Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP

Page created by Sara Peters
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
                                                              T H U R S D AY, A U G U S T 3 1 , 2 0 1 7

Seventh month
 deals you
 can’t miss
Apartment         What’s your      Dream homes        Clearing
types for every   interior décor   within reach       fengshui
personality       style?                              myths
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
2    AUGUST 31, 2017

                                             NEWS                                                                        SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

       3          Fortune favours the brave
       4          Under one roof
       6          Hot picks
       8          7 gadgets every new
                  homeowner should have
    10            Trending now
    11            Home loans demystified
    12            A nest out West
    14            Resort living in the
                  heart of town
    16            Fengshui or fiction?
    17            A lot like falling in love...
    18            Find the perfect pad for
                  your personality
    20            Best of both worlds:
                  eclectic appeal of the city
    22            What is your ideal
                  interior style?
    24            Vested interests
    26            Unwind in an urban oasis
    In the article titled “A nest out West” published in
    The Straits Times’ Home&Now supplement on August
    26, 2017, we stated that the “Niche Kitchen” design
    was created for The Clement Canopy by designer Bruce
    Wilkin. This is incorrect. Wilkin was, in fact, not involved in
    this development.

                                                                 SPECIAL | PRODUCED BY SPH CONTENT LAB
                                                                             T H U R S D AY, A U G U S T 3 1 , 2 0 1 7

             Seventh month
               deals you
               can’t miss
               Apartment         What’s your      Dream homes        Clearing
               types for every   interior décor   within reach       fengshui
               personality       style?                              myths

                       Photographer Ted Chen
                      Models Sophia Kaufmann and
                         Cookie the Maltipoo
                      Location Goodwood Grand
                   This supplement was first published on
                         Aug 26 in The Straits Times.

    HEAD Serene Goh EDITORS Michelle Bong, Hafiz Rasid
    WRITERS Bryant Chan, Trina Khoo, Lydia Shu, Belinda Wan
    Chris Tan ART AND DESIGN Kimmie Tan, Sara Tan
    Czaraim Suganob Carreon ADMIN EXECUTIVE Jenny Wong
    ADVERTISING SALES Lina Tan, Stella Yeo
    For reproduction of articles or reprints of photographs, call SPH’s Information
    Resource Centre: 6319-5508 or 6319-5726. E-mail feedback to contentlab@
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
                                                                                                                                                                            AUGUST 31, 2017   3

SPH CONTENT LAB | SPECIAL                                                                                                                          NEWS

Fortune favours the brave
The traditional
property market slump
during the Hungry
Ghost Festival is your
cue to take advantage
of today’s market, says
Michelle Bong

ACCORDING to Chinese
beliefs, the Hungry Ghost
month is when the gates of
hell open to let spirits roam
free and, therefore, regarded
as an inauspicious time to
buy, sell or renovate a house.
   Yet this year’s reading of
the market suggests that a
confluence of factors could
favour the daring. Reports in
The Straits Times indicate the
residential property market
is bottoming out, property
transactions are brisk, and
overall market sentiment is
   According to Urban Rede-
velopment Authority data,
the number of private homes
sold in June this year jumped
by 53 per cent from a year ago.
Developers sold 820 units, a       Buyers who are not superstitious could bag a great deal for a choice property. PHOTOS: THINKSTOCK
marked increase from the 536
units sold last June.
   So while timing keeps           during the seventh month                     ready, reducing the need to                   good deals. The report com-     by incentives or ominous
many from making a decision        could end up with much fewer                 undertake major renova-                       pared factors including size,   thoughts. One buyer, who
to secure their purchases,         choices for consideration,” he               tions or hack walls. “Older                   floor level and housing types   declined to be named, said:
buyers with no qualms              says. “With the currently high               HDB resale flats generally                    based on data from 82,001       “I will be signing my option
about doing so might emerge        market activity, prices could                require extensive renova-                     non-landed private housing      to purchase my two-bedroom
winners.                           rise, and all you get from not               tions. However, new condo-                    transactions between 2000       condo unit at Principal
   Mr Ismail Gafoor, chief         making a decision is the risk                minium projects do not have                   and 2009.                       Gardens next month, during
executive officer of real estate   of paying more later on.”                    this issue. Buyers can simply                    It found that prices for     the Hungry Ghost Festival.
agency Propnex, says market           Mr Jack Chua, CEO of real                 move in,” he says.                            homes were 7.43 per cent           It didn’t even cross my mind
demand and supply forces,          estate company ERA, notes                       Insights from a Straits                    lower and buyers who made       that it would be taboo to do so.
and not superstitions, should      that buying newly completed                  Times study published in                      their purchases during the      I shopped around, fell in love
lead a buyer’s choice.             private residential property                 2015 on the home buying                       seventh month enjoyed dis-      with Principal Gardens for its
   “Based on market buoyan-        is more favourable during                    behaviour of Chinese and                      counts of 8.45 per cent.        great location and facilities,
cy right now, potential buyers     the seventh month, because                   non-Chinese suggest this                         Nonetheless, there are       and decided to buy it. I don’t
who avoid property shopping        such homes are move-in                       period could, in fact, yield                  those who aren’t influenced     care about superstitions.”

Older HDB resale flats generally
require extensive renovations.
However, new condominium
projects do not have this issue.
Buyers can simply move in.
Mr Jack Chua

                                                                                Move-in ready homes do not need a lot of renovation.
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
4    AUGUST 31, 2017

                           NEWS                                                                                                      SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

Under one roof
Sims Urban Oasis offers the flexibility of making your
purchase an ideal home as well as a smart investment

                                                                                                                         Live in luxury at Sims Urban Oasis. PHOTOS: GUOCOLAND

                                   MICHELLE BONG                   separate apartments with        enjoy convenient proximity         families resort-style living
                                                                   their own set of keys. Each     but not necessarily a shared       that is bound to inspire
                                   LOCATED on the city fringe      apartment has their own         living space. This way, mar-       and invigorate the senses.
                                   and a few MRT stops away        facilities and amenities such   ried couples and their chil-       Thoughtfully designed, the
                                   from Bugis and Raffles          as bedrooms, kitchens, bath-    dren can occupy one unit,          condominium’s       expansive
                                   Place, Sims Urban Oasis is      rooms and lifestyle-comple-     while grandparents live in         grounds cater to the needs
                                   increasingly a place that       mentary spaces.                 the other.                         of every member of the
                                   growing families call home.       This is particularly great       Such an arrangement is          family.
                                      In particular, the family-   for multi-generational or       especially ideal for families         One of the best offerings
                                   friendly development’s 3BR      extended families looking to    who rely on grandparents to        at Sims Urban Oasis is the
                                   and 4BR units, designed with                                    take care of young children.       family zone, a hotspot for
                                   a dual key concept, support                                        Alternatively, those look-      get-together sessions and
                                   multi-generational living. A                                    ing to upgrade from HDB            celebrations. Why head out?
                                   popular feature that appeals                                    dwellings can consider such        Stay in and utilise facilities
                                   to condo shoppers, dual key                                     units that would let them          in the family zone such as
                                   units comprise two self-                                        occupy one apartment and           the BBQ pavilion, family
                                   contained living spaces that                                    rent the other out for invest-     sun and lounge decks, two
                                   share one roof.                                                 ment purposes. In other            Olympic-length swimming
                                      The entire unit, which                                       words, buyers of dual-key          pools, as well as separate
                                   also shares a foyer but                                         units own one property but         children’s play and wading
                                   with different main front                                       enjoy the possibility of two       pools.
                                   doors, is divided into two                                      tenancies.                            Sims Urban Oasis also
                                                                                                      Alternatively, the second       features a large lawn and
                                                                                                   apartment can be used as           multiple recreational spaces.
    Sims Urban Oasis                                                                               a home office. Working in a        Children can play ball on the
                                                                                                   separate space from the one        big lawn, learn to swim in the
           Location                                                                                you live in promises savings       pool, master a good swing on
           60 Sims Drive
                                                                                                   not just in terms of rental,       the tennis court, and social-
           PSF price                                                                               but also travel time and           ise with other kids at the
           From $1,350                                                                             transport costs.                   playground.
           No of units                                                                                Complementing this living          For added convenience, the
           1,024                                                                                   arrangement is a suite of          condominium is equipped
                                                                                                   facilities designed to encour-     with six retail shops and a
           Nearest MRT station                                                                     age increased family activity      childcare centre — perfect
           Aljunied                                                                                time and closer bonds. With        for parents or caregivers with
           URL                                                                                     nine different activity zones      a daily schedule of sending
                                                                    and more than 50 facilities,       and picking up the kids from
                                                                                                   Sims Urban Oasis offers            school.
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
AUGUST 31, 2017   5
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
6      AUGUST 31, 2017

