreed to on the flag-            with Manchin next week. The                 voting rights legislation that, Bi-
  Biden issued a statement                 ship bill. Biden said he also               White House and the congres-                den acknowledged, also faces
Thursday evening as it became              briefed House Speaker Nancy                 sional leaders plan to work “over           hurdles. “We must also press
increasingly apparent the Dem-             Pelosi and Senate Majority                  the days and weeks ahead” to fin-           forward on voting rights legisla-
ocratic senators would not meet            Leader Chuck Schumer earlier                ish up the details, he said. Both           tion, and make progress on this
their Christmas deadline, in               Thursday about the most recent              he and Schumer are determined,              as quickly as possible,” Biden
large part because of unyielding           round of talks with Manchin.                he said, to bring the package to            said.

Jet downs drone near Syria base that houses Americans
             BY CHAD GARLAND                              main route between Baghdad and Damas-                      Wallace said in the statement.
                 Stars and Stripes                        cus.                                                          The base, near the borders of Iraq and
  A British fighter jet shot down a drone in                 The British military statement called the               Jordan, is used by coalition forces training
Syria this week near a base used by the                   remotely piloted craft a “terrorist drone”                 and supporting Syrian forces fighting Is-
U.S.-led coalition forces and its partners,               but did not say who was believed to be fly-                lamic State. It was previously targeted two
the first midair destruction of a hostile air-            ing it. The U.S.-led coalition declined to                 months ago in an attack involving drones
craft by a U.K. counterpart in decades.                   provide further details Friday.                            and rockets.
  A Royal Air Force Typhoon fired an ad-                     It’s the first downing of an enemy air-                    This week’s incident is the first time an
vanced short-range air-to-air missile, or                 craft by the British military since the Falk-              RAF Typhoon has conducted an operation-
ASRAAM, on Tuesday to take out the small                  lands War about 40 years ago, the BBC re-                  al air-to-air engagement, the British mil-
unmanned aircraft near the al-Tanf garri-                 ported.                                                    itary said.
son, the British military said Thursday in a                 “This strike is an impressive demonstra-                   It’s also the first time the RAF has fired
statement.                                                tion of the RAF’s ability to take out hostile              an air-to-air missile during its involvement
  About 200 U.S. troops are typically based               targets in the air which pose a threat to our              in the anti-ISIS fight, which Britain calls
at the garrison, which is situated along a                forces,” British Defense Secretary Ben                     Operation Shader.

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Friday, December 17, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •        PAGE 3

Schools boost security amid viral trend
               Associated Press                    school administrators said in an email to        Gilroy High School in northern California.
  Educators announced plans to increase            parents. “We have been made aware of a na-       Gilroy police said they had found threats on
security in response to TikTok posts warn-         tionwide viral TikTok trend about ‘school        social media not to be credible, but school
ing of shooting and bomb threats at schools        shooting and bomb threats for every school       officials said final exams scheduled for Fri-
around the country Friday as officials as-         in the USA even elementary’ on Friday, De-       day, the last day before winter break, would
sured parents the viral posts were not con-        cember 17.”                                      be postponed to January out of an abun-
sidered credible.                                     The administrators said local police de-      dance of caution.
  The social media threats had many edu-           partments would increase their presence            The posts follow a disturbing trend that
cators on edge as they circulated in the af-       around schools “out of an abundance of cau-      has had students acting out in response to
termath of a deadly school shooting in Mi-         tion.”                                           social media challenges. In September, stu-
chigan, which has been followed by numer-             In a statement on Twitter, TikTok said it     dents across the U.S. posted videos of them-
ous copycat threats to schools elsewhere.          was working with law enforcement to inves-       selves vandalizing school bathrooms and
  School officials in states including Arizo-      tigate.                                          stealing soap dispensers as part of the “de-
na, Connecticut, Illinois, Montana, New               “We handle even rumored threats with          vious licks” challenge.
York and Pennsylvania said Thursday                utmost seriousness,” the statement said,           In October, students were challenged to
there would be an increased police pres-           “which is why we’re working with law en-         slap a teacher, prompting the National Edu-
ence because of the threats.                       forcement to look into warnings about po-        cation Association to call on the leaders of
  The vague, anonymous posts circulating           tential violence at schools even though we       Facebook, Twitter and TikTok to intervene.
online warned that multiple schools would          have not found evidence of such threats            The Michigan State Police, among law
receive shooting and bomb threats.                 originating or spreading via TikTok.”            enforcement agencies responding to the
  “We are writing to inform you and not               At least a few districts announced plans to   posts, said in a statement Thursday it was
alarm you,” Oak Park and River Forest, Ill.,       close school buildings Friday, including         unaware of any credible threats.