                                 NEWS                                                                                                                        SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

               Hot picks
               Choose from a variety of quality living
               options by award-winning developer CDL                                                                                                          The Brownstone EC
                                                                                                                                                                     Canberra Drive
                                                                                                                                                                     3-BR from $747,200
                                                                                                                                                                     Units available
                                                                                                                                                                     Nearest MRT station
                                                                                                                                                                     Canberra (upcoming)
                                                      UP @ Robertson Quay

                                    BELINDA WAN                                                                                                                The Criterion EC
                                                                                                                                       The Brownstone EC             Location
                                    IN JUNE, City Developments                                                                                                       Yishun Street 51
                                    Limited (CDL) emerged as the
                                    most-awarded private sector                                                                                                      Price
                                    developer in the BCA Awards                                                                                                      3-BR from $664,000
                                    2017 with 31 accolades.                                                                                                          4-BR from $828,000
                                      CDL was also the first and                                                                                                     Units available
                                    only property developer to be                                                                                                    3-BR and 4-BR
                                    conferred the inaugural top
                                    Quality Star Champion, on                                                                                                        Nearest MRT station
                                    top of the Quality Champion                                                                                                      Khatib
                                    (Platinum) award 2017.                                                                                                           URL
                                      For homebuyers searching                                                                                             
                                    for their dream home, take                                                                                                       thecriterion
                                    your pick from a myriad of
                                    luxurious residences at choice
                                    locations from this trusted
                                    property brand.
                                                                                                                                                             Sembawang Shopping Centre
                                                                                                                                                             and Causeway Point.
                                     MOVE IN ANYTIME                                                                                                           Wellington Primary School
                                     These developments are ideal for                                                                                        and Sembawang Primary
                                     busy urbanites who need to move in                                                                   The Criterion EC   School are located within a
                                     immediately.                                                                                                            one-kilometre radius.
                                                                            located in the Central Business
                                                                            District, One Shenton is designed      TOP PICKS
                                    Live it up by the riverside                                                    Put these choice developments on          Quality choice in the north
                                                                            by renowned architect Carlos                                                     With its attractive pricing,
                                    Located in District 9, UP @             Ott. There is a selection of three-    your radar as they will be receiving
                                    Robertson Quay offers idyllic                                                  their Temporary. Occupation Permit        The Criterion EC is an excel-
                                                                            to four-bedroom units, as well                                                   lent choice for young home-
    UP @ Robertson Quay             and stylish riverside homes.            as Sky Suites and Sky Villas to        (TOP) soon.
                                                                                                                                                             owners. Its expected TOP
                                       An integrated development            choose from.
       Location                     adjoining the chic 293-room                                                                                              date is in the fi rst quarter of
       92 Robertson Quay                                                       A few minutes’ walk away           Attainable luxury                          next year.
                                    hotel M Social Singapore, its           from Downtown and Marina              Located at Canberra Drive, The                 Located at Yishun Street
       Price                        prime location allows you               Bay MRT Stations, and the
       1-BR + Study from $1.59mil   to soak in the area’s scenic                                                  Brownstone executive condo-                51, the luxury residence is the
                                                                            upcoming Shenton Way MRT              minium (EC) is a three-minute              fi rst EC to offer Panasonic’s
       2-BR from $2.421mil          vibe with more than 700 res-            Station, it offers excellent
                                    taurants, lifestyle establish-                                                walk from Canberra Plaza and               air-purifying air-condition-
       Units available                                                      connectivity. Its proximity           the upcoming Canberra MRT                  ing system, a microbubble
       1-BR + study and 2-BR        ments and bars dotting the              to Marina Bay Shoppes and
                                    riverside.                                                                    Station. Its expected TOP date             hydrotherapy spa, as well as
       Nearest MRT station
                                                                            Marina Bay Link Mall offers           is set for the fourth quarter of           electric bicycles with a solar
                                       Selected units offer layout          enjoy endless shopping, food
       Great World (upcoming)
                                    flexibility with an innovative                                                this year.                                 charging station.
                                                                            and entertainment options.               Inspired by New York’s                      Enjoy starlight dining,
       URL                          loft concept and come equipped             Nearby are good schools like        with quality fixtures such as                                                 brownstone row houses, The                 community farming, camp-
                                                                            Cantonment Primary School             Brownstone sets a new level                fi re barbecues, yoga, cycling,
                                    a cooker hood and induction             and River Valley Primary
                                    hobs from De Dietrich, as well                                                of sophistication for ECs with             swimming and more with
                                                                            School, making it a quick com-        its striking brown sandstone-              your family at its 58 facilities.
                                    as an integrated refrigerator,          mute for the kids. Make time to       textured façade.                               A good selection of 3BR
    One Shenton                     microwave and convection                unwind at the theatrette, Sky            Spacious 3BR units are                  and 4BR units is available,
       Location                     oven, and washer and dryer.             Gym and Spa Garden.
                                    Residents can relax after a long                                              available. Each unit is fitted             complete with premium fit-
       1 Shenton Way                                                                                              with premium fittings and                  tings and appliances from
                                    day in the aqua gym or Trees                                   One Shenton
       Price                        Canopy Lounge.                                                                appliances from Hansgrohe,                 Hansgrohe and Whirlpool.
       Price on request
                                       Choice of 1+S and 2BR units                                                Mitsubishi and Whirlpool.                      With the North-South
       Units available              are currently available.                                                         Mingle at the clubhouse,                Expressway and Thomson-
       3-BR, 4-BR,                                                                                                work out at the Sky Deck’s                 East Coast Line slated to open
       Sky Suites & Sky Villas                                                                                    gym, or play with the little               in 2020 and 2021 respec-
                                    Feel the pulse of the city                                                    ones at the junior skating rink            tively, as well as Northpoint
       Nearest MRT station          Switch seamlessly from work                                                   and kiddie play pool.                      Shopping Centre, Chong
       Shenton Way (upcoming)       to downtime mode in mere                                                         Visit leisure park Orto,                Pang Market & Food Centre
       URL                          minutes when you live at One                                                  Sembawang Park, or enjoy                   and Seletar Aerospace Park          Shenton.                                                                      an array of shopping and                   nearby, living here will be a
       oneshenton                     The uptown development                                        PHOTOS: CDL   dining options at Sun Plaza,               breeze.
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AUGUST 31, 2017   7

QUALITY STAR                                                                                                                                                                                                     Call/Whatsapp
CHAMPION                                                                                                                                                                                            8783 1818
                                                                                                    UP@ROBERTSON QUAY
                                                                                                    READY TO MOVE IN
                                                                                                    • Short walk to upcoming Great World MRT
                                                                                                    • Enjoy hotel services* from the adjoining M Social
                                                                                                    • Choice of 1+study and 2-bedroom units for sale with lease
                                                                                                     Services from M Social are fee-based. May be modified according to availability
                                                                                                    and at the discretion of the hotel operator.