Alaskan crowned Miss America in streamed show
               Associated Press                    sis on looks alone — contestants are no long-    of 51 contestants representing the 50 states
   UNCASVILLE, Conn. — The contestant              er judged on physical appearance — with a        and the District of Columbia at the competi-
from Alaska was crowned Miss America at            new focus on leadership, talent and commu-       tion at a Connecticut casino.
an event Thursday marking the competi-             nication skills.                                    The finale that historically has been fea-
tion’s 100th anniversary.                             Emma Broyles from Alaska claimed the          tured in a prime-time television broadcast
   What began as a 1921 Atlantic City beauty       centennial crown and a $100,000 college          was available only to stream this year via
pageant has evolved away from the empha-           scholarship. She emerged as the winner out       NBC’s Peacock service.

FDA lifts rule on in-person pickup of abortion pills
               Associated Press                    which has only intensified amid the disrup-      should have gone further and allowed pre-
  WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug                   tions of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is cer-       scribing by any physician and broader
Administration on Thursday permanently             tain to spur legal challenges and more re-       pharmacy dispensing. Abortion opponents
removed a major obstacle for women seek-           strictions in Republican-led states.             said the FDA decision would result in more
ing abortion pills, eliminating a long-stand-         Earlier this year the FDA stopped enforc-     drug-related side effects and complications
ing requirement that they pick up the medi-        ing the in-person requirement because of         for women.
cation in person.                                  the pandemic. Under Thursday’s decision,            Physicians who prescribe the drug, mife-
  Millions of American women will now be           the agency permanently dropped the 20-           pristone, will have to certify that they can
able to get a prescription via an online con-      year-old rule, which has long been opposed       provide emergency care to deal with poten-
sultation and receive the pills through the        by medical societies, including the Ameri-       tial adverse effects, including excessive
mail. FDA officials said a scientific review       can Medical Association, which say the re-       bleeding, FDA officials said Thursday.
supported broadening access, including no          striction offers no clear benefit to patients.      The change still means many more doc-
longer limiting dispensing to a small num-            The FDA’s latest scientific review stems      tors will be able to write prescriptions and
ber of specialty clinics and doctor’s offices.     from a 2017 lawsuit led by the American          American women will be able to fill their or-
  But prescribers will still need to undergo       Civil Liberties Union, which argued that the     ders at far more pharmacies, including via
certification and training. Additionally, the      agency’s restrictions block or delay medical     online and mail-order services.
agency said dispensing pharmacies will             care, especially for people in low-income           The effect will vary by state. More than a
have to be certified.                              and rural communities.                           dozen Republican-led states have passed
  The decision is the latest shift in the polar-      The ACLU hailed the elimination of the        measures that limit access to the pills, in-
ized legal battle over medication abortion,        strictest requirements but said regulators       cluding outlawing delivery by mail.
PAGE 4    • STRIPES LITE •              Friday, December 17, 2021

COVID fears dash holiday hopes – again
               Associated Press                    their all-vaccinated casts and crews. Califor-     many nations. Adding to that anxiety is the
   Lines again stretch around blocks at some       nia and New York brought back indoor mask          fact that hospitals in many U.S. states are al-
COVID-19 testing sites. Refrigerated mobile        mandates.                                          ready slammed with patients infected with
morgues are on order, and parts of Europe             In Philadelphia, Health Commissioner            the delta variant. The military and the Na-
are re-tightening borders amid a winter            Cheryl Bettigole urged residents not to go to      tional Guard have been enlisted to help at
spike in coronavirus infections.                   indoor holiday parties, calling them “just too     hospitals.
   This year’s holiday season was supposed to      dangerous.” She ruefully advised against              Refrigerated mobile morgues, a grim sym-
be a do-over for last year’s subdued celebra-      even getting together with other households        bol of the early pandemic, are making a
tions. Instead it’s turning into a redux of re-    for Christmas.                                     comeback. In Arizona, one county voted this
strictions, cancellations and rising angst over       “It’s hard, and it feels impossible, and it     week to spend $65,000 on a mobile morgue
the unending pandemic.                             feels unfair,” she acknowledged, but “I have       because virus deaths have far exceeded ca-
   “This year, more than ever, everyone            to say it.”                                        pacity. A hospital in Akron, Ohio, brought in a
needed a holiday,” said John McNulty, owner           Many Americans have spent nearly two            trailer to more than triple its morgue space,
of Thief, a Brooklyn bar that had to close for a   years on an emotional seesaw as the pandem-        Cleveland television station WKYC reported.
day earlier this week because of an infected       ic worsened and waned in cycles and the               Some people are striving to keep fears in
employee.                                          hoped-for return to normal was repeatedly          check.