                                                                                                    ONE SHENTON
                                                                                                        READY TO MOVE IN
                                                                                                        • Minutes’ walk to Downtown MRT and MBS integrated resort
                                                                                                        • Iconic development designed by renowned architect, Carlos Ott
                                                                                                        • Choice of 3-, 4-bedroom units, Sky Suites and Sky Villas

                                                                                                    THE BROWNSTONE EC
                                                                                                    T.O.P. SOON
                                                                                                    • 3 minutes’ walk to upcoming Canberra MRT and Canberra Plaza
                                                                                                    • Expected T.O.P. in Q4 2017+
                                                                                                    • Choice of 3-bedroom units

   Artist’s Impression

                                                                                                    THE CRITERION EC
                                                                                                    T.O.P. SOON
                                                                                                    • Located along Yishun St 51, minutes’ drive to Khatib MRT
                                                                                                    • Expected T.O.P. in Q1 2018+
                                                                                                    • Choice of 3- and 4-bedroom units

   Artist’s Impression
The Brownstone Vendor (Developer): Canvey Developments Pte Ltd (UEN: 201403440R) (The Brownstone is another development brought to you by City Developments Ltd (UEN 196300316Z) and TID Pte. Ltd. (UEN 196600206D)
• Developer License no.: C1151 • Tenure of Land: 99 years from 28 April 2014 • Encumbrances on the Land: Mortgage in favour of Mizuho Bank Ltd • Lot No.: Lot 3689X MK19 • Expected Date of Vacant Possession: 28 Jan 2019 • Expected Date of Legal
Completion: 28 Jan 2022 The Criterion Vendor (Developer): Island Glades Developments Pte Ltd (UEN No. 201415547W) [joint venture project between City Developments Ltd (UEN No. 196300316Z) and TID Pte Ltd (UEN No. 196600206D)]
• Tenure of Land: 99 years commencing from 25 August 2014 • Lot No.: 3710V MK 19 • Developer License No.: C1165 • Encumbrances: Mortgage IE/21762D in favour of United Overseas Bank Limited • Expected Date of Vacant Possession: 31 Dec 2018
• Expected Date of Legal Completion: 14 Jan 2022 +Subject to change
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
8         AUGUST 31, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           AUGUST 31, 2017   9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ONE-STOP SHOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Gain City Megastore @
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sungei Kadut is packed to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  gills with everything a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  homeowner might need. From
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vacuum cleaners to washing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  machines to hair dryers, Gain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  City’s products are all backed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  up by their top-notch Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Connections. Alongside their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  wholesale centre, warehousing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and service centre is their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  air-conditioning showroom,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  which features more than 30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  live air-conditioning units for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  demonstration. Need to install a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  building-wide VRF system? Gain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  City has you covered with instal-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  lation and delivery services.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      When you’re exhausted from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  your shopping spree, settle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  down in their dining area for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  hearty fare ranging from Penang
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  char kway teow to hotplate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  chicken chop, and pick up your
                                                                                                      Samsung The Frame LS003.                                                                                                                                                                                                    kids from the play area. Not sure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  how to get there? Just grab a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shuttle bus from Yew Tee MRT

                                             gadgets every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or opposite Lot One Shoppers’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mall at Choa Chu Kang MRT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  from 11am to 10pm. Parking is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  free, should you choose to drive

                                             new homeowner

                                             should have                                                                         The Gain City Megastore in
                                                                                                                                 Sungei Kadut is designed to
                                                                                                                                 empower new homeowners to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        With the additional Samsung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        One Connect Box for easy cable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             style. Slim and elegant, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Frame blends easily into any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             space. Complement it with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        management, unsightly wire
                                             Bryant Chan has a list of suggestions to make your new pad truly yours              make smart buying decisions:                                                                                           clutter becomes a thing of the       Samsung’s HW-K950 soundbar.
                                                                                                                                 you’ll get range, educated staff,                                                                                      past.                                Powered by Dolby Atmos, its 15          Exhale Fans’ world’s first bladeless
                                                                                                                                 even a children’s room to park the                                                                                        A TV when switched on and         built-in speakers put you right         ceiling fan.
                                                                                                                                 kiddos, while you browse for the                                                                                       an art piece when switched           in the centre of an auditory
                                                                                                                                 ideal appliances to complement                                                                                         off, the 55-inch Samsung The         extravaganza. Plus, Samsung’s          machine to assess the quantity
                                                                                                                                 your décor.                                                                                                            Frame LS003 is the modern way        Multiroom app lets you stream          and types of fabric and adjust
                                                                                                                                    The trek out is especially             Mitsubishi Electric FJ-series air-conditioner.                                                                    music straight to the HW-K950          the water inflow accordingly,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to display your art collection.
                                                                                                                                 worthwhile every Friday, when                                                                                          Personalise it with your favourite   from your favourite streaming          ensuring that you only use as
                                                                                                                                 a selected showroom hosts a              filters. Operating at volumes as                                              photographs, or choose the           services.                              much water as is necessary.
                                                                                                                                 group-buy event that targets             low as 19dB, it’s the quietest wall-       FOR THE LIVING ROOM                bezel that best matches your                                                Looking to save electricity? Try
                                                                                                                                 new homeowners of Build To               mounted unit on the market.                Turn your living room into a                                            FOR THE KITCHEN                        its EcoPerfect mode to reduce
                                                                                                                                 Order (BTO) flats and executive          Try it out at Gain City’s Sungei           home cinema with Samsung’s                                              Rest assured that your food will       your energy consumption by up
                                                                                                                                 condominiums (ECs). The group buy        Kadut megastore, which boasts              new 55-inch Q8C 4K Curved                                               stay fresh with the Mitsubishi         to 25 per cent. Or, if you’re in a
                                                                                                                                 features a fresh selection of bundle     the largest live air-conditioning          Smart QLED TV. The Q8C                                                  MR-WX71Y refrigerator. With            rush, the SpeedPerfect option
                                                                                                                                 deals every week, so whether you’re      showroom in Singapore. It has              offers new Quantum Dot                                                  over 700 litres of capacity across     gets your laundry done in less
                                                                                                                                 looking for a designer cooker hob        over 30 units for demonstration,           technology for unmatched                                                five different compartments,           than half the time.
                                                                                                                                 or Hello Kitty toaster, you might well   ranging from Starmex inverters             colour reproduction, 4K                                                 never worry about your fridge
                                                                                                                                 find it here or at their Ang Mo Kio      to industrial-strength VRF units.          resolution, and high dynamic                                            running out of space. But its
                                                                                                                                 outlet on Sundays.                           Alternatively, bring your              range (HDR) imaging for an                                              “Versa Freezer” drawer is the
                                                                                                                                    To be part of the event,              house into the future with                 unparalleled viewing experience.                                        standout attraction: depending
                                                                                                                                 register your attendance at goo.         the Exhale Fans bladeless                                                                                          on the setting, it lets you freeze
                                                                                                                                 gl/5eRP9t. What’s in store? Here         ceiling fan, which uses an                  Right: Mitsubishi MR-WX71Y                                             hot food straight out of the
                                                                                                                                 are just a few highlights.               energy-efficient DC motor to                refrigerator. Below: Samsung                                           oven, or freeze food in a “soft
                                                                                                                                                                          create a vortex that circulates air         HW-K950 soundbar.                                                      state” to make it easier to cut.
                                                                                                                                 FOR THE BEDROOMS                         evenly throughout the room. Its
                                                                                                                                 The              Electric F-series       bladeless technology makes for                                                                                     FOR THE LAUNDRY ROOM
                                                                                                                                 air-conditioner is a cool addition       safe operation and easy cleaning.                                                                                  The Bosch WAW28790IL
                                                                                                                                 to your home. Alongside an               It’s a silent worker too, operating                                                                                front-loading washer is the
                                                                                                                                 Excellent energy efficiency rating,      at 280rpm with a volume of                                                                                         king of resource efficiency.
                                                                                                                                 it also features an easy-clean           just 43dB, perfect for a night’s                                                                                   Bosch’s ActiveWater Plus feature        Samsung Q8C 4K
                                                                                                                                 design and pollutant-catching            uninterrupted sleep.                                                                                               uses a series of sensors in the         Curved Smart QLED TV.

    Bosch WAW28790IL front-loading washer.
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
10   AUGUST 31, 2017

                                      NEWS                                                                                                                    SPH CONTENT LAB | SPECIAL

     Trending                                                                                                                            A HEALTHY PROPERTY

                                                                                                                                         SECTOR IN Q2, SAY
                                                                                                                                         Revenues from property
                                                                                                                                         development grew 19 per cent
                                                                                                                                         year on year to $221.2 million.
                                                                                                                                         Analysts are upbeat about
                                                                                                                                         prospects for Singapore property
                                                                                                                                         in coming months. Mr Paul
                                                                                                                                         Chew, head of Phillip Securities,
                                                                                                                                         said: “Demand is up almost 50
                                                                                                                                         per cent this year, both primary
       Stay clued in on real                                                                                                             and secondary, while supply
       estate news with                                                                                                                  is at multi-year lows. This
                                                                                                                                         combination will put upward
       Hafiz Rasid                                        UPSWING IN ECS                                                                 pressure on prices.”
                                                          Last month, private and                                                        The Business Times
                                                                                                                                         Aug 14, 2017
                                                          executive condominiums (ECs)
                                                          sold four times more than in
                                                          June, and 17 per cent more
                                                          than a year ago. All 531 units
                                                          at Hundred Palms Residences
                                                          were sold within seven hours
                                                          of its launch on July 22. Market
                                                          watchers noted that this was                 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL
                                                          largely the result of recent                 RENTAL MARKET
                                                          aggressive land-bidding                      ON THE UP
                                                          patterns by developers,                      Data released for the month
                                                          suggesting even higher prices                of July 2017 by SRX Property
                                                          for new projects next year.                  revealed that private rents
                                                          The Straits Times,                           increased by 0.2 per cent in
                                                          August 16, 2017                              July compared to previous
                                                                                                       month. Rental volume last
                                                                                                       month also increased by 11.8
                                                                                                       per cent according to SRX
                                                                                                       Property. Year on year, rental
                                                                                                       volume in July was 4.5 per cent
                                                                                                       higher than in July 2016.
                       PROBABLY THE BEST TIME                                                          The Business Times
                                                                                                       August 11, 2017
                       FOR A NEW HOME                                                                                                                 SINGAPORE PROPERTY
                       The longstanding low-interest                                                                                                  SECTOR HAS MUCH TO
                       rate environment provides a                                                                                                    CHEER ABOUT
                       nice incentive for prospective                                                                                                 The Straits Times reported
                       home buyers to acquire their                                                                                                   that the inventory of unsold
                       first home. Ms Christine Li, the                                                                                               property continued to fall
                       research director for Cushman                                                                                                  to several all-time lows.
                       & Wakefield, told The Straits                                                                                                  Meanwhile, total sales
                       Times in March: “Buyers                                                                                                        volumes surged by 64 per
                       continue to favour real estate                                                                                                 cent, with 12,107 private
                       compared to stocks, bonds                                                                                                      homes sold in the first half of
                       and commodities due to the                      LUXE CONDOS ARE IN
                                                                       DEMAND                                                                         2017.
                       hedge against inflation.”
                                                                       Figures compiled by Savills                                                    The Straits Times
                       The Straits Times                               Singapore, based on caveat                                                     August 1, 2017
                       August 9, 2017
                                                                       data in URA REALIS, showed
                                                                       that the number of private
                                                                       apartments and condo units
                                                                       transacted at $10 million and
                                                                       above had each increased
                                                                       to 36 units in 2016. This
                                                                       marks a rise from 21 units
                                                                       in 2015, and 24 units in
                                                                       2014. The trend is predicted
                                                                       to continue this year, with
                                                                       16 units already sold from
                                                                       January to April.
                                                                       The Business Times
                                                                       May 20, 2017
Deals you can't miss Seventh month - TNP
                                                                                                                                                               AUGUST 31, 2017   11

                                                                             A DV E R TO R I A L

Demystifying home loans
         BROUGHT TO YOU BY                                                                                                           erences. Customers can choose a
                                                                                                                                     combination of fixed rate and floating
                                                                                                                                     rate loans. For example, it is possible
                                                                                                                                     to split the loan 50 per cent fixed and
                                                                                                                                     50 per cent floating or any proportion
                                                                                                                                     that you wish.

                                                                                                                                     MYTH 3: Always get the loans
Even the most                                                                                                                        with the lowest interest rates.
seasoned home loan                                                                                                                   FACT: A common misconception
                                                                                                                                     among many is that getting the
customer might                                                                                                                       lowest interest rates possible helps
be confused about                                                                                                                    save on interest payments. In most
                                                                                                                                     instances, lowest all-in-rates are
the best way to get                                                                                                                  floating rate loans. They will come
a mortgage, but                                                                                                                      with conditions such as a lock-in
                                                                                                                                     period, which in some instances,
obtaining a home                                                                                                                     lasts up to three years. With a lock-in
loan is not as                                                                                                                       period, though you may pay very low
                                                                                                                                     interest rates at present, you may
complicated a process                                                                                                                end up paying more interest than a
                                                                                                                                     fixed-rate package should the bank
as you’d expect.                                                                                                                     increase your rates.
UOB reveals the truth
                                                                                                                                     MYTH 4: It’s impossible to get
behind common home                                                                                                                   instant approvals on home loan
loan myths.                                                                                                                          applications.
                                                                                                                                     FACT: You might hear from friends
                                                                                                                                     and family that it usually takes two
MYTH 1: Fixed Deposit (FD)                                                                                                           to five days to get a home loan ap-
Linked home loans are fixed.                                                                                                          proved. With UOB’s instant home
FACT: They are not fixed and vary                                                                                                     loan approval, you can find out on the
when the bank changes their FD board                                                                                                 spot if your financing is approved at
rates. FD-linked home loans have in-                                                                                                 their branches. You will also obtain a
terest rates pegged to the bank’s FD         plan suits customers who do not mind       you wish to manage your home loan,           Letter of Offer from the bank instantly
interest rate. This means that your          paying a premium in exchange for pre-      since some of these packages come            if you have all relevant documentation
interest rate (or all-in-rate) will be the   dictability, giving them peace of mind.    with no lock-in period. Choose this          for loan processing. This will give you
FD-linked board rate as defined by the           If fixed rate home loans aren’t what     loan if you do not mind such fluctua-         peace of mind and the certainty to
bank plus a spread or margin. This           you’re looking for, you might want to      tions to your interest rates, or if you      make an informed decision to pur-
all-in-rate adjusts when the FD board        consider SIBOR-pegged loans. The           anticipate rates to stabilise or fall from   chase a property.
rate changes at the bank’s discretion.       Singapore Interbank Offered Rate           current market interest-rate level.              Using some of the latest technolo-
   On the other hand, a fixed rate home       (SIBOR) tracks the interest rates                                                       gies, UOB has streamlined and auto-
loan’s interest rates do not fluctuate        among local banks, which may fluc-          MYTH 2: You can only pick one                mated the process for faster credit
during the fixed rate period of the           tuate regularly. As the SIBOR rises or     type of home loan package:                   evaluation and approval. Despite the
loan. Taking a two-year fixed package         falls, the interest rate moves accord-     fixed or floating.                             shortened processing time, UOB still
where the interest rate remains un-          ingly. These loans experience greater      FACT: You can have the best of both          observes the same rigour for assessing
changed would mean your monthly              volatility as they are pegged to the       worlds. United Overseas Bank (UOB)           applicant suitability — loan applicants
repayment amount is unaffected by            market benchmark rates. As such,           allows you to customise a home loan          must still pass risk and credit reviews
market interest-rate changes. Such a         they give you more flexibility on how       plan based on your needs and pref-           before approval is given by UOB.
12   AUGUST 31, 2017

                            NEWS                                                                                                      SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

                                                                                                                                                          At The Clement
                                                                                                                                                          Canopy, you can get
                                                                                                                                                          a resort experience
                                                                                                                                                          within minutes
                                                                                                                                                          from the city.
                                                                                                                                                          PICS: UOL
                                                                                                                                                          GROUP LIMITED