   As Christmas and New Year’s approach, a         pushed back. A recent poll by MTV Enter-              Yvonne Sidella, a “50-something” from Or-
pall lingers over the season. Infections are       tainment Group and The Associated Press-           wigsburg, Pa., views the steep rise in cases
soaring around the world, and the quickly          NORC Center for Public Affairs Research            and the looming threat of omicron with equa-
spreading omicron variant has triggered new        found that nearly half of American adults          nimity. She does not plan to let it alter holiday
restrictions on travel and public gatherings       said the pandemic made it harder to maintain       plans that include spending time with her el-
reminiscent of the dark days of 2020.              their mental health.                               derly parents, her four children and her eight
   The accelerating cancellations seem “to            “I think for a large number of people, there    grandchildren.
have thrown us back into that sort of zombie       was this hopefulness that this holiday season         “I’m not going to let this blow my spirit,”
world of the first week of March of the pan-       was going to be different. So if you went in       said Sidella, a manufacturing supervisor.
demic last year,” said Jonathan Neame, the         with that expectation, and you weren’t ad-         “I’m going to continue to live my life. I’m not
chief executive of Shepherd Neame, Britain’s       justing it over the last couple of months, I       going to let this here thing have me afraid to
oldest brewery and chain of pubs.                  think you’re going to be all the more disap-       go places or to do things or to touch people.”
   New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thurs-       pointed,” said Dr. Vaile Wright, a clinical           April Burns, a bill collector for New York
day that the city would “watch very careful-       psychologist who works for the American            City, said things are far from being back to
ly” whether to press ahead with plans to wel-      Psychological Association.                         normal. But she considers the worst to be
come a fully vaccinated crowd back to Times           Her advice? “Try to get to a place where the    over.
Square on New Year’s Eve, a celebration that       expectation is that this is going to continue on      “Last year, everybody was shut down. At
was canceled last year. It’s a go for now, the     for a while, and if you’re feeling stuck, try to   least now, things are open, you know. You can
mayor said.                                        find ways to make your life meaningful right       get out more, and you still get to see people,”
   Multiple Broadway shows, including “Ha-         now.”                                              said Burns, who is unvaccinated and was
milton,” “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “Harry Potter           The world has been on edge over the om-         standing in line Thursday near Wall Street to
and the Cursed Child,” called off perform-         icron variant, which could become the dom-         comply with city rules that require her to be
ances in recent days because of virus cases in     inant strain of the coronavirus in weeks in        tested weekly.

CDC backs Pfizer and Moderna vaccines over J&J’s
               Bloomberg News                      public. I continue to encourage all Americans      4.85 in mid-June, according to a presentation
   The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and        to get vaccinated and boosted,” she said.          at the meeting.
Prevention recommended messenger RNA                  Vaccines and boosters are becoming in-             Women ages 30 to 49 were at the highest
vaccines made by Moderna Inc. and Pfizer           creasingly important as omicron spreads            risk of the syndrome and resulting death, ac-
Inc. for use in adults over Johnson & John-        across across the world. While delta remains       cording to the presentation from Isaac See of
son’s shot, which has been linked to rare but      the dominant strain in the U.S., omicron has       the CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccination Safety
serious blood clots.                               now been detected in 33 states, and has            Task Force. Men of all ages who received the
   All 15 members of the CDC’s Advisory            quickly risen to account for an estimated 3%       vaccine had a lower risk of the complication.
Committee on Immunization Practices voted          of cases nationally, although it may be far           However, the risk of rare forms of blood
in favor of the recommendation Thursday af-        more prevalent in New York and New Jersey,         clotting is exponentially greater from CO-
ter U.S. regulators announced revisions to         the CDC has said.                                  VID-19 itself than from a single dose of the
the shot’s fact sheet to warn of the rare clot-       The risk of the vaccine-linked condition,       J&J vaccine, said Penny Heaton, the head of
ting syndrome. CDC Director Rochelle Wa-           called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia            vaccines for the company’s Janssen pharma
lensky signed off on the advice.                   syndrome or TTS, may be higher than previ-         unit. Citing research from the University of
   “Today’s updated recommendation em-             ously thought. The rate among women with           Oxford, Heaton said COVID-19 causes more
phasizes CDC’s commitment to provide real-         TTS as of early December was 5.84 per mil-         than 400 cases of the rare events per 1 million
time scientific information to the American        lion J&J doses administered, compared with         people.
Friday, December 17, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 5


Ex-auto tech gets prison             with officially recognized pedi-     district to the N.C. Department       of her home.
                                     gree or kennel club associations     of Instruction, The Charlotte           The unanimous vote to pay
for parts scheme                     such as the American Dog             Observer reported. By compar-         Anjanette Young $2.9 million
                                     Breeding Association.                ison, from August to Dec. 13, a       was widely expected, coming
MA           BOSTON — A for-
             mer auto techni-
cian for Boston police has been
                                     Sonic blasts being used              total of 23 guns have been found
                                                                          in CMS schools.
                                                                                                                two days after a council com-
                                                                                                                mittee voted to recommend that
sentenced to two months in pris-     to scare geese away                    The number of guns and oth-         the full council accept the settle-
                                                                          er weapons found on students          ment and after the city’s law de-
on for defrauding the agency
out of $260,000 in auto parts,       SD          SIOUX FALLS —
                                                 Sioux Falls is using
                                     pyrotechnics and sound can-
                                                                          during a school day has varied
                                                                          in recent years. In 2017-18, nine
                                                                                                                partment said Young’s attorney
                                                                                                                had agreed to the amount.