                                                                                                                                      ARTIST IMPRESSION

                               A nest out West
                               Hafiz Rasid explores The Clement Canopy, and uncovers the                                                enade, as well as edutain-
                                                                                                                                        ment attractions including
                               charm of the development’s nature-inspired design and proximity                                          the brand new Science
                               to buzzing hotspots                                                                                    ● The development sup-
                                                                                                                                        ports easy commuting.
                                                                                                                                        The Central Business
                               AS AN enclave close to                                                                                   District and Tuas Second
                               a growing new hub, The                                                                                   Link are both less than
                               Clement Canopy is attracting                                                                             20-minutes drive on the
                               well-heeled property buyers.                                                                             Pan Island Expressway and
                               In March this year, it had                                                                               Ayer Rajah Expressway. It
                               already become one of the top                                                                            is well-served by both MRT
                               five bestselling developments                                                                            and bus networks; it is just
                               in Singapore, according to sta-                                                                          within walking distance
                               tistics compiled by real estate                                                                          from Clementi MRT station.
                               agency Orange Tee.                                                                                       By 2025, a new Jurong Region
                                   Strategically located close                                                                          Line will also connect resi-
                               to two major growth areas                                                                                dents to Jurong Gateway
                               — Jurong and One-North                                                                                   and future deve-lopments
                               — as well as the new Jurong                                                                              in the Tengah area.
                               Lake District and Jurong
                               Innovation District, buyers                                                                            ● When        the    proposed
                                                                                                                  ARTIST IMPRESSION     Singapore-Kuala Lumpur
                               regard the area’s growth
                               potential as part of its appeal                                                                          high-speed rail terminus is
                               and are optimistic about its                                                                             completed by 2026, travel-
                               increase in value with time.      outs have been designed to         of Singapore Yacht Club,            ling time from Jurong East
                                   Its thoughtfully created      maximise every square foot         Kent Ridge Park, as well as         to Kuala Lumpur is expected
                               spaces, practical layouts         of space.                          enclaves Holland Village,           to be just 90 minutes.
                               and facilities resonate with         Smart home features are         Rochester and Wessex              ● Families with school-going
                               smaller families, with its        also a standard, and residents     estate.                             children will appreciate its
 The Clement                   2BR apartments proving most
                               popular thus far.
                                                                 can remotely control door
                                                                 locks and air-conditioners, as
                                                                                                  ● The Urban Redevelopment
                                                                                                    Authority plans to develop
                                                                                                                                        proximity to two primary
                                                                                                                                        schools within 2km —
 Canopy                            Jointly developed by UOL      well as book facilities, with      the vicinity into the largest       Nan Hua Primary School,
                               Group and SingLand, and           their mobile phones.               commercial hub outside              Pei Tong Primary School
     Location                  designed by award-winning                                            the city. Transformation            — and six international
     16 Clementi Avenue 1      fi rm ADDP Architects, the        THE CANOPY CONNECTION              of the Jurong Lake District         schools within a 3km radius
     PSF price                 40-storey development was         ● The Clement Canopy is            is already underway, par-           — Anglo-Chinese School
     Price on request          designed for homeowners             only minutes to shopping         ticularly around Jurong             (Independent), Dover Court
                               seeking a resort experience         and lifestyle destinations.      Gateway near Jurong East            Preparatory School, The
     No of units
     505                       within minutes from the city.       It is a three-minute drive       MRT station with a mix of           Japanese School Singapore,
                                   Up to 44 per cent of its        to Clementi Mall and eight-      retail, office spaces and           Tanglin      Trust   School,
     Nearest MRT station       units face the West Coast           minute drive to Jem, Jcube,      healthcare      institutions.       Nexus International School
     Clementi                  Sea, so residents wake up to        Westgate and Big Box.            Lakeside is envisioned as           and United World College.
     URL                       views of the lush West Coast        Other retail options and         a new leisure destination           Also in the vicinity is the   Park and the sea. Similar to        amenities include Clementi       for locals and tourists,            National University of
                               apartments in London, lay-          Mall, Sunset Way, Republic       with new parks, lake prom-          Singapore.
AUGUST 31, 2017   13
14   AUGUST 31, 2017

                       NEWS                                                                  SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

     Resort living in
     the heart of town

Michelle Bong peeks into a Goodwood Grand Strata Bungalow and
uncovers a sophisticated haven minutes from the heart of town

                       ALWAYS wanted to live in a         elegantly decorated across
                       house, yet enjoy the option        five floors — from the
                       of strolling over to a fully       basement to the rooftop. A
                       equipped gym, a large pool, a      slate grey-tiled porch area
                       walking trail through a garden     leads to the front doors,
                       landscape or panoramic views       which open into a spacious
                       from a tenth-floor sky terrace?    living room featuring a
                       Make your appointment to           marble wall feature, couches
                       view a Strata Bungalow at resi-    and plush carpeting.
                       dential property Goodwood             Beyond that, you’ll find a      The bungalows are designed for luxe living,
                       Grand.                             double volume dining room          elegantly decorated across five floors.
                                                                                             PHOTOS: TONG ENG BROTHERS
                          Located in the heart of         with elegant furniture that
                       District 10, just beyond           seats eight, and a gourmet
                       bustl-ing     Orchard     Road,    kitchen featuring dry and wet
                       Goodwood Grand is a private        areas. As part of the open plan    lounge on comfy sofas under
                       development of manicured           floor layout, these overlook a     your private canopy and take
                       landscapes and vibrant urban       private lap pool and adjoining     in the sunsets, along with
                       living with a tower block of       outdoor terrace that promise       verdant Goodwood Hill. There
                       just 65 residences offering 2+S,   a splash-about with the kids       is also a bomb shelter in the
                       3BR and 3BR & 4BR penthouse        or al fresco entertaining when     basement, which can double
                       units, along with eight Strata     friends and family visit.          as a utility room.
                       Bungalows.                            Upstairs, you’ll find luxu-        All units are furnished with
                          Each     Strata   Bungalow      riant rest in four bedrooms        premium kitchen appliances
                       is designed for luxe living,       — each with an ensuite             by Miele and De Dietrich, and
                                                          bathroom — furnished to            bathroom fittings by Grohe, as
                                                          soothe the soul after the          well as Villeroy & Boch
                                                          demands of the day. Decorated         Multi-generational families,
                        Goodwood Grand                    using a colour palette of          in particular, will love the
                             Location                     neutral and cool tones, the        privacy and comfort of living
                             16 Balmoral Road             bedrooms feature queen- and        in a Strata Bungalow, situated
                                                          king-sized beds, wardrobe          in one of Singapore’s most
                             PSF price                    space and carpeting. There         prestigious addresses. Not
                             $1,350                                                          only does such a housing
                                                          is also a study room that offers
                             No of units                  the opportunity to catch up on     arrangement       allow   three
                             8                            work or some quiet time with       or four generations to live
                                                          a good book.                       together, the roomy interiors
                             Nearest MRT station
                             Newton or Stevens               In the evenings, you can        and ease of access to the
                                                          pull into the double-lot           upper floors via the lift will
                             URL                          basement car park, step into       give every family member a
                        the private lift and head up to    comfortable living space to
                                                          the roof terrace where you can     call their own.
AUGUST 31, 2017   15
16     AUGUST 31, 2017

                         NEWS                                                                                                               SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

                                                                                                                                                            PHOTOS: THINKSTOCK

Fengshui or fiction?
To clear the confusion, Bryant Chan chats with Grand Master Vincent Koh,
founder of the Singapore Feng Shui Centre
FENGSHUI — a system of                                                                                   close to each other as pos-        all the windows and doors?
laws thought to govern spa-                                                                              sible — because it makes           A: True. However, this also
tial arrangement for favour-                                                                             cooking more convenient.           has its roots in practical rea-
able flow of energy (qi) — is                                                                            In Singapore, when space           sons. After the initial renova-
a matter of consideration for                                                                            is often a constraint, some-       tions are done, in a house or
many property buyers.                                                                                    times you really have no           apartment, the doors and
   But with your family tell-                                                                            choice. Fengshui should            windows are left closed for
ing you one thing, and the                                                                               always be applied in a practi-     an extended period of time,
Internet so many others, it’s                                                                            cal manner.                        sometimes more than a week.
hard to know what to believe.                                                                                                                  Opening the windows and
   Grand Master Vincent Koh,                                                                             Q: Red is an auspicious            doors provides important ven-
founder of the Singapore Feng                                                                            colour, so the house should
                                                                                                         be filled with as much red as      tilation, while dispelling stale
Shui Centre, separates feng-                                                                                                                qi. If opening the windows and
shui principles from fiction. Mr                                                                         possible … right?
                                                                                                                                            doors is not an option, such as
Koh taught fengshui courses at                                                                           A: False. The association of red   if you are moving into a hotel
Singapore Polytechnic, and                                                                               with prosperity and good for-      that has stale qi, flush the
was awarded the title “Grand                                                                             tune is largely cultural, rather   toilet to stimulate the flow.
Master” by the International                                                                             than a basis in fengshui prin-
Feng Shui Association in 2009.                                                                           ciples. The ideal colour of your   Q: Toilet doors should be kept
                                                                                                         house depends on a number          closed at all times, so wealth
Q: A window opposite the                                                                                 of factors. You should refer to    will not flow out of the house
main entrance will cause                                                                                 your birth month, element          when the toilet is flushed —
all entering qi to go straight     to disperse the qi throughout       ered incompatible — water         and colour chart, and if pos-      true or false?
through the window, and out        all the rooms and corridors of      extinguishes fire, after all.     sible, consult a fengshui master   A: It depends. This is really
of the house. True or false?       your house, so it doesn’t just         In fengshui, the guiding       before painting. In particular,    more of a courtesy than
A: False. If we follow that        accumulate in one area.             principle is all about bal-       you should pay special atten-      anything based on fengshui
logic, one shouldn’t have any                                          ance. After all, without fire,    tion to what colour you paint      — after all, flushing the toilet
windows in his house, to keep      Q: The stove and tap should be      how can you boil water? So        your bedroom. Because you          can help encourage the flow
all the good qi inside, right?     as far apart as possible, so fire   one has to consider the logic     spend so much time there —         of qi. But when you do your
Qi does not travel only in         and water are not in conflict.      behind a specific design          six, seven hours a night — it’s    business, don’t you generate
straight lines, like light does.   Is this true?                       choice, instead of blindly fol-   important to have good qi in       your own “bad qi”? If you
Rather, it has an ebb and flow,    A: False. A lot of people tend to   lowing principles.                the bedroom.                       don’t want your “bad qi”
and behaves more like air or       hold this belief because accord-       Sometimes, for more prac-                                         to spread to the rest of the
water. What you need to do is      ing to fengshui principles, fire    tical reasons, it makes sense     Q: How about, when moving into     house, it’s probably best to
get some form of water feature     and water are often consid-         to have the sink and stove as     a new home, one should open        close the toilet door.
                                                                                                                                                                           AUGUST 31, 2017   17

SPH CONTENT LAB | SPECIAL                                                                                                                     NEWS

A lot like falling in love...
Trina Anne Khoo
and Lydia Shu speak
to experts about
what to look for if
you’re mooning over
that unit
AS PROPERTY sentiment
goes bullish, pundits say
there’s no better time to enter
the market. In addition to
considering location, future
resale value and the timing
of your purchase, it is impor-
tant to survey your needs,
finance plans, and long-term
objectives before making a

“A good starting point is
URA’s website, where you
can search for the condo
you’re interested in and have
a look at the price a similar
unit has sold for over the
past three years.”
— Mr Willie Ooi, 52, real estate
agent, C&H Properties Pte Ltd

“Most people buy under
pressure or with a push from
agents. It is important for
buyers and sellers to know
the market situation — past,
current and future projec-
tions — to better facilitate
their decision making. Get              do without and what are                 INFO DEVELOPERS HAVE TO                  MONEY MATTERS
statistics to back up claims            nice-to-haves. It’s important           PROVIDE:                                 Estimated Breakdown of BASIC payment.
made by agents. A common                to work out if you are able to          ■ The condominium’s scaled                                                                  Booking fee - option
mistake people make is                  afford the monthly payments               location plan, site plan, and                                                             to purchase granted
emotional buying rather                 including all the extras.                 unit floor plan                        Balance of                                         (5%) - cash/ CPF
than rational buying, and               Don’t be afraid to ask ques-            ■ Breakdown in strata area               purchase price
doing enough research.”                 tions and defi nitely shop                for strata-titled proper-              (80%) - bank loan
— Ms Tina Lee, division director, ERA   around for the right apart-               ties (e.g. area of bedroom,
Realty Network                          ment. I needed to educate                 balcony,      airconditioner           Additional costs                                   Balance down
                                        myself on the fi nancial and              ledge and void area)                   to consider:                                       payment - After
THINK LONG-TERM                         legal aspects of buying a               ■ Conditions and restrictions            ■ Buyer Stamp Duty                                 signing Sale
“Before I bought my fi rst              property, how mortgages are               imposed by the authorities             ■ Additional Buyer                                 and Purchase
condo, I studied the market             structured and the different            ■ Amendments to the Sale                    Stamp Duty                                      Agreement (15%) -
for two years. Long-term                types of loans.”                          and Purchase Agreement                 ■ Legal Fee                                        cash/ CPF
planning is important if you            — Ms Clara Chua, consultant with        ■ Specifications      of    the
want to get the best deal —             NTUC LearningHub                          building
consider how long you intend
to live there, your family
members’ changing needs,
and whether your district                                           HOW MUCH SHOULD YOU BORROW?                                               RESEARCH TOOLKIT
will be undergoing further                                          ■ Rough equation: Total budgeted monthly                                  ■ URA website: Check the selling price of
development. It’s important                                           repayment = [Total household income] -                                    units like the one you want over the past
to assess how large a loan                                            [fixed expenses eg. bills and taxes] - [family                            three years.
to take — across the years,                                           commitments eg. costs of raising a child,                               ■ SRX X-Value page: Calculate your unit’s
no more than 40 per cent of                                           taking care of elderly.] - [amount set aside for                          market value.
your monthly income should                                            savings.]                                                               ■ SRX Singapore property heat-map
go into serving your loan.”                                         ■ Make calculations based on your age. If                                   page: Check out the average price per
— Mr Shu Hua Xi, 55, property                                         you’re in your 30s, you can roughly expect                                square foot by location, among other
investor with 23 years’ experience                                    monthly repayments for the next 30 years. If                              useful information such as nearby schools
                                                                      you’re in your 50s, you can expect monthly                                and MRT lines.
IS IT RIGHT FOR ME?                                                   repayments for the next 10 years.                                       ■ PropertyGuru Mortgage Calculators
“Figure out what you can’t                                                                                                                      page: Figure out the best loan for you.
18      AUGUST 31, 2017

                          NEWS                                                                                                        SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

Find the perfect
pad for your
The attraction of immediately moving into a new residential
development is easy to understand, but buyers still must find
the best fit for their lifestyles and personalities. To find your ideal
nest, Bryant Chan looks skywards for answers