Acting U.S. Attorney Nathaniel
                                                                          guns were reported by CMS to
Mendell said Wednesday               nons to scare Canada geese that
                                     are migrating into the city as       state officials. During the 2020-
                                                                                                                Boyfriend poisoned
  Bahram Gharony, 36, of Bos-
ton, was sentenced Tuesday af-       temperatures drop and ponds          21 school year, when students         to shut him up
                                     freeze in rural areas.               missed much of their normal
ter pleading guilty two counts of
wire fraud in August. His sen-         City officials say the geese are
                                     creating a safety hazard for air-
                                                                          class time because of the CO-
                                                                          VID-19 pandemic, the district
                                                                                                                FL         JACKSONVILLE —
                                                                                                                           A Florida woman told
                                                                                                                deputies she gave her boyfriend
tence also includes three years
of supervised release and resti-     planes near the Sioux Falls Re-      reported six guns.                    “just enough” poison in his lem-
tution of $256,432.                  gional Airport. The geese can        A dozen elk fall through              onade to shut him up and then
  Prosecutors say Gharony            strike a plane’s windshield or                                             called law enforcement “so he
used his position to order auto      get sucked into its engines.         ice at lake and perish                wouldn’t die,” according to a po-
parts that were purportedly for
the Boston Police Department
                                       Sioux Falls Animal Control
                                     and the South Dakota Depart-
                                     ment of Game, Fish and Parks
                                                                          MI          GRAYLING — A doz-
                                                                                      en elk fell through ice
                                                                          in northern Michigan and died,
                                                                                                                lice report.
                                                                                                                   Deputies with the Jackson-
                                                                                                                ville Sheriff’s Office said Alvis
but that he then sold to others.
                                     began using pyrotechnics and         despite a desperate rescue ef-        Parrish, 54, put a psychotic drug
Parish to require                    sound cannons Thursday to            fort by hunting guides, author-       in the lemonade of William Car-
neutering of pets                    scare geese from ponds east of       ities said.                           ter, with whom she had been liv-
                                     the Sioux Empire Fairgrounds            “This is a very tragic and un-     ing with for nine years, on Dec.
LA         SHREVEPORT           —
           Beginning in July, pet
owners in a north Louisiana
                                     and at Elmwood golf course.
                                       Animal control officials say
                                                                          fortunate event,” said Dan
                                                                          Eichinger, director of the De-
                                                                                                                7. She then called authorities.
                                                                                                                   When deputies arrived at her
parish could see their dogs or       the sound cannons are a hu-          partment of Natural Resources.        home, she was on the front
cats impounded if they don’t get     mane method of scaring geese,           The elk, a group of bulls, fe-     porch and said she did it be-
them spayed or neutered.             instead of using chemicals or        males and calves, died Tuesday        cause he wouldn’t shut up, ac-
  The Shreveport Times re-           poisons. They create a sonic         at Crapo Lake, a private lake in      cording to an arrest report.
ports that the Caddo Parish          blast with no projectiles.           Otsego County, about 20 miles            “I gave him just enough to
                                                                          northeast of Grayling.
Commission approved a spay           Schools set mark for                    A hunting party saw the elk
                                                                                                                shut him up and called y’all so
                                                                                                                he wouldn’t die,” said Parrish,
and neuter mandate Thursday.
The vote was 10-1.                   guns on campus                       heading down a slope and onto         according to the arrest report.
                                                                          the ice. Two hunting guides in a         A deputy put her in handcuffs
  The law, which does not in-
clude a monetary penalty, will       NC         CHARLOTTE
                                     second largest school system
                                                                          rowboat tried to cut a path
                                                                          through the ice with a chainsaw
                                                                                                                and Parrish continued talking.
                                                                                                                “Do whatever you want. If you
take effect July 1. It will expire
in 2024 unless the commission        says it has surpassed its previ-     but didn’t make much progress,        don’t take me, I will kill him,”
decides to extend it.                ous 10-year high for the amount      the DNR said.                         she said, according to the arrest
  Under the law, dogs must be        of guns on campuses after just       City to pay woman                     report. The deputy reported she
                                                                                                                was speaking with a slur, as if
sterilized by 52 weeks old and       three months of the 2021-22 aca-
cats by 26 weeks old.                demic year.                          $2.9M over police raid                she was intoxicated.
  Supporters said the new law
is meant to reduce the rising
number of stray and unwanted
                                       The previous highs of 19 guns
                                     found or confiscated in the 2016-
                                     17 school year, and 22 in the
                                                                          IL       CHICAGO — The Chi-
                                                                                   cago     Council
                                                                          Wednesday voted to pay nearly
                                                                                                                   Carter at first didn’t want to
                                                                                                                go to a hospital, but he was taken
                                                                                                                to an emergency room after he
animals in the parish that have      2018-19 school year, are figures     $3 million to a woman who was         collapsed to the floor, saying he
to be euthanized. Exceptions         from complete years, based on        handcuffed while naked by po-         was not feeling well.
are made for pets registered         annual reports from the school       lice officers during a 2019 raid             — From Associated Press
PAGE 6   • STRIPES LITE •            Friday, December 17, 2021

Kelce, Chiefs hold off Chargers in OT
              Associated Press                    tions the past two games, but he broke out in   but this is the NFL, and you have to get in the
   INGLEWOOD, Calif. — Travis Kelce, Pa-          a big way. He had five of his 10 catches for    end zone.”
trick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs          142 yards in the fourth quarter and over-          Los Angeles’ defeat came after a terrify-
have faced their share of challenges this         time. He also had a 69-yard reception that      ing injury to tight end Donald Parham. The
season. The two-time defending AFC cham-          led to Tyreek Hill’s 1-yard touchdown and a     24-year-old appeared to lose consciousness
pions are peaking at the right time for an-       two-point conversion that tied it at 21.        after slamming his head on the turf in the
other playoff push.                                  “Everybody is talking about him losing a     first quarter. He was helped off on a stretch-
   Kelce had a career-high 191 receiving          step. He looked fast to me,” Chiefs coach       er and taken to a hospital, where the team
yards and scored on a 34-yard pass from           Andy Reid said after the 32-year-old Kelce      said he is in stable condition.
Mahomes in overtime as the Chiefs rallied         had his sixth career game with at least 10         Herbert threw two touchdowns and ran
for a 34-28 victory over the Los Angeles          catches. “His endurance down the stretch        for another score, but the Chargers (8-6)
Chargers on Thursday night.                       for an elder statesman — he’s not over the      came up empty on three red-zone drives.
   Kelce caught a tying 7-yard touchdown          hill — his acceleration is something.”          Herbert completed 22 of 38 passes for 236
pass with 1:16 left in the fourth quarter, then      Mahomes bounced back after a fourth-         yards and an interception.
ended the game with his catch-and-run in          quarter interception led to Austin Ekeler’s
                                                                                                     “I really liked the way we managed the
overtime. On first-and-10, Kelce pulled in        touchdown and gave the Chargers a 21-13
                                                                                                  entire game tonight. It didn’t go down for us
Mahomes’ pass at the 30 and eluded two            advantage. He was 10-for-16 for 197 yards
                                                                                                  today, but we gave ourselves an opportuni-
tackles en route to the end zone, where he        and three TDs after the turnover.
                                                                                                  ty. We just didn’t finish the game off defen-
was swarmed by teammates.                            “Obviously it (stinks) in the moment. I
                                                                                                  sively,” Chargers coach Brandon Staley
   “I don’t think I’ve ever been part of a        mean, I promise you I felt as bad as anyone
walk-off touchdown or anything like that, so      about that throw and that situation, and
to be in that moment, find him underneath         knew how bad it looked. But you will get an-       The Chargers fell behind 10-0 early in the
and him making such a dynamic play                other chance and you better be ready for        second quarter before scoring on two
where, I mean, he cut back, ran by people,”       that moment,” Mahomes said.                     straight drives to take a 14-10 lead at half-
said Mahomes, who completed 31 of 47 for a           Justin Herbert gave the Chargers a 28-21     time. Herbert scored on a 1-yard keeper off
season-high 410 yards with three touch-           lead with 2:19 remaining on an 8-yard TD        left end and then connected with Jalen Guy-
downs and an interception. “You think he’s        pass to Keenan Allen, but couldn’t make it      ton for a 4-yard TD on the next drive.
old. He can’t run by people. But he’s still       hold up. It is the second straight season the      The Chiefs benefited off Chargers mis-
running by people. And he got in the end          Chiefs have come to the Chargers’ Holly-        takes for their first 10 points. After Los An-
zone.”                                            wood Park home and won in overtime.             geles turned it over on downs, Kansas City
   The Chiefs were 3-4 at the end of October         “The goal is always to score. We needed to   went 95 yards in 11 plays, culminating in Mi-
but have won seven straight to improve to         put up points, and we got in the end zone,      chael Burton’s 7-yard run up the middle.
10-4 and go up by two games in the AFC            and that was our mission,” Herbert said.           The Chiefs then turned Anthony Hitch-
West.                                             “We would have loved to have been able to       ens’ interception of Herbert into points on
   Kelce had been held to six total recep-        run the clock down and not have any time,       Harrison Butker’s 30-yard field goal.