                           THE BACHELOR                        nurse a drink, and admire the      bevy of amenities not just on       views and better ventilation.”
                           You’re young, and life is good.     Marina Bay skyline glittering      the ground floor, but also on
                           You want a pad that’ll make         at twilight.                       the fourth, 14th, 24th and 40th     THE DOWNSIZER
                           you the go-to host for parties.                                        floors.                             You’ve      done     it.   You’ve
                           Pool-side? Barbecue? Late-          THE FAMILY MAN                                                         watched your kids go through
                           night mahjong? Your friends         Your family is growing fast,       THE LANDLORD                        school, graduate, get married,
                           know where to go.                   and you’re in need of some         You’ve saved a tidy sum, but        and yes, fly the coop. All that
                              Whenever there are fes-          living space, stat. Your first     you’re looking for ways to grow     extra space in your house just
                           tivities, a high-rise apartment     kid starts kindergarten in two     your nest egg. You’re at the        means more to clean.
                           near the coast, in the words of     weeks, and you’ve got another      point where you’ve decided to          Time to downsize. After
                           software engineer Dylan Ho,         on the way. You’ll need at least   become a landlord yourself.         all those years of noise,
                           “offers front row seats from        three bedrooms — one for you,         What kind of apartment           you’re looking for somewhere
                           the balcony whenever there          one for your children, and the     would give you the most return      peaceful and quiet, ideally
                           are fireworks”.                     last reserved for the inevitable   on investment? Flats on higher      a spot far from the city, with
                              It’s also perfect for breezy     nursery.                           floors command higher pre-          a bedroom for you and your
                           balcony parties — most                 To keep your kids (and you)     miums — and in the event            spouse, and maybe another if
                           times, Mr Ho says, “you don’t       occupied at the weekends or        you decide to sell it, the resale   the kids decide to visit.
                           even need air-conditioning”.        after school, you’re looking       value is guaranteed to stay            Still, you don’t want to be too
                           Situated in the heart of Redhill,   for easy access to amenities,      high.                               far from the action, with easy
                           Alex Residences’ strategic loca-    perhaps, heading upward               “Usually, the higher the         access to Orchard Road for those
                           tion offers uninterrupted vistas    and away from the bustle of        flat, the higher the resale         impulse afternoon shopping
                           of Sentosa and the Singapore        the hoi polloi — to an infi nity   value,” says real estate agent      trips. Choose a higher floor for
                           coast, ideal for soirees. In        pool, sky garden or rooftop        Kong Junming. “People are           a quiet that balances living on
                           the cool evening, sit back,         bar. Alex Residences has a         always looking for better           the outskirts of the city.

                                                                                                                                         Alex Residences
                                                                                                                                              28 Alexandra View
                                                                                                                                              PSF price
                                                                                                                                              Price on request
                                                                                                                                              No of units
                                                                                                                                              Nearest MRT station
AUGUST 31, 2017   19
20      AUGUST 31, 2017

                          NEWS                                                                                                           SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

 Best of both worlds:
 eclectic appeal of the city

                                                                                                                                         corridors of Bugis Street. Or
                            While commuters retreat to the heartlands after the day’s toils, city lovers                                 why leave the building? As an
                            at DUO Residences regroup in an urban setting. Bryant Chan uncovers                                          integrated development, DUO
                                                                                                                                         Residences also plays host to
                            how you can forget all your cares when you’re downtown                                                       its own suite of shops, eateries
                                                                                                                                         and art galleries.
                            ARCHITECTURE                        Angeles County Museum of
                                                                Art, DUO Residences’ concave                                             EATING
                            The diverse architectural styles                                                                             Downtown diners are spoilt
                            in Singapore are an architec-       curves capture and channel
                                                                wind, keeping its outdoor                                                for choice when it comes to
                            ture buff’s wildest dreams. The                                                                              food. Tuck into a kebab and
                            Gothic spires and Corinthian        spaces perpetually cool.
                                                                                                                                         marvel at an accompanying
                            columns of CHIJMES now                                                                                       belly dance performance on
                            house a shopping arcade and         ARTS
                                                                The architecture of Singapore’s                                          Haji Lane, or sample ondeh-
                            several chic restaurants. The                                                                                ondeh cake from one of the
                            golden dome of the Sultan           many art institutions is over-
                                                                shadowed only by the beauty                                              many     artisanal    bakeries
                            Masjid is Kampong Glam’s                                                                                     and cafes on Arab Street. If
                            star attraction, its base stud-     of the art that resides within
                                                                their walls. Wander the wings                                            you’re more of the occidental
                            ded with the ends of hundreds                                                                                persuasion, find time for fika
                            of glass bottles. On the other      of the old St. Joseph’s Institution
                                                                and feast your eyes on the                                               on Beach Road, or maybe try
                            hand, the twin citadels of DUO                                                                               dining entirely in the dark at
                            Residences tower over the           modern masterpieces of the            ious artists as Yayoi Kusama
                                                                Singapore Art Museum. Or                                                 NOX. When the day’s wind-
                            Bugis district, the perfect blend                                         and Wu Guanzhong. If you’re        ing down to an end, duck into
                            of glass, steel and greenery.       head towards the Padang and           based at the Central Business
                                                                explore the National Gallery                                             one of the many colonial-era
                            Designed by Ole Scheeren,                                                 District for work, you need        establishments nestled among
                            the mind behind Bangkok’s           Singapore, which have exhib-          only stop by the Esplanade
                                                                ited the works of such prestig-                                          the skyscrapers — Timbre at
                            MahaNakhon and the Los                                                    for an open-air concert by the     the Arts House makes a mean
                                                                                                      river, or catch performances       smoked duck pizza.
DUO                                                                                                   by world-acclaimed orchestras
Residences’                                                                                           and theatre troupes.
dwellers have
a wealth of                                                                                           SHOPPING                             DUO Residences
culture and                                                                                           Emerging and older retail
entertainment                                                                                                                                     Location
                                                                                                      establishments cater to just                1 Fraser Street
at their
                                                                                                      about any consumer fetish
doorstep.                                                                                                                                         PSF price
                                                                                                      you can think of, from boho
PHOTOS: M+S                                                                                                                                       From $2,000
                                                                                                      to bejewelled. Make your own
                                                                                                      tooled leather products at one              No of units
                                                                                                      of the many do-it-yourself                  660
                                                                                                      workshops on Haji Lane, or take             Nearest MRT station
                                                                                                      a trip back in time down the                Bugis
                                                                                                      colourful alleys of Kampong
                                                                                                      Glam to find handmade soaps                 URL
                                                                                                      and dusty antiques. Bargain
                                                                                                      hunters will thrive in the tight
AUGUST 31, 2017   21
22     AUGUST 31, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                        AUGUST 31, 2017   23

                         LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                                                                 SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

What is your
ideal interior style?
You’re ready to move into your new home, and the choices are endless.
Lydia Shu helps you identify your dream decor with this quiz
                                                                                                                                                                                    Happy Modern
1     Which colours would
      you decorate with?
(a) Beige, yellow, powder
                             2     Which best describes
                                   your ideal bedroom
                                                                3     What would hang on
                                                                      your living room walls?
                                                                (a) A bright pop print or
    blue, light wood         (a) A classic piece in a solid         flower painting would be
(b) Dark wood, metal grey,       colour                             pleasant to look at
    beige, leather brown     (b) A sturdy chest of drawers      (b) A moody painting in a
(c) Warm colours, bohemian       in mahogany or another             wooden frame
    and traditional prints       rich wood                      (c) That printed tapestry I
(d) White, grey, off-white   (c) My grandmother’s antique           picked up in Morocco
    and black                    from the early 1900s           (d) A simple, medium-sized
                             (d) A simple dresser in white          abstract painting in
                                 or grey with clean cut lines       a classy frame

                                                                                                 Industrial                                                                         Minimalist

                                                                                                4     What flowers would
                                                                                                      dress your coffee table?
                                                                                                (a) Anything bright coloured
                                                                                                                                           7     How would you describe
                                                                                                                                           (a) Easygoing and fun, I
                                                                                                (b) Fallen branches and                        prioritise comfort
                                                                                                    twigs                                  (b) Practical yet rugged, I
                                                                                                (c) I don’t mind – all flowers                 prefer function over form
                                                                                                    look good                                  and love a bit of DIY
                                                                                                (d) Yellow roses                           (c) Artistic hoarder, I like
                                                                                                                                               objects that tell stories

                                                                                                5    What are your go-to
                                                                                                (a) Sneakers
                                                                                                                                           (d) Neat freak, I like to de-
                                                                                                                                               clutter and keep things tidy

                                                                                                (b) Timberland boots
                                                                                                (c) Leather loafers
                                                                                                (d) Black flats
                                                                                                                                           8    What is your ideal
                                                                                                                                           (a) Relaxing on a beach, pina
                                                                                                                                               colada in hand

                                                                                                6    What is your ideal living
                                                                                                (a) Ranch style bungalow
                                                                                                                                           (b) Chilling with friends in a
                                                                                                                                               gastropub in New York city
                                                                                                                                           (c) A cultural experience,
                                                                                                (b) Courtyard house                            mingling with locals
                                                                                                (c) French Chateau                         (d) Going on a hike and
                                                                                                (d) Art deco apartment                         meditating in the Alps