League updates virus protocols, pushes booster shots
        Associated Press             quirements for those who have        from within team facilities.        or two Mesa tests — or one of
   In moves reminiscent of the       recovered from COVID-19,”            That is the opposite of where       each — being negative. The lo-
environment for the 2020 sea-        the league said in a statement.      previous positives had come         gistics for that could speed up
son, the NFL has updated its         “All of these changes are            from right after Thanksgiving.      the return of sidelined players.
protocols and advocated for          grounded in our data and sci-           The league and the players’         “We have to think differently
booster shots in reaction to an      ence-backed approach, with           union, advised by independent       about this phase of the pan-
increase in COVID-19 cases           safety our No. 1 goal for the        infectious disease officers,        demic,” Sills said. “We are fac-
around the league.                   entire NFL community.”               have developed a mechanism          ing a different set of challenges
   As part of its protocol chang-      The updated protocols will         in the protocols that might lead    and in some ways almost a dif-
es, it is requiring masks re-        be enforced through Week 15          to shorter stints on the side-      ferent disease ... and it is going
gardless of vaccination status,      games, but are likely to contin-     lines for people testing posi-      to require a different (strategy)
and remote or outdoor meet-          ue or even be strengthened af-       tive.                               from us.”
ings. It also is stopping in-per-    ter that point.                         Previously, a vaccinated per-       The 32 teams also were told
son meals, adding restrictions         Dr. Allen Sills, the league’s      son — players, coaches, exec-       Thursday that they may con-
on activities outside the facil-     chief medical officer, said the      utives and staffers — who tests     tinue current media policies
ity, prohibiting outside visitors    omicron variant of the corona-       positive must then have two         that include media wearing
during team travel, and limit-       virus is “in many ways (like)        negative tests 24 hours apart       masks at all times in a club fa-
ing the amount of people in          addressing a new disease.”           and be asymptomatic before          cility. But the teams can also
team weight rooms.                   Omicron is responsible for the       being cleared to return. Begin-     shift to virtual interviews for
   “Finally, and based on ex-        significant uptick in positive       ning immediately, the new pro-      the rest of this week, some-
pert advice, we will adjust the      COVID-19 cases, according to         tocols relax that requirement a     thing a few of them already
return-to-participation       re-    Sills, which are emanating           bit, allowing for two PCR tests     have done.
Friday, December 17, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •       PAGE 7

Balanced Suns cruise past Wizards
        Associated Press             games dating to Oct. 27. The          Thursday for another short-         beat Houston.
   PHOENIX — Chris Paul and          way the two teams have won            handed victory.                       New York snapped a four-
Deandre Ayton had a good time        this season is quite different:          The Nets were missing seven      game losing streak, winning for
in the fourth quarter, celebrat-     The Warriors are outscoring           players because of coronavirus      just the second time in its last
ing dunks and three-pointers,        teams by nearly 12 points per         health and safety protocols but     nine games. Houston has lost
high-fiving teammates and gen-       game while the Suns have about        still had Durant, the NBA’s         four of five since a seven-game
erally taking it easy.               a seven-point margin.                 leading scorer who added 11 re-     winning streak.
   The Phoenix Suns have won a         Suns coach Monty Williams           bounds and eight assists.             The Knicks had four players
lot of games in a lot of ways this   said he was particularly im-             Blake Griffin and Nic Clax-      out because of the NBA’s health
season, but blowouts have been       pressed with the victory be-          ton both added a season-high 17     and safety protocols — R.J.
few and far between. That            cause it came just two days af-       points for the Nets, who had just   Barrett, Obi Toppin, Quentin
changed Thursday night with a        ter a physical 111-107 overtime       nine players available. Patty       Grimes and Kevin Knox. On top
118-98 victory over the Wash-        win at Portland. He could sense       Mills scored 14 points in East-     of that, Derrick Rose started
ington Wizards.                      that his team was a little tired at   ern Conference-leading Brook-       the game but left with a sore
   “We actually put a team away      the morning shootaround, but          lyn’s fourth straight victory.      right ankle after playing just 12
today,” center JaVale McGee          pushed through any discom-               Joel Embiid had 32 points,       minutes.
said.                                fort.                                 nine rebounds and six assists in      Daniel Theis led Houston
   McGee scored 17 points and          “We were ready,” Williams           the 76ers’ third straight loss.     with 22 points and 10 rebounds.
Ayton added 15 as the combo          said. “That was pretty cool. The      Seth Curry scored 29 points.          Pacers 122, Pistons 113:
dominated the interior, pushing      outcome was the residual of the          It was Brooklyn’s second         Caris LeVert scored 20 of his 31
the Suns to 58 points in the         focus and determination we            straight game without starters      points in the first half and host
paint. All five starters and eight   showed on defense, holding            James Harden, LaMarcus Al-          Indiana handed Detroit its 13th
total players scored in double       that team to 98 points and hav-       dridge and DeAndre’ Bembry,         straight loss.
figures. Landry Shamet had 16        ing eight guys in double fig-         along with reserves Bruce             LeVert was 12-for-18 from
points and made four three-          ures.”                                Brown, Paul Millsap, Jevon          the field. Justin Holiday added
pointers, and Paul had 12 points       Nets 114, 76ers 105: Kevin          Carter and James Johnson.           17 points for Indiana, shooting
and six assists.                     Durant scored 34 points, mak-            Knicks 116, Rockets 103:         5-for-15.
   The Suns pulled even with         ing a four-point play with the        Immanuel Quickly hit seven            Saddiq Bey led the Pistons
Golden State for the NBA lead        game tied and 1:46 left, and host     three-pointers and scored 24        with 28 points and 10 rebounds.
at 23-5. They have won 22 of 24      Brooklyn beat Philadelphia on         points to help visiting New York    Detroit is an NBA-worst 4-23.

League, players agree to additional COVID protocols
        Associated Press                The exceptions: during on-         — roughly 8% of the league’s        this country; there’s been a
  The NBA and its players            court basketball activities for       total player roster — from at       dramatic uptick in cases.
have agreed to enhanced              players, and for head coaches         least 13 different teams known      Knock on wood, the severity of
health and safety protocols          during games.                         to be in the league’s protocols.    those cases and the rate of hos-
through the holiday season in           Testing will be increased          Chicago had a league-high           pitalizations don’t appear to be
response to rising virus num-        from Dec. 26 through Jan. 8,          eight players in protocols, one     as dramatic. But it’s still very
bers, with additional testing        the league said. The league al-       more than Brooklyn. Harden          real.”
coming and a return to mask          so told teams that more re-           and Antetokounmpo both en-             There was a bit of good news
usage in many situations.            quirements and recommenda-            tered the protocols earlier this    Thursday when the Bulls re-
  The upgraded mask rules            tions would be coming in the          week.                               vealed that two of their 10 play-
will be in place “until agreed       next few days, “to help reduce           Washington coach Wes Un-         ers who entered protocols have
otherwise by the NBA and             the risk of COVID-19 spread           seld Jr., speaking to reporters     since been cleared for a return.
Players Association,” accord-        within the team environment.”         in Phoenix before the Wizards’         The Bulls had two games this
ing to a memo shared with               The memo was released on           game there Thursday, said the       week postponed because of a
teams Thursday night and ob-         the same day that Russell             rise in numbers — in the NBA,       player shortage. For now,
tained by The Associated             Westbrook entered the health          other leagues and around the        they’re scheduled to return to
Press. Masks need to be worn         and safety protocols, joining         country — is “a huge concern.”      play Sunday at home against
again in almost all circum-          Milwaukee’s Giannis Anteto-              “Protocols are put in place,”    the Lakers.
stances during team activities       kounmpo      and    Brooklyn’s        Unseld said. “We’ve been test-         “We got hit really hard with
— including travel, when on          James Harden as past league           ing for some time now with the      all this and we lost a lot of play-
the bench during games, in           MVPs currently sidelined by           cases that we’ve had. It’s not      ers,” Bulls coach Billy Dono-
meetings and locker rooms,           coronavirus concerns.                 unusual. It’s not unique to our     van said. “Other teams have
weight rooms and training               As of Thursday evening,            team. Obviously, look around        maybe been hit a little bit, but
room settings.                       there were at least 39 players        the landscape of the league and     not as much.”
PAGE 8    • STRIPES LITE •             Friday, December 17, 2021

Playing in empty arena, Habs top Flyers
        Associated Press            900th career point and host           COVID-19 protocols.                   scored.
   MONTREAL — Jonathan              Tampa Bay beat Ottawa.                   Golden Knights 5, Devils 3:          Sabres 3, Wild 2 (SO): Tage
Drouin was the only scorer in          Vasilevskiy made 25 saves to       Nicolas Roy scored the last of        Thompson scored the only goal
the shootout, and the Montreal      get his 63rd win in 2021 regular-     his team’s four straight goals,       in a shootout, lifting visiting
Canadiens beat the Philadel-        season and playoff games. He          Robin Lehner made 23 saves            Buffalo over Minnesota.
phia Flyers 3-2 on Thursday         broke the record of 62, estab-        and visiting Vegas beat New             After the first five shooters
night in a mostly empty Bell        lished by Pittsburgh goalie           Jersey for its third straight win.    came up empty, Thompson end-
Centre because of the rise of       Marc-Andre Fleury in 2009.               Dylan Coghlan, William Car-        ed the game when he beat Min-
COVID-19 cases.                        Kings 4, Panthers 1: Anze          rier and William Karlsson also
                                                                                                                nesota goalie Cam Talbot with a
   Quebec public health officials   Kopitar and Dustin Brown              scored for the Golden Knights,
asked the Canadiens to play         scored in the second period and       who have won six of seven and
without fans in their home are-     Jonathan Quick made 41 saves          are 5-1-1 all-time against the          Oilers 5, Blue Jackets 2:
na earlier Thursday to help slow    to help visiting Los Angeles de-      Devils.                               Jesse Puljujarvi had two goals
the spread of the virus. The Can-   feat short-handed Florida.               Islanders 3, Bruins 1: Cal         and an assist, and host Edmon-
adiens agreed to the provincial        Olli Maatta scored for the         Clutterbuck scored twice and          ton snapped a six-game skid
government’s request, making        first time in 75 games and Ar-        Semyon Varlamov stopped 40            with a win over Columbus.