                                                                                                  ■ Mostly (a)s: Happy Modern
                                                                                                  You like clean lines and low-profile modern pieces but also enjoy jazzing them
                                                                                                  up with a dose of fun. You gravitate towards colour, patterns and playful
                                                                                                  details grounded in classic shapes that give the vibe of a happy home.
                                                                                                  ■ Mostly (b)s: Industrial
                                                                                                  You like things functional and simple, yet you revel in the rough – you like
                                                                                                  rustic, worn-in and comfortable. Neutrals, metals, glass, brick and leather sit
                                                                                                  well with you.
                                                                                                  ■ Mostly (c)s: Eclectic
                                                                                                  You like mixing it up – what is most important to you is not coherence, but
                                                                                                  whether your living space tells a story (or two). You love collecting oddities
                                                                                                  and working with interesting details and textures.
                                                                                                  ■ Mostly (d)s: Minimalist
                                                                                                  You like a fuss-free environment and believe in paring life down to the key
                                                                                                  fundamentals. You keep your house simple, with clean lines and shapes,
                                                                                                  minimal and natural colours, basic furniture and lots of space.

Eclectic                                                                                        PHOTOS: THINKSTOCK
24   AUGUST 31, 2017

SPH CONTENT LAB | SPECIAL                                                                                             LIFESTYLE

Vested interests
Looking to invest in property for rental income? Consider freehold-living
hotspot City Suites, says Michelle Bong

                                                                                 City Suites’ loft-style apartments feature floor-to-ceiling windows for bright interiors. PHOTOS: SINGHAIYI GROUP

                                 REAL estate investments                                                                                              open kitchen and a designer
                                 are popular in Asia, and                                                                                             bathroom.
                                 Singapore is no exception.                                                                                              Expect panoramic views
                                 But with the staggering                                                                                              of the city skyline from your
                                 amount of options currently                                                                                          balcony, as iconic landmarks
                                 available, how do you decide                                                                                         such as the Mandarin Hotel,
                                 on ‘the one’?                                                                                                        the Singapore Sports Hub and
                                    Some factors to consider                                                                                          Marina Bay dot the horizon.
                                 are location, accessibility to                                                                                           What’s more, the rise of
                                 amenities, lack of heat and                                                                                          other condominium de-
                                 noise pollution and a healthy                                                                                        velopment projects in the
                                 gross rental yield, advise in-                                                                                       vicinity such as Viridian
                                 dustry insiders. City Suites,                                                                                        and VIIO@Balestier looks
                                 located in the charmingly                                                                                            set to push up the surround-
                                 colourful Balestier neigh-                                                                                           ing property value. This
                                 bourhood, checks off all the                                                                                         will have a direct effect on
     City Suites                 above.                                                                                                               your rental yield, promising
                                    The 17-storey private free-                                                                                       healthier returns.
           Location                                               the Novena area and mixed             Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.
           235 Balestier Road
                                 hold residential project is                                                                                             Balestier’s gentrification
                                 conveniently accessible. The     development Royal Square.                Its 56 loft-style apart-                   is well underway, thanks to the
           PSF price             city is a five-minute drive         A wide range of amenities          ments, ranging from 452 to                    introduction of international
           From $1,700           away, with busy Central          include popular favourites            1,119 sq ft, are north-south                  schools, other residential de-
           No of units           Expressway just down the         and hipster joints such as            facing and feature floor-to-                  velopments and the upcoming
           56                    road. A network of buses ply     Boon Tong Kee, Founder Bak            ceiling windows. Unblocked                    Health City Novena, poised to
                                 the long stretch of Balestier    Kut Teh, Loy Kee Chicken              views and a ceiling height                    be Singapore’s largest medical
           Nearest MRT station                                    Rice and Wheeler’s Yard;              of 3.3m promise bright, airy
                                 Road and the nearby MRT                                                                                              hub. As an eclectic enclave
           Novena                                                 Fairprice Finest supermarket          and well-ventilated interiors.
                                 station, for seamless con-                                                                                           that’s close to the city centre, it’s
           URL                   nections to the Central          at Zhongshan Mall; the Shaw           Each apartment comprises                      easy to see why Singaporeans
      Business District, Tan Tock      Plaza cinema; and cultural            one bedroom with a built-                     and expatriates would be
                                 Seng Hospital, and offices in    landmarks like the Sun Yat            in wardrobe, a full-fitted                    happy to call it home.
AUGUST 31, 2017   25
26   AUGUST 31, 2017

                       NEWS                                                                                                          SPECIAL | SPH CONTENT LAB

Unwind in an
urban oasis                                                                                                                                     PHOTOS: WING TAI HOLDINGS

Lydia Shu walks          IN A land-scarce urban jungle,
                         we have come to associate
                                                             blue and green spaces, offer-
                                                             ing a sensation of relaxed
                                                                                                  available. Ideal for large fami-
                                                                                                  lies, these provide investment
                                                                                                                                     the Boat Quay area. Adjacent
                                                                                                                                     to it is the Henderson Park
you through The          living amid tranquil nature         luxury. Families can enjoy           potential for rental income and    Connector, leading to a nature
                                                                                                                                     trail that joins Mount Faber
                         with retirement homes in the        hours at the Water Zone area         encourage multi-generational
Crest, a tranquil        countryside. Many also assume       featuring a Bio Lagoon, a Pool       living.                            Park, HortPark and Labrador
                         it is impossible to find a home     Deck and Curvilinear Leisure                                            Nature Reserve.
haven amid the city      that offers both the buzz of city   Pool. And over at the Activity       CITY AND GREEN CONNECTIONS
                         living and spacious interiors       Zone, By the Meadow is home          Beyond the gates of the
buzz                     to relax and unwind each day.       to a Meadow Spa, a Cascading         property is downtown gem
                            Property development The         Garden Trail and a Grill and         Orchard Road, and a short            The Crest
                         Crest achieves this delicate        Dine Terrace.                        drive away lies Marina Bay
                         balance.                               The wall of trees and             Financial Centre and the                  Location
                            Nestled in the Tanglin           shrubbery surrounding the            world-famous Marina Bay                   101, 103, 105, 107, 109,
                                                                                                  Sands. For easy access to the             111, 113, 115 Prince Charles
                         area, it is the brainchild of       condominium offers an air
                         award-winning architect Toyo        of exclusivity and serenity,         Central Business District,
                         Ito. Winner of the Pritzker         while complementing the              Redhill MRT station is a mere             PSF price
                         Prize in 2013 and the Thomas        lush grounds. Together, they         six-minute walk away.                     Price on request
                         Jefferson Foundation Medal          help to rejuvenate body, mind           Fitness enthusiasts will be            No of units
                         in Architecture in 2014, Ito        and soul after a long day.           happy to know that The Crest              469
                         has designed iconic buildings          Offering a similar sense of       is well connected to the great
                         around the world, including         light and space are property         outdoors.    Running    along             Nearest MRT station
                         Singapore’s VivoCity and Belle      options that feature the delights    Prince Charles Crescent is the
                         Vue Residences — both of            of spacious luxury living. Along     Alexandra Park Connector                  URL
                         which project stylish moder-        with a range of trendy loft units,   that leads all the way to the   
                         nity, lightness and optimism.       3BR and 4BR dual-key units are       Singapore River and as far as

                         THE MASTER ARCHITECT’S VISION
                         With his latest project, The
                         Crest, Ito takes a slightly dif-
                         ferent approach. The prop-
                         erty’s key design aesthetic is
                         based around the greenery
                         of the Tanglin area. “Tanglin
                         has a uniquely green and lush
                         atmosphere, a rare quality in
                         an urban landscape,” he says.
                         “My aim was to find a way
                         to create a relationship that
                         brings the buildings closer to
                         this environment.”
                            The result is a stunning
                         space with abundant water
                         and green features. Facilities
                         are cleverly organised into
AUGUST 31, 2017   27
28   AUGUST 31, 2017
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