the game the first at Bell Centre   thur Kaliyev added a third-peri-      shots for his first win of the sea-     Derek Ryan, Brendan Perlini
without spectators since Game       od goal for the Kings, who im-        son as host New York topped de-       and Warren Foegele also scored
4 of the 2021 North Division        proved to 3-0-1 in their last four    pleted Boston.                        for the Oilers, who ended a five-
semifinals against the Toronto      games.                                   Anthony Beauvillier also           game losing streak at home.
Maple Leafs on May 25.                 Hurricanes 5, Red Wings 3:         scored to help the Islanders get        Canucks 5, Sharks 2: Brock
   Artturi Lehkonen and Lau-        Nino Niederreiter broke a tie         their second straight win at          Boeser scored twice and visit-
rent Dauphin scored in regula-      with his second goal of the game      home after opening 0-5-2 at new       ing Vancouver won its sixth
tion for Montreal. Cayden Pri-      18 seconds into the third period      UBS Arena.
                                                                                                                straight game since coach
meau, the son of former Phila-      to send depleted Carolina past           Predators 5, Avalanche 2:
                                                                                                                Bruce Boudreau took over,
delphia player Keith Primeau,       visiting Detroit.                     Filip Forsberg had two goals
                                                                                                                beating San Jose.
allowed two goals on 38 shots.         Tony DeAngelo and Jack             and an assist to lead host Nash-
He saved every shootout at-         Drury, who made his NHL de-           ville over Colorado in a game           Bo Horvat, J.T. Miller and Ja-
tempt.                              but, joined Niederreiter with         between rosters wrecked by            son Dickinson also scored as the
   Lightning 2, Senators 1: An-     first-period goals, and Vincent       COVID-19 outbreaks.                   Canucks extended their resur-
drei Vasilevskiy set an NHL re-     Trocheck added an empty-net-             Tanner Jeannot added a goal        gence since Boudreau replaced
cord for wins in a calendar year,   ter for the Hurricanes, who           and an assist, and Roman Josi         the fired Travis Green less than
Steven Stamkos picked up his        played with 16 skaters due to         and Mattias Ekholm also               two weeks ago.

No. 2 Duke pulls away from Appalachian State
        Associated Press            “They were tough. I think the         Mountaineers hung with Duke           hawk slam at the 3:02 mark in
   DURHAM, N.C. — Wendell           score is not indicative of the        for a while, but couldn’t keep        the first half that came amid a
Moore Jr. scored 21 points as       game.”                                pace with the Blue Devils in the      14-5 run for the Blue Devils. On
No. 2 Duke pulled away for a 92-       The Mountaineers trimmed           second half. Still, App State         the second, at the 5:55 mark in
67 victory over Appalachian         the deficit to five points early in   should have enough firepower          the second half, Moore charged
State on Thursday night.            the second half, but Duke then        to compete for the Sun Belt           down the lane through traffic
   Moore made 8 of 11 shots and     connected on three straight           championship again.                   for a one-handed jam that gave
had five rebounds and six as-       three-point attempts to push its        Duke: The Blue Devils               Duke a 20-point lead.
sists. Paolo Banchero scored 16     lead to double digits again.          played well enough to win by a           “He’s having, right now, an
points, AJ Griffin and Trevor          Leading the Mountaineers           comfortable margin. Duke took         All-American year. He’s played
Keels had 11 apiece and Jeremy      was Michael Almonacy, who             care of the ball, racking up 21       as well as anybody. And he’s
Roach scored 10 for the Blue        scored all of his 17 points in the    assists to just nine turnovers.       been a leader,” Krzyzewski said
Devils (9-1).                       first half. Justin Forrest had 16     Duke entered this game with           of Moore. “With all of the work
   Duke ended the first half on a   points for App State.                 the third-best assist-to-turn-        he did in April and May, he com-
20-9 run and led by 13 points at                                          over ratio in the country at          pletely changed his athletic
intermission. App State (6-6)       Big picture                           plus-1.95.                            ability.”
had led 24-23 midway through          Appalachian State: The                                                       Entering this game, Moore
the first half.                     Mountaineers brought back             Highlight reel                        was the only player in the coun-
   “That was a really good game     92% of their scoring from a team        Moore had two dunks that            try averaging better than 17
for us. They play hard and          that made the NCAA Tourna-            brought the crazy out of the fans     points, six rebounds and five as-
they’re a veteran team,” Duke       ment a year ago, the third ever       at Cameron Indoor Stadium.            sists per game while shooting
coach Mike Krzyzewski said.         App State team to do so. The          The first was a fast-break toma-      better than 50% from the floor.
